commissioners Aug 21 2012 minutes

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August 21,2012

9:00 a.m., Commissioners Room Gounty Administration Building 215 ts West High Street, Lawrenceburg, lndiana CAL.L TO ORDEII

Freserat; Jeff Hu1;hes, shane McHenry, Tom orschell, Gayle pennington, Auditor, r\ndrew Baudendistel, county Attorney, Teresa Randall, cbunty Aclministiator. PLEDGE OF ALL.EGIANCE OL.E}


&lgcqlenance-u Dearborn coun'tllvehicles

- This was removecl from agenda at Terri Randall's request until November or when she feels it necessary to add it again. Shane McHerlry made a motion to remove until Nlovernber. Mortion seconded by Torn Orschell. ltll in favor, motion carried.

whitewater canal sce_nlc Eywat/ - Because they are without guidelines from lNlDor Terni Rarrdall reco,mmended the county withdraw as lead agency for the Canal scenic Byway project.

orschell miade a motion to withdraw as the lead agency of whitewater canal gnant. Motion seconded by Shane McHenry. All in favor, motion carried.


OKlEqnding tEntract / Asreement slFtcP does cornmunity Development Block Grants and ohlfl does water euality Projrlcts. There is no crossover of services. 'Terri Randall has done some research recommends that the Commissioners sign the new agreement. oKi would be ok with signing an amendment to continue thru end of year and renew in .lanuary to get on our budget cycle. Jeff Huglres would like to do a little more research. Torn Onschell miade a motion to table, and Shane McHenry seconded. All in

favor, rnotion carried.

Jarl_Mjlec!_CS4tac! - The language in the contract was reviewed by Andy

BaurJendistel. Cost: $425,000.00 over the life of project, broken clown by phase of


Tom Onschell made a nrotion to award and sign the jail architect contract with Rosser lnternational lnc- in arnount of $7,418,681.00 as rnrritten. Seconded by $hane McHenry. Ghair abstains. Motion passed. NEW BI.ISIhIE$S:

Litgjlime l-lousirtg


Carla Burkhart presented Property Lierr Releases for signatures.

Life Time Housing has been awarded lndiana Housing and Community Development Grant in the amount of $405,000.00. They plan to do 20 more homes in 4 counties for elderly and low income.

Motion to sign tlre Declaration of Property [-ien Release,s as presented fon Marcella Henny, 13265 Bank St, Dillsboro, flndiana, with l\{ary Holzbacker, 24683 Welisberg Rd., $unman, lndiana, with Ronald Mondary and Rose Cantreill, '[4579 West Wood St., flUoores Hill, lndiana, with Earl and Matilda Bisr:hoff, 29103 St. Joe Dr,,, West Harnlson, lndiana, and with Carol Geraldine Greco, 158 Plnhook Rd., Wesit l-{arrison moved by Shane McHenry. Seconded by Torn Cfrschell, alll in favor, motion carried.

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