St. Charles Avenue October 2017

Page 48

Primary Care/Family Medicine

Another way to feel better is to stay on top of your health. While this seems obvious, many people choose to neglect their health by avoiding doctor visits or by ignoring warning signs. This is where the help of a primary care physician – someone who treats patients at all stages of life – comes in handy. “Whether you’re transitioning into adult medicine, battling chronic illness or staying healthy with annual check-ups, our goal is to provide the best care possible to keep you well,” says Dr. Meredith Maxwell, a Touro Family Medicine Physician. Maxwell recommends women stay on top of their health by scheduling and maintaining regular wellness visits in addition to screening tests that can unveil diseases before symptoms appear. Examples of

46 st. charles Avenue October 2017

helpful screenings include blood pressure checks and mammograms. Some screenings you can receive in-office and some may require a quick jaunt to an imaging center or lab, which is always worth the results that guide your next steps toward better health. “Patients know their own body better than anyone else. Always tell your health care provider about any changes in your health or other concerns that you have,” says Dr. Maxwell.

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