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State University of New York at Farmingdale ​hi guys my name is shimmy Miller and I am 33 years old I'm from Toronto Ontario and just last month I quit my corporate job that I've been working in for the last six years and I am gonna be starting travel in October of 2016 to go around Southeast Asia to find myself I know that sounds really cheesy but to be quite honest with you it's something that I really need and in a subsequent video I will tell you about it and why I'm doing what I'm doing however this video for you today is to talk about the top 10 things to do before you go on a trip to Southeast Asia because when I started planning this I just thought oh okay what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna fly into Malaysia and then I'll just make my way around the country and I'll be fine I don't really have to worry about anything and I'll just go with the flow and do whatever I want however I realized really quickly through watching other people's videos that you cannot do that at all so I have put together a list of things that need to be done and this actually just helped me become a lot more comfortable with the process as well to you because to be quite honest with you I do not like planning trips I am a very very organized person but I for some reason hate planning trips and this this new endeavor for me forced me to do that and take me out of my comfort zone so without further ado here we go so number one you want to plan your budget okay obviously I know that seems like you're like duh like I really need to know that like it's that's so obvious but it's really really true you you're not really sure of what other expenses may come up but you want to make sure that you're okay and then also not living like you know on like the tightest tightest budget if possible depending on your financial situation but I have been lucky where I've been I paid off my debt I've been saved in his last few years so I do have a buffer room within my budget so when you plan your budget what I have done is use the Google the Google sheets that is on my Google Drive just because then it's easy for me to access it from anywhere anyplace and when people are giving me new tips and advice I can just kind of throw with it in there the top things you want to budget for are your travel so how you're gonna get between each of the countries are you gonna fly are you gonna take a bus or are you gonna take a train an amazing thing I actually realized is because I have had travel credit cards and also being flying a lot recently as well to you I have points on some of those on some of this cards so I was able to use some of my Asia miles from Cathay Pacific to book a couple of my flights which really helped them bring down some of the cost another thing that you want to do is plant for your accommodations so as you probably all know that there are hostels that are very cheap for you to stay in in Southeast Asia and they say that's obviously yes it is definitely the most economical and it's a great place to meet people and accommodations is actually one of your biggest expenses every single day so if you can keep that cost down then you'll have a lot more money left with the other things we're gonna talk about so the next thing you want to make sure you have money event for its food because we gotta eat right but I wouldn't expect you to spend more than $10 a day and that's what I have been finding online as well too the food is really cheap so I can buy like a really big meal for and you're looking like $1 to $2 the next is extra spending money so if you want to go and do activities maybe go to an elephant sanctuary you want to go see if some Tigers using ziplining or maybe you want to rent like a cool maybe not a motorcycle because I know I can do a motorcycle but maybe a scooter for the day then you want to make sure that you have that extra money there so then at least you get to explore and experience more of what the country has to offer my tip for you is over budget just to make sure that you do have that buff room and when you do understand it just feels so much better and lastly is you want to make sure you have money for incidentals so just if anything would happen at all just make sure you just have some money saved there just cuz you never really know what's gonna happen if there's maybe an accident but like let's hope that doesn't happen or you I don't know maybe you feel like buying some like really cool pair of shoes or whatever it is you just want to make sure you have that extra money there - just give me that peace of mind and comfort and if anything were to happen number two come up with a high level itinerary of where you plan on going I'll go into five countries so I needed to make sure that I knew how long I wanted to be in each country and also that goes along with how I'm gonna travel between each of them because I do not want to be stuck paying maybe two or three times the price to maybe flying to a country because flights have you've tried a book last minute depending I can cost you a lot more verses if you take buses or trains

where you can just book at the day of or the day before you'll be fine because the prices don't fluctuate however you do want to make sure that if you are going to travel between the country you don't want to be left at the end be like damn I have to travel for the next 24 hours and even though people say it's a journey and it's great I'm like I don't really want to do that so I would just rather make sure that I try to get to one place to another as quick as possible unless depending on if there is a country you want to travel through a bit then you have taken the bus so far the Train is cool but for me I need to make sure I plan this out and the most important reason why is because of number three you need to get travel visas in some of these countries so depending on the passport that you hold you're gonna have to look into what kind of visas you're gonna need to get I have a Canadian passport so I'm travelling to five countries Malaysia I do not need one Thailand I do not need one either and I get at the 30 days so as long as I'm flying into Thailand from Malaysia I'm cool and I get to spend the 30 days there the next countries are Lao Vietnam and Cambodia I need to get travel visas for all of them and reason why I ended up planning to fly into each of these countries because I need to actually get travel visas for you to them and flying in is a lot easier to get a visa upon arrival versus sending my passport before I leave but if you do have the time if you have months and months before your trip I would recommend that you you know kind of do it that way instead and if it's easier if it works for you I just didn't have the time because but the time I realized I need to sort out all the visas I only had about three and a half weeks left to do it and I need my visa by the day that I leave and I just didn't want to risk it so I paid extra money for my flights just so that I can have that peace of mind and convenience with the travel visas number four get your travel vaccines if you are still working and I am still working right now on my last days coming up really soon but I have been lucky that I was able to expense my vaccines through the company because I pay for health and dental and if you are younger than me maybe you happen to be on a school plan or if you show on your parents plan that take advantage of it because travel vaccines are not cheap so far I've gotten three of them and those three it cost eight five hundred twenty dollars and I still need to go for another one at the end of this week and that's gonna set me back another two hundred and fifty dollars so if I didn't get those covered that would set me back eight hundred dollars and I also need to consider malaria pills because I don't even really know mile area is I think it's really something bad that's gonna eat your liver and you could die from it so those pills are also really expensive so these are things to really consider because you don't really know what you're gonna get in these countries and a lot of them are coming through the mosquitoes as well - or maybe the water you drink so you have to be really careful and to be quite honest with you I would just rather not die and know that I spent a bit of extra money for my safety so go look into your travel vaccines and they have tribal clinics all over the city and make an appointment with them and they'll help you to figure out what you need number five figure out what to have I have never backpack before and in my 30s I wish I did when I was younger but I just didn't have the money or the time to do it so make a list of what you need and make sure that you're not over packing because at the end of the day you don't really want to be checking in bags okay I say - I'm like I don't really want to be checking in bags like at all because it can cause me maybe an extra you know when the $30 meeting just to check one day which would be kind of annoying and if I did in every single flight like back to that up again so make sure you keep a list and I'll actually be posting another video of what I will be packing for my trip so stay tuned for that one we're six maybe like this number six number six figure out how you're gonna carry your money or how you're gonna get money so you could pull money out of the ATM Zehra which should they have ATMs really all over Southeast Asia from what I've been reading and watching online but you will be paying a service charge so you'll probably pay some kind of e from actually pulling it up for the thing in that country and then your home bank is gonna also charge you money so make sure that you know like that you're gonna pull out the right amount as well to you and if you are gonna be walking around with my need to only put as much as you feel comfortable with and how much you need really for the week is what they say so I think for myself after about three months all night he's spending maybe a hundred and fifty bucks in service or something which is kind of annoying but I'd rather pay again for that versus having versus having somebody steal it for me and then links and all that money you could also use credit cards depending on where you go but a lot of places that I've been booking through they only take cash so if you can use a credit card amazing look into what your credit card rates are for the foreign exchange fees usually it's around 2.5% but there are different credit cards out there that are lower as well too so just depending on what you have so I definitely recommend looking into that and lastly if you can maybe get one of those travel currency money cards which is like a prepaid credit card but it has all your money on it then that would be awesome however in Canada I've looked this up ready you can't put multi currencies on one of these cards if you lose one of these cards you need to give you need to actually go back into Canada to get a replacement which it doesn't really make sense at all so I've just decided that I am going to pull out cash from my ATM card and just pay the fee and just suck it up and I will be bringing probably I will be bringing what the u.s. money with me as well to you that's kind of any case of

incidentals or I need to exchange some stuff as well too so definitely figure out your money situation because it can get a little stressful number seven let your bank's know that you're leaving because all of a sudden if you don't tell them and you're pulling out of money out of your ATM and it's the only bank card you have for your only bank they will freeze your accounts and then you're out of luck really once they cancel it for you then you have to call in and say okay no I'm the one that like me this transaction but they pretty much canceled your debit card and you won't be able to use any money so unless you want to be pulling money or for credit cards call the banks and call all your credit card companies to let them know I will be traveling number eight travel insurance if you were to get sick you know hopefully you don't get sick hopefully I don't get sick on this trip but you know um unfortunately I will not be working so I will not have travel insurance anymore through my company so I'll be getting it through one of my credit cards and it's gonna cost me about four hundred dollars for the next three months but again my health is important the money ideally I don't want to be spending it but at the same time to you I need to spend it so I am gonna get travel insurance through my credit card but I'm sure you can get in many other places as well too this is just a way that I did it number nine I download like any popular apps that you need for while you're traveling so if you're gonna be flying like me you want to make sure that you get each of the airlines travel apps on your phone because you can check-in usually you can check-in through your app and if there's any change to the gates or the departure time then it shows up for you right away and it's immediately there if you're staying at hostels like I've been using hostel world and I've been looking at the hostels online but you can also use the app as well team and they'll just help while you're traveling and especially if I'm you know maybe I'm like long bus drives and I kind of want to do some research for my next country I'll have that information there on my hands the last app I recommend though is there's one called TripIt which I found and what it does is you just forward all your travel confirmations to it and it'll organize it for you pretty much telling here's your flight this how long it's gonna take here's all your information and then if you're gonna be staying at a hostel or hotel after that information is also right in there so it helps you plan your trip a little bit better even though I still have my travel itinerary in on Google Drive I having this visit keeps all my confirmations in one place versus having it in my inbox I haven't distort through all of that sent from my gmail number 10 make sure you have photocopies or pictures of your most important documents so for me that is my passport as well as my driver's license and obviously I'll have confirmations for my travel insurance as well too but make sure you have backups of this I recommend just taking a picture saving it in like a specific folder maybe on your phone as well as also emailing it to yourself so if we were to ever lose your phone like let's hope not then all the information is there at your email because you can sign it to your email from anywhere and lastly this is my plus one watch other travelers videos I'm telling you this stuff right now but to be quite honest this is my first time doing something like this so I am learning as I go and these things that I've shared with you is everything that I've learned from other travelers and I've been reading through blogs as well too and just trying to like suck in as much information as possible because I'll be honest with you planning this trip has been overwhelming at times learning by tourist visas freaked out of me okay I just I didn't realize that visa companies existed so they can take care of your visas for you but it costs a lot of money to get the visas dumped her there and I said I'm like I'm not gonna pay another 300 ollars for you to post my visas for me so that was a little confusing so just know that each country has their own embassy and you can look up the rules online of how you can get visas and I also just learned about like things you should and shouldn't be doing as well too but all of this priests prep stuff is just learning from other people's videos so I really recommend watching some of the other travelers blogs because I'm a newbie and you know I don't know everything yet about it and it's gonna be a learning experience but we'll see where it goes from here so I hope that you enjoyed this video and I look forward to making more for you and keep an eye out for some new we'll be coming again soon thank you Jewish Theological Seminary of America, Morningside Heights (Columbia University area).

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