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Feeling reassured by Edith’s reception, I raise my hand to

tree. The honesty of mother’s hope to see herself watching

go next.

the scene—alive and well. I love it. What about the rest of you; what stays with you?”

“I wrote something,” I announce. Sharon’s feedback takes me by surprise. Whether the “Go ahead,” Sharon nods.

poem is good or bad doesn’t matter. I feel heard, seen, and understood. The other writers encourage me too.

My Window

The strength of that experience—reading what I wrote and

From my window, I see

having it witnessed and affirmed, feeds a nascent desire

you grown and strong

to write that has been with me since childhood. It teaches

my brown boy shot up

me that I might have something to say that can touch

like a sugar cane allowed to keep

others. It’s the discovery of a wadi I will walk through in

going your dark hair shining

the barren territory of my isolation, at other times in my

your impossible smirk

illness. It is learning to listen to myself and telling others

your bright eyes glowing.

what it means to be alive in this moment.

I look out my window and see

Writing also holds an incredible potency that I will try and

you, my pixie-girl

understand but fail to discover until years later. It has the

your fox-hair jutting out

potential to heal and restore, and I will watch it wield its

like flicks of fire

restorative power time and time again—first on me, then

emerald eyes sparkling

on others, and years later, when I become the facilitator

your wicked smarts.

of the same writing group that I’ve attended for the first time today. Through writing, something will dislodge itself

Self-possessed both of you

inside me, open a pathway to another life and make me

my children

feel whole despite the fractured self I didn’t recognize

under the magnolia tree

through the worst days of my illness.

laughing loud as its scent— clean and untattered, voluptuous with life. Ali Zidel Meyers is a writer, educator, and colon cancer And in the window

survivor. She is passionate about the intersection of writing

I see myself

and healing (and helping others experience it). For over

reflected back

five years, she has led writing groups at Breast Cancer

alive and smiling

Connections in Palo Alto, California and for Stanford’s

not a ghost

Supportive Care program at the Stanford Cancer Center.

but still here and real.

She is also a writing workshop leader at Project Koru. Ali’s work has been published in Survivor’s Review,

I exhale quickly and look up, feel the group’s quiet like a

Coping Magazine, and Chicken Soup for the Soul.


Her writing has also been featured in the art exhibitions: Night of Inspiration in White (Los Altos Hills, CA, 2010)

“A rich and illuminated poem,” Sharon breaks the silence.

and Love Your Body (North Carolina, 2007).

“The simile of the boy like sugar cane and the girl’s

She earned runner-up status in the Mendocino Coast

fire-hair—draw such sweetness and vitality out. And the

Writer’s Conference Contest (2009) for her poetry.

synesthesia of laughing bright as the scent of the magnolia

More of her work can be found at Holy Mess.


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