May 2019 Issue

Page 20


“The public perception of the housing issue is at an apex, and Legislators are going to want every relevant stakeholder to offer compromises. How much effort should the industry put behind stopping an inevitable tide?” Their opposition was also a stark contrast to the public’s opinion of them, as the EpiPen scandal had been on every news station from California to New York. For reference, Mylan raised the EpiPen cost from $100 a 2-pack to $600. The bill would eventually die on the Assembly Floor, but it cost the industry greatly. And, it was an unnecessary utilization of said political capital. A simple assessment of the public’s perception should have been sufficient to demonstrate to the pharmaceutical industry that changes were coming. Changes that involved reporting information that was already public were minor compared to


| MAY 2019 |

what could come down the road. Yet, they fought because they believed too much in their own talking points. The result was SB 17, a substantially similar version of SB 1010 that had the full weight and resources of Senator Hernandez behind its passage. That bill is now law. Senator Hernandez’s tenure in the State Legislature may be over, but the memories of those battles are still ripe in people’s minds and new bills are being introduced that go far beyond reporting requirements. If you’re not seeing how this all relates to our apartment association, google California housing crisis and read the top hits…they all discuss the crisis as an issue of affordability and try to make justifications for rent control. The public perception of the housing issue is at an apex, and Legislators are going to want every relevant stakeholder to offer compromises. How much effort should the industry put behind stopping an inevitable tide? What are the long-term implications of the public’s demands and beliefs? Based on SB 17, the best approach is one that realizes the status quo is closer to becoming historical context than continuing precedence. RH

The information provided herein is intended to provide general guidance and awareness on recently passed state laws and regulations and shall not be construed in any way as a substitute for individual legal advice. Those that require specific advice should consult an attorney. Ron Kingston is the EBRHA state lobbyist and president of the California Political Consulting Group. He can be reached at 916-447-7229 or

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