Most Common Mistakes Sellers Make in Real Estate

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Most Common Mistakes Sellers Make in Real Estate Source state/

A common theme when selling a home is assuming it will be easy. That hiring an agent is all it takes and the rest will work itself out. Half the battle of selling a home is anticipating problems before they arrive. Gina DeMillo Wagner states “Selling a home is a milestone, and it can be complex when you consider all of the steps involved: preparing and listing; making repairs; finding a buyer; navigating the closing process; and finally moving into your next place.”

Understanding all of this, making a mistake can impact you finically and more importantly, your peace-of-mind. Therefore, it is important to know everything you can when going into selling a home. Here are some of the most common mistakes to avoid when selling a

“The total cost to sell a home can amount to much more than the 56% in agent commissions most people expect to pay. When you account for closing costs, repairs, and other concessions to the buyer, the costs of selling can be closer to 10% of the sale price.”

“The biggest mistake people can make when trying to sell their home is overpricing it. The best thing you can do is price at fair market value or just below fair market value, but when you overprice a property you miss out on all of the buyers who see it during the first month on the market and then over time you reduce the price

When considering the mistakes many sellers run into when trying to sell a home there is an alternative to hiring an agent and possibly losing money in the process. There are ways around making costly repairs and renovations, and instead just selling your home as is. There are private investors that are willing to buy properties and fix them up themselves. Usually they will buy the property for cash only but this takes the worry out bringing an agent in who will take a large commission. They will also do the renovating and repairs themselves. Receiving a lump sum of cash and having no more worries sounds too good to be true but if your thinking of selling your home try a private investor

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