Reel Nola Magazine ISSUE 4

Page 1


FALL 2013


Nicole Lovince

Celebrity Make-Up Artist

Seekie Simon


Red Carpet RULES


How To Deal With The Stress of Finding an Agent


“One day your life will flash before your eyes.

Make sure its worth watching.� ~ Author Unknown





We’ve made it to issue #4! Film tax incentives have been the train that drives Hollywood South. Incentives brings films and the films are why this publication exists. Without you, there’s no us! THANK YOU TO EVERYONE WHO FOUGHT TO SAVE OUR FILM INDUSTRY!

OPENING CREDITS Editor-In-Chief Natasha Angelety

Associate Editor Gregory Ahmed

Contributing Photographers Amy Ransow (COVER PHOTO ,Viking Multimedia LLC) Amanda Thibodeaux

Contributing Writers J.Rashaun “CJ” Frederick Azani Faith BECOME A PART OF THE TEAM! Email:



Red Carpet READY! 9

“Keeping Up With Kori” aka Nicole Lovince


Celebrity Makeup Artist: SEEKIE SIMON 15



How To Deal With The Stress of Finding an Agent 2 6

A Reel Tête-à-Tête w/ BRAVO TV’s Andy Cohen







No matter the event, it’s hard to go wrong in a Classic Little Black Dress or Basic Black Suit

Over Accessorize - Limit one statement piece per look

Stand Out

Be Desperate For Attention

Bold Colors

Super Busy Patterns

Quickly, DO one last mirror check just before stepping onto the carpet

Have a wardrobe malfunction. Double sided fashion tape is your friend.

Wear Spanx or body shapers

Sheer or see-through is usually never a good idea

Hire professional help whenever possible

Trust the opinion of a frienemy

Be the life of the party

Be the drunk


Group photos are fine, but DON’T forget to get a photo with just you or you & your date

Have Fun!

Take any event too seriously




at c 9 / on m p 0 1


In 2012, New Orleans hosted 61 tax credit film projects (TV, films and commercials with budgets over $300,000), with direct spending of $669.8 million. In 2011, the City hosted 46 tax credit projects with an estimated $544 million in direct spending. - City of New Orleans, Office of Cultural Economy


“Keeping Up With Kori”

Film: Pitch Perfect Character: Kori


“I was born and raised in New Orleans. I went to Dominican High School. I then went away to college. After college, I was all set to move to L.A.. It was my dad who made me aware of what was going on here and convinced me to come home. Since I’ve been back, it has been a blessing. I never would have thought I could be living my dream of being an actress, right here in my hometown. I hope to work all over the world. I love traveling, but I want to always have a home here and give back here. I’ll always be doing ‘something’ in New Orleans. After the success of “Pitch Perfect”, I’ve been keeping busy. I attend events such as, ‘The IT Factor Conference”, to remain relevant, network, also because there’s always something else you can learn or someone new you can meet that can help you further your career. It’s not just about getting to the top, it’s about maintaining your position. I now am working on my own pilot, “Liv-N-Faith”. That’s the working title. It’s about sisters. My character is Olivia. We’re currently in post production. Hopefully, we can finish that and work the festival circuit next year. I’m also doing a tour to shop myself to other markets, such as A t l a n t a . I t ’s a b o u t staying the course and understanding that it’s not just about being the talent, but understanding that this is a business. Actress You have to be able to make money. “ NICOLE LOVINCE

Celebrity MakeUp Artist Seekie Simon REEL NOLA: You've been in the business for quite a while. You were the first makeup artist for many people whose careers we've seen b l o s s o m . Yo u moved to L.A., worked in casting and then moved to Atlanta and now you're back!

wanted to be in this industry, you had to go to the other markets and fight in those other markets, just to come home and be recognized. REEL NOLA: How did you get your start?

SEEKIE: For professional makeup, I did get started in Los Angeles. I got S E E K I E : Ye s , i n into casting out there some shape or as well, and then I form, I have worked brought it home. I with a lot of New linked up with some Photo by ProPhotoJay Orleanians at the film makeup artists in beginning of their New Orleans. My careers. It's exciting. I came back mentors are here. home because there is something here that draws us back. Even if REEL NOLA: Do you teach makeup you relocate again, you'll still come artistry or mentor others? back. I want to help the next person. I remember when I got SEEKIE: I have ... in the past. Many started, you had to leave. If you people think it’ll just be easy and fun,


but then when they get into it, they realize this is not what they want to do. It's not as easy as it seems. I may be at this level, but I still train. It's a lot more than just making people look pretty. I'm opened to helping. I don't mind taking people out in the field with me and teaching them, just as I would want someone in a higher position do for me. REEL NOLA: You’ve accomplished a lot already. As a makeup artist, what is your ultimate goal? SEEKIE: Actually, my ultimate goal is producing and directing. REEL NOLA: That’s totally separate from make up.

SEEKIE: NO. (laughs) I’m just working on a script. REEL NOLA: Since you’ve traveled outside to other film markets, do you think New Orleans can sustain it’s role as “Hollywood South”? SEEKIE: Just being honest... I don’t. I think, maybe, after 10 years or so, it will go back to it’s original home. It’s sort of like how you can’t take Mardi Gras out of New Orleans. It is a New Orleans staple and Hollywood belongs to Los Angeles. Perhaps if the politicians here can work something out, long-term, it may last. Honestly, I don’t know ... but if you are smart in this industry, you go where your job is. You go wherever the money is.

SEEKIE: It’s really not. A director has to have an eye for the art. That’s REEL NOLA: We love your honesty! what I do. I visualize the character. How can our readers reach you? Directing and Makeup Artistry both require an artistic eye. REEL NOLA: Wow! What genre do you see yourself in? SEEKIE: I’m all about the art and studying people, so I’m really interested in documentary filmmaking. I’m also working on an animated script. REEL NOLA: You’re a “visual artist”. We understand animation. Do you draw?

SEEKIE: I’m on Instagram and maxed out on Facebook. So, to definitely reach me, Email:


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Photo Credit: Amanda Thibodeaux

Mary “Susie” Labry grew up in the Carrollton neighborhood of New Orleans. She has been in almost 300 film projects, She is the creator of The Baton Rouge Film Meet-Up,, and is on the Louisiana Film Academy of Technology advisory board. REEL NOLA: After the infamous film tax credit scare earlier this year, we couldn’t think of a better person to be on our cover. You are REEL NOLA! Everybody knows your name. You are our go-to person in this industry as it relates to politics.


SUSIE: Thank you. This is an honor. The word politics means people. I just like connecting with people and helping out in any way I can. I’m for everybody. I am a people pleaser. REEL NOLA: Why film and politics? That’s an unusual combo.

SUSIE: Well, I was politically influenced way back in grammar school. My 4th grade teacher, Mrs.Deforge, was really into politics. She taught us all about it and I’ve been intrigued ever since. When Victor Schiro ran for mayor, I was 10 years old. It fascinated me. I went on to earn a Bachelor’s Degree in Political Science at LSU and worked at the State Capitol. Politics got me into film. My very 1st project was a documentary in 1975 about one of my biggest heros, former Louisiana Governor Jimmie Davis. REEL NOLA: WOW! “Hollywood South” has just recently been popularized, but you’ve been doing this for nearly 40 years! You must have a lot of wisdom. What do you think we need to do to get more prominent cast and crew positions?

questions and they want answers yesterday. That’s why I created and the Meet-Up Group. I am also on the advisory board for the Louisiana Film Academy of Technology (LFAT). The mission is to let the left hand know what the right hand is doing. REEL NOLA: Thanks to your efforts, everyone was in immediate panic mode concerning the Louisiana Tax Incentive. They contacted Senators and rallied on the State Capitol’s steps, what did you credit as the root of the problem? SUSIE: Several producers contacted us at the meet-up to let us know that there was a guy named Greg Alrbret, under Former Louisiana Governor Kathleen Blanco, who wanted to cap the tax credits at $40 Million Dollars. That caught our attention and we’ve been tracking it ever since. People think I just read everything and have so much insight on this stuff, but it’s the guys at the top that let us know about it. They come to us when their businesses and films are affected and that’s when we get involved.

SUSIE: Just as with any industry, we need to focus more on education. The producers and filmmakers need to feel confident in our ability to do the job. Then, once we get the jobs, we have to maintain them. The only way to do that is to actually be good at whatever it is we’re doing. We have to prove that REEL NOLA: You say “we”. Do you we’re qualified. have a team? We know you help lots of REEL NOLA: Outside of politics, what people. Is it reciprocated? part do you play in educating the local film community? SUSIE: A lot of times I don’t get help financially, but I get a lot of things that SUSIE: I’m not ashamed to say, I have even people with money don’t get. I get Autism-Aspergers. It’s just like the little invited to a lot of exclusive film and autistic boy who is obsessed with political events. I don’t get the money, connecting the train, I’m fixated on connecting people. We needed a central but I get what money buys. Big hub of information. People have a lot of expensive dinners and I don’t have to


Louisiana’s Sunshine “I like Sunshine because it facilitates growth” -Susie Labry

Photo Credit: Susie Labry, Tommy Staub, Amanda Thibodeaux

pay. A lot of shot-callers know my name and they call on me for certain things, because through my volunteer work, I have proven myself as credible and a person with integrity. Also, a lot of people see me and they think it’s me that’s pushing them. What many don’t see and realize is that Bill Rainey of The 48 Hour Film Project inspires and motivates me and helps me get going. Acting coach Veleka Gray is another one who has helped me a lot. She said I needed to have ground because, before, I would just float around. Now, I’m more grounded. I know my calling. I’m a catalyst. R E E L N O L A : Yo u a r e t r u l y a n inspiration. What projects are you working on now?

SUSIE: I was just in Shreveport working on a film “The Town of Dreaded

Sundown” and I’m working with Barbara Ballentine. We are in the 9th ward looking at a facility that can possibly be a film and technology school for impoverished people. Currently, we need investors for that project. There’s been a lot of filming in the 9th ward. The movie industry is rebuilding the 9th ward. REEL NOLA: Do you ever think you’ll venture to L.A (Los Angeles)? SUSIE: I would love to visit and see all of the big studios and Hollywood, but Hollywood has come to me! I am a Louisiana girl. I believe Louisiana built this nation. In my mind, Louisiana is the capitol. Louisiana does not get enough recognition. I’m here to help get the word out. Hopefully, like in the Bible, my work will outlive me.



THANK YOU SUSIE!! There are really no words for Miss. Labry. We have worked together in front and behind the camera for years now. Miss. Labry is amazing, always there to help,and should be recognized for what she does. When we first met, little did I know, I had an angel before me. I love you Sunshine.

- Karen Pritchett

(Key production assistant at Upperline Entertainment, and Associate Producer at Two Girl Production)s) I had the honor of meeting Susie Labry back in 2005 when I first starting working within the Louisiana Film Industry. I recall that Susie was talking to everyone and was most definable as the person you could ask or go to for any info on anything that was happening within the New Hollywood South. I quickly learned that Susie was always one of the first ones to step up and volunteer for something if needed. Always willing to share information and to help get things done when needed. I truly consider Susie Labry not only a true and loyal friend but also a true and loyal leader and lobbyist for The Louisiana Film Industry. I love Susie Labry and am so happy that she is getting the recognition that she deserves. Keep on rockin' Susie <3 - Johnny Rock (Actor, Comedian) Susie is a tireless fighter for that which is right and she truly deserves to be recognized. The State of Louisiana is seeing a time where we are being taken "back in time" - Susie is fighting so that does not happen. Hollywood South owes a lot to her efforts. Were it not for people like her our film and entertainment industry would never have been and it would not be far from being taken away. -Arlene Culpepper ( Editor of the Heat Magazine, Media Advisor for New Orleans Union of Entertainment & President of MIKODreamzPR)


USE CODE: reelnola

How To Deal With The Stress Of Finding A Talent Agent by Stanley Popovich Stress and anxiety are very common when finding a talent agent. As a result, here is a list of techniques that a person can use to help manage the daily stresses and anxieties of finding a talent agent. First, get all of the facts and necessary information to make the right decision of finding the right talent agent. Find out the necessary facts of the situation and study all relevant information. This is important because you do not want to miss critical information that could make a difference in your decision. Get advice from your friends. It is important to consider other viewpoints other than your own. These people know you and they can give you additional insights that you may be overlooking. Take a deep breath to help relax in making your decision. If you still feel stressed, then get some fresh air or do something fun to help relax. You will feel better and gain a fresh perspective on your current situation. This will make it easier to make the right decision in finding a talent agent. It would not be the end of the world if you made the wrong decision. You can always reevaluate your situation and do something different. Do not put a lot of pressure on just one decision. You will have other opportunities to correct the situation. If things do not go right after picking a talent agent then the next step is to learn from your mistakes and go from there. Learn from your mistakes. The key is not get so worked up that you do not know what to do. Do not let your fears get the best of you. Finding the right talent agent does not have to be stressful. Consider all of the facts and your interests when making a decision. This should help in finding the right talent agent without a lot of stress. Stan Popovich is the author of "A Layman's Guide to Managing Fear Using Psychology, Christianity and Non Resistant Methods" – an easy to read book that presents a general overview of techniques that are effective in managing persistent fears and anxieties. For additional information go to:


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"Susie Labry has been instrumental in organizing efforts to continue film tax incentives in Louisiana. The film industry can go anywhere, but it is here because of our tax incentives. Films spend millions of dollars in our local economy in catering, hotels, paying local crew, etc. Susie Labry is also a key organizer for Women in Film and Television, providing useful networking events for women in the industry here in New Orleans". - Liz Hood (Filmmaker) Ms. Susie Labry is incredibly passionate and committed to help the Louisiana film community prosper, and grow. She is always on the frontline ready to represent the Louisiana movie industry, and she is so humble that she doesn't even take credit for her hard work! Thank You for your dedication and hard work, Susie, you rock!, - Alfonso “Pompo” Bresciani (Photographer) Susie has worked tirelessly to bring the opportunities available in the Louisiana Film Industry to everyone's attention. She was relentless in showing everyone the folly of reducing the incentives and tax credits available to Film Producers. Her positive attitude and almost boundless energy have been an inspiration. - A.J. Leitell (Gulfport, MS)

Susie Labry has worked relentlessly for the betterment of this Industry since I have known her...I believe we started working together in the eighties...Susie does not think burying your head in the sand is an option...and latecomers to this industry...since KATRINA..should show some courtesy..respect..and above all else ...GRATITUDE! - Princess Parchuke (Actress))



In Theaters NOVEMBER 27, 2013


A Reel Tête-à-Tête



REEL NOLA: Bravo Andy! What Brings you to New Orleans?

your guest bartender on “Watch What Happens Live”. You’ve never had a Sazerac on the show.

Andy Cohen: Promoting my book “Most Ta l k a t i v e ” a n d we’re filming Season 11 of TOP CHEF.

Andy Cohen: You know, maybe I’ll do that. Perhaps when Top Chef 11 starts airing.

REEL NOLA: We heard that you partied hard last night with the Top Chef crew. Andy Cohen: Yes, we had a wonderful time last night. We hung out a t J o h n B e s h ’s restaurant, August. It was fantastic! Copyright 2013. Reel NOLA Magazine

REEL NOLA: You come off like such a New Orleanian. We’re not convinced that you’re from St.Louis.

Andy Cohen: That’s because I love it here. I’ve got New Orleans in my blood! Every time I come to New Orleans, i have such a great time. There’s a great spirit here. REEL NOLA: Speaking of “spirits”, Since New Orleans is known for it’s cocktails, How about having a New Orleanian to be


REEL NOLA: Aw e s o m e ! N o w, you have taken television by storm with all of your successful Reality TV shows on Bravo. We’re known as Hollywood South , but not for Reality T V. H o w a b o u t bringing some of that here?

Andy Cohen: You guys have Top Chef! You want more? ... MORE! MORE! MORE! REEL NOLA: YES! Give us more!! Andy Cohen: (laughs) REEL NOLA: Well, what advice would you have for anyone who may be looking to break into Reality TV?

Andy Cohen: I don’t know... because typically the people who are “dying” to be Reality TV stars, we (Bravo) stay away from. I guess my advice would be “Don’t be so desperate.”

Andy Cohen: (laughs) That’s funny. Oh God. I think I’ve seen that show, actually. REEL NOLA: (laughs) On a serious note, not too long ago you were at the center of some Reel Nola controversy. Apparently, you, HBO’s Treme creator - David Simon, and restaurant critic/Travel Channel Host Anthony Bourdain had a heated exchange on Twitter over Top Chef receiving a tax incentive to film in New Orleans. What in the world was that about?


REEL NOLA: OK, your book is a very easy read. You seem to be very open as well as on your show, “Watch What Happens Live”. Would you ever consider turning the cameras on yourself for Reality TV? Andy Cohen: Oh gosh! No. I think the viewers get enough of me as it is. “Watch What Happens Live” is on 5 nights a week. It’s pretty ‘Me Centric’, so I think that’s enough. (laughs) REEL NOLA: What about your parents? We love your parents on the show!


Andy Cohen: it was really stupid. Anthony tweeted me something stupid. I tweeted something stupid back. I’m sorry David Simon was brought into the ruckus . I’ve never even met the guy. I know David’s a really smart guy and I have a lot of respect for him. At the end of the day, we three really REEL NOLA: Now there’s a show! YOUR love New Orleans. Top Chef has been parents in New Orleans! working so hard with the City of New Orleans to bring the show down here... Andy Cohen: Thanks. They’re awesome. I almost brought them here to New Orleans. This trip was last-minute, so there just wasn’t enough time, but they almost made it.


DOWNLOAD which is exactly why Anthony’s tweets really offended me. REEL NOLA: On behalf of Reel Nola Magazine, we sincerely appreciate you guys bringing Top Chef to the city. We will definitely be tuned in to Season 11. Andy Cohen: Thank You. I hope so. (laughs)



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Italy Angelety Neaux Reel Idea Gregory Arbuthnot Jashaad Arbuthnot VIP Event Management Services Buckle Me Up Boutique The Reality Show Resource Nola Film Events On The Lot Productions Two Girl Productions Viking Multimedia Tour Guides Association of Greater New Orleans, Inc. REEL NOLA MAGAZINE™ is a Quarterly Publication

Ads and Freelance Articles placed in REEL NOLA MAGAZINE™ do not necessarily reflect the views or responsibilities of REEL NOLA MAGAZINE™ and are solely the responsibility of the writer or advertiser. REEL NOLA MAGAZINE P.O. BOX 973 METAIRIE, LA 70004

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B U S I N E S S & TA L E N T M A N A G E M E N T S O L U T I O N S P.O. BOX 973 Metairie,Louisiana 70004


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