Renevatuse June Newsletter

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June 2011 If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come. 2 Corinthians 5:17 (NIV)

(Rhen-uh-vah-toose) Verb To Renew; To Rejuvenate; To Restore; To Replenish; To Revive; To Repair

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The Promises of God For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11 Waiting on the promises of God can wear on you. Jacob waited for Rachael for 14 years. It took Moses forty years to finally see his promise land. Abraham and Sarah waited well into their later years before God blessed them with their first child. But there is a reason why the Lord makes us wait…it is for the purpose of what will bring Him the most glory (and to teach us the dreaded “p” word!). Jesus waited until the point of Lazarus’ death before he came to help him so he could bring his friend back from the dead. This brought God the most glory. My wife and I tried to have a child naturally, but to no avail after a decade of pain and sorrow. We were moments away from adopting an infant boy only to have him taken away at the hospital. We began to doubt God’s promises. We doubted His love and whether He was even real. One year later , I just checked in on our son Tommy to see if he had fallen asleep and I smiled because now I know why we waited. God had a bigger plan than we ever imagined. Tommy is a very special boy. Tommy has one of the biggest hearts and compassion for people I have ever seen in most children his age. When someone is sad or hurting, Tommy wants to pray for them or with them. Though I don’t understand what he may be saying, it doesn’t matter because God does. My brother Chad from Pennsylvania is an unbeliever. Tommy and I went fishing with him and his son last week. Chad recently had back surgery, and Tommy noticed the scar. Tommy asked him if he could pray for him. Chad said yes. After Tommy had finished, Chad was speechless then said that was the sweetest thing he ever heard. I told Tommy later that Uncle Chad doesn’t believe in God and he said, “daddy, he will”. Some days I feel a little like Joseph, being placed as the father of such an amazing child and wondering what the future holds for him. I don’t deserve this child, but for some reason, God wanted to bless me. I am so glad I held tight to God’s promises. He gave me more than I could ever have imagined. If God has promised you something, whether healing, a companion, freedom from addiction, hold on tight and wait for his promises for He will soon rain down His love.~Brian

T h a n k s for p r a y I n g!!! .

Renevatuse in the studio??

It’s true; we have begun recording our next CD! Things have been going great and the Lord is blessing our time in the studio. We still have some work to do before it’s finished, but we are excited about what the Lord is doing. We would like to send a BIG thank you to Kevin Lundy and the Studio at Ward Street Mission who are donating their time!! Kevin does a great job keeping us straight and offering us guidance, he rocks!

We would like to thank all of our supporters for their unending encouragement and prayers. We have seen prayers answered and are excited about what God has in store for us. Please continue to join us in prayer in the following areas: *Pray for the Lord to guide us as we record our new CD *Pray for us as we pursue becoming a non-profit recovery ministry *Unity and strength as we do battle *Leading "one more" person to Christ *Spirit presence at our shows *Our families and extended families *15 passenger van *Direction and support for full time recovery ministry

July 9th 5:00 Youth Festival Charlotte , NC July 17th 7:00 Bethel Colony Lenior, NC July 26th 7:00 CR-New Horizons Durham NC August 12th TBA Rocking for Recovery High Point, NC August 13 TBA Pro-Life Rally Greensboro, NC

Rocking for Recovery August 12th we will play at a benefit for Naaman’s Recovery Village. This is a Christian based recovery Center for men. It is self-supported, and we have seen some amazing things happen at this house. We have gotten to know some of the men there and the Lord is doing some work!! Please consider coming out to support this cause! More information in next month’s newsletter!!

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