"Step-by-step self-healing guide" some pages

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Virgo and Lyudmila Mihkelsoo

STEP-BY-STEP SELF-HEALING GUIDE A Homesteader's Guide for Maintaining and Restoring Your Health with the Help of Your Own Actions and Natural Remedies BUCKWHEAT, BERRIES, HONEY, BEE BREAD Implementing the Hippocratic Oath: “I detect the disease, find malfunctions in the body, eliminate them, and in 80% of cases the body’s health is restored” An expanded, revised and translated version of the book "Toome oma tervise tagasi" (Restore Your Health) by Virgo and Lyudmila Mihkelsoo, published in Tallinn, Estonia, 2008-2016.

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P5. The foundations of healing – principles and rules of Hippocratic medicine Hippocrates, the renowned genius of ancient Greek medicine, lived from 460 – 377 (364?) BC, to the age of 87 (or 104?). Seventeen generations of Socrates’ ancestors, starting with Asclepius, had been doctors. Even though medicine was a known discipline long before Hippocrates (a thousand years), he is now known as the father of modern medicine. This honor is bestowed on Hippocrates thanks to his unification into a single science of the healing practices amassed by generations of doctors, and his own remarkable theoretical and practical contributions to the development of medicine.299, 325, 326 Hippocrates’ teachings, convictions, and principles have not grown old. In fact, their importance in modern medicine just gets greater and greater, and many medical specialists view them now as equally important as modern mainstream medicine. The reason why becomes clearer when we look at the principles and rules of Hippocratic medicine:

How does disease occur 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

“Disease is not sent from god. The cause of most disease is the poor physical and spiritual state of the body, and poor conditions of the environment” “Disease does not hit on the head like a bolt of lightning on a clear day, but rather represents the continual disruption of the laws of nature” “The human mind contains the cause of most diseases” “Often disease occurs only because of lifestyle” “Disease always appears because of either lack or excess, in other words from the disturbance of equilibrium”

What can healers do 1. “A doctor must find the cause of the occurrence and development of disease. He who knows the causes can then decide the methods of treatment” 2. “Get rid of the cause, and the disease will also go” 3. “A doctor’s job is with all his strength to restore the patient to his true natural state” 4. “A doctor must in the first place calm their patient both outwardly and with their words” 5. “A doctor must acknowledge that when treating a patient one must be guided by their nature, their age, the time of year, and the place where they live” 6. “A doctor must also consider the conditions of the patient’s living place, paying attention to the purity of the air, to smells, and to the absence of noise” 7. “A doctor must treat not the disease but the person” 8. “The ability to prevent the development of disease is a doctor’s greatest quality” 9. “Just as there are many varieties of disease, so there are numerous ways of treating them. Medicine should be as broad as nature itself” 10. “When a patient is treated badly, then there is often no recovery, while good treatment leads to happy healing” 11. “Food should be your medicine, and your medicine food”

12. “Medicine is not just a science, it is also an art”



What should patients do · “The art of medicine consists of three elements – the disease, the patient, and the doctor” · “If you cannot change your way of living, then nobody and nothing can help you” · “Not only must the doctor do everything in his power, but also the patient and those around him must act to help the doctor’s work” · “If the patient retains their wellbeing and appetite, then that is the clearest sign of probable recovery” · “Some patients, despite knowing that they are doomed, recover purely thanks to the fact that they are convinced of their doctor’s skill” · “If the patient does not take care of himself, then this will amplify the disease and even bring it back after recovery”

The body’s restorative and self-healing abilities · · · · ·

“A doctor must help the body in its battle with disease” “Doctors treat diseases, while nature cures them” “A doctor must help nature battle with disease” “Medicine must help the body recover the natural way, thanks to its powerful restorative abilities and its internal doctor” “Wisdom lies in following nature”

Hippocrates considered that the most important thing was not the diagnosis but rather an assessment of the general wellbeing of the patient. He considered the main method of healing to be a “considered examination” of the patient, which comprised sight examination, palpation, knocking, shaking, listening (pressing the ear to the patient’s chest and stomach), inspection of feces, and assessment of smell. At the same time, the doctor should select the means of treatment. This is why the thorough examination of the patient should be performed by the doctor themselves, as then when choosing the tactics and strategy the doctor’s highly intelligent subconscious will also be involved (the subconscious is thousands of times more intelligent than the conscious). In 95–99% of cases, it is specifically with their subconscious that humans choose their course of action.309 During treatment, Hippocrates paid attention not so much to the method of treatment as to the opportunities to direct the strength of the patient and the situation around them towards the battle with disease. He paid attention to the temperature and humidity of the air, to the time of year, to the purity of the water, to the wind, to the sex, age and lifestyle of the patient, to their habits, their fitness, their heredity, and their temperament. In selecting the method of treatment he used to the greatest possible extent the defensive capabilities of the patient’s body, prescribing a balanced life regime (regime therapy324) that consisted of the right choice of diet, hygiene, exercise, spiritual equilibrium, the requisite amount of rest, etc. In his practice, Hippocrates used more than 100 remedies and treatment methods, and successfully cured more than 2,000 diseases. Hippocratic medicine was significantly developed by other great doctors such as Galen (Claudius Galenus, 1st– 2nd century), Rasis (Abū Bakr Muhammad ibn Zakariyyā al-Rāzī, 9th–10th century), Avicenna (Abū ,Alī al-Ηusayn ibn ,Abd Allāh ibn Al-Hasan ibn Ali ibn Sīnā, 10th–11th century), and Paracelus (Philippus Aureolus Theophrastus Bombast von Hohenheim (16th century). Today, Hippocratic medicine is being developed and perfected throughout the



Symptoms, conditions, and diseases (their possible markers are sometimes mentioned in brackets40, 184)

Potential lack or excess (marked with “+”) of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, or fats

Potential psychological causes167, 166, 272 (influence through genes, see Section 11.5)

Other potential disturbances in the body (see corresponding sections)

Alzheimer’s disease

В1, В12, А, Е, Q, aluminum(+), magnesium, essential fats

Unwillingness to accept the world as it is, hopelessness and helplessness, lack of care and attention, escape from reality, rage

Brain stupor, pollution, insufficient water intake, insufficient cholesterol, disturbances to neurogenesis, insufficient epigenetic substances, mistakes in diet

В1, В2, B6, B9, B12, С, Н, Е, Q, iron, iodine, calcium(+), cobalt, magnesium, copper, copper(+), nickel, phosphorus, zinc, isoleucine, lysine, methionine

Joyless life, lack of selfconfidence, fear of life, dejection

Dysbiosis, hypoacidity, pollution, parasites, insufficient epigenetic substances, lack of protein

В9, В12, Р, А, Е, С, omega-3 fatty acids

Emotional reticence, repudiated love

Pinched nerves, pinched blood vessels, lack of exercise, excess weight and obesity, stress, incorrect breathing


В1, B3, H, magnesium, calcium, chromium, isoleucine, taurine

Lack of faith in life, regrets about the past, active imagination

Acidosis, pollution, insufficient water intake, parasites, stress, disturbances to neurogenesis


В6, В9, В12, С, D, E, iodine, potassium, sodium, phosphorus, methionine, tyrosine

Restrained feelings, repressed emotions, fear

Pollution, lack of exercise, poor circulation, excess air temperature, stress, lack of protein, lack of glucose

В1, В3, В5, В6, В12, С, А, Е, Н, iron, potassium, calcium(+), cobalt, magnesium, copper, sodium, phosphorus, zinc, valine, lysine

Lack of faith in life, defensiveness, self-loathing, self-denial

Acidosis, hypoacidity, desynchronosis, dysbiosis, enzyme deficiency, pinched nerves, insufficient water intake, parasites, mistakes in diet

Appetite, increased

omega-3 fatty acids

Fear, lack of defenses, feelings of despair and terror, flashes of selfloathing

Low temperature of inhaled air


B12, calcium, magnesium, selenium, chromium, iso- leucine, tyrosine, tryptophan, gammaAminobutyric acid

Lack of faith in your life

Insufficient water intake, mistakes in diet, food allergies, stress, brain stupor, disturbances to neurogenesis

(see Section 20)

Anemia (brown coloration of lower eyelids, sores in the corners of the mouth)

Angina (see Section 5)

(see Section 5)

Appetite, loss of (anorexia)

(see Section 20)


SECTION 3 the food ingredients needed for your particular circumstances (to fight obesity or to reduce blood pressure, for example), and draw up a daily and a weekly menu. It often turns out that in order to get healthy you need to start eating those foods that were not previously part of your diet, whether because they were unavailable or because the taste did not appeal to you. It is often the disease itself (such as cancer) that changes your taste, in order to spread faster and more easily.

Table 2.


Vitamin В1 (thiamine)

Daily allowances, therapeutic doses, and some key sources of vitamins and vitamin-like substance Recommended daily allowance, mg

Therapeutic daily doses, mg (*) – safe long-term dose (**) - maximum dose


25-75 (75*) (400**)

Vitamin В2 (riboflavin)


Vitamin В3 (niacin, nicotinic acid, icotinamide)


Vitamin В4 (choline)

Vitamin В5 (pantothenic acid)

Vitamin В6 (pyridoxine, pyridoxal, pyridoxamine)

Vitamin В8 (inositol) Vitamin В9 (В10 or Вс) (folate, folic acid)


10–50 (100*)

100–500 (100*) (3000**)


1000-3500371 (10000**)

3–6 (30-60)368

50–500371 (400*) (10000**)


25–80371 (50*) (1000**)


3000- 6000371 (18000**)


(0.8–1) (5*)371 (450**)371

Key natural sources (quantity in mg per 100 g)

Buckwheat (0.8), cabbage (0.25), chicken, edible seaweed, fish, liver (0.6), millet, oats, peanuts, peas (0.8), pine nuts (0.7), rye, sprouted wheat (1.8), sunflower seeds (2.0), walnuts (0.4), yeast (0.6) Almond (0.8), buckwheat (0.2), cheese, crab, eggs, garlic (1.2), green tea (1), kefir, liver (2-5), meat (0.15), milk, mushrooms (chanterelle), peas, shrimp, spinach (0.25), sprouted wheat, yeast (11) Beef (13), bran (20), buckwheat (4), cheese, chicken (18), eggs, fish (1), fish roe (caviar), liver (15-30), milk (0.8), peanuts (19), salmon (12), sprouted wheat, soy (3), tinned tuna (21), yeast (30) Beans, beef, beetroot, cabbage, cheese, cottage cheese, eggs (250), peanuts, soy (270), sprouted wheat Beans, carrots (1), eggs (1-2), fish (3), liver (4-13), meat (4), milk, mushrooms (2), oats, potatoes (3), sprouted wheat, tomatoes, walnuts (1), wheat bran (3), yeast (11) Bananas (0.35), beef liver (0.7), bread (0.15), broccoli, buckwheat (0.4), carrots (0.13), chestnuts, chicken (0.5), eggs (0.14), fish, garlic (0.6), potatoes (0.3), sesame seeds, soy (0.9), spinach (0.25), sprouted wheat (0.7), sunflower seeds, walnuts (0.8), yeast (2) Beans, cabbage (70), eggs (33), fish, meat (11), nuts, oats, oranges (250), potatoes (30), rye, sprouted wheat (900) Asparagus (0.12), beans, blackcurrants, buckwheat (0.03), cauliflower (0.04), cottage cheese (0.035), green onions (0.018), leafy greens, liver (0.24), spinach (0.18), sprouted wheat (0.35), walnuts (0.075), yeast (0.4)


Тable 3

Key functions of vitamins and vitamin-like substances in the body. Plants, fruits, and vegetables particularly rich in each substance

Vitamins, vitamin-like substances, minerals, amino-acids

Plants, fruits, vegetables, and honey products (quantity in mg per 100 g)

Vitamin А (vitamin against cancer, night-blindness, and infections, protects the skin) • Maintains and restores sight, supports the normal growth of bone tissue, promotes the renewal of skin cells • Promotes the development of epithelial cells in the lining of the intestine, airways, and reproductive system • Strengthens the immune system • Promotes the absorption of insulin in diabetes sufferers • Capable of preventing the onset of cancer, cardiovascular diseases, skin diseases, and infections • Capable of restoring apoptosis (programmed cell death) in cancer cells • Essential in the treatment of allergies, duodenal ulcers, intestinal diseases, and skin diseases (rashes, herpes, and psoriasis) • Absorption is improved when accompanied with foods containing fats, vitamins D and E, zinc, calcium, and phosphorous • Absorption and retention in the body are reduced by consumption of alcohol, excess herbal products, and nitrates, liver diseases and vitamin E deficiency • From plant sources, vitamin A can be consumed in unlimited quantities • Efficacy is improved by vitamins C, D, E, B3, B12, and zinc • Excess vitamin A leads to the development of osteoporosis and the destruction of bone and cartilage tissue • Is fat-soluble, so foods containing vitamin A should be accompanied with fats • Is a powerful antioxidant

Alfalfa, apricots (2)*, asparagus, bananas (0.12)*, barley, bearberries, beetroot, beggarticks (50)*, bilberries, bindweed (8)*, blackberries, black cherries, borage, broccoli, buckwheat, burdock, cabbage, celery (0.8)*, chamomile, cherries, chokeberries (2)*, clover, cowslip, cranberries, cudweed (30)*, currants, dry rosehip (6.7)*, everlasting pea (22)*, fennel, garlic, gherkins, grapes, green peas (0.4)*, hops, kelp, leeks (2), lemon balm (7)*, lettuce, linden flower, magnolia berries, marjoram, melon (0.4)*, mint, mugwort, mustard, nettles, oats, orange pumpkin (12)*, parsley (1.7)*, peaches, persimmons (2)*, plantain, potatoes, purple marshlock (19)*, puzzlegrass, quince, raspberries, red carrots (9), red peppers (2)*, red tomatoes (1.2)*, rhubarb, rose, sage, sea buckthorns (10)*, sorrel, spinach(4.5)*, St. John's wort, sunflower (10)*, toadflax (18)*, viburnum, violet, wheatgrass (50)*, wild garlic (4.2)*, wild strawberries For animal products, see Table 2 * - beta-Carotene content

Vitamin D (substitute for sunlight, good for bones) • Regulates the quantities of calcium and phosphorous in the making and strengthening of bones, and in controlling muscles • Activates the functioning of the reproductive, thyroid, and parathyroid glands • Regulates the working of the central nervous system • Increases the body’s resistance to infections • Reduces arthritic joint pain • Has powerful anticancer properties • With age, the content of vitamin D in the body almost halves • Absorption deteriorates with a deficit of boron • Absorption improves in conjunction with foods containing fats, and vitamins B, E, A, and C • The efficacy of vitamin D in the body is improved by vitamins B4, A and C, boron, calcium, and phosphorous • Is fat-soluble, so foods containing vitamin D should be accompanied with fats

Alfalfa, avocado, barley, blackcurrants, grapefruit, kelp, nettles, parsley, puzzlegrass, spinach, sweet corn, wheat For animal products, see Table 2

Vitamin Е (the life-force provider) • Activates the endocrine system, and ensures normal sexual functioning, conception, and pregnancy • Cleans the body at a cellular level, removing toxins from cells and thus improving the functioning of the brain • Destroys atheromatous plaque and clots, improving blood circulation • Launches processes for the regeneration and restoration of organs, and for the restoration of functioning of systems

Alfalfa, almonds, avocado, peanuts (10), barberries, barley, beans (5), blackberries, blackcurrants, buckwheat (6), clover, cotton, dandelion, elecampane, fennel, flax (25), green vegetables (15), immortelle, kelp, knotweed, lemons (0.2), lettuce, nettles, oats (20), potatoes (0.1), pine nuts (14), raspberries, rhubarb, rice, rosehip, rye (10), saffron, sea buckthorn (110), soybean oil (120),


SECTION 7 11, and 21). In general, detoxification lasts for 1–2 weeks. With chronic health problems, we recommend detoxing in cycles, with 2–3 week intervals. Below are listed some simple sample recipes of remedies that detoxify the organs and systems of the body, regulate its functioning, and help you to start getting healthy. Most often, infusions or pastes are made from a mixture of honey and the relevant medicinal plants. Insoluble waste is effectively expelled from the body by sunflowers (the roots and pericarp).36 Infusions of seeds, pine needles, and oats gently detoxify the intestine. Finely ground chaff and buckwheat flour made with husks (dark buckwheat flour) effectively detoxify the stomach and intestine. If you prefer – or if you are obliged due to pregnancy, ulcers, hepatitis, or any other reason – you can remove the alcohol from the recipes based on wine or vodka. To do this, you should measure out the dose of the remedy you are going to take and heat it for 3–5 minutes in a boiling bain-marie, or pour the dose into a test tube and place it into glass of boiling water, waiting until the water has cooled. Or, for two glasses of the infusion, add 2–4 tablespoons of cider vinegar.

Comarum, lilac, vodka, propolis, and honey 125 grams of powdered comarum, 25 grams of powdered lilac, 50 grams of powdered propolis, 0.5 liters of vodka and 50 grams of honey. Mix the ingredients and leave to stand for two weeks in a warm, dark place. Stir occasionally, then strain.

Salt deposits in the arm, leg, and shoulder joints, heel spurs Take one tablespoon three times per day before meals, washed down with water. Apply to affected areas several times per day.

Horseradish and honey 100 grams of finely chopped horseradish and 300 grams of honey.Mix the ingredients.

Salt deposits in the joints Take one tablespoon three times per day 20 minutes before meals.

Rosehip, vodka, propolis, and honey 100 grams of powdered Rosehip, 0.5 liters of vodka, 50 grams of powdered propolis, and 50 grams honey. Mix the ingredients and leave to stand in a dark place for three weeks, stirring occasionally.

Salt deposits in the joints, gout with abnormal growths Take 1-3 teaspoons 4-5 times per day, washed down with water.

Stonecrop, lard, and honey 50 grams of powdered stonecrop, 50 grams of honey, and 200 grams of lard. Boil the lard, add the stonecrop, place in a bain-marie and heat for one hour. Leave to cool and add honey.

Salt deposits Apply to affected joints.

Butter, eggs, vinegar, and propolis 100 milliliters of vinegar essence, two eggs, 30 grams of butter, and two tablespoons of 20% tincture of propolis. Place the eggs in the vinegar. When the shell has dissolved, remove the film inside, combine the butter and eggs, and then mix all ingredients.

Salt deposits Apply to sore joints several times per day.

Amanita, vodka, and honey 0.75 liters of finely chopped amanita caps, 0.5 liters of vodka, and 50 grams of honey. Mix the ingredients, leave to stand in a warm dark place for two weeks, then strain.

Salt deposits and pain in the joints Apply to sore joints several times per day, apply in a compress on areas where there are salt deposits.




15.1. Causes, symptoms and consequences of poor circulation With any disturbance to bodily functioning or a disease, there’s nothing you can do if blood flow to the affected area is disrupted. By the time people reach middle age, their circulation has already deteriorated considerably due to: • • • • •

Incorrect breathing (a lack of carbon dioxide in the blood, see Section 5), atherosclerosis of blood vessels, and constriction or closing of capillaries. Possible functional disturbances to blood vessel anastomoses, such as when they open, allowing arterial blood directly into the veins instead of the intended capillaries. Reduced body muscle mass (see Section 6.3) (causing closing of capillaries and narrowing of blood vessels), as well as weak functioning of the muscles (their propulsive properties). The presence of tension and spasms in the muscles surrounding blood vessels, constricting or completely closing them (see Section 14). Disturbances to the tone of the blood vessels themselves.

When circulation is poor, the quantity of blood in the capillaries is reduced, and they become clogged. The supply of oxygen and nutrients to the cells and tissues is restricted, and the body cleans itself poorly (see Section 7). Some of the capillaries gradually close off, forming stagnant zones of blood and lymph. If these stagnant zones are not dispersed quickly enough, toxins build up in the cells and begin to create fatty clumps, which, as they grow, obtrude to the surface of the skin, leading to the development of cellulite and causing edemas, pain, and inflammation. In different parts of the brain, obstacles may occur to the transmission of nerve signals between neural structures, and psychological disturbances such as neuroses, dementia, and epilepsy can develop. The symptoms of poor circulation are: sleep disturbances, mood changes and dejection, general fatigability, irritability, apathy, indifference, speech impediments, groundless tearfulness, headaches, dizzy spells, ringing in the ears, unsteady gait, difficulties with concentration, reduced interpersonal communication, loss of attention, slowed reactions, difficulties in changing activities, reduced cognitive functioning, problems with short-term memory, and reduced visual memory.

Some specialists belive1, 81, 82 that every disease is connected to poor circulation, including diseases as serious as atherosclerosis, arrhythmia, hypertension, angina, asthma, diabetes, diseases of the musculoskeletal system (arthritis, arthrosis, osteochondrosis, etc.), peptic ulcer disease, and premature aging. On the other hand, when the capillaries are in good condition and functioning well, diseases simply don’t occur.201, 203

At rest, around 15–17% of blood is in the arteries, 5% in the capillaries, and 75–80% in the veins. Half the venous blood may be located in the stomach area. At rest, only around 25–40% of the total number of functioning capillaries are involved in circulation. With incorrect breathing and lung diseases, part of the 276

SEC T I O N 16

16.3.4. Apitherapy46, 205, 207, 208 Healer bees: On the area of your body where cellulite has built up (most often on the outer thighs), place 2–3 bees 2–3 times per week. This method of reducing excess weight can only be used by people who don’t have an allergy to bee venom. In any case, you should first accustom your body to bee stings. Take a bee by the wings between your fingers or with a pair of tweezers, and hold it on your skin. After five seconds, remove the stinger by scraping it with the edge of a knife. Wait for 1–3 days, and if no allergic reaction occurs you can begin bee treatment. Now leave the stinger in your skin for 20 seconds, then for a minute, then for two minutes, and then until all the venom has been absorbed. Then you can start to use 2–3 bees. From spring to autumn, you can find bees on the flowers in gardens or meadows. This significantly reduces obesity, and can also rectify many other functional disturbances.

Honey rub: Before bedtime, rub liquid honey for 3–5 minutes on your earlobes, the palms of your hands, and the soles of your feet. After some time, wipe the remaining honey off with a damp towel. Do this for one month, then take a break.

Honey and bee pollen: The following method is recommended to reduce weight considerably • in the course of a month: •

eparing the water in advance or using silver water.

For lunch and dinner, eat salads rich in vitamins, microelements, and amino acids, and which are nutritious and reduce appetite, such as cucumbers, cabbage, and apples with a dressing of olive oil, honey, bee pollen and lemon juice – for every 200 grams of salad, add two tablespoons of oil, two tablespoons of honey, two teaspoons of bee pollen, and the juice of a quarter lemon.


For snacks between meals, eat buckwheat bread (see Section 10.2) with butter and a thick layer of bee pollen.

To drink, make kvas with beetroot, whLeave a glass of boiled water on the table overnight to settle and clear, or make a glass of silver water with a silver ion concentration of 100 micrograms per liter (see Section 4). In the morning, mix two teaspoons of cider vinegar and two teaspoons of honey into the glass, and stir thoroughly before drinking. After 30 minutes – leaving time for the necessary ferments to synthesize – eat a breakfast with plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables containing lots of fiber. Repeat the process 2–3 times per day, prich activates your metabolism and accelerates the burning off of fats. First make a bread kvas: Fill a three liter jar a quarter full of pieces of bread, rolls, or cookies. Add 1.5 tablespoons of sugar and 1.5 tablespoons of honey, then fill the jar to the neck with warm boiled water. Leave to stand in a warm place or in the sun for two days, then strain. Then take three medium-sized beets, peel, wash, and slice them. Place them in another three-liter jar and pour the kvas over them. Leave to stand for 24 hours in a warm dark place. Add three tablespoons of honey, and cover the jar with gauze. When the liquid has turned a red-brown color, strain it. Drink two or more glasses per day. If your kidneys are functioning properly and your gastric juices are sufficiently acidic, your urine should remain pale and clear. If your urine turns red-brown, then you should increase the acidity of your gastric juices (see Section 13), and detoxify your kidneys with medicinal plants (see Section 7).

In the evening, place your hands and feet in cold water for 3–5 minutes (add 0.5 liters of apple vinegar for ten liters of water).

SECTION 23 If a person always feels well, has a permanently positive mood, always has the ability to approach any work with all their energy, is able to adapt to changing conditions effectively, to react quickly, to take pleasure from physical exertion, to fully realize their creative potential, to effectively analyze events and their actions, is always ready to express gratitude and show generosity, and always retains a sense of humor, then that person can be considered absolutely healthy.254 It has been established that people who consider themselves healthy and happy live on average five years longer than people who are always anxious, feel guilty, and consider themselves unfortunate.60

23.2. The basis and principles of the medicine of self-healing 1) A diagnosis of disease and any unsuccessful attempts by doctors to treat it should not be viewed by the sufferer as a punishment. Recently, more and more people are finding strength and determination even in the face of unsuccessful efforts by professional doctors, and are making the decision to take on the responsibility for their own recovery. The people who do this are most often those who, due to their illness, find themselves in a desperate situation, forced to abandon unfi-nished work, creativity, or goals that they have almost reached. It is specifically this type of Giovanni Boccaccio, writer and poet: person that is most often able to cure themselves, except in cases "The one who wants to be healthy is already where, unfortunately, there is simply not enough time to find the partly improving." right means and methods to help the body.

2) Everybody has the abilities necessary to restore their health. When you fall ill, you can only fully recover thanks to the natural self-healing capabilities of your body. You need to firmly recognize this and believe in your body, providing it with sensible help. Self-healing is effectively activated by motivation,54, 280 supported by specific actions. You should not rely on the appearance of some miracle medicine, but rather find a firm will to recover. Where there is a will, there is a way, "There are no incurable diseases - there are as Professor Kelly McGonigal has confirmed.344 Will is one of the only lazy people who parasitize themselves most important factors for launching self-healing. Consciously, with self-pity, and doctors indulge them patiently, and “without any alternatives”344 you need to get rid in this."1 – Ivan Neumyvakin, Doctor of of functional disturbances, correct your lifestyle, and return your Medical Sciences, professor, academibody to the health zone,8 in which the natural program of selfcian. healing will be able to work at full power.

3) The human body developed, perfected itself, and acts as a constantly self-restoring system, healing itself with substances it obtains from plants and animals, and also with substances it synthesizes itself. In every cell of the body there is a “program and standard of ideal health”, and there is also the “internal doctor” who controls it all. Reading the sections of this book, you will have discovered that the human body is capable of synthesizing a vast quantity of substances Seneca: "One of the conditions for recothat neither at present nor in the future will it be possible to very is the desire to recover." acquire at the most state-of-the-art pharmacy. The human body is so perfect that it can almost always restore good health, irrespective of age or the type of disease.1, 12, 93, 100, 234

4) Diseases almost always occur due to the mistakes of the sufferer, and develop from within. A disease is developed by the body itself, and the body itself has the strength to get rid of it. If there is external help


INDEX A abscess 47 absent-mindedness 47, 137, 170, 238, 257, 342 acetylcholine 105, 125, 341, 347 acidosis 8, 43, 46-49, 51, 53-56, 59-66, 69-72, 75-78, 257 acne 15, 47, 81, 127-129, 170, 186, 219, 222, 263 acupuncture 37, 150, 160, 231 adrenal gland diseases 47, 124, 126, 169, 205, 238, 273, 275, 282, 337, 346 adrenalin 103, 104, 107, 118, 119, 124, 126, 138, 237, 293 aggression 18, 45, 47, 49, 62, 123, 135, 154, 161, 195, 204, 234, 239, 257, 258, 294 air ions 155 alanine 54, 77, 120, 121, 130-132 alcohol 22, 27, 41, 47, 85, 92, 100-108, 112, 113, 115-119, 122, 124-126, 128, 129, 140-142, 168, 175, 177, 188, 194, 199, 209, 216, 221, 237, 238, 242, 257, 259, 260, 293, 301, 302, 324, 341, 354, 359, 373, 376 allergies 7, 14, 15, 23, 30, 43, 46-48, 53-56, 58, 59, 61, 62, 64, 66, 67, 69, 72-76, 78-80, 83, 100-104, 106, 112, 113, 117119, 123, 126-129, 135, 137, 138, 142, 151-153, 155, 170, 187, 190-193, 195, 196, 198, 203, 211-213, 215, 219, 222-224, 232, 236, 238, 240, 249, 262, 263, 268, 288, 293, 306, 309, 324, 327, 332, 334, 337, 341, 346, 348, 355, 359, 377 aluminum 48, 66, 71, 87, 109, 112, 168, 216 Alzheimer’s disease 15, 17, 25, 44, 48, 83, 91, 127-129, 137, 168, 170, 172, 193, 204, 215, 216, 221, 294, 342, 343, 348-350, 355, 356, 361, 374, 379 amino acids (essential) 6, 11, 12, 18, 26, 35, 38, 41-80, 82, 87-89, 93-95, 100-108, 114, 115, 117, 118, 120-126, 129-135, 172, 175, 191, 192, 203-205, 211, 212, 216, 219, 227, 228, 230, 247, 288, 296, 297, 301, 303, 309, 327, 328, 332, 333, 341, 344, 347, 354, 360, 365, 366, 373, 374 anemia 48, 87, 101, 103, 104, 106, 107, 113, 114, 116, 123, 124, 129, 170, 187, 193, 241, 262, 263, 275, 306, 333, 366 aneurysms 118 angina 48, 149, 154, 155, 240, 241, 269, 276, 295, 363 anorexia 48, 274 antibiotic-like 212 antibiotics 23, 95, 102-107, 115, 143, 144, 169, 170, 192, 194, 198, 199, 210-213, 222, 322, 325, 329, 332, 336, 364, 365 antioxidants 5, 82, 83, 100-107, 114, 115, 117-119, 121, 122, 124, 127, 135, 172, 207, 219, 224-226, 228, 308, 328, 336, 344, 345, 356, 360, 365 anxiety 43, 48, 49, 53, 63, 69, 79, 106, 125, 126, 129, 137, 154, 170, 186, 204, 222, 237-239, 245, 249, 253, 254, 267,

293, 295, 342-345, 351, 355, 381 apathy 30, 38, 43, 46, 48, 63, 84, 122, 153, 155, 234, 238, 239, 250, 251, 276, 339, 345, 363, 376 apiphytotherapy 11, 379, 388 apitherapy 9, 11, 150, 379, 388 appetite 20, 29, 32, 42, 44, 48, 84, 94, 125, 126, 129, 139, 140, 153, 195, 209, 210, 213, 215, 229, 230, 257, 263, 264, 286-289, 291, 315, 316, 327, 337, 341 arginine 63, 75, 120-122, 124, 130-132, 134, 327 arrhythmia 49, 116, 127, 130, 149, 151, 170, 276, 295 arsenic 185 arthritis 14, 15, 49, 72, 90, 94, 101, 102, 104, 106, 112-114, 117, 118, 121-125, 127, 128, 130, 133, 137, 143-145, 158, 166, 169, 170, 172, 175, 186, 193-195, 203, 214, 238, 240, 241, 249, 258, 262, 276, 279, 280, 298, 329, 350, 362, 366, 377, 383 arthrosis 49, 106, 127, 128, 130, 158, 166, 169, 274, 276, 277, 279, 280, 366 asparagine 120, 121 aspartic acid 65, 75, 77, 120, 121, 131, 132 asthenia 105, 130 asthma 14, 23, 49, 83, 87, 90, 95, 102, 106, 114, 125, 127, 128, 130, 136-138, 142, 147, 149-155, 169, 170, 172, 175, 193, 215, 216, 219, 225, 240, 262, 274, 276, 293, 306, 315, 363, 376, 380 atherosclerosis 41, 49, 82, 83, 91, 145, 153, 161, 193, 195, 203, 206, 207, 216, 219, 221, 238, 239, 274, 276, 283, 293, 366, 379 attention, loss of 45, 48, 49, 115, 122, 154, 203, 276, 283, 294, 315, 342 autoimmune diseases 14, 15, 49, 90, 92, 101, 127, 128, 135, 136, 151, 154, 161, 175, 190, 196, 203, 214, 215, 221, 222, 262, 298, 319, 320, 323, 324, 326, 328, 332

B bad breath 49, 195, 263 balance, loss of 50 balanced diet 9, 14, 86, 101, 124, 203, 209, 210, 219, 222, 306, 327 balding 130, 366 barley 97, 100, 104, 105, 107, 110, 115-119, 181, 199, 214, 220, 222, 254, 286, 310, 347 baths 7, 31, 142, 159, 162, 175, 176, 243, 248, 259, 260, 277, 286, 309 bee bread 83, 101, 103-106, 176, 253, 254, 309, 310, 335-338, 372, 379, 380 bee pollen 83, 94, 101-107, 112, 114-116, 118, 119, 188, 189,


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