July/August/September 2017 Regenerate Magazine

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Colorado Wholistic Living Resource

Vaccines The Issue is Informed Consent

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Back to School Vaccine Awareness Events

No Shots. No School. NOT TRUE.

"Understanding Colorado Vaccine Exemp on Law" discussion to be presented by Regenerate Magazine and the Colorado Coali on for Vaccine Choice


July 23rd, Fort Collins, 2-4 p.m., at The Garden Juicery, 2601 S. Lemay Ave. July 30th, Denver, 2-4 p.m., at Natural Grocers, 2053 S. Colorado Blvd. August 20th, Boulder, 2-4 p.m., at Natural Grocers, 2685 Pearl Street August 27th, Colorado Springs, 2-4 p.m., at Natural Grocers, 7298 N. Academy Blvd. WHAT WE WILL DISCUSS: Vaccine History, Safety and EďŹƒcacy CO exemp on law and recent history Audience Q&A WHY: The bedrock of our medical system is informed consent, but the medical establishment only tells one side of the story, denying us the ability to grant informed consent. A end our event to learn about the concerns and risks of vaccina ons so that you can make an informed decision. For more informa on, please visit h p://regeneratemagazine.com/gen-r-events/, follow Regenerate Magazine on Facebook, or email sandra@genrwholis cmedia.com.

In this issue July/August/September 2017 • Issue 136 5

Publisher’s Note




Protecting Vaccine Choice in Colorado


What is the Law Regarding Vaccinating in Colorado?


How the MMR Vaccine Caused My Son’s Encephalopathy, a.k.a. Autism


Reclaiming Ancient Wisdom


What is the “Vaccine Court”?


Making a truly informed decision: Learn About Homeoprophylaxis


My View of Vaccination


Food as Medicine for Your Immune System


Sandra Recommends


Conscious Business Directory


The opinions expressed in articles and advertisements are the authors’ own and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher or other contributors. Regenerate Magazine is brought to you by our advertisers. Your support of these businesses and services encourages freedom of choice in health care in our community. Join us in thanking them for their support. Please tell them you saw their ad in Regenerate. For help with advertising, call 408-821-8341

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Publisher’s Note SANDRA G. MALHOTRA, Ph.D

The official government stance regarding vaccines is: • Vaccines are safe • Vaccines are effective • Vaccines are necessary

But here are other facts to consider1: • Number of studies showing vaccine-autism link: 97 • Number of studies quoted by vaccine inventor multi-millionaire and promoter Paul Offit showing no vaccine-autism link: 14 • Rate of autism in 1980’s: 1 in 10,000 • Rate of autism in 2015: 1 in 68 • Projected rate of autism in 2025: 1 in 2 • Number of doses recommended for the two-month baby check-up: 8 • Amount of aluminum in the in doses at the twomonth baby check-up: 1000 mcg • Number of studies proving safety of injecting aluminum into human infants: 0 • Number of vaccines a child can be safely given in one day, according to Paul Offit: 10,000 • Reports from U.S. to VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Reaction Reporting System) of death after vaccinations: 3,974 • Reports from U.S. to VAERS of life threatening reactions after vaccinations: 7,403

• Reports from U.S. to VAERS of hospitalization after vaccinations: 28,835 • Reports from U.S. to VAERS of ER visits after vaccinations: 165,358 • Percentage of vaccine injuries reported to VAERS: 1 – 10% And the list goes on. Is it just me, or is there something amiss between the official government stance and the facts? The problem with this situation is that it flies in the face of the bedrock of modern medicine, which is “informed consent” for any medical procedure (such as injecting something into your body). If we are all only told the official government stance, and then bullied into a course of action, informed consent has not been given because we have not been given all the information to consider. We are not advising anyone to reject vaccines because we are not qualified to do so and that is not our place. Instead, our goal with this issue is to provide the information that the government and medical establishment should be telling us, but aren’t, so that informed consent can be given. 1

Wise Traditions in Food, Farming and The Healing Arts, A publication of the Weston A. Price Foundation, Vaccination Issue, Summer 2015, Volume 16, Number 2, pages 20 – 21.

• Reports from U.S. to VAERS of permanent disability after vaccinations: 7,632

P.S. More changes are a foot! Regenerate will now be a quarterly magazine and we will provide even more content on our website Regenerate Magazine.com. and our Facebook page. Our goal is to reach as many people as possible with the print magazine, online content and live events. Enjoy!

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NoCo Wholistic Living Resource Published in Fort Collins since May 1993 PUBLISHED BY Sandra G Productions, LLC Publisher/Editor Sandra G. Malhotra, Publisher — editor@genrwholisticmedia.com Advertising Department sales@genrwholisticmedia.com 408-821-8341 Assistant Editor Rene Villard-Reid Photo Director Christina Gressianu Graphic Design Advertising Development Specialists, Inc. 970-223-1743 Subscriptions/Change of Address sales@genrwholisticmedia.com — 408-821-8341 Subscriptions are $18 for one year, or $30 for 2 years. General Information RegenerateMagazine.com — 408-821-8341 Mailing Address 3650 Full Moon Dr., Fort Collins, CO 80528 Where to Find Regenerate Visit RegenerateMagazine.com/contact to find a distribution site in Colorado or to subscribe. Download the App to read Regenerate Magazine on your device. Copyright In the interest of sharing information about holistic lifestyles, Regenerate does not copyright any of the material published. Advertising Rates Please visit RegenerateMagazine.com or phone 408-821-8341 for a complete media kit which includes our display rates and electronic file requirements. Directory Listings: Please visit RegenerateMagazine.com/directory

ADVERTISING DEADLINE: August 31 for October/November/December Issue Submit all ads to sales@genrwholisticmedia.com Visit RegenerateMagazine.comor phone 408-821-8341 for complete media kit. ARTICLE SUBMISSION DEADLINE: August 10 for October/November/December Issue Submit all articles to editor@genrwholisticmedia.com Visit RegenerateMagazine.com/submissions Articles submitted early have a better chance of being published.

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A big thank you to our contributors for this issue!

Suzanne Humphries

Amber Currie

Marian Mitchell

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Protecting Vaccine Choice in Colorado PHIL SILBERMAN

Colorado is one of sixteen states1 in the US in which parents are allowed, by law, to claim a personal belief, religious, or medical exemption from vaccinating their children. Thirty-two other states allow for religious and medical exemptions and two states, California and Mississippi, allow only for medical exemptions.

Although these rights have been protected by statute in Colorado since 1963, there are constant legislative and administrative attempts to restrict and even eliminate these rights. California, for example, recently passed legislation which eliminates nearly all vaccine choice; every child, every shot, no exceptions, no exemptions. The rare medical exemption can still be obtained, but only under the most stringent official guidelines. We are doing everything we can to prevent that from happening in Colorado. Contrary to official mythology, vaccine refusal did not begin with Andrew Wakefield and Jenny McCarthy. Opposition to vaccination has existed as long as the practice of vaccination itself. In 1885 the town of Leicester, England2 held a demonstration in which 80,000-100,000 citizens protested compulsory vaccinations. The city decided to forgo mandatory smallpox vaccines and developed instead a sanitation and quarantine program to effectively deal with the disease. Leicester’s vaccination rates dropped to below 10%, yet the city’s death rate was one third of the country’s vaccinated population. In 1898 the British government introduced a “conscientious objector” exemption. This clause allowed parents to opt out of compulsory vaccination and is the origination of the term which would later become associated with those who refuse join the army. On April 19, 1982 NBC aired the Emmy award winning documentary called DPT: Vaccination Roulette3. This prime-time broadcast detailed adverse reactions to the DPT shot. The National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC)4 was also founded in that year and launched the vaccine safety and informed consent movement in America. NVIC is the nation’s oldest and largest consumer led organization advocating for vaccine safety and informed consent. In 1985, Harris Coulter and Barbara Loe Fisher, one of the cofounders of NVIC, published the

unprecedented book, A Shot in the Dark. This was the first book to alert the public about the link between vaccinations and neurological injuries. The right to vaccine exemptions in Colorado was established in 1963 and reenacted in 1978. Specifically, CRS 25-4-903 states that a parent may obtain an exemption from vaccines by: “…submitting to the student’s school a statement of exemption signed by one parent or guardian ... is an adherent to a religious belief whose teachings are opposed to immunizations or... has a personal belief that is opposed to immunization.” For more than 50 years, most parents who chose to opt out of one or more vaccines just signed the back of the State’s “Certificate of Immunization” stating their preference. (The word ‘Immunization’, it must be noted, is inaccurate and, by its very use, is misleading. The act of getting a prescribed shot, or series of shots, does not absolutely confer immunity. The correct term really is ‘Vaccination’, the root word of which is ‘vacca’ which means cow. The original smallpox vaccination was derived from the pus on the udder of a cow infected with cowpox.) The vaccine exemption process in Colorado has always been simple, clear, respectful, and, because it was provided directly to the school, protected by the Federal Educational Records Privacy Act (FERPA). For most parents who chose to forego or limit vaccines it was not an act of protest or outrage. It was simply the result of their careful consideration of the potential harm versus the potential benefit for the suggested vaccines. The schedule at that time was much less aggressive than it is today. In 1983, 12 shots containing 34 vaccine doses were recommended. Now in 2017, the schedule has expanded to more than 70 doses by age 18. The decision not to vaccinate in the 1980’s was perhaps met with raised eyebrows of curiosity www.RegenerateMagazine.com • July/August/September 2017 • Regenerate


but seldom the fear and vitriol often encountered today. In 2007 the passage of what is known as the Immunization (there’s that word again!) Registry Act C.R.S. 25-4-2403, established, among other things, the state’s ability to create “a comprehensive immunization tracking system with immunization information gathered by state and local health officials”. Nowhere in the 2007 law was it proscribed that the registry, now expanded to a multi-million-dollar data tracking system known as the Colorado Immunization Information System (CIIS), be mandatory. As a matter of fact, clear provisions were made in the law to keep the system voluntary, confidential, and not for profit. An often-ignored piece of this legislation states that any notice that provides information on vaccinations shall also inform the recipient of “the option to refuse an immunization on the grounds of medical, religious, or personal belief considerations”. In 2014, House Bill 1288 was introduced to curtail vaccine exemptions and closely track those who chose to use them. At that time, there were only a few parents in Colorado who were actively involved in the legislative and legal protection of vaccine choice. Others found out about the bill through an action alert from NVIC and came to the Capitol to testify against the bill. Even though their efforts were largely unorganized, the testimony offered was, according to one legislator, “the most coherent and intelligent of any group he had ever seen”. A deeply amended version of bill did pass. But the most onerous part of the bill, which would have forced exempting parents to complete a state and industry sponsored on-line ‘reeducation’ module, was removed. HB 14-12885, as passed, merely tells schools to have their aggregate vaccine uptake rates available to the public and directs Colorado Department of Health and Environment (CDPHE) to promulgate rules surrounding the frequency of submission of exemptions and to work with the Colorado Department of Education (CDE) to develop a joint policy for tracking exemptions. Late in 2015, CDPHE gave a presentation to school nurses that claimed there was a new law that authorized CDPHE to create an official form. The “new law” they referred to was not even proposed until the introduction of HB 16-1164 in early 2016. Larry Wolk, Director of CDPHE, actually testified that CDPHE had indeed “jumped the gun” and created the new forms before the bill was introduced. In January of 2016, a State Auditor’s report6 on the CDPHE and their use of Tobacco Settlement Funds found gross conflicts of interest in the agency and declared that “the department lacks authority to enforce compliance with school entry immunization requirements”. Then in early 2016, CDPHE and their allies finally did introduce HB 16-11647 with the intention of providing CDPHE with the funding and the authority to enforce the use of proposed new online exemption forms. Parents again came

together to defeat anti-choice legislation. This time we showed up not just well informed but also unified and organized as the Colorado Coalition for Vaccine Choice (CCVC)7. Representative Dan Pabon, the main sponsor of the bill, tried in testimony to portray it as a ‘simple bill’ that merely offered their ‘really quite neat’ online form as a convenient ‘service’ to parents. Parents saw it for what it was: an attempt to circumvent federally protected privacy rights and data mine student information. The bill passed through committee but when an amendment was proposed to make CIIS an opt-in rather than opt-out system, the bill sponsors let the bill die because, in Dan Pabon’s own words, “no one would opt in.”8 That summer two pivotal things happened. CCVC was incorporated as an official Colorado non-profit organization and CDPHE continued to pursue their agenda as if 1164 had become law.9 In July, CDPHE revealed their new website and exemption form10 to the public, telling school nurses and administrators that parents must use this new system, preferably online. They did not, however, tell parents that the new forms contained compelled speech implicating parents of knowingly endangering their child’s health or that by using the forms parents would forfeit medical privacy rights.11 CCVC, along with parents around the state, immediately called attention to the legal and ethical errors of CDPHE’s demands. Attorneys from the Home School Legal Defense Association (HSLDA) threatened CDPHE with legal action and the agency backed down,12 rearranging the compelled speech to be slightly less offensive. CDPHE has continued, though, to violate Colorado law13 by trying to force parents to use this revised version of their unapproved form. In spite of HB 1288’s mandate to do so, schools and school districts throughout the state still do not have a joint policy on vaccine exemptions. During the 2016/2017 school year, some followed the law and accepted parents’ written letters of exemption while others kowtowed to CDPHE demands and threatened to exclude students who attempted to use anything but the new exemption form. Clearly, in the absence of a joint policy, CDE and CDPHE are in violation of Colorado law HB 141288. One aspect of 1288 that has been followed is the careful compilation14 of vaccine exemption data from schools across the state. The intention of this was ostensibly to provide parents with the information they needed to choose a ‘safe school’ with high vaccine acceptance. Interestingly, when the data is compared with schools’ test scores, the schools with the highest exemption rates also happen to be the schools with the highest performing students.15 As the legislative session opened this year there was a clear change in direction. In light of CDPHE’s history of trying to circumvent the law, a bipartisan bill was proposed to clarify that existing statute only requires a written statement of

The right to vaccine exemptions in Colorado was established in 1963 and reenacted in 1978.

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exemption be submitted to a child’s school. The bill, SB17-250, was simple and straight forward: No official exemption form can be mandated. After more than three hours of testimony, the majority of which was in favor of the bill, SB17-250 passed the Senate Health Committee 3-1. Testimony, and ultimately one’s vote, on any given bill, by rule, is supposed to focus on the content and intent of the bill in discussion. The opposition completely disregarded this rule and turned the discussion into one about their perceived fears of vaccine exemptions. On April 19, because fear tactics do work, the bill failed to pass the Senate floor vote. It is important to note, however, that the CDPHE now has a letter posted on their website stating that, in fact, the parents of Colorado are right and no official form is required. The rights of parents to decide what does and does not get injected into their children’s bodies should be unassailable. Yet, this innate passion for a mother to protect her babies is under constant and carefully orchestrated assault. Colorado will not go the way of California. We are organized, unified, and deeply informed. Our children are among the healthiest in the country and our adults are among the best educated. Our vaccine exemption rights are well established and, for now, well defended. Phil Silberman is a founding member of the Colorado Coalition for Vaccine Choice (CCVC). He is a designer, writer, and editor. One of his current projects is editing The Autism Helpbook, to be published later this year. He and his wife are passionate about keeping their daughter healthy and vaccine free. Learn more about CCVC at https://ccfvc.org/. 1

http://www.nvic.org/Vaccine-Laws/state-vaccinerequirements.aspx 2 http://www.vaccinationcouncil.org/2013/08/27/vaccination-amythical-history-by-roman-bystrianyk-and-suzanne-humphries-md/ 3 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VtOh6vFnWg4 4 www.nvic.org 5 http://cdpsdocs.state.co.us/safeschools/Legislation/HB%20141288.pdf 6 https://leg.colorado.gov/sites/default/files/documents/audits/ 1417p_immunization_programuse_of_tobacco_settlement_funds_ performance_audit_january_2016_department_of_public_health_ and_environment_11.pdf 7 www.ccfvc.org 8 http://www.denverpost.com/2016/03/15/the-real-goal-of-hb1164-colorado-vaccination-bill 9 http://ccfvc.org/vaccine-exemption-authority.html 10 https://www.colorado.gov/pacific/cdphe/vaccine-exemptions 11 http://ccfvc.org/cdphe-phishing-scam.html 12 https://www.hslda.org/hs/state/co/201609020.asp 13 http://ccfvc.org/colorado-exemption-law.html 14 http://www.chalkbeat.org/posts/co/2016/06/29/six-chartsthat-explain-whos-getting-vaccinated-in-colorado-and-whos-not/ 15 http://www.coloradostatesman.com/long-sb17-250-clarifiesvaccine-exemption-policy-colorado-schools-parents/

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What is the Law Regarding Vaccinating in Colorado? PHIL SILBERMAN According to Colorado State law, a parent may obtain an exemption from any or all vaccines for their child by simply submitting a signed “Statement of Exemption” directly to the child’s school.

The “Statement of Exemption” should include:

You MAY be asked to do some or all of the following. NONE of them are REQUIRED:

• Child’s Name

• Fill out the “official” exemption form online.

• Child’s Age (for privacy, NOT date of birth)

• Print out the official form and submit it to your school.

• Vaccines being declined • The ‘type’ of exemption you are using; religious or personal belief • Date of submission • Your name and signature That is all and this will need to be submitted every year. If you want a Medical Exemption you need a signed letter from your child’s doctor. Any other requests for information or demands to use a particular form are not supported by law.

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• Have your statement notarized. Again, all that is required according to Statute is a signed “Statement of Exemption”. Please see paragraph three of the April 12 letter from the directors of the Colorado Department of Health and Environment (CDPHE) and Colorado Department of Education (CDE) here https://www.colorado.gov/pacific/sites/ default/files/Imm_2-CDE-CDPHE-Schools-andExemption-Forms.pdf. If school staff or administrators have any issues with your Statement of Exemption, simply refer them to this letter.

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How the MMR Vaccine Caused My Son’s Encephalopathy, a.k.a. Autism PAM LONG

In 2016 I found myself waiting at a Colorado doctor’s office with my 12-year-old son, hoping to qualify for a cannabis prescription for him. I had traveled a long way from mainstream medicine in ten years. As a West Point graduate, Army Medical Service Corps Junior Officer of the Year and Medical Intelligence Officer for NATO Peacekeeping Forces, none of those experiences adequately prepared me for the greatest medical challenge and controversy of our time. My toddler son had suffered a vaccine induced brain injury from the MMR vaccine in 2005.

The Harvard trained physician I was meeting with had been practicing medicine for 30 years. The media was giving this particular doctor attentive reporting for his cannabis research. He was prescribing cannabis to his patients with various disorders and seeing amazing neuroprotective and potent antioxidant effects.1 His open mindedness made him a prospective doctor for my son. My first lesson learned from the functional medicine approach is to vet out medical snobbery. In reality, it is the awareness that many doctors do not actually serve their patients, but rather, are the handmaidens of the health industry. I carefully observe a doctor’s interaction with patients before he can earn my trust. Does he offer a few approaches to the decision maker or does he push a profitable one-size-fits-all treatment plan, usually the sale of a pharmaceutical product? For this doctor who appears to serve his patients and not profit, I have brought a two-page summary of my son’s medical records from the previous decade. I also brought binders with his lab results and office visit summaries. The doctor appreciates my efficiency, and he begins a conversation that I am certain altered his medical paradigm forever.

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Doctor: “You know that vaccine and autism stuff was all made up, right?” Me: “What exactly are you referring to regarding vaccines?” Doctor: “That one doctor, it was all made up.” Me: “Dr. Wakefield?” Doctor: “Yes, I believe that is his name.” Me: “Refer to my son’s esophageal micro-erosion and small intestine ulcerations confirmed visually by pill camera during a colonoscopy and endoscopy at age three, with extremely elevated measles titers 1.5 years post-vaccination indicating an active lingering infection, with biopsy results confirming vaccine strain measles RNA in his gut, resulting in a diagnosis of encephalopathy (brain injury), and all of which correlated with his regression at 15 months of age after the MMR vaccine.” From there, I explain Dr. Arthur Krigsman’s clinical research on Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) in autism, with a unique viral etiology, called autistic enterocolitis. The manifestations of this Crohn’s-like disease are chronic pain and nausea which

are qualifying debilitating conditions for cannabis. Along with these symptoms, my son has a Crohn’s positive serology report, from age two. I can only imagine that I appeared to be a living, breathing urban legend to this shocked doctor. This brings us to my second lesson learned about mainstream medicine. Be skeptical of diagnoses of “sudden onset anything.” My toddler was raised with healthy food; we shunned sugar, dyes, and fast foods. Yet he developed sudden onset of IBD. This IBD with chronic diarrhea coincided with complete regression in development, including loss of speech and loss of eye contact. Over the years I have heard many parents describe how their healthy school-age child, shortly after receiving an influenza vaccine, developed a rare “sudden onset seizure disorder.” Highly vaccinated overseas missionaries describe “sudden onset auto-immune disorders.” Mass vaccinated veterans acquire “sudden onset ALS” or Gulf War Syndrome. An honest scientific medical approach would demand scrutiny of all the variables involved. Vaccines, however, are almost always immune to any scrutiny. I made no attempt to try to persuade this doctor (nor the readers of this magazine) that vaccines cause autism. Rather, I made my case that my son has documented chronic debilitating gastrointestinal pain which sometimes resulted in irrational behavior. I explain to the good doctor that physical pain has been documented in research as the root issue for irrational and selfinjurious behavior. We also learned that his immune system was compromised so that he could not fight off a simple Strep infection, resulting in a diagnosis of Pediatric Auto-Immune Neuropsychiatric Disorders Associated with Streptococcal Infections (P.A.N.D.A.S.) and a year of IVIG treatments. Disruption to the gastrointestinal microbiome in a child under three years of age is devastating to the development of the brain and immune system, and researchers have found that it is extremely sensitive to diet, stress, infection, and pharmacological interventions.2 This doctor asked plenty of questions, while he searched the internet to confirm what I am saying: Dr. Krigsman, autistic enterocolitis, P.A.N.D.A.S. He acknowledges that he is talking to a medical maven by saying, “Well, you have given me some things to look up later and learn about.” We became his first patient with “autism.” This leads me to a third lesson learned about holistic medicine. The correct diagnosis of the root cause is the most important step towards recovery of any disease. My son has never been diagnosed with “autism” which is a psychological disorder. My son has never been treated by a psychologist who offers Band-Aids in the form of SSRI medications. Autism is a label describing a list of impairments in three

categories: language, social interaction, and behavior. An autism label does not consider any medical variables such as: gastrointestinal inflammation markers, elevated measles titers, elevated IgG antibodies to gluten and casein proteins, fungal and bacterial byproducts, methylation disruption, immune impairments, and inability to excrete heavy metals. Psychologists who prescribe pharmaceutical products do not apply the scientific method with laboratory analysis to determine root cause; instead they use trial and error with drugs. No child has a Risperidone deficiency. It has been a year since my son began using cannabis oil. His anxiety and OCD behaviors have been greatly reduced and the physical symptoms of pain and gastrointestinal inflammation have also markedly decreased. In fact, the reduction of his pain and inflammation has resulted in many cognitive and social gains. But you will never hear our story in a television interview with our pharmaceutical sponsored media networks. I am sure that our cannabis supporting Colorado doctor does not want to become like “that one doctor” whose career suffered from his audacity to examine all of the variables, including vaccines, in disease onset. That British doctor reported in 1998 that active measles virus were in biopsies of children with autism. He simply observed that these children suffered from both inflammatory bowel disease and developmental regression. His US counterpart, Dr. Krigsman, briefed the US Congress in 2002 on his similar findings.3 Now you get to decide what paradigm has earned your trust. Should psychologists be treating children with sudden developmental regression and gastrointestinal disease? Shouldn’t doctors question the variable of vaccines, which are pharmaceutical products with known contraindications and adverse reactions? Or will it simply come down to someone listening to “that one mom” who had nothing to gain by telling her son’s MMR vaccine injury story inspiring one more parent or one more doctor to take pause.

The correct diagnosis of the root cause is the most important step towards recovery of any disease.

Pam Long is a graduate of the United States Military Academy, and a former Army Medical Service Corps Officer where she worked in emergency medical treatment in peacekeeping task forces and commanded a medevac headquarters company. She holds a board certification in behavioral psychology. She currently consults with health advocacy groups at the local and state level. 1

http://www.google.co.uk/patents/US6630507 Maloney RD, Desbonnet L, Clarke G et al. The microbiome: stress, health and disease. Mamm Genome 2014; 25: 49-74. 3 https://iaomt.org/TestFoundation/krigsman.htm 2

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Reclaiming Ancient Wisdom PHIL SILBERMAN

Discussions and articles about vaccines often delve into what science is and what it is not. Vaccine promoters might accuse vaccine skeptics of being “anti-science”; of equating the audacity to question the safety and efficacy of vaccines with the theocratic doubting of the roundness or ancientness of the earth. Vaccine skeptics, in turn, charge pharmaceutical enthusiasts with employing “tobacco science”; of using the same methods and manipulations the tobacco industry used for decades to “prove” their products were safe. While the analysis of data is crucial to the conversation, the game of dueling scientific studies can become tiresome. So perhaps we should probe deeper into this concept of science. What is “science”? How did it begin? And how does it get hijacked?

Science always begins with careful observation. The first scientists may have been prehistoric mothers who used their attentiveness to solve real problems. Their vigilant discernment enabled them to learn which plants, prepared in what fashion, caused what effects, and cured which ailments. Imagine the vastness of the collective wisdom gathered and held by those early countless generations of mothers. Endless study and experimentation. This herb heals the skin. That tree bark reduces pain. They didn’t have fresh white coats with pocket protectors and sterile laboratories with beeping equipment. They did, though, possess the awesome power of intuition and the cognitive desire to protect, heal and remember. Human knowledge did not start from zero in the 17th century. Throughout the Renaissance thousands of women were burned at the stake for the crime of being female. Sure, much was gained in science and the arts during this time, but what was lost? Women. The wise

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ones, the healers, the leaders, the sacred ones who held those countless generations of carefully accrued knowledge were lost in the flames. Trust was also methodically destroyed. How could one trust their neighbor when the wrong words could be reported as blasphemy or an innocent question become a fatal rumor of heresy? Trust itself was persecuted. One could no longer speak without fear to a friend in the village square. Revealed secrets of the earth long passed from matriarch to woman to girl ceased to flow. The most human act of sharing information, of communicating ideas, of learning from each other was shut down. Trust was to be placed only in the Church. Knowledge was to be disseminated only from men to men within the confines of the newly sanctioned universities. In their conquest of New World, explorers and colonizers annihilated native cultures that had collected knowledge of the Earth for millennia. The Spanish conquistadors in South

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America crushed into archeological dust countless libraries of clay tablets inscribed with eons of indigenous intelligence. The Medicine People of North America, the counselors and healers of their tribes, met the same fate as their revered and once abundant buffalo. Their knowledge of healing herbs and sacred sweat lodges came from the Earth and, when the last Ghost Dancer stopped, returned to the Earth. Perceptions of the world based upon deep interconnectedness were rapidly and violently replaced with linear, dualistic dogma. And as our knowledge and technology grew, so did our infatuation with our thoughts and our machines. Rather than looking to and learning from nature, the study of the material world took an incestuous turn and focused on human technology. Everything, from the cosmos to the human body, came to be understood as moving parts in a clockwork. Plotting the trajectory of a cannon ball, however, is much different from plotting the path of a falling snowflake. When the number

of parts in a machine are limited and all of the variables are known, the outcome of any given input can be predicted. But what happens when multiple inputs are introduced into a complex system containing innumerable components with countless variables? That outcome cannot be calculated or accurately predicted. For all of our pride in our scientific endeavors, we have little ability to fathom non-linear systems and have failed in managing and caring for complex systems such as the earth, or culture or the human body. We should have learned by now that the mechanistic conceptual model is, at best, imprecise. Yet, we still strain to perceive our world by peering through this cataracted, distorted lens. Health is looked at through that lens by trained professionals. They tell us that the human body is an autonomous machine which is under constant attack by germs that only they and their medicines can defend us from. Human bodies, however, are unique ecosystems, each more complex and diverse than the Amazon rainforest. Each body actually contains more microbial life forms than human cells. The diseases we try to cure are symptoms of those ecosystems being out of balance. Microbes, until the turn of this century, have been seen as ‘the bad guys’

who must, by any means necessary, be defeated and destroyed. (Pay no attention to the wonders of wine and beer, of bread and cheese!) Microbes are germs and germs are bad. After years of antibiotic overuse and the successful hype of antimicrobial soaps there is now, finally, a growing awareness of the folly of this type of thinking. Today we are told that the science on vaccines is settled. Manufacturers and providers tell us vaccines are safe and effective. Further study is a waste of money. Public health agencies pressure legislators to demand absolute compliance with their vaccine recommendations. The vaccine promoters refuse to engage in a serious public debate for fear it would only provide a platform for “anti-vaxxer misinformation”. Researchers have recently gone so far as to claim that mother’s milk should not be viewed as superior to formula. After all, we mustn’t glamorize nature over science. And the media, complicit with them all, refuse to do their jobs. Without question they endlessly echo stories about that ‘one doctor’ and his one ‘debunked’ study. Let us remove the mechanistic spectacles and examine the issue through eyes of ancient wisdom and clear lenses of contemporary discovery.

Remember, each body is unique. It has recently been ascertained that every heart beat has its own distinct rhythm. Yet, a premature baby, not fully developed and weighing a mere two pounds, gets the same dose of HepB and Vitamin K at birth as does a full term, robust eight pounder. A 10-year-old, 65pound, waifish girl with an eating disorder gets the same shots as her hefty 110-pound, athletic male class mate. How is it remotely conceivable that this ‘one size fits all’, ‘every child / every shot’ paradigm could be scientifically plausible? The internet is a massive library. Explore it. Social media is today’s village square. Do not be afraid to meet there. There are hundreds of studies both defending and questioning vaccines. Read them. You possess intelligence and intuition. Reclaim them. Many thousands of parents have endured the anguish of observing vaccines injuring or killing their children. Listen to them. Science begins with observation. Phil Silberman is a board member of the Colorado Coalition for Vaccine Choice. The organization is dedicated to promoting informed consent and protecting vaccine choice in Colorado. Phil is passionate about keeping his daughter safe and healthy. Learn more about CCVC at https://ccfvc.org/.

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What is the “Vaccine Court”? SANDRA MALHOTRA AND BRENNA WILBURN The American public is largely unaware that there is a “Vaccine Court” known as the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (NVICP). This program was started as a result of the Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 in which drug companies were granted partial liability protection. Translation: if you or your child are injured by a vaccine, you must go through the NVICP to appeal for financial compensation; you can’t sue the drug company at first.

The NVICP was created in 1986 when four big drug companies (Merck, Wyeth, Lederle, Connaught) blackmailed Congress by threatening to stop selling vaccines in America unless a law was passed giving them complete immunity from prosecution.1 Why the fit of pique? The pharmaceutical industry knew they were in big trouble because the old, crude whooping cough vaccine in the DPT shot was causing brain inflammation and death in many children. In addition, the live oral polio vaccine was crippling children and adults with vaccine strain polio, so Americans were filing lawsuits to hold drug companies responsible for the safety of their products. Fortunately, parents successfully argued that if Congress was going to give drug companies partial liability protection through the creation of a federal vaccine injury compensation alternative to a lawsuit, then language had to be written into the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 that protected a citizen’s right to sue drug companies when federal compensation was denied, or the company had the technological ability to make a vaccine less toxic but refused to do it. This was good news because continued civil liability was the safety net for American consumers in that law. It was the leverage that gave some financial incentive for drug companies to make vaccines safer and gave some political incentive for government officials to award federal compensation to the vaccine injured. Then in 2011, six activist Supreme

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Court judges ripped the liability safety net from the U.S. mass vaccination system and wrote the pharmaceutical companies a blank check by deliberately ignoring the language and legislative history of the 1986 Childhood Vaccine Injury Act. In a 6-2 decision, the Court majority voted to reject substantial evidence that current law was fully intended to protect an American’s right to sue a pharmaceutical corporation for injuries that could have been prevented if the company had elected to make a safer vaccine. Only Justices Sotomayor and Ginsburg, in an accurate and brilliant dissenting opinion, stood up for the people. The court decision left parents with no way to hold vaccine makers accountable and no feasible way to get compensation for the injuries suffered by their children. Furthermore, the decision removes all financial incentive for multi-national drug companies to make vaccines as safe as they can be. If you or a family member is injured or dies from vaccines, the only alternative now is to sue the federal government in this special vaccine court as described here https://www.hrsa.gov/ vaccinecompensation/. Many cases are litigated for years and a settlement is far from guaranteed, even for obvious vaccine injuries. Any compensation that is granted is footed by tax payers, not the pharmaceutical companies. How busy is the Vaccine Court? Since 1988, over 18,247 petitions have been filed with the NVICP. Over that 29-year time period, 16,430 petitions have been adjudicated, with 5,482 of those

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determined to be compensable, while 10,948 were dismissed. That means that about 1 in 3 petitions were successful. Total compensation paid over the life of the program is approximately $3.7 billion.2 Not an insignificant amount of damages paid. Let’s just do a thought experiment. If between 1 and 10% of vaccine injuries are actually reported, then range for the number of petitions that should have been filed is between 164,300 and 1,643,000. Can you think of anything thing else that has maimed or killed anywhere from tens of thousands to over 1 million of our citizens? That is making multinational pharmaceutical companies billions of dollars per year, allowing them to blanket the airwaves with advertisements and buy off politicians? That we have no civil legal recourse to remedy? That we are required to inject into our bodies for schooling or employment? That we are ridiculed for questioning and demanding better answers regarding safety? Us either. Sandra Malhotra is the Owner and Publisher of Regenerate Magazine and Brenna Wilburn has been interning at Regenerate through the Larimer County Workforce Program. 1

http://articles.mercola.com/sites/ articles/archive/2011/03/22/betrayal-ofconsumers-by-us-supreme-court-gives-total -liability-shield-to-big-pharma.aspx 2 https://www.hrsa.gov/vaccine compensation/data/vicpmonthlyreport template5_1_17.pdf

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Making a truly informed decision:

Learn About Homeoprophylaxis AMBER CURRIE, CCH C.HP

At this point, you are likely familiar with the arguments in favor of vaccines as well as the augments against them. You may believe that vaccines are the only option to when dealing with the school system and international travel. But there is another choice. Homeoprophylaxis, or “HP” as it is often called, is a gentle, non-toxic and evidence-based system used to stimulate strong immune system development and resistance to contagious diseases. HP is easy to use, non-invasive and easy to access through a local certified homeoprophylaxis supervisor. While heated discussions on vaccinations rage in Washington, DC., the state house, and dinner tables around the country, few involve any mention of HP. Why is that? HP has been a part of homeopathic medicine for 200 years. Governments in India, Cuba, and several South American countries have used HP with great success in prevention of contagious disease. However, HP was not developed as a formalized public health model for children until 1985, when Dr. Isaac Golden established his research model in Australia. Golden published a 15-year study on HP involving thousands of children in 2004. The study tracked not only HP’s effectiveness when children were exposed to diseases such as whooping cough, measles, and others for which parents often vaccinate, he also studied 20 measures of the children’s overall health. In the US. the 501(c)3 non-profit Free and Healthy Children International is currently

completing a similar four-year study of HP. Results are expected in 2018. (See chart below.) You can see that Golden’s research found the average rate of protection was better than 90% in cases of known exposure to contagious disease. That result was similar to results of other studies done in the last 150 years. NO serious adverse reactions were reported from HP during the entire 15-year Golden study. At least as important to parents and others considering HP, in 19 of the 20 possible measures of health, the study found vaccinated children were less healthy than other children, usually by a significant amount (the 1 measure favoring vaccination was not statistically significant). The most dramatic single finding was that vaccinated children have a 15 times greater chance of becoming asthmatic than children using HP, with P>99%, a highly statistically significant finding. Golden reported: “Homeopaths can confidently say that HP provides a definite level of protection against targeted infectious diseases, which is not 100%, but which is comparable to that of vaccines.” HP seems to offer the best of both worlds: disease resistance and strong overall health. However, it is important

Effectiveness of HP – Statistical Trials in Humans Year 1907 1950 1963 1974 1987 1987 1998 2004 2008

Researcher* Eaton Taylor-Smith Gutman Castro &Nogeira English Fox Mroninski et al Golden Bracho

Numbers of Participants Length of Survey Effectiveness % 2,806 < 1 year 97.5 82 (12 definitely exposed) < 1 year 100.0 385 < 1 year 86.0 HP 18,000/Not HP 6,340 3 months 86.1 694 2 years 87.0 - 91.5 61 5 years 82.0 - 95.0 HP 65,826/Not HP 23,539 6 months/12 months 95.0/91.0 2,342 questionnaires 15 years 90.4 HP 2.3 million, Not HP 12 months 84% reduction in disease incidence in treated areas, 22% 8.8 million people increase in disease incidence in untreated population* * References for these studies and many more may be found at the National Center for Homeopathy web site http://www.homeopathycenter.org/ news/homeoprophylaxis-human-records-studies-and-trials

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to know that homeoprophylaxis is not a one-to-one vaccine substitute. It works under a different mechanism of action and educates the immune system in a different way than vaccines do. Homeopaths and increasing numbers of parents think this is a very good thing. One final note is that when Golden compared children using his HP program to those using other types of HP, both effectiveness and safety were lower in groups using other programs. Make sure to check the basis of your HP program before committing.

Amber Currie, CCH, C.HP is a classical homeopath who believes the world needs a bigger vision of health. She is a graduate of Homeopathy School International (2008) The Catalyst School of Homeopathy (2010) and is a certified homeoprophylaxis supervisor and nationally certified classical homeopath. She is also a registered member of the North American Society of Homeopaths and the National Center for Homeopathy. Learn more at rocky-mountainhomeopathy.com

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After my experience in the hospital system and a thorough examination of both sides of the vaccination debate, it is clear that the issue has not been ‘settled long ago, and laid to rest’ as most of the medical profession claims.

The history of vaccination is more complicated than most people understand. Did you know that the antivaccine movement is hundreds of years old? It heated up in the 1800s when parents in the UK became fed up with watching their healthy infants and children become ill or die shortly after the smallpox vaccination. Or get sick from smallpox anyway.

Informed Consent Vaccine injuries are not a new phenomenon as they have been occurring for over 200 years. Therefore, doctors and those administering vaccines are supposed to obtain “informed consent” before vaccinating. However, informed consent is not possible today because parents are not given all the information they would require to understand the most important issues — namely the risks of following the full vaccine schedule. As a physician, I do not consider it my place to tell anyone whether to vaccinate or not. I never tell people to NOT vaccinate. But I firmly believe it is my place to understand as much as I can about vaccines and give people a more complete understanding from which to make an informed choice. This has not been the stance of the public health services. I’ve yet to meet a pediatrician who understands both sides of the debate enough to give fully informed consent. In fact, there is ample documentation that the priority has been quite the opposite, and to quell “any possible doubts, whether well founded or not” regarding vaccines.

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Issues with the Science There are many problems with the science that underpins vaccine information. Infant immunity has been misunderstood by immunologists, as the immunology literature admits. Only recently have some important questions been answered about why infant immune systems don’t function like adult ones. There is good reason for the tolerance that an infant has, and the answer is not to interrupt the program with aluminum and vaccines which are now known to have long term consequences. With breast milk support, an infant immune system develops appropriately and systematically — in its own due time, according to the genetic program placed in the baby from the day the child was conceived. What is that master plan? To enable the infant to safely transition into immunological independence with the minimum level of inflammation possible. Can that system be derailed? Yes, it can. What can derail the neonatal immune system? Anything which triggers an inflammatory response in the mother while she is pregnant and in the baby by a vaccine. Breast milk acts as a stand-in innate immune system. It protects the baby from toxin-mediated and other diseases by supplying anti-inflammatory substances in the milk. It also supplies other immune particles which prevent bacteria and viruses from adhering or killing them outright. This protects the baby, acting as “in

July/August/September 2017 • www.RegenerateMagazine.com

loco” defense, while the infant immune system is being programmed to know self from non-self. This same pattern of development is seen in laboratories where they study non-human mammals. It is ubiquitous across mammals, showing that the anti-inflammatory phenotype is crucial to successful survival both short and long term. In addition, there is a paucity of studies comparing never vaccinated children with partially or fully vaccinated children. In terms of safety studies, a major issue is that most vaccine studies use another vaccine as the control placebo or use the background substance of the vaccine. There is only one recent study1 where a true saline placebo was used, rather than another vaccine or the carrier fluid containing everything except the main antigen. That study showed no difference in influenza viral infection between groups but astonishingly it revealed a 5-6 times higher rate of non-influenza viral infections in the vaccinated. It is therefore no small wonder more true placebos are not used in vaccine research. In a short article “Tapping the immune system’s secret”2 the limitations of immunology are plainly spelled out. The public is repeatedly misinformed, underinformed, or frightened to maintain participation in vaccination. All sorts of tactics are used. One of the most popular, is to say that everyone should get vaccinated to protect the unvaccinated. This is commonly known as “herd immunity”,

which will be addressed later in the “misconceptions” section.

The Medical Community Medical schools do not educate about the contents, dangers, effectiveness or necessity of vaccines. Most medical doctors are fearful of the natural childhood illnesses because they don’t have any idea how to safely assist patients through them. In fact, the limited mainstream treatment options I learned often caused the diseases to be worse than they had to be. Yet surprisingly, I discovered other methods which work extremely well, but were never presented as part of my medical education. Pro-vaccine doctors sometimes cite “peer reviewed literature” to supposedly prove their point, yet a closer look at their own literature often proves otherwise — as does a closer look at the sick population of vaccinated children they look after. Furthermore, a close look at medical text books down the decades reveals a very interesting trend. In the 1920s and 30s, doctors were often quite relaxed

over diseases which today are presented as deadlier than the plague. This is not stating that there were never serious consequences. There sometimes were. However today, most parents erroneously believe that every child will die from diseases which most grandparents found were merely a nuisance. The medical system now considers measles the most dangerous disease known to man. Yet there is no need to be afraid of measles because wellnourished children who get adequate vitamin A have an unremarkable course to recovery. Boredom might be their biggest problem. I have discovered that whooping cough isn’t something to be afraid of either. In the days when my only tool was an antibiotic, whooping cough occasionally caused me considerable concern, but not today. I’ve watched many parents all over the world treat whooping cough very simply by using high doses of vitamin C and occasionally homeopathy. They see rapid improvement and no serious complications. But you will not read

about these cases in “peer reviewed literature” and your doctor doesn’t know about them because sick children are the only ones counted in the morbidity statistics. Healthy children who uneventfully recover are not seen by the medical system and therefore are not counted.

Misconceptions See in the graph above how mortality for the common illnesses had declined significantly long before the vaccines were created. This is a case of correlation and not causation as the medical community would have us believe. If you compare graphs for death decline in diphtheria and scarlet fever, they are almost identical. Yet there never was a widely used vaccine for scarlet fever. Scarlet fever and its resulting complication, rheumatic fever, has clearly been shown in the medical literature to be nutritionally driven. Therefore if you find someone who says they had scarlet fever, they were likely in an impoverished, war-torn, hungry and poverty-stricken country. In developed countries where rheumatic fever is an

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issue, it’s primarily seen in the less educated groups, whose nutritional understanding is limited, or their access to good food is limited. Historically in the case of infectious diseases, good nutrition has been, and still is, a major preventive factor that has led to enormous declines of morbidity and mortality from most infectious diseases. Here are a few more common misconceptions about NOT vaccinating: You are putting other people at risk. The misconception that “if you don’t vaccinate, you place others at risk” assumes that vaccinated people do not get the disease they were vaccinated for. Did you know that a controlled study published in BMJ3 in school age children showed that of all the whooping cough that was diagnosed, over 86% of the children were fully vaccinated and up to date for the whooping cough vaccine? There are similar studies showing that mumps and measles breakouts often affect the vaccinated. People who are vaccinated can have their immune systems altered in a manner that leads to susceptibility to other infectious diseases and can also leave them vulnerable to the disease they were vaccinated for due to a phenomenon called “original antigenic sin”. This is where an injected vaccine antigen programs the body to react in a manner that is incomplete and different to the natural response to infection. When the vaccinated contact that disease again, they are unable to mount an effective response to the pathogen because the vital first steps are missing. The whooping cough vaccine is an example of this. Herd Immunity is obtained with vaccines. Many vaccine enthusiasts like to invoke the term “herd immunity” to make the argument that the nonvaccinated pose a risk to the vaccinated. But the concept of herd immunity has no relevance to the vaccinated as it was coined in reference to natural immunity in populations and what level the least

epidemics occurred. There is no evidence whatsoever that having an 85% or 95% vaccination rate protects from outbreaks. This theory has been disproved time and again in highly vaccinated populations. I addressed herd immunity in detail here.4 The non-vaccinated spread disease. Actually, it is the opposite. Live vaccines are known to spread to close contacts. We also know that in pertussis (whooping cough) those who are vaccinated are more likely, due to original antigenic sin, to be carriers of the bacteria longer than the nonvaccinated, even when asymptomatic. Vaccines do not infect. Many vaccines are said to be “attenuated” or modified-live and supposedly do not infect, but over the decades we have seen how those attenuated viruses mutate once they are in a human and can spread more virulent disease than what is being vaccinated for. The oral polio vaccines in Nigeria today is a case in point. But this can happen with any attenuated viral vaccine. The original Salk polio vaccines were supposed to be killed vaccines and yet they infected thousands of people, killing and paralyzing over 200. This figure is thought to be a gross underestimate of the damage done. It is not uncommon to see a child recently vaccinated for chicken pox develop shingles or chicken pox. I’ve also seen shingles vaccine (which has 14 times the amount of virus as the chickenpox vaccine) provoke shingles in an elderly woman days after the vaccine was given. And strangely enough, her doctors had to research if shingles vaccines can cause shingles, because doctors know almost nothing about vaccines. Here are things to consider when you hear of an outbreak of an infectious disease: “How many of the affected were fully vaccinated and how many people died or were hospitalized? Were the cases verified with laboratory tests or are the reports based on community doctor reports?”


Another question to bear in mind is, “Were the people hospitalized because the disease was really serious, or because the family didn’t know how to deal with it, and responded to a medical profession hard-wired to believe everyone with that disease can die?” In other words, “Was the admission to hospital really necessary?” Deaths from these terrible diseases that once plagued humanity will return to pre-vaccine levels if we do not keep up the vaccines. We can see from the above graph that the mortality of these diseases was drastically declining prior to vaccination. But in addition, you might want to know the more rational explanation for deadly disease decline in modern times. It’s not vaccination. It has been shown to be hygiene. In this article, ‘What is the evidence for a causal link between hygiene and infections?’ the authors offer the epidemiological evidence between hygiene practices and infections.5 I would like to emphasize that I do not consider it my place to tell anyone whether to vaccinate or not and never tell people to NOT vaccinate. But I firmly believe it is my place to understand as much as I can about vaccines and give people a more complete understanding from which to make an informed choice. I hope this article achieved that goal. Suzanne Humphries, MD is a conventionally educated medical doctor who holds current American Board of Internal Medicine certifications in internal medicine and nephrology and was a participant in the conventional hospital system from 1989 until 2011. After leaving the hospital in good standing, of her own volition in 2011, she has been furthering her research, lecturing in various parts of the world, writing books such as Dissolving Illusions, and conducting her own private practice in Maine and Virginia. Learn more at DrSuzanne.net or contact her at drsuzannehumphries@gmail.com.

https://academic.oup.com/cid/article/54/12/1778/455098/Increased-Risk-of-Noninfluenza-Respiratory-Virus http://sm.stanford.edu/archive/stanmed/2011summer/article7.html 3 http://www.bmj.com/content/333/7560/174.full 4 http://www.vaccinationcouncil.org/2012/07/05/herd-immunity-the-flawed-science-and-failures-of-mass-vaccination-suzanne-humphries-md-3/ 5 https://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/handle/2027.42/55441/Aiello%20A,%20What%20is%20the%20evidence%20for%20a%20causal%20link%20 between%20hygien%20and%20infections,%202002.pdf;jsessionid=D75267974D77FD1E1A751C31DBBBCCF1?sequence=1 2

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Food as Medicine for Your Immune System MARIAN MITCHELL, INHC (AADP)

Our immune system is intricate and amazing. Vaccines stimulate the immune response in hopes of the body developing antibodies to specific strains of viruses. Unfortunately, viruses are constantly mutating and not every person’s immune system develops antibodies. Vaccines may also cause the immune system to hyper respond to other pathogens and allergens, as well as potentially causing debilitating side effects. Luckily, we can boost our immune system so it can do a better job of protecting us from harmful viruses, bacteria, and fungi.

There are things we do every day that suppress and weaken our immune system. These common lifestyle mistakes lead to frequently getting sick, staying sick for extended periods, and interfering with our professional and personal lives. These lifestyle factors include: Excessive sugar intake — Sugar has been proven to reduce the germ-

your immune system suppressed, leaving you vulnerable to invading pathogens. A nutrient deficient diet — A diet deficient in vitamins A, D, E, C, and the mineral zinc leave your immune system weak and unable to defend itself from foreign invaders. Reducing your sugar and carbohydrate intake while increasing the amount of healthy, nutrientrich fats and dark leafy greens will provide your immune system with the nutrients it needs to stay strong.

When you start feeling worn out, or it’s flu season, keep elderberry syrup, echinacea, vitamin D, C, and zinc in stock. killing ability of white blood cells, reduce the production of antibodies, interfere with the transport of vitamin C, and make cells more permeable to invasion of allergens and microorganisms for up to 5 hours after ingestion. The sugar in your coffee, sweet tea with your lunch, afternoon chocolate fix, and ice cream after dinner are keeping

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A leaky gut — It is estimated that 90% of Americans have increased intestinal permeability, a.k.a. leaky gut, due to our grain heavy, nutrient deficient, pesticide laden, antibiotic dependent American culture. It takes our bodies about one year to recover from one round of antibiotics if we are including a quality probiotic and

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fermented foods in our daily diet. Addressing and a healing leaky gut is the first step to protecting our bodies. A high stress lifestyle — Americans have a high stress culture as we tend to value all work and no play. For example, we rarely take vacations, answer phone calls and emails after work, overschedule ourselves and our children, function on little sleep and run ourselves to exhaustion. In fact, about 40% of Americans aren’t getting enough sleep according to a recent Gallup poll. Living this way impairs our immune system. Luckily, all of this is within our control. We have the power to support and boost our immune system! Here are my six tips to nourish our bodies and strengthen our immune system. Slash your sugar intake — Replace your bagel and cream cheese with nutrient dense eggs, butter and vegetables for breakfast. Switch out sugary, chemical-laden coffee

Fermented Carrots

creamers for whole milk and honey. Drink water or unsweet tea with your meals instead of soda or juice. Instead of ice cream after dinner, eat fruit. If you really want something sweet, pair your fruit with a tablespoon (and actually measure it out!) of dark chocolate chips. Add nutrient rich foods — In addition to cutting the sugar, adding foods rich in vitamins A, D, E, C, and the mineral zinc is essential. Foods rich in these nutrients include dark leafy greens (spinach and kale), wild caught fish, pasture raised beef, butter from pasture raised cows, fermented cod liver oil, liver, pumpkin seeds, mushrooms, avocado and winter squashes. Address the leaky gut — Include homemade organic bone broth, meat stock and probiotic-rich foods as these will help your gut heal. Probiotic-rich foods include homemade fermented foods (such as sauerkraut, pickles, and other vegetables), kefir, yogurt, kimchi, and kombucha. Very importantly, reduce inflammatory foods such as gluten containing grains, vegetable oils (grapeseed, safflower, canola,

and sunflower seed oil), sugar, soy and conventional dairy.

morning versus at night to prevent midnight bathroom trips.

Reduce Chronic Stress — The first step here is to honestly identify the sources of chronic stress in your life. Is it your job? If so, what aspect of it? Are there personal relationships that are taking more than they are giving? Maybe it’s time to make some necessary cuts or start searching for more fulfilling, mutually-giving relationships. Or maybe everything is good, but just stressful. We can reduce the stress with a few simple strategies including meditation, journaling, yoga, reading and exercising 3 or more days per week.

Include immune system boosting supplements — When you start feeling worn out, or it’s flu season, keep elderberry syrup, echinacea, vitamin D, C, and zinc in stock.

Improve the quality and/or quantity of sleep — My favorite strategies are to turn electronic devices off 2 hours before bed (or install blue light filters on your devices) and dim the lights an hour beforehand. Also keep the temperature in your bedroom cool enough that you want to be covered by a blanket and make your room very dark by hanging blackout curtains if needed. Don’t forget to drink most of your water in the

While boosting your immune system is absolutely necessary, it is also important to understand that getting sick isn’t necessarily a bad thing. We will get sick from time to time though it’s how we recover that matters. With a strong immune system, you’ll recover much faster. With proper support, your immune system will be armed and ready for foreign invaders and will eliminate them quicker than in previous years. Here are a few recipes that will support your immune system. Enjoy!

Fermented Carrots 1 glass spaghetti jar that’s been sanitized 3 organic carrots 1-2 cloves garlic 1-2 tbsp sea salt FOOD cont. on page 30

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FOOD cont. from page 29 ¼ tsp celery seeds Distilled water 1 cabbage leaf 1. Cut of ends of carrots and cut into ¼ to ½ inch slices. 2. Put celery seeds into jar. 3. Stuff jar with carrots completely until it’s hard for them to move but not impossible to get out. 4. Mix sea salt into the water to make a brine. Add to jar and cover carrots. 5. Place a cabbage leaf on top of carrots and make sure it is submerged in the brine completely. If it’s not completely submerged mold will grow. Place on lid tightly. 6. Place in a dark cabinet and check

on it periodically to make sure the cabbage leaf stays covered with brine. If needed, add more water. Leave for at least 10 days and up to 28 days. 7. Place in fridge when desired taste is achieved. Will last for up to one year.

Bone Broth 2-3 lbs bones from pasture raised cow or chicken Chicken feet (optional) 1 organic yellow onion 1 organic bulb of garlic 2 organic carrots 3 stalks organic celery 2 tbsp raw organic apple cider vinegar 2 tsp sea salt 2 tsp turmeric 2 tsp black pepper

Bone Broth

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5-6 cups filtered water If using stove top combine ingredients above and cook as follows: • Cow bones 12 hours on low • Chicken bones 6 hours on low If using crockpot combine ingredients above and cook as follows: • Beef bones 18-48 hours • Chicken bones 12-24 hours If using pressure cooker combine ingredients above and cook as follows: • Beef Bones 2.5 hours • Chicken bones 1.5 hours

Butternut Squash Soup with Pumpkin Seeds

1. Once the broth has cooked for the allotted time, grab a large bowl and set next to your pot. Using tongs, remove the bones and big pieces of vegetables and place them into the bowl. 2. Once all the big parts have been removed, grab another bowl and set a metal mesh strainer on top of it. 3. Using a soup ladle, or your muscles by lifting the pot, pour the broth through the metal strainer. This will remove any sediment and small pieces of vegetables left in the broth. 4. Store in airtight containers in the fridge for up to 3 days. Store in the freezer for up to 3 months. To store in the freezer, I like to freeze in ice cube trays, then store in freezer bags. Then I remove as many cubes as I need to drink or use for cooking. 5. Consume one to three cups daily as a drink or use in cooking. You can also use to flavor your grains and use as a base for soups.

Butternut Squash Soup with Pumpkin Seeds Serves 4 1 6 - 8 inch butternut squash 1 small sweet potato 1 yellow onion 1 gala apple 3 cups chicken bone broth or broth or vegetable broth 1 clove garlic 1 tsp salt plus some for roasting vegetables 1 tsp dried basil 1/2 tsp dried italian herbs 1/2 tsp dried thyme 4 tbsp raw shelled pumpkin seeds (pepitas) 1. Preheat your oven to 375 degrees. 2. Cut off the ends of your butternut squash, cut in half lengthwise and scoop out the seeds and strings. Cut into fourths. Coat lightly with olive oil and a little salt. Place on baking sheet meat side up 3. Wash off skin of sweet potato and place on baking sheet. 4. Cut onion into quarters. Lightly coat with olive oil and salt. Place on baking sheet.

5. Cut apple off core into 4 pieces. Place on baking sheet. 6. Roast for 30-40 minutes, until butternut squash is soft. If you need to remove apple and onion before the squash is soft just remove from the oven, put in your blender and wait. 7. Once squash is done. Remove from oven and let cool for 5 minutes. 8. Warm desired broth type until hot. Add to your blender. 9. Scoop squash and potato out of skin, leaving skin behind to toss. Place in blender. 10. Add salt and herbs. 11. Blend until smooth and serve warm. 12. Pour into bowls and add 1 tbsp pepitas to each bowl. Marian Mitchell is a Certified Integrative Nutrition Health Coach (AADP) and owner of Road To Living Whole, LLC. She is passionate about helping her clients discover their love of food that loves them back. You can learn more about her at www.roadtolivingwhole.com.

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Sandra Recommends It’s heartbreaking to talk to the parents of a vaccine-injured child who WISH they had researched the vaccine issue before simply doing what they were told by their pediatrician or school. They will live with this regret for the rest of their lives and would do anything to turn back time and demand the opportunity to grant informed content. For anyone who wishes to do more research on the vaccine issue so they can make an informed decision, I highly recommend these documentaries:

history of vaccines, vaccine risks and safety concerns, and options and alternatives. https://go2.thetruthaboutvaccines.com/docuseries/ order/

Vaxxed: From Cover-Up to Catastrophie


In 2013, biologist Dr. Brian Hooker received a call from a Senior Scientist at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) who led the agency’s 2004 study on the Measles-Mumps-Rubella (MMR) vaccine and its link to autism. The scientist, Dr. William Thompson, confessed that the CDC had omitted crucial data in their final report that revealed a causal relationship between the MMR vaccine and autism. Over several months, Dr. Hooker records the phone calls made to him by Dr. Thompson who provides the confidential data destroyed by his colleagues at the CDC. Dr. Hooker enlists the help of Dr. Andrew Wakefield, the British gastroenterologist falsely accused of starting the anti-vax movement when he first reported in 1998 that the MMR vaccine may cause autism. In his ongoing effort to advocate for children’s health, Wakefield directs this documentary examining the evidence behind an appalling cover-up committed by the government agency charged with protecting the health of American citizens. Interviews with pharmaceutical insiders, doctors, politicians, and parents of vaccine-injured children reveal an alarming deception that has contributed to the skyrocketing increase of autism and potentially the most catastrophic epidemic of our lifetime.

The Truth About Vaccines – 7-part docu-series


Bought: The Truth Behind Vaccines, Big Pharma and Your Food The food, vaccine, drug, insurance and health industry are a multi-BILLION dollar enterprise focused more on profits than human lives. The BOUGHT documentary takes viewers deep “inside the guts” of this despicable conspiracy. Featuring exclusive interviews with the world’s most acclaimed experts in research, medicine, holistic care and natural health, Bought exposes the hidden (and deadly) story behind it all. http://www.boughtmovie.com/merchandise/

The Greater Good: It’s Time to Think Again This documentary tells the rarely heard stories of three families adversely impacted by vaccination. This important perspective on the issue of vaccine safety has been left out of the mainstream media debate for too long. These courageous families show us that it is time to Think Again.

In this 7-episode series, you will learn about the

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Welcome to the Regenerate Conscious Business Directory! We hope you enjoy our curated list of businesses that are an asset to our community. If you would like to list your business, reach out at sales@genrwholisticmedia.com for more information. ACUPUNCTURE AND CHINESE MEDICINE


Traditional Chinese Medicine Clinic Licensed acupuncturists Dayna Larson, Monique Larson, and Korin Owens 970-416-0444 www.tcmclinic.org We are committed to providing you with the very best medical care in a setting that is healing, comfortable, and safe. Our goal is to guide patients to their full health potential. It is of utmost importance to us to spend enough time with each patient so we can make an accurate diagnosis and devise an individualized treatment plan that can bring the patient back to health. We offer acupuncture, a complete herbal pharmacy, and Tui Na style massage. We treat patients with chronic and sometimes disabling problems that have not been resolved by conventional medical care. Our success rate in these cases is very high because of the effectiveness of Chinese medicine.

Midnight Sun Birth Services LLC Jessie Howard 970 -673-7860 midnightsundoula@gmail.com www.midnightsunbirthservices.com Midnight Sun Birth Services offers holistic support and education for you throughout pregnancy and postpartum, providing full spectrum doula support. In addition to physical and emotional support, Midnight Sun provides consultations with a certified aromatherapist, Dancing For Birth™ classes which welcome pregnant and postpartum moms, and Reiki healing sessions to support whole-person healing. Additionally, complimentary bereavement doula support is available for those whose journey takes an unexpected turn. It is our goal to provide evidence-based information to new and growing families for every stage of their journey, supporting families from a natural healing perspective and giving them the tools they need to promote whole family health. Serving Northern Colorado & The Front Range.

Amy Norton, Licensed Acupuncturist 970-223-4422 Aspen Wellness Center 2601 S Lemay Ave, Unit 25, Fort Collins CO www.AmyNortonlac.com (Amy) www.BabyByBlunk.com (Rachel) www.FortCollinsAcupuncture.com (Scott) Aspen Wellness Center is a collaborative of experienced, specialized Chinese Medicine practitioners, focused on patient-centered approaches to health and well-being. Amy Norton is trained in Five Element Acupuncture. She focuses on promoting optimal mental and emotional balance and trauma release with her treatments. Happiness and peace of mind is her main objective in helping her patients of all ages. Rachel Blunk has been helping women conceive their happy family for over fifteen years. She gets results with the complex issues women are experiencing. Scott Blunk helps his patients feel better and smile more, especially when it comes to healing from headaches and chronic pain problems.

BIOPHOTON THERAPY Biophoton Colorado Irina Gilligan 970-581-5864 biophotoncolorado@gmail.com www. biophotoncolorado.com This safe, non-invasive therapy benefits adults, children and animals with wide range of health issues. If you have health concerns and have tried conventional medicine without much success, biophoton therapy may be the answer for you. Every cell in our body has its own light emission. These light impulses are called biophotons. The biofeedback device, Chiren, checks the quality of light your cells emit, finding and removing disturbances on the energetic body. Biophoton therapy addresses the actual cause of the illness at the root level, balancing all organs and activating self-healing ability of the body.

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BODY CARE Luna Belle’s Naturelles Halley Smith 970-488-0046 www.lunabellenaturelles@gmail.com Luna Belle’s Naturelles offers hand poured salves and oils made with love and 100% therapeutic grade essential oils that have been carefully selected for their healing properties for various ailments such as pain relief, hormone balance, stomach aches, and mood lifter. Halley has created three different lines for everyone in the family. Her Personal Blends are for the general public, along with her Children and Canine blends. Each blend is hand poured with good intentions and spoken words of the desired result. So indeed, Love is the first ingredient! Spread the love. On you.

BUSINESS CONSULTING Lucky Clover, LLC Small Business Success Services Cathi Foster 303-746-0240 1618 E. 1st Street, Loveland, CO CathiFoster@LuckyCloverSuccess.com You have A LOT TO DO every day to keep your business going! Experienced business owners have learned “you can’t do it all” Have your dreams of business SUCCESS turned to Nightmares? Are you exhausted & BURNED OUT? Ever WONDER what you don’t know that could make your Business FLOW WITH EASE? We offer: Business Accounting & Bookkeeping, Cash Flow, Budgets, Payroll, Projections, Human Resources, Business Management – Compliance, Contracts, Administration, and Marketing. Free consultations! Your Pot of Gold is a Phone Call Away.

CHIROPRACTIC Mountain Valley Family Chiropractic Dr. Ronil Pala Phone: (970) 568-8024 Email: info@mountainvalleyML.com Website: www.MountainValleyML.com At Mountain Valley Family Chiropractic, we strive to offer only the best all-natural care in the world. Our philosophy is to deliver real, lasting results through simple, easy-to-follow solutions. We know we can help you make a positive difference in your life. We advocate avoiding treatments that may simply mask superficial symptoms like headaches, low back pain and fatigue. Instead, we work to identify the cause, remove the interference, and maximize potential. By integrating nerve supply, nutrition, exercise, detoxification, and mindset through the transformational 5 EssentialsTM , Maximized Living gives you the keys to unlock the life and longevity you deserve.

CLEANING SERVICE/ECO-FRIENDLY Lez Clean 970-308-7429 lezcleanfoco@gmail.com www.lezclean.com Lez Clean is a women-owned and operated business whose staff are highly trained professionals in the cleaning industry. Using only eco-friendly cleaning products and essential oils, we offer a cleaning that can change your life! We make all of our products and customize them for each client. Our clients use words such as “therapeutic,” “relaxing,” and “motivating” to describe their newly cleaned homes, which reminds us that a clean house isn’t just “nice to have,” it’s actually a necessity for good mental and physical health. We are proud to provide this service in Northern Colorado.

COMMUNITY BANKING Blue Federal Credit Union support@bluefcu.com www.bluefcu.com Here, you matter. To Blue Federal Credit Union, relationships are everything. Our team takes a genuine interest in helping you achieve what matters most to you. We do this by listening first and then recommending the right financial solutions to meet your needs. We invest in you for the long haul, along with every member we serve. And we invest in making your community a better place. At the end of the day, your success is ours, and that’s why our members choose Blue. Many of our members stay with us for life. That’s why we reward our loyal members with loan rate discounts, reduced fees, and better rates on Blue savings and checking products.

COUNSELING AND MENTAL HEALTH SUPPORT AspenRidge North 877-736-9727 706 S College Ave #201, Fort Collins, CO www.aspenridgenorth.com AspenRidge North offers intensive outpatient programming and a 90-day in-house transitional program. Our primary focuses are mental health, addiction and trauma as well as practical life skills and reintegration into a greater society. AspenRidge North embodies an approach wherein addiction and alcoholism are treated with the Twelve Steps in tandem with various mental health and trauma therapies. Additionally, we recognize that family and community systems are impacted by addiction. Therefore, we aim to treat peripheral issues in conjunction with the client’s immediate needs. AspenRidge offers those suffering from mental illness and addiction the tools to live sober, productive lives while utilizing evidence-based therapeutic methods in a safe, accountable community setting.

Mental Health Connections A service of the Health District of N. Larimer County 970-221-5551 525 W. Oak Street, Fort Collins, CO (inside SummitStone Health Partners) Depression. Anxiety. Drug and alcohol issues. When you or someone you care about is struggling with any kind of mental health or substance use concern, it’s hard to know where to turn for help. Connections offers answers, options and support that help you take the next step toward mental health. Connections can personally guide you to appropriate options, including support, further assessment and treatment. It all starts with a phone call or visit with one of our specialists. (Connections does not provide crisis services. If you are experiencing a crisis, visit or call the SummitStone Community Crisis Clinic at 1217 Riverside Ave., Fort Collins, 494-4200; go to your nearest emergency room; or call 1-844493-8255 or 911.) Synapse Counseling & Wellness LLC 970-692-3222 admin@synapsecounseling.com 1101 E. Elizabeth St, Fort Collins, CO www.synapsecounseling.com Banish your struggle with your body & weight! Come to a place where we will understand and work with you to achieve whole body health, vitality and body appreciation. Embrace your ADHD as the gift it is for you and others, by understanding that it is merely a difference in how your brain works. Learn to Live and Thrive with your ADHD, let go of overwhelm and frustration and learn the strategies and techniques that allow you to succeed and perform at your peak. Whether that is business, work, school or home, we can help you become your best you! We are experienced, and caring clinicians that will partner with you for the best outcomes. Email us and get started today!

DENTISTRY Dental Alternative Services Joy Driscoll 970-413-1799 dentalalternativeservices@gmail.com 1555 Main St., Windsor, CO dentalalternativeservices.com Joy Driscoll provides patient-centered dental care with holistic and biological philosophies. She sees each dental patient as unique and strives to educate, empower, and assist all patients in making informed health care decisions. Her awareness of dental care as it relates to the whole body allows for an integrative and interdisciplinary approach to health. Joy is concerned about YOU and how your oral health is contributing to your overall health and wholeness. We are now offering Ozone Therapy! Call to schedule your free consultation today.

EATERY/ORGANIC JUICE AND CLEAN FOOD The Garden Juicery 970-672-8344 2601 South Lemay Ave Unit 9, Fort Collins, CO info@thegardenjuicery.com www.TheGardenJuicery.com The Garden Juicery is the first retail, all organic, cold-pressed juice and clean food eatery in Fort Collins. Our goal is to provide living nourishment of the highest nutritional integrity for inspired health and healing. Since The Garden Juicery is now collaborating with Wunder Juice, we have added hot soups and nutrientdense, functional food items; new Cleanse Programs and catering options. As we grow, we maintain our core value of providing organic, gluten-free, and dairy-free food and drinks, including a variety of juice blends, superfood smoothies, homemade nut milks, salads and wraps. We strive to be an involved member of our wellness community and provide a gathering place for like-minded folks.


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Trees, Water & People 970-484-3678 molly@treeswaterpeople.org www.treeswaterpeople.org Trees, Water & People (TWP) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that was founded in 1998. TWP is staffed by dedicated conservationists who feel strongly about helping communities to better manage the natural resources upon which their long-term well-being depends. Our work is guided by 2 core beliefs: Natural resources are best protected when local people play an active role in their care and management; and Preserving local ecosystems is essential for the ongoing social, economic, and environmental health of communities everywhere. TWP’s mission is to improve people’s lives by helping communities protect, conserve, and manage the natural resources. Offset your personal or business environmental impact by purchasing and carbon offsets!

Belu Olisa Holistic Fairs 970-474-0200 holisticfairs@gmail.com www.holistic-fairs.com At Belu Olisa Holstic Fairs in Fort Collins and Denver, you can have fun exploring alternative choices for taking care of your body, mind, spirit and environment; discovering aspects of your Self through astrology, aura portraits, clairvoyant, tarot or past life readings; and learning more about your pets with animal communicators, too. Stop by and experience healing modalities from massage, reiki and reflexology to energy re-balancing. That’s not all - learn about spirit guides, feng shui and aromatherapy. Peruse many products on display including crystals, gemstones, and natural skin care products. Door prizes, free parking and free lectures too. Bring a canned food donation & receive a discount on admission.



Steve Smith, MA Certified Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner 303-394-4778 1245 E. Colfax Ave. Ste. 200, Denver, CO www.radicallyhealthy.org A bridge between functional medicine and clinical nutrition, functional diagnostic nutrition offers support in identifying root causes of symptoms. Lab test results, validated by self-report questionnaires, often offer clues about underlying imbalances. Working from an empirical, educational model, emphasis is placed on correcting nutritional deficits to restore wellness. As a compassionate guide and supportive health detective both locally and remotely, Steve relies on a unique balance of science and spirit to offer customized guidance in achieving the best possible outcomes.

HEALING TOUCH/PEOPLE AND ANIMALS Rebecca LaPole Soak It Up Healing Becca@soakituphealing.com SoakItUpHealing.com Need an appointment with peace? See what indulging your senses in energy healing can do for you. Like resting in a natural hot spring, or lying in the summer sun, Soak It Up Healing gives you the ability to restore your true nature and nurture your innate wisdom to ease your pains and worries and discover a state of balanced and enlightened peace. Healing Touch for Animals and their people is what Soak It Up Healing provides. Distance work and in- home appointments are available.

HEALTH COACH Marian Mitchell Integrative Nutrition Health Coach Road To Living Whole, LLC 602-688-4745 marian@roadtolivingwhole.com www.roadtolivingwhole.com Marian Mitchell, owner, specializes in working with individuals and families with special diets due to food allergies/sensitivities, autoimmune disease, hormone imbalances, and metabolic disorders. She helps guide them in learning how to heal their bodies, eat, shop, travel, and thrive in their new lifestyle. The goal of her programs are to save you the years of trial and error, and get you loving your new life, feeling great, and having the energy to live the life you desire. She works with clients locally in Tempe, Arizona and via the phone and skype all over the country and Canada.

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Karen Korona, M.S. 303-7625-1119 1703 W. Kettle Ave., Littleton, CO KarenKorona@gmail.com www.KarenKorona.com Karen has been a Holistic Health Practitioner, Teacher and Lecturer for over 30 years providing private sessions and workshops internationally. Her healing treatments and programs support you on your healing and transformational journey. Each healing treatment integrates Acu-Touch Therapy, Cranisacral Therapy and well-being counseling, to promote your body’s natural ability to purify, heal and revitalize. Karen offers nutritional education and wellness programs, including yoga and meditation methods to assist you in living a life of happiness and wholeness. Her classes and retreats provides tools for self-healing, heightening awareness and manifesting true, personal power.

HYPNOTHERAPY Linda King Naturally Yours, LLC 970-215-7606 150 E. 29th Street, Suite 257, Loveland, CO Linda@LovelandHypno.com www.LovelandHypno.com Linda King is a Certified Medical Hypnotherapist, Flower Essence Practitioner, LuxMani Practitioner, Herbalist and Reiki Master/Teacher. She utilizes a variety of modalities in her practice to assist clients to reach their highest potential and goals. Linda believes that you can’t change the past, but you CAN heal the past, as well as change the way you feel about the past. If you change your thoughts....you can change your life!

IRIDOLOGY, LED FREQUENCY THERAPY Halcyon Health, LLC Melody Masters C.N. 970-484-2411 halcyonhealth@q.com www.halcyonhealth.net Melody Masters, C.N., is a certified iridologist and nutritionist, who has been practicing in Northern Colorado for the past 38 years. She is also a level two Aura-Soma practitioner, a L.I.F.E. Biofeedback practitioner. Her goal is to encourage and empower people to become more informed and involved in their own health care. Melody offers a variety of ways in which she can meet and work with you. With Wellness on Wheels, you can schedule time at your home, office or other location. You can also conduct your sessions over Skype or email. Sessions take from 90 minutes to two hours and are a non-intrusive, yet amazingly accurate way of receiving information about your whole being.



Balance Point Studio Andrea Spadafora, LMT, NASM, BCTMB 970-279-1079 1006 Robertson St, Unit 110, Suite C, Fort Collins, CO www.balancepoint.studio Andrea sees Massage Therapy and Fitness Coaching as a way to accomplish his mission: to provide his clients with the tools to rediscover profound inner balance and spiritual alignment. He tailors a personal plan for each client that is powerful and practical enough to get them the results that matter the most: FEELING GREAT, FEELING HEALTHY, FEELING WORTHY! His passion for his work and knowledge of his craft are appreciated by all of his clients who experience almost "magical" recovery from their workouts, relief from stress, improved vitality and delightful well-being after their massage and fitness training sessions.

Room by Room Organizing & Feng Shui Leslie VanDerven 970-988-1637 leslieavd@gmail.com www.leslieavd.wixsite.com/roombyroom Your environment has a profound effect on what you attract into your life. A home that is free of clutter, organized, and arranged properly will invite harmony, balance, creativity, health, success, and an overall sense of well-being. It will also allow you to better recognize, use, and appreciate what you already have. Leslie has been a Certified Feng Shui Professional since 2008, sensitively and efficiently helping people create inviting, relaxing, and functional spaces. Her services include de-cluttering/organizing, Feng Shui assessments & reports, furniture arranging, home staging (with existing possessions), downsizing, creative space solutions, and management systems. Room by Room, let’s get organized!

Om Shanti Healing Jill Ufer, LMT, HTP-A, CYT 970-310-4522 1914 Bowsprit Dr., Fort Collins, CO www.omshantihealing.com It is my intention to provide a warm and welcoming place for those in need of healing. I am here to listen and honor my clients with compassion and respect. I have been a certified yoga Instructor since 2008, have been practicing Healing Touch energy therapy since 2012 and recently became a fully licensed Colorado Massage Therapist in 2016. My purpose as a professional body worker is to heal the body utilizing all of these techniques. Having appreciation for each individual and where they are on their healing path, I can offer my help to them energetically, physically, mentally and spiritually. Mention this ad and receive $10 off your visit.

MEDITATION COACH Todd Cornell todd@cultur668.com www.cultur668.com/coach668 Meditation is transformational! Maintaining a meditation practice can bring dynamic change to anyone’s life. Sometimes, establishing and growing an effective mediation practice can be challenging. I am a coach who has been practicing mindful meditation for 20 years. I studied under an ordained forwardthinking teacher while living in Asia and will patiently guide and support you in building a transformational meditation practice that fits your needs. Contact me today and experience the transformational power of mindful meditation! Certified Stress Management Consultant, member of the International Coach Federation. I accept Bitcoin for payment.

METAPHYSICAL SPIRITUAL HEALING Light Unlimited 512-301-2999 Phyllis@lighthealing.com www.lighthealing.com Phyllis Light, Ph.D., counselor and author, is an expert in “Telepathic Healing.” She clears people’s negative programming to the depths of the subconscious mind, while infusing their essence with a higher octave of light and spiritual energy. Her primary focus is helping people grow spiritually and fulfill the highest purpose of their lives. Phyllis is also a pioneer and expert on how modern technology impacts our physical body and subtle energy field. She created the Rejuvenizers ® - powerful, energetic devices that protect the human energy field from the damaging effects of all the frequencies bombarding us daily in our high-tech world. See her ad for Rejuvenizers ® on the inside front cover.

PAIN RELIEF The Rossiter System Richard Rossiter, Founder 513-478-2767 rhr@Rossiter.com Rossiter.com The Rossiter System is a powerful and effective technique for addressing structural pain and restriction of movement at its source, the connective tissue system. It goes directly to the source - tight connective tissue – by unwinding the restrictions that are causing pain. Muscles and joints regain free movement. Common pain and mobility issues Rossiter relieves or eliminates: Headaches including migraines, neck and shoulder pain, elbow pain, wrist pain, trigger finger, carpal tunnel syndrome, hip pain, hamstring pain, calf pain, low back pain, sciatica, mid and upper back pain, plantar fasciitis, shin splints, tendonitis, frozen shoulder, rotator cuff tears, knee pain, whiplash, restless leg syndrome, peripheral neuropathy, ankle pain, arthritis, sports injuries, overuse injuries, sprains & strains, stress.

PET SITTING/ANIMAL BODY WORK Four HorseShoes Pet Services Sloan Foley 315-725-7739 (cell), 970-633-0373 (office) irishhealing@gmail.com www.irish-healing.com Originally named Irish Healing, Four Horseshoes Pet Services was founded because of our passion for caring for animals. Animals once served as tools to make everyday life easier for people, but now have grown into family members. Our mission is to provide compassionate care for those too big for the house or as small as a mouse. Four Horseshoes offers animal bodywork, a unique blend of High Touch Jin Shin (a healing art that uses acupoints), Reiki, craniosacral therapy, and massage, to help relax your animal’s body to promote self-healing. We provide these services along with bonded and insured pet sitting so you can have peace of mind while you are away.

PET HOSPICE/EUTHANASIA Home to Heaven 970-412-6212 Loveland, CO HometoHeaven.net Home to Heaven is here to provide caring and compassionate in-home pet hospice and euthanasia services for you when the time is right. We can care for your pets in our home-like clinic or we will come to your home, giving your furry family member the peace to pass in a familiar and loving environment. We provide a suite of services, including Hospice & Pain Management, Acupuncture, Loss Support Groups, InHome Pet Euthanasia, After Life & Cremation Assistance. Locally-owned, caring for pets and family in Northern Colorado since 2006 and available to help you 24/7.

www.RegenerateMagazine.com • July/August/September 2017 • Regenerate




Christina Gressianu 970-459-0000 411 N. Lincoln Avenue, Loveland, CO christina@photocg.co www.photocg.co From brides and wives to families, business owners and teenagers, my work is about giving you a boost of self-confidence, a priceless memory of your family as it is today, or a preview of the experience clients will have when they work with you. Senior portraits, families, kids, personal branding, boudoir and bridal. All types of portraits are a moment, a slice of life, snatched out of Time’s grabby hands.

NoCo Conscious Real Estate Services Holly Biggs 970-292-8877 HollyWelcomeHome@gmail.com http://hollysellshousesnoco.com/ I use my intuition, capacities with energy, and pragmatic education and experience to guide my clients through the home buying and selling process. I empower them to trust their instincts and make choices based on what works for them. My target is to create win-win transactions and provide outstanding service and support to my clients.



Watson Wellness - Integrative Physical Therapy & Health Coaching 838 West Drake Road, Suite 105, Fort Collins, CO 970-646-1654 www.watsonwellnessit.com Watson Wellness is a dynamic and progressive out-patient physical therapy practice. The “niche” of our practice includes the implementation of integrative manual therapy in combination with restorative breathing techniques, functional orthopedics, postural restoration exercises AND HEALTH COACHING. By providing a combination of structural & functional rehabilitation to maximize healing & function along with health coaching to create total transformation, our goal is to improve overall wellness & quality of life as well as create your unique FABULOUS! The hands-on approach taken in all areas of rehabilitation provide the environment to reach the highest potential of each individual’s body…a more balanced you.

Golden Poppy Herbal Apothecary and Clinic 970-682-4373 223 N. College, Fort Collins, CO www.goldenpoppyherbs.com At Golden Poppy Herbal Apothecary and Clinic, we strive to be Your Partner in Health and provide the highest quality herbal products you can find in Fort Collins, with a focus on organic and local goods. We also pride ourselves in offering sound, fact-based, herbal and nutritional advice to our clients so that they know they will leave their consultation with a way to regain their health. We provide herbal consultations, nutrition consultations, health programs, custom tea and tincture blends, custom skin care, and bodywork. Stop by to talk to one of our knowledgeable practitioners about ways to regain your health, naturally.

PSYCHIC MEDIUM Cyndi Langley 720-290-9435 Serving clients in per son in Denver and remotely using Skype or phone cyndi@cyndilangley.com www.cyndilangley.com Hello, I am Cyndi, a psychic medium. As a medium, I connect easily with those in Spirit and it is my passion to deliver messages from your loved ones to help you on your journey. I will connect with your friends and family in Spirit and your Guides and Angels with uplifting loving and validating messages. I always work from the heart and with compassion. You can expect an easy flowing conversation, true support, and guidance. I offer Mediumship, Psychic Coaching, House Clearings/Blessings, and Soul Scaping sessions. My sessions are in person and on Skype or phone.

PSYCH-K, EFT, EMOTION CODE Judith Albright, MA 970-218-8643 Judith@stressfreewitheft.com www.stressfreewitheft.com Just like suitcases get scuffed and battered with use, our lives start showing wear and tear as we are tossed about by all the ups and downs. In our lifetime, each of us seen many things, had many experiences, and made countless decisions; some good and some bad. For years, life may continue to unfold smoothly, but when we start hitting the rough spots how do we handle them? I help clients unpack the suitcase and start sorting through all the unprocessed emotional issues that have been concealed within it. While nothing can ever change past events, what can be changed is your reaction to them. Let me show you what is possible with PSYCH-K, EFT and Emotion Code.

38 Regenerate •

July/August/September 2017 • www.RegenerateMagazine.com

TAROT AND ASTROLOGY Joy Vernon 303-564-0022 2775 S Broadway, Englewood, CO joy@joyvernon.com joyvernon.com Joy Vernon is an empathic and inspirational tarot reader who tempers a profound knowledge of metaphysics with the love of helping others discover their truth within. She is dedicated to helping you discover, connect to, and express your higher self—your perfect expression of Spirit—the part which is completely you. Joy offers astrology readings to understand strengths, challenges, and upcoming trends and tarot readings for insight and direction. With over twenty-five years’ experience, she brings expertise and practiced familiarity to her specialty of esoteric tarot, which layers astrological and qabalistic symbolism onto the traditional tarot structure. Joy is known for the detail and accuracy of her readings. Joy also offers soul-exploring and mind-expanding classes in tarot, astrology, qabalah, mythology, and other related esoteric studies.

“Use the Force, Luke.” — Obi-wan Kenobi

“Try not. Do. Or do not. There is no try.” — Yoda to Luke Skywalker in The Empire Strikes Back We’re helping others Regenerate themselves and their communities! Want to join us? Here's what we need:

WRITERS If sharing your great content about wholistic living brings you joy, then let's talk. Each issue has a theme, and here are upcoming ones. Note that Regenerate is now a quarterly magazine! October/November/December 2017: We’re going to discuss relevant topics for each month. For October: Avoiding the Cancer Industrial Complex. For November: Getting your Gratitude On. For December: Surviving the Holidays. Due date: 8/10/17 January/February/March 2018: We’re going to talk about healthy aging. Who else is turning 50 this year and JUST getting started? Due date: 11/10/17 Check out our submission guidelines at http://regeneratemagazine.com/submit-article/ and send original articles to editor@genrwholisticmedia.com. Articles up to 1200 words accepted.

EVENT PARTNERS Regenerate Events are happening. We're planning all types of events to educate and inspire about healthy lifestyles for ourselves and our pets. If you would like to participate as a sponsor, speaker or vendor, then reach out to sales@genrwholisticmedia.com. Let's raise the roof and get some things done in our community.

DISTRIBUTORS and DISTRIBUTION SITES We're looking for help placing magazines, and new distribution sites, in the following cities: Fort Collins, Loveland, Boulder, Denver, and Colorado Springs. If your customers or clientele would enjoy our magazine, then let's locate them nearby. Healthy fun will be had by all! Reach out to us at sandra@genrwholisticmedia.com.

May The Force be with you!

www.RegenerateMagazine.com • July/August/September 2017 • Regenerate


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