Rental Housing Magazine March-April 2022 Issue

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Derek Barnes

ousing continues to be one of the most expensive services to produce, deliver and maintain in the Bay Area. The demand for more lower-cost forms of housing continues to increase as more people are attracted to the region. Current market data shows that the demand for Bay Area housing has grown, even after two years of a pandemic.

Production, preservation and protection (3 Ps) have been the framework for many progressive housing advocates and pro-housing legislation for over a decade. The theory is that you must engage all three levers to ensure real and sustainable outcomes. More focus is applied to areas of protection -- protecting resident communities from displacement and gentrification. While providing this essential service, few protections are awarded to small property owners who maintain over 80 percent of the rental housing units in the East Bay. Rising production and management costs, along with inadequate housing inventory, are key to unaffordability in the market. Innovation in housing is critical and required at every level. How is technological advancement transforming the rental housing market? Is technology the game-changing solution to housing shortages, affordability, sustainability, and better business management? As a leader in rental housing best practices, it’s EBRHA’s responsibility in our community to open doors to new avenues for exploration and discovery. This edition of Rental Housing Magazine shines the spotlight on timely topics such as energy conservation, EV chargers, key legislation, and the importance of property management software tools. All will ensure rental housing providers are on the path to readiness and transformative practices. 6 MARCH+APRIL 2022 / EBRHA.COM

Our inaugural tech conference, EBRHA Next 2022, is a pivotal next step in bringing rental property owners/managers together with top housing technology providers. Join us on Tuesday, May 31, 2022, 9:30 AM – 2:00 PM, at the Pleasant Hill Community Center for our first 2022 in-person event. Meet technology leaders such as Intellirent, our new applicant screening partner, Foxen, an innovative financial solutions platform, and more. The conference aims to demystify technology solutions and demonstrate how you can improve your business by embracing technology. Innovative thinking on the legislation front is desperately needed too. Interrogating proposed legislation, understanding who ultimately benefits, and anticipating unintended outcomes is also required. EBRHA continues to collaborate with county and local officials to expedite the distribution of Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP) funds. The state and local programs are oversubscribed, and we are diligently focused on outreach and advocacy efforts to accelerate the dissemination of ERAP dollars. With the recent passage of AB 2179 and the extension of statewide eviction protections, only renters who have applied for state rental assistance on or before March 31, 2022, will receive eviction protections. These expire June 30, 2022, but may be extended further without unified pressure on legislative leaders. In addition to a continued media campaign, EBRHA is also developing a new member-drive Advocacy Task Force to coordinate and engage this effort. On behalf of EBRHA staff and the Board of Directors, thank you for your patience as we traverse complex legislation, pandemic-induced housing mandates, and confusing municipal programs. Let’s continue to work together to emerge stronger, more resilient, and future-focused as a community that embraces technology and innovation.

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