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Rødbergodden Centre of treatment for alcohol and drug abuse

w w w . k o a - a s . n o

Rødbergodden All people have the ability to change and evolve in a positive direction, regardless of background and attitudes. With the right conditions for growth everything is possible.


Centre of tre Man has the ability to develop intellectually, emotionally, spiritually and behaviourally. When we enhance our understanding of ourselves and the world around us we deal more effectively with our emotions and we choose the more rational behaviour, and it make it more likely to take responsible choices. We want to treat everyone equally and with respect as valuable human beings, by helping those who want to take care of their life

atment for alcohol and drug abuse - not as victims but as independent actors. Many similarities exist between people, but varieties in heredity and environment develops every human being to its unique form. All individuals are unique with different needs and challenges. We want to see the residents as responsible people. We strive to be caring and challenging mentors to help them on their way toward mastery, to improved self-esteem and quality of life. Addicition in any form develops in different

ways from person to person, but almost always to the same tragic finishing line. A life chained in defeat surrounded by a sea of negative consequences and feelings. Through interaction with others we develop and grow. The quality and content of our relationships throughout life, plays a major role in an individual’s self-understanding and view of the world. The relationship between the staff at KOA and our residents is one of the constituent elements in the change of

their work. Our values are connected to the fact that change happens in relationships. The abusers themselves must make the decision for change. We cannot change anyone by ourselves, but when we have the same goal the work has already started. We can patiently walk by their side, be supportive, encouraging, facilitating and helping them by removing obvious barriers and create opportunities for important change.


Rødbergodden TREATMENT: The overall objective of the institution of KOA is to help the individual get away from the addiction to alcohol or drugs and find a positive and healthy way of life.

Many people neglect the small fortune while vainly waiting for the big one. Pearl S. Buck


We will arrange for the residents to ha ve the opportunity to live as independently as possible and in harmony with themselves and others, to have an active and meaningful way of life - in fellowship with other people. Together with the residents, we will arrange for the necessary changes that enable the person to cope with a life without alcohol and drugs. KOA considers the relationship between residents and staff as the foundation for change in the individual. We want to create strong relationships, and following residents from the inlet, through the course of treatment and the process of returning to their home municipalities. The basis of our ideology is empathy, stability and security - transferred to the residents, a role that is assigned to the entire employee group. Such stability requires commitment and coordination from both staff and residents.

Rødbergodden METHOD: A collective community mind set where socialization, community and life skills training are helping to change negative attitudes and negative behaviour to the positive. Our main focus is to create tailored activities in combination with group therapy which develop the residents individually and socially.

Rødbergodden STAY: Your stay at the KOA is different than daily life outside.

threads that allow you to self-knowledge and give you the opportunity for change in a positive direction. We will also help you take care of your practical challenges in your private life.

We will help you gain increased awareness of yourself, finding your life’s red

Through life we get a lot of well-meaning advice from both relatives and friends.

But advice alone is not helpful if you do not accept or understand it. We can be your mentor / advisor through your own self-development and through your life’s most important choices. But you must be an active partner for yourself, for your treatment and for the community.


Our METHODS of treatment: » Therapy by psychologist » ABC model, cognitive model » Group therapy, anger management groups » Individual conversation with staff » A wide range of motivating activities » Social training » Creating good routines » Occupational Therapy » Physical fitness training » Monitoring of physical, mental and somatic health

The FOCUS of treatment: » Establishing safe and secure relationships » Coping Exercise - for daily life » Development through group therapy/behaviour therapy/individual therapy » Development of social skills » Activities tailored to residents » Networking/family therapy at different levels » Structure/predictability » Education and conversations about alcohol, drugs, ethics, nutrition and hygiene » Participation in group therapy with the residents led by therapists » Preparation for work or school » Training trips, weekend trips, excursions and more » Network Mapping - work to develop social affiliation » Working with practical matters such as housing, finances and relationships with police/prison authorities. » Resident Meeting - awareness of their own role in the community of KOA » Training of various kinds


Being able to listen is half the success.

Calvin Coolidge



Address: Rødberghamn | Postboks 125 | 9476 Borkenes w w w . k o a - a s . n o

Manager Heidi Johnsen | email: heidi@koa-as.no | Tel: +47 488 96 780 | Fax: +47 77 09 30 04

design: rekylreklame.no » fotos: sissel landset

Rødbergodden Treatment Center

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