The Women’s Board of Wolfson Children’s has one focus - providing the very best in healthcare for children in this community. From the beginning, our passionate founder Ellen Cavert inspired the first Women’s Board members with her candid story of loss and pain. The tragic death of one of her premature twin granddaughters formed her vision for a cuttingedge children’s hospital in Jacksonville.
Since 1972, The Women’s Board has partnered with what is now Wolfson Children’s Hospital to help fund equipment, ambulances, facilities, and an endowed professorship all with the special needs of children in mind.
Wolfson Children’s has become a nationally recognized pediatric care facility providing care for everything from common childhood injuries and illnesses to complex medical conditions and trauma. The hospital’s service area has expanded to include children living in Northeast Florida and Southeast Georgia. The Women’s Board has also evolved to meet the changing needs of Wolfson Children’s, growing from our 40 founders to over 400 members and volunteers. The original antiques show continues to be The Women’s Board’s largest fundraising event newly updated as the Winter Design Show. The Florida Forum brings relevant, thoughtprovoking speakers to engage our community while raising awareness about the patients, care teams, and the hospital. The Cavert Legacy Society and Endowment was established to honor the late Mrs. Cavert and to continue her dream of caring for sick children.
Fifty years of service has only strengthened the resolve of The Women’s Board to support Wolfson Children’s for years to come. On these pages you see some of the children who have benefited from our work and the amazing care the hospital provides. Please join us by volunteering, supporting an event, or making a gift to the endowment. Our Children. Our Community.
BEFORE WE OPEN A FUND, WE OPEN A CONVERSATION. MAYBE IT’S TIME FOR YOUR FAMILY TO TALK. We have been helping Northeast Florida families explore legacy giving for decades. Whether you want to help your children become more active in your family's charitable giving, or perhaps set up separate funds so they can begin their own philanthropic journey, we can help you start or guide that conversation so they can share in your joy of giving.
For more than 45 years, the experienced trial law team at Coker Law has fought hard not only to protect the futures of our clients, but also those of the individuals and families in need in the Jacksonville community. Inside the courtroom and out in the community...We’ve got your back, Jacksonville.
You fight for the future of our community, and so do we.
We are fascinated by the life cycle of the lotus. Hence, the cover of this eighth volume of Circles — Social Datebook and Charity Register.
Known for its aesthetic beauty, the lotus flower is so much more than lovely. It is strong, and it is resilient. Rooted in mud, one blossom can take months to evolve, growing bit by bit beneath the water before it breaks the surface. And when it does, it blooms petal by petal pure and unstained. Each night, the flower folds itself closed and submerges again beneath the murky water, as if sleeping. Each morning, it reawakens and gracefully rises up once more. It does this for a handful of days before its petals shed.
While the lotus slept last night, we watched the news. Quite frankly, it was quite depressing. How is it possible that mankind is still arguing over race, religion and rights? How is it possible that civilized humans seem still unable to live with respect, acceptance and compassion for one another?
These are turbid times, no doubt, and all of us are trying to navigate our own journeys through the muddy waters of life. Invisible to the eye is what’s beneath the surface of the water where the lotus grows. Likewise, every person has a backstory swimming beneath that others know nothing about—often a story of heartache, struggle and challenge.
With all the discord and unrest in the world, it might be easy to slip into despair. But based on what we’ve seen and what you’ll discover in these pages, reasons for hope abound!
The world, better yet, the North Florida region, is filled with remarkably generous and inspiring people. We have the pleasure of knowing and working with so many of them. This charitable city that we call home has found a way to rise above the murky water, just like the lotus.
Many of the everyday people we pass on Jacksonville streets are living according to Mahatma Gandhi’s edict to be the change they wish to see in the world. They are giving more generously than some can imagine. They are transcending their surroundings. Ancient teachings tell us that life is about personal responsibility for ourselves and our own path. We cannot change others, but we can be kind to them. We can live by example.
As a fast-paced society, we like instant gratification and tend to put this unrealistic expectation on ourselves and others. But the lotus reminds us that nature rushes nothing. Petal by petal it unfolds. We’d like to encourage you to set your intention to do the same. One volunteer hour at a time, one donated dollar at a time makes a difference. And though what you can offer might well be different from another, the inspiration you’ll find in these pages can be a great start.
May we strive toward less judgement and less criticism. May our roots be strong enough to raise us above that muck. May we grow upward gracefully and pure. May we awaken each morning and resiliently unfurl ourselves to the world atop the murky waters of life, and do it every day for the handful of days that we’re given. May we be like a lotus.
In Gratitude, Pamela & Seth WilliamsRhett, Nemours
Children’s Health patient, with Jared Rice, Dr. Larry Moss and Rhett’s parents, John & Ashley Fischer.
Expanding on a partnership that launched in 2017, THE PLAYERS Championship has pledged to match donations, dollar for dollar, up to $2 million to the Nemours Children’s Hand in Hand capital campaign. This initiative funds the complete redesign and expansion of Nemours Children’s Center for Cancer and Blood Disorders located at The Daily’s Foundation Pavilion in downtown Jacksonville, which will create a world-class destination for families seeking care in Northeast Florida. We are beyond thankful for the sponsors, fans and leadership of THE PLAYERS Championship along with all of our Hand in Hand donors for believing in this campaign. THE PLAYERS Center for Cancer and Blood Disorders at Nemours Children’s Health, Jacksonville is set to open in 2023.
Scan to learn more about the Hand In Hand campaign and new center.
For patients like John Brooks, an avid golfer who was only 50 years old when he was diagnosed with Stage 3 colon cancer, having access to the treatment he needed right here in North Florida meant the world to him. Now cancer-free and back on course, Brooks said, “The entire team at Baptist MD Anderson gave me the confidence to know this would get better. I am thankful to live in a community where this level of care is available.”
Your sponsorship or donation to the Illumination dinner and/or Golf Classic helps fund Baptist MD Anderson Cancer Center’s Medical Director’s Endowment, which supports patient care, research, prevention programs, new technology and access to specialized care. Each Illumination event is an opportunity to learn directly from the physicians providing treatment and patients who have benefited from the care provided at Baptist MD Anderson.
Illumination Celebration Sunday, April 16, 2023
Illumination Golf Classic Monday, April 17, 2023 TPC Sawgrass
It’s more than a round of golf. It’s more than a dinner. It’s hope.
Please consider a sponsorship or donation to the Illumination Golf Classic, which will benefit many more patients like John. To learn more, scan the QR code or contact anna.murphy@bmcjax.com.
Jacksonville’s guide to philanthropy — the events, people, companies and places that define our charitable city.
Pamela Bradford Williams
Seth Williams
Debra McGregor
Amanda Nelson-Sinagra
Lindsey Gast
Chris Gildersleeve
Jason Lindstrum
Tricia Steele
Samantha Flom
Michele Leivas
Karen J. Rieley
Mary Wanser
Dan Harris
Sophia Williams
(904) 388-8839
Circles—Social Datebook & Charity Register is an annual magazine covering Northeast Florida. For advertising information, call (904) 388-8839. Facts and statements expressed in the editorial content are not necessarily those of The Resident Community News Group. All content is copyrighted and may not be reprinted, copied or reproduced without written permission from the publisher. ©2023
While the chuckle I got as I thought about that list was worth the few bucks I paid for the coaster upon which it was written, the humor behind it actually represents a universal truth we all rely on. Life is not linear, it is circular. To understand the circle is to understand the unspoken pattern of life.
Circles have been a predominant model for life and behavior for longer than any of us have been alive. As children, The Golden Rule taught us what goes around, comes around. A circular wedding band has become the eternal symbol of an unbreakable bond through highs and lows. And, even if you’re not one for theoretical metaphors, Elton John’s bank account is living proof that the circle of life really does move us all. (Bonus points if you starting singing that in your head just now. Double if you sang out loud.)
Now, some of you in this nonprofit world may previously know me from the work I’ve done in your circle of advisors. Others may instead know me as a contact for your circle of donors. Most may not know me at all. Yet all of you reading this now know me as the editor of this publication. I have been at the top of circles, and I have been at the bottom. I didn’t get to either place alone, and I have seen familiar faces traveling in both directions. I would venture to guess you could say the same.
As we travel in our circles, we are unified in the trust that it evens the universal playing field. It fosters our belief that evil will fall, and good will triumph. It rallies
us to lift those to have touched our hearts and our lives. It serves to remind us that we are all connected to each other by our words and deeds. That’s why we fight the good fight for those we serve. That’s why we count our blessings when we write a donation check. Because we have all been on the other side of a circle. We support because we have felt the impact of being supported, and we call on others because we ourselves have felt called upon. Connection is powerful, and our circles are our connection to community.
We have lost some amazing philanthropists this year. But even in that loss, their circles do not end. They serve as the inspiration for the next generation, as pause to embrace the mourning because it means we were blessed enough to have been impacted by them. They live on in us, in our community, in our shared vision for a better future.
We put together this publication because we see the good that resonates in your circles and ours. We depend on each other daily to provide the services needed to strengthen the community while simultaneously providing for the lives of those administering such services. No one entity survives without the support of our philanthropic brothers and sisters.
As we move through 2023, be good to each other. Work together. Remember that our businesses, our livelihoods and our hearts do not march in a single-file line to the end.
Our lives run in Circles.
With humility, Lindsey Gast“
Dear Karma ,
I have a list of people you forgot.”
There are 3,400 known persons throughout Duval, Clay and Nassau counties who currently are experiencing homelessness. Some are unsheltered, some are sheltered, but none has a permanent place to call home. That number is staggering, especially considering that these three counties — of all 67 in Florida — are ranked in the top 20 by highest incomes. How is it homelessness is an issue here?
The local homelessness crisis became more visible to residents during the pandemic when stay-athome orders were put in effect. Many had no home at which to stay. They could not blend into society as easily as they had when folks were freely roaming about. During that time, large encampments known as tent cities sprung up around Jacksonville; one of the largest was downtown, which had to be dispersed due to health concerns.
How, in the prosperous city of Jacksonville, can there be both palatial mansions and tent cities, philanthropic generosity and welfare lines? The dichotomy is striking. And it is real.
“It’s a complicated issue,” said Dawn Gilman, CEO of Changing Homelessness. Homelessness is the description of a person’s housing situation, not a description of the person. The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) defines homelessness in four categories: (1) people who lack a fixed, regular and adequate nighttime residence; (2) people at imminent risk who will lose their primary nighttime residence within 14 days and are not able to identify or afford a replacement; (3) people fleeing or attempting to flee domestic violence — this includes dating violence, sexual assault, stalking, or other dangerous or lifethreatening conditions; and (4) people who qualify under other federal statutes. All of these groups are said to be experiencing homelessness.
Unsheltered homelessness refers to individuals or families living in places not meant for human habitation. They may be found in cars, tents, abandoned buildings, secluded forest areas, or underneath any outdoor structure that will shield them from the elements and help them feel somewhat secure. These are the conditions most people think of when they hear the word “homeless.” Males make up the bulk of this demographic in Jacksonville. More than half of the unsheltered homeless population is struggling with addiction as well.
Despite the stereotype, there is a vast population of people who are considered homeless because they lack permanent housing, but are temporarily living with others. They are considered part of the hidden homelessness issue. Because they are not accounted for in statistics on homelessness, they often go unnoticed. Rather than report their condition and rely on public resources, they turn to close friends, extended family and nearby neighbors for shelter. Though not sleeping on the street, they are still unable to meet the cost of housing and its related expenses. Most is this category tend to be younger in age. The first sign of homelessness for them may be “sofa surfing,” sleeping on others’ couches because they no longer have a bed of their own.
“Any day [they] could be told they have to leave, and then they’re out on the streets looking for shelter,” said Major Keath Biggers, Area Commander of The Salvation Army of Northeast Florida.
The most common type of homelessness is transitional homelessness, which usually lasts less than a year and comes as the result of a catastrophic event, such as a flood or fire; or a major life change, such as job loss, divorce, domestic abuse or a substance use disorder. Though some people experiencing transitional homelessness sleep in cars or similar outdoor spaces, others may enter a transitional housing program. Many are employed, but still are unable to afford both housing and other necessary living expenses.
People are said to be experiencing episodic homelessness if they are currently unhoused or have experienced at least three periods of homelessness within the past year. Like both hidden and transitional homelessness, many of those facing episodic homelessness are young, or dealing with a disabling condition like substance use disorder, mental illness or a physical health condition. Some episodically unhoused people have seasonal jobs or minimum wage employment, which doesn’t meet the cost of housing. Without intervention, resources and support, episodic homelessness is likely to become chronic.
If someone is experiencing chronic homelessness, it means they have been diagnosed with a disabling condition, and have been continuously without a home for more than a year, or for at least four episodes in the past three years. This population tends to be older and dealing with a complex, long-term, debilitating condition that restricts the ability to escape the homelessness cycle — a condition such as a physical disability, mental health issue or addiction. Many chronically homeless people live in places unsuitable and unsafe for daily living.
Just as it is important to understand that not all people experiencing homelessness are sleeping outside, it is equally important to note that not all people who are unhoused are panhandling — the majority do not.
“Panhandling and homelessness are two different things,” said Paul Stasi, LCSW, executive director of City Rescue Mission (CRM).
Panhandling is the practice of begging in the streets for money. According to Jacksonville’s city ordinance, it is illegal to solicit money on the side of the road without a permit. However, that ordinance is not easily enforced since there is controversy over the constitutionality of Florida’s varying panhandling laws as potentially violating First Amendment rights.
Regardless of details in legality, when it comes to panhandling, passersby are often caught in a quandary around whether or not to give. Questions arise if the words on cardboard signs are truth or ploy, because not all people who panhandle are experiencing homelessness. Instead, the giver and the receiver could be sabotaging each other, both caught in a cycle of toxic charity.
Toxic charity is one-way giving. Generous people who intend to help don’t realize the long-term harm they might be causing those to whom they give. For the giver, it be a way to remain distant and uninvolved, unfocused on the receiver’s underlying issue. For the panhandler, it can become a form of enabling, and a re-enforcement of helplessness and hopelessness. The dropping of a few dollars in the hat of a panhandler is transactional rather than relational, and that lack of human connection could very well be part of the base problem.
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Focus Strategies is a company that uses analytics to provide communities with strategic, data-informed solutions to homelessness. In September 2021, they prepared a systemlevel disparities analysis on homelessness in Duval, Clay and Nassau counties. It found data to indicate that race, ethnicity and gender are important factors in predicting who enters the homelessness response system in Northeast Florida, who gains access to scarce housing resources once engaged, and the outcomes from interactions with the system.
The analysis found that Black or African American clients were overrepresented when compared to the general and poverty populations. They were more likely to exit homeless programs to permanent housing, but also more likely to return to homelessness after said exit. Hispanic clients, as well as females, were underrepresented in the homelessness response system when compared to the general and poverty populations. Females were also found less likely to return to homelessness after a permanent housing exit.
Currently, the majority of the local homeless population is made up of single adults. Of those, the elderly are increasingly becoming homeless, mainly due to medical issues, and they are the ones who remain homeless the longest.
“We’ve been seeing a lot of family homelessness. That has been the most in-demand service we have been offering,” said Eileen Briggs, Chief Development Officer at Sulzbacher.
Families with young children, in most cases, have extended family members with homes who are willing to help them out before moving to the streets becomes imminent. Though not necessarily unsheltered, they still fall within homeless definitions.
People leaving their countries of origin due to famine, war or politics often immigrate to America for refuge. Since the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan, Lutheran Social Services of Northeast Florida has resettled more than 270 Afghans. Some in this segment of the local homeless population arrive with a legal status other than refugee, and are therefore not eligible for federal assistance.
Over the years, Stasi has seen what he calls a transient, vagabond and nomad population who are experiencing homelessness by choice. They wander state-to-state, programto-program, uninterested in establishing a long-term address. Sometimes, they take on odd jobs for cash to get by. While Stasi indicated that CRM helps these folks, he stressed that the organization’s intent is not to enable negative, unproductive and non-sustainable lifestyles.
“We are not just a handout, but a hand up,” he said.
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Countless causes of homelessness can be cited. The bottom line is that people have become homeless because, at some point in time, they became unable to pay for housing. Hard choices had to be made when monthly income wouldn’t cover taxes, housing, utilities, food, medical, transportation and other necessary expenses.
“Most people who are homeless are actually working. They just don’t make enough to afford an apartment and everything else you need to be able to live,” said Gilman.
There is an entire segment of society known as the working poor. These are employed individuals who still fall below the poverty line. Some may have minimumwage positions ($11 per hour in Florida) while the average monthly rent for an apartment in Jacksonville is $1,530, according to RentCafe. This has resulted in a growing number of working people at risk of becoming homeless. Even for those earning well above the minimum wage, the number of households where living wages and working wages just don’t match is quickly increasing.
“When households can comfortably manage their housing costs and other necessities on a limited income, they are significantly less likely to experience homelessness,” said Shannon Nazworth, president and CEO of Ability Housing.
Biggers said that a lack of education contributes greatly to the homelessness problem, and that The Salvation Army serves many who have never completed high school. But higher education is not a guarantee to ward off homelessness. Well-educated men and women can also find themselves in dire circumstances.
Even those who can financially afford a permanent residence are sometimes forced to flee from there. Natural disasters play a part, but family dynamics, especially domestic violence, may force individuals from their homes.
Substance use and abuse is a potential factor in almost every type of homelessness. Although downtown Jacksonville has numerous shelter programs, not all who need them use them. Much of the time, the reason is associated with substance use, which might cause impaired judgment in making safe choices, an unwillingness to follow the rules of the shelter, or violent outbursts while high.
Physical health problems can lead to a financial crisis, resulting in homelessness. Unhealthy people who cannot go to work may lose their employer-provided healthcare benefits. Any person, employed or not, may be unable to afford healthcare premiums or extremely high medical bills.
“Roughly two-thirds of bankruptcies are due to extreme healthcare costs,” said Jennifer Ryan, MPH, CEO of Volunteers in Medicine Jacksonville.
Volunteers in Medicine helps those who are living paycheck to paycheck keep their jobs by helping them stay healthy. It reaches out into the community, providing free medical services for the ALICE® — Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed — population, a term coined and registered by United Way.
“I see us as an initiative to prevent homelessness,” said Ryan. “If we can keep them healthy and keep them working, most likely they will stay in their homes, keep their mode of transportation, and be able to provide for their families.”
In 2020, Barbara Poppe and Associates, national experts on the functioning of the homeless service ecosystem, released a high-level, regional review of Jacksonville’s approach to homelessness. They found, on a January night in 2019, 508 people living outside, unsheltered, despite 20% of existing emergency shelter beds and transitional housing being empty on that same night. Often, this phenomenon is due to challenging mental health issues, which might render a person unable to access alternatives on their own and unable to maintain selfsufficiency beyond placement.
“Housing is the most effective solution for addressing the universal, basic need for shelter. It is also a powerful tool to prevent families from experiencing homelessness in the first place,” said Nazworth. Still, the market of affordable rentals and achievable paths to home ownership is becoming more and more slim.
Changing Homelessness administers a database for all community partners to share information about who they are serving and where they are conducting outreach. While the lack of affordable housing has been apparent for more than a decade prior, pandemic unemployment may have exacerbated the issue. In 2021, Changing Homelessness established a Housing Services team to connect local homeless services agencies with affordable rental units throughout the city. But the demand far exceeded the supply. By the last quarter of that year, more than 17 local agencies conducted an average of 680 searches each month against the only 158 properties actively listed in the system.
While those on the front lines of the crisis agree that the solution to homelessness is housing, it still takes capital to acquire and rehab dwelling space. For-profit developers and landlords cannot build or manage deeply affordable housing, which is generally defined as costing no more than 30% of a household’s income. They are also, understandably, reluctant to rent their properties to households with histories of eviction. Changing Homelessness’ 2021 annual report indicated that the expenses associated with the homelessness effort exceeded revenue.
To gain units for the vast pool of low-income population, subsidies are needed at the local, state and federal levels to provide the housing as well as the maintenance. Poppe’s 2020 report recommended establishing a Landlord Mitigation Fund to protect landlords who were willing to reduce screening criteria for potential renters. It would reimburse property owners —up to a certain amount — for any losses that might be incurred beyond the security deposit. But the looming question remains: Where would the funding for all of this come from?
Ability Housing is attempting to tackle this obstacle by providing affordable and attainable rental housing for individuals and families who earn less than the Area Median Income (AMI) and for whom market-rate housing is out of reach for their budget. Yet, they face the same challenges as other buyers in the real estate market, often competing with institutional investors who are willing to pay above asking price.
“For landowners or philanthropists looking for a way to make a difference, donating funds or property to Ability Housing is an effective way to ensure that your contribution will be used to create housing for families in need,” Nazworth said.
Gilman agreed.
“If we could get access to deeply affordable one-bedroom apartments or studios, that would help us resolve some of this chronic homeless issue,” she said.
Many agencies focusing on the homelessness crisis take the Housing First stance. This federal initiative prioritizes providing the basic necessities of food and permanent housing ahead of other less-critical issues like addiction recovery, employment security, health care, and life skills development. Housing First is based on the premise that food and housing serve as a platform from which people can improve their quality of life in other areas. Participation in support services is not a requirement to receive.
A similar program, known as Rapid Re-Housing, is aimed at individuals and families who are experiencing episodic or transitional homelessness. The goal is to get people out of shelters and into housing as fast as possible by providing short-term rental assistance. It, too, is offered without preconditions such as employment, income, sobriety or a clear criminal record.
Not all agree with the effectiveness of these approaches. Though there are lists of success stories, arguments against both programs claim they have not reduced overall rates of homelessness. If the underlying cause of the homelessness is not addressed, the cycle repeats.
To end homelessness, housing is certainly needed. But it seems that’s not enough. Even when in permanent housing, many need ancillary services if that housing is to be sustainable. Further, there are human essentials that need attention in the interim. Most people unfamiliar with the crisis do not realize that benefits allotted by the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) do not include household items like laundry detergent, paper goods, cleaning supplies, feminine products and toiletries.
Many of Jacksonville’s homeless-serving organizations provide case managers and resources to aid in long-term independence and success. They offer hot meals, pantry food, essential clothing, hygiene items, counseling services, and access to other resources either directly or by referral to partner agencies. Sulzbacher’s HOPE Teams (Homeless Outreach Project Expansion) even brings medical and psychiatric services by van to those unable to come to the brick-and-mortar campuses.
During his 21 years with CRM, Stasi has observed an array of cases and categories when it comes to homelessness and its causes. He calls the people who want to work — but for a variety of reasons, cannot — “aspirers.” He gave the example of someone whose identification documents have been either lost or stolen.
“They can’t get a job because they don’t have ID. They can’t get into a shelter because some require ID,” Stasi said. Without documentation, such an aspirer would be hard-pressed to secure permanent housing.
CRM offers a low-barrier shelter with less stringent requirements, where no paperwork is required. It’s Overcomers Program provides casework assistance to help an individual go through the process of recovering identification to obtain employment as a start to establishing sustainable housing and self-sufficiency.
Like CRM, The Salvation Army has assisted people with restoring their documents of identification. Biggers has often seen cases where those eligible for veterans benefits or Social Security just didn’t know about them, or couldn’t secure them through their own efforts.
Area providers of homeless assistance and related services find support from a wide range of public funds and private donations. Poppe’s estimates show that more than half of the funding comes from the private sector. Of public funding, nearly all of it comes through federal assistance. Only 1% is from the state and 3% from local government.
One type of federal funding is for the FL-510 Continuum of Care Program (CoC), a collaborative of over 40 nonprofit service providers working together to prevent and end homelessness throughout Duval, Clay and Nassau. Changing Homelessness has been designated as the lead agency by these local counties, the state of Florida, and HUD at the federal level. One of the agency’s tasks is to deliver a comprehensive response to homelessness, which includes coordinating the funding and delivery of services in this geographic area.
As the leader, Changing Homelessness applies for funding on all levels — federal, state, city and local foundations — for all categories within the homeless population. The two main sources of grant funding are from HUD and the VA. Still, funding falls short of being able to provide all the help needed for all who are in need of it. A coordinated intake process prioritizes those who need it most, those medically vulnerable and who have been without a home longest are first in line.
Rising rental prices are a major contributing factor to the backlog in the system. Even the rental subsidies of HUD and VA vouchers that Sulzbacher can provide are no longer enough help to cover rental costs, which makes it more difficult for those in emergency housing to transition into permanent housing.
But not all organizations rely on federal funding. Volunteers in Medicine receives their funding locally, including their grants. Of their donations, two-thirds are in-kind. Over 250 doctors, nurses, front desk staff, and recordkeepers volunteer each month. CRM gets no public funding, aside from one state-funded residential drug treatment prison diversion program. They rely on a variety of private and business donations to sustain their operations. Like many other nonprofits, CRM also operates a thrift store and other small businesses to provide income to the mission. And, of course, virtually
all nonprofits host some sort of annual fundraiser. The Salvation Army has the Red Shield Ball; Sulzbacher has Transformations.
“Jacksonville is an incredibly compassionate community,” Briggs said. But, as a community, “we’re struggling to care for all these people that need our help.”
The Community Foundation for Northeast Florida is also quite active in making grants and investments to improve the quality of life for some of the Jacksonville region’s most vulnerable citizens. “We have a lot of grantmaking activity that goes to support homeless-serving organizations in the counties we serve,” said James Coggin, MBA, Senior Program Director. The Community Foundation has two segments of grantmaking: discretionary staff-advised funds, which recently made one to Changing Homelessness to help educate about affordable housing; and donor-advised funds, which drive a lot of investing into addressing the issue.
“We’re seeing a lot of great collaboration and a positive direction in combating this issue. That doesn’t mean we don’t still have a lot of work to do. There’s certainly a lot left that needs to be addressed. The housing shortage is very real,” he said.
Public-private partnerships are essential to mitigating the crisis. When investments are made in solutions to homelessness, that investing actually reduces the cost to a community in terms of fewer arrests, shorter jail stays and lower usage of crisis services.
VA funding from the government has helped to allay what, a few years ago, had been the main concern around homelessness in the Jacksonville area: veterans.
Much of the reduction in homelessness among veterans can be attributed to Built for Zero, a national movement to end homelessness one population at a time. The program operates collaboratively so that no single agency or organization has to shoulder the burden alone. Led by the overarching Changing Homelessness, the focus initially had been on two key groups: veterans and people experiencing chronic homelessness. Locally, Sulzbacher has housing available specifically for veterans, as do some of the other service providers in town. If Sulzbacher identifies homeless
veterans on the street, the organization is able to immediately get them into emergency housing, and then quickly into a permanent housing slot.
Increased investment in permanent housing for veterans further contributed to this improvement. The Poppe report showed a whopping 82% decrease in homelessness among veterans from 2009-2019, a sign that collaborative efforts were working.
Poppe’s report also cited great progress in Jacksonville between 2009 and 2019 with a significant drop in homelessness overall. It showed that Jacksonville outperformed the national average in its coordinated efforts to combat homelessness for all but one category: single adults living unsheltered. This category showed a local increase of 20%, while nationally, that population had decreased by 7%. The most significant local gaps were limited access to affordable housing, and support to maintain housing once established — especially for single, non-veteran adults. This population has now become a main concern, particularly single seniors with disabilities.
“From our by-name list, we have 191 folks who are out on the street who are 55-plus and are chronically homeless,” said Gilman. The most visible homeless population is in downtown Jacksonville, but this figure is over the three-county area.
The next wave could potentially be the single-mom families with young children who are in crisis situations now. Gilman has a concern for the number of households experiencing domestic violence. Families with children tend to double up when necessary, or even more than double, in order to afford housing. But this is not ideal and, sometimes, not safe.
“Because of the tight rental market, they are extremely reluctant to leave because there is nowhere for them to go,” she said.
Sulzbacher Village was designed to include key resources for this population. There’s a pediatric health center, an early learning center and an after-school program, but the Village already has quite a waiting list of families.
From a systemwide perspective, it is true that Northeast Florida has seen a drastic increase in the number of families requesting assistance, but only 12-15% of those living on the streets are households with minor children. This disparity is likely because families with young children usually have more support networks — family, friends, public programs — to help them before they take to the streets. This means that the overwhelming majority of those who live on local streets are still single adults.
“Right now, it is really tough for families, and we don’t want them to become homeless. But we already have a lot of people who are homeless already. We’re triaging. We don’t have enough for everybody, so who goes first?” said Gilman.
Jacksonville has a strong coalition of nonprofits focusing on homelessness and bringing solutions. Those institutions mentioned in this article are only some of the several reputable and noteworthy ones in the local area that need your help in addressing the broad scope that this issue encompasses. Make monetary donations to trustworthy organizations that provide assistance and resources, either directly or indirectly, that target the current crisis. Know what your dollars are doing.
In addition to your treasure, consider giving your time and talent, because a community thrives when its citizens do. Many volunteer opportunities had to be curtailed during the height of the pandemic, but most have re-opened now. If there are agencies you’ve worked with in the past because you believe in their mission and have a heart for the population they target, contact them again to find out what their current needs are in this changing landscape. Maybe you could volunteer as a food server at one of the many meal centers in town, or help distribute goods at a homeless camp. Ask what in-kind donations are being accepted. Perhaps you could provide move-in kits for those placed in rapid rehousing; these kits contain large and small items that SNAP benefits won’t help with, including much needed beds and linens. Do you have particular professional expertise that you could offer? You can make a difference. There have been great strides made toward resolving the crisis of homelessness in Northeast Florida, but there is still much more to be done. What’s your part?
Jacksonville has a strong coalition of nonprofits focusing on homelessness and bringing solutions. The institutions listed here are only some of the several reputable and noteworthy ones in the local area that need your assistance in addressing the broad scope that this crisis encompasses.
*If you or someone you know is facing homelessness, dial the 211 crisis hotline to be directed to available resources for possible assistance.
3740 Beach Boulevard, Suite 304, Jacksonville, FL 32207
AbilityHousing.org | 904-359-9650
President and CEO: Shannon Nazworth
They help neighbors in need thrive, lead fulfilling lives, and be contributing members of their communities by building high-quality, affordable rental housing for those whose budget is insufficient to secure market-rate housing, including families, individuals with a disability, and/or those experiencing or at risk of homelessness.
40 East Adams Street, Suite 320, Jacksonville, FL 32202 ccbjax.org | 904-354-4846
Regional Director: Lori Weber
They have a history of faith and service with roots that stem back to the late 1800s. They provide myriad services that help fight homelessness, primarily food assistance and emergency financial assistance through United Way.
660 Park Street, Jacksonville, FL 32204
ChangingHomelessness.org | 904-354-1100
CEO: Dawn Gilman
They serve as the lead agency for HUD’s Continuum of Care Grant, providing training and fostering communications between 40 member agencies that provide direct service to those in the local area who are in need of housing and related resources.
426 McDuff Avenue South, Jacksonville, FL 32254 CRMjax.org | 904-387-4357
Executive Director: Paul Stasi, LCSW
For 76 years, they have been providing services to those in Jacksonville experiencing homelessness and addiction, and have been a North Riverside agency since the late 1990s.
245 Riverside Avenue, Suite 310, Jacksonville, FL 32202 jaxcf.org | 904-356-4483
Senior Program Director: James Coggin, MBA
Since 1964, they have connected people who care with causes that matter. They serve the community through a range of charitable and civic activities, while helping individual donors achieve their philanthropic goals. They believe in giving back and giving forward.
4615 Philips Highway, Jacksonville, FL 32207 LSSjax.org | 904-448-5995
Chair: David Johnson
For more than 40 years, they’ve empowered hundreds of thousands of people in Duval County to start again. They welcome refugees and help them build a new life.
800 Shetter Avenue, Jacksonville Beach, FL 32250 MissionHouseJax.org | 904-241-6767
Executive Director: Carina Saladino They are the only day facility providing housing assistance, health care, and supportive services — including food, clothing, and case management — to inspire hope and rebuild lives for those experiencing homelessness at the Beaches.
1354 North Laura Street, Jacksonville, FL 32206 NorthsideCoalitionOfJacksonville.com | 904-530-1596
President and Founder: Ben Frazier
Since 2016, they’ve been working with elected officials, law enforcement, business professionals, and religious fellowships as advocates to empower, educate and organize communities to establish greater selfsufficiency. They focus on improving social, racial and economic injustice, particularly for minority youth and the elderly.
328 North Ocean Street, Jacksonville, FL 32202
SalvationArmyFlorida.org/Jacksonville | 904-301-4875
Area Commander: Major Keath Biggers
They provide shelter for those trapped in homelessness, supportive resources through an assigned caseworker, food for the hungry, as well as counseling and clothing services.
611 East Adams Street, Jacksonville, FL 32202
SulzbacherJax.org | 904-359-0457
Chief Development Officer: Eileen Briggs
Established in 1995, they provide a continuum of care approach, addressing all aspects of homelessness including housing, income and health care. Services have grown to include primary health, behavioral health, and dental care for all ages, street outreach, permanent housing, job placement and early learning.
40 East Adams Street, Suite 200, Jacksonville, FL 32202
UnitedWayNEFL.org | 904-390-3200
President and CEO: Melanie Patz
They support community-based programs that address food access, housing stability, education attainment and workforce development. They connect people, resources and ideas while envisioning a community of opportunity where everyone has hope and can reach their full potential.
41 East Duval Street, Jacksonville, FL 32202 vimjax.org | 904-399-2766
CEO: Jennifer Ryan, MPH
At a free healthcare clinic, they provide primary and specialty outpatient medical services to working, low-income, uninsured people of Northeast Florida to help keep them healthy, employed and out of hospital emergency rooms.
Rodney waited on a kidney for seven years and thanks God for Gabriel House. His wife Audrey says, “As the caregiver, it’s been a totally awesome experience here. We’ve met good people and have made friendships here. It’s like a big happy family. Thank you, Gabriel House, for surrounding us with the right people.”
Learn more at gabrielhouseofcare.org
Rodney and Audrey
-Audrey, caretaker of kidney transplant patient
A community of healing offering a place of compassion and comaraderie.
Every day, members of the type 1 diabetes (T1D) community find support and inspiration from the incredible people in our lives. We’re surrounded by a community of folks who make our lives better and more meaningful people like our parents, friends, health care providers, researchers, volunteers, and teachers. These heroes are making real change for people living with T1D and we want to celebrate their contributions as T1D Changemakers in the Jacksonville community.
Founded by parents determined to find a cure for their children with T1D in 1970, over the past 52 years, JDRF (Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation) has become the largest private funder of diabetes research worldwide. Funding $2.5 billion in research since its inception, JDRF has made significant progress in understanding, fighting and treating the disease.
JDRF hosts a variety of events yearround, virtual and in-person, for T1Ds to connect, come together to fundraise, raise awareness, and find support. We invite anyone with T1D or has a loved one with T1D to join us in 2023 and get involved with advancing JDRF's mission to turn type 1 into type none! jdrf.org/northernflorida (407) 774-2166 • northernflorida@jdrf.org
When people think about philanthropy, most envision writing a check. Or maybe donating publicly traded stock or bonds, or insurance policies. Moving beyond such liquid assets, creative donors contribute many other valuable items to benefit charitable causes.
“There are a lot of assets people have that they may not necessarily want or need any more that make for great gift-giving opportunities,” said John Zell, vice president of development, The Community Foundation for Northeast Florida, which helps donors and recipients through the oftencomplicated process of liquidating non-cash gifts.
“I was on a call with colleagues from other community foundations around the country, and someone had donated a dude ranch, and someone else had donated a rare fossil collection,” said Zell’s coworker Susan Datz Edelman, vice president, strategic communications. “These complex assets take some expertise to liquidate so that the proceeds can be used for philanthropic purposes, but it’s an excellent strategy for some folks.”
One of the most public gifts of this type in Jacksonville was in 2014 when philanthropists and former Jacksonville Jaguars owners J. Wayne and Delores Barr Weaver donated their $4.7 million home to The Community Foundation when they moved into a condo, Zell said. Proceeds of the 14,000-square-foot home along the St. Johns River in the San Jose area near downtown went into the Weaver Family Foundation Fund to be used for grants to nonprofit organizations.
The Community Foundation is a tax-exempt public charity that manages more than 600 funds to build stronger communities. Since its inception in 1964, thousands of area organizations throughout Northeast Florida have benefitted from about $640 million in grants.
“They want to see Northeast Florida shine and be a safe, welcoming place,” said Kellie Smith about the Weavers. “They believe in our community, and that’s why they invest in it.” Smith is foundation director of the Jewish Federation and Foundation of Northeast Florida that works closely with The Community Foundation to help individuals and families maximize their charitable giving.
The Jewish Federation & Foundation had a similar situation this year when it received the generous donation of a $3 million beachfront condo to be sold to help fund its community programs. (See story on Page 32.)
“That’s a great thing to give to a nonprofit, and then let the nonprofit sell it and the proceeds go to the nonprofit,” said Zell. “If the donor is interested in more than one nonprofit, they should probably consider donating that piece of real estate to a donor-advised fund sponsor organization like The Community Foundation, which would sell the property, and the proceeds would live in a donor-advised fund.” The donor then could recommend funds to any public charity or equivalent in the U.S. over any timeline, he said. A donor-advised fund is a charitable giving vehicle administered by a public charity created to manage donations on behalf of organizations, families or individuals.
The donation occurs when the property is contributed to the donor-advised fund, not when the donor makes the cash gift out of the fund. “So it becomes a very powerful tool because they are able to deduct a fair market value of that piece of real estate on the date of the gift to the nonprofit. And that fair market value is determined by hiring a qualified property appraiser,” said Zell, stressing the importance of securing expert tax, financial, legal and other advice when making all kinds of non-cash gifts to nonprofits.
“Gifting non-cash assets to a nonprofit, such as art, real estate or a conservation easement, can help protect a heritage asset for generations. Some assets are highly personal and donating said asset allows a person to commemorate it and create a legacy,” said David Barton, senior vice president, Commercial Banking, Bank of America. “Donors can gift an appreciated non-cash asset to a nonprofit at its full value without having to pay taxes on the sale. The nonprofit also enjoys the full value because they generally do not pay taxes.”
Longtime Jacksonville philanthropist Helen Lane, who has a home overlooking the Ortega River, has had a fondness for the river since her childhood in Ortega. In 2018, to help the North Florida Land Trust (NFLT) purchase land it identified as having high ecological value and a need for conservation, she and her four children made a generous donation to purchase 80 acres. Mostly wetlands, the Lane Family Tract along Collins Road near I-295 and Blanding Boulevard is part of the Ortega River Preserve. The donation helps NFLT preserve the natural floodplain swamp.
“Mother has always been a huge booster of Jacksonville. She loves the city, people, history and future of it, and being able to make a contribution to allow North Florida
Land Trust to put aside a decent piece of land on the river was very appealing to her,” said Edward Lane, retired real estate lawyer. “My siblings and I love the idea that we can contribute and help them make other land acquisitions around Jacksonville.”
He said when people don’t have preservation land to give, as in their case, a good option is to help with its purchase.
The Lane Family Fund, a donor-advised fund, resides at The Community Foundation. “My siblings and I, and our children, will say where the income goes within parameters our mother set up,” Lane said. “North Florida Land Trust is very high on our list.”
Another example of a non-cash gift would be a closely held business, the type most people deal with frequently. That would be a company where the majority of its shares, which are not traded publicly on an exchange, are owned by a few individuals. “If an owner of a business is thinking about selling it, before there is a contract, before anything is locked in, they can give a portion of that business to charity,” Zell said.
For example, if a donor gives 10 percent to an organization such as The Community Foundation to be put in a donor-advised fund, when there is a contract on the sale, the buyer purchases the 90 percent the owner holds. The donor now has the proceeds from the sale that they are able to give away, plus they get the deduction of the fair market value of the property on the date they transferred it to the foundation. “That’s sort of the backbone of the economy when you think about small business, and this is a great way to make those transfers happen,” Zell said. “And for philanthropic families, it maximizes the amount of money that is available to give to charity.”
Also common, especially for older donors, is giving retirement accounts to charity. “An older donor can give up to $100,000 a year of out their IRA to charity that does not count as income to them. So it’s not taxable and it doesn’t increase their tax bracket,” Zell said, adding that they would have to pay tax on money taken as a required minimum distribution.
People also donate valuables such as art and jewelry, but there are challenges when it comes to giving collectables. “If it is not for a related use, the deduction is subject to the cost of the item when you purchased it; you get no appreciation for it,” Zell said. “For instance, if you give the Cummer Museum a sculpture for their garden, that is a related use. If you give the YMCA a sculpture and they sell it to buy a piece of exercise equipment, that is not a related use.”
In those cases, it’s imperative to consult with a tax adviser to determine whether to donate the articles to charity or sell them and pay the capital gains tax and take the deduction for the donation of the cash, he said.
“The first conversation donors need to have before contemplating any non-cash gift is with tax and financial advisers. They can help them through these gifts that tend to be more complicated and not always cut-and-dry,” Zell said. “Having wellinformed tax and legal advice, and a qualified appraiser, is key. And their nonprofit partner needs to be experienced and qualified in accepting these types of gifts. You know you are working with a good nonprofit when they say, ‘We can’t help you but we know who can help make that gift happen.’”
Barton agrees that a nonprofit should have access to a fundraising professional, either on staff, part-time or volunteer, who can help guide it in these cases. “Additionally, having relationships with those people who are helping advise potential donors, such as attorneys, wealth management advisers, tax advisers and community organizations can help nonprofits gain meaningful insight, proactively adapt to trends and often serve as a recipient depending on donor preferences,” he said. “Operational expertise with specific assets is key, depending on the type of donation. A museum, for example, would be a perfect destination for that art collection, but it may not have the right staff and experience to manage a real estate asset.”
Despite the complexities and hurdles, donors find a way and charities benefit significantly from in-kind gifts — from cars to grain. Here in Northeast Florida, about a quarter of the budget of a residential program for boys comes from the sales of donated vehicles, and farmers in the Midwest and elsewhere get tax benefits from donating crops to nonprofits.
A university where she used to work in Kansas accepted donations of grain, said DeAnn Collins Dockery, interim chief advancement officer for the Cummer Museum of Art & Gardens. “Farmers would take it to the grain elevator where it would be sold on our behalf. They would get the tax deduction of value on the day they transferred it to us,” she said. “We could have kept it and sold it later, but we treated it like most charities do stock—don’t play the market, just liquidate it, you can guess wrong.”
Indeed, the Cummer itself is a leading example of a generous charitable donation of tangible items. It was established in 1958 when civic leader Ninah Cummer bequeathed her 60-piece art collection and home along the St. Johns River to create a museum, which now boasts more than 5,000 works of art.
“We have very specific guidelines on accepting gifts of artwork,” Dockery said. “There have been donations through estates and from living people. In every case, a committee decides whether or not a piece can be accepted and included in the collection itself.”
Policies also are crucial in determining the feasibility of accepting and selling gifts of property that require title, environmental and other checks, she said.
Negotiation sometimes comes into play, as in the case of an old Bible donated to her previous employer. Because the donor wanted the university to have it, they agreed to make an additional cash gift to cover costs of the specific humidity and security required to maintain and protect it. “It was a good outcome, but it took a lot of work,” Dockery said.
“A nonprofit’s primary responsibility is to develop a clear and mutual understanding with the donor on the front end about the disposition of non-cash gifts, often in the form of policies and written agreements,” Barton said. “Honoring the intent of the donation is part of the fiduciary responsibility a nonprofit and its board have. A nonprofit also has the responsibility of knowing what it takes to own and maintain a gift it is receiving, and ensuring it has the resources to meet those obligations.”
In December 2021, the University of North Florida received a land donation of about 190 acres valued at $21.5 million for future expansion. The donation from the family of A.C. Skinner was originally made to the Duval County Research and Development Authority, an independent authority of the City of Jacksonville, which managed the land for the benefit of UNF and is conveying it to the UNF Foundation. The family’s history of supporting UNF goes all the way back to the 500 acres it donated for the original campus.
“It allows us to dream big and expand our campus footprint,” said Teresa Nichols, interim vice president for university development and alumni engagement, and interim executive director, UNF Foundation, Inc. “So many universities are landlocked and can’t grow. This incredible gift puts us in a position to think more broadly.”
Two innovative non-cash gifts to UNF have significantly enhanced learning, she said.
In 2019, former orchestra conductor and investment expert Peter Trofimenko donated his music collection to the School of Music. The generous gift included concert-quality string and percussion instruments, many rare, that students may experiment with and use for ensembles, as well as orchestra scores and sheet music.
“UNF also was the recipient of literally scores of scientific equipment, from primarily one entity. Philanthropically, it outfits our lab for students, and brings industry into the classroom,” Nichols said. “People often think the only way to support a university like ours is through cash. That’s not true. Often gifts in-kind are the ones that are truly transformational.”
Many longtime Jacksonville residents fondly remember LaRose Shoes, located in the downtown building that now houses MOCA Jacksonville, a direct-support organization of UNF. Giuseppe “Joe” LaRose opened his first upscale salon there in 1949, and his styles attained national acclaim over the next few decades, with such famous clients as Betty Grable, Jackie Kennedy and Barbara Streisand. After LaRose’s death in 2000, most of his collection was auctioned by Sotheby’s in New York — but not the selection the LaRose Estate donated in 2001 to the museum, then known as Jacksonville Museum of Modern Art.
According to MOCA information, the gift included 698 pairs of shoes, 340 single shoes and 32 handbags. In 2004, the museum hosted a gala and benefit auction that included some of the shoes and handbags. The shoes have been featured in exhibitions at MOCA, including a performance by artist Amanda Coogan as part of its Project Atrium series in 2018.
Our mission is to advance the physical, mental, and emotional well-being of the working uninsured to improve quality of life for all.
The call in May was a big surprise. The offer was not the first real estate gift the Jewish Federation & Foundation of Northeast Florida had received, but most of the others had been vacant land. The donation of a multi-million-dollar beachfront condominium was its second-largest individual gift in its 27 years in Northeast Florida.
Donated by “gracious, humble, longstanding, dedicated members of our community” who wish to remain anonymous, the 2,523-square-foot, completely renovated condo in Sawgrass at Ponte Vedra Beach is worth around $3 million, said Kellie Smith, foundation director. Proceeds will help fund the organization’s educational, social service and programming services for seniors, children and families in Duval, St. Johns, Clay and Nassau counties.
For donors, advantages of gifts of real estate come down to tax incentives, she said. Although every situation is unique, owners avoid paying capital gains tax on the sale of real estate, and receive a charitable income tax deduction.
“Donations like this are doable and feasible, and our nonprofit is well equipped to take them on,” said Smith, adding that charities that are not should rely on experts to measure potential liability and risk. “Not every charity is set up to take on the potential risk.”
Smith stressed the importance of seeking expert tax advice when considering real estate donations.
Considerations for the Jewish Federation & Foundation in accepting the condo included risk from potential hurricanes, as well as homeowner association and maintenance fees while on the market. Guided by its gift acceptance policies, the organization’s review committee determines if it can take on the liability, helps to manage appraisals, and engages attorneys and other experts, as needed. Smith said the Jewish Federation & Foundation maintains a strong collaboration with The
Community Foundation for Northeast Florida, which also is equipped to guide donors and recipients through real estate and other complex non-cash donations.
“Donor education and collaboration are key,” she said “Experts are here to help you through the process.”
It’s not just about writing checks, said Smith, noting that one of most unusual gifts she encountered in her career was the donation of a shoebox full of Canadian gold coins worth $300,000 for Hope Lodge at Mayo Clinic.
“It’s so inspiring to see the generosity that lives in our community,” she said, “People in Northeast Florida are incredibly giving.”
In Northeast Florida, with its wealth of natural beauty and resources, it’s not uncommon for people to donate conservation land to the North Florida Land Trust (NFLT) to be preserved for generations to come. Not as many people consider it when they wish to make a charitable donation of industrial land, houses, businesses or other types of real estate not suitable for preservation. In many instances, NFLT will take that, too.
“If it has conservation value, we will use it. If not, we can accept, and sell it, and use the proceeds to buy more conservation land,” said Lee Anderson Louy, director of philanthropic services. “For example, we could potentially acquire and sell industrial park property.”
If a proposed donation is in NFLT’s seven-county area, its director of conservation acquisitions will adhere to a comprehensive list of criteria to determine if the property can be acquired, maintained or managed in perpetuity, depending on the situation, she said.
Founded in 1999, NFLT is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to protecting North Florida’s irreplaceable natural environment. Funded largely by private and corporate contributions, it works closely with landowners, governments, not-forprofit partners and foundations. It has preserved tens of thousands of acres of land through donations, purchases and conservation easements.
According to NFLT information, a conservation easement is a voluntarily negotiated, legally binding agreement between a landowner and a land trust or government agency to preserve the land’s natural, agricultural or historical resources in perpetuity for future generations. Conservation easements, tailored for individual cases, require landowners to agree to restrict the use of their
property forever. Because restrictions often lower market value, the loss may qualify as a charitable tax deduction on the donor’s federal income tax return. A donation may also reduce estate and property taxes.
“I’ve witnessed examples firsthand through my work with the North Florida Land Trust where a family or individual decided to take a farm in the path of development and donate the land rights to NFLT, protecting it from development and preserving the land in perpetuity. These types of donations strike a nice balance between philanthropy and tax benefits. Ultimately, the donor is prioritizing conserving an asset and future generations will know it,” said David Barton, senior vice president, Commercial Banking, Bank of America, and board officer with the NFLT.
“A big focus is the Ocala to Osceola Wildlife Corridor, with a goal to protect 140,000 acres through donations or conservation easements by 2050,” Louy said. “There are about 26 other partners, and we are the lead organization when it comes to land donations.” The O2O, as it’s commonly called, is a 100-mile long, 1.6-million-acre landscape of public and private lands that connect the Ocala and Osceola national forests.
“We work closely with landowners on non-cash contributions, particularly of conservation easements which allow landowners to both keep their land and receive income for the development rights. It is a win-win for all,” said Allison DeFoor, interim president, NFLT. “Most of all, we all need to focus on the fact that — for land protection in North Florida — it is now or never. If we want our grandchildren to know what the real Florida looks like, we must act now.”
Information on donation opportunities is at www.nflt.org.
If it has a motor and can move, Rodeheaver Boys Ranch will likely accept it to help finance its social, educational, vocational and spiritual development programs for the boys who live there.
“We take any type of vehicle, running or not running…autos, boats, RVs, ATVs, motorcycles, golf carts, tractors, even lawn mowers,” said Brad Hall, executive director. “Anything that rolls or can go down a river, we take!”
The ranch, located south of Palatka, provides a home environment for up to 50 boys who are at-risk for such reasons as parental death, desertion, divorce or disability. Because about one fourth of the organization’s budget comes from the sales of donated vehicles, it depends heavily on them, Hall said. Sales to dealers bring in about $35,000 a month, which is used mainly for health, liability and other types of insurance.
Licensed as a wholesale dealer, the ranch can’t sell the donated vehicles to the general public. It holds monthly dealer auctions at the ranch, selling the vehicles as is, or with minor repairs.
“It’s a really good benefit for people who donate them, because whatever the vehicle brings at auction, they get that tax write-off, with a minimum of $500,” Hall said.
For instance, an old vehicle with 250,000 miles on it would get very little on a trade-in, but would bring a significant tax advantage through a donation. Regardless of condition, vehicles must have a clear paper title to be accepted, and the ranch will arrange to pick them up within 100 miles. Boats must come with a trailer to transport them. Rodeheaver also accepts donations of tools and other items that can be sold to benefit the organization.
During the summer, boys may take a vehicle class where they learn the basics in mechanics and maintenance. Boys also help do general checks and cleaning when donated vehicles come in. The ranch may claim some of the donated vehicles for its own use, but must keep them for two years before selling them, according to Hall.
Rodeheaver Boys Ranch was founded in 1950 by the late Homer Rodeheaver who donated the ranch’s 800-acre land along the St. Johns River.
Donation information is available at www.rbr.org.
Donor Karen King called it divine intervention. She had a building she didn’t need. The Way Free Medical Clinic needed more room but didn’t have the means to expand.
“When someone calls to say they would like to give you a building, you say, ‘Yes, we would love to have a second clinic to serve more people,’” said Don Fann, the clinic’s executive director, who had faith that the Clay County community would help finance its renovation, just as it had supported its operation for 16 years.
A vision of late founder Jeannie Gallina, the clinic was established under the guidance of the Clay County Health Department in 2006, and has been on Houston Street in Green Cove Springs since 2010. It is run by a small paid staff who support volunteer physicians, nurses, clerical workers and interpreters in providing free medical services to uninsured and low-income county residents.
Although the need for expansion has been great — largely because many of the patients have transportation problems — creating a second location didn’t seem feasible until King offered her commercial building on College Drive, an area considered to be an emerging social service and cultural destination in Orange Park.
The one-acre lot with a 5,000-square-foot commercial building would easily double the clinic’s impact, even though the building would need to be completely gutted and renovated into a medical facility, Fann said.
Around the same time, the county, which owns the property in Green Cove Springs, announced plans to raze the county’s only free dental clinic’s building to construct a firehouse. That created an opportunity to bring the dental clinic into the new facility on College Drive, he said.
“When Don was telling me they needed a much larger facility, it hit me that’s what I wanted to do,” said King, who consulted her accountant about donating her building. “She said, ‘You can do anything you want. It might make things a little tight, but I’ll work out the details.’”
Operating as the King Group, Inc., Karen and her son, Joe, own McDonald’s franchises in Clay County and Jacksonville. Since the first one opened in 1974 across from the Orange Park Kennel Club, King has made substantial donations to community charities and served on the board of the Salvation Army.
“I can’t begin to say how excited I am that they can, and will, use it,” King said of her former storage building. She said she wanted her gift to remain anonymous but word got out in March at a memorial service for her husband, John Ross.
According to Fann, a memorandum of understanding announcing the formal medical/dental integration model in the new location was signed at a groundbreaking
ceremony in August. He said $1,001,000 had already been raised, mainly from foundations and trusts of major corporate and family donors.
The comprehensive campaign, with a goal of $1.5 million, will fund the building renovation, and launch a countywide medical care initiative to reduce unnecessary hospital utilization. A $200,000 challenge grant from the Delores Barr Weaver Legacy Fund called for support from all three Clay County hospitals —Ascension St. Vincent’s Clay County, Baptist Clay Medical Center and HCA Florida Orange Park Hospital—as well as Mayo Clinic.
“The hospitals’ support and participation is critical in driving the coordinated care initiative, which, in the end, will save the healthcare system millions of dollars. All medical providers in the county are on board with this innovative expansion of care to reach the county’s most vulnerable residents, and we fully expect to be able to navigate every resident to the care they need, regardless of their ability to pay,” Fann said.
And there’s been even more philanthropic intervention.
Gallina, who died suddenly in July 2021, had donated commercial land she owned in Middleburg to be sold to benefit the clinic. Following due diligence that included environmental studies and a title search, the property was put on the market this fall with the proceeds going toward the medical/dental facility.
“That was the first time in my career I have had a piece of land donated for the express purpose of liquidating it and using the funds for another project,” Fann said.
King’s contributions go beyond her building donation. Way@Work is a free workplace outreach program being piloted in her McDonald’s locations.
“The program partners with companies that have uninsured, low-wage employees to identify and enroll eligible workers as patients at The Way Clinic, pre-emptive of any acute need for care. Workers are fast-tracked into free care should they need medical attention, having been pre-qualified and in receipt of a clinic patient card,” said Fann. “This unique outreach program lets workers know where they can go for care when they need it, and employers have the opportunity to provide a voluntary corporate contribution to help support the program.”
King, who is aware of struggles of her lower-wage employees to pay for medical and dental care, encourages anyone who can donate to the clinic fund to do it.
“It makes you feel really good,” she said. “To know you have, in some way, helped people make a difference in their lives, you can’t explain the gratification and satisfaction. It’s like winning the lottery.”
Information on how to donate is at www.thewayclinic.org.
In 1986, a small group of individuals in Northeast Florida came together to establish the Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP) Florida First Coast Chapter, putting our community on the map as part of the Association of Fundraising Professionals international network. The mission of our local chapter is to advance ethical philanthropy through education, peer support and advocacy, thus enabling individuals and organizations to better serve the diverse communities and people of the First Coast. Since then, the AFP Florida First Coast Chapter has grown to serve nearly 200 local fundraising professionals who are setting the standard for fundraising best practices and donor stewardship in our community.
Nominated by Guardian Catholic School, The Community Foundation for Northeast Florida, and Ascension St. Vincent’s Foundation
Gary and Nancy Chartrand are passionate about philanthropy and how it changes lives and the community. They have generously provided millions of dollars, as well as their time and passion, to more than 200 organizations. Driven by their gratitude and strong Catholic faith, their philanthropy is matched by their hands-on service to committees and boards throughout the community, including Guardian Catholic School, Ascension St. Vincent’s Foundation, Knowledge is Power (KIPP), The Community Foundation for Northeast Florida, Cummer Gallery of Art and Gardens, Morningstar School, Tom Coughlin Jay Fund, the Catholic Foundation, FSCJ Foundation, Jacksonville Children's Chorus and North Florida School of Special Education.
Most notably, Gary and Nancy have been advocates for public education. Their vision has provided for every public middle and high school in Duval County to have a dedicated mental health counselor on site. The Chartrands brought Teach for America, KIPP, and Idea Public Schools to Jacksonville, and led fundraising for the creation of the Jacksonville Public Education Fund and the Quality Education for All Fund.
Their leadership has also shaped the legacy of healthcare in our community. The Gary and Nancy Chartrand Heart and Vascular Center at Ascension St. Vincent’s Hospital is home to the largest cardiovascular program between Atlanta and Orlando. They have also provided generous support to the St. Vincent’s award-winning Mobile Health Outreach program, which serves the sick and poor with critically needed healthcare in North Florida.
cancer. Through his oncologists’ treatment and Nichols’ own unrelenting determination, Josh overcame his battle with cancer and returned to a normal high school experience, going on to play four years of high school football, where he helped his team win multiple state championships. Josh showed his gratitude to his Nemours physicians by rallying his teammates and classmates to visit other sick children in Jacksonville. After graduation, Josh studied kinesiology and became a personal trainer at the Ponte Vedra Inn & Club, where he serendipitously took on a new client, president and CEO of Nemours Children’s Health, Dr. Larry Moss. They built a great friendship that still holds true to this day.
and military veterans. Jim also serves as chair of The PS27 Foundation, which provides educational resources and support to early-stage companies and startups through its Female Founders Forum, Black Founders Forum and Leadership Week.
Jim and Elaine also continuously support several local nonprofit organizations through their service and philanthropy including the Museum of Science and History, Operation New Uniform, Baptist Health, Volunteers in Medicine Jacksonville, First Coast American Heart Association and Mayo Clinic. They organized the first Jacksonville Black Leadership Town Hall. Notably, the couple’s desire to help more people of color pursue careers in medicine resulted in their establishment of a scholarship for African American students through Mayo Clinic’s Alix School of Medicine. Elaine also serves on the Board of Governors of the Boys & Girls Clubs of Northeast Florida, the Jacksonville Library Guild, and is the founder of a 22-year-old book club called The Book Exchange.
In 2014, freshman Josh Nichols was experiencing unusual health symptoms and pain. After a visit to Nemours Children’s Center for Cancer and Blood Disorders, Josh was diagnosed with Stage 4 Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, a rare and deadly blood
Seven years later, Josh and his family became philanthropically connected to Nemours, giving to a Day of Giving telethon, and then making a substantial gift toward the complete renovation of the Nemours Children’s Center for Cancer and Blood Disorders. Now, Josh serves on the Nemours fundraising committee to aid in the development of numerous initiatives.
As engaged, active philanthropists and civic leaders, Jim and Elaine Stallings are elevating women, people of color and veterans in Jacksonville and throughout the country. Jim founded PS27 Ventures, a firm that invests in early-stage technology companies.
Through PS27 Ventures, Jim recognized a lack of diversity in the venture capital industry, and launched the Rhea Fund, a $20 million venture capital fund allocating at least 50% of its capital to women-led companies, underrepresented minority founders
Nominated by Community Hospice and Palliative Care Foundation
Ring Power Corporation has a long-standing history on Florida’s First Coast and is a true philanthropic leader in our community, supporting numerous nonprofits in our area through both monetary and in-kind giving of the use of their equipment, lights and power supplies. Specifically, Ring Power has been an avid partner of Community Hospice and Palliative Care Foundation since 1992. Contributing over $380,000 to Community Hospice and Palliative Care to date, Ring Power has supported the expansion of the Dr. Gaston J. Acosta-Rua Center for Caring on Jacksonville’s westside, and the Bailey Center for Caring on Flagler Hospital’s campus.
Ring Power also supports many third-party events, like January’s Children are Rock Stars (C.A.R.S.) event, which raised over $560,000. Ring Power leadership was active in making this event possible: soliciting sponsorships, procuring silent and live auction items, and coordinating venue logistics. In 2022, Ring Power celebrated its 60th anniversary of being a CAT dealer by pledging to support over 60 charities along Florida’s First Coast. In addition, it encourages its employees to give back to the communities in which they work. Ring Power offers opportunities for employees to donate their
time and talent to various nonprofit organizations, and matches employee contributions through an employee giving program, resulting in record-breaking contributions to communities where employees work, live and play.
created a legacy of impact for countless children and families in Northeast Florida. As a psychologist, Thom has always been concerned about the lack of access to mental health care. His efforts and expertise have resulted in Baptist Health becoming the largest mental health provider in Northeast Florida. Through the family’s foundation, they have supported the Susan and A. Hugh Greene Endowment for Behavioral Health, as well as the Baptist MD Anderson Cancer Center Medical Director’s Endowment. In 2021, the Borowy Family donated the largest single gift in Baptist Health’s history to help fund the new Neonatal and Pediatric Intensive Care Units, as part of the seven-story, state-of-the-art Borowy Family Children’s Critical Care Tower at Wolfson Children’s Hospital.
variety of projects including the construction of the student center, athletic field renovations, and the establishment of an endowment fund to support students in the Youth Ministry Program. Most recently, they provided a $7,500 prize challenge during the Roar and Raise Campaign to support the college’s sports programs.
The culture of philanthropy and civic duty is strong at the ThompsonBaker Agency with all 16 employees encouraged to devote time to community service. The firm’s associates are deeply involved as evidenced by their leadership roles on boards at Flagler Hospital, St. Johns Chamber of Commerce, St. Augustine Kiwanis Club, St. Augustine Historical Society, Rotary Club of St. Augustine, Veritas Classical School, Boy Scouts and more.
Nominated by Community Hospice and Palliative Care Foundation
The Jim and Tabitha Furyk Foundation was created in 2010 with the goal to bring awareness and funding to charities in the greater Jacksonville area. Founders Jim and Tabitha pour their hearts into the projects that their foundation supports with both monetary funding, and time and effort. Among the foundation’s supported organizations are: Community Hospice and Palliative Care, Operation Shower, Blessings in a Backpack, Wolfson Children’s Hospital, Monique Burr Foundation, MaliVai Washington Foundation, First Tee North Florida, PGA Reach, Beaches Habitat for Humanity, Jacksonville Humane Society, K9s United and St Johns Riverkeeper. The foundation also hosts a concert in association with the Constellation Furyk and Friends Golf Tournament that benefits several nonprofits in Jacksonville.
The Jim and Tabitha Furyk Foundation is a lead organizer for “These Kids Can Play,” benefiting the Community PedsCare program at Community Hospice and Palliative Care. The program was created in 2008 to provide children with life-limiting and life-threatening conditions a safe environment to experience THE PLAYERS Championship, and meet the PGA Tour players and wives. Since 2008, Jim and Tabitha have contributed over $360,000 to Community Hospice and Palliative Care, specifically toward the Community PedsCare program and two Child Life specialist positions. They host Hope for the Holidays, where they provide over 10,000 holidays meals for food-insecure families, and Tabitha has served on several local boards.
Nominated by Wolfson Children’s Hospital and Baptist Health
Through tireless volunteer service, advocacy and generous financial support, the Borowy Family has
As educators, Thom and Pat felt compelled to establish a family scholarship at UNF in 2005, and have provided 11 scholarships to students majoring in psychology, sociology, nursing or education. The family has volunteered with and financially invested in many other organizations including Pine Castle, the Cummer Museum, CORE Foundation, Sulzbacher, the LGBTQ Community Fund of Northeast Florida, JASMYN, the Delores Barr Weaver Policy Center/ See the Girl, and the LJD Jewish Family and Community Services.
Nominated by United Way of Northeast Florida
Debbie Buckland is a true servant leader, skilled fundraiser and enthusiastic supporter of many local nonprofits, including United Way of Northeast Florida. She has been engaged with United Way for over 15 years, having served as a donor, fundraiser, council member and Tocqueville Society Chair. Her work with Tocqueville Society led donors to give more than $5 million dollars during the pandemic. She was instrumental in growing the society’s membership and increasing dollars during this very challenging time. Debbie also played a pivotal leadership role in ensuring a seamless transition as United Way hired its new CEO, Melanie Patz.
Nominated by Flagler College
Since 1925, ThompsonBaker Agency’s commitment to professional excellence is mirrored in their philanthropic efforts. At Flagler College, the agency has provided more than $340,000 to support a
Recently retired from Truist, Debbie continues to put her heart into the community and has served on the board of many organizations including JAX Chamber, Jacksonville Transportation Authority, First Coast YMCA, Downtown Vision, Jacksonville Women’s Board, Jacksonville Women’s Network and Women’s Giving Alliance.
She has received recognition for her service with awards such as Volunteers in Medicine Women of Heart Honoree, JAX Chamber’s Professional Women’s Council Legacy Award, Girl Scouts of Gateway Council Woman of Distinction and Jacksonville Business Journal Woman of Influence. Debbie is also a graduate of Leadership Jacksonville Class of 2009.
Through the generosity of National Philanthropy Day sponsors and supporters, the AFP Florida First Coast chapter awards scholarships each year. These scholarships help fundraising professionals enhance their expertise and better serve our community. Scholarships are awarded for membership to the AFP Florida First Coast chapter, grants for Certified Fund Raising Executive (CFRE) certification assistance, educational funds for professional development, and opportunities to attend local and international conferences.
Amanda Anderson, Down Syndrome Association of Jacksonville
Darlene Hamilton, American Lung Association
Jamie McCann, American Cancer Society
Courtney Partin, Catholic Charities Bureau
Brenna Blake, Jacksonville Arboretum & Botanical Gardens
Kristina Curre, Children’s Home Society of Florida
Traci Anderson, Florida School for the Deaf and the Blind
Morgan Hutchison, Florida School for the Deaf and the Blind
Kym Johnson, Girl Scouts of Gateway Council
Vincent Saladino, Bishop Kenny High School
Mary Anne Thomas, CFRE, Ascension St. Vincent’s Foundation
Sierra Aitken, Jacksonville University
Samantha D’Agostino, Ronald McDonald House
Meredith Jesperson, St. Johns Riverkeeper
Julie Peterson, Baptist Health Foundation
Sex trafficking claims thousands of victims in the United States each year, with Florida ranking among the top three states for victimization. It’s an illicit and exploitative industry of which many are aware and few are informed, but one local nonprofit is seeking to change that.
“No one really knows what human trafficking is because the media usually portrays it as a young girl being kidnapped when, in reality, only 5% of cases are kidnapping,” said Kristin Keen, founder and president of Rethreaded, a local nonprofit that supports human trafficking survivors.
“The definition of human trafficking is the use of force, fraud or coercion to perform a sex act for profit,” Keen added, “so it is actually way more underhanded and intentional than kidnapping.”
According to the National Human Trafficking Hotline, most human traffickers use psychological deception, manipulation and/or fraud to entrap their victims, and contrary to common belief, not all cases involve a person being held against their will.
“Most traffickers form relationships with the person they’re trying to traffic,” Keen said. “Whether it’s a family member, whether it’s someone posing as a boyfriend, the grooming process can take a year, sometimes two years. They build trust and then they exploit the trust and the vulnerabilities of the person.”
While individuals who have lived through such exploitation often feel they do not have a way out for other reasons — such as a lack of finances, transportation or a safe place to stay — Keen has made it her purpose to open that door to freedom.
“I’ve been doing this work for 25 years,” Keen said, “I started Rethreaded because I just want women to know their worth and their value. I want them to know they have a choice.”
At Rethreaded, human trafficking survivors have access to counseling and a supportive community as they earn an income handcrafting unique gifts for the Rethreaded retail store.
“Our mission is to harness the power of business, time and community to create choice for 500 survivors of human trafficking by 2033,” she said. “We provide long-term employment in our social enterprise, and when women are employed, we provide wraparound services. So, for 3-5 years, we walk with women to rethread their lives.”
Part of that “rethreading,” she added, includes helping women to build a better future.
“When she’s working here, through her work, she can regain her self-confidence, her selfesteem, and she gains practical skills so that if she ever needs to leave, she can leave Rethreaded and find a good job,” said Keen.
is to harness the power of business, time and community to create choice for 500 survivors of human trafficking
Our mission
Last April, at Rethreaded’s Delores Barr Weaver Campus of Hope in Springfield, the charity unveiled its “Reclaiming the Light: A Survivor’s Journey” mural and mosaic depicting a human trafficking survivor’s path to healing. Dubbed the First Lady Molly Curry Art Legacy Project, the idea for the educational art installation originated with Curry.
“First Lady Molly Curry — her heart was to make a lasting impression with something that would really help survivors — so she made this educational art piece,” Keen said. “She sat down with three of our women and they went through an art exercise to tell their story through art, and then artists took those stories and made this mural and mosaic that takes a person on a woman’s journey through human trafficking, and it’s beautiful.”
Created through the combined talents of muralist Nico and mosaic art team RouxArt, the installation allows viewers to walk the path of a human trafficking survivor, starting with a mirrored birdcage that invites passersby to put themselves in the shoes of a woman being trafficked. A single bird flies from the open cage, beginning the journey to freedom and recovery.
Since the project’s completion, more than 600 visitors have shown their support by participating in Rethreaded’s Reclaim the Light volunteer experience, which includes touring the art project, watching an educational video on human trafficking and assisting the Rethreaded team with deconstructing leather airline seats.
The leather, Keen said, is repurposed to create the gifts in the Rethreaded retail store.
“We’re such a unique nonprofit, because we need you to shop with us,” she said, “And just by intentionally choosing where you shop, you can change lives.”
Other ways Keen said community members can support survivors include donating — which can be done through the organization’s website at www.Rethreaded.com — and joining the 100 Percent Club, an initiative started by Florida Attorney General Ashley Moody that encourages employers to commit to training 100 percent of their employees on recognizing and reporting human trafficking.
“We believe in the power of community,” Keen said. “It takes a community to keep a woman in the life of human trafficking, and it takes a community to give women an opportunity to leave and stay out of human trafficking, so we’re just inviting people to invest in their community.”
The Guardian ad Litem Foundation is dedicated to helping abused, neglected or abandoned children through support of the Guardian ad Litem Program in Duval, Clay and Nassau Counties. Guardians are volunteers, or special advocates, whose job is to serve as the voice of the child in the court system. Please contact us for available opportunities for community partnerships, sponsorship, volunteering or to donate.
Abraham Lincoln Lewis was born on March 29, 1865, in Madison County, Florida, roughly two hours due west of Jacksonville. His family later moved to Jacksonville in 1876, where Lewis would spend the rest of his life building a legacy that would follow his name long after he passed.
“My great-grandfather was — I’m sure he would use this language — extraordinarily fortunate,” said Lewis’s greatgranddaughter Dr. Johnetta Betsch Cole. “He grew up with so little in terms of material means, but his drive and his faith led him to do extraordinary things. So his message to…his children, his grandchildren, his great-grandchildren, to his colleagues, to anyone who would listen; his lesson was there must be a ratio between what you have and what you give. And because he went on in life to have a great deal — after all, he was Florida’s first Black millionaire — that meant that he had a responsibility to give, and give, and give, and give.”
Today, Lewis’s legacy continues to embody the message he bequeathed to his family “and anyone who would listen” in the form of a fund recently named in his honor through The Community Foundation for Northeast Florida: The A.L. Lewis Black Opportunity and Impact Fund, a collective giving fund “to attract and deploy assets in the community to ignite transformational change in Jacksonville's Black communities.”
Conversations surrounding the fund first began in 2020 with community leaders to explore what could be done to resolve “the issues that plague the Black community,” said Wanda Willis, The Community Foundation Vice President of Civic Leadership.
Those discussions and subsequent research helped identify the fund’s three focus areas: economic development, education and healthcare.
The online brochure about the A.L. Lewis Black Opportunity and Impact Fund explained while these three factors are “key determinants of human wellbeing…Black communities in Jacksonville experience significant disadvantages and challenges in each area. Investing in solutions that drive the elimination of these inequities will support the strengthening of Black communities and the organizations that serve them.”
Cole is a founding member of the fund and an honorary member of its Founders’ Circle.
“I can share with you in very simple terms that when I was first approached about this fund, my reaction was one of both gratitude and pride,” she said. “Gratitude that my greatgrandfather’s name will be associated with a philanthropic effort that just seems to be so connected to who he was, what he did and what he hoped would be.”
Youth Crisis Center offers children, youth, and families six different programs to benefit from These programs offer outpatient behavioral therapy, family and group therapy, educational services, emergency housing, and transitional living No one is ever turned away because of inability to pay
"This organization is AMAZING! Getting mental health through the standard system (doctors referrals) was so difficult. The wait was 6 months to a year out! My daughters PA mentioned Youth Crisis Center and BOOM! We were in within two weeks! Within a few short weeks I currently have a child who is driven, respectful, and managing her responsibilities better than before THANK YOU!!"
“My reaction was [also] one of pride that the town that I grew up in — and those were not good days, from my perspective — those were days of just unceasing racial discrimination and legal segregation, and so how proud I am that the city that I grew up in is now at a point where it acknowledges not only the great work of a man named A.L. Lewis, but the need for those of us who have been blessed to remember our responsibility to give back,” she added.
Cole attended The Community Foundation's August 2022 Donors Forum discussing “the legacy and impact of Black philanthropy,” which officially launched the A.L. Lewis Black Opportunity and Impact Fund.
“It was quite special to have her as part of this initiative,” Willis said. “She was certainly part of some of the earlier conversations in pulling together this fund, and it was just so befitting with her greatgrandfather having been one of the first Black philanthropists in the state of Florida to lend his name in support of this fund.”
Lewis was one of seven partners to found the Afro-American Life Insurance Company. Some of his other accomplishments included founding the Lincoln Golf and Country Club and American Beach. The Community Foundation added in a recap of the Donors Forum, he “contributed great time, talent and treasure to a number of Black colleges and Mt. Olive A.M.E. Church.”
Cole hopes this fund inspires others to follow in her great-grandfather’s footsteps and continue to give back to their community.
“Each of us, I’m sure [is] not wealthy like my greatgrandfather,” she said. “But I have been fortunate so I must have a relationship, or better put, a ratio, between what I do have and what I give. Everybody can give something. Those of us who have been fortunate must give the most.”
A grant-making process for the A.L. Lewis Black Opportunity and Impact Fund is expected to launch in early 2023, Willis explained. Once the grant applications are available, a committee will help determine how and where the funds will be distributed.
The A.L. Lewis Black Opportunity and Impact Fund is one of several funds and initiatives at The Community Foundation with a focus on supporting and empowering the Jacksonville’s Black communities.
“The first being the Eartha M.M. White Legacy Fund,” said Willis, “Which was a $1.4 million endowment established at The Community Foundation almost 20 years ago, and the MyVillage project focuses on — it’s a collaboration of Black-led, Black-focused organizations here in the city — so it’s a collaboration of all of those organizations doing the work in the community that is centered around Jacksonville’s education.”
As a collective giving fund, this initiative is comprised of funds given by many donors rather than a single person.
Those interested in helping can visit www.jaxcf. org/black-philanthropy for more information or to make a gift. The Community Foundation also accepts “legacy gifts” where donors designate a portion of their estate to the fund.
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we deliver only counted mesenchymal stem cells processed (38 steps) from your freshly harvested fat. these are injected intravenously and can also be injected into the target joint/spine.
we deliver only counted mesenchymal stem cells processed (38 steps) from your freshly harvested fat. these are injected intravenously and can also be injected into the joint/spine.
With an approach unlike any other in the nation, Pangenics Regenerative Center (PRC) has evolved in North Florida to serve the needs of this community and those around the world seeking triumph over the deficiencies of modern medicine. Through a trusted team of board-certified professionals, the clinic is changing the way patients experience healing, restoration of their natural abilities and engagement in activities limited by injuries, arthritic pain and lack of mobility.
As the leader in the field of stem cell research and implementation, Dr. Lewis Obi with Dr. Kenneth Eaddy and their colleagues have performed thousands of procedures from plastic and reconstructive surgery, to orthopedic surgery, pain management, spine, internal medicine and other medical specialties.
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A helping hand. A voice for change. A chance for a better tomorrow. Together, we’re bringing hope and opportunity to those who need it most.
Donate or learn more: unitedwaynefl.org
Each listing is populated based on information provided from the charity or foundation. Public charities are listed in blue. They provide direct services with broad public purposes, and can accept donations from the general public. Private foundations are listed in pink. They distribute money primarily through grants to public charities or individuals, and do not solicit funds from the public.
Every attempt has been made to ensure the accuracy of these listings. If your nonprofit's information needs to be changed, or you would like your charity and events listed in the 2024 Circles — Charity Register and Social Datebook, please email us at Circlesmag@residentnews.net.
40 Acme St., 32211 | (904) 723-5950 | 5starveteranscenter.org | info@5starveteranscenter.org
CEO: Col. Len Loving
Mission & Vision: The 5 Star Veterans Center’s mission is to provide displaced military veterans the safe housing and supportive services they need to successfully transition to living independently in a place they call home.
3740 Beach Blvd., Ste 304, 32207 | (904) 359-9650 abilityhousing.org | TAdams@AbilityHousing.org
President and CEO: Shannon Nazworth
Mission & Vision: The mission of Ability Housing is to build strong communities where everyone has a home.
10881 San Jose Blvd., 32223 | (904) 880-5522 | ackermancancerfoundation.org
President and Founder: Dr. Scot N. Ackerman
Mission & Vision: The Ackerman Cancer Foundation was established to improve the quality of life for those touched by cancer through patient support services including financial, education, nutrition and counseling.
4250 Lakeside Dr., Ste. 116, 32210 | (904) 807-1203 | agingtrue.org | info@agingtrue.org
CEO: Teresa K. Barton
Mission & Vision: Aging True has been helping seniors maintain their independence and age gracefully by designing and administering programs in Northeast Florida for nearly 60 years. Aging True seeks to provide essential and innovative services and care for individuals, families and communities throughout Northeast Florida to prepare for and support graceful aging.
510 Alfred duPont Pl., 32202 | (904) 394-9800 | alfrediduponttrust.org | chafin@dupont.org
Chief Operating Officer: Kara P. Riley
Mission & Vision: The Trustees and staff of the Alfred I. duPont Charitable Trust act as loyal stewards of Alfred I. duPont’s legacy through prudent financial management and faithfulness to his mission and by advancing his mission appropriately through the Trust’s charitable beneficiary, The Nemours Foundation.
4251 University Blvd. S., Ste. 101, 32216 | (904) 469-4964 afjacksonville.org | contact@afjacksonville.org
President: Alice Hanes
Mission & Vision: AFJax’s mission is to encourage and develop knowledge of the French language and French and Francophone cultures and to foster cultural, intellectual and artistic exchanges between the United States, France and Frenchspeaking countries.
ALLISON BRUNDICK HARAMIS FOUNDATION — ANGELS FOR ALLISON 2905 Corinthian Ave., Ste. 2, 32210 | (904) 329-1453 angelsforallison.org | angelsforallison@gmail.com
Executive Director: Liz Nottingham
Mission & Vision: Honoring the legacy of Allison’s joyous spirit by alleviating the financial burden of funeral costs associated with the loss of a child.
ALS ASSOCIATION FLORIDA CHAPTER Regional Headquarters: 3242 Parkside Center Cir., Tampa, 33619 | (888) 257-1717 als.org/florida | info@alsafl.org
President & CEO: Ray Carson Mission & Vision: Our mission is to discover treatments and a cure for ALS, and to serve, advocate for, and empower people affected by ALS to live their lives to the fullest.
ALZHEIMER’S ASSOCIATION — CENTRAL AND NORTH FLORIDA CHAPTER Chapter Headquarters: 2170 W. State Road 434, Longwood, 32779 | (407) 951-7992 alz.org | jhmarshall@alz.org
Executive Director: Jessica Marshall Mission & Vision: The Alzheimer’s Association leads the way to end Alzheimer’s and all other dementia — by accelerating global research, driving risk reduction and early detection, and maximizing quality care and support.
AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY P.O. Box 17127, Tampa, 32682 | (800) 227-2345 | cancer.org
Executive Director, Community Development: Mel Toran Mission & Vision: The American Cancer Society’s mission is to save lives, celebrate lives and lead the fight for a world without cancer.
AMERICAN CIVILITY ASSOCIATION 4466-1A Hendricks Ave., Ste. 250, 32207 | (904) 612-5031 americancivility.org | amyb@americancivility.org President & Founder: Amy Barnett Mission & Vision: The American Civility Association works to reverse the rising tide of anger, rude behaviors and bullying by educating individuals and families about the dangers of incivility and to equip them with heart tools to live safer and happier lives.
AMERICAN DIABETES ASSOCIATION P.O. Box 7023, Merrifield, VA, 22116 | (407) 660-1926 | diabetes.org | ADAFL@diabetes.org Contact: Charles D. Henderson Mission & Vision: The American Diabetes Association works to prevent and cure diabetes and to improve the lives of all people affected by diabetes.
AMERICAN HEART ASSOCIATION, INC. 7751 Baymeadows Rd., E., Ste. 106F, 32256 | (904) 903-5205 heart.org/florida | AHAFirstCoast@heart.org
Executive Director: Catlin Brunell Mission & Vision: To be a relentless force for a world of longer, healthier lives. Heart disease is the number one killer worldwide and stroke ranks fifth globally. Even when those conditions don’t result in death, they cause disability and diminish quality of life. We are working to see a world free of cardiovascular diseases and stroke.
AMERICAN LUNG ASSOCIATION 6852 Belfort Oaks Pl., 32216 | (904) 520-7120 | Lung.org | cindy.springer@lung.org
Market Lead: Cindy Springer Mission & Vision: The American Lung Association helps save lives by improving lung health and preventing lung disease.
AMERICAN RED CROSS OF NORTH FLORIDA 751 Riverside Ave., 32204 | (904) 358-8091 redcross.org/NorthFlorida | Deborah.Roman@RedCross.org
Development Specialist: Deborah Roman Mission & Vision: The American Red Cross works to prevent and alleviate human suffering in the face of emergencies by mobilizing the power of volunteers and the generosity of donors.
ANA’S ANGELS ANIMAL RESCUE 4525 Hood Road, 32257 facebook.com/anasangelsanimalrescue
At any given time and moment, life can change. Unfortunately for Renee, she knew that to be all too true. During the height of the pandemic, she lost her mobile x-ray technician job and soon after became homeless.
It wasn’t until Renee heard a friend talking about Barnabas’ Hope Builders program that she saw a light at the end of the tunnel. “As soon as she said, ‘crisis services,’ I knew I had to call Barnabas,” said Renee. “At that moment, I was feeling broken and desperate.”
Even though Renee had an associate degree, a bachelor’s degree and what she thought was a stable job, her story reveals the stark fact that anyone can become unemployed and homeless at any time. The pandemic’s shutdown put a lot of people like Renee in unfamiliar, devastating situations.
“I had an image of homelessness, but I didn’t see myself as someone who could become homeless,” she said. “It was difficult for me to ask for help, but I did. And that day changed my life.”
Renee completed the process to renew her required licenses through Barnabas’ Hope Builders program. Today, she is working for a local medical testing facility and is in safe housing once again.
“I feel stable again,” said Renee. “Hope Builders helped me believe in myself.”
She is grateful not only to Barnabas but also to the donors who fund their life-saving programs.
“Even though the pandemic seems to be behind us, people still need help,” said Renee. “I couldn’t have dug myself out without Hope Builders.”
Donors also help fund the agency’s other key programs which help Nassau County residents with hunger relief and nutrition support, and provide medical and dental services at little to no cost. Each program is designed to help people like Renee get back on their feet and regain control of their life.
“I want you to know that donors are saving lives,” said Renee. “They saved mine.”
To be a part of delivering hope alongside Barnabas, visit barnabasnassau.org or call 904-261-7000.
9100 Regency Blvd. N, 32211 | (904) 288-7259 | angelwoodjax.org | dfarwell@angelwoodjax.org
Chief Development Officer: Damara Farwell
Mission & Vision: Angelwood proudly provides unparalleled services to children, adults and families living with disabilities.
ANIMAL CARE & PROTECTIVE SERVICES (ACPS) 2020 Forest Street, 32204 | (904) 630-2489 | coj.net/pets | jaxpets@coj.net
Mission & Vision: Jacksonville’s ACPS provides animal control to the citizens in Jacksonville by fair enforcement and community education. It also enhances the quality of life in our neighborhoods by offering quality pets for adoption at a reasonable cost.
AQUAJAX 3832-10 Baymeadows Rd., Ste. 183, 32217 | (904) 537-5219 aquajax.net | Sharon.Piltz@Aquajax.net
President: Sharon Piltz
Mission & Vision: An advocacy group determined to advance projects for the City of Jacksonville that will provide greater prosperity, growth, and revenues to benefit all citizens. The goal of AquaJax is to build a world-class aquarium on the riverfront in downtown Jacksonville.
1050 North Davis St., 32209 | (904) 355-0155 arcjacksonville.org | kbates@arcjacksonville.org
President/CEO: Kari Bates Mission & Vision: The Arc Jacksonville serves and advocates for individuals with intellectual and developmental differences to achieve their full potential and to participate in community life.
ARK WILDLIFE CARE & SANCTUARY, INC. 781 Carlee Lane, Hilliard, 32046 | (904) 424-6543 thearkwildlifecareandsanctuary.com | thearkwildlifecare@gmail.com
Director: Jonathan Howard Mission & Vision: Our purpose is to operate a wildlife rehabilitation/research facility. Specifically, wildlife which is endangered, injured or orphaned with a sanctuary for impaired or non-releasable wildlife.
ARK WILDLIFE RESCUE & REHABILITATION 700 W. Pope Rd., #1-65, St. Augustine, 32080 | (904) 679-1533 thearkrescue.org | noahsarkkaren@gmail.com
Founder: Karen Lynch Mission & Vision: It is our goal to be a safety net for injured, orphaned or ill wildlife.
ARLINGTON COMMUNITY SERVICES 1450 Rogero Rd., 32211 | (904) 400-2411 | clarkeandy13@gmail.com
Contact: Andrew Clarke Mission & Vision: Arlington Community Services is a food bank and crisis center. Our mission is to support our community and serve our fellow man. We work to ensure that all are cared for and loved.
1355 Peachtree St., Ste. 600, Atlanta, GA, 30309 | (800) 283-7800 arthritis.org | marmitage@arthritis.org
Associate Director: Mariel Armitage
Mission & Vision: The Arthritis Foundation helps to conquer everyday battles through life-changing information and resources, access to optimal care, advancements in science and community connections.
ARTHUR VINING DAVIS FOUNDATIONS 814 N. Hwy. A1A, Ste. 300, Ponte Vedra Beach, 32082 | (904) 359-0670 avdf.org | office@avdf.org
President: Michael Murray Mission & Vision: The organization serves to strengthen America through philanthropy to religious, charitable, scientific, literary and educational purposes within the United States and its territories.
841 Prudential Dr., Suite 150, 32207 | (904) 306-0390 | awahih.org | CPonder@awahih.org
Executive Director: Christy Ponder
Mission & Vision: Art with a Heart in Healthcare provides personalized fine art experiences that enhance the healing process for patients and their families.
Founders: Lori Guadagno, Lisa Landwirth Ullmann
1 Shircliff Way, 32204 | (904) 308-7306 | givestvincents.org | thefoundation@ascension.org
President & Chief Development Officer: Virginia Hall
Mission & Vision: Ascension St. Vincent’s Foundation works to bridge the gaps to deliver compassionate, personalized healthcare to all, with a special attention to persons living in poverty and those most vulnerable.
413 Anastasia Blvd., St. Augustine, 32080 | (904) 484-8792 | aylasacres.org
Mission & Vision: We support adoption, spay and neuter, and responsible care of animals. Along with education, outreach, and adoption and fostering programs, Ayla’s Acres also maintains a 45-acre sanctuary where “unadoptable” animals may live out heir lives with peace, love and dignity.
8777 San Jose Blvd., Ste. 803, 32217 | (412) 926-7456 bairfind.org | contact@themissingchildproject.org
Founder: Dennis Bair
Mission & Vision: The BairFind Foundation generates leads and tips in the search for America’s missing children.
841 Prudential Dr., Ste. 1300, 32207 | (904) 202-2919 baptistjax.com | philanthropyservices@bmcjax.com
Senior Vice President, Chief Philanthropy Officer: Kimberly M. Jones
Mission & Vision: The mission of Baptist Health Foundation is to inspire philanthropy and build extraordinary donor relationships in support of excellence, innovation, community wellness and global leadership in healthcare at Baptist Health South Florida, a not-for-profit organization supported by philanthropy and committed to our faith-based charitable mission of medical excellence.
1303 Jasmine St., Ste. 101, Fernandina Beach, 32034 | (904) 261-7000 barnabasnassau.org | tyount@barnabasnassau.org
Contact: Tania Yount
Mission & Vision: Our mission is to provide help and hope to individuals and families in need throughout Nassau County, Florida, to improve their stability, health and well-being.
352 Stowe Ave., Orange Park, 32073 | (904) 541-1742 bascainc.org | basca@bascainc.org
CEO: Patrick Kennedy
Mission & Vision: BASCA’s mission is to improve the quality of life for individuals with developmental and intellectual disabilities in Northeast Florida.
281 19th Ave. S., Jacksonville Beach, 32250 | (904) 246-1477 beachescoa.com | LAnderson@beachesdialaride.org
Executive Director: Lori Delgado Anderson
Mission & Vision: The Beaches Council on Aging improves the quality of life for senior residents of the Beaches by connecting them, to people, services, and places, with care.
The people we serve.
River Garden serves seniors of all economic positions and faiths, while maintaining an environment supported by Jewish values.
The people who serve.
Leadership and staff honor our mission, keeping the focus on providing compassionate care, ensuring resident safety and supporting one another.
You make our services possible.
Your gifts to River Garden support compassionate caregiving, outstanding training, innovative programming and services, and exceptional clinical care at River Garden Hebrew Home.
On a Friday afternoon, 10-year-old Melinda* slowly eats her school lunch. She savors every bite, knowing the refrigerator at home is empty.
It’s not that her parents don’t care; they’re trying their best. Both work two jobs to put food on the table. The food they can get typically isn’t healthy or substantial enough, and many times they’re not home to cook it.
This is the harsh reality Melinda and so many other local students face every weekend. That’s why Catholic Charities Jacksonville is working to combat hunger at home through its Weekend Hunger Backpack Program. The program currently serves healthy, shelf-stable food to more than 100 food-insecure students weekly in multiple schools.
Catholic Charities Jacksonville also provides hunger relief via its Jacksonville-based food pantry twice weekly as well as through ongoing food giveaways that assist seniors, homeless teens, and local church communities.
Most recently, the agency expanded its reach to serve Clay County families, providing more than 15,000 lbs. of food to hundreds of kids and families, and dozens of veterans, at their summer kick-off event. They’ve served even more since and plan on increasing support to this and other Northeast Florida counties.
Lori Weber, regional director of Catholic Charities’ Jacksonville office, said the community has been generous in helping to support their cause.
“Donors like the fact that 92% of every donation gets directly to the client,” Weber said. “And with hunger-relief the money goes a long way - just $24 provides two children with hungerrelief backpacks and $134 feeds one family for two weeks.”
The agency’s largest donations earmarked to alleviate foodinsecurity tend to come in at their Black & White Soiree in March, which focuses on raising funds for their Feed A Family Program. However, the agency’s community support goes well beyond fighting hunger, they also provide emergency financial assistance, immigration legal services, refugee resettlement, and operate Camp I Am Special for people with Intellectual and Developmental Differences.
If you’d like to support Catholic Charities by donating or volunteering, please visit ccbjax.org or call 904-354-4846. *name changed for privacy
797 Mayport Rd., Atlantic Beach, 32233 | (904) 241-1222 beacheshabitat.org | info@beacheshabitat.org
President/CEO: Steve Gilbert
Mission & Vision: Beaches Habitat for Humanity is a nonprofit, ecumenical Christian housing ministry dedicated to eliminating substandard housing in Jacksonville’s Beaches. In addition to building and rehabilitating quality, affordable homes for qualified families in need at no profit, the nonprofit guides its partner families through home ownership and provides educational opportunities.
BEAM (BEACHES EMERGENCY ASSISTANCE MINISTRY) 850 6th Ave. S., Ste. 400, 32250 | (904) 241-7437 | jaxbeam.org | info@jaxbeam.org
Executive Director: Lori Richards
Mission & Vision: Our mission is to provide emergency assistance and a path to economic stability.
BEN’S PLACE SERVICES, INC. 4530-15 St. Johns Ave., Unit 325, 32210 | (904) 418-2299 bensplacecof.org | info@bensplacecof.org
Director/CEO/Founder: Anne M. Yarbrough
Mission & Vision: The nonprofit serves individuals with developmental or acquired disabilities filling a need for them to have a place to socialize. It provides a great environment for individuals to interact and learn life skills, including personal communication skills, art, and music appreciation. Supported employment and respite care services are available.
BEST BUDDIES INTERNATIONAL 4600 Touchton Rd. E, Deerwood Park N, Ste. 150, 32246 | (904) 296-0510 bestbuddies.org/florida | sarahjeter@bestbuddies.org
Senior Program Manager: Sarah Jeter
Mission & Vision: Offering One-to-One Friendship, Integrated Employment, Leadership Development and Inclusive Living programs for individuals with and without intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) in Florida.
BETTY GRIFFIN CENTER 2450 Old Moultrie Rd., Ste. 202, St. Augustine, 32086 | (904) 808-8544 bettygriffincenter.org | info@bettygriffincenter.org
Chief Executive Officer: Kelly Franklin
Mission & Vision: The Betty Griffin Center works to end domestic violence and sexual abuse in St. Johns County. Their focus is to offer protection and quality services to victims and their children through the operation of a safe and secure shelter and outreach programs, offering assistance, counseling, and transitional support while educating the community and raising awareness.
BIG BROTHERS BIG SISTERS OF NORTHEAST FLORIDA 40 East Adams St., Ste. 220, 32202 | (904) 727-9797 | bbbsnefl.org | dwhite@bbbsnefl.org
Chief Executive Officer: Sara Alford
Mission & Vision: The mission of Big Brothers Big Sisters of Northeast Florida is to create and support one-to-one mentoring relationships that ignite the power and promise of youth.
1385 Twin Oaks Circle, Oviedo, 32765 | (904) 474-2251 blakebortlesfoundation.com | info@blakebortlesfoundation.com
Founder: Blake Bortles
Mission & Vision: To support children with intellectual and developmental challenges in their pursuit of full, independent lives and provide support to first responders, with the goal of improving their ability to safely carry out their vital lifesaving work.
P.O. Box 16385, 32245 | (904) 704-6212 | bosellifoundation.com Jennifer@bosellifoundation.com
Executive Director: Jennifer Vihrachoff
Mission & Vision: The Boselli Foundation is a faith-based, non-profit organization striving to help children living in at-risk neighborhoods on the Northside of Jacksonville.
4240 Marquette Ave., 32210 | (904) 553-0505 bouquetsofkindness.org | info@bouquetsofkindness.org
Founder: Lisa Kirkwood
Mission & Vision: Since 2016, Bouquets of Kindness has been repurposing donated flowers and floral arrangements, delivering them to senior care facilities for residents to create their own floral arrangements. This creative activity brings renewed independence to the seniors in our area. We also deliver Kits of Kindness to Jacksonville seniors who are on fixed incomes.
10 S. Newnan St., 2nd Floor, 32202 | (904) 396-4435 bgcnf.org
President/CEO: Paul Martinez
Mission & Vision: Our mission is to enable all young people, especially those who need us most, to reach their full potential as productive, caring, responsible citizens. Our vision is to provide a world-class Club Experience that assures success is within reach of every young person who enters our doors, with all members on track to graduate from high school with a plan for the future, demonstrating good character and citizenship, and living a healthy lifestyle.
521 Edgewood Ave. S, 32205 | (904) 388-0591 nfcscouting.org | coleton.walters@scouting.org
Director of Field Service/COO: Cole Waters
Mission & Vision: The Boy Scouts of America helps to prepare young people to make ethical and moral choices in their lifetimes by instilling in them the values of the Scouts’ Oath and Law.
P.O. Box 441963, 32222 | (904) 637-4720 | brightmindsyouth.org
Board Member: David Bright
Mission & Vision: Our mission is to provide youth and young adults opportunities to explore and develop their talents, while gaining critical skills for leadership, education, health, work and beyond. Our vision is to cultivate young minds for excellence and success by providing opportunities, skills, experience, exposure and positive challenges for children, teens and young adults in Florida & Georgia to improve their quality of life.
3599 University Blvd. S, 32216 | (904) 345-7600 brooksrehab.org
President & CEO: Douglas M. Baer
Mission & Vision: Brooks Rehabilitation is the recognized leader in providing a system of world-class rehabilitation solutions, advancing the health and well-being of our communities. Our mission is to empower people to achieve their highest level of recovery and participation in life through excellence in rehabilitation.
315 South Hampton Club Way, St. Augustine, 32092 | (904) 545-2771 jhouston@dwagolf.com
Founder: Jim Houston
Mission & Vision: To raise funds for Challenged Athletes Foundation and Camp No Limits, which provide opportunities and support to people with physical disabilities.
Southeast Regional Office: 8150 Clarcona Ocoee Rd., Orlando, 32818 | (800) 572-BARK canine.org | info@canine.org
Southeast Region Executive Director, First Coast Chapter President: Kathleen Tagle, CJ Smith Mission & Vision: Canine Companions enhances the lives of people with disabilities by providing highly trained service dogs and ongoing support to ensure quality partnerships.
1601 University Blvd. N., 32211 | (904) 226-2056 carpentersshop.org | CherylDWilder@gmail.com
Founder/Executive Director: Cheryl Doro Wilder
Mission & Vision: The Carpenter’s Shop Center is a faith-based organization providing programs and services that empower and educate under-served children, youth, and families so they can lead responsible, productive lives. Lighting the way for children, youth, and families to realize their potential with futures filled with hope, stability, and self-fulfillment.
CATHEDRAL ARTS PROJECT (CAP) 207 N. Laura St., Ste. 300, 32202 | (904) 281-5599 capkids.org
President & CEO: Rev. Kimberly L. Hyatt Mission & Vision: CAP’s mission is to empower every child’s creative spirit, elevate arts educators in their field, and advocate for access and equity in arts education.
CATHOLIC CHARITIES BUREAU OF JACKSONVILLE 40 E. Adams St., Suite 320, 32202 | (904) 354-4846 | ccbjax.org | lweber@ccbjax.org
Regional Director: Lori Weber Mission & Vision: Catholic Charities puts faith into action to serve the most vulnerable in our community, advocating for justice, human dignity and quality of life, while reflecting the compassion of God in Christ.
CATHOLIC FOUNDATION, DIOCESE OF ST. AUGUSTINE 11625 Old St. Augustine Rd., 32258 | (904) 262-3200 catholicfoundation@dosafl.com | cf.dosafl.com
President: Most Rev. Felipe J. Estévez, Bishop of St. Augustine Mission & Vision: The Catholic Foundation builds a Christ-centered future for the good works of the Church in North Florida through inspired charitable giving. The vision of the Catholic Foundation is a Church generously endowed to fully support the development and charity of our faith community.
CECIL FIELD POW/MIA MEMORIAL, INC. 6112 POW-MIA Memorial Pkwy., 32221 | (904) 300-3671 powmiamemorial.org | info@powmiamemorial.org
Executive Director: Michael Cassata Mission & Vision: Honor All Former Prisoners of War; Remember and Never Forget Those Missing In Action Heroes and the Families Who Seek Their Return.
CHALLENGE ENTERPRISES OF NORTH FLORIDA, INC. 3530 Enterprise Way, Green Cove Springs, 32043 | (904) 284-9859 challengeenterprises.org | info@challengeenterprises.org
CEO: Nancy C. Keating Mission & Vision: The nonprofit seeks to promote the power of people and possibilities for individuals living with disabilities, so they become enterprising members of their community.
3116 St. Johns Ave., 32205 | (904) 384-8484 | championwomen.org | supportwomen@championwomen.org
Founder & CEO: Nancy Hogshead-Makar
Mission & Vision: Champion Women is an advocacy organization for girls and women in sports and uses sports to improve the lives of girls and women.
CHANGING HOMELESSNESS 660 Park St., 32204 | (844) 367-7783 changinghomelessness.org | info@changinghomelessness.org
CEO: Dawn Gilman
Mission & Vision: Serves as the lead agency for HUD’s Continuum of Care Grant, providing training and fostering communications between 40 member agencies that provide direct service to those in the local area who are in need of housing and related resources.
Stephan was only 19 years old when he lost his father in a tragic accident. “I watched my father fall off of a building… and it sent me down the wrong path.”
He struggled to cope with his grief and turned to substances to numb the overwhelming pain of his father’s death. “I looked to drugs to fill a hole,” he says.
Sadly, over the years, Stephan became trapped in a brutal cycle of substance abuse that led to trouble with the law. “It got to the point where I’d go to jail, then get out of jail and end up homeless, with nowhere to go,” he says. “So then I’d start doing dangerous things again to survive.”
The turning point came when Stephan was sentenced to a rehab program. “That was my rock bottom,” he says. “I’ve hit rock bottom so many times, but this time my family pushed me to seek help.” The night he was released, Stephan walked straight from jail to City Rescue Mission.
“I turned around twice walking to the door and told myself, ‘I can’t do this,’” he says. “But I made myself go inside, and it’s the best decision I’ve ever made.”
Today, Stephan has been here for a little over a year and the transformation in his life has been tremendous. Through classes and counseling in our LifeBuilders program, he’s begun to heal from the trauma at the root of his struggles. “The staff here is great. Not only do they listen, but they’ll help you figure out a solution to issues you’re going through.”
The faith-based environment here has helped Stephan grow closer to the Lord. “Before, the Lord was with me, but I wasn’t seeking Him in my life as much as I should have been, But now I seek Him every single day.”
Through workforce development in our kitchen and maintenance department, Stephan has also gained valuable life skills that he hopes to apply in the future. “The Mission has helped me create healthy habits, like saving money, And now one day, I dream of owning my own business!”
Most importantly, Stephan thanks the Mission for helping him to restore relationships with his family. “Before I came to the Mission, I was lost… an emotional wreck… and always felt like the black sheep of my family,” he says. “But now I am whole, complete, and just feel at peace.”
Stephan is grateful for the support of caring friends like you whose generosity empowers him and others to rebuild their lives with the Lord as their foundation. “City Rescue Mission has been a complete lifesaver to me. Since coming here, I’m not lost anymore. If you want to change your life, this is the place to be.”
CHILD CANCER FUND 841 Prudential Dr., 12th Floor, 32207 | (904) 396-4223 childcancerfund.org | carla@childcancerfund.org
Executive Director: Carla Montgomery
Mission & Vision: Caring support for families fighting childhood cancer.
CHILD GUIDANCE CENTER 5776 St. Augustine Rd., 32207 | (904) 448-1000 | www.cgcjax.org | trulien@cgcjax.org
President/CEO: Theresa Rulien
Mission & Vision: Child Guidance Center invests in our community by providing counseling and support services to assist children and families in reaching their fullest potential.
THE CHILDREN’S HOME SOCIETY OF FLORIDA 3027 San Diego Rd., 32207 | (904) 493-7744 | chsfl.org | ernest.hamilton@chsfl.org
Regional Executive Director: Ernest Hamilton
Mission & Vision: The Children’s Home Society of Florida is building bridges to success for children in a world where children realize their full potential.
CHILDREN’S MIRACLE NETWORK HOSPITALS OF JACKSONVILLE 580 W. 8th St., Tower 1, Ste. 3510, 32209 | (904) 244-9337 cmnjax.com | nikki.sabol@jax.ufl.edu
Director: Nikki Sabol
Mission & Vision: To improve the health and welfare of all children by raising funds and awareness for the pediatric programs of UF Health Jacksonville and Wolfson Children’s Hospital.
438 W. 67th St., 32208 | (904) 765-3332 | christianhealingmin.org | info@christianhealingmin.org
Director of Ministry/President: Judith MacNutt
Mission & Vision: Our mission is to be a visible presence of Jesus’ desire to heal in the world today by: Providing healing prayer for the sick; Training for those who want to learn to pray; Lending leadership support to pastors, churches and seminaries; Offering a bookstore and resource center for ministry and training materials; and Expanding the role of healing prayer in medical professions. Our vision is to make Christian healing prayer a way of life in families, churches, and medical professions.
6800 E. Hwy. 326, Silver Springs, 34488 | (904) 612-8522 christstarfish.org | christstarfish@aol.com
President: Carldon Lahey
Mission & Vision: To share the love of Jesus Christ by providing assistance to children’s hospitals through child life specialists and by assisting families of non-cancer patients who are experiencing financial hardships due to medical expenses.
2709 Art Museum Dr., 32207 | (904) 399-8484 ciljacksonville.org | info@ciljacksonville.org
Executive Director: Tyler Morris
Mission & Vision: Jacksonville’s leading cross-disability-based organization, CIL Jacksonville provides personalized services to people with disabilities.
1050 Riverside Ave., Ste. C, 32204 | (904) 982-1871 | isvjax.org | cisvjax@gmail.com
President: Josie Summa
Mission & Vision: CISV International helps participants develop skills to become informed, responsible and active global citizens to make a difference in our community and the world.
426 S. McDuff Ave., 32256 | (904) 387-4357 | crmjax.org | crmdevelopment@crmjax.org
Executive Director: Paul Stasi
Mission & Vision: The City Rescue Mission exists to transform the lives of those experiencing homelessness, addictions and the needy, serving them through the love and compassion of Jesus Christ.
6 E. Bay St., Fl 2, 32202 | (904) 423-2100 | cityyear.org/jacksonville
Executive Director: Allishia Bauman
Mission & Vision: To empower young idealistic leaders through a year of service in Jacksonville to help reveal the limitless potential that exists inside all students.
3305 Riverside Ave., 32205 civicorchestrajax.org
Founder & President: Nadine Terk
Mission & Vision: Our mission is to create symphonic music for everyone. Our vision is to create an extraordinary music experience that realizes the potential of our musicians and illuminates the power of collective effort.
5728 Jones Creek Rd., Keystone Heights, 32656 | (904) 600-7676 cjacres.org | info@cjacres.org
Mission & Vision: CJ Acres Animal Rescue Farm is a nonprofit, all-volunteer organization that exists to reduce animal suffering by rescuing, rehabilitating and reintroducing in-need farmed animals, while promoting compassionate consumption and responsible animal stewardship.
613 W. Ashley St., 32202 | (904) 354-4162 | clarawhitemission.org
President/CEO: Ju’Coby Pittman
Mission & Vision: The Clara White Mission works in partnership with the community to prevent and reduce homelessness through advocacy, housing, job training, and employment.
3292 County Rd. 220, Middleburg, 32068 | (904) 291-5561 ccbhc.org | info@ccbhc.org
CEO: Irene M. Toto, LMHC
Mission & Vision: To be a resource that provides mental health and substance abuse counseling and treatment to adults, teens, children and families in Clay County.
3984 State Road 16 W, 32043 | (904) 269-6342 claycountygov.com/community/animal-services | animalcontrol@claycountygov.com
Director: Ernest Hagan
Mission & Vision: Providing adoption, fostering, animal enforcement, rehoming and other animal-related services in Clay County.
Victoria’s world fell apart when she was in high school. When her mother’s relationship with her stepdad ended, Victoria and her two siblings essentially became homeless, couch surfing at friends’ houses.
Her unstable living arrangements were just one of many issues Victoria faced when it came to her mother. Victoria had started failing in school and stopped going. Finally, an eviction notice on the door made her leave for good. But she was determined to get back on track somehow.
Fortunately, with a social worker’s help at school, she was able restabilize her living arrangements and had a plan to graduate on time. She was moving in the right direction, but wondered what she was going to do when school ended.
Her social worker introduced her to Project Prepare, Daniel’s nationally recognized independent living program, which helps approximately 80 homeless and at-risk youth aged 16-21 annually. Daniel’s first step is ensuring a safe environment, either at the agency’s 11-unit efficiency apartment complex or at another safe and cost-effective place their case managers arrange. The program then helps young adults transition from instability to self-sufficiency through case management, counseling, and support with education and job placement.
Victoria excitedly enrolled in the Project Prepare, moved into Daniel’s complex and worked hard to accomplish the program’s goal – becoming a productive, contributing member of society. Today, she’s a wife, mom to three boys, and a licensed REALTOR®. Looking back on that time in her life, she said without Project Prepare, she would probably be homeless.
Project Prepare is only one of Daniel’s many life-changing programs. Established in 1884, Daniel is Florida’s oldest childservice agency, and helps approximately 5,000 children and families each year. Daniel counsels abused children, connects neglected children with foster and adoptive families, reunifies high-risk families, and helps homeless teens like Victoria set their lives on a better path.
To learn more about Daniel or donate to help the children and families it serves, please visit danielkids.org.
CLAY COUNTY HUMANE SOCIETY 2230 Filmore St. Orange Park, 32065 | (904) 276-7729 | clayhumane.org
Sr. Staff Veterinarian: Dr. Christian Broadhurst
Mission & Vision: Our mission is the prevention of cruelty to animals, the relief of suffering among animals, and the extension of humane education.
COMMUNITIES IN SCHOOLS OF JACKSONVILLE 532 Riverside Ave., Ste. 3-OH, 32202 | (904) 344-3900 | cisjax.org | LBaxton@cisjax.org
CEO: Leon Baxton
Mission & Vision: The mission of Communities In Schools is to surround students with a community of support, empowering them to stay in school and achieve in life.
COMMUNITY FOUNDATION FOR NORTHEAST FLORIDA 245 Riverside Ave., Ste. 310, 32202 | (904) 356-4483 | jaxcf.org | info@jaxcf.org
Senior Program Director: James Coggin
Mission & Vision: The Community Foundation for Northeast Florida stimulates philanthropy to build a better community through civic leadership, philanthropic leadership and by providing products and services to help donors fulfill their philanthropic goals.
COMMUNITY HEALTH OUTREACH 5126 Timuquana Rd., 32210 | (904) 573-1333| chojax.org | admin@chojax.org
Executive Director: Melanie Saxon
Mission & Vision: Community Health Outreach works to clothe the needy, feed the hungry and heal the sick in the name of God.
COMMUNITY HOSPICE & PALLIATIVE CARE FOUNDATION 4266 Sunbeam Rd., 32257 | (866) 253-6681 communityhospice.com/foundation | emiller1@communityhospice.com
President and CEO: Phillip Ward
Mission & Vision: Community Hospice & Palliative Care Foundation is dedicated to advancing philanthropy to enable Community Hospice & Palliative Care to fulfill its mission and vision. Funds raised through the Foundation enhance quality of life for patients and families and support unfunded and under-funded patient care, outreach programs and services for those facing advanced illness and grief. Our donors enable us to continue to provide community programs and compassionate care to all who need it, regardless of ability to pay. There are a number of ways you can join our efforts to make a difference in the lives of area families living with advanced illness.
COMMUNITY REHABILITATION CENTER 623 Beechwood St., 32206 | (904) 358-1211 communityrehabcenter.org | rgaffney@communityrehabcenter.org
President: Reginald Gaffney, Sr.
Mission & Vision: The Community Rehabilitation Center envisions a future where everyone experiences a holistically better quality of life and has access to effective treatment and support essential for living, working, learning and fully participating in the community. CRC promotes the mental, physical, and emotional well-being of individuals and families in Northeast Florida by providing easily accessible, culturally competent, quality competent, and quality-based clinical services.
731 Duval Station Rd., Ste. 107-126, 32218 bearsthatcare.org | christina@thecadenproject.org
Founders: Christina and Richard Wood
Mission & Vision: Showing compassion and love to sick children going through medical issues by providing our “Caden” bears to them. Our son Caden received a bear while in the hospital going through a bone marrow transplant and now we are paying it forward and providing this same comfort to other sick kids to give them a friend during their difficult journey.
180 Marine St., St. Augustine, 32084 | (904) 209-3700 | coasjc.co
Executive Director: Becky Yanni Mission & Vision: The Council On Aging St. Johns County provides leadership and advocacy for the dignity, independence, health and community involvement of older St. Johns County residents.
P.O. Box 124, Ponte Vedra Beach, 32004 | (646) 203-1214 crohnscolitisfoundation.org | LKraubetz@crohnscolitisfoundation.org
Executive Director: Laura Kraubetz Mission & Vision: To cure Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis, and to improve the quality of life of children and adults affected by these diseases.
7720 Baymeadows Rd. E., 32256 | (904) 862-2949 | CSIGivesBack.org | hello@csigivesback.org
Director: Becky Lowry, CMP
Mission & Vision: Identify and support local organizations that directly impact those in true need. Providing acts of kindness and bringing smiles to our community.
40 E. Adams St., Ste. 140, 32202 | (904) 358-3600 culturalcouncil.org | Diana@culturalcouncil.org
Executive Director: Diana Donovan
Mission & Vision: The Cultural Council of Greater Jacksonville champions the appreciation, relevance, and expression of art and culture.
829 Riverside Ave., 32204 | (904) 356-6857 | cummermuseum.org
CEO: Andrea Barnwell Brownlee, Ph.D
Mission & Vision: The Cummer Museum works to engage and inspire through the arts, gardens, and education.
25 N Market St. Ste. 212, 32202 | (904) 467-0175 cff.org/north-central-florida | cwarmouth@cff.org
Development Director: Christina Warmouth
Mission & Vision: The mission of the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation is to cure cystic fibrosis and to provide all people with CF the opportunity to lead long, fulfilling lives by funding research and drug development, partnering with the CF community, and advancing high-quality, specialized care.
4203 Southpoint Blvd., 32216 | (904) 296-1055 | danielkids.org | info@danielkids.org
President/CEO: Lesley Wells
Mission & Vision: Our mission is to improve the lives of children and families.
P.O. Box 21161, Tampa, 33622 | (813) 220-3876 | DAREtoRescue.org | alicia@daretorescue.org
President: Alicia Duval
Mission & Vision: DARE views its mission as increasing public awareness through education against animal cruelty, related issues and overpopulation while rescuing and re-homing displaced and unwanted dachshunds and dachshund mixes.
7420 Mayapple Rd., 32211 | (904) 300-9764 | daughtershineinc.com | daughtershineinc@gmail.com
Contact: Cami Caldwell
Mission & Vision: To provide no-cost dental services to members of the recovery community in Northeast Florida. Recovery, one smile at a time.
40 E. Adams St., Ste. 130, 32202 | (904) 598-0901 | seethegirl.org | vbasra@seethegirl.org
President & CEO: Dr. Vicky Basra
Mission & Vision: The Delores Barr Weaver Policy Center is a local nonprofit organization that engages communities, organizations, and individuals through research, advocacy, training, and model programming to advance the rights of girls, young women, and youth who identify as female, especially those impacted by the justice system.
DEPAUL SCHOOL OF NORTHEAST FLORIDA 3044 S. San Pablo Rd., 32224 | (904) 223-3391 | depaulschool.com | info@depaulschool.com
Head of School: Dr. Amber Oliveira Mission & Vision: DePaul is committed to understanding and educating students with dyslexia and related specific learning differences such as visual and auditory processing and attention deficits. We maintain a commitment to excellence in core academics while nurturing a student’s confidence and development.
DEVELOPMENTAL LEARNING CENTER DLC NURSE & LEARN 4101-1 College St., 32205 | (904) 387-0370 | dlcnl.org | info@dlcnl.org
CEO: Heather Corey Mission & Vision: The Developmental Learning Center is a faith-based inclusion nonprofit child care center for children of all abilities, with and without developmental delays, where each child is taught at their own pace. DLC provides year-round, high-quality education, nursing care, and therapies to children of all abilities so that children and families have the opportunity to reach their maximum potential.
READ USA is laser focused on closing the literacy gap by opening pathways for children in under-resourced communities to help them become lifelong readers and learners.
READ USA provides a research-based, multi-layered approach to solving the literacy crisis in our country through books and good teaching. Together with our supporters, we are moving the needle to achieve grade-level reading proficiency in Duval County and beyond.
THE DONNA FOUNDATION 1015 Atlantic Blvd., #58, Atlantic Beach, 32233 | (904) 551-0732 thedonnafoundation.org | info@TheDonnaFoundation.org
Executive Director: Amanda Napolitano Mission & Vision: The DONNA Foundation was established in 2003 by three-time breast cancer survivor and journalist Donna Deegan to meet the critical financial needs of the underserved living with breast cancer. Our mission is to provide financial assistance and support to individuals living with breast cancer and fund groundbreaking breast cancer research. Celebrating our 20th year, we have served more than 17,000 families, giving $650,000 annually in debt relief, and $3.3 million in support of translational genomics and immune studies.
Abigail was born with Spina Bifida and her mom was told that she would never stand, crawl or walk on her own and that the best she could hope for was that Abigail would walk with braces when she got older. When ‘Abby’ was nine months old, her mom became a single mother.That was just the beginning of an uphill battle of navigating life hurdles and they both needed HOPE at this moment.
A friend recommended that mom should try DLC. With much reluctance, she enrolled Abby at DLC and was just hoping for the best for both of them during this tough time. In just one short year Abby had made more progress than her mom could have ever imagined. Abby has built strength in her legs and ankles and is not only crawling on her hands and knees and she can pull up on her own, can stand with assistance and WALK ON HER OWN with specialized equipment!
What has shocked mom even more is Abby’s pride and joy in herself and her new mobility. According to her mom, it is apparent all over Abby’s face each time she can do something for herself and she has become extremely independently minded. Abby has made true progress at DLC and mom is so thankful to the amazing teachers, therapists, and the support system at DLC. Mom says DLC is not just a daycare by any means and has changed both of their lives for the better. Mom knows DLC is where Abby belongs to have had the opportunity to continue her journey. This past year Abby independently transitioned from her walker and uses only crutches/go-go sticks to get around.
By the age of five, Abby has already undergone at least four major surgeries such as spinal cord and nerve repair surgery, shunt installation and repair, and bilateral hip surgery. But Abby’s success so far is filled with hope and miracles and we look forward to seeing where she goes on her journey after DLC Nurse & Learn. She is the clear reflection of DLC’s motto… ‘where anything is possible’.
THE DONOVIN DARIUS FOUNDATION 8834 Goodby’s Executive Dr. #F, 32217 | (904) 290-3320 donovindarius.com/foundation | lucretia@donovindarius.com
Founder: Donovin Darius Mission & Vision: To educate, equip and empower individuals in identifying their purpose and to maximize their potential, serving the hearts, souls and minds of families in Northeast Florida.
DON’T MISS A BEAT, INC. — DMAB 2839 W. Beaver St., 32254 | (904) 385-4001 | dontmissabeat.org | dmabinc@gmail.com
Director of Programs: Esther Poitier
Mission & Vision: The mission of DMAB is to blend music, art, academic achievement, and civic engagement to inspire and enlighten children and teens in the Riverside, Brooklyn and Woodstock communities.
DOUGLAS ANDERSON SCHOOL FOR THE ARTS FOUNDATION 2445 San Diego Rd., 32207 | (904) 208-0962 | dcps.duvalschools.org/anderso
Executive Director: Jacqueline Cornelius Mission & Vision: The Foundation strives to further the arts program at Douglas Anderson School for the Arts and the talents of the students who attend the school.
DOWNTOWN ECUMENICAL SERVICES COUNCIL 215 N. Ocean St., 32202 | (904) 358-7955 | descjax.org | admin@descjax.org
Executive Director: David Clark
Mission & Vision: To proclaim the love of Jesus Christ by meeting the needs of people in emergency situations or experiencing poverty.
DOWNTOWN VISION 214 N. Hogan St., Ste. 120, 32202 | (904) 634-0303 | dtjax.org | haley@dtjax.org
Contact: Haley Tinkle
Mission & Vision: Our mission is to create and support a vibrant downtown and promote downtown as an exciting place to live, work, visit and invest.
DOWN SYNDROME ASSOCIATION OF JACKSONVILLE 8011 Philips Hwy., Ste. 7, 32256 | (904) 353-6300 | dsaj.org | debbie.revels@dsaj.org
Executive Director: Debbie Revels
Mission & Vision: The DSAJ is a nonprofit organization committed to helping people with Down syndrome achieve their full potential, and to creating a community that is educated, supportive and inclusive of individuals with Down syndrome.
DREAMS COME TRUE OF JACKSONVILLE 6803 Southpoint Pkwy., 32216 | (904) 296-3030 DreamsComeTrue.org | Andrea@DreamsComeTrue.org
Executive Director: Sheri K. Criswell
Mission & Vision: The First Coast’s only locally based nonprofit organization dedicated to using the power of a dream to bring hope and joy to EVERY First Coast child battling life-threatening illness.
National Headquarters — One Waterfowl Way, Memphis, TN , 38120 | (904) 703-4187 ducks.org/florida
Regional Director (South Georgia/North Florida): Jarrett Lafferty
Mission & Vision: Ducks Unlimited is the world’s leader in wetlands and waterfowl conservation.
DUVAL AUDUBON SOCIETY P.O. Box 16304, 32245 | duvalaudubon.org | duvalaudubon@gmail.com
Chapter President: Carol Bailey-White
Mission & Vision: Connecting people with nature, conserving and restoring natural ecosystems, focusing on birds and other wildlife.
6500 Bowden Rd., Ste. 290, 32216 | (904) 208-2044 | elcduval.org | dmarzullo@elcduval.org
President/CEO: Denise Marzullo
Mission & Vision: Our mission is to lead and support the early learning community in building the best foundation for children birth to five. Our vision is that we are Jacksonville’s first stop for early learning through collaborative leadership that ensures: All children receive high-quality care and learning, all families have the support they need for their children to succeed, and all children are ready for their academic and lifelong success.
1637 King St., 32204 | (904) 308-7510 emergencypregnancyservices.org | epsjax@gmail.com
Executive Director: Sandra S. Duggan
Mission & Vision: Growing Parenting Choices, a ministry of Ascension St. Vincent’s, empowers women to make informed decisions regarding pregnancy, saves lives, counsels and mentors teens and women through pregnancy.
EMPOWERMENT RESOURCES, INC. 3832-010 Baymeadows Rd., Ste. 348, 32217 | (904) 268-8287 empowermentresourcesinc.org | info@empowermentresourcesinc.org
10688 Old St. Augustine Rd., 32257 | (904) 391-6600 | myeldersource.org
CEO: Linda Levin
Mission & Vision: ElderSource empowers people to live and age with independence and dignity in their homes and community.
Executive Director: Elexia Coleman-Moss
Mission & Vision: Empowerment Resources works to make children and families stronger and empowers them to be successful leaders in the community today, for a better tomorrow.
4940 Emerson St., Ste. 104, 32207 | (904) 878-1981 elevatejacksonville.org | info@elevatejacksonville.org
Interim Executive Director: Carla Austin
Mission & Vision: Building long-term, life-changing relationships with urban youth, equipping them to thrive and contribute to their community.
P.O. Box 77479, 32226 | (904) 274-1177 epicoutreach.org | epicanimals2015@gmail.com
Founder: Jessie Miller
Mission & Vision: EPIC Outreach exists to inspire compassion by sharing information to create a kinder world for people, animals, and the environment.
Since 1984, Dreams Come True has fulfilled the dreams of more than 4,400 local children battling life-threatening illnesses. This year, Amaya’s Freedom Bike Dream marked the organization’s 100th dream granted in 2022.
Joining Dreams Come True for the celebration were several dream families and community partners. Together, everyone walked and rolled around Twenty Mile Post in Nocatee, with Amaya leading the way in her new dream bike. The special celebration ended with a donut cake from Cinotti’s Bakery and medals for all the finishers.
“I never thought it would be possible for her to ride,” stated Michelle Harken, Amaya’s mom. “I did not think they would have a bike that would be adaptable for her. For me, this is just eye opening for her to have this experience and have this piece to help her grow and get stronger. We are so appreciative for all Dreams Come True has done for us to get Amaya this bike and be with us through this journey. This will truly last for a very long time.”
Amaya was referred to Dreams Come True after being diagnosed with a rare, gene-linked brain malformation, called lissencephaly. Amaya also suffers from additional conditions such as cerebral palsy and a seizure disorder. She is wheelchair dependent, so mobility has always been something that has eluded Amaya. Her new Freedom Concept Tricycle is giving Amaya a sense of freedom and filling her days with long strolls in the park and neighborhood.
Before COVID-19, Dreams Come True fulfilled approximately 175 dreams per year. The local dream-granting organization is projecting to fulfill over 220 dreams before the end of 2022, which will be one of the highest years of dream fulfillment in the organization’s 38-year history.
To view more stories or learn how you can get involved with Dreams Come True, visit www.DreamsComeTrue.org or call 904-296-3030.
EPILEPSY ALLLIANCE FLORIDA – JACKSONVILLE 5209 San Jose Blvd., Ste. 102, 32207 | (904) 731-3752 | (877) 553-7453 eafla.org | info@eafla.org
President & CEO: Karen Egozi
Mission & Vision: Epilepsy Florida is dedicated to supporting those impacted by epilepsy by confronting the spectrum of challenges created by seizures.
8649 Baypine Rd., Ste. 300, Bldg. 7, 32256 | (904) 726-1500 ecs4kids.org
CEO: Connie Stophel Mission & Vision: The mission of ECS is to create opportunity so that the children we serve can achieve their full potential. Our vision is to be a recognized leader in early childhood education, using research and best practices to help families ensure their children enter school ready to learn.
EXCHANGE CLUB OF JACKSONVILLE 4671 Salisbury Rd., Ste. 185, 32256 | (904) 571-3767 jaxexchangeclub.com | sundowner75@comcast.net
Board President: Tom Clift Mission & Vision: Through camaraderie and a shared spirit of service, Exchange Club is a group of men and women who come together, working to make Jacksonville a better place to live through four pillars of service: Americanism, child abuse prevention, community service and youth programs.
EXCHANGE CLUB FAMILY CENTER 4040 Woodcock Dr., Ste. 105, 32207 | (904) 306-9318 exchangeclubfamilycenter.com | balexander@exchangeclubfamilycenter.com
Executive Director: Barbara Alexander
Mission & Vision: For 25 years, the Exchange Club Family Center of Northeast Florida has offered free, in-home parent aide services to at-risk families across Jacksonville’s First Coast to deter child abuse and strengthen families.
FAMILY NURTURING CENTER OF FLORIDA 2759 Bartley Cir., 32207 | (904) 389-4244 | fncflorida.org
Executive Director: Elaine Jacobs
Mission & Vision: The Family Nurturing Center is dedicated to the needs of children and families in crisis throughout Florida.
FAMILY PROMISE OF JACKSONVILLE P.O. Box 40363, 32203 | (904) 354-1818 familypromisejax.org | director@familypromisejax.org
Executive Director: Mark Landschoot
Mission & Vision: Family Promise is an interfaith hospitality network providing temporary assistance, hospitality and case management for families with children experiencing homelessness.
FAMILY SUPPORT SERVICES OF NORTH FLORIDA, INC. 1300 Riverplace Blvd., Ste. 700, 32207 | (904) 421-5800 | fssjax.org
President & CEO: Jennifer Petion
Mission & Vision: Our mission is to be the leader in providing safety, stability, and quality of life for all children by working with the community to strengthen the family unit. Our vision is that children grow up connected to their own families, supported by families and embraced by the community; that children have the opportunity to achieve in school and to learn to be productive citizens; and that citizens of Duval and Nassau counties, organizations and agencies recognize that child protection is a community responsibility and represents the best interests of all county residents.
P. O. Box 2607, Orange Park, 32067 | (904) 773-3553 fawnssmalldogrescue.org | fawnsfamilysmalldogrescue@gmail.com
President: Kim Baldridge
Mission & Vision: We are dedicated to saving the lives of dogs in overcrowded kill shelters. We rescue and improve the quality of life for stray, abused and forgotten dogs in Florida. All dogs receive complete care, socialization, compassion, guidance, nourishment and rehabilitation until we find them a qualified, permanent, loving home.
1116 Edgewood Ave. N., Units D/E, 32254 | (904) 513-1333 feedingnefl.org | info@feedingnefl.org
Executive Director: Susan King
Mission & Vision: Feeding Northeast Florida is the largest, most efficient food bank serving Baker, Bradford, Clay, Duval, Flagler, Nassau, Putnam and St. Johns counties. We’re on a mission to solve hunger in Northeast Florida. Currently, we feed over 85,000 people each day, and it is only through the generosity of our community, the hard work of our partner agencies, and the dedication from our volunteers that it is possible.
12735 Gran Bay Pkwy., Ste. 150, 32258 | (904) 606-5148
FirehouseSubsFoundation.org | foundation@firehousesubs.com
Executive Director: Robin Peters
Mission & Vision: The foundation’s mission is to impact the lifesaving capabilities and the lives of local heroes and their communities.
3972 Third St. S., Jacksonville Beach, 32250 | (904) 280-0614
FirstCoastCulturalCenter.org | dguzzo@firstcoastculturalcenter.org
Executive Director: Donna Guzzo
Mission & Vision: First Coast Cultural Center brings the arts into the life of the community through arts education, exhibitions and outreach, and by honoring a donor-driven philosophy.
FIRST COAST NO MORE HOMELESS PETS, INC. 6817 Norwood Ave., 32208 | (904) 425-0005 fcnmhp.org
CEO: Jennifer Barker
Mission & Vision: First Coast No More Homeless Pets’s mission is to make veterinary care affordable and accessible to all as we save lives by keeping dogs and cats in homes and out of shelters, provide low-cost spay/neuter services with emphasis on feral/community cats, and deliver a broad range of related programs and services.
FIRST COAST ROWING CLUB 645 Cesery Blvd., 32211 | (904) 479-6325 firstcoastrowing.com | info@firstcoastrowing.com
Program Director: Davis Bales
Mission & Vision: Our mission is to help teenagers from seventh through twelfth grade establish strong character, learn life skills, and develop physically and emotionally through the sport of rowing.
101 E. Town Pl., Ste. 100, St. Augustine, 32092 | (904) 810-2231 firstteenorthflorida.org | jeff@firstteenorthflorida.org
Executive Director: Jeff Willoughby
Mission & Vision: First Tee - North Florida works to impact the lives of young people by providing educational programs that build character, instill life-enhancing values and promote healthy choices through the game of golf.
10131 Atlantic Blvd., 32225 | (904) 353-7518 floridaballet.org | info@floridaballet.org
Executive Director: Martha Lemire
Mission & Vision: The mission of The Florida Ballet is to enrich and inspire the cultural landscape of our community through the education and art of classical ballet.
1755 Oveido Mall Blvd., Oveido, 32765 | (321) 972-5534 FloridaBreastCancer.org
President & CEO: Tracy Jacim
Mission & Vision: Dedicated to ending breast cancer through advocacy, education and research.
At Feeding Northeast Florida, we believe that no one should go hungry, and work every day to make that a reality. We currently serve an estimated 85,000 people per day throughout our eightcounty service area. And yet, more than 240,000 people in the Northeast Florida area experience hunger and food insecurity – that’s one in seven adults and one in five children.
The impact of those numbers cannot be overstated. During this extended period of high inflation, families and individuals are struggling even more with the ability to make their paychecks stretch and cover all their essential needs. Nutritious food is usually among the first things to be cut from their budget. Choosing to pay record rising rents, an overdue electric bill, to make a necessary repair, or fill a prescription take priority, causing people to go hungry.
With the reality of these continued economic pressures, there is no end in sight for many in our community facing tremendous financial hardships. That’s where we provide help at Feeding Northeast Florida, the region’s largest nonprofit food bank, along with our more than 325 agency partners and programs.
We work to break the cycle of poverty by addressing food insecurity through a holistic approach: providing access to quality food, empowering individuals and families through resources and education, and advocating on behalf of our neighbors facing hunger so that this profoundly impactful (and, ultimately, solvable) issue remains front and center.
In October, we hosted Empty Bowls, our organization’s signature annual fundraiser, to bring attention to the empty bowls that so many families face daily. The simple lunch of soup and bread, graciously provided by Florida State College at Jacksonville’s Culinary Program, allowed us to focus on awareness, the importance of nourishment and the collective work it takes to fill bowls across the communities we serve. Thank you to our community members who were able to join us for the Empty Bowls event to hear the stories of our neighbors in need.
This work is possible thanks to our dedicated staff who have been on the front lines every day, our partner agencies, our corporate and philanthropic partners, and our supporters in Northeast Florida who continue to show up and help make a difference in our community.
For more information about our efforts to end hunger across Northeast Florida, to donate to the food bank or sign up to volunteer, please visit feedingnefl.org. With your help, no one in need will go hungry in our region.
40 E. Adams St., Ste. 229, 32202 | (407) 694-5213 flnonprofits.org | info@flnonprofits.org
Executive Director: Sabeen Perwaiz
Mission & Vision: The Florida Nonprofit Alliance informs, promotes, and strengthens the nonprofit sector in order to create more vibrant communities across the state.
2166 Terra Mar Ct., 32224 | (904) 434-3089 flpcc.org | anna.flpcc@gmail.com
President: Anna Murphy
Mission & Vision: The goal of FLPCC is to invest in local, world class, pancreas cancer research, where our neighbors are part of the team and can see the value of their contributions and know where they are being spent. We are guided by this principle: Local money for local, world class pancreas cancer research.
501 W. State St., Ste. 104, 32202 | (904) 632-3237 fscjfoundation.org | foundation@fscj.edu
Executive Director: Cleve Warren
Amelia Stapleton always wanted a big family and could feel in her bones she was meant to shelter children. Her first foster placement was her niece, Morgan, when she was just three days old. Four years later, Amelia’s group has grown and grown up — her focus these days is fostering kids ages 12 and up, a group that sometimes is overlooked for younger children.
No matter their age, Amelia’s foundational rule is simply to let kids in her care be kids. She allows them to pursue their own interests and express themselves without pressure, including attending the foster youth focused Just Like Me summer camp through The Performers Academy.
Amelia creates space for reconciliation and healing within her home so all the girls in her care can lean on and support each other, and especially on her. “We have family meetings on a regular basis,” she says. “If something isn’t working, we all talk about what’s going on, and it gives them the floor to talk about their feelings and how I can help them.”
Amelia wants to be a rock for their biological families, too. When their parents have someone who believes in them, it can help enormously with the parents' focus and resilience and, ultimately, family reunification.
“Co-parenting is one of the best things that could ever happen,” says Amelia. “Try putting yourself in the birth parents' shoes and think about what you would want to know about the people caring for your child. I loop the birth parents in on court hearings, doctor’s appointments — down to the medicine the child takes when they are sick.”
As a foster parent, Amelia has found another way to encourage morale and connection: matching family outfits. “Anytime we go anywhere, my girls want to dress alike, even the teens! They genuinely enjoy matching each other. It is so rewarding seeing them happy, smiling and depending on their siblings.”
Amelia works to build lasting relationships for all the kids who enter her care, letting them know she will always be there for them. She says if you want a successful placement, you need to treat the children like your family — and embrace their family too.
Like Amelia, you, too, can make a difference in the lives of local children in the foster care system by becoming a foster parent. For more information visit www.fssjax.org.
Mission & Vision: Florida State College Foundation strives to secure financial resources for Florida State College at Jacksonville to provide students in need access to an affordable, quality education and to enhance the lives and the economic development of Northeast Florida.
128 E. Forsyth St., Ste. 300, 32202 | (904) 355-5661 floridatheatre.com | admin@floridatheatre.com
President: Numa C. Saisselin
Mission & Vision: Our mission, as a nonprofit organization, is to enhance the North Florida community’s quality of life by providing diverse and memorable arts and entertainment experiences, and by preserving a unique historic Jacksonville landmark.
FLORIDA URGENT RESCUE, INC. (FUR) 7643 Gate Pkwy., Ste. #104-27, 32256 floridaurgentrescue.com | floridaurgentrescue@gmail.com
Mission & Vision: Florida Urgent Rescue is assisting with disaster relief for animals impacted by natural disasters. Our mission is to rescue animals in kill shelters and other urgent situations.
P.O. Box 3565, 32206 | 904-707-3802 footprintsofangels.org | footprintsofangels7@gmail.com
Founder: Vernetta Stewart
Mission & Vision: Footprints of Angels supports women impacted by recurring pregnancy loss and infertility. The organization was established to help women through their grief and shame and to help them heal.
730 St. Johns Bluff Rd., 32225 | (904) 629-2116 fostercloset.org | info@fostercloset.org
Co-Founder and President: Tammy McGuire
Mission & Vision: To provide a free resource to foster parents, kinship and nonrelative placements as well as teens living independently to access clothing, children’s accessories, toys, and children’s furniture and household items for the young adults aging out of the foster care system. We are more than just a clothing resource; we are a support to the foster care community.
1131 N. Laura St., 32206 | (904) 355-0000 freshministries.org | rvl@freshministries.com
Founder & CEO: Rev. Dr. Robert V. Lee III
Mission & Vision: Empowering communities through equal access to educational tools for children, health initiatives, and enhanced economic opportunities through small business support and career training, all designed to eradicate poverty and improve quality of life.
645 Oak St., 32204 | (904) 355-7584 fridaymusicale.com | rentals@fridaymusicale.com
Executive Director: Daniel Stark
Mission & Vision: Historic Friday Musicale provides free classical, jazz, and world music concerts; scholarships to talented young musicians; and community outreach to local schools and nonprofit partners. Venue rentals for civic, social, and charitable events available.
c/o Animal Care and Protective Services, 2020 Forest St., 32204 friendsofjaxanimals.com
President - Executive Committee: Alicia Strayer
Mission & Vision: Friends of Jacksonville Animals works directly with Jacksonville’s Animal Care and Protective Services to benefit the lives of shelter animals by focusing on fundraising to assist with medical care, enrich the shelter environment, and promote adoptions to reduce euthanasia.
214 N. Hogan St., Ste. 114, 32202 | (904) 515-5098 jamesweldonjohnsonpark.org | LizMcCoy@jwjpark.org
Executive Director: Liz McCoy
Mission & Vision: Friends of James Weldon Johnson Park seeks to transform Jacksonville’s oldest public park into a modern, urban space that engages diverse communities and restores vitality to our city’s public square. Our newly re-named park aims to live up to its namesake, a pioneer in Civil Rights, to create a space where “every voice in harmony” can enjoy.
830 A1A N., Ste. 13, #187, Ponte Vedra Beach, 32082 | (904) 373-0737 championsforhopegolf.com | info@championsforhopegolf.com
Director: Judith Zitiello
Mission & Vision: The Funk-Zitiello Foundation seeks to help the community by taking the challenges of individuals and turning them into initiatives that can provide hope and funding to those dealing with extraordinary obstacles.
4599 Worrall Way, 32224 | (904) 821-8995 gabrielhouseofcare.org | vcallahan@gabrielhoc.org
Executive Director: Valerie Callahan
Mission & Vision: To provide affordable, temporary lodging in a “community of healing” environment for adult organ transplant and cancer patients and their caregivers who come to Jacksonville for medical treatment.
1005 Riverside Ave., 32204 | (904) 355-4224 gardenclubjax.org | info@gardenclubjax.org
Executive Director: Denise Reagan
Mission & Vision: The Garden Club of Jacksonville is dedicated to education, beautification, and conservation citywide with gardening projects at The Jacksonville Zoo and Gardens, the Jacksonville Arboretum and Gardens, Tree Hill, and The St. Johns Riverkeeper.
555 Stockton St., 32204 | (904) 387-4661 | gatewaycommunity.com
President & CEO: Candace Hodgkins, Ph.D., LMHC
Mission & Vision: Gateway Community Services helps deliver effective treatment and recovery services based on proven steps to help people suffering from alcoholism, drug addiction and related mental health issues.
100 Festival Park Ave., 32202 | (904) 731-9933 girlsincjax.org | ahoward@girlsincjax.org
Interim President & CEO: Alexis Howard
Mission & Vision: Girls Incorporated works to inspire all girls to be strong, smart and bold by being a leading advocacy organization dedicated to extending girls’ voices, issues, and concerns to policy makers, corporations, and the media.
The mission of Greenwood school is to provide a challenging and supportive education to middle and high school students with learning differences through adaptive, multisensory instruction and a positive environment. Greenwood always strives to enhance areas of their curriculum to best serve their students. Last year, their Annual Fund was dedicated to funding Arts in the Curriculum and has been a resounding success.
Greenwood School now has a Thespian Troup: a group of theater students who travel to compete. Thespians not only involve acting, but also offer competition in the areas of set design, make-up design and directing. In their first competition, nine students achieved “Excellent” scores, which makes them eligible for state competition. Their teacher and mentor, Zach Rivera, notes the change he has seen in the students in such a short amount of time: “I am extremely proud of these kids! They have all overcome massive anxiety and loads of people telling them they couldn’t and proved to the world and themselves that the only limitations they have are those they place upon themselves.” The students in the troupe are also aware of the change in themselves, as JJ explains, “In Troupe 10512, I’m able to express myself in ways I usually am not able to out in public.”
The confidence instilled in these students since the inception of the Thespian Troupe has been dramatic and has permeated other areas of their academic and personal lives. Students at Greenwood have often felt isolated or different; the goal is to provide them with a safe and nurturing environment which allows them to be successful and with Thespians a large group of students have already experienced that this year. As Mason, a senior in the troupe notes, "Don't live with the thoughts of others; choose your own path."
GREENWOOD SCHOOLGIRLS ON THE RUN 3986 Blvd. Center Dr., Ste. 102, 32207 | (904) 619-6763 gotrnefl.org | info@gotrnefl.org
Executive Director: Laura Lasko
Mission & Vision: To inspire girls to be joyful, healthy and confident using a fun, experience-based curriculum which creatively integrates running. The nonprofit envisions a world where every girl knows and activates her limitless potential and is free to boldly pursue her dreams.
GIRL SCOUTS OF GATEWAY COUNCIL 7077 Bonneval Rd., Ste. 420, 32216 | (877) 764-5237 girlscouts-gateway.org | customercare@girlscouts-gateway.org
Interim CEO: Mary Charles Mission & Vision: Girl Scouts of Gateway Council helps to build girls of courage, confidence, and character, who make the world a better place.
THE GIVING CLOSET PROJECT 13475 Atlantic Blvd., Unit 8, 32225 | (904) 226-3931 givingclosetproject.org | info@givingclosetproject.org
Founder & CEO: Jennifer Smith Mission & Vision: Our mission is to meet students’ basic needs, so they can build their confidence and self-worth, and have an opportunity for an overall better quality of life.
The Guardian ad Litem Foundation (GALF) has long been serving the vulnerable youth in the Duval, Clay and Nassau counties. Our mission is dedicated to helping abused, neglected and abandoned children through support of the Guardian ad Litem Office. Programming and funds are used to benefit children directly in various ways, including the Recruitment and Training of Guardian Volunteers so more child abuse victims can be represented in court; providing Normalcy Programming so that basic necessities are made available to youth; and through The Empowerment Scholarship.
GALF developed The Empowerment Scholarship to support those who are aging out of the foster care system and are seeking to rise above their circumstances by furthering their secondary education. These youth face unique challenges as they enter adulthood. Although some qualify for tuition and fee exemptions, there are many costs associated with post-secondary education that are not typically covered. The Empowerment Scholarship endowment helps bridge the gap for these young adults who are too old for the system and too young to support themselves.
Through the support of community partners and generous donors, GALF recently awarded Michelle Cherry with an Empowerment Scholarship for $5,000 to help her with her school meal plan and other living expenses while attending college.
Michelle exemplifies resilience and determination. She was in and out of the foster care system for seven years, finally adopted at age 16, and still managed to graduate high school a year early, just one month after turning 17. Michelle is currently a fulltime student at the University of South Florida and wowed The Empowerment Scholarship Committee with her drive, perseverance and touching essay.
“Giving up was never an option for me, no matter how much I wanted to. Something just kept telling me to hold on and that it gets better. I remind myself that there is more out there. More to do, more to see, more to experience," she said.
She is right. And GALF is THRILLED to help her take those next steps with The Empowerment Scholarship. To help others like Michelle reach their highest potential, please visit galfirstcoast.org.
GLEANERS DISPATCH, INC. 8207 103rd St., 32210 | (904) 777-6344 gleanersdispatch.org | gleaners4u@gmail.com
Founder & President: H. David Fountain Mission & Vision: To challenge hunger by bringing relief to people on fixed but inadequate incomes: senior citizens, disabled, single parents, the underemployed or unemployed between jobs.
GOODWILL INDUSTRIES OF NORTH FLORIDA 4527 Lenox Ave., 32205 | (904) 384-1361 goodwilljax.org
President & CEO: David Rey Mission & Vision: Goodwill Industries of North Florida is a local, not-for-profit organization that removes barriers to employment through training, education, and career opportunities for the communities we serve. Turning your donated items into career opportunities and contributing to a better community. That’s the power of Goodwill.
GRACE MINISTRY OF HELPING HANDS 1620 Naldo Ave., 32207 | 904-885-5989 graceministriesjax.org | love@graceministriesjax.org
Co-Founder: Kathleen Jackson Mission & Vision: Grace Ministry of Helping Hands of Jacksonville, Florida, is a graddroots, hands-on program that rescues women on the streets and provides intervention for women recently released from jails and prisons throughout Florida. These women are in the grips of alcoholism, drug addiction and the sex trade, but we share the love of Christ to give them hope and freedom.
P.O. Box 108, Bldg. 1050, NAS Jacksonville, 32212 | (904) 778-2821 jaxuso.org | rfitzgerald@uso.org
Center Manager: Ryan Fitzgerald
Mission & Vision: The Greater Jacksonville Area USO provides more than $1 million annually in services through a wide variety of programs and is the channel for community participation during every war effort and in peacetime.
GREENSCAPE OF JACKSONVILLE, INC. 1468 Hendricks Ave., 32207 | (904) 398-5757 greenscapeofjax.org | lisagrubba@greenscapeofjax.org
Executive Director: Lisa Grubba
Mission & Vision: Greenscape plants, protects and promotes trees with community volunteers. Come plant with us!
9920 Regency Square Blvd., 32225 | (904) 726-5000 greenwoodjax.org | jherman@greenwoodjax.org
Head of School: Jacqueline Herman
Mission & Vision: The Greenwood School’s Mission is to provide a challenging and supportive education to middle and high school students with learning differences. Through adaptive, multisensory instruction and a positive environment, students develop the knowledge and skills necessary to achieve their highest potential in the classroom and beyond.
2600 5th St. W, 32254 | (904) 389-6034 greyhoundpetsjax.org | gap@bestbetjax.com
Mission & Vision: We intend to be a safety net for all greyhounds in the northeast Florida area.
P.O. Box 13295, 32206 | (904) 598-5664 groundworkjacksonville.org | info@Groundworkjacksonville.org
Chief Executive Officer: Kay Ehas
Mission & Vision: Groundwork Jacksonville’s mission is to bring about the sustained regeneration, improvement and management of the physical environment by developing community-based partnerships which empower people, businesses and organizations to promote environmental, economic and social well-being.
P.O. Box 10198, 32247 | (904) 512-6084 galfirstcoast.org | info@GALFirstCoast.org
Board Chair: Felecia Walker
Mission & Vision: The Guardian ad Litem Foundation is dedicated to helping abused, neglected and abandoned children. Programming and funds benefit children directly in various ways, including the recruitment and training of Guardian ad Litem volunteers so more child abuse victims can be represented in court; providing normalcy programming so that basic necessities are made available to children, and through The Empowerment Scholarship, providing support to youth seeking to rise above their circumstances by furthering their secondary education.
4920 Brentwood Ave., 32206 | (904) 765-1920 guardiancatholic.com
Head of School: Sr. Dianne Rumschlag, S.N.D.
Mission & Vision: Our mission is to help students attain their potential through high quality Catholic education in a Christ-centered environment that inspires each of us to think, learn, achieve, pray and serve our communities.
2404 Hubbard St., 32206 | (904) 798-4529 habijax.org | mwalker@habijax.org
President & CEO: Monte Walker
Mission & Vision: Seeking to put God’s love into action, Habitat for Humanity brings people together to build homes, communities and hope so that the world might become a place where everyone has a decent residence to live.
7235 Bentley Rd., #108, 32256 | (904) 861-2799 hartfelt.org | info@hartfelt.org
President/Executive Director: Kelly Moorman Coggins
Mission & Vision: Our vision is a community where frail seniors no longer fear where and how they age.
9143 Philips Hwy., Ste. 480, 32256 | (877) 379-6270 beyourhaven.org
President: Pauline Taylor, RN, MHA
Mission & Vision: Honoring life by providing comfort, care and compassion to individuals and families we serve. Haven is the choice for end-of-life and advanced illness care.
It’s late Monday afternoon in early December and Carrisa Iszard is taking a break from studying for her exams. She’s now a junior at the Florida State University (FSU), majoring in Criminal Justice and already preparing to take her LSATs to attend law school with a plan to focus on immigration or family law.
Iszard attended Guardian Catholic School for her entire elementary school career — first thru eighth grade — before attending and graduating cum laude from Episcopal School of Jacksonville (ESJ) as a Townsend Scholar, “named in honor of Guardian Board Member and past Board Chairman Ron Townsend, whose hard work and leadership have been invaluable to the Guardian Schools for over a decade.”
She began her college career at FSU in 2020 with a Bright Futures Scholarship.
“It means the world because I don’t — I will graduate my undergraduate degree with no debt and that’s an amazing thing…,” she said. “I just know I won’t have to struggle with that right now. That takes so much weight off of me.”
Iszard’s grandmother, Bobbi, helped raise her when her parents were unable to and it wasn’t long after that Iszard fostered a love of reading at Guardian Catholic, which she credits as “foundational to her academic success.” Her high school career is filled with honors and awards, including the National Honors Society and culminating in the Bright Futures Scholarship.
“Without the foundations of Guardian, I do not know where I would be today,” she added. “Schools like Guardian are needed desperately in low economic neighborhoods and communities of color because they push their students to be the best they can be.”
GUARDIAN CATHOLICP.O. Box 140, Ponte Vedra Beach, 32004 | (904) 716-4198 healautismnow.org | info@healautismnow.org
Founder: Leslie Weed
Mission & Vision: Inspiring, educating, and funding services for those affected by autism in our community.
HEARING LOSS ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA — JACKSONVILLE CHAPTER 11250 Old St. Augustine Rd., Ste. 15123, 32257 | (904) 631-6357 hla-jax.org | judygmartin@gmail.com
Chapter President: Tom Logue Mission & Vision: The mission of HLAA is to open the world of communication to people with hearing loss by providing information, education, support and advocacy.
HEART FOR CHILDREN INC. 1429 Winthrop St., 32206 | (904) 993-8749 heartforchildreninc.com | brinsonj66@gmail.com
HEALING HEARTS PROJECT 5454 Normandy Blvd., 32205 | (904) 314-0533 thehealingheartsproject.org | joy@thehealingheartsproject.org
President: Joy Parman
Mission & Vision: To provide ongoing support and services to families and patients as they face the challenges of congenital heart defects.
3800 Joe Ashton Rd., St. Augustine, 32092 | (904) 834-2938 healthyunow.org
Founder & President: Dr. Julie Buckley
Mission & Vision: The HealthyUNow Foundation recognizes autism as an environmentally induced medical illness. Its mission is to develop virtual and physical communities that support the treatment of autism for individuals and their families in a Healthy Living* environment. We believe that children on the autism spectrum are the “canaries in the coal mine” (highly sensitive to the environment). They need safe havens that provide comprehensive services for them and their families. *Healthy Living — sustainably built using materials that minimize exposure to substances that can be detrimental to health.
Founder & CEO: Joyce Brinson Mission & Vision: Heart for Children is a family-oriented organization that teaches the importance of education and team building. One of HFC’s many goals is for children to grow into productive adults who will one day positively give back to their communities.
HELPING WIN (WOMEN IN NEED), INC. 4940 Emerson St., Ste. 107, 32207 | (904) 831-6046 helpingwinnefl.org | gwen@helpingWINnefl.org
Founder/Executive Director: Gwen Gallagher-Howard Mission & Vision: Helping WIN is a nonprofit founded to provide emergency cash assistance to women battling poverty through partner agencies in Northeast Florida.
HENDERSON HAVEN 772 Foxridge Center Dr., Orange Park, 32065 | (904) 264-2522 hendersonhaven.org | info@hendersonhaven.org
Founders: Lee and Sherri Henderson Mission & Vision: To protect and support the inherent rights of all people, including those who are developmentally disabled, to choose where and with whom they work, live and play.
10700 Beach Blvd., Unit 17807, 32245 | (904) 513-0203 hersong.org | info@hersongjax.org
Founder: Rachel White
Mission & Vision: Her Song is interrupting the cycle of human trafficking and leading the exploited to freedom through survivor care, victim outreach, and education. Her Song envisions a world where every girl is free.
9801-12 Baymeadows Rd., PMD #148, 32256 | (904) 333-9448 hopeforabetterlife.com
President: Dr. Mary Pentel
Mission & Vision: Hope for a Better Life, Inc. is dedicated to improving the quality of life for socially and economically disadvantaged children and adults in Northeast Florida by focusing on a different local nonprofit each year to promote its mission, raise awareness and funds.
4600 Beach Blvd., 32207 | (904) 346-5100 hope-haven.org | info@hope-haven.org
CEO: Stella Johnson
Mission & Vision: Hope Haven provides excellence in educational, psychological and related therapeutic services for children, families and young adults with special needs.
12561 Philips Hwy., Cottage #10C, 32256 | (904) 343-5554 hotelforsquirrels.org
General Manager: Desiree
Mission & Vision: We care for and rehabilitate orphaned and injured wild and exotic animals.
P.O. Box 4909, 32257 | (904) 354-0076 hubbardhouse.org | development@hubbardhouse.org
CEO: Dr. Gail A. Patin
Mission & Vision: The mission of Hubbard House is safety, empowerment and social change for victims of domestic violence and their families.
230 Canal Blvd., Ste. 2, Ponte Vedra Beach, 32082 | (507) 259-2726 hugsfromhunter.org | hugsfromhunter@gmail.com
Founder: Laurie K. Hodges
Mission & Vision: To heal hearts by serving those in need in the community.
5285 St. Ambrose Church Rd., Elkton, 32033 | (904) 692-1777 hawkewildlife.org | helphawke@windstream.net
Contact: Melanie Cain-Stage
Mission & Vision: Hawke is a not for profit organization licensed by the State of Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission and the Federal US Fish and Wildlife Service to rehabilitate injured and orphaned wild birds, mammals, and reptiles including endangered species. They also have special permits to possess permanent wildlife for educational programs. These birds and animals can not be released back to the wild.
4446-1A Hendricks Ave., Ste. 310, 33207 humbleharvestministries.weebly.com | loriaibach@gmail.com
Leaders: Lori and BJ Ibach
Mission & Vision: The goal of this annual outreach is to continue to give, in Jesus’s name, to those in need in our communities, through a super-size, free garage sale.
Amelia had a hard time fitting into traditional school settings. Her inability to focus and complete tasks left her frustrated and acting out. Her parents were overwhelmed, trying to find the right fit. Amelia loved kids, and had dreams of becoming a teacher. But she lost hope, due to her circumstances.
In fall 2020, Amelia’s parents brought her to Hope Haven’s Hope Academy, after several unsuccessful attempts at education. Amelia had no idea she had just found the right school. When the Hope Academy team learned of her dream, they assured her that her dream could become her reality. In 2021, she was given an opportunity to complete a work-based learning experience in Hope Haven’s Discovery School, a kindergarten readiness program.
With the children, Amelia wasn’t the same girl who struggled through challenges. She was a caring and compassionate assistant who genuinely loved interacting with the kids. The staff could see that the children brought her joy and a sense of purpose.
Once she’d completed her time at Discovery School, the hard work began. Anyone working in childcare in Florida must take and pass a 45-hour course. Amelia didn’t believe she could pass the coursework or the testing, with her previous challenges in school. But the Hope Academy team wasn’t about to let her quit on her dream.
By fall 2022, Amelia walked into Florida State College at Jacksonville with confidence from her study sessions with her co-teacher and her work-based learning. Amelia passed all of the courses and her exams! Amelia’s dream is about to become her reality. With this certification she can now officially work in childcare settings, enriching the lives of children daily. Her next goals are to receive her CPR/First Aid certification, and complete Hope Academy so that she can move into Employment Services with Hope Haven, and be placed in a permanent job in childcare.
Hope Haven can help bring dreams alive.
HOPE HAVENLutheran Social Services’ five direct services are all local flagships in their respective fields—none more so than LSS Refugee Services. In 2022, LSS resettled 384 refugees (a 500% increase over 2021); the majority, Afghans fleeing the Taliban takeover of their home country. LSS mounted a swift and efficient response to make sure our new neighbors received the tools and support needed to become self-sufficient in just 90 days.
Immediately on the heels of the Afghan crisis, Russia invaded Ukraine, setting off another wave of individuals seeking refuge in Northeast Florida. LSS ramped up further to meet the most pressing basic needs for an additional 557 Ukrainians, including food, clothing and shelter.
In addition to the 90-day resettlement process, LSS Refugee Services also assists refugees with finding employment, career laddering, youth tutoring and mentoring, and case management for those who require additional intensive support. As the region’s contract manager for comprehensive refugee services, LSS also engages partners Catholic Charities, Jacksonville Area Legal Aid, Beyond 90 and the Early Learning Coalition to provide other supportive services, including mental health and English instruction.
Welcoming refugees makes a statement that all people are worthy of dignity, and deserve to live and raise their families in a community free from fear, discrimination and oppression. And, it ensures that our community reflects the richness of cultures in our world. The people of Jacksonville really stepped up to help, and LSS is grateful to be part of such a warm and open-hearted community.
LSS Refugee Services and LSS’s other four in-house programs (hunger relief, HIV services, representative payee services and financial/career coaching) collectively served more than 32,000 individuals last year. Onsite community partners Vision is Priceless, CAN Community Health, JaxCareConnect and WeCare provided additional services, making the LSS campus a premier nonprofit service center in Northeast Florida.
2935 Dawn Rd., 32207 | (904) 374-5623 | hungerfight.org
Founder & CEO: Sherri Porter
Mission & Vision: Our Mission is to end hunger and illiteracy through the provision of nutritious meals to children, seniors, and families in need and ageappropriate books to preschoolers by engaging communities and mobilizing partners. Our vision is that all children and families will have access to food, book programs and the tools necessary to achieve success in future endeavors.
(904) 641-7984 | northernflorida.hdsa.org | hdsa_nfl@yahoo.com
Contact: Michal Biletzki
Mission & Vision: Our mission is to improve the lives of everyone affected by Huntington’s disease and their families.
I’M A STAR FOUNDATION 3909 Soutel Dr., 32208 | (904) 924-0756 imastarfoundation.org | bburney@imastarfoundation.org
Founder & Executive Director: Betty Burney
Mission & Vision: To empower youth to believe they are solution-oriented STARS (Smart Talented And Resilient Students) destined to change the world!
1720 Hamilton St., 32210 | (904) 388-7730 | innministry.org | innministry@bellsouth.net
Executive Director: Judith Newberg
Mission & Vision: The Inn Ministry promotes and encourages mothers to become spiritually, physically and mentally stable so they will be capable of providing a home for their children and to become productive members of society.
1625 Atlantic Blvd., 32207 | (904) 384-0775 inriverorocean.org | hello@inriverorocean.com
Founders: Gary and Terry Roberts
Mission & Vision: The nonprofit promotes the protection, restoration and rational management of all river and ocean resources, and supports environmental education through scholarships, conservation programs and fishing tournaments.
522 Third Street N., Jacksonville Beach, 32250 | (904) 372-0029 jaxinthepink.com | jeri@jaxinthepink.net
Founder & CEO: Jeri Millard
Mission & Vision: In the Pink is a nonprofit boutique and salon dedicated to helping women heal, cope and survive the effects of cancer– physically and emotionally.
New home coming soon! | (423) 518-3760 ext. 106 isaiah117house.com/floridahomes | danae.bunso@isaiah117house.com
Program Coordinator: Danae’ Bunso
Mission & Vision: Providing physical and emotional support in a safe and loving home for children awaiting foster care placement.
jacksonvillepanhellenic.org | JAPAGeneralInfo@gmail.com
President: Jayne Jett
Mission & Vision: Founded in 1914, the philanthropic association has a continuous history of supporting the greater Jacksonville community. Recognized for its achievements by the National Panhellenic Council, JAPA members have given over 25,000 volunteer service hours to help those in the community.
1445 Millcoe Rd., 32225 | (904) 318-4342 jacksonvillearboretum.org | info@jacksonvillearboretum.org
Executive Director: Dana Doody
Mission & Vision: The Jacksonville Arboretum & Gardens seeks to cultivate a unique environment for recreation, education and inspiration.
126 W. Adams St., 32202 | (904) 356-8371 jaxlegalaid.org | jim.kowalski@jaxlegalaid.org
President & CEO: James A. Kowalski, Jr. Mission & Vision: The Jacksonville Area Legal Aid works to assist our low-income neighbors in our community with civil legal problems.
P.O. Box 2973, 32203 | (904) 389-3857 | jasmyn.org | jasmyn@jasmyn.org
CEO: Cindy Watson
Mission & Vision: The Jacksonville Area Sexual Minority Youth Network works to support and empower lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and questioning (LGBTQ) youth by creating safe space, providing youth development services and bringing people and resources together to promote diversity and human rights.
JACKSONVILLE ARTISTS GUILD 4627 Glenwood Avenue, 32205 jacksonvilleartistsguild.org | jacksonvilleartistguild@gmail.com
President & Chair: Annelies Dykgraaf
Mission & Vision: The Jacksonville Artists Guild is dedicated to elevating artistic awareness and participation by artists through dynamic programs and exhibitions that enhance, encourage and promote the arts.
3 Independent Dr., 32202 | (904) 366-6633 | jaxchamberfoundation.org
President: Shamika Wright
Mission & Vision: The JAX Chamber Foundation serves Northeast Florida in funding workforce development, leadership and entrepreneurial education programs in support of long-term regional prosperity.
10131 Atlantic Blvd., 32225 | (904) 353-1636 jaxchildrenschorus.org | info@jaxchildrenschorus.org
President & Artistic Director: Darren Dailey
Mission & Vision: The mission of the Jacksonville Children’s Chorus is to provide a high-quality choral music education for children of diverse backgrounds, fostering teamwork, self-discipline, accomplishment and pride while filling an important cultural need in the community and sharing the beauty of the choral art form through artistically excellent performances.
North Florida School of Special Education sees endless possibilities for students with unique abilities. For Caleb Prewitt, he strives to become 1% better each day, like his mentor Chris Nikic, the first man with Down syndrome to complete an Ironman. Caleb’s goal is to complete an Olympic distance triathlon. He would be the youngest person with Down syndrome to finish one.
Becoming our best self is more than what we do with our unique gifts and abilities. It is about who we are when we strip away our accomplishments and accolades.
“Caleb is happy,” said Karen Prewitt, Caleb’s mom. “He has never been in a classroom where a teacher doesn’t want him, has never been bullied. North Florida School of Special Education is a big part of Caleb’s happiness.”
Happiness is born from peace within and peace with others. It blooms when we do what we love, with people we love. Happiness is a hallmark of North Florida School of Special Education.
For more information, visit www.NorthFloridaSchool.org
JACKSONVILLE CIVIC COUNCIL 31 W. Adams St., Ste. 204, 32202 | (904) 354-0530 jaxciviccouncil.com | jeanne@jaxciviccouncil.com
President & CEO: Jeanne Miller
Mission & Vision: To help resolve community issues by studying a problem, proposing one or more solutions, advocating for change, and providing resources and support.
THE JACKSONVILLE HISTORICAL SOCIETY 314 Palmetto St., 32202 | (904) 665-0064 | jaxhistory.org | info@jaxhistory.org
CEO: Alan J. Bliss
Mission & Vision: The mission of the Jacksonville Historical Society is to strengthen citizenship by engaging and educating Jacksonville’s people about their history, through preserving and sharing the evidence of the city’s past, and by advocating the value of historic preservation.
8464 Beach Blvd., 32216 | (904) 725-8766 jaxhumane.org | tscordo@jaxhumane.org
Contact: Theresa Scordo
Mission & Vision: The Jacksonville Humane Society’s mission is to provide care, comfort and compassion to pets in need while engaging the hearts, hands and minds of our community to end the killing of shelter animals.
1 TIAA Bank Field Dr., 32211 | (904) 633-5437 jaguars.com/community | racinep@nfl.jaguars.com
Senior Vice President: Peter Racine
Mission & Vision: The Jaguars Foundation and Community Impact Department are committed to uplifting the Northeast Florida community and beyond by providing economic and equal opportunity through programs that strengthen neighborhoods, and develop our youth. The Community Impact team at the Jaguars annually targets three key strategic areas of focus: neighborhood revitalization, youth development and NFL league-wide initiatives.
Jacksonville National Cemetery, 4083 Lannie Rd., 32218 | (954) 647-5123 jacksonvilleladies.org | linda.edell@yahoo.com
Chairwoman: Linda Edell
Mission & Vision: No veteran will be buried alone in the Jacksonville National Cemetery. The Jacksonville Ladies’ objective is to honor those who have served this nation; to assist, accompany and promote a sympathetic relationship with veterans and their families at the interment services as needed, and to be present when no family or friends are able to attend.
40 E. Adams St., Ste. 110, 32202 | (904) 356-7757 jaxpef.org | info@jaxpef.org
President: Rachael Tutwiler Fortune
Mission & Vision: We spark innovation, relationships, and resources to power the potential within and around our public schools to achieve excellent outcomes for all students. Our vision is that every student is inspired and prepared for success in college or a career and life.
303 N. Laura St., #334, 32202 | (904) 255-6192 jplfoundation.org | info@jplfoundation.org
Executive Director/CEO: Scott Evans Mission & Vision: The Jacksonville Public Library Foundation helps to strengthen the ability of the Jacksonville Public Library to serve as an educational and cultural resource for the community.
9000 Southside Blvd., Bldg. 900, 32256 | (904) 732-4343 JSAKIDS.org | mdunham@jsakids.org
Founder & Executive Director: Michelle Dunham
Mission & Vision: Jacksonville School for Autism (JSA) is dedicated to helping individuals with autism and their families by tapping into all available resources to provide “outside of the desk” thinking. With a focus on whole child development and individualized programs that encourage both family and community involvement, JSA is able to nurture each student to reach his/her full potential. Not just a place for learning, JSA creates an environment where relationships grow and lives are changed. EDUCATE. ENGAGE. INSPIRE.
P. O. Box 43512, 32203 | (904) 255-5445 jsca.org | jsca@coj.net
President: Kashi Oliver
Mission & Vision: The Jacksonville Sister Cities Association fosters and encourages mutual understanding, friendship and peace through cultural, economic, educational and professional exchanges between the people of Jacksonville and the people of our Sister and Friendship Cities.
1010 N. Davis St., Ste. 101, 32209 | (904) 355-3403 shcjax.org | ewasek@shcjax.org
President & CEO: Mike Howland
Mission & Vision: To provide the highest quality professional and compassionate care to all individuals in our community with speech, language, and/or hearing disorders, regardless of the ability to pay.
300 Water St., Ste. 200, 32202 | (904) 354-5479 | jaxsymphony.org
President & CEO: Steven Libman Mission & Vision: The Jacksonville Symphony’s mission is to enrich the human spirit through symphonic music.
JACKSONVILLE URBAN LEAGUE 903 W. Union St., 32204 | (904) 723-4007 | jaxul.org | info@jaxul.org
President & CEO: Dr. Richard Danford Jr. Mission & Vision: The Jacksonville Urban League works to assist African Americans and others to secure economic self-reliance, parity, power and civil rights.
370 Zoo Pkwy., 32218 | (904) 757-4463 | jacksonvillezoo.org | info@jacksonvillezoo.org
Executive Director: Jeff Ettling Mission & Vision: Inspiring discovery and appreciation of the earth’s wildlife through innovative experiences in a caring environment.
5000 U.S. Hwy. 17 S, Ste. 18 #344, Fleming Island, 32003 | (904) 874-7083 jaxhopeinc.org | support@jaxhopeinc.com President: Jennifer Otero Mission & Vision: Run to raise awareness. Fight the progression. Cure the disease.
1 Gator Bowl Blvd., 32202 | (904) 798-1700 jaxsports.com | members@jacksonvillesportscouncil.com
President & CEO: Greg McGarity Mission & Vision: The mission of JAXSPORTS is to enhance and positively impact the quality of life and community pride, along with generating economic impact and growth for Northeast Florida through professional and amateur sports. Our values and goals reflect this mission.
1351 Sprinkle Dr., 32211 | (904) 744-5110 | thejerichoschool.org | jerichoschool@yahoo.com
Executive Director: Angelo Martinez Mission & Vision: The mission of The Jericho School (non profit 501(c) 3 corporation) is to provide comprehensive, individualized science-based education not otherwise available in our community. We believe those children with autism and other developmental delays deserve the opportunity to reach their full potential. The school’s curriculum provides effective treatment and education programs to children and their families based on Applied Behavior Analysis and Verbal Behavior.
JESSIE BALL DUPONT FUND 40 E. Adams St., Ste. 300, 32202 | (904) 353-0890 | dupontfund.org | info@dupontfund.org
President: Mari Kuraishi
Mission & Vision: Our mission is to serve the communities that Jessie Ball duPont knew and loved. We envision a world in which every member of those communities feels they belong.
8505 San Jose Blvd., 32217 | (904) 730-2100 | jcajax.org
Executive Director: Adam Chaskin
Mission & Vision: The JCA strengthens Jewish life, serves as a common meeting ground, and enhances the quality of life of the entire community.
JEWISH FAMILY & COMMUNITY SERVICES 8540 Baycenter Rd., 32256 | (904) 448-1933 jfcsjax.org | crodriguez@jfcsjax.org
CEO: Colleen Rodriguez
Mission & Vision: To help people help themselves and serve all persons in a nondiscriminatory manner.
8505 San Jose Blvd., 32217 | (904) 448-5000 jewishjacksonville.org | info@jewishjacksonville.org
CEO: Mariam Feist
Mission & Vision: The Jewish Federation of Jacksonville is a fundraising organization supporting the local and global Jewish community funding local and overseas partner agencies; forging strong connections with Israel and helping Jews across the Diaspora; supporting fellow Jews in need; inspiring the next generation to embrace Jewish identity and value Jewish education, and providing programs and services designed to engage the local Jewish community.
100 Jim Moran Blvd., Deerfield Beach, 33442 | (954) 429-2122 jimmoranfoundation.org | information@jimmoranfoundation.org
Chairman/President: Jan Moran
Mission & Vision: The mission of The Jim Moran Foundation is to improve the quality of life for the youth and families of Florida through the support of innovative programs and opportunities that meet the ever-changing needs of the community.
5716 St. Augustine Rd., 32207 jimandtabithafurykfoundation.com | information@furykandfriends.com
Founders: Jim and Tabitha Furyk
Mission & Vision: To help families in need in Northeast Florida by providing food, shelter, educational, emotional and medical support through charitable partners in the community and through project specific funding generated through donations and the annual Constellation FURYK & FRIENDS presented by Circle K.
P.O. Box 58102, 32241 | (904) 384-8725 | jtcrunning.com | jtcrunningclub@gmail.com
Pace Center for Girls (Pace) provides free year-round middle and high school academics, case management, counseling and life skills development in a safe and supportive environment that recognizes past trauma and builds upon girls’ individual strengths. Girls come from all backgrounds, but throughout their time at Pace, we teach them to embrace growth and change while working to invest in their futures.
Like many girls, Kyra started virtual school during the pandemic but found it to be very challenging. Her grades were suffering, and she needed something different. Kyra shared, “When I found Pace, I knew things were going to change. The encouragement of the staff and the girls helped me learn more about myself and my family. My two younger sisters also attend Pace and I see how this environment is best for our family. My future is bright because I am becoming more mature and have the confidence to handle anything life might throw my way.”
Every day, Pace’s exceptional team of teachers, counselors and therapists work to create safe, inclusive spaces and help girls realize and harness their power. Seven out of 10 girls at Pace graduate from high school, pursue higher education or secure employment after the program, and nine out of 10 have experienced overall academic improvement.
When girls are offered the tools and support they need to succeed, a ripple effect occurs in our families and community. If you have a girl or young woman in your life, now is a great time to check in with her. Sometimes just asking a girl how she is doing can be an important step to prevention or to beginning a healing journey. To enroll a girl or learn more about life at Pace, visit pacecenter.org.
President: Lawrence H. Roberts
Mission & Vision: JTC Running is Northeast Florida’s preeminent promoter of healthy lifestyles through running, fitness, and fellowship. JTC Running is the creator and operator of the Gate River Run, which since 1978 has been one of the leading road races in the country. Its four different events encompass over 10,000 national and world class athletes, fitness runners, wheelchair athletes, walkers, and children.
JT TOWNSEND FOUNDATION, INC. 830 A1A N., Ste. 187, Ponte Vedra Beach, 32082 | (904) 373-0737 jttownsendfoundation.org | carmenjttf@gmail.com
Giving Committee: Carmen Townsend Mission & Vision: JTTF is dedicated to providing hope to the community of people living with disabilities by offering financial assistance for adaptive equipment and services that will improve their quality of life.
JUDY NICHOLSON KIDNEY CANCER FOUNDATION 5000 U.S. Hwy. 17 S, Ste. 18 #344, Fleming Island, 32003 | (904) 309-0502 jnfkidneycancer.org | thejudynicholsonfoundation@gmail.com
President: Linda Ostoski
Mission & Vision: The Judy Nicholson Kidney Cancer Foundation is fulfilling our “Celebration of Hope-Bringing the Hope to You!” in-depth educational symposiums and webinars to provide support and education to Kidney Cancer Patients and their caregivers.
JUNIOR ACHIEVEMENT OF NORTH FLORIDA 4049 Woodcock Dr., Ste. 200, 32207 | (904) 398-9944 northflorida.ja.org | shannon@janfl.org
President: Shannon Italia
Mission & Vision: Junior Achievement’s mission is to inspire and prepare young people to succeed. The inspiration piece comes from community volunteers who not only deliver our lessons, but share their experience. In the process, these volunteers serve as role models helping to positively impact young people’s perceptions about the importance of education, as well as critical life skills. Preparation involves our proven lessons that promote financial capability, work and career readiness, and business ownership.
2165 Park St., 32204 | (904) 387-9927 | jljacksonville.org | info@jljacksonville.org
President: Danielle Bush Stacy Mission & Vision: We are an organization of women committed to promoting voluntarism, developing the potential of women, and improving communities through the effective action and leadership of trained volunteers. Our purpose is exclusively educational and charitable.
1935 S. Lane Ave., Ste. 1, 32210 | (904) 783-6312 justicecoalition.org | info@justicecoalition.org
Executive Director: Jo-Lee Manning
Mission & Vision: To advocate for innocent victims of violent crime, educate victims about their rights in the justice system and work with law enforcement to make our communities safer.
1850 Lee Rd., Ste. 132, Winter Park, 32789 | (904) 386-2851 jdrf.org | cmorris@jdrf.org
Development Manager: Colleen Morris Mission & Vision: To improve lives today and tomorrow by accelerating life-changing breakthroughs to cure, prevent and treat type 1 diabetes and its complications.
114 Camp K9 Rd., Ponte Vedra Beach, 32081 | (904) 686-1956 k9sforwarriors.org | info@k9sforwarriors.org
CEO: Rory Diamond
Mission & Vision: Determined to end veteran suicide, K9s For Warriors provides highly-trained Service Dogs to military veterans suffering from PTSD, traumatic brain injury and/or military sexual trauma. With the majority of dogs coming from high-kill rescue shelters, this innovative program allows the Warrior/K9 team to build an unwavering bond that facilitates their collective healing and recovery.
281 McDuff Ave. S., 32254 | (904) 384-2111 kampkritter.com | kampkritters@aol.com
Executive Director: Sue Towler
Mission & Vision: Kamp Kritter Rescue Foundation is a non-profit sanctuary that focuses on the most medical needy and unadoptable dogs from local shelters or other rescues giving them specialized vet care and a warm safe place to recover and any socialization or training until they become adoptable or live out their remaining time with dignity in a loving environment.
135 Professional Dr., Ste. 102, Ponte Vedra Beach, 32082 | (904) 629-8300 kateamatofoundation.org | info@kateamatofoundation.org
Founders: Lisa and Jeff Amato
Mission & Vision: KAF is dedicated to funding pediatric cancer research to develop safer, smarter, and more effective treatments for children with cancer. Our vision is to advance the pace of progress, spare pain and suffering, and save young lives.
910 S. 8th St., Ste. 101, Fernandina Beach, 32034 | (904) 491-0811 katiecaples.org | info@katiecaples.org
Founder & Director: Susan Caples
Mission & Vision: The Katie Caples Foundation is committed to increasing the number of registered organ donors and eliminating the wait for those on the national transplant waiting list.
1726 Kingsley Ave., Orange Park, 32073 | (904) 278-5644 | kidsfirstofflorida.org
CEO: Elizabeth Franco
Mission & Vision: Kids First of Florida works to ensure the safety of children through a holistic approach designed to support the health and well-being of families in order to build a healthier community one family at a time.
2 Shircliff Way, 32204 | (904) 308-7546 ktacjax.com | ktacjax@ascension.org
Program Coordinator: Jenny Lehman Mission & Vision: Kids Together Against Cancer offers support for children whose parents are diagnosed with cancer.
700 Arlington Rd. N., 32211 | (904) 721-5992 larchejacksonville.org | amy@larchejacksonville.org
Community Leader: Amy Finn-Schultz Mission & Vision: We believe in creating an environment where people with intellectual and physical disabilities can share their gifts. We are affecting a positive change, transforming the lives of those who are open to receiving them. We celebrate the unique value of every person and recognize our need for one another.
40 E. Adams St., Ste. 230, 32202 | (904) 396-6263 leadershipjax.org | gracie@leadershipjax.org
CEO: Gracie Simendinger Mission & Vision: To educate, connect and inspire diverse leaders to build and strengthen their communities and to be the catalyst for vibrant, connected communities where diverse perspectives are valued and encouraged for the greater good.
THE LEUKEMIA & LYMPHOMA SOCIETY NORTH FLORIDA 3505-3507 E. Frontage Rd., Concourse Center III 145, Tampa, 33607 | 904-900-6702 lls.org/nofl | melanie.johnson@lls.org
Executive Director: Melanie Johnson Mission & Vision: To cure leukemia, lymphoma, Hodgkin’s disease and myeloma, and improve the quality of life of patients and their families.
LISC JACKSONVILLE 100 N. Laura St., Ste. 600, 32202 | (904) 353-1300 lisc.org/jacksonville | icohen@lisc.org
Executive Director: Dr. Irvin PeDro Cohen Mission & Vision: LISC Jacksonville is the leading nonprofit community development organization in the nation, focused on transforming challenged urban communities into neighborhoods of choice and opportunity—good places to work, do business and raise families.
LITERACY ALLIANCE OF NORTHEAST FLORIDA, INC. 40 E. Adams St., Ste. LL30, 32202 | (904) 238-9000 literacyallnefl.org | admin@literacyallnefl.org
CEO: Marcus Haile
Mission & Vision: The Literacy Alliance of Northeast Florida’s mission is to increase literacy awareness and improve adult literacy in northeast Florida through formal instruction and volunteer-based tutoring. Since beginning in 1969 as Learn to Read Jacksonville, the Literacy Alliance of Northeast Florida has provided free literacy instruction to adults seeking to improve their reading, writing and math skills.
LITERACY PROS OF JACKSONVILLE 118 E. Monroe St., 32202 | (904) 210-6677 literacyprosjacksonville.org | literacyprosjacksonville@gmail.com
President: Julia Henry-Wilson Mission & Vision: We are a nonprofit organization dedicated to enriching our community through the power of literacy.
“Mission accomplished!” said Tonya L’Bert, mother to now 10-year-old Jubilee, who participated in READ USA’s Spring 2022 Literacy Tutoring session at North Shore Elementary School while in the fourth-grade last year. “It is a really wellthought-out program that checks a lot of boxes, particularly for working parents. It’s that one-to-one, individualized attention the students receive that is worth its weight in gold,” she added when speaking about Jubilee’s participation and the structure of the Literacy Tutoring program. “I saw a definite increase in her confidence overall and across the board with all of her school subjects, and the READ USA program had a lot to do with that.”
Now in its third year, the READ USA Literacy Tutoring program pairs elementary school students at Duval County Public Schools (DCPS) with local high school students, who are paid a living wage for their services of daily, intensive, one-to-one tutoring focused on reading fluency, phonics, comprehension and writing skills. While participating elementary students have consistently shown marked improvement in literacy development, the teen tutors have also shown educational progress while learning important workforce development skills and introducing them to potential future careers in education. The program’s evidencebased outcomes have prompted READ USA and DCPS to expand this program to even more students and schools throughout the district.
“I’ve seen great progress in Jubilee’s reading comprehension and fluency, and just an overall increased enjoyment of reading! I find her reading on her own and taking a book with her when we run errands. It’s like a newfound love for reading,” said Tonya. “We enjoyed the results so much that we enrolled our other daughter, who’s in second grade, this fall.”
In describing how READ USA tutoring has impacted her as a parent, Tonya shared, “It’s really given me a sense of peace. Reading is the foundation and primary building block of their education, and reading comprehension is going to make a world of difference in her aptitude throughout life. It all starts with being a strong reader.”
P.O. Box 10432, 32247 | (904) 619-9071 live-for-today.org | mail@live-for-today.org
Founders: Todd Blake, Katie Pearsall, Kaitlyn Ash Mission & Vision: Our mission is to help young adults with cancer by providing dynamic opportunities, fostering community support, and promoting healthy living. Our vision is to inspire each young adult cancer patient and survivor to live every day to its fullest and create a community where they are in support of one another.
LSF DUVAL HEAD START — LUTHERAN SERVICES FLORIDA 3027 San Diego Dr., 32207 | (904) 423-8637 lsfnet.org/children-families/head-start/duval
Policy Council Chair: La’Tina Harris
Mission & Vision: Lutheran Services Florida serves to bring God’s healing, hope and help to people in need in the name of Jesus Christ.
LSF HEALTH SYSTEMS — LUTHERAN SERVICES FLORIDA 9428 Baymeadows Rd., Ste. 320, 32256 | (904) 900-1075 lsfhealthsystems.org
CEO: Dr. Christine Cauffield
Mission & Vision: Our mission is to devleop and sustain an network of holistic, innovative and evidence-based mental well-being programs. We envision communities where every child, adult and family has access to the behavioral health services they need to live well and be well.
LUTHERAN SOCIAL SERVICES OF NORTHEAST FLORIDA 4615 Philips Hwy., 32207 | (904) 448-5995 lssjax.org | contact@lssjax.org
President/CEO: Bill Brim
Mission & Vision: Guided and motivated by the compassion of Christ, we serve and care for people in need.
MAINSPRING ACADEMY 6700 Southpoint Pkwy., Ste. 400, 32216 | (904) 503-0344 mainspringacademy.org | dparisi@mainspringacademy.org
Head of School: Dina Parisi
Mission & Vision: Our mission is to provide quality, individualized education in a safe learning environment where children with intellectual and developmental differences can thrive.
MAKE-A-WISH® CENTRAL AND NORTHERN FLORIDA, NORTHEAST REGION 3938 Sunbeam Rd., Ste. 3, 32257 | (904) 580-5906 wish.org/cnfl | acuba@cnfl.wish.org
President & CEO: Anne Cuba
Mission & Vision: Make-A-Wish wants each wish experience to be a gamechanger for a child with a life-threatening medical condition. The foundation endeavors to be creative in exceeding the expectations of every wish-kid and to make donated resources go as far as possible.
MALIVAI WASHINGTON YOUTH FOUNDATION 1055 W. 6th St., 32209 | (904) 359-5437 malwashington.com | champion@malwashington.com
Executive Director/CEO: Terri Florio
Mission & Vision: To develop champions in classrooms, on tennis courts and throughout the community. Our vision is that the young people in our programs will be provided with the resources to rise to their full potential and become contributing members of society.
11964 Mandarin Rd., 32223 | (904) 268-0784 | mandarinmuseum.net
President: Dr. Patrick Plumlee
Mission & Vision: The Mandarin Museum & Historical Society shares the stories of Mandarin’s history, culture and natural resources by providing engaging programs that educate, entertain and inspire.
4040 Woodcock Dr., Ste. 147, 32207 | (904) 398-2821 marchofdimes.org | askus@marchofdimes.org
Executive Director: Jill Harrington
Mission & Vision: March of Dimes is a United States nonprofit organization that works to improve the health of mothers and babies by preventing birth defects, premature birth and infant mortality.
819 Park St., 32204 | (904) 355-5491 margaretsmemories.org | margaretsmemories@hotmail.com
Founder: Nicole Remo
Mission & Vision: Margaret’s Memories is a standing mission project of the Riverside Park United Methodist Church and makes Bereavement Memory Boxes for parents who lose a child to miscarriage, stillbirth, or death shortly after birth. The boxes are donated to local hospitals in Jacksonville, Florida.
11747 Greenland Oaks Dr., 32258 | (904) 334-5892 masonsvoiceforsb.org | masonsvoice@yahoo.com
Founders: Baylee and Louis Joseph
Mission & Vision: We are committed to bringing awareness to Spina Bifida, specifically surrounding the diagnosis in utero. Our story will become another family’s reality, and through our platform, we will support and educate families moving forward. The money raised will be sent to a family that will be making their journey to CHOP, just like we did.
331 1st. Ave. N, Jacksonville Beach, 32250 | (904) 853-5154 mayportcats.com | mayportcats@yahoo.com
Mission & Vision: Our purpose is to educate the public about feral cats and the overpopulation problem that exists. Our goal is to promote spay and neuter programs for a healthier, more stable population and provide an example that a functioning TNR program does work.
P.O. Box 2529, Ponte Vedra Beach, 32004 | (904) 992-0124 caregivegrow.org | info@caregivegrow.org
Foundation Director: Adrian Gibbs
Mission & Vision: Our mission is to help youth recognize their full potential by providing programs that encourage caring for others, giving to those in need, and growing in their own spirituality. The Foundation is dedicated to empowering young people to discover their purpose in an increasingly complex and challenging world.
1650-302 Margaret St., Ste. 322, 32204 | (904) 610-9212 memparkjax.org | pemmet@memparkjax.org
Board President: Patrick Emmet
Mission & Vision: The Memorial Park Association’s mission is to preserve, enhance and promote Memorial Park as the premier historic city park in Jacksonville.
P.O. Box 8626, 32239 | (904) 745-3393 meninak.org | wbenwick@meninak.org
President: Wes Benwick
Mission & Vision: The Meninak Club is dedicated to the overall betterment of the spiritual, cultural and social attributes of Jacksonville.
The Salvation Army’s Towers Center of Hope offers transitional housing to individuals who find themselves homeless with no place to go. On January 15, 2019, a young man came to the shelter seeking help after both his grandmother and mother had both recently passed away. He had been their caregiver for several years but due to their passing he found himself in a place many do, with nowhere to call home.
Because of the rental and housing crisis, the Towers Center of Hope became his only available option. We worked to help him obtain employment and begin the journey to become independent again. During our assessments, we became aware that he struggled with mental illness and in order to help him find employment and be able to maintain it, he was going to need care. After obtaining the mental health attention he needed, he was able to find a job. During this time, we were able to work with this young man to help him learn how to budget his finances, maintain a professional job and begin to become a productive member in this community.
The search for affordable housing can be very difficult and even more so for individuals that do not have a high income. In today’s economy a studio apt. averages $800-$1000 a month. That is difficult for someone single and making minimum wage. We encouraged this young man to keep saving, keep praying and eventually something would become available. He remained steadfast and continued to work with his case manager.
In 2022, Emergency Housing Vouchers became available through CARES Act funding. These vouchers would allow for those that are extremely low income to be able to achieve housing. Our young man qualified and once the voucher was in hand, together, we began the process of looking at housing. In October 2022, we were so filled with joy to announce we were able to find a lovely apartment for our friend. He was so excited to finally have his own place to call home and be independent again. Here at The Towers Center of Hope, it is our privilege to instill hope in all our participants, help them achieve permanent housing and regain their independence.
P.O. Box 65160, Orange Park, 32065 | (904) 297-4052 mercysupportservices.org | info@mercysupportservices.org
Executive Director and CEO: R. Patrick Hayle
Mission & Vision: Mercy Support Services is a Christ-centered organization that serves the people of Clay County who are circumstantially in need by providing services that guide them to self-sufficiency through an active network of compassionate-hearted people and organizations.
7915 Herlong Rd., 32210 | (904) 783-1681 methodistchildrensvillage.com | paternovillage@bellsouth.net
Executive Director: Kelly Paterno
Mission & Vision: The Methodist Children’s Village works to enhance the quality of young children’s lives through nurturing, early intervention, and developmentally based education.
P.O. Box 16287, Fernandina Beach, 32035 | (904) 491-6364 micahsplace.org | info@micahsplace.org
Executive Director: Heather Jones
Mission & Vision: Micah’s Place’s mission is to provide safety and support for individuals who have experienced domestic violence, and to raise awareness regarding its cause, prevalence and impact.
1 Bunker Ave., Green Cove Springs, 32043 | (904) 863-3527 themilitarymuseumofnorthflorida.com | militarymuseumnf@aol.com
Mission & Vision: The Military Museum of North Florida honors all service men and women from every branch of the service.
800 Shetter Ave., Jacksonville Beach, 32250 | (904) 241-6767 missionhousejax.org | info@missionhousejax.org
Executive Director: Carina Saladino
Mission & Vision: To provide housing assistance, health care and supportive services, including food, clothing and case management that inspires hope and rebuilds lives.
MONIQUE BURR FOUNDATION FOR CHILDREN (MBF) 7807 Baymeadows Rd. E., Ste. 202, 32256 | (904) 642-0210 mbfpreventioneducation.org | info@mbfpreventioneducation.org
CEO: Tanya Ramos Puig
Mission & Vision: The Monique Burr Foundation works to make a positive impact on the community at large, to create change in a family’s life for the better, and to give hope in the life of a child by providing bullying and child abuse prevention safety education that is relevant to issues facing children today, including all forms of abuse, neglect, bullying, and internet safety.
MORNING STAR SCHOOL 725 Mickler Rd., 32211 | (904) 721-2144 morningstar-jax.org | principal@morningstar-jax.org
Principal: Elaine Shott
Mission & Vision: Rooted in the Gospel and Strengthened by the Sacraments, the Mission of Morning Star School is to provide a unique, inspiring education empowering students with learning differences to achieve their full potential. Morning Star is fully accredited by the Florida Catholic Conference. Morning Star is the only special education school in the Diocese of St. Augustine. All faculty are certified in special education.
MURRAY HILL THEATRE 932 Edgewood Ave. S., 32205 | (904) 388-3179 murrayhilltheatre.com | info@mhtrocks.com
Founder/President: Tony Nasrallah
Mission & Vision: Murray Hill Theatre, operated by a non-profit organization established in 1995, is an alcohol-free, drug-free, smoke-free, all-ages music venue that showcases faith-based and positive live music and events. Our goal is to have a positive influence on others through music and relationships.
The Power of Giving. Thank you for making a difference.
The CSI Gives Back initiative benefits our First Coast Children. From helping us donate clothing, food, shelter, and school supplies to making dreams come true, your contributions directly impact the lives of those in need.
Health issues caused Army veteran Paul (pseudonym) to lose his job. He sold his vehicles and most belongings to pay for his medical bills and medications instead of paying for food and rent — tough choices faced by many in need across Northeast Florida.
Without hope and facing eviction, a call to United Way 211 put Paul in contact with Mission United, United Way of Northeast Florida’s care coordination initiative for active-duty military, veterans and their families.
A dedicated Mission United care coordinator connected Paul — with his camper and beloved dog — to a donated campsite with electricity. He is now also receiving employment assistance, food and mental health care that will help him on the path to financial stability.
Founded in 2019, Mission United in Northeast Florida is a community network connecting veterans and their families to critical health, human and social services through case management. Mission United is designed, developed and delivered in partnership with local veterans and organizations that serve them. Together, we’re responding to the unique needs of Northeast Florida active-duty military, veterans like Paul and their families while making it easier for them to access available services and resources.
To learn more about Mission United, including impact results and how you can support this initiative, visit unitedwaynefl.org/ mission-united or contact Mission United Director Joe Snowberger at joes@uwnefl.org.
6196 Lake Gray Blvd., Ste. 105, 32244 | (904) 296-7434 | mda.org
Executive Director: Lauren Herringdine
Mission & Vision: The Muscular Dystrophy Association works to save and improve lives of people fighting muscle disease.
MUSEUM OF SCIENCE AND HISTORY (MOSH) 1025 Museum Circle, 32207 | (904) 396-6674 | themosh.org | development@themosh.org
CEO: Bruce Fafard
Mission & Vision: Jacksonville’s Museum of Science and History makes science, history and innovation accessible for all. We inspire the joy of lifelong learning by bringing to life the sciences and regional history.
NASSAU COUNTY ANIMAL SERVICES & ADOPTIONS 86078 License Rd., Fernandina Beach, 32034 | (904) 530-6150 nassaucountyfl.com/845/Animal-Services | animalservices@nassaucountyfl.com
Mission & Vision: Nassau County Animal Care and Control promotes and protects public safety and animal care through sheltering, adoption programs, education and animal law enforcement. Our philosophy is to promote responsible pet ownership, compassion towards animals and safe human-animal interactions.
NASSAU HUMANE SOCIETY 639 Airport Rd., Fernandina Beach, 32034 | (904) 321-1647 nassauhumane.org | smiller@nassauhumane.org
Executive Director: Stephanie Miller
Mission & Vision: Nassau Humane Society is dedicated to the humane treatment of all animals; to alleviate their suffering and neglect, to support the human-animal bond, and to foster an environment in which people respect all living creatures.
NATIONAL BRAIN TUMOR SOCIETY 55 Chapel St., Ste. 200, Newton, MA, 02458 | (617) 924-9997 braintumor.org | partnerships@braintumor.org
CEO: David F. Arons, JD
Mission & Vision: National Brain Tumor Society (NBTS) unrelentingly invests in, mobilizes, and unites our community to discover a cure, deliver effective treatments, and advocate for patients and care partners.
NATIONAL MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS SOCIETY NORTH FLORIDA 8940 Western Way, Ste. 16, 32256 | 800-344-4867 nationalmssociety.org/Chapters/FLN
President: Heidi Katz
Mission & Vision: We will cure MS while empowering people affected by MS to live their best lives. Our vision is a World Free of MS.
NEMOURS CHILDREN’S HEALTH 10140 Centurion Pkwy. N., 32256 | (904) 697-4103 | nemours.org | giving@nemours.org
Chief Development Officer: Jim Digan
Mission & Vision: Nemours is committed to improving the health of children.
NEUROSURGERY OUTREACH FOUNDATION, INC. 3545 St. Johns Bluff Rd. S., Ste. 118, 32224 | (866) 735-9536 neurosurgeryoutreach.org | info@neurosurgeryoutreach.org
Founders: Dr. Philipp and Carmina Aldana
Mission & Vision: The Neurosurgery Outreach Foundation, Inc. is an all-volunteer nonprofit organization with the mission to advance neurosurgical care in underserved communities through service, education and support.
3311 Beach Blvd., 32207 | (904) 396-1462 newheightsnefl.org | AdultServices@newheightsnefl.org
President/CEO: Sue Driscoll
Mission & Vision: Formerly Cerebral Palsy of Northeast Florida, New Heights works to enrich the lives of persons with disabilities and their families and empower their independence and lifelong growth through quality services.
40 E. Adams St., Ste. 100, 32202 | (904) 425-1182 nonprofitctr.org | admin@NonprofitCtr.org
CEO: Rena Coughlin
Mission & Vision: The Nonprofit Center of N.E. Florida connects, strengthens, and advocates for nonprofits, creating a more vibrant Northeast Florida.
843 W. Monroe St., 32202 | (904) 479-1967 nflt.org | info@nflt.org
Interim President: Rev. Cn. Alllison Defoor
Mission & Vision: North Floridians feel more connected to and have a stronger appreciation for our unique native environment. The North Florida Land Trust implements collaborative approaches for long-term solutions commensurate with rapid growth. By protecting more of North Florida’s farms, forests, and natural areas, we maintain traditions, enhance lives, and sustain our expanding communities.
223 Mill Creek Rd., 32211 | (904) 724-8323 northfloridaschool.org | info@northfloridaschool.org
Head of School: Sally Hazelip
Mission & Vision: The mission of North Florida School of Special Education is to discover and foster each student’s unique abilities revealing their highest potential within an engaged community.
2715 Oak St., 32205 | (904) 356-1612 nfanjax.org
Executive Director: Donna Fuchs
Mission & Vision: Northeast Florida AIDS Network provides compassionate leadership, services, and advocacy in meeting the prevention, health, spiritual, and social needs of individuals, families, and communities.
7801 Deercreek Club Rd., 32256 | (904) 394-9132 nefarcharitablefoundation.org
CEO: Glenn East
Mission & Vision: With a vision to be the charity of choice for real estate professionals, the mission is to serve as an advocate and resource for local nonprofit communities in Northeast Florida.
751 Oak St., Suite 610, 32204 | (904) 723-5422 nefhealthystart.org | fjohnson@nefhsc.org
CEO: Faye Johnson
Mission & Vision: The Healthy Start Coalition leads a cooperative community effort to reduce infant mortality and improve the health of children, childbearing women and their families in Northeast Florida.
Every great city has a great park. For Jacksonville, that is
Florida’s World War I Memorial
Designed by the famed Olmsted Brothers and dedicated on December 25, 1924, Memorial Park is the only park in the state dedicated to all Floridians who lost their lives having served in World War I. Listed on the National Register of Historic Places, the park is also a WWI Centennial Memorial as designated by the United States World War One Centennial Commission.
Memorial Park Association (MPA) is a nonprofit organization working since 1986 to enhance, promote and preserve Memorial Park—the premier historic park in Jacksonville and a vibrant destination for the community and visitors alike.
103 Century 21 Dr., Ste. 201, 32216 | (904) 862-6039 forwomenvets.org | info@forwomenvets.org
President: Deloris Moton Quaranta
Mission & Vision: Northeast Florida Women Veterans, Inc. is focused on ensuring women who have served on active duty, National Guard or Reserves and their children, transition into the civilian community with the tools they need to become self-sufficient. We operate a resource center to provide support and career services to women veterans, plan and participate in community events to encourage women veterans to get involved and reintegrate into the community, and advocate for and promote community awareness of their challenges and accomplishments at the local, state and national level, ensuring each has a voice.
Today MPA is implementing a master plan to restore the park to the former grandeur of its original landscape design. In partnership with the City and through private donations, MPA carries out projects and beautification not covered in the City’s budget. Your gifts for current initiatives and for the Memorial Park Association Endowment at The Community Foundation for Northeast Florida enhance our city and make Memorial Park the park to visit, enjoy and play.
Memorial Park is located at 1620 Riverside Avenue, Jacksonville, FL 32204
(BetweenMargaretStreetandMemorialParkDriveinRiverside nearthe5PointsareaofJacksonville.)
Learn more about Memorial Park and Memorial Park Association by visiting www.MemParkJax.org
1354 N. Laura St., 32206 | (904) 530-1596 NorthsideCoalitionOfJacksonville.com
President and Founder: Ben Frazier
Mission & Vision: Since 2016, they’ve been working with elected officials, law enforcement, business professionals and religious fellowships as advocates to empower, educate and organize communities to establish greater self-sufficiency. They focus on improving social, racial and economic injustice, particularly for minority youngsters and the elderly.
1650 Margaret St., Ste. 302, PMB 137, 32204 | (904) 419-7387
Founder: Erik Stordahl
Mission & Vision: The Old Dog House is Northeast Florida’s first nonprofit dedicated to giving older and senior dogs a chance at living out their lives in dignity.
112 W. Adams St. 4th Floor, 32202 | (904) 620-1529 onejax.org | onejax@unf.edu
Executive Director: Kyle Reese
Mission & Vision: OneJax is an interfaith organization dedicated to achieving civility, understanding and respect for all peoples. Our vision is an inclusive community where difference is welcomed and celebrated.
7595 Centurion Pkwy., 32256 | (904) 353-8263 oneblood.org
Chairman: Ralph Aleman
Mission & Vision: Our mission is to enhance the health and well-being of others through our work with blood and stem cell products and by facilitating scientific research. Our vision is to become the leading world-class blood system in the innovation of new services, technology and research, that positively impacts blood product safety and availability, and enhances the lives of our team members.
3948 3rd Street South #428, Jacksonville Beach, 32250 | (904) 509-1816 onceuponaroom.org/Jacksonville | Jacksonville@onceuponaroom.org
President/CEO: Barbara DeWitt
Mission & Vision: Enrich the lives of hospitalized children, teens and infants who are fighting serious illnesses and long-term acute trauma. To provide personalized hospital room makeovers, in-hospital and outpatient events to promote happiness and healing in the lives of critically ill and extended stay pediatric patients.
1830 N. Main St., 32206 | (904) 354-4673 operationnewhope.org | amahan@operationnewhope.org
Chief Communications Officer: Amanda Mahan
Mission & Vision: Operation New Hope provides support, life and job skills training for people with a history of involvement with the criminal justice system, and places them in employment that offers a sustainable quality of life.
8825 Perimeter Park Blvd., St. 503, 32216 | (904) 328-1600 onuvets.org | info@onuvets.org
Co-Founder & Executive Director: Michelle McManamon
Mission & Vision: Ensuring all our nation’s veterans have a successful transition after service.
6745 Philips Industrial Blvd., 32256 | (904) 421-8585 pacecenter.org
President & CEO: Mary Marx
Mission & Vision: Pace provides girls and young women an opportunity for a better future through education, counseling, training and advocacy.
102 Palm Pl., Neptune Beach, 32266 | (904) 358-8881
President: Helen Pajcic Nicholson
Mission & Vision: The Pajcic Family Foundation promotes social justice, animal welfare and the preservation of mother nature, with a focus on the Jacksonville community.
National Office: 1500 Rosecrans Ave., Ste. 200, Manhattan Beach, CA , 90266 | (877) 272-6226 pancan.org | info@pancan.org
President/CEO: Julie Fleshman Mission & Vision: Our mission is to take bold action to improve the lives of everyone impacted by pancreatic cancer by advancing scientific research, building community, sharing knowledge, and advocating for patients. PanCAN’s vision is to create a world in which all patients with pancreatic cancer will thrive.
2140 Mango Pl., 32207 | (904) 398-2437 pastoralcounselingservices.net
Executive Director: Cliff Thomas Mission & Vision: To work with people to foster healing, growth and life-giving change through holistic mental healthcare and community-building.
PATIENT ASSISTANCE FOUNDATION OF CANCER SPECIALISTS OF NORTH FLORIDA 7015 AC Skinner Pkwy., Ste. 1, 32256 | (904) 519-2739 pafcsnf.org | foundation@csnf.us
President: Beth Page Mission & Vision: The Patient Assistance Foundation of Cancer Specialists of North Florida offers short-term financial assistance for day-to-day living expenses to patients undergoing treatments for cancer or blood-related diseases.
PATRONS OF THE HEARTS c/o Baptist Health Foundation, 841 Prudential Dr., Ste. 1300, 32207 | (904) 202-1442 patronsofthehearts.com | wolfsonchildrens@bmcjax.com
Interim Chief Development Officer: Audrey M. Moran Mission & Vision: Patrons of the Hearts is a program that functions under the umbrella of the Baptist Health Foundation and benefits international children that live in corners of the world with no access to the specialized care they require.
PAW PAWS PET RESCUE 2850 County Road #2, Hilliard, 32046 | (904) 383-9257 pawpawspetrescue.org | pawpawsrescue@gmail.com
Mission & Vision: We are committed to the rescue, rehabilitation, administration of proper medical care, and loving placement of dogs into second-chance homes. We believe in rescue by need, not breed.
THE PERFORMERS ACADEMY 3674 Beach Blvd., 32207 | (904) 322-7672 jaxtpa.org | info@jaxtpa.org
Executive Director: Ebony Payne-English Mission & Vision: The Performers Academy works to increase access to the performing arts for all children in the Jacksonville Area.
THE PETER BRAGAN FOR BETTER BASEBALL FOUNDATION 1333 Ponte Vedra Blvd. Ponte Vedra Beach, 32082 | (904) 860-3650 peterbraganbbf.org | peterbraganjr@gmail.com
Co-Chairs: Peter D. and Nancy Bragan, Jr. Mission & Vision: Our mission is to financially support and promote the game of baseball for the betterment in Northeast Florida, and to provide scholarships for higher education, as well as to assist the community in times of natural disasters. Our vision is to award meaningful grants in perpetuity to organizations and institutions to better the game of baseball, and to open the Foundation’s dream, The Jacksonville Baseball Museum, A History of Professional Baseball in Jacksonville, providing a cultural destination to showcase the historical legacy of baseball.
1 PGA TOUR Blvd., Ponte Vedra Beach, 32082 | (904) 285-3700 pgatour.com
Senior Vice President & Executive Director: Jared Rice
Mission & Vision: The PGA TOUR, its players and tournaments support more than 3,000 charities. These local and national organizations work in a range of areas affecting the lives of millions in the communities where we live and play.
4911 Spring Park Rd., 32207 | (904) 733-2650 pinecastle.org | info@pinecastle.org
CEO: Lori Ann Whittington
Mission & Vision: Pine Castle is committed to empowering adults with intellectual and developmental differences through opportunities to learn, work, and connect. We envision a community where persons with differences achieve their highest potential for independence.
P.O. Box 483, Ponte Vedra Beach, 32004 | (904) 202-2919 PinkRibbonJax.org | philanthropyservices@bmcjax.com
Chair: Marica Pendjer
Mission & Vision: Pink Ribbon Jax, a National Philanthropy Day 2021 honoree, is an all-volunteer nonprofit group that raises funds for local breast cancer research, mammography, and patient services at Baptist Health and Mayo Clinic, Jacksonville. What began as one event, the Pink Ribbon Golf Classic, has grown to multiple fundraising and educational events. To date, we have raised and donated more than $2.5 million in the fight against breast cancer, and it all stays in Jacksonville!
50 N. Laura St., Ste. 2500-44, 32202 | (904) 887-3843 pgcnefl.org | administrator@pgcnefl.org
President: Teri Ketchum
Mission & Vision: Our mission is to foster awareness and to provide an effective forum for education, communication, networking and collaboration for our gift planning community.
POLICE ATHLETIC LEAGUE OF JACKSONVILLE P.O. Box 351060, 32235 | (904) 854-6555 | jaxpal.com | info@jaxpal.org
Executive Director: Mary Bishop
Mission & Vision: The Police Athletic League of Jacksonville works to enrich the lives of children by creating positive relationships between law enforcement officers and the youth of our community through educational, athletic and leadership programs.
P.O. Box 957, Ponte Vedra Beach, 32004 | (904) 654-7281 pontevedrawomansclub.com | president@pontevedrawomansclub.com
President: Lori Marjerison
Mission & Vision: The club was established in 1970 by 15 women who wanted to work together for a charitable cause; over the decades the list of charities and scholarships has increased.
4115 Post St., 32205 | (904) 338-0920 psmjax.org | info@presbyteriansocialministries.org
CEO: Teri Ketchum
Mission & Vision: A faith-based ministry connecting goods and services with partner agencies who serve those in need.
PROJECT: COLD CASE 10 S. Newnan St., Ste. 1, 32202 | (904) 525-8080 projectcoldcase.org | info@projectcoldcase.org
Executive Director: Ryan Backmann
Mission & Vision: Project Cold Case focuses on helping with unsolved criminal homicides.
3373-1 US Hwy. 17, Green Cove Springs, 32043 | (904) 284-0340 quigleyhouse.org | jrodriguez@quigleyhouse.org
CEO: Jennifer Rodriguez
Mission & Vision: The Quigley House works to provide advocacy and empowerment to victims of domestic violence and sexual assault while providing community education to heighten awareness.
4019 Boulevard Center Dr., 32207 | (904) 732-3872 readusainc.com | info@readusainc.com
CEO: Robert Kelly
Mission & Vision: The goal is to put books in the hands of every low-income child, introduce the love of reading and learning, and to end the cycle of poverty.
P.O. Box 330885, Atlantic Beach, 32233 | (904) 716–9161 RenewingDignity.org | Jan@RenewingDignity.org
Founder: Jan Healy
Mission & Vision: To eliminate period poverty through direct period product distribution, education and advocacy. We believe that unmet menstrual hygiene needs are health and safety, dignity, equity and social justice issue. Our vision is to create a world in which every woman and girl is empowered to manage her menstruation safely, hygienically, with confidence and without shame, where no one is limited by something as natural and normal as her period.
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11401 Old St. Augustine Rd., 32258 | (904) 260-1818 rivergarden.org
Chief Executive Officer: Mauri Mizrahi, LNHA, PT
Mission & Vision: Our mission is to provide a wide range of quality, cost effective elder care services in residential, outpatient, and community based settings; to create a comfortable, caring, and dignified home for the frail elderly serving both rich and poor with excellence; to serve people of all faiths, while maintaining an environment supportive of Jewish identity and informed by Jewish values; and to act as a valuable educational resource in elder care for the entire community.
2911 Riverside Ave., 32205 | (904) 384-1839 thjax.org | RTH1971@yahoo.com
Direction: Mark Ragland
Mission & Vision: Established in 1971 by Riverside Presbyterian Church to provide a safe, secure residence for adult men wishing to recover from the problems resulting from substance abuse.
3901 Carmichael Ave., 32207 | (904) 899-6300 | rrhs.org
President & CEO: Dr. Jacqueline Dowdy
Mission & Vision: Our mission is to provide integrated health services that change lives, rebuild families, and restore communities. River Region Human Services, Inc. is committed to being the “provider of choice” for integrated health services in Northeast Florida, dedicated to the recovery, restoration, and promotion of strong and healthy individuals, families, and communities.
P.O. Box 5, Palatka, 32178 | (386) 983-0658 Rodeheaverfoundation.org | KPurcell@RodeheaverFoundation.org
Director of Development: Krista Purcell
Mission & Vision: Our mission is nurturing children in a safe Christian environment, providing the roots to become thriving adults. We believe that how we care for children, protect their well-being, and prepare them for the future are some of the most important issues we face during our lifetime.
824 Children’s Way, 32207 | (904) 807-4663 rmhcjacksonville.org | dshaffer@rmhcjax.org
CEO: David Shaffer
Mission & Vision: Ronald McDonald House Charities® of Jacksonville supports the health and well-being of children by providing lodging, meals, transportation and a community of care to critically ill children and their families who need to be near a hospital for treatment. Our vision is that the quality programs of Ronald McDonald House Charities of Jacksonville will continuously evolve to serve the children and families who receive pediatric healthcare in Northeast Florida.
ROTARY CLUB & CHARITIES OF NORTH JACKSONVILLE, FL 521 Airport Center Dr., 32218 | (904) 265-5594 NorthJAXRotary.org | pem@axisp.com
President: Terry Lee
Mission & Vision: For over 50 years, we have continuously designed & successfully implemented an amazing number of high-impact health / education / wellness / disaster recovery / economic development and workforce development / environmental and other “signature” outreach programs for families, veterans, elders, and young people throughout the entire US and our world.
4772 Safe Harbor Way, 32226 | (904) 757-7918 safeharboracademy.com | admissions@boyshome.com
Co-Founder & Executive Director: Robbie W. Smith
Mission & Vision: The mission of Safe Harbor is to provide a caring, loving, disciplined atmosphere, to instill self-esteem, responsibility, and reliability in the boys. We endeavor to assist the boys in becoming responsible, mature and independent young men through spiritual, educational and vocational training. Our goal is to teach them to live and work in harmony with others, to be accepting and tolerant of their fellow man without compromising the truth, in a word to become mature.
ST. AUGUSTINE HUMANE SOCIETY 1665 Old Moultrie Rd., St. Augustine, 32084 | (904) 829-2737 staughumane.org | info@staughumane.org Mission & Vision: St. Augustine Humane Society is committed to providing resources that strengthen lifelong human-animal bonds in our community. We strive to eliminate the need for families to relinquish their pets to shelters, enabling pets to live happily and healthfully in their homes.
ST. FRANCIS ANIMAL HOSPITAL 2727 Atlantic Blvd., 32207 | (904) 674-7223 | SaintFrancisAnimalHospital.org
Founder & Medical Director: Susan Shelton, DVM Mission & Vision: St. Francis Animal Hospital strives to make healthcare accessible to all owned pets.
ST. JOHNS COUNTY ANIMAL CONTROL 130 N. Stratton Rd., St. Augustine, 32095 | (904) 209-6190 | sjcfl.us/animalcontrol | info@sjcfl.us Animal Control Operations Manager: Paul Studivant Mission & Vision: First and foremost, we are public servants - protecting people from animals and animals from people.
ST. JOHNS RIVERKEEPER 2800 University Blvd. N., 32211 | (904) 256-7591 stjohnsriverkeeper.org | jimmy@stjohnsriverkeeper.org
Executive Director: Jimmy Orth Mission & Vision: The St. Johns Riverkeeper works to be an independent voice that defends, advocates, and activates others to protect and restore the St. Johns River.
ST. MICHAEL’S SOLDIERS 1382 Cooper’s Hawk Way, Middleburg, 32068 | (904) 599-7855 stmichaelssoldiers.org | info@stmichaelssoldiers.org
Founders: Kathy and Jim Signorile Mission & Vision: St. Michael’s Soldiers is dedicated to the support of the deployed men and women of our United States Military, local active military and their families.
SALVATION ARMY OF NORTHEAST FLORIDA 328 N. Ocean St., 32202 | (904) 301-4875 | salvationarmyflorida.org/jacksonville Area Commander: Major Keath Biggers Mission & Vision: The Salvation Army works to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ and to meet human needs in His name without discrimination.
SANCTUARY ON 8TH STREET 120 E. 8th St., 32206 | (904) 356-3588 sanctuaryon8th.org | rick@sanctuaryon8th.org
Executive Director: Rick Cartlidge
Mission & Vision: The Sanctuary On 8th Street works to encourage and empower Jacksonville youth and families in need by ministering to their spiritual, physical, social, and intellectual needs.
SAVING ANIMALS FROM EUTHANASIA (SAFE) 1250 County Road A1A, St. Augustine, 32080 | (904) 460-0556 safe-pet-rescue-fl.com
Mission & Vision: SAFE was founded in 2008 with the goal of rescuing animals from kill shelters when they are facing euthanasia. To date, we have rescued over 27,000 pets who, through no fault of their own, became homeless.
1 San Jose Pl., Ste. 31, 32257 | (904) 288-8885 seamarkranch.com | jaxoffice@seamarkranch.com
CEO: Greg Voss
Mission & Vision: Seamark Ranch is a nurturing Christian home and family system that give children from families in crisis the tools they need for a brighter future. Through a family home model, a specialized residential school and the lessons of life on a working farm community, Seamark Ranch provides the ideal setting for love, stabilization, healing, education and empowerment.
P.O. Box 10021, 32247 | (904) 509-4784 | seniorsonamission.org | joanne@seniorsonamission.org
Founder & Executive Director: Joanne Hickox
Mission & Vision: Seniors on a Mission exists to honor, love, and encourage independent living senior adults, inspiring them to live invigorated lives filled with purpose and grace.
10239 Golf Club Dr., 32256 | (904) 962-1409 | servingupacure.com | info@servingupacure.com
Founder: Bill Sharp
Mission & Vision: We are an exhibition tennis match serving local charities like Ellie Kavalieros DIPG Research Fund, Gabriel House of Care, and Community Hospice & Palliative Care.
2472 Dennis St., 32204 | shannonmiller.com/foundation | contact@shannonmiller.com
Founder: Shannon Miller
Mission & Vision: Through education and awareness of the health risks associated with childhood obesity, the Shannon Miller Foundation strives to make a positive impact on children’s health.
4019 Blvd. Center Dr., 32207 | (904) 348-5757 | schultzcenter.org | raifords@schultzcenter.org
Executive Director: Simmie A. Raiford
Mission & Vision: Schultz Center strives to create a welcoming environment for anyone hosting or attending an event, meeting, or training inside. We’re proud to be the best venue in Jacksonville and we love promoting our local roots. Both the outside and inside of our building are adorned with art from local artists that promotes the sense of empowerment we try to cultivate within every person that attends an event, meeting, or training under our roof.
8185 Forest Hills Rd., Melrose, 32666 | (904) 377-7993 singlevisioninc.org
Founder: Carl Bovard
Mission & Vision: Single Vision’s mission is worldwide conservation of endangered species and the preservation of land and habitat essential to earth’s remaining wildlife.
816 A1A N., Ste. 201, Ponte Vedra Beach, 32082 | (904) 273-8755 sontagfoundation.org | HKeeley@sontagfoundation.org
Executive Director: Hilary Keeley
Mission & Vision: The Sontag Foundation is one of the largest private funders of brain cancer research in the United States. Along with providing funding for research, the Foundation supports the efforts of local nonprofit organizations to develop new, self-sustaining programs and initiatives, relating to healthcare and social services.
1915 Don Wickham Dr., Clermont, 34711 | (352) 243-9536 specialolympicsflorida.org | sherrywheelock@sofl.org
President & CEO: Sherry Wheelock
Mission & Vision: Special Olympics Florida provides year-round sports training, competition, and health services to children and adults with intellectual disabilities, at no cost to the athletes or their caregivers, as a means to achieve physical fitness, self-esteem, socialization skills, and the life skills necessary to be productive, respected, and contributing members of their communities.
2970 Mercury Rd., 32207 | (904) 699-9886 spinabifidajax.org | demery.webber@spinabifidajax.org
Executive Director: Demery Webber
Mission & Vision: The Spina Bifida Association provides support for families living with Spina Bifida.
SPRINGFIELD IMPROVEMENT ASSOCIATION AND ARCHIVES 210 W. 7th St., 32206 | (904) 633-9308 historicspringfield.org | siaaweb@historicspringfield.org
President: Debbie Thomopson
Mission & Vision: We specialize in enhancing the quality of life in Historic Springfield through beautifying its public spaces, providing volunteer service, and educating the community, while preserving our archives.
SPRINGFIELD KITTY CAT SHACK (904) 357-0341 sprkittycatshack.org | info@sprkittycatschack.org
Mission & Vision: Our focus is primarily on taming feral kittens that are too big to go to ACPS and not tame enough to go to the Humane Society. We are located in the historic neighborhood of Springfield.
SPRINGFIELD PRESERVATION AND REVITALIZATION (SPAR) 1321 N. Main St., 32206 | (904) 353-7727 sparcouncil.org | sparoffice@sparcouncil.org
Executive Director: Kelly Rich Mission & Vision: The mission of SPAR is to ensure historic Springfield is a preferred place to live and do business by leading programs that drive the preservation, revitalization and balanced growth of our community.
1 Children’s Way, St. Augustine, 32084 | (904) 647-1757 tagmuseum.org | info@tagmuseum.org
Executive Director: Kim MacEwan Mission & Vision: Our mission is to inspire play, discovery, exploration, and innovation through science and creativity. tag! Children’s Museum creates transformative, playbased opportunities for families.
4527 Lenox Ave., 32205 | (904) 730-1872 takestockjax.org | kcarter@takestockjax.org
Student Services Coordinator: Kristin Carter Mission & Vision: Take Stock in Children works to change the lives of deserving children by combining in-school support through a college support coach, the promise of a college or vocational school scholarship and most importantly the guidance of a caring mentor.
40 East Adams St., Ste. 110, 32202 | (904) 353-6517 teachforamerica.org | Heather.Ryan@teachforamerica.org
Executive Director: LaKeisha Wells-Palmer Mission & Vision: Teach For America finds, develops, and supports equity-oriented leaders – individually and in teams — so they can transform education and expand opportunity with children, starting in the classroom.
101 Marketside Ave., Ste. 404 #345, Ponte Vedra, 32081 | (904) 502-1482 tesorifamilyfoundation.org | tff@tesorifamilyfoundation.org
Founders/Board Co-Chairs: Paul and Michelle Tesori
Mission & Vision: The foundation’s mission is to achieve great things through God by lending a helping hand, providing hope, and healing hearts for children. Its vision is to make a positive change in the lives of children in the local community and those touched by the PGA TOUR.
2220 County Rd. 210 W., Ste. 108, PMB 317, 32259 | (904) 380-8499 timtebowfoundation.org
President: Steve Biondo Mission & Vision: The Foundation’s mission is to bring faith, hope and love to those needing a brighter day in their darkest hour of need.
9953 Heckscher Dr., 32226 | (904) 374-1107 timucuanparks.org | info@timucuanparks.org
Executive Director: Mark Middlebrook
Mission & Vision: The Timucuan Trails Parks Foundation serves to protect, preserve and promote the Timucuan Trail Parks through advocacy, fundraising and marketing.
TOM COUGHLIN JAY FUND FOUNDATION PO Box 50798, Jacksonville Beach, 32240 | (904) 543-2599 tcjayfund.org | info@tcjayfund.org
CEO: Keli Coughlin Joyce
Mission & Vision: The Tom Coughlin Jay Fund helps families tackling childhood cancer by providing comprehensive financial, emotional, and practical support.
7152 Lone Star Rd., 32211 | (904) 724-4646 treehill.org | info@treehill.org
Executive Director: Mark Mummaw
Mission & Vision: Tree Hill Nature Center promotes environmental stewardship to the community through hands-on educational programs and low-cost access to natural areas.
TRINITY RESCUE MISSION 622 W. Union St., 32202 | (904) 355-1205 trinityrescue.org | gjudd@tbc.org
Executive Director: Gary Judd Mission & Vision: Trinity Rescue Mission provides emergency services and long-term recovery programs to the hungry, homeless and hurting in the greater Jacksonville area.
UCOM UrbanServ, Inc. 3349 St. Augustine Rd., 32207 | (904) 396-2401 ucomjax.org | saramitchell@ucomjax.org
Executive Director: Sara Mitchell Mission & Vision: UCOM serves the community to ensure that no one faces hunger alone, providing emergency relief to those facing food insecurity, providing one hot meal a day to the homebound, and providing help to those willing to break their cycle of crisis.
UNF FOUNDATION 1 UNF Dr., 32224 | (904) 620-1833 unf.edu/foundation | teresa.nichols@unf.edu
Interim Vice President and Executive Director: Teresa Nichols Mission & Vision: The University of North Florida Foundation has a focus on fiduciary responsibility, volunteer leadership, and endowment growth in order to provide private support to the University’s strategic plan for academic and student life programs to meet such needs as scholarships, faculty instruction, research and facilities.
40 E. Adams St., Ste. 200, 32202 | (904) 390-3200 unitedwaynefl.org | mail@uwnefl.org
President/CEO: Melanie Patz Mission & Vision: United Way of Northeast Florida’s mission is to solve Northeast Florida’s toughest challenges by connecting people, resources and ideas.
4615 Philips Hwy., Ste. 100A, 32207 | (904) 503-2423 visionispriceless.org | info@visionispriceless.org
Executive Director: Jami Bueker
Mission & Vision: Vision Is Priceless works to fulfill the need in our community for vision screenings and provide access to vision care—including eye exams, prescription glasses, and specialty care—for the uninsured and underserved. Our mission is to assess, sustain, and improve the visual health of children and adults in Northeast Florida through education, vision screenings, treatment, and referrals.
41 E. Duval St., 32202 | (904) 399-2766 vimjax.org | JRyan@vim-jax.org
President/ CEO: Jennifer Ryan
Mission & Vision: The mission of Volunteers in Medicine is to advance the physical, mental, and emotional well-being of the working uninsured to improve quality of life for all.
Haskell is proud to support the communities we serve throughout the US and around the globe. 2,100+ architects, engineers, constructors and administrative professionals. 20 offices across the US, Latin America and Asia. Over $1B annually in commercial and industrial markets for both private and public sector clients.
32 Masters Dr., St. Augustine, 32084 | (904) 814-0615 wwpetrescue.org
Mission & Vision: Wags & Whiskers Pet Rescue is a nonprofit, no-kill pet rescue and adoption agency. We are not a shelter. We are a small, local group of volunteers working hard to ensure that every animal in our community can find the perfect home. Forever.
1859 Adams St. E., 32202 | 904-343-1049 walkoffcharities.com | jarrod@walkoffcharities.com
Founder & President: Frank Frangie Mission & Vision: Our mission is to provide opportunities, resources, and access to the game of baseball for any youth that desires to learn or play.
WE CARE JACKSONVILLE, INC. 4615 Philips Hwy., 32207 | (904) 674-6450 wecarejacksonville.org | info@wecarejacksonville.org
Executive Director: Angela Strain Mission & Vision: WeCareJax advances and coordinates community-wide compassionate specialty care for the uninsured. WeCareJax envisions a community where everyone has equitable access to quality healthcare.
WHITE OAK CONSERVATION FOUNDATION 581705 White Oak Rd., Yulee, 32097 | (904) 225-3200 whiteoakwildlife.org | info@white-oak.org
Conservation Experience Coordinator: Maddie Anderson Mission & Vision: The White Oak Conservation Foundation is committed to protecting, promoting and preserving endangered species and habitats.
WILDLIFE RESCUE COALITION OF NORTHEAST FLORIDA 5250 Porter Rd. Extension, St. Augustine, 32095 | (904) 779-5569 wildlifecoalition.com
Founder: Barbara T. Tidwell
Mission & Vision: Our mission is to ensure respect for all wildlife through education and conservation, while providing orphaned, injured and displaced animals with a second chance at life. Our goal as a Wildlife Rescue Organization is to educate the public as well as treat and rehabilitate wildlife.
THE WILL KING FOUNDATION 2937 Algonquin Ave., 32210 willkingfoundation.com | willkingfoundation@gmail.com
Creative Director: Courtney Hughes
Mission & Vision: The Will King Foundation supports international children receiving heart treatment in Jacksonville, Florida.
WJCT PUBLIC MEDIA 100 Festival Park Ave., 32202 | (904) 353-7770 wjct.org | dmcgowan@wjct.org
President & CEO: David McGowan
Mission & Vision: WJCT Public Media uses its unique assets as a resource for citizens to come together to celebrate human diversity, experience lifelong learning, and actively engage in matters of civic importance, all to improve the quality of our lives and our community. WJCT is to be regarded as an indispensable community resource, connecting citizens to content, sharing ideas, and setting the standards through which the community learns and grows.
THE WOMAN’S CLUB OF JACKSONVILLE 1596 Lancaster Terrace #5B, 32204 | (904) 366-2703 womansclubofjacksonville.org | info@womansclubofjacksonville.org
President: Mattie Fraser
Mission & Vision: The mission of the Woman’s Club of Jacksonville is to work for the improvement, benefit and advancement of womankind in every direction, and generally, to give aid to worthy causes.
Our graduates soar to new heights.
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Thank you to our generous ad sponsor: Walsh Investment Consulting Group of Wells Fargo Advisors
P.O. Box 380010, 32205 | jaxwomenforchrist.org | wfc@jaxwomenforchrist.org
President: Christy Mobley
Mission & Vision: Our purpose is to share the gospel of Jesus Christ to the women of Jacksonville through the timely messages of inspirational Christian speakers.
245 Riverside Ave., Ste. 310, 32202 | (904) 356-4483 jaxcf.org/wga | nsabol@jaxcf.org
Director: Nikki Sabol
Mission & Vision: The Women’s Giving Alliance makes grants to nonprofit organizations to support critical community services for women and girls.
WOMEN WRITING FOR (A) CHANGE (904) 307-3047 | womenwritingjacksonville.org | Jennifer@womenwritingjacksonville.com
Executive Director: Jennifer Wolfe
1325 San Marco Blvd., Ste. 802, 32207 | (904) 202-2866 womensboardwch.com | womensboard@bmcjax.com
President: Robin Albaneze
Mission & Vision: The Women’s Board strives to further awareness in the community of the services and remarkable facilities of Wolfson Children’s Hospital and to raise funds to ensure the best health care for every child who comes through the hospital’s doors.
Mission & Vision: We are a growing community for Jacksonville writers to nurture and celebrate the individual voice by facilitating supportive writing circles and by encouraging people to craft more conscious lives through the art of writing and the practices of community.
WORLD AFFAIRS COUNCIL OF JACKSONVILLE 100 Festival Park Ave., 32202 | (904) 280-8162 worldaffairscounciljax.org | info@worldaffairscounciljax.org
Executive Director & CEO: Trina Medarev
Mission & Vision: The World Affairs Council of Jacksonville works to promote an understanding of the world and its people and to engage citizens of Northeast Florida in becoming better informed participants in the global community.
5644 Colcord Ave., 32211 | (904) 722-3000 | thewcj.org | info@thewcj.org
Executive Director: Teresa Miles
Mission & Vision: The Women’s Center of Jacksonville improves the lives of women through advocacy, support and education, and provides rape recovery services for all individuals.
WOUNDED WARRIOR PROJECT 4899 Belfort Rd., Ste. 300, 32256 | (877) 832-6997 woundedwarriorproject.org | publicrelations@woundedwarriorproject.org
CEO: Michael Linnington
Mission & Vision: The Wounded Warrior Project works to honor and empower Wounded Warriors.
There is value and potential in every girl.
When girls and young women are better supported, they have the opportunity to achieve academic and career success, leading to positive outcomes for themselves, their families and communities.
Pace serves 23 communities, including centers in Jacksonville, Clay and Volusia-Flagler.
Learn how Pace is finding the great in every girl.
Find the Great in Every Girl.
Sponsored by State of Florida, Department of Juvenile Justice.
Florida State College at Jacksonville, 101 W. State St., Ste. 3001, 32202 | (904) 647-1990 yearup.org
Site Director: Latonya Hines
Mission & Vision: Year Up’s mission is to close the Opportunity Divide by ensuring that young adults gain the skills, experiences, and support that will empower them to reach their potential through careers and higher education.
9378 Arlington Expressway, Ste. 325, 32225 yeshatkd.org | YeshaTaekwondo@gmail.com
Founder: Grandmaster Charles Coker
Mission & Vision: At Yeshá, our mission is to train and develop Disciples of Christ through sanctioned martial arts.
PO Box 330117, Atlantic Beach, 32233 | (904) 510-2004 y4c.org | info@y4c.org
Executive Director: Michelle LeClair
Mission & Vision: Yoga 4 Change is a non-profit organization that achieves lasting, demonstrative change for veterans, individuals who are experiencing incarceration, youth, and people living with mental health conditions through a purpose-driven yoga curriculum.
P.O. Box 2173, 32203 | (904) 881-1371 northeastflorida.younglife.org | ylnortheastflorida@gmail.com
Associate Regional Director: David Bast
Mission & Vision: Young Life introduces adolescents to Jesus Christ and helps them grow in their faith. We are committed to reaching all teens, including those from diverse backgrounds, pregnant and parenting teens, and those with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
40 E. Adams St., Ste. 210, 32202 | (904) 296-3220 fcymca.org
President & CEO: Eric K. Mann
Mission & Vision: The YMCA is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to put Christian principles into practice through programs that build healthy spirit, mind and body for all. Guided by core values of caring, honesty, respect and responsibility, the Y is dedicated to giving people of all ages, backgrounds and all walks of life the opportunity to improve their lives, nurture their families, and strengthen their community, together.
YOUTH CRISIS CENTER 3015 Parental Home Rd., 32216 | (904) 725-6662 youthcrisiscenter.org | info@ycc.org
President/CEO: Kim Sirdevan
Mission & Vision: The Youth Crisis Center works to build a healthier community by empowering young people and families to rise above adversity, supporting their vision for a stronger community through stronger families.
Boys Club of Jacksonville is formed & incorporated
Through our targeted growth, we now serve more young people than ever before.
Since 1962, we’ve been enabling all young people, especially those who need us most, to reach their full potential as productive, caring, responsible citizens.
Help us continue investing in #GreatFutures by donating, volunteering or sponsoring an event.
THE PLAYERS Championship Club opens in St. Johns County
Serving 4,800 Kids & Teens at 48 Clubs across Alachua, Clay, Duval & St. Johns Counties
Host your nonprofit, corporate or public sector event at this mid-century modern architectural gem in the heart of Downtown Jacksonville Capacity for events ranging from 5 to 500 people
State-of-the-art audio/visual capability including digital signage, video walls and hybrid-ready event space
Walking distance to local hotels and restaurants
On-site event support provided by Watermark Events, a locally-owned, full-service event and planning partner, creating unique and thoughtful turnkey events
Event revenue supports strengthening our city’s nonprofit sector and expanding programs that help every Jaxson feel they belong
January 7
Healthy Start 5K
Kappa Alpha Psi
Riverfront Plaza | 2 Independent Dr. 8 a.m. 5K / 9 a.m. 1 Mile | racethread.com/race/ running-florida-jacksonville-healthy-start-5k-reviews
The Healthy Start 5K consists of a 1-mile Kids Run/Fun Run and 5K. This event is hosted by The Kappa Alpha Psi Foundation, a non-partisan organization committed to improving the quality of life for male youths, seniors and families in need residing in the Northeast Florida metropolitan area by providing financial support for social programs, scholastic achievement and health awareness.
Police Athletic League — Jacksonville Ed Austin Park | 3450 Monument Rd. 8 a.m. | (904) 854-6555 | jaxpalsports.org
January 21
Hellcat 10K 30K 50K
Military Museum of North Florida Historic Lee Field | 1 Bunker Ave., Green Cove Springs 7 a.m. | (904) 655-6511 | hellcatrace.com
Winter Beach Run 10-mile & 5K
JTC Running
Jacksonville Beach Seawalk Pavilion | 75 1st St. N 1-3 p.m. | (904) 384-8725
The Winter Beach Run is the second-oldest running event in the Jacksonville area. From its beginning in 1976, the race has been very popular with runners and walkers because running on the beach is relatively unique to our area. Medals awarded to all finishers.
January 22
Champagne Brunch
Jewish Federation & Foundation
Cummer Museum of Art | 829 Riverside Ave. 10 a.m. | (904) 448-5000 jewishjacksonville.org/upcoming-events
Featuring Commander Alexa F. Jenkins, first Jewish woman to serve as commander of a warship.
January 28
PurpleLight Jacksonville
Pancreatic Cancer Action Network
Jacksonville Beach Seawalk Pavilion 75 1st St. N 5-8 p.m. | (877) 272-6226 pancan.org
RITA Cash 5K
The RITA Foundation Nocatee Station Field 245 Nocatee Center Way 8 a.m. | (904) 363-1493 the-rita-foundation.org
Wolfson Children's Hospital
121 Financial Ballpark | 301 A Philip Randolph Blvd. 7 a.m. | (904) 202-2919 wolfsonchildrenschallenge.com
Lace up your sneakers for the 14th Annual Wolfson Children's Challenge at 121 Financial Ballpark. Participants can register for the 55K Ultra, 30K Run, and 1-Mile Fun Run, or get a team of up to 11 friends for the 55K Relay.
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Northeast Florida 9 a.m. | (904) 727-9797 | bbbsnefl.org/events
Joining with our National Mentoring Month celebration, this event has free food, drinks, games and music. The purpose of this event is to raise funds and awareness for BBBSNEFL and our one-to-one mentoring programs. Little Big Run is a great opportunity to focus on connecting with the environment, building a sense of community and starting off the new year with healthy habits.
January 31
Inaugural Business & Professionals Event Jewish Federation & Foundation
Aloft Jacksonville Tapestry Park | 4812 W. Deer Lake Dr. 6 p.m. | (904) 448-5000 jewishjacksonville.org/upcoming-events
Featuring Ari Ackerman, serial entrepreneur, strategic investor, proud philanthropist, and partner/ board member of the Miami Marlins.
February TBD
Youth of the Year
Boys & Girls Club of Northeast Florida TBD
6-8:30 p.m. | (904) 913-8100
February 1
7th Annual Women with Heart Luncheon
Volunteers in Medicine (904) 399-2766 | vimjax.org
First Coast Executive Breakfast
American Heart Association First Coast TIAA Bank Field | 1 TIAA Bank Field Dr. 7:30-8:30 a.m. | (904) 903-5205 heart.org/florida
February 2
Smoking Clays for Kids
Wolfson Children's Hospital Bradford Sportsmen's Farm 11394 SW 106th Ave. Graham, FL 8:30 a.m. | (904) 202-2919 smokingclaysforkids.com Teams of 4 are invited to play two 14-staton target courses. The stations include tower and ground level presentations that are varied often to keep the course fresh and challenging.
February 3
National Wear Red Day
American Heart Association First Coast (904) 903-5205 | heart.org/florida
February 3-5
16th Annual DONNA Marathon Weekend
The DONNA Foundation
Jacksonville Beach Seawalk Pavilion | 75 1st St. N (904) 551-0732 thedonnafoundation.org/events
DONNA Marathon Weekend includes a 5K, DONNA Dash, half marathon, Boston-qualifying marathon, ultramarathon, event challenges and a health & wellness expo. It is the only marathon in the U.S. dedicated to breast cancer research and care.
February 5
Super Sunday
Jewish Federation & Foundation
The LJD Jewish Family & Community Services 8450 Baycenter Rd. (904) 448-5000 jewishjacksonville.org/upcoming-events Do a mitzvah and raise funds essential to supporting your local and global Jewish community.
February 9
Junior Achievement
The Glass Factory | 601 Myrtle Ave. N 5:30 p.m. | (904) 398-9944 | northflorida.ja.org
$mart Women Make Change! Is Junior Achievement's signature event to benefit JA Girl$, an initiative that inspires and prepares young people for economic success via JA programs that foster work-readiness, financial capability, and an entrepreneurial mindset.
Planned Giving Council
Community Hospice and Palliative Care 4266 Sunbeam Rd.
8:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m | (904) 887-3843 pgcnefl.org/events
February 10
Night to Shine 9th Anniversary
Tim Tebow Foundation timtebowfoundation.org
Night to Shine is an unforgettable prom night experience, centered on God's love, for people with special needs ages 14 and older. Thousands from around the world will come together to honor those with disabilities.
February 13-21
Miles for Mainspring Virtual Step Challenge
Mainspring Academy (904) 503-0344 | mainspringacademy.org
Clay Shoot
Jacksonville Clay Target Sports 12125 New Berlin Rd. (904) 288-7259 | angelwoodjax.org
Annual Breakfast and Luncheon
Women for Christ
University of North Florida | 1 UNF Dr. 9-10:30 a.m. breakfast, 11:30-1 p.m. luncheon jaxwomenforchrist.org
Featuring speaker Marziyeh Amirizadeh, an Iranian immigrant.
Jacksonville Jaguars Foundation
TIAA Bank Field | 1 TIAA Bank Field Dr. 6 p.m. | (904) 633-6599 jaguars.com/community
#DTJax Gala: Rhinestone Cowford
Downtown Vision
6-10 p.m. | (904) 634-0303 | dtjax.org
2023 Flea Market Preview Party
Garden Club of Jacksonville
Garden Club of Jacksonville 1005 Riverside Ave.
5-8 p.m. | (904) 355-4224 gardenclubjax.org
Get the best selection one day before the Flea Market, and enjoy small bites, a beverage and music while you shop.
The Yards | 254 Alta Mar Dr. 6:30-10 p.m. | (904) 509-1816 onceuponaroom.com/jacksonville
Red Rose Ball 40th Anniversary
Ascension St. Vincent's Foundation
The River Club | 1 Independent Dr. #3500 7 p.m. | (904) 308-7306 givestvincents.org/red-rose-ball
14th Annual "Lift Ev'ry Voice & Sing" Concert
Jacksonville Children’s Chorus
Hendricks Avenue Baptist Church 4001 Hendricks Ave. 2 p.m. | (904) 353-1636 jaxchildrenschorus.org
Mukti Freedom Gala
6:30 p.m. | (904) 438-8109
JBA Young Lawyers Section Chili
Cook-Off to Benefit Laundry Project
Jacksonville Bar Association
Riverside Arts Market | 715 Riverside Dr. (904) 399-4486 jaxbar.org/events
2023 Flea Market
Garden Club of Jacksonville Garden Club of Jacksonville 1005 Riverside Ave. 8 a.m.-2 p.m. | (904) 355-4224 gardenclubjax.org
Score fantastic finds at this gigantic yard sale featuring enticing items from homes across Jacksonville.
The Great Jaxby — Annual Fundraiser
Jewish Community Alliance
7:30 p.m. | (904) 730-2100
Ortega River Run
Ascension St. Vincent's Foundation
Episcopal School of Jacksonville, St. Mark's Campus 4114 Oxford Ave. 8 a.m. 1-mile fun run | 8:30 a.m. 5-mile run (904) 308-7300 givestvincents.org
February 26
Riverside Craft Beer Festival 2023 to benefit Community PedsCare Community Hospice & Palliative Care Foundation
Riverside Arts Market 715 Riverside Dr. 1-4 p.m. | (904) 268-5200 riversidecraftbeerfestival.com
When: Febuary 18, 2023
Where: TIAA Bank Field
5K RUN presented by Novo Nordisk.
1 MILE FUN RUN presented by Nemours. Join the annual Novo Nordisk/Jaguars 5K Stadium Challenge to support the Jacksonville Jaguars Foundation and local youth sports programs. The run will include a unique course both inside and outside TIAA Bank Field and is fit for all ages. To learn more, visit: 1stplacesports.com/races/stadium5k.
This event highlights the needs of the girls served by Girls, Inc. of Jacksonville, and celebrates a woman community member and an organization making strides for women and girls.
Jacksonville Symphony Gala: An Evening of Intrigue
Jacksonville Symphony
Jacksonville Center for the Performing Arts 300 Water St.
5:00 p.m. | (904) 354-5479 jaxsymphony.org/giving/23-symphony-gala
March 6
Masters of Disasters: 30th Annual Golf Invitational
American Red Cross Northeast Florida Chapter
Deerwood Country Club | 10239 Golf Club Dr. (904) 358-8091 redcross.org/local/florida/north-florida/about-us/ news-and-events/events/masters-of-disasters
March 8
Women, Words and Wisdom
Tom Coughlin Jay Fund
Downtown Jacksonville Riverfront 841 Prudential Dr. (904) 543-2599 | tcjayfund.org/signature-events/wine-tasting-gala
March 2-5
28th Annual Amelia Island Concours d’Elegance Ritz Carlton, The Golf Club of Amelia Island 4750 Amelia Island Pkwy. 9:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. | ameliaconcours.com
The RITA Foundation Club Continental | 2143 Astor St., Orange Park 6-8 p.m. opening party, tournament TBD (904) 363-1493 the-rita-foundation.org/rita-championships
March 4
2023 Heart of the First Coast Heart Ball
American Heart Association First Coast Sawgrass Marriott Golf Resort and Spa 1000 Tournament Players Club Blvd. 6:30 p.m. | (904) 903-5205 ahajacksonville.ejoinme.org/ MyEvents/20222023JacksonvilleHeartBall
Gate River Run
JTC Running Jacksonville Fairgrounds | 510 Fairgrounds Pl. 8 a.m. | (904) 384-8725 | gateriverrun15k.com
This annual USATF 15K championship race starts on Duval Street in front of Jacksonville Fairgrounds, and finishes on Duval Street next to TIAA Bank Field. The Synovus 5K for Charity supports over a dozen charities in the Jacksonville area.
Women's Center of Jacksonville (904) 722-3000
March 11
4th Annual Dreams Come True
Bass Tournament Dreams Come True Palatka City Dock and Boat Ramp 319 River Street, Palatka 5 a.m. check-in | (904) 296-3030 dreamscometrue.org
Black and White Soiree Catholic Charities 6-9 p.m. | (904) 354-4846 | ccbjax.org
Wildlight 5K
Girls On The Run Of Northeast Florida 123 Tinker St., Yulee 8:30 a.m. | (904) 731-9933 | gotrnefl.org
March 12
St. Paddy's Run 5K and 10K Springfield Historical Society Evergreen Cemetery | 4535 N. Main St. 8 a.m.
March 18
Celebrate San Jose Gala
San Jose Episcopal Day School
San Jose Country Club | 7529 San Jose Blvd. (904) 733-0352 | sjeds.org/gala
Fight for Air Climb
American Lung Association Bank of America Tower | 50 N. Laura St. 8 a.m. | (904) 520-7120 | lung.org
March 23
Salvation Army Woman’s Auxiliary
Prime Osborn Convention Center 1000 Water St.
11 a.m. - 1 p.m. | (904) 366-9222 salvationarmyflorida.org/jacksonville
Diners stop for a nibble from each station, where a local celebrity is serving up a spoonful of their favorite recipe. Event includes a silent auction and proceeds support Salvation Army programs that contribute to lasting and positive changes in the lives of those in need on Florida's First Coast.
MaliVai Washington Youth Foundation
Florida Blue Conference Center | 4800 Deerwood Pk. 5:30-9 p.m. | (904) 359-5437 | malwashington.com
March 25
2nd Annual Giving Tree Gala and W.W. "Bill" Gay Community Impact Award Ceremony
YMCA of Florida's First Coast
Jessie Ball duPont Center | 40 E. Adams St. 6-9 p.m. | (904) 296-3220 | givingtreegala.org
This gala is in honor of G. John Carey — VanTrust. Each year, the event remembers and honors those who impact our community with the W.W. Bill Gay Community Impact Award. By supporting this event, you are also supporting the Winston Family YMCA's main areas of focus: youth development, healthy living and social responsibility.
First Coast Parkinson's Run
(904) 874-7083 | jaxhopeinc.org Run to raise awareness. Fight the progression. Cure the disease.
Greenwood School Gala
Greenwood School
Deer Creek Country Club | 7816 McLaurin Rd. N 6-10 p.m. | (904) 726-5000 | greenwoodjax.org
Jacksonville Walk The Talk
Epilepsy Alliance Florida
Southbank Riverwalk | 1001 Museum Circle 8 a.m. | (904) 731-3752 walkthetalkfl.org/jacksonville
Over 500,000 individuals in Florida struggle with epilepsy, making it the state with the most instances in the country. We are dedicated to confronting the spectrum of challenges created by seizures.
The Kilwins Jacksonville Ice Cream Run to benefit Clarke Schools for Hearing and Speech
Clarke Schools for Hearing and Speech
St. Johns Town Center | 4663 River City Dr. 7:30 a.m. | (855) 203-7085 clarkeschools.org/events/ice-cream-run
Walk to Defeat ALS
ALS Association Florida Chapter
UNF J.B. Coxwell Amphitheatre | 1 UNF Dr. 8-11 a.m. | (888) 257-1717 | als.org/florida/ events/2023-jacksonville-walk-defeat-alsr
March 26
River Garden 77th Anniversary Day River Garden River Garden Campus | 11401 Old St. Augustine Rd. 3-6 p.m. | (904) 260-1818 | rivergarden.org
March 27
33rd Annual Golf Classic
L’Arche Jacksonville Palencia Club | 600 Palencia Club Dr. 11 a.m. | (904) 721-5992 | larchejacksonville.org
March 29
Golf Classic
Angelwood South Hampton Golf Club 315 South Hampton Club Way (904) 288-7259 | angelwoodjax.org
Jacksonville Humane Society
One Ocean Hotel & Resort | 1 Ocean Blvd. 4:30-6:30 p.m. | (904) 493-4606 jaxhumane.org/events
Happy hour for you and your furry friend. Let us come together and celebrate our lifesaving mission for pets in need and the people who love them.
March 30
Junior Achievement
TIAA Bank Field - Lower East Club 1 TIAA Bank Field Dr. 9 a.m. | (904) 398-9944 | northflorida.ja.org
The JA Stock Market Challenge live competition event is part of the JA Take Stock in Your Future program for high school students.
JFCS Annual Event 2023: Wrapping
Ourselves Around the Community Jewish Families & Community Services
Venue 841 | 841 Prudential Dr. 6 p.m. | (904) 448-1933 jfcsjax.org/events
March 31
18th Annual Subaru BASCA Golf Classic BASCA (904) 541-1742 | bascainc.org
Mayor’s Masked Ball Jacksonville
Prime Osborn Convention Center Ballroom 1000 Water St. 7-9 p.m. | (407) 491-1264 | uncf.org/ events/2023-uncf-mayors-masked-ball-jacksonville
The 2nd annual ball focuses on raising awareness of the need and benefits of a college education, supporting UNCF's mission of investing in better futures for the young men and women we serve, and by helping them move to and through college.
The Winston Family YMCA will host its annual Giving Tree Gala on Saturday, March 25, 2023, in honor of G. John Carey -VanTrust, at the Jessie ball duPont Center from 6pm to 9pm. Each year, the event remembers and honors those who impact the Northeast Florida community with the W.W. Bill Gay Community Impact Award. The First Coast YMCA’s mission is to strengthen our community. The Winston Family YMCA, our flagship branch in downtown Jacksonville, is committed to continuing Mr. Gay’s legacy. By supporting this event, you are also supporting The Winston Family YMCA’s main areas of focus: Youth Development, Healthy Living and Social Responsibility.
April TBD
Bourbon and Bites Mainspring Academy (904) 503-0344 | mainspringacademy.org
Jax Healing Hearts 5K & 1-Mile
The Healing Hearts Project (904) 314-0533 | thehealingheartsproject.org
April 1
ExZOOberation Gala
Jacksonville Zoo and Gardens Jacksonville Zoo and Gardens | 370 Zoo Pkwy. 6-10 p.m. | (904) 757-4463 jacksonvillezoo.org
ExZOOberation raises funds to support the care and feeding of our animals, lush botanical gardens, educational programs and conservation initiatives.
Berry Good Farms Weekend Festival
— Concert on the Farm
North Florida School of Special Education Delores Barr Weaver Therapeutic Equestrian Center | 223 Mill Creek Road 2-6 p.m. | (904) 724-8323 northfloridaschool.org
In this rocking new event, guests will listed to the music of The Band Be Easy while enjoying beer, specialty cocktails and wine. Don't forget your stadium chairs or blankets to sit on. Attire is casual with closed-toe shoes or cowboy boots.
Passport Reimagined
Developmental Learning Center — DLC Nurse & Learn San Marco area (904) 387-0370 | dlcnl.org
April 2
Berry Good Farms Weekend Festival
— Dinner on the Farm
North Florida School of Special Education Delores Barr Weaver Therapeutic Equestrian Center | 223 Mill Creek Road 4-7 p.m. | (904) 724-8323 northfloridaschool.org
This signature event will feature local restaurateurs together with Berry Good Farm's culinary team. Enjoy a farm-to-table dinner paired with fine wine. Attire is dressy casual.
April 7
2023 Blooms Galore & More Preview Party
Garden Club of Jacksonville
Garden Club of Jacksonville | 1005 Riverside Ave. 5-8 p.m. | (904) 355-4224 | gardenclubjax.org
Get the best selection of plants one day before Blooms Galore & More, and enjoy live music and a beverage from the donation bar while you shop. Vote for your favorite display in the Container Competition, then bid on a pot to take home.
2023 Blooms Galore & More
Garden Club of Jacksonville Garden Club of Jacksonville | 1005 Riverside Ave. 9 a.m.-3 p.m. | (904) 355-4224 gardenclubjax.org
An amazing day of activities throughout the Garden Club campus: Sprout Sale, Green Market, Budding Gardeners, Garden Club Academy, and food trucks.
Jacksonville Humane Society
Jacksonville Humane Society | 8464 Beach Blvd. 10 a.m.-3 p.m. | (904) 493-4606 jaxhumane.org/events
Wine & Chocolate Run 5K
San Marco Square
San Marco Square | 2018 San Marco Blvd. 5 p.m. | 1stplacesports.com/races/wine5k
The Wine and Chocolate 5K s an awesome run through historic San Marco to raise funds for the continued beautification of the San Marco Square.
Child Cancer Fund Golf Tournament presented by Duval Asphalt Child Cancer Fund (904) 396-4223 | childcancerfund.org
14th Annual Stand Up & Stride Domestic
Violence Awareness Walk
Hubbard House
Riverfront Plaza | 2 Independent Drive
Event opens 8 a.m., Walk begins 9 a.m. (904) 354-0076 | hubbardhouse.org
Gabriel House of Care
Jacksonville School for Autism Deerwood Country Club | 10239 Golf Club Dr. (904) 732-4343 jsakids.org/fundraisers/ante-up-for-autism/ Enjoy a day of golf and lunch, all proceeds from the event will go toward supporting the critical and life-changing programs and services we provide individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders.
Jacksonville Executive at Craig Airport 855-1 St. Johns Bluff Rd. N 6-9:30 p.m. | (904) 821-8995 gabrielhouseofcare.org
Hand out at the hangars and join us for a unique evening with vintage airplanes, cars, original military memorabilia, Bacardi spirits, great food and great music — all to support our work serving organ transplant and cancer patients.
Jacksonville Children’s Chorus
UNF Lazzara Performance Hall | 1 UNF Dr. 6:30 p.m. | (904) 353-1636 jaxchildrenschorus.org
Rogers Towers Foundation 5K
Various Community Charities
1301 Riverplace Blvd. 8 a.m.
The Illumination Golf Classic
Baptist MD Anderson Cancer Center
TPC Sawgrass | 110 Championship Way
6 p.m. dinner, Sunday; 8 a.m. golf, Monday (904) 202-2808 giving.baptistjax.com/event/illumination-golf-classic/e410342
27th Annual River Garden Classic
River Garden
Deerwood Country Club
10239 Golf Club Dr. 12-6 p.m. | (904) 260-1818 rivergarden.org/event/ river-garden-golf-classic
KATE KUP VIP Players Party
Kate Amato Foundation
3 Palms Grille at The Yards 254 Alta Mar Dr. 6-10 p.m. | (904) 629-8300 kateamatofoundation.org/kate-kup Adult cocktail party to kick off the KATE KUP Triples Tennis Tournament with dinner, beverages and live music.
18th Annual Spring for the Arts
Cathedral Arts Project
Epping Forest Yacht & Country Club 1830 Epping Forest Dr. 6:30 p.m. | (904) 281-5599 ext. 118 Capkids.org/sfta
Join us for an evening of celebration to raise funds for arts education for children in Northeast Florida. Sip on champagne and award-winning wines, bid on one-of-a-kind items in the live and silent auctions, and dance the night away with Bold City Classics.
10th Annual MudRun 5K
Seamark Ranch
Seamark Ranch
3631 Seamark Ranch Rd., Green Cove Springs 7 a.m. | (904) 288-8885 | seamarkranch.com
Avondale 5K Classic
Sanctuary on 8th Street (904) 356-3588 | sanctuaryon8th.org
Bourbon & Brisket
Feeding Northeast Florida (904) 513-1333 | feedingnefl.org
UNF J.B. Coxwell Amphitheatre | 1 UNF Dr. 8 a.m. | (904) 386-2851 | jdrf.org
Kate Amato Foundation
The Oak Bridge Tennis Center at The Yards 254 Alta Mar Dr. 9 a.m. | (904) 629-8300
Family friendly event has a kid zone, and registration includes complimentary admission to the VIP players party, gift bag, costume awards, lunch and beverages during the tournament, and a generous donation to support pediatric cancer research.
JSAKIDS.org for more information.
When: Saturday, April 22, 2023
Time: 6:30pm
Where: Strings Sports Brewery in Springfield
A fundraiser to support Feeding Northeast Florida’s efforts to end hunger in our region. Visit feedingnefl.org for more information.
Benefiting Sulzbacher and Rethreaded Root Realty | 2574 Herschel St.
8:30 a.m. | (904) 814-0022
VyStar Emerald Trail 5K and 10K Run, Walk and Ride
Groundwork Jacksonville 4 p.m. | (904) 598-5664
The 3rd annual race will take runners, walkers and cyclists along the LaVilla Link, the first segment of the Emerald Trail that will be complete later this year.
205 St. Johns Golf Dr. Noon | (904) 353-6300 dsaj.org/charity-golf-classic
Fields Auto Group Jacksonville Walk for Wishes presented by W.W. Gay Mechanical Contractors
Make-A-Wish Central and Northern Florida
4th Annual CSI Gives Back Gala: A Night Under the Stars Masquerade Ball
CSI Gives Back
UNF Arena | 11852 UNF Dr. 6-11 p.m. | (904) 862-2949
Join us for an extraordinary evening of raising funds to support children and families in our community. Together, we will continue bringing smiles to the First Coast.
Run to Feed the Hungry 5K
Rotary Club of Mandarin 2501 Loretto Rd. 8 a.m. 1stplacesports.com/races/rotary5k
Mercy Support Services
Eagle Landing Golf Club | 3989 Eagle Landing Pkwy. TBD | (904) 297-4052 | mercysupportservices.org
Proceeds from the tournament directly benefit families and children in Clay County, to continue programs to help individuals and families who are circumstantially in need get to a place of self-sufficiency.
Jacksonville Beach Seawalk Pavilion | 75 1st St. N 5:30 p.m. | (904) 580-5906 wish.org/cnfl/our-events Walk for Wishes® is a nationwide Make-A-Wish fundraiser that supports life-changing wishes for children with critical illnesses. It's a family-friendly event powered by wish families, volunteers, companies, donors and friends that ensures no child waits even one unnecessary day to experience the hope and joy that a wish brings.
Veterans Cup 2023
Operation New Uniform
Jacksonville Clay Target Sports 12125 New Berlin Rd. (904) 328-1600 | onuvets.org
The Soiree — Great Gatsby on the Lawn Brooks Rehabilitation Cummer Museum of Art 829 Riverside Ave.
When: April 29, 2023
Where: University of North Florida Arena
CSI Gives Back will host its 4th Annual Gala at the University of North Florida Arena on April 29, 2023. Join us for A Night Under the Stars Masquerade Ball and raise funds to support children and families in our community. Together, we will continue bringing smiles to the First Coast! For more details, including tickets and partnership opportunities, visit CSIGivesBack.org.
May 1
22nd Annual KB Home Dreams Come True Golf Tournament
Dreams Come True
San Jose Country Club | 7529 San Jose Blvd. 9:30 a.m. registration, 11:00 a.m. shotgun (904) 296-3030 | dreamscometrue.org
8th Annual Difference Makers Banquet
City Rescue Mission 6:30 p.m. | (904) 421-5147 | crmjax.org
OneJax Institute’s Humanitarian Awards Event
OneJax Institute
Jacksonville Center for the Performing Arts 300 Water St. 5:30 p.m. | (904) 620-1529 | onejax.org
Communities in Schools of Jacksonville Florida Theatre | 128 E. Forsyth St. #300 6-9 p.m. | (904) 344-3900 | cisjax.org
May 6
11th Annual Derby Run
Community Hospice & Palliative Care Foundation Tringali Barn | 7310 US-1 S., St. Augustine 4-8 p.m. | (904) 268-5200 communityhospice.com/events
The Great Fire Run 5K
Jacksonville Historical Society Old St. Andrew’s Church 317 A. Philip Randolph Blvd. 7:30 a.m. | (904) 665-0064 | jaxhistory.org
Greenscape Root Ball —
Kentucky Derby Watch Party
Greenscape of Jacksonville, Inc. Garden Club of Jacksonville | 1005 Riverside Ave. 5:30 p.m. | (904) 398-5757 greenscapeofjax.org
Celebrity Golf Classic
Tom Coughlin Jay Fund
TPC Sawgrass Stadium Course 110 Championship Way (904) 543-2599 | tcjayfund.org/signature-events/celebrity-golf-classic
Celebration 2023 Cocktail Reception
Leadership Jacksonville Jessie Ball duPont Center | 40 E. Adams St. 5-8 p.m. | (904) 396-6263 | leadershipjax.org
Annual Leadership Jacksonville event supporting Youth Leadership Jacksonville.
community and have a feature guest speaker. Sponsorships and crmdevelopment@crmjax.org.
May 12
5th Annual McKenzie's Camp Deep Pond Clay Shoot
Boys & Girls Club of Northeast Florida
Jacksonville Clay Target Sports 12125 New Berlin Rd. 9 a.m. | (904) 913-8100
2023 Go Red for Women Health Summit
American Heart Association First Coast 10 a.m.-1 p.m. | (904) 903-5205 ahajacksonville.ejoinme.org MyEvents/20222023JacksonvilleGoRed
May 13
Black Knight DONNA Mother’s Day 5K
The DONNA Foundation
Black Knight Corporate Headquarters 601 Riverside Ave. 8-11 a.m. | (904) 551-0732 runsignup.com/donnamd5k
FinFest 2023
Jacksonville Speech & Hearing Center
Timuquana Country Club | 4028 Timuquana Rd. (904) 717-6934 | shcjax.org/finfest
The best beachy bash returns to raise funds to provide the highest quality professional and compassionate care to all individuals in our community with speech, language or hearing disorders, regardless of ability to pay.
May 14
Jacksonville Marine Charities Redfish Roundup Spots Tournament
Safe Harbor Boys Home (904) 757-7918 | safeharboracademy.com
May 17
20th Anniversary Golf Tournament
Volunteers in Medicine (904) 399-2766 | vimjax.org
May 18
3rd Annual Wine Women & Shoes
Episcopal Children’s Services
Timuquana Country Club | 4028 Timuquana Rd. 6 p.m. | (904) 726-1500 | ecs4kids.org
May 18-20
Annual Bass Tournament
Wolfson Children's Hospital
Palatka City Dock and Boat Ramp 319 River Street, Palatka 4 a.m. | (904) 202-2919 | giving.baptistjax.com/ event/wolfson-childrens-bass-tournament-2023/ e410375
May 20
Hope Starts Here 5K
Operation New Hope
Operation New Hope | 1830 N. Main St. 8:30 a.m. | (904) 354-4673 operationnewhope.org
Florida Theatre
Florida Theatre | 128 E. Forsyth St. #300 6 p.m. | (904) 355-5661 | floridatheatre.com/ events/detail/the-florida-theatre-ball-bigeasy-style
Presented by Dex Imaging, the evening features New Orleans-inspired cuisine, craft cocktails, one-of-a-kind auction items, and dancing to the sounds of The Big Easy Band. The evening supports the Theatre's mission to bring memorable entertainment and preserve the Theatre, a unique historic Jacksonville landmark.
May 29
Memorial Day Picnic & Concert in the Park Memorial Park Association
Memorial Park | 1620 Riverside Ave.
5 p.m. | (904) 708-2201 | memparkjax.org
Summer TBD
Blues, Brews & BBQ
Florida Theatre (904) 355-2787 | floridatheatre.com
June TBD
11th Annual Serving Up A Cure Tennis Event
Misc. Jacksonville charities
Deerwood Country Club | 10239 Golf Club Dr. (904) 962-1409 | servingupacure.com
June 1-7
CPR Awareness Week
American Heart Association First Coast (904) 903-5205 | heart.org/florida
June 2
7th Annual Champions For Hope Gala
Funk-Zitiello Foundation
TPC Sawgrass Ballroom | 110 Championship Way 6 p.m. | (904) 373-0737 | championsforhopegolf.com Dinner and auction with Curtis Dvorak, music entertainment with Bold City Classics.
June 3
7th Annual Champions For Hope Golf Classic Tournament
Funk-Zitiello Foundation
TPC Sawgrass Stadium Course | 110 Championship Way 8 a.m. | (904) 373-0737 | championsforhopegolf.com
June 3-4
MixedRITA at Sawgrass Country Club
The RITA Foundation Sawgrass Country Club | 9175 Preston Tr. East 8 a.m. | (904) 363-1493 | the-rita-foundation.org/mixed-rita
July TBD
WOKV Care-A-Thon presented by Duval Asphalt
Child Cancer Fund
Nemours Children's Health | 807 Children's Way 6a-6p | (904) 396-4223 | wokv.com/careathon
August 5
5th Annual North Florida King of the Beach
Mason's Voice (904) 334-5892 | masonsvoiceforsb.org
August 19
Soaring Possibilities Celebration
Sawgrass Marriott Golf Resort and Spa
1000 Tournament Players Club Blvd. (904) 288-7259 | angelwoodjax.org
August 22
THRIVE! 2023
Women's Center of Jacksonville (904) 722-3000
August 26
3rd Annual Fields Auto Group
Wishmaker’s Ball Jacksonville
Make-A-Wish Central and Northern Florida
Sawgrass Marriott Golf Resort and Spa
1000 Tournament Players Club Blvd. 6 p.m. | (904) 580-5906 | wish.org/cnfl/our-events
Make-A-Wish's signature black-tie gala that raises money to grant the heart felt wishes of children who are facing life-threatening illnesses in our local comunities. The evening includes a 3-course dinner, open bar, silent and live auctions, wish stories and a separate after-party.
Beam of Light Beach Ball
TPC Sawgrass Clubhouse | 110 Championship Way (904) 241-2326 | jaxbeam.org/ball
Summer Nights presented by 121 Financial Boys & Girls Club of Northeast Florida
The Glass Factory | 601 Myrtle Ave. N (904) 913-8100
August 28
14th Annual Champion’s Challenge Golf Tournament City Rescue Mission
TPC Sawgrass | 110 Championship Way 10 a.m. | (904) 421-5147 | crmjax.org
When: May 18, 2023; 6:00 p.m. Where: Timuquana Country Club
Wine Women & Shoes Jax is back for the third year in a row! An annual fundraiser for Episcopal Children’s Services, Wine Women & Shoes Jax allows the community to sip, shop, savor and support ECS in a fun and innovative way. Raising the bar on non-profit events, WW&S Jax 2023 will be held at Timuquana Country Club on Thursday, May 18, 2023 at 6 p.m.
Event activities include a wine tasting, designer shopping, silent auction and a “best in shoe” contest, encouraging all guests to slip on their fanciest stilettos or wedges and enjoy a night of fun and fashion. Working together with local and national brand partners, ECS will uplift the mission of the organization: To create opportunity so that the children we serve can achieve their full potential, and raise funds to support the children and families in our community. For sponsorship inquiries, contact Lauren Hopkins at lauren.hopkins@ecs4kids.org. For more information about the event: www.ecs4kids.org/wws.
When: Monday-Sunday, October 2-8, 2023 Where: Timuquana Country Club
The Jim & Tabitha Furyk Foundation is excited to return to Timuquana Country Club for the third annual Constellation FURYK & FRIENDS presented by Circle K. This PGA TOUR Champions event brings a unique approach to golf with our celebrity friends attending and a focus on music, food and fun for all. All proceeds from the tournament and Furyk Foundation Concert benefit Northeast Florida charities focused on helping kids & families in need thru project-specific donations. Since 2021, the event has generated more than $2 million in charitable impact.
September 8-9
Lung Force
American Lung Association (904) 520-7120 | lung.org
Shindig for the Sanctuary
Sanctuary on 8th Street (904) 356-3588 | sanctuaryon8th.org
Topgolf & Tacos
Developmental Learning Center — DLC Nurse & Learn (904) 387-0370 | dlcnl.org
September TBD
2023 First Coast Heart Walk
American Heart Association First Coast Check-in 8 a.m. - Start time 9 a.m. (904) 903-5205 | heart.org/florida
Child Cancer Fund Gala Child Cancer Fund (904) 396-4223 | childcancerfund.org
DESC Defenders
Downtown Ecumenical Services Council (904) 358-7955 | descjax.org
Delicious Destinations
Ascension St. Vincent's Foundation Ponte Vedra Inn & Club | 302 Ponte Vedra Blvd. 7 p.m. | (904) 308-7306 | givestvincents.org/ delicious-destinations
September 11
23rd Annual “Hank Haynes” Golf Classic Daniel Timuquana Country Club | 4028 Timuquana Rd. (904) 296-1055 | danielkids.org
September 12
20th Anniversary — 20 Years of Heartfelt Care and Selfless Healing Volunteers in Medicine (904) 399-2766 | vimjax.org
September 23
Annual Dreams Come True 5K and 1-Mile Fun Run Dreams Come True (904) 296-3030 | dreamscometrue.org
October TBD
29th Annual Barbara Ann Campbell
Memorial Breakfast
Hubbard House (904) 354-0076 | hubbardhouse.org/breakfast
Jim Swanagin Memorial Golf Tournament
Patient Assistance Foundation of Cancer Specialists of North Florida (904) 519-2739 | pafcsnf.org
Mulligans for Hope Charity Golf Tournament
Operation New Hope (904) 354-4673 | operationnewhope.org
The DONNA Foundation (904) 551-0732
Pour Your Heart Out
The Healing Hearts Project (904) 314-0533 | thehealingheartsproject.org
Reggie Hunt Memorial Golf Classic
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Northeast Florida
Amelia River Golf Club | 4477 Buccaneer Tr. (904) 727-9797 | bbbsnefl.org/events
Presented by Convergence Employee Leasing, Big Brothers Big Sisters of Northeast Florida — Nassau County will host the 27th anniversary of our annual Reggie Hunt Memorial Golf Classic in Fernandina Beach. This event is held annually in Nassau County in memory of Reggie Hunt, a former Fernandina High School student athlete and six year participant in our Nassau County program.
Jacksonville Zoo and Gardens
Jacksonville Zoo and Gardens | 370 Zoo Pkwy. (904) 757-4463 | jacksonvillezoo.org
October 1-2
Mulligans for the Mission
Ascension St. Vincent’s Foundation
TPC Sawgrass | 110 Championship Way
5 p.m. Sunday Dinner, 9 a.m. Monday Golf Tournament (904) 308-7306 givestvincents.org/mulligans-for-the-mission
October 2
7th Annual CAP Golf Tournament (904) 281-5599 | Capkids.org
October 2-8
Constellation FURYK & FRIENDS presented by Circle K
The Jim & Tabitha Furyk Foundation
Timuquana Country Club | 4028 Timuquana Rd. 7:45 a.m. | constellationfurykandfriends.com
The Jim & Tabitha Furyk Foundation is excited to host the second annual Constellation FURYK & FRIENDS presented by Circle K, a PGA TOUR Champions event. All net proceeds from the event will go to charities in Jacksonville to help the community become healthier, stronger and educationally enriched.
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When: October 13, 2023
Where: TPC Sawgrass
The 40th Annual Brooks Rehabilitation Golf Classic will be held Friday, October 13, 2023 at TPC Sawgrass. This event is one of the top charity golf tournaments in Northeast Florida, with approximately 150 corporate and community leaders participating. All proceeds will benefit the programs and services of Brooks Rehabilitation in the care of patients suffering from brain injuries, strokes, spinal cord injuries, comprehensive orthopedic problems and other disabling conditions. When you play, everyone wins.
October 10-11
LSF Health Systems GuideWell Innovation Center | Lake Nona, FL 9 a.m.-4 p.m. | (904) 900-1075 sfhealthsystems.org
October 13
Golf Classic
Brooks Rehabilitation
TPC Sawgrass | 110 Championship Way (904) 345-7073 | brooksgolf.org When you play, everyone wins.
October 14
19th Annual Halloween Doors & More
Community Hospice & Palliative Care Foundation
Jacksonville Fairgrounds | 510 Fairgrounds Pl. 2-7 p.m. | (904) 268-5200 communityhospice.com/foundation/foundation-events/halloween-doors-more
Down Syndrome Association of Jacksonville
Jacksonville Beach Seawalk Pavilion 75 1st St. N (904) 353-6300 | dsaj.org
October 19
2nd Annual Sizzlin' Soirée
Boys & Girls Club of Northeast Florida The Fountain of Youth 11 Magnolia Ave., St. Augustine 6-9 p.m. | (904) 913-8100
October 23
2023 Annual Charity Golf Tournament presented by Miller Electric
Seamark Ranch
Deerwood Country Club 10239 Golf Club Dr. 7:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m. (904) 288-8885 seamarkranch.com
When: Thursday, November 9, 2023
Where: TPC Sawgrass
JDRF’s Party with a Purpose is a “new twist” on JDRF Northern Florida’s historic gala event to raise funds for type one diabetes (T1D) research. This Party with a Purpose provides a taste of gala, with abbreviated auctions in a more intimate setting. This special engagement brings philanthropic-minded corporate and prominent citizens together for an evening of impact and fun that includes cocktails, dinner, competitive live and silent auctions, a special mission segment called Fund A Cure, followed by dancing and time with friends.
As the leading global organization funding T1D research, JDRF's mission is to accelerate life-changing breakthroughs to prevent and treat T1D and its complications. By raising money and awareness, you’ll help transform lives and make the world without T1D a reality. For more information on 2023’s Party with A Purpose, please e-mail Colleen Morris at CMorris@jdrf.org.
October 25
Empty Bowls
Feeding Northeast Florida (904) 513-1333 feedingnefl.org
October 26
Tides and Tails Happy Hour
Jacksonville Humane Society
One Ocean Hotel & Resort 1 Ocean Blvd. 4:30-6:30 p.m. | (904) 493-4606 jaxhumane.org/events
Happy hour for you and your furry friend. Let us come together and celebrate our lifesaving mission for pets in need and the people who love them.
October 28
Farm Fun Fall-O-Ween EPIC Outreach (904) 274-1177 epicoutreach.org
November TBD
Dine for Dyslexia
DePaul School of Northeast Florida (904) 223-3391 | depaulschool.com
Margarita J'ville
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Northeast Florida
Mavi Waterfront Bar & Grill | 2309 Beach Blvd. (904) 727-9797 bbbsnefl.org/events
Margarita J’Ville brings the island flare and fun of Duval Street, in Key West, to Duval County. Guests will groove to live music, indulge in delicious island inspired cuisine, and sip free flowing margaritas and signature drinks all while enjoying picturesque views and Jimmy Buffet vibes.
November 2
Beaches BBQ Bash
Boys & Girls Club of Northeast Florida
Atlantic Beach BBQ | 461 Atlantic Blvd. 6-9 p.m. | (904) 913-8100
November 8
National STEM Day
American Heart Association First Coast (904) 903-5205 | heart.org/florida
November 9
Party with a Purpose — Into the Blue JDRF
TPC Sawgrass | 110 Championship Way 6 p.m. | (904) 386-2851 | jdrf.org
November 11
Veterans Day Concert
Memorial Park Association Memorial Park | 1620 Riverside Ave. 6 p.m. | (904) 708-2201 | memparkjax.org
November 13
7th Annual Drivers of Change Golf Invitational
YMCA of Florida's First Coast Timuquana Country Club | 4028 Timuquana Rd. 12 p.m. | (904) 265-1824 | fcymca.org
This corporate golf event offers a unique opportunity to make a difference in strengthening the foundation in the North Jacksonville communities we serve. Proceeds will benefit the YMCA's Tiger Academy Charter School and the Johnson Family YMCA Teen Program. Over the last six years, more than $500,000 in support has been raised from this tournament.
November 15
A Night With the Stars
Museum of Science and History 1025 Museum Cir. (904) 391-6692 | myeldersource.org
November 15
National Philanthropy Day
November 17 Empty Bowls Barnabas Center Noon | (904) 261-7000 | barnabasnassau.org
November 19 Poker Run
Daughtershine (904) 300-9764 | daughtershineinc.com
November 29
#DTJax Awards Downtown Vision 5-8 p.m. | (904) 634-0303 | dtjax.org
When: November 19, 2023, 8:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m. Where: Palms Fish Camp Restaurant, 6359 Heckscher Dr.
Sunday, November 19 will mark the 4th Annual Daughtershine Poker Run. Palms Fish Camp will be the first stop for participants of this fun-filled event with an 8 a.m. registration and check-in. Riders will enjoy the first card draw, brunch and drink specials, as well as a raffle before making their way to the next stop. The fun continues with even more opportunities to win amazing prizes and fill up on delicious food and drinks at the Sandollar Restaurant and Flight 747 Lounge. The final stop and card draw will take place at Cliffs Bar and Grill. Put your kick stands down and go all-in for this great cause. All proceeds will provide free mobile dental services to the recovery community in Northeast Florida.
Daughtershine Inc was founded by Cami Caldwell in memory of her daughter Brittany Alexis Caldwell who was lost to addiction on November 24, 2018. Recovery — one smile at a time.
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Fun Shoot Ascension St. Vincent’s Foundation Jacksonville Clay Target Sports 12125 New Berlin Rd. 8:30 a.m. | (904) 308-7306 givestvincents.org Gingerbread Extravaganza
Jacksonville Historical Society Old St. Andrew’s Church 317 A. Philip Randolph Blvd. (904) 665-0064 jaxhistory.org
Jacksonville Zoo and Gardens Jacksonville Zoo and Garden 370 Zoo Pkwy. (904) 757-4463 jacksonvillezoo.org
ZOOLights is the winter wonderland for the holiday season. The artistry of interactive lights and sounds in 11 themed areas will bring out the fantastical beauty of the Zoo's gardens.
December 2
Heroes Gala
Operation New Uniform (904) 328-1600 | onuvets.org
December 7
33rd Annual Tree of Life & Candlelight Service of Remembrance — Jacksonville
Community Hospice & Palliative Care Foundation
Community Hospice and Palliative Care | 4266 Sunbeam Rd.
5:45-7 p.m. | (904) 268-5200 | communityhospice.com/events
December 10
Luminaria in the Park
Memorial Park Association Memorial Park | 1620 Riverside Ave. 4 p.m. | (904) 708-2201 | memparkjax.org
December 14
33rd Annual Tree of Life & Candlelight Service of Remembrance — St. Augustine
Community Hospice & Palliative Care Foundation
Community Hospice and Palliative Care 1355 U.S. 1 Hwy. S., St. Augustine
5:45-7 p.m. | (904) 268-5200 | communityhospice.com/events
More than 150 years after the community’s inception, the Eastside is Jacksonville’s last cohesive, historically Black neighborhood from the 19th century. Historic Eastside is probably best defined by “The Avenue,” or Florida Avenue, which was renamed A. Philip Randolph Boulevard in 1995. The stretch of the road just north of the sports complex used to be packed with businesses owned by people everyone called by name. The Avenue was a commerce center for the Black community with hat shops, shoe stores, restaurants, clubs, service stations and a fire station.
Unlike downtown, a significant number of these historic buildings still exist in this area north of the Jacksonville Expressway and west of Martin Luther King Parkway. There are five neighborhoods that make up historic Eastside: Fairfield, Oakland, Phoenix, Campbell’s Addition and Longbranch, said Suzanne Pickett, CEO of the Historic Eastside Community Development Corporation (HECDC), who grew up in Eastside.
In the past two years, historic Eastside, also known as Out East, has been the focus of placemaking efforts in Jacksonville, experiencing a rejuvenation spurred by a synergistic partnership of Eastside residents, community organizations, local government and major corporations. The process even has an intriguing name — “withintrification” — a term first coined by University of Pittsburgh professor Pastor John Wallace that is basically the opposite of gentrification.
Placemaking is a people-centered approach to the planning, design and management of public spaces. Put simply, it involves looking at, listening to and asking questions of the people who live, work and play in a particular space, to discover needs and aspirations. This information is then used to create a common vision for that place. The vision can evolve quickly into implementation, beginning with small-scale, doable improvements that can bring immediate benefits to public spaces and the people who use them.
Current Eastside residents and a number of local partners believe historic Eastside is ripe for withintrification. They are working with the local nonprofit, LIFT JAX, which is using a nationally recognized model called Purpose Built Communities.
Purpose Built Communities has transformed povertystricken areas across the country based on a coordinated, holistic approach to revitalization, including high-quality, mixed-income housing, cradle-to-career education, community wellness and long-term financial vitality for residents.
LIFT JAX, an initiative of business and community leaders working to eradicate generational poverty in Jacksonville, is the realized vision of the Women’s Giving Alliance (WGA).
“I assembled leaders from all sectors, including those being served, to meet monthly to develop the collective #nopovertyjax effort for four years, which was eventually called LIFT JAX,” said Ellen Wiss, who was WGA’s president at that time.
“We started with Eastside because there is strong community leadership that has been involved for years, and momentum surrounding the neighborhood — the sportsentertainment district, Cathedral District and Springfield,”
said David Garfunkel, president of LIFT JAX, who first came on board to serve as a volunteer.
“When we approached community leaders to see if they wanted to partner with us, there was a lot of mistrust because of past promises made but not kept,” Garfunkel said. “We have to make sure that we’re consistent with what the neighborhood wants to see and that we’re acting in their best interest. This work happens at the speed of trust.”
“Jacksonville, like many other communities, is struggling with heirs’ property,” said Dr. Irvin PeDro Cohen, executive director of Local Initiatives Support Coalition (LISC) Jacksonville, which transforms challenged neighborhoods into healthy, sustainable communities. “Because it is a legacy community, historic Eastside has a great opportunity to prevent people from losing their homes.”
Existing homes in historic Eastside are being renovated through a Restore and Repair program spearheaded by the HECDC with funding from LISC Jacksonville, LIFT JAX, Wells Fargo and a gift from Delores Barr Weaver. The program sources bids from contractors who are based in the Eastside and other urban core neighborhoods, serving as an additional economic development mechanism.
“We are focusing on homes that need repair on Van Buren Street first and then we’ll move to other streets,” said Cohen. The goal is to have more people coexist in new homes alongside older homes.
“These are owner-occupied, single-family homes largely occupied by older residents — for as long as 70 years, in one case,” said Garfunkel. “We’re helping with deferred maintenance that, if not taken care of, will mean people have to move out, and we will lose them from the neighborhood. Repairing them improves housing prices overall in Eastside. We hope to complete at least 40 home repairs within two years.”
In addition to helping repair older homes, LISC Jacksonville and LIFT JAX launched Project Boots in September 2021 to provide down payment assistance to five local residents to build new homes on existing vacant lots in historic Eastside. All five are Jacksonville natives.
“We will be breaking ground in Fall 2022 on the first homes,” Cohen said. “We have a list of about 85 people who want to be in the program,” he added. “We’re looking at teachers, firefighters, police officers — a wide swath of people who are good role models for the next generation.”
Dr. Kiersten S. Pough, a pharmacist for CVS, and her two-year-old son are one of the first five Project Boots families. She is a fourth-generation Jacksonville native whose great-grandmother, Eva Bryant Watkins, purchased a home in Sherwood Forest in northwest Jacksonville in 1969.
“I want to build a home in historic Eastside because I like the idea of living in a historically Black legacy neighborhood in Duval County, a neighborhood where many prominent Blacks resided as far back as the 1890s,” she said. “It’s a neighborhood where, at one point during redlining, residents had no other options. Now we have the opportunity to choose the area,” said Pough.
While historic Eastside has seen its challenges over the last two or three decades, the spirit and life that once was so apparent in the vibrant streets of Eastside is still found among its current residents.
- Joe DebsIn May 2021, the Khan Family and the Jaguars Foundation made a $1 million donation to LIFT JAX and its work with the HECDC to help the Out East neighborhood initiative.
“We want to bring a winning team and coach to the city, and we want to rebuild, revitalize and rethink Jacksonville’s downtown area,” said T’Neisha Tate, Vice President of Social Responsibility and Impact for the Jaguars.
“Shad [Khan] has held us to making sure that in all of our work we also find ways to build in equitable development in communities that need us the most.”
The Jaguars have donated money to upgrade play equipment in Flossie Brunson Park. Players and staff have distributed meals and gifts, and done neighborhood cleanups. Jags cornerback Shaquill Griffin even brought his personal chef along to host a community barbecue at the Eastside Brotherhood Club.
“For that one day, food insecurity was not an issue for those who attended,” said Tate.
Quarterback Trevor Lawrence, through the NFL’s “My Calls, My Cleats,” donated his cleats to benefit Longbranch Elementary School in Eastside. Third graders at the school designed the cleats, and as a thank-you, he sent them all a pair of Adidas sneakers.
In March 2022, Florida Blue also gave $1 million to LIFT JAX to support its efforts in Historic Eastside.
“By lifting up those around us through investment in people and relevant programs, we will positively impact conditions that materially impact generational poverty,” said Darnell Smith, Florida Blue North Florida Market President.
“In addition to our investment into LIFT JAX, we’ve provided more than $713,000 to support other partners doing work in the Eastside community, including River Oak Center, Feeding Northeast Florida, the Emerald Trail, Empowering Youth and others.”
The community is working to bring back historic businesses like Debs Store while still attracting new businesses to Eastside. First opened in 1921, the Debs Store was a family-owned and -operated grocery store that supplied fresh produce, meats and other groceries. After it closed in 2011, Out East became a food desert.
“We’ve been working to deliver on tangible projects important to the community. Our goal is to make sure we support smaller, Black-owned businesses,” said Garfunkel.
“It is the City’s obligation to invest and increase development in the urban core,” said Reggie Gaffney, District 7 City Council member. “As City Council member, it has always been my role to leverage funds for Debs Store, and I was able to help secure more than $1 million and together with LIFT JAX, more than $2 million.”
Thanks to public and private support to LIFT JAX, construction and renovation of the old Debs Store at 1478 Florida Avenue started in early June. In addition to reinvigorating the historic grocery store, VyStar Credit
Union will provide banking and ATM services in a newly constructed wing of the building.
“The Debs Store will not only support the community through convenient access to nutritional food, but also by supporting local residents’ journeys to financial wellbeing,” said Patricia McElroy, VyStar’s senior vice president and Foundation president.
Goodwill Industries will operate the store to provide career and workforce development programming.
“Our new Debs Store GoodCareer Center will create convenient and reliable access to career and workforce development that will help propel community members forwards and upwards in life,” said David Rey, president and CEO of Goodwill Industries of North Florida.
In addition to VyStar, the City of Jacksonville, Florida Blue Foundation, Jacksonville Jaguars Foundation, Baptist Health, the Florida Department of State, Goodwill Industries of North Florida, the Miller Families and the Debs family all contributed to the project.
“While historic Eastside has seen its challenges over the last two or three decades, the spirit and life that once was so apparent in the vibrant streets of Eastside is still found among its current residents,” said Joe Debs, whose family ran Debs Store.
Joe Debs’ grandparents, Nicolas and Rosa Debs, started Debs Store in 1921. The original store was located on the 1500 block of Franklin Street in the Eastside. It moved into the current building at 1478 Florida Avenue in 1928. Nicolas, Rosa and their children lived upstairs in the store for about 15 years, and the entire family worked in the store. After Nicolas became ill in 1948, sons Nick and Gene ran the store until Gene’s death in 2006. Joe’s father, Nick, continued to run the store until his own death in 2011, when the store closed for good.
Dawn Curling’s family also has a history of business in the Eastside community. Curling’s grandfather, Edward C. Williams, opened his first business, Cocky’s Coffee Shop, between Jessie and Phelps streets on Florida Avenue, in 1954. The shop operated until 1978. He followed with his first grocery store in 1969 at the corner of Phelps Street and Florida Avenue, then a beauty salon and shaved ice business on A. Philip Randolph Boulevard.
Today, Curling and Angie Nixon organize Melanin Market to bring products and services of minority-owned businesses to the community. Held quarterly, the market now has more than 7,000 regular attendees and 300plus vendors who set up on five blocks from Union Street to Jessie Street along A. Philip Randolph Boulevard. Melanin Market also serves as a hub for workshops on marketing, business structure, business insurance, accounting and business credit and a series of community development events, exhibits and volunteer projects.
Dana Miller, owner of Man Cave Barbershop on the corner of A. Philip Randolph Boulevard and Pippen Street, opened his business 10 years ago.
“I grew up in Eastside. This community helped me become who I am and made me successful. It takes time, but I see a prosperous neighborhood. That’s why I’m staying here. My barbershop will be here, God’s will,” he said.
For 35 years, the DA Foundation is proud to play a part in the changing face of Jacksonville and beyond through its support of Jacksonville’s public arts high school. DA graduates are making a difference everywhere – opening community theaters, galleries and arts-based organizations and providing leadership in all fields. They are teachers, sharing the depth of arts experience and knowledge to enrich the education of others. But first, they were students.
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Leaders and philanthropists will forever be inspired in North Florida by the compassion, care and giving nature exhibited by Mary Virginia Terry. She gracefully embraced causes near and dear to her heart and provided support to countless endeavors throughout the region. In this Bicentennial year for the City of Jacksonville, it’s more important than ever to recognize our history and its teachers.
Mary Virginia Terry died peacefully in her Ortega home on Oct. 29. Her surviving family includes two sisters-in-law as well as several nephews and nieces, one of whom is Jacksonville resident Betsy Cox.
Mary Virginia was born to the Williams family in Quitman, a small city in South Georgia. She grew up there before attending Valdosta State University, where she earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in the field of social sciences. She had been working as a history and economics teacher when she met C. Herman Terry, who had also grown up in Quitman and who was a graduate of the University of Georgia’s School of Commerce. They married soon after, while Herman was working for Commercial Investment Trust Corp. When the company transferred him to its Jacksonville office, the Terrys moved and made this city their home.
As a couple, the Terrys were extraordinary benefactors who made significant contributions to the arts, children, healthcare and education. In the early 1980s, the C. Herman & Mary Virginia Terry Foundation was established.
In 1988, the Terrys helped launch the initial capital campaign to bring a Ronald McDonald House (RMH) to Jacksonville and, since then, had offered ongoing support. The Terry Family Campus is named in their honor. “Mrs. Terry was a generous and caring woman. She had a tremendous impact on our organization and the entire Jacksonville community. She will be greatly missed, but fondly remembered,” said David Shaffer, CEO of RMH Charities of Jacksonville.
There are also many buildings that bear the Terry name, not only in Jacksonville, but throughout the Southeast. They include Jacksonville University’s Terry Concert Hall, Terry Heart Institute at Wolfson Children’s Hospital, Ascension St. Vincent’s Mary Virginia Terry Cancer Center, and University of Georgia’s C. Herman and Mary Virginia Terry College of Business.
Mary Virginia continued their charitable work long after her husband’s 1998 passing. “She was an extraordinary and strong woman to carry on the legacy that she and Herman left in our community and beyond. What a blessing she was,” said Jane Lanier, a close friend who had spent many holidays with Mary Virginia.
Mary Virginia contributed to medical research and scholarship funds. She had been a board member for the Salvation Army, the Sulzbacher Center for the Homeless, the Women’s Guild of the Jacksonville Symphony, and Mayo Clinic Florida Leadership Council among other organizations. She helped make the MOSH 2.0 expansion project possible. The lists are as long as her heart was wide. Wherever she saw great need, she did her best to make a difference.
Mary Virginia regularly contributed to more than 30 organizations. She won the 2002 award for Outstanding Philanthropist from the Florida First Coast Chapter of the Association of Fundraising Professionals. She received honorary doctorate degrees in humane letters from Jacksonville University in 2003 and from the University of Georgia in 2009. And yet, Mary Virginia Terry was a humble woman who touched individual lives as deeply as she touched entire establishments.
Sandra Corbett was one of those individuals. “I had the privilege of working for Mrs. Terry for over 36 years, and with each passing year, my admiration and love for her grew. Her philanthropy and generosity extended far beyond those organizations which have been made public. From her, I learned so much about life and dealing with its many facets. She was a kind, compassionate and witty lady and I shall miss her greatly,” said Corbett.
In addition to all her charitable activities, Mary Virginia had a recreative side. She loved reading, gardening, and traveling. She annually attended the Florida-Georgia game, and no one will ever know for certain whether she was secretly cheering for the Bulldogs over the Gators, or vice versa. When not at the beach, she enjoyed time in the mountains, even skiing in Lake Tahoe. In 2015, she joined a few other select ‘Grand Dammes’ of giving, appearing as a cover girl for the Resident Community News Group’s premiere issue of Circles: Social Datebook and Charity Register. What fun she had! In her presence, the photographers, staff and publishers did as well. “Mary Virginia was always kind, courteous and gracious, obliging countless requests to help carry our community forward. Her giving nature and effort to assist others is a legacy that will impact many generations to come,” said Seth Williams, publisher of the news group.
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