Subspace Communicator (Volume 19, Issue 1)

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Star Trek: T The Picket e Line n By Commodore Jon Lane - USS Angeles It was like a Star Trek convention, only with picket signs and no dealers’ room! As the Hollywood writers’ strike entered its second month, news coverage of the picket lines waned, and fewer and fewer writers were bothering to spend their days walking back and forth for hours in front of studio entrance gates. How could the Writers Guild of America (WGA) make things more interesting? What could they do to draw out more writers, and actors, and production personnel? An answer came from a little sci-fi show we all like to watch. “Star Trek Day” was not an official event. News of it spread through word of mouth and e-mail. On Monday, December 10, former Star Trek writers were asked to come to the main gate at Paramount Pictures in Hollywood. The Screen Actors Guild (SAG), which isn’t on strike yet but will be next summer, is supporting the WGA strikers, and Star Trek actors were also asked (quietly) to show up as well. The invitation also went out to producers and visual effects people, set designers, make-up artists…anyone with a link to Star Trek was welcome to come and spend a few hours picketing at Paramount. Although I’m not a member of the WGA, I have written a Star Trek book (“Starship Spotter”) and have done work for Paramount licensing. And being currently unemployed, I had nothing else to do that Monday. So I put on a red shirt (not because I wanted to die on an alien planet, but because the WGA strikers are all wearing red on the picket lines), grabbed my camera, and drove over to Hollywood. During the four hours of the event, a few hundred people showed up to rally their support…and there were more than enough picket signs for everyone (I brought a sign home as a memento). Despite the seriousness of the writers’ situation, the mood there that day was warm, friendly, and fun. One writer brought a saxophone along and played Star Trek music while folks picketed. Walter “Chekov” Koenig went around with a huge box of bagels, giving them out to anyone who wanted one. Armin “Quark” Shimerman and George “Sulu” Takei chatted with anyone who happened to walking next to them on the picket line at any point. In fact, just about everyone was approachable if you were holding a sign and walking back and forth. Amusingly, I noticed that certain key people were “sought out” by writers and actors looking to network and schmooze… people like Ron Moore (Continued on page 17)

Ch^pter @nnivers^ries @ s USS Silver Moon - NCC-75024 Las Vegas Area, NV Commissioned – 01-07-07 USS Northern Lights – NCC-27001 San Jose/Milpitas, CA Commissioned – 01-22-93 USS Dragons Cub – NCC-81003 Bakersfield, CA Commissioned 01-25-98 Cascade Station – NCC-SS003 Redding, CA Commissioned – 02-12-94 USS Onizuka – NCC-71815 Chico, CA Commissioned – 02-21-93

@c^demy Gr^du^tes @ ^ u es MGN Truman Temple USS Centurion – San Bernardino CA

5th ADP Doctorate in Science & Technology Awarded SFA Citation of Commendation Awarded Ruby level Boothby

Table of Contents Star Trek: The Picket Line


Congratulations Table of Contents


The FUNny Pages (Editorial)


RC log


Vice RC log Chief of ShOC log


Webmaster 4th OIC log (SFMC)


4th Fleet MSR’s (Oct/Nov)


4th Fleet


STARFLEET Contacts Region 4 Contacts


Remembering the Troops


YMCA Christmas Parade


Why They Are Striking




R4 Classifieds


Stardates (Calendar)


Conventions N R4


Cadet Review (photos)



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Greetings 4th Fleet and Beyond,

FCPT Unicorn

2008 has arrived, which must mean it’s time once to again share the happenings of the Region with you here in these pages. As much as I would like to present another over flowing to the brim edition, it seems many folks were busy with the holiday season or other life moments, so although this issue may be smaller than others, it still contains some great stuff to enjoy. Our cover story is about something taking place here in the Region and for one day, right on the doorstep of the home of Star Trek. I’m talking about the Writers’ Strike and the picket line full of various Trek actors, writers and numerous other former staff members who showed their support of those striking by walking the picket line. It’s a great read for those who could not attend. And although it was of a serious nature, it seems that some FUN was had. Once again we have the usual staff reports (p5-7), and it looks like almost all R4 staff had a little something they wished to share with you. Some is of current events, while one member reminds us of our past to honor it. The MSR’s (p8) continue to show that many Ships are very active throughout the Region, while a few seem to need some assistance getting their reports submitted. Hopefully in time we will learn of what FUN adventures they too are having. I have updated the STARFLEET listings (p12) of all the new incoming Executive Members. A couple of 4th Fleet (p10) listing have also been updated. Moving on to the member submissions, we once again learn of the great work for the troops done by the USS Angeles, with their Troop Care Packages (p13). What a wonderful way to say Thank-you to the Men and Women who volunteered to serve in our armed forces, while so far away from home, during the holidays. Speaking of holidays, once again the crew of the USS Centurion participated in their annual YMCA Parade (p14) and provided photos. Another strong active ship is out having adventures. Finally we have a second article about the strike (p15), but this time giving you details about why it is happening. Once again I have some of the latest news from STARFLEET (p16). Check out the Stardates (p20) for upcoming events, along with a complete listing of R4 Conventions (p21) for the next year here. Closing out this issue are some pictures of some of the stars from the picket line and a couple more from the parade group in our Cadet Review (p23). On a personal note, for those not yet aware, I have accepted the position of Editor for the STARFLEET Communiqué. I'm fulfilling a dream of 10+ yrs, while at the same time taking a step into land I'm not familiar with and yes, learning about very quickly. Hopefully with the help of others and my own level of integrity, I will be able to do what I need to do and while keeping a vast majority of the fleet membership happy that I have been allowed this opportunity. Although there is a provision in the SFI Constitution that states a member may not hold a EC and AB position at the same time, I do not fall under that category at this time, and as such I will continue my current duties as R4 Chief of Communications and Editor of the Subspace Communicator. Wish me luck and I look forward to your submissions in the CQ office. Till next time, live the adventure and have some FUN!!! But please take pictures and/or write an article to share with the rest of us too. ~ : ) …..

Hailing frequencies closed, FCPT Unicorn Editor

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Staff Chrissy Killian J. Unicorn Escobedo Gloria Rodriguez

Publisher Editor / Layout Copy Editor

ST: The Picket Line Remembering the Troops YMCA Christmas Parade So Why Are They Striking

Columnists Regional Coordinator Vice Regional Coordinator Shakedown Chief SFMC 4th Brigade Webmaster STARFLEET Stardates Conventions n R4

Chrissy Killian Jennifer Cole Dave Pitts Cyndi Temple Jonathan Connor-Foertsch Various J. Unicorn Escobedo Blair “Fanboy” Learn

Jon Lane Gloria Rodriguez Truman Temple Jon Lane

Photos Paramount Pictures front gates Care Packages Assembly Job Well Done USS Centurion 5555 Melrose Avenue James & Jim Jon & Nichelle Signs

Jon Lane Gloria Rodriguez Gloria Rodriguez Kimberly Temple Jon Lane Jon Lane Jon Lane Jon Lane

Cadet Review Women of the USS Centurion Chekov Quark & Tuvok Men of the USS Centurion

Truman Temple Jon Lane Jon Lane Kimberly Temple

‘05 & ‘06 Newsletter of the Year

Submission Guidelines { { { { { {

Submissions must be in by midnight PST, the 20th of the even months (Feb., Apr., Jun., Aug., Oct., Dec.). Anything missing this deadline will be considered for future issues. Please DO NOT embed articles or photos in your e-mail, but instead send them as separate attachment files. I ask this, as I’m then able to download and save your article/photo to a submissions folder, making putting the newsletter together faster and easier. It also helps me keep track of items and hopefully not lose any. Please send all articles as MS WORD documents (.doc), plain text (.txt) or Rich Text File (rtf). Please send pictures as .jpg or gif. files and cropped the way you'd like to see them published (or you don't get to complain about how I crop them.). On occasion I need to crop photos due to size or space limitations. Please inform me of the name, rank and position/title (if applicable) for each person in photos. You may know who they are, but others do not, so lets tell them. If you would like a specific caption to appear with a photo, please include it. Please run spell and grammar check before submitting.

Send submissions & inquires to Disclaimer: This is the Official Newsletter for Region 4 of STARFLEET, The International Star Trek Fan Association Inc., and is published six times a year by Region 4. All submissions become the sole property of this newsletter unless otherwise noted. Portions may be reproduced for other STARFLEET Newsletters or the Communiqué. Some portions of this document may contain Copyrighted material, and may not be reproduced in any form of media whether printed, magnetic, or electronic. For a list of what may be reproduced contact the Editor of this document. STAR TREK and all references/images to/of STAR TREK are registered trademarks licensed by CBS Paramount Television and CBS Studios Inc. As we receive our information from various sources, we the newsletter staff cannot be held responsible for any errors or misinformation.

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RADM Chrissy Killian I hope this find everyone healthy and happy! I hope that everyone got what they wanted or at least what they needed. Is anyone else having a problem believing it’s 2008? Doesn’t it seem like only yesterday we were all preparing for the Y2K disasters? With the start of 2008, STARFLEET welcomes a new Commander STARFLEET. Sal Lizard takes over as Commander STARFLEET. I look forward to working with Sal and his Executive Committee to make STARFLEET financially secure and fun for all! I want to say Congratulations to our very own Subspace Communicator Editor Unicorn Escobedo. He has been selected as the new editor for STARFLEET’s Communiqué. We all wish him the best of luck in this new adventure. Upcoming events in Region 4 include Star Trek the Tour ( community/tour/news/article/1.html). Star Trek the Tour will provide an opportunity to experience Star Trek up close by using sets, props, motion-simulator ride and much more. We will have the chance to sit in Captain Kirk's chair on the set of the Enterprise bridge. In addition, we will see Captain Picard’s quarters, the Enterprise-D Bridge, the sickbay from TNG and much more. The Tour will visit about 40 cities including many in Region 4. The Tour will open in Long Beach CA on January 18th and will continue there until February 17th. Other sites will include Phoenix and Tucson AZ, San Diego, San Francisco and Sacramento CA. Although it’s technically not Region 4, since we have lots of “correy” members there, I include Denver CO. There are many more cities in the US and Canada. Personally, I will probably be attending The Tour when it comes to Sacramento. I hope to see others there. I should have more information out about the 2008 Region 4 Conference in the next month or so. We are looking at returning to Star Trek the Experience. A great time was had by all and I have had multiple requests to return to Las Vegas, so I was glad to agree to it. If anyone wishes to help out, please send me an email privately at I would like to request that all chapters contact me when you have special events or to just let me know when your regular meetings are happening. I would like to try to visit or to see what I can do for the chapters. Remember, MSRs are due by the 5th of each month. We are so close to making 100%. I would love to see 100% at least once. If for any reason you can’t make your MSR, please, please contact me or VRC, Jennifer Cole to see what we can do to help. That’s it for now. I wish each and every member a happy and safe 2008. Regional Finance Report - Nov/Dec 07


Region 4 RC 559-994-5511

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Beginning Balance: Income: Expenses:

$653.41 27.27 0.00

Ending Balance:


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RADM Jennifer Cole VRC Cole wishes everyone Happy Holiday's and Happy New Year! I look forward to working with all of you in 2008. The USS Angeles has some really exciting events planned and I hope you can join us for a few of them. Be sure to contact me if you have any issues or concerns you need addressed. We'll always do our best to fix or correct things that need to be corrected. Lastly, I hope to see a lot more awesome reports from all chapters of R4 in 2008. I know you all have some fun activities planned for 2008, so let's hear about them! Yeah, that's my plug for getting those reports inputted into the DB! Take care and again, Happy Holidays! Jennifer Cole VRC, Region 4

RADM Dave Pitts Greetings R4 Fleeters, HAPPY NEW YEAR! Well, by now, I'm sure you all know that Admiral Sal Lizard is our next Fleet Admiral. I know some of you don't have access to a computer on a regular basis, so I'll post the results here for the hard copy. These numbers were cut and pasted straight from the SFI Announcements webpage. 3538 ballots were mailed, and 1087 were returned. There were 4 cards that had duplicate serial numbers, so the total of cards counted was 1083, for a response rate of 30.61%. The election results: COMMANDER, STARFLEET Lizard / Halverson: 532 Ueffing / Halber: 233 Plant / Devine: 162 Olson / Berenberg: 144 Total: 1,083 Also, all 4 Constitutional Amendments were ratified, and are already in effect. Please, I ask all of you to look at the numbers. If you do the math you'll see a sobering reality. Less than a third of the authorized voters actually voted. Now, I am by no means casting doubt on Fleet Admiral Lizard, and I wish him and his staff the

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best. I would say this no matter who won. I'm simply stating that it's a shame that the remaining plus two thirds did not vote. It was a wasted opportunity to be heard, and sadly they chose to be silent. Perhaps it's my having spent nearly 22 years in the USAF that makes me feel this way. I was taught early on to vote and to be heard, so don't take it personally. Now, on to the rest of my column. I have here in my old paws an issue of Tribble Express, dated February 1998, courtesy of the USS PEACEKEEPER. Several items caught my attention and I thought I might briefly share them, a blast from the past before I mention the future. How many of you remember Commodore Don Haven? Sadly, Commodore Haven passed away January 5th, 1998 after an extended illness in the hospital. I never met him, but frequently heard nothing but good things about him. He was a kind man I'm told, and a concerned people-centered leader. Let us all remember him on this, the 10 year anniversary of his passing. Here's another interesting tidbit. In an article dated January 17, 1998 it states Ed Nowlin took over as acting Regional Coordinator for Region 4 due to the stepping down of Kim Lerman from that position. We all know how Ed performed in that job. Let's wish him the best now that he has moved on, and let's wish our current RC, RAdm Chrissy Killian, the best as well. It's not easy being the CO of an entire region despite what others might think. In fact, I learned long ago that the job of managing people is the hardest job you'll ever have. People will expect instant answers because you're in charge, and more often than not, will get upset when it seems you haven't dropped everything you're doing in order to answer them. Yes, you will make mistakes. Your subordinates will make mistakes, but the trick is having both of you to learn from them and productively move on. Hey look, also on January 17, 1998 it says the Stormbringer has been named a shuttle. Now, that takes me back! I remember joining the Stormbringer shortly after my return to the United States about that time. We've had a fun ride along the way. True, there were occasional bumps and lumps. That happens to each and every shuttle to varying degrees, I guarantee it. Through it all we remained focused on our main goal which was to have fun. There were no political ambitions or ulterior motives. There have been three different Commanding Officers and Executive Officers, all of which were agreed on quite cheerfully. We take turns with the varying command staff positions and it seems to work for us. What does the future hold for that shuttle of nearly 10 years hence? Well, we have Star Trek, Star Wars, Battlestar Galactica, Babylon 5, and other entertainment options for those that want to indulge themselves. While we are primarily a Starfleet chapter, we don't feel threatened to offer other options to boost membership and meet new people. Come April 2008, the Stormbringer and BSG Colorado will co-host the second annual BSG Colonial Conference gathering at Starfest in Denver. I suggest you attend, it will be frakken wonderful! Now, if that isn't enough, let me flash forward to October 31, 2008 when the Stormbringer will have her 10 year Anniversary Party. Yeah, it will be a seismic event to put it mildly. Keys WILL be confiscated (seriously) to avoid DUI infractions and cameras (just kidding) will be confiscated to avoid future...ahhh...difficulties ;-) In closing, the future of YOUR chapter is what YOU make it. The monthly goals in the START Manual provide a

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ShOC (Continued from page 6) proven step by step checklist to lead you to a successful launch and commissioning. I wish each and every one of you the best in your 2008 shuttle endeavors, and am looking forward to working with you to obtain those goals. RAdm Dave Pitts R4 ShOC USS STORMBRINGER

BGN Cyndi Temple With the holiday seasons upon us, this office would like to extend our fondest wishes for a safe and joyous holiday season to ALL the Marines. Our current Brigade strength is as follows: 6 units - 37 Active 11 Reserve Marines 48 total

CAPT Jonathan Connor-Foertsch As I look upon the calendar for the coming year, I’m excited about the possibilities that 2008 brings for the region. I don’t know what all the other chapters are doing, but my chapter, the USS Angeles, is continuing to boldly explore the Los Angeles area, and has added new Star Trek filming sites to its away mission list this year. And as we roll into this brand new year, I’m pleased to announce that the base’s computer core will be undergoing an overhaul to bring her systems up to the standard I would expect the best region in SFI to hold for itself. I’m planning to introduce interface enhancements that will make navigation easier, features that will keep you coming back to check on things - and a host of changes that will bring the region even closer together. Also, bringing in the new year is a reminder that everyone should go ahead and ensure that their anti-virus and system security software is up to date. This is usually an easy procedure, and one of the best and quickest ways to protect your data from those that would seek to have it without your permission. Oh... more thing - I look at the list of chapters, and I note that many of our chapters are lacking a website. If you’re in need of any support on that front, please do not be afraid to utilize me to get you pointed in the right direction - a website is a great way for folks to know more about your chapter, and I can speak to the fact that it does, in fact, create recruitment opportunities. If you have any questions about starting a website, please do not hesitate to send me an email at jonathan (at) thetrekgeek (dot) org, making sure to substitute the (at) and (dot) with “@” and “.” Well, that’s all for now - but keep an eye on the website... never know just what you’ll find!

Awards received: SFMC Medical Proficiency: SGT William Saats, 1st MSG Community Service Citation: LTC Roy Henderson LCDR Howard Leidner SSGT Robert Temple 2LT Kimberly Temple MGN Truman Temple BGN Cyndi Temple Activities: 1st MSG marched in the YMCA Christmas parade. They collected 12,000 soda tabs for Ronald McDonald House. Participating in the 2007-2008 Commandants Reading Challenge: Thomas Pawelczak Truman Temple Monika Reinholz Cyndi Temple KImberly Temple Pam Rhine Participated in the Commandants Campaign Challenge, Toys 4 Toys: Roy Henderson Truman Temple Cyndi Temple Robert Temple Kimberly Temple 21st MSG: been collecting year round for Ronald MacDonald House 75th MSG: participated in Commandants Campaign, Toy 4 Toys. Jim Monroe Respectfully submitted, BGN Cyndi Temple OIC, 4th BDE, SFMC

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October 07 Northern Sector Cascade Station NCC-SS003 Working on getting members renewed as well as beginning plans for annual gift exchange with USS Onizuka

USS Augusta Ada NCC-55011 Our regular meeting was held at the Round Table Pizza, located at Geary and Arguello in SF, CA. Attending in person: Heather Stern, Andrey Kuznetsov, Eric P. Scott (EPS), J. Unicorn Escobedo (Unicorn), and myself, Ken Parker, present in person for a change. I arrived early, as did Unicorn, who brought the Region four Newsletters he has been creating. Fascinating reading, for sure! Good work, Unicorn! This meeting marks the seventh anniversary of the commissioning of the USS Augusta Ada as a starship. (We were a shuttle for a number of months before this). We commissioned 10/21/2000. There were two events at the meeting to commemorate this: First, I presented Heather Stern with the official Wine Bottle that was presented to me when we commissioned. This bottle was signed by several Starfleet officials. Then, a bit later, Unicorn presented Heather with an official letter of congratulations from Region 4, for our anniversary. There were a number of other items covered in this meeting, and I THOUGHT I had taken notes, but am unable to locate them, or (more likely) was mistaken about taking them. Conventions were discussed, most notably SiliCon. I expressed my intention of opening discussions about the blending of science fact, science fiction, and even, in some cases, metaphysics. The example that stands out the most with me is the multiple universe breed of Quantum Physics. I very much enjoyed attending this meeting in person, and plan to do this in the future, time and finances allowing. Unfortunately, finances may be more of a challenge for me than time.

USS Northern Lights NCC-27001 General meeting and Senior Staff meetings now combined. Halloween potluck and social event.

USS Oberon NCC-71820 Had a good time with other local clubs volunteering for the local Discovery Museum gala

USS Onizuka NCC-71815

K’Ehleyr Station NCC-SS009 Decommissioned end of the month

ISS Pegasus NCC-9755 Nothing to report

Our ship had Shore leave at a local Pizzeria in Chico. We mostly ate pizza, drank bubbly beverages and talked about the upcoming BigScreen premiere of Star Trek: The Menagerie on Nov. 13th and made plans to attend. Our Captain and Chief of Security attended the Region 4 Conference in Las Vegas at Star Trek: The Experience. It was a blast! The best part was closing down Quark's Bar with Boyd Harmon, CO of the USS Stormbringer. I miss my drinking buddy. He's at the other end of Region 4 and we don't get together as often as I could wish... Life goes on.

USS Silver Moon NCC-75024 Several members had planned to participate in the R4 conf. but were unable to do to financial constraints. Ship is discussing either a thanksgiving dinner or a holiday get together. Plans should be finalized shortly

Shuttle Battleborn NCC-23104/01 None

Southern Sector

USS Tikopai NCC-1800 Failed to Report

Central Sector USS Dragon’s Cub NCC-81003 Failed to Report

USS Gallant NCC-4890 Failed to Report

USS PeaceKeeper NCC-72300 Flagship of Region 4 XO attended the Region 4 Experience and had lots of fun

USS Angeles NCC-71840 Command Staff Meeting Oct. 7th prior to general crew gathering. Finalized plans for the remainder of 2007. Following Command Staff meeting the crew enjoyed an afternoon of poker. Both events were hosted by Goldie [Chaikin]. Oct. 13th CO Jennifer Cole represented the USS Angeles at Nemesis Station’s annual bowl-a-thon fundraiser for Jamison [Children’s] House [of Kern County]. Commander Dave Mason represented the crew Oct. 14th at the local AIDS walk. Numerous crew members from all around the US attended the R4 Experience in Las Vegas Oct. 20th. Annual Halloween Party October 27th, this year hosted by the Bundy Family.

USS Centurion NCC-74801

Eastern Sector

USS Eagle NCC-1719

USS Angelfire NCC-75025

Members enjoyed SiliCon on 10/5-7. The captain attended R4 Conference on 10/20-21. Discussed plans for a holiday party in Nov/ Dec. We are continuing the holiday food & toy drives.

It has been a month of moving as the CO Brigadier John Nelson and his wife Cherry moved into the new USS Angelfire HQ in Northwest Phoenix. Several other members of the crew are either moving to new homes/ apartments or planning in the near future, as the Phoenix area expands. Metting next month will be to celebrate the moves and the engage-

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ment of Paul WIlliams to Cyndi Sherwood. Also debated will be the Toy's for Tot's program as toy recalls might cause shortages this Christmas. And the holiday party scheduled for the first to second weekend of December 2007.

Getting ready for holiday activities. Going to march in YMCA Christmas for 5th year running.

USS Stormbringer NCC-74213 Went to Thunderbirds air show at MCAS Miramar in north San Diego with the CO of the IFT Chapter USS Athena (based out of Santa Ana). The next weekend, went to USS Angeles Halloween Party at Jackie Bundy's

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house in Woodland Hills on Oct 27th. Had a great time! Went to the Firefly/Serenity con the next day at the Burbank Airport Marriott.

ganging). Senior officer conference and election discussion.

USS Oberon NCC-71820 USS William O. Darby NCC-12474 Continued work with local ST/SF clubs on joint events. Planning Xmas party. Planning Away mission to San Diego to view "Dead Sea Scrolls". Planning major Away Mission FY 08


November 07 Northern Sector Cascade Station NCC-SS003 Working on getting members renewed and attending the Gift Exchange with the USS Onizuka

Gathering wish list requests for local no-kill shelter for X-mas in December.

USS Onizuka NCC-71815 We had our November Cookie Run for the Firemen of the Chico Municipal and Butte County fire stations in and around Chico, Ca. We delivered all the cookies we had made during our cookie bake-off on Nov. 17th, an all-day affair, (whew!) on Thanksgiving, as a way to show our appreciation for all the hard work they do during the year and especially on Thanksgiving, when they are working and separated from their families. We will do the same for the Police, County Sheriff (s) and Highway Patrol officers on Christmas. Every year we are welcomed by the firemen at every station we visit and they are glad to see us coming.

USS Tikopai NCC-1800 Failed to Report

USS Augusta Ada NCC-55011 Our regular meeting was held at the Round Table Pizza, located at Geary and Arguello in SF, CA. Attending in person: Heather Stern, Andrey Kuznetsov, Eric P. Scott (EPS), Jim Dennis. I, Ken Parker, attended the meeting via Andrey's Cellphone. Topics included the Starfleet election, the Starfleet IRC site, and the fact that our membership count may be up. Other topics included the LosCon Internet Lounge, which is being staffed by members of the USS Augusta Ada, headed by Heather Stern and Jim Dennis. Other Away Missions included two by Andrey Kuznetsov, including one to the Russian River and another one to the Stanford Linear Accelerator. I mentioned reading that people have discussed the possibilities of moving sub-atomic particles through time with devices like this. In addition, Heather brought up that Steven "Dillo" Okay is in the "Delta Quadrant", on a project to provide laptops to developing countries. Show and Tell: Andrey showed off a blownout hard drive.

USS Eagle NCC-1719 Discussed ways to improve communications on the ship. Members got together for holiday parties and worked on crafts and games. Also collected canned foods & toys for holiday drives.

USS Northern Lights NCC-27001 General meeting and social event (more press-

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Central Sector USS Dragon’s Cub NCC-81003 Cadets Ell, Myranda and Layona participated in canned food collection at school, ship collected food for Channel 17 food give away. Clothing give away for Hope House. Book collections for school and public library. Planning food collections for Yule/Christmas. Our Coven group is planning to start now to make Yule logs for Military overseas for Yule 08. Planning Yule Ritual and Potluck with toy giveaway for children. Cadets are collecting stuffed animals and good used toys to send to Iraq.

USS Gallant NCC-4890 Prepping for event to go see theatrical screening of TOS Menagerie.

USS PeaceKeeper NCC-72300 Flagship of Region 4 Nothing right now just recruitment

Eastern Sector USS Angelfire NCC-75025 The Command Staff held a birthday party and trip to the Phoenix Coyotes Game with the Toronto Maple Leafs on the 24th. The Birthday was for Marine CO Joe Butts as an award

for his hard work with Angelfire and the fantasy gaming group hosted by the Marines. The Game was a Coyotes win 5-1. We are planning a couple more games for a wider attendance. Possibly with the "evil" Detroit Red Wings in January.

ISS Pegasus NCC-9755 Nothing reported

USS Silver Moon NCC-75024 Members of ship have been running around trying to get things done, but with medical problems things have not gone the way hoped for.

Shuttle Battleborn NCC-23104/01 Currently seeking a new Mothership as current one has requested decommissioning status.

Southern Sector USS Angeles NCC-71840 The crew gathered on Nov 11th and had a quick meeting, followed by us putting together 22 packages to send to U.S. troops in Iraq & Afghanistan. We had a great time and always look forward to this. Our packages will be delivered in time for troops to receive them for Christmas. On Dec. 2nd, the Angeles Command Staff met and worked on the calendar for 2008. We set dates for many activities, parties, away missions and lots more! We also hope to schedule a joint picnic with groups from UFPI, IFT, independent groups as well. Our December holiday party will be on the 15th at First Officer Jackie Bundy's home. It should be a really great evening, as we are planning not only the usual - singing, eating, gift exchange, but we'll also be playing some games! We just like to have fun!

USS Centurion NCC-74801 Chapter marched in San Bernardino YMCA Christmas parade for 5th year in a row. Membership retention ongoing, collecting soda tabs for local Ronald McDonald house.

USS Stormbringer NCC-74213 CO attended the Battlestar Galactica con on Nov 17 and 18. Got to see the following on stage: Bear McCreary (does the music for the show), Katie Sackhoff (Starbuck), Jamie Bamber (Apollo), and Tahmoh Penikett (Helo). On Saturday night 12 of us met up with Richard Hatch (the original Apollo) at Shogun's Japanese restaurant in Pasadena.

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Fleet l NORTHERN SECTOR Cascade Station – NCC-SS003 ADM Ed Nowlin PO Box 494781 Redding, CA 96049-4781 adm_ed@clearwire net Commissioned – 02-12-94 Patrol Area – Redding, CA Patrol Status – Meeting - We meet on the 2nd Sunday of the month around 2:30 PM at Angelos Pizza, 1774 California St, Redding, CA Contact Person - Ed Nowlin at adm_ed@clearwire net Chapter URL - USS Augusta Ada – NCC-55011 CMDR Heather Stern 903 Harriet Campbell, CA 95008 Commissioned - 10-21-00 Patrol Area – San Francisco, CA Patrol Status – Meeting - We meet on the 4th Saturday of each month at 1 PM in the backroom of the Round Table located at 3567 Geary Blvd, San Francisco, CA Contact Person - Heather Stern at Chapter URL - USS Eagle – NCC-1719 Oldest Chapter in STARFLEET RADM Jerry Tien 45018 Cougar Circle Fremont, CA 94539 Commissioned – 07-01-78 Patrol Area – Fremont, CA Patrol Status – Meeting - 3rd Saturday of each month. Contact Person - Jerry Tien at Chapter URL - none available at this time USS Northern Lights – NCC-27001 FCPT Tracy Newby 6167 Jarvis Ave #282 Newark, CA 94560-1210 Commissioned – 01-22-93 Patrol Area – San Jose/Milpitas, CA Patrol Status – Meeting - We meet at 7:00 PM in the Food Court at the Great Mall in Milpitas, usually on the 3rd Friday of the month, followed by a social event. Check our website or newsletter for schedule changes (usually due to a convention or other event conflicting) Contact Person - Tracy Newby at Chapter URL - USS Oberon – NCC-71820 CAPT Brenda Smith 10075 Nebula Way Sacramento, CA 95827 atlantismeditation@sbcglobal net

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Commissioned – 04-16-93 Patrol Area – Sacramento, CA Patrol Status – Meeting - 2nd Friday of each month 7:30 pm at SMUID Service Center, Forestview Room 1 - 6301 S Street Sacramento, CA Contact Person - Brenda Smith at atlantismeditation@sbcglobal netor or 916 361-1522. Chapter URL - none available at this time USS Onizuka – NCC-71815 CMDR Alvin D. Rupp 2485 Notre Dame Blvd. #370, PMB 190 Chico, CA 95928 Commissioned – 02-21-93 Patrol Area – Chico, CA Patrol Status - Correspondence - Currently sitting up on-line chat room for meetings and correspondents. Contact Person - Alvin Rupp at Chapter URL - USS Tikopai – NCC-1800 CAPT John May UNKNOWN Commissioned - 07-29-89 Patrol Area – San Jose/Silicon Valley Patrol Status – Meeting - Meets on the 4th Saturday of each month, usually a different members residences. For meeting location contact the contact person. Contact Person - John May at Chapter URL -

CENTRAL SECTOR USS Dragons Cub – NCC-81003 CAPT Dee Horn 114 Washington Ave. #8 Bakersfield, CA 93308 Commissioned – 01-01-01 Patrol Area - Bakersfield, CA Patrol Status - Correspondence - Currently we do not have a regular meeting date, time and location, as we are made up mostly of family members. We keep in touch by phone, email or IM several times a month. Contact person - Dee Horn at Chapter URL - USS Gallant NCC-4890 COMM Larry Barnes 2909 Huntington Blvd. #218 Fresno, CA 93721 Commissioned – 09-25-04 Patrol Area – Fresno / Clovis & Central Valley Patrol Status – Meeting - Currently we do not have a regular meeting date, time and location, Contact for next meeting date and location. Contact Person - Larry A. Barnes, CO at Chapter URL - USS PeaceKeeper – NCC-72300 Region 4 Flagship RAdm Chrissy Killian 968 Sierra St #120 Kingsburg CA 93631

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EASTERN SECTOR USS Angelfire – NCC-75025 COL John O. Nelson 6378 N. 78th Drive Glendale, AZ 85303 Commissioned – 10-19-00 Patrol Area – Phoenix, AZ Patrol Status – Meeting - 2nd weekend of the month (varies depending on events of the month). Usually meet at the CO’s or XO’s home between 2-5 PM, depending on events and command staff availability. Contact Person - John Nelson at sfcom1@cox net or Joe Butts at Ship URL - none available at this time ISS Pegasus – NCC-9755 COMM Brian Schreur 4730 Desert Vista Rd. Las Vegas, NV 89121-5627 Commissioned – 06-05-96 Patrol Area – Patrol Status – Contact Person Chapter URL - none available at this time USS Silver Moon - NCC-75024 CAPT Jeffrey K. Salamon 2895 E. Charleston Blvd. Building 8 Apt 1062 Las Vegas NV 89104-6322 n3fht@cox net Commissioned – 01-07-07 Patrol Area – Las Vegas Area, NV Patrol Status – Meeting - 2nd Saturday. Call contact for time and locations of next meeting Contact Person - Jeffrey Salamon 702-430-6222 or n3fht@cox net Chapter URL - none available at this time Shuttle Battleborn – NCC-23104/01 CMDR Anthony Spotts 1001 South Meadows Parkway #415 Reno, NV 89521 Spotts1701@ameritech net Launched – 09-01-03 Patrol Area – Reno/Carson City, NV Patrol Status – Meeting - Every 3rd Thursday of the Month at 6:30pm at Geno’s Pizza, 2629 North Carson Street, Carson City, NV.

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Contact Person - Anthony Spotts at Spotts1701@ameritech net or 775-853-7731 Chapter URL - none available at this time

SOUTHERN SECTOR USS Angeles – NCC-71840 RADM Jennifer Cole PO Box 241221 Los Angeles, CA 90024-1221 Commissioned – 03-01-95 Patrol Area - Los Angeles area Patrol Status – Meeting - We alternate our meetings either on a Saturday or Sunday, usually at different member's residences. Contact Person - Jennifer Cole at Chapter URL - USS Centurion – NCC-74801 MGN Truman Temple 1783 N. Fairfax Dr. #D San Bernardino CA 92404 Commissioned – 12-22-99 Patrol Area – San Bernardino CA Patrol Status – Meeting - We meet on the 2nd Saturday every month at San Bernardino City Library, Kiwanis Room, 2-3 PM. Contact Person - Truman Temple at Chapter URL - none available at this time USS Stormbringer – NCC-74213 FCPT Boyd Harmon 2910 Canyon Crest Drive Apt #3 Riverside, CA 92507-2977 Commissioned – 10-31-98 Patrol Area – Riverside, CA Patrol Status – Correspondence - We meet on mIRC in #starfleet every once in a while, but our official annual meeting is a party that we host at Starfest in April of each year. This is usually the third weekend in April at the Marriott Denver Tech Center. Contact Person - Boyd Harmon at Chapter URL - USS William O. Darby – NCC-12474 MGN James W. Monroe 22711 Brentwood Street Grand Terrace, CA 92313-4906 Commissioned – 09-20-03 Patrol Area –Grand Terrace, CA Patrol Status –Meeting, 1st Saturday of each month. Contact the contact person for location information. Contact Person -Jim Monroe at daiuy19@earthlink net Chapter URL - none available at this time

WESTERN SECTOR No Ships or Stations currently in this sector.

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Regional Coordinator

FADM Sal Lizard *OR* Vice Commander

RADM Chrissy Killian *OR* IRC R4 room (#sfi-r4) 7-9PM every Sunday

VADM Gary Halverson

Vice Regional Coordinator

Chief of Operations

RADM Jennifer Cole

ADM Mike Urvand or

Chief of Staff

Chief of Communications

ADM Jonathan Simmons

COMM Peter Christian

Chief of Communications

Commandant STARFLEET Academy

FCPT J. Unicorn Escobedo

ADM Peg Pellerin or

Shakedown Operations Director

Shakedown Operations

RADM Dave Pitts

COMM Warren Price

Awards Director

Chief of Computer Operations

ADM Ed Nowlin

COMM Matt Moyer


Chief Financial Officer

CAPT Jonathan Connor-Foertsch

Mike Stein

OIC 4th Brigade - STARFLEET Marines


BGN Cyndi Temple

VADM Pete Mohney or

Chapter MSR’s


Send to both the RC and Starfleet Ops &

FCPT Unicorn or

Shuttle/Shakedown MSR’s


Send to both RC and STARFLEET ShOC &

FCPT Matthew Ingles

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Remembering the Troops on Veteran’s Day by LCDR Gloria Rodriguez - USS Angeles

USS Angeles crew members got together on Veteran’s Day to do something special for U.S. troops overseas. We spent the afternoon at my home putting together care packages for Army, Marine and Air Force units in Iraq and Afghanistan. Angeles First Officer Jackie Bundy, Commanding Officer Jennifer Cole and crewman Paul Lester were in one room sorting and packing toiletries, snacks, paperbacks, Care Packages Assembly and the other items making that long trip for the Angeles crew members CRM Paul Lester; CMDR Jackie Bundy, XO; holidays. In another room, Second Officer Dave Mason CRR Chris Mulrooney; and LTJG Luis Valentine putting together boxes and Crewman Recruit Chris Mulrooney were assem- and filling out customs forms for the final packing in the next room. bling, reinforcing and labeling the boxes while Lt. jg. Luis Valentine and I were filling out stacks of customs forms. We made a good team and enjoyed the worthwhile effort for our heroes far from home. Cmdr. Jackie has been organizing these troop care package assemblies at least twice annually for the past four years. This year 44 packages were sent, including the 25 that were assembled on Veteran's Day. The contents and mailing costs were donated by Jackie and other Angeles members. Jackie finds troop contacts to accept delivery of these care packages on behalf of their units at, which makes it easy to find current contacts and view messages from them. The Anysoldier program gives troops a chance to make requests for those necessities and comforts that can make their duties a little easier. They ask for anything from sunscreen and lip balm to socks and cocoa . They especially want to hear from anyone who’s willing to send a note giving them news, support and a sense of being connected to home. Anyone who would like to send a letter or care package can get names and addresses from the anysoldier website. One of our newest USS Angeles crewmen had a special perspective on the day’s activity because not long ago he was on the receiving end of care packages. Chris, who showed up at the troop package meeting in his Army uniform, served in Iraq and now heads up Trek to the Troops, an organization that provides "Star Trek" and other scifi entertainment and gifts to our troops both here and overseas. Chris organized the third Annual Meet 'n’ Greet, which took place Dec. 11 at the Bob Hope Hollywood USO at Los Angeles International Airport. Celebrities, "Star Trek" fans, Marines and models in those original series miniskirts met at the fun gathering. Luis, who Job Well Done makes a great Vulcan with his ears, wig and uniforms, also Crew members with the 25 care packages packed & stacked into helped with the event. Chris, Luis and others planned to appear Jackie's car, ready to go to the post office. on ABC's "Live with Jimmy Kimmel" in Hollywood to proL2R: Army reservist Chris Mulrooney, CRR; LTJG Luis Valenmote the Meet 'n' Greet. tine; CMDR Jackie Bundy, XO; CRM Paul Lester; CMDR Dave Mason; and RADM Jennifer Cole, CO.

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YMCA Christmas Parade by MGN Truman Temple - USS Centurion On a cold, dark and rainy morning, members of the USS Centurion and the 1st MSG met up to participate in their annual holiday tradition, marching in the San Bernardino YMCA Christmas parade, under the banner of Santa's Intergalactic Helpers. MGN Truman Temple, BGN Cyndi Temple, SSGT Robert Temple, LTC Roy Henderon and LCDR Howard Liedner all marched together. A friend of the Centurion, Janet Ladner, marched along with. 2LT Kimberly Temple was on the sidelines taking pictures. Roy and Howard wore Battlestar Galactica uniforms, Cyndi and Robert wore their SFMC Duty jackets and Truman wore his SFMC black BDU's, along with a ballcap depicting the silhouette of the battleship USS ARIZONA. Truman has worn that ballcap every year for the parade, for the past 5 years, due to the fact that the parade usually falls close to the 7th of December. A lot of the older veterans usually stand up and salute. Most people are just amazed to see that silhouette sitting on a ballcap, worn by someone who was too young to have fought. Last year Cyndi was able to spot a vet with a ballcap depicting the USS OKLAHOMA, and she saw his eyes glisten as he saw the ARIZONA sitting on Truman's head. Roy, Cyndi, Kimberly, Truman, Robert and Howard were all awarded the Community Service Citation through the SFMC 4th Brigade and the group was awarded a small trophy for participation.

USS CENTURION FRT: SSGT Robert Temple, BGN Cyndi Temple BCK: MGN Truman Temple, MAJ Howard Leidner, Janet Ladner, LTC Roy Henderson

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So Why Are They Striking? By Commodore Jon Lane - USS Angeles

For most of America, the Hollywood writers’ strike means we’re stuck with reruns, reality TV, and game shows starting in January. It’s inconvenient. A lot of people support the writers, but only because we generally think of the networks and the studios as big, greedy, nasty megaliths. And they are. Heck, they cancelled Star Trek…twice! Of course we hate the networks. But with only 25 seconds of news coverage each night (if they’re lucky), the Writers Guild of America doesn’t get a lot of opportunity to explain themselves to the public. And as reality shows like “America’s Smallest Waiter” and “Who Wants to Marry a Volkswagen?” start proliferate on the airwaves (no, I made those up), we’re likely going to have less and less patience for this annoying writers’ strike. So with that in mind, let me answer the question “Why are they striking?” in clear way…and maybe you won’t be quite as mad at the writers come February as you decide whether to watch “America’s Next Big Electrician” or “Are You Smarter Than a Watermelon?” Let’s set our time machine to the 1950’s, the very infancy of television. And let’s visit the Desilu Studios as they created episode after hilarious episode of “I Love Lucy.” You’ve seen the show, right? You’ve probably seen every episode multiple times. Those writers were pretty funny. They probably made out like bandits with all those reruns over the years, wouldn’t you think? Well, actually no. They got paid once. TV was still a new medium back then, and the concept of a “rerun” (let alone billions of dollars in licensing, advertising, and merchandising revenue) was beyond comprehension. Even by the time of the original “Star Trek” in the late 1960’s, paying writers and actors some kind of residual fee for their work was James Marshall

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limited by most contracts. Sure, William Shatner is swimming in money now, but in the early 1970s, he was living in a trailer…literally. All the Trek writers and actors were paid residuals for just the first two cycles of reruns (who could have imagined “Star Trek” would last beyond that, right?). Then nothing. By 1971, the only entity making money from “Star Trek” was Paramount—not Gene Roddenberry, not Shatner, Nimoy, Kelley, Doohan, or any of the rest…and definitely not the writers. Eventually, the writers were able to negotiate a fee for reruns of 2.5%, In other words, whenever a show or movie aired on television, for every dollar the network made from selling advertising, the writer of that episode or movie got two and a half cents. Actors and directors get their small pieces of the pie, too, but when all is said and done, the studios still sees nearly 85 cents of every dollar generated by reruns. But this isn’t about reruns. In the early 1980’s, a new revenue stream came into existence for the studios: VHS. Movies and TV shows on video tape was an untapped market, potentially worth millions (maybe even billions). And the writers wanted their fair share. But the studios were worried that they would not have enough money left after paying the writers their two and a half cents on every dollar to properly market these new video tape thingies. “If VHS doesn’t catch on, we all lose,” said the studios. “We need you to take a smaller percentage of VHS sales,” they told the writers, “At least until we can get the video industry running smoothly. Then we’ll pay you a higher percentage once everything is stable. We’ll even pay you back for the few years of lost revenue.” The writers agreed to an 80% fee cut. So with video sales, writers were now getting half a penny for every dollar the studios were making. Fortunately, that was just for a short time, right? After all, the video tape industry quickly became a healthy market. It even evolved into DVDs, and that’s been a major moneymaker. The writers must be swimming in riches by this point! Well, not exactly. You see, the studios never did readjust that 80% fee cut. The writers are still making their half cent for every studio dollar on video and DVD sales. But that’s still not why they’re striking. You’ve probably heard and Jim Van Over (Continued on page 17)

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-----Original Message----From: []On Behalf Of Les Rickard Sent: Wednesday, November 28, 2007 5:06 AM To:; STARFLEET Discussion List Subject: Re: [SFI] First 100 days Greetings Everyone, -----Original Message----From: []On Behalf Of Sal Lizard Sent: Tuesday, November 27, 2007 8:33 PM To: STARFLEET Discussion List Subject: Re: [SFI] First 100 days

Rich <> wrote: Sal, When you take over as CS in January, I would be interested in knowing, with details, what you plan to do with your first 100 days in office. I'm sure you and your slate have discussed what you need to do first, and how to accomplish it. I am sure others, as well as myself, would like to know.

Sal and I have been in voice contact, discussed some of the ongoing issues such as the Tax Situation as well as what the EC is doing to address them. He and I have also discussed the tentati ve tr an sitio n t i me tab le b et wee n the two teams. As Sal noted he has been added to the ecprivate-l email list that the EC uses for business. This will allow Sal to get up to speed as it were, ask any questions of the current EC and make this transition as smooth as possible. Sal has also been added to the ECAB-L email list as well in as he will take over as Chair of the Admiralty Board come January. This will allow him to ge up to speed there with the AB. As the we finalize transition information and how we are handling it I will release that to the Fleet via this and other email lists so that it gets out to as many people as possible.

Hi Rich,

I am looking forward to working with Sal in the transition and then stepping down to let his team step up and work for Fleet.

Thanks for the question. I would love to be able to just send out a list of what our team would accomplish in the first 100 days of our administration, but we don't yet know what issues we are going to "inherit" when we get into office. For instance, we know that we will have to deal with the tax situation but we aren't fully aware of everything that's been done or by whom.

FADM Les Rickard Commander, STARFLEET USS BONAVENTURE NCC-102-A Flagship of the STARFLEET or

Members of my team are already working with their counterparts on the current EC to understand what issues exist in their departments and Gary and I have just been added to the EC-L (I believe). We must know what problems exist and incorporate them into our plans with appropriate priorities. Once we have a better picture of the state of STARFLEET and have had an opportunity to make informed decisions, we will provide our plan. Please give us an opportunity and the time to do it right. That way, we are less likely to dissappoint. Thanks again for an opportunity to answer a question that others may also have. Sal ADM Sal Lizard Commander-Elect, STARFLEET 888-SAL-4SFI (888-725-4734) "It's all about the Choices You make. You make the Choices....and in the end You are those Choices." Major Shaw-BATTLESTAR GALACTICA-RAZOR

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-----Original Message----From: on behalf of Alejandro L. Barreiro Agrelo [] Sent: Tuesday, December 18, 2007 12:22 PM To: Subject: [SFI] International Charities Webmaster Hello STARFLEET! The International Charities Department is looking for a Webmaster to help me develop and maintain a future International Charities. The requirements for the positions are:

} OTS and OCC completed } Internet and e-mail Access } HTML and CSS knowledge,

some PHP and JavaScript } The possibility of doing updates to webpage's in the shortest time possible.

(Continued on page 19)

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The Picket Line (Continued from Cover) (former Executive Producer of “Deep Space Nine” and cocreator of the new “Battlestar Galactica”) and Ira Behr (also an Exec Producer on DS9 and currently producing “The 4400”). The picket line itself was extremely organized. Not everyone picketed at the same time, but for those with signs, the city of Los Angeles granted “gate blocking” permission only during red lights. Once the traffic light onto Melrose Avenue turned green for cars entering or leaving Paramount Studios, the picketers had to clear the way. And so, every other minute or so, if there were cars waiting to get in or out, a “designated spotter” would speak into a megaphone saying, “Five seconds to green light, please prepare to clear the way.” And five seconds later, all the picketers would be standing back on the sidewalk to let cars pass. I joined fellow USS Angeles member Jim Van Over, who previously worked for over a decade on Star Trek DS9, Voyager, and Enterprise with Mike Okuda in the scenic art department. Currently, Jim does digital effects work on several shows, including “24” and “Journeyman”, but on this particular Monday, Jim had no work to do. The writers strike has shut down production on most shows, and that affects the cast and crew as well as the writers. Yet despite the loss of their own work, the other Hollywood unions support the WGA, and Jim was there as both a fan and as a professional. Also there from the Angeles was Larry Nemecek, Trek archivist and former editor of the Official Star Trek Fan Club Magazine. The three of us hung out, meeting up with other friends like Jack Marshall, the director of the “New Voyages” Star Trek fan video series on the Internet (www We also had a nice conversation with Star Trek TV and book writers Judith and Garfield Reeves-Stevens about their new novel about Kirk and Spock’s Starfleet Academy days, co-written with Bill Shatner. Every so often I’d wander over to a celebrity and have a quick chat. I spoke briefly with George Takei, Walter Koenig, Nichelle “Uhura” Nichols, and Chase “Leeta” (of DS9) Masterson. Different people came and went during the day at different times. Ron Moore, Brent “Data” Spiner, and Tim “Tuvok” Russ were there early and then left shortly after noon. Nichelle arrived later on at about 1:30 p m. Walter, Armin, and Anthony “Travis Mayweather” (of Enterprise) Montgomery

Jon Lane and Nichelle Nichols

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were there the entire time. Although I didn’t recognize everyone who showed up, below is a list of those folks I could identify. After you read down the list, I invite you to peruse the other article I’ve written about why the writers are striking in the first place. Most Americans don’t completely understand the situation and what is being asked for. But these Star Trek folks cared enough to come out in support, and it would be nice if more people were aware of what’s really going on. Here’s a partial list of who showed up: George Takei Walter Koenig Nichelle Nichols Brent Spiner Armin Shimermin Tim Russ Anthony Montgomery Chase Masterson Gary Graham (Vulcan Ambassador Soval on “Star Trek: Enterprise”) J.G. Hertzler (General Martok of “DS9”) Charlie Brill (Klingon spy Arne Darvin of "The Trouble With Tribbles”) Ron D. Moore (Exec Producer of “DS9” and “Battlestar Galactica”) Ronald B. Moore (Visual Effects Supervisor on Star Trek TNG through Enterprise) Steven Ira Behr (Exec Producer of “DS9” and “The 4400”) Robert Hewitt Wolfe (Trek writer on “TNG” and “DS9”) Judith and Garfield Reeves-Stevens (Trek novel writers and writers on “Star Trek: Enterprise”) Mike and Denise Okuda (Star Trek scenic artists and the driving force behind Star Trek remastered) Chris Doohan (son of James “Scotty” Doohan) One of the green Orion slave girls from that season 4 episode of “Enterprise” One of the writers of the new Star Trek XI movie (and I’m told he was carrying a script!). Striking? (Continued from page 15) that the writers are concerned about Internet residuals. What exactly is that all about? Well, thanks to online services like iTunes and many others, people can now buy tens of thousands of movies and TV shows without ever leaving their homes. And because DVD quality video files can be downloaded directly to someone’s computer, the studios no longer have to pay a manufacturing cost, distribution fee, warehousing, or shipping to a store. The studios are making lots more money per purchase on Internet downloads (legal downloads, that is) than they ever did on video or DVD sales…because there’s almost no per unit cost to the studio other than marketing. And yet, the studios are offering the writers of these downloaded movies the same royalty rate that’s been in place for twenty years on video and then DVD…yep, the rate that INCLUDED the 80% fee cut. So the studios are still paying the lower rate, but they’re making lots more money. But wait, there’s more (or rather, less…if you’re a writer). (Continued on page 18)

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Striking? (Continued from page 17) Ever miss an episode of “Heroes” or “Lost”? Now it’s no longer a problem. Just go to or and watch however many episodes of your favorite shows for free…right on your computer screen. Of course, the networks do insert commercials into these online video streams, and unlike TiVo or DVR or video, you can’t fast forward through these commercials (the system won’t load the next segment of the show until the commercial has played through). The advertisers LOVE this. In fact, they’re paying premium dollars to advertise on these studio and network websites. And when I say “premium,” the ad industry estimate is $4.6 billion (with a “B”) over the next three years. Yowza! And what percentage of this online windfall makes its way into the writers’ pockets? Can you count to zero? Yep, believe it or not, the studios and networks are paying the writers, actors, directors, and production crews 0% of the ad revenue coming in from their websites. Zip, zilch, nada. That’s because the studio marketing, accounting, and lawyer folks got together and determined that television shows that are delivered for free over a TV network’s website would be considered “promotion” and not sales revenue. In other words, allowing fans to watch reruns online counts as promoting a network, advertising it, and why would residuals ever be paid on a promotional campaign? “But aren’t most Hollywood writers millionaires already?” you ask. Extremely few are that successful. The vast majority is lucky to pull in $ 4 0 ,0 0 0 - 5 0 , 0 0 0 p e r year…which in Los Angeles is almost below the poverty line. Writers aren’t always working, either. Unlike salaried employees who work all year and get benefits and holidays, most writers work only half the year (since most TV shows only have 22 or 26 episodes a season). Movie writers get paid only if their script is bought. At any given time, an average of 48% of WGA writers are NOT working. In other words, it’s tough to make a living as a writer for all but the top few, and those residual checks go a long way toward helping to pay the bills while your show is in hiatus. And what are the writers actually asking for during this strike? What is the insanely greedy amount that they are demanding of the poor studios? How much blood money will it take to get our favorite shows back on the air? Four cents. Currently, the writers get four cents for every twentydollar DVD that sells, based on that old 80% discounted rate. The writers are asking for an additional 4 cents per DVD. In

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addition, writers want to be paid for episodes of their shows that are downloaded or streamed via the Internet…the same or a comparable rate to what they’d be paid were those shows to be rerun on television. Essentially, the studio or network would look at the ad revenue being generated via their website and synch it up to a comparable amount being made selling ads for airing a rerun on TV. You see, the writers are trying to avoid the following (very likely) scenario. In the coming years, television and the Internet may well merge into one entity. Suddenly, all reruns will stream in over people’s computers. Using their “logic” of today--that streaming shows count as promotional marketing--the studios could effectively avoid having to pay writers for airing reruns anymore. It would be “I Love Lucy” all over again. Of course, it isn’t just the writers who want to protect themselves. Film and television producers at all levels have a stake in this. It just happens that the writers’ contract came up for renewal first. In June, the Screen Actors Guild (SAG) will reach the end of their current contract, and they will likely strike, too…in order to get the same stipulations as the writers ultimately get. And that’s why the studios are playing hardball and making this so difficult. Whatever they give the writers, they will also need to give to the actors, directors, and producers. Four cents here, four cents there…pretty soon the studios might be giving away an extra 25 or event 50 cents of every $20 they make. I know that sounds sarcastic, but with DVD and download sales in the billions, that could translate to residuals in the tens of millions of dollars. Of course, when you’re already making billions, there should still be enough to go around. Meanwhile, the writers have to be tough, not just for themselves, but also for the other unions that are still locked under their previous contracts. If the writers give in for less than they are demanding, it could hurt lots more people than just the writers themselves--it could hurt the actors, directors, and producers as well. Sure, the big stars get paid in the millions, but the actress who portrays a patient for six minutes during an episode of “Grey’s Anatomy” and then goes back to work as a waitress at Jerry’s Deli, she’s the one who will be helped…or hurt…depending on where the new contract negotiations for the writers end up. So, as you watch those reruns and reality shows this winter, now you’ll know why. And hopefully, you won’t be quite as angry at those striking writers, and just a little bit more frustrated with those greedy studio executives.

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(Continued from page 9)

STARFLEET (Continued from page 16)

The next Saturday (the 24th) the CO attended a Frak party (premiere of BSG: Razor) in Valencia. Among others, Richard Hatch and the technical/military advisor for the show (Sean) showed up as well. I think this was more a BSG month than a Trek one! :)

If you’re interested in working with International Charities next year, please send an e-mail to [], with your STARFLEET and real life resumes.

USS William O. Darby NCC-12474 Working on XMas party, planning underway for Away Missions in FY 08, continued work with local SF/BSG clubs on joint events

I am also looking to fill other positions that will be announced on this list later, so if you want to get involved with the Charities Program in other ways, let me know. Thanks for your time!

LCDR Alejandro L. Barreiro Agrelo International Charities Coordinator, SFI – Elect


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St^rd^tes St^ s JANUARY 2008 J A Sun


Mon Tue Wed Thu










9 10 11 12

13 14 15 16 17 18 19

1st - New Year’s Day Launch of STARTREK.COM Web site (1998) 3rd - Premiere of "Star Trek: Deep Space Nine" series (1993) 5th - MSR’s DUE CQ #145 Submission Due 6th - Aron 'Nog' Eisenberg's Birthday 12th - Kirstie 'Saavik' Alley's Birthday 15th - Martin Luther King, Jr. Day 16th - Premiere of Star Trek: Voyager series on UPN (1995) 20th - DeForest 'Dr. Leonard H. McCoy' Kelley's Birthday 26th - 4th Annual Fleetday - Kennedy Space Center, FL James 'Zefram Cochrane' Cromwell's Birthday 28th - Space Shuttle "Challenger" disaster (1986)

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Mon Tue Wed Thu











10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

1st - Bibi ‘Dr. Carol Marcus' Besch's Birthday Space Shuttle "Columbia" disaster (2003) 5th - MSR’s DUE 6th- Ash Wednesday 7th - Chinese New Year 8th - Ethan 'Neelix,' Phillips's Birthday 14th - Valentine’s Day Andrew J. 'Elim Garak' Robinson's Birthday 16th - LeVar 'Geordi La Forge' Burton's Birthday 18th - Presidents’ Day 22nd - Jeri 'Seven of Nine' Ryan's Birthday 23rd - Majel 'Christine Chapel' Barrett's Birthday 26th - Chase 'Leeta' Masterson's Birthday

24 25 26 27 28 29

June 27-29, 08 - STARFLEET IC in Ithaca, NY Jan 26-27, 08 - Fleet Day, Kennedy Space Center, FL Dec 25, 08 - Premiere of ‘Star Trek: XI’ Aug 7-10, 09 - STARFLEET IC in Greensboro, NC

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Compiled by Corporal Captain Blair Learn - Shuttle Schweitzer - R1 Jan 24 - 28, 2008 Further Confusion, San Jose, California Info: 105 Serra Way PMB #236, Milpitas, CA 95035 Guests: Moira Hahn, Alexander James Jan 25 - 27, 2008 Creation, Burbank, California Info: 217 S. Kenwood Street, Glendale, CA 91202 Ph: 818409-0960 Jan 26 - 27, 2008 Phoenix Cactus Comicon, Mesa, Arizona Info: 401 E. Dunbar Dr #45, Tempe , AZ 85282 Ph: 602-697-4007 Guests: Arthur Suydam, Christian Beranek, Clayton Crain, Cosplay Zone Productions, Dave Beatty, Derek Benz, Don Rosa, James Owen, Jeff Mariotte, Jon S. Lewis, Lin Workman, M. Alice LeGrow, Maral Agnerian, Marat Mychaels, Mark Waid, Matt Wagner, Mike Bullock, Noel Neill, Raven Gregory, Ryan Cody, Scott Christian Sava, Shannon Denton, Steve Rude, Tony Parker

Feb 15 - 17, 2008 Gallifrey One, Los Angeles, California Info: PO Box 8022, Van Nuys, CA 91406 http:// Guests: Sylvester McCoy, Daphne Ashbrook, Paul Cornell, Caroline Symcox, Scott Alan Woodard, Dr Arnold T. Blumberg, Eric Hoffman, Keith Topping Feb 15 - 16, 2008 Hollywood Collectors Show, Burbank, California Info: PO Box 5040, Spring Hill, Florida 34611 Ph: 352-683-5110 http:// Feb 15 - 18, 2008 Strategicon - Orccon, Los Angeles, California Info: PO Box 92103, Long Beach, CA 90809 Ph: 562-425-1436 Guests: Steve Jackson Feb 18 - 26, 2008 Sci-Fi Seas Cruise, San Diego, California Info: 1217 S. Powerline Road, Pompano Beach, FL 33069 Ph: 954-974-6040 http:// Guests: Sylvester McCoy, Sophie Aldred, Eric Roberts, Eliza Roberts Feb 22 - 24, 2008 WonderCon, San Francisco, California Info: PO Box 128458, San Diego, CA 921128458 Ph: 619-491-2475

Subspace Communicator

Feb 27 - Mar 9, 2008 Cinequest Film Festival, San Jose, California Info: PO Box 720040, San Jose CA 951720040 Feb 29 - Mar 2, 2008 ConDor XV, San Diego, California Info: PO Box 15771, San Diego, CA 92175-5771 Ph: 858-278-2228

Mar 7 - 9, 2008 Consonance, Milpitas, California Info: 890 Dwight Crescent, Berkeley CA 94710 http:// Guests: Graham Leathers, Becca Allen Leathers, Carl William Thiel, Mary Crowell Mar 14 - 16, 2008 Wizard World Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California Info: 151 Wells Avenue, Congers, NY 10920 Ph: 954-565-6588 losangeles.html Guests: Michael Golden, Tony Daniel, Joe Madureira, Ethan Van Sciver, Renee Witterstaetter Mar 21 - 23, 2008 AniZona, Litchfield Park, Arizona Info: PO Box 67641, Phoenix, AZ 85082 http:// Guests: Richard Epcar, Ellyn Stern, David Vincent, Chris Hazelton, Amanda Tomasch

Apr 4 - 6, 2008 ConQuest SAC, Rancho Cordova, California Info: 2510F Las Posas Rd., Camarillo, CA 93010 Ph: 805-218-9590 http:// Apr 11 - 13, 2008 Creation, Burbank, California Info: 217 S. Kenwood Street, Glendale, CA 91202 Ph: 818-4090960 Apr 25 - 28, 2008 Corflu, Las Vegas, Nevada Info: 909 Eugene Cernan St., Las Vegas, NV, 89145 http:// Apr 25 - 28, 2008 Costume-Con 26, San Jose, California Info: 1875 S Bascom Ave, #116 - 276, Campbell, CA 95008 Apr 25 - 27, 2008 Creation, Los Angeles, California Info: 217 S. Kenwood Street, Glendale, CA 91202 Ph: 818409-0960

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Apr 25 - 26, 2008 Hollywood Collectors Show, Burbank, California Info: PO Box 5040, Spring Hill, Florida 34611 Ph: 352-683-5110 http://



Aug 29 - Sep 1, 2008 Strategicon - Gateway, Los Angeles, California Info: PO Box 92103, Long Beach, CA 90809 Ph: 562-425-1436

May 9 - 11, 2008 LepreCon 34, Casa Grande, Arizona Info: PO Box 26665, Tempe, AZ 85285 Ph: 480945-6890 Guests: Howard Tayler, Emily Hogan, Ernest Hogan, Liz Danforth, David Ayres

Oct 3 - 4, 2008 Hollywood Collectors Show, Burbank, California Info: PO Box 5040, Spring Hill, Florida 34611 Ph: 352-683-5110

May 15 - 16, 2008 CaliFur, Irvine, California Info: PO Box 1958, Garden Grove, CA, 92842-1958 Ph: 714-516-8143

Nov 1 - 2, 2008 Alternative Press Expo, San Francisco, California Info: PO Box 128458, San Diego, CA 921128458 Ph: 619-491-2475

May 23 - 26, 2008 Strategicon - Gamex, Los Angeles, California Info: PO Box 92103, Long Beach, CA 90809 Ph: 562-425-1436 http://

Nov 28 - 30, 2008 LosCon 35: Roman Farce, Los Angeles, California Info: 11513 Burbank Blvd., North Hollywood, CA 91601 Ph: 818-760-9234

Jul 3 - 6, 2008 Westercon 61, Las Vegas, Nevada Info: 15931 Kalisher Street , Granada Hills, CA 91344-3951 Guests: Kage Baker, Lubov, Milt Stevens Jul 11 - 12, 2008 Hollywood Collectors Show, Burbank, California Info: PO Box 5040, Spring Hill, Florida 34611 Ph: 352-683-5110 http:// Jul 24 - 27, 2008 Comic-Con International, San Diego, California Info: PO Box 128458, San Diego, CA 92112-8458 Ph: 619-491-2475

Aug 6 - 10, 2008 Creation, Las Vegas, Nevada Info: 217 S. Kenwood Street, Glendale, CA 91202 Ph:

Subspace Communicator

Convention attendees: When calling conventions for information, don’t call collect and don’t call too late in the evening (many organizers list their home phone numbers). When writing for information, it’s frequently a good idea to include a selfaddressed stamped envelope. A full world-wide listing can be viewed online at: Convention Organizers: Please send the events’s name, dates, location, and contact information to Blair Learn at 11604 King’s Arrow CT, Germantown, MD 20876 or to Please allow a minimum of three months time between your submission and the convention’s date. Thank you to everyone who's contributed information to the list, including: Stacy Gonzales, Mike Broder, Jody Russell, Carl Stark, Cristen Thrasher, Trey Wickwire, Gilder McCarroll, Nick Winks, Allen Kitchen, Charles Fewlass, Katrina Johnson, Jake W. Paris, Ed Dravecky, Ivarr Brokksson, Tim Brazeal, Ben Daw, David Keating, Kass James, Ray Tesi, Kevin Rohrer, Inge Heyer, Max Saltonstall, Andrea Morgan, Renda Carr, Ximon Dunedain, Damien Christopher, Lawrence Stuckey, Mark Marmor and Laura Inglis

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Walter ‘Chekov’ Koenig showing his support BGN Cyndi Temple, 2LT Kimberly Temple, & Janet Ladner of the USS Centurion

Armin ‘Quark’ Shimerman & Tim ‘Tuvok’ Russ on the line

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MGN Truman Temple, LTC Roy Henderson, SSGT Robert Temple, & MAJ Howard Leidner of the USS Centurion

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