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Malibu, United States

Rehabs Malibu provides holistic addiction treatment that heals the body and mind. Located in Malibu, California, our luxurious rehab facility has the privacy and serenity high-profile clients need for recovery. The Rehabs Malibu team is dedicated to providing our clients with an array of amenities and services. Providing luxurious private rooms and gourmet meals prepared by our talented in-house chefs, we create a relaxing environment for our clients to focus on getting well. Since addiction is a complicated, multifaceted problem, treats it holistically. All of our evidence-based therapies are tailored to each individual's needs, including cognitive-behavioral therapy, group therapy, and family therapy. Throughout our clients' journey to recovery, our compassionate and experienced staff provides support and guidance. Helping people beat addiction and live a healthy, fulfilling life is our goal. Let Rehabs Malibu help you or a loved one with addiction problems. Find out what we have to offer and take the first step towards a better future by getting in touch with us today. Take the path to recovery with Rehabs Malibu Get Help Now (888) 429-7279
