Rtt may 2015 digital

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Be Okay. I’m just going to come right out and say this: You are okay. I know that is completely counter-everything that you think and say to yourself all day, every day. It’s also the opposite message you’ve been fed your whole life. The church says you need to be saved. The ad folks say you need more stuff. The army will help you be all you can be. And you probably had a girlfriend who had a tip or two for you. And then there’s the self-help book, guru, workshop. There is a nauseating amount of self-help programs out there. From healing family karma to past life regressions to soul retrievals to dealing with money issues. From protecting yourself from energy vampires to how to attract a soul mate to ensuring you never have a bad hair day again. Ever. And really, who can resist the chance to finally learn the secret handshake. There are so many of these kinds of things out there for you to trip over that if you weren’t fucked up already, just reading through the list could convince you that you’re broken in ways you never even imagined. But who has the time or the money to be able to fix all these maladies in one lifetime. 6 Reno Tahoe Tonight

And thinking about more than one lifetime is no less troubling. I recently read about a process that helps you clear karma from your ancestors. Really? This is a thing now? Trust me, I’m issue-rich enough just dealing with my own behaviors and self-sabotaging thought patterns. Don’t tell me I’ve got to bear the weight of the mistakes from generations ago. What thinks will they think up next? If you’re like me (and since we share 99.9% of DNA, there’s a high probability of that) just reading this far probably has you feeling a little anxious. And since I’m the one who is partly responsible for that, I’m going to tell you what you can do about it: Relax. While all of what they say may be true. (And really, there’s a good chance it’s not.) There are much easier ways to get right with the Universe. Namely:

Be Grateful. Be Present. Be Kind. That may be all you need. Really. Science shows that if we are grateful, we either become happier or we attract more things to be grateful for. Either way, it’s a boon. I’m OK with being happy because I have more to be

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