01-11-2013 Brookhaven Reporter

Page 35

COMMUNITY appropriate to Austen’s time. Maytion of marriage from the Bible.” er dressed in clothes from the Austen Mayer said religion for Austen was novel “Sense and Sensibility.” “as natural as breathing.” Austen’s faMembers and guests used the occather was a clergyman in the Church sion to compare notes on their favorof England and many of her heroines ite novels or characters. marry clergymen. “Austen’s char“Marriage is acters are almost a very imporlike relatives,” said tant issue in Jane Abigail Pilger, a Austen’s work,” Dunwoody resiDabundo said. “Marriage is a very dent and member “Not only for the important issue in Jane of the Dunwoody couple, but for Austen’s work. Not only Woman’s Club. what it represent“What happens ed to the comfor the couple, but for in Austen’s novels munity. The couwhat it represented to is real life,” said ple unites with the community. The Mary Morder, a other characlong-time memters through their couple unites with other ber of the Austen marriage.” characters through society. And yet, raththeir marriage.” Kennesaw State er than lecturing University Engthe reader about lish professor and religion, faith or – LAURA DABUNDO religious studies moral standards, KENNESAW STATE UNIVERSITY coordinator LauMayer emphara Dabundo dissized Austen uses cussed her recent dialogue “to show book, “The Marthe fabric of her riage of Faith: characters.” Christianity in Jane Austen and Wil“Jane Austen was ahead of her liam Wordsworth.” In her book, time, that is why her appeal is timeDabundo draws similarities on how less,” Mayer said. she believes each incorporated their While Austen’s novel “Pride and faith into their prose and poetry rePrejudice” remains the favorite of spectively. Dabundo said she presumes many, Helena Jeny insists that AusAusten must have extracted “the noten’s “Emma” is “the best British novel

From left, Alexandra Thomas, 15, Nancy Mayer, Diane Brannnen and Abigail Pilger confer during the Jane Austen birthday bash at the Dunwoody Public Library on Dec. 16.

in every sense.” “Every word counts; every sentence moves the story and is targeted toward the end,” Jeny said. “Austen is the master of streamlin-

ing.” For more information about the Atlanta chapter, visit: www.jasnaatlanta. org.

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JAN. 11 – JAN. 24, 2013 | 35

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