Study Abroad in Ecuador | 9/30/2016

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Red & Black The Free

s t u d e n t n e w s pa p e r o f w a s h i n g t o n a n d j e f f e r s o n c o l l e g e r e d a n d b l a c ko n l i n e . c o m w a s h i n g t o n , p e n n s y lva n i a september 30, 2016

Student Studies Abroad in Ecuador PAGE 2 Courtesy Elizabeth Bean




Red & Black

30 S eptember 2016

Study Abroad Spotlight: Heather Wells

Courtesy Heather Wells

Heather Wells ‘17 captures her fun adventures in Quito, Equador.

Sofia Estrella Red&Black Contributor

Heather Wells is a senior at Washington & Jefferson College with a double major in biochemistry and Spanish. She is the president of the Spanish Honor Society, Sigma Delta Pi, Vice President of Presidents Without Borders and she has traveled on medical mission trips with W&J several times. She came back from studying abroad for a semester in Quito, Ecuador, at the University of San Francisco de Quito. Wells describes herself as “someone who is very

passionate about travelling and going to new places.” She decided to go to Ecuador because she wanted to visit the Galapagos Islands and the equator. Ecuador was a perfect opportunity for Wells. Wells reflected, “Studying abroad in Ecuador was a life-changing experience because I found out a lot of things about myself and I got to better understand the many different cultures of the world.” While in Ecuador, she travelled to different regions of the country, such as the Galapagos Islands that are located in the insular region. When she was in Ecuador, her

parents went to visit her to travel together to the Islands. Wells also went to Colombia for a day with her host family. She additionally traveled to Riobamba and Otavalo, located in the Highlands. She stated, “I loved the experience because I was able to see the artisans and handicrafts in every place I went.” She added, “I wished that I had travelled even more.” On differences between the U.S. and Ecuador, Wells noted, “There is a huge difference between travelling to classes in Ecuador and going to class at W&J. At W&J, I can just

roll out of bed and walk to class without caring how I look. However, in Ecuador, I woke up every morning to a breakfast that my host family prepared for me, got ready for classes to leave my house at a certain time, walked to the bus station to catch one of the public ‘green buses,’ and began my morning commute to get to class on time, despite a 30 minute ride to the university. I loved using public transportation because I saw something different every day on the bus and always admired the same beautiful landscape during my daily travels.” Whenever she is asked about what she

likes the most about Ecuador, Wells becomes nostalgic and wants to go back. Wells said the way people live is amazing, the landscape is breath-taking and the fact she had daily access to a fresh fruit market just a block from her house was wonderful. She thinks people in Ecuador are friendly, caring and open. She really came to appreciate this beautiful group of people. Wells wants to encourage everybody to study abroad because she believes that it is an essential part of selfdiscovery and a true test of maturity and independence.

30 S eptember 2016

Red & Black


Senior Spotlight: Nathaniel Ecker Alexander Benner Red&Black Contributor

This week’s Senior Spotlight, Nathaniel Ecker, is spotted around campus frequently. Besides being very tall, Ecker is usually giving a speech or talking about Washington and Jefferson College at an admissions event each month. Ecker, a resident of Washington, Pa., is an economics major at W&J on a pre-law track. Aside from his studies, he is involved in many groups and organizations on campus such as being the President of the Student Government Association and President of the Inter-Fraternity Council, Vice-President of the Mock Trial Team, Vice-President of the Pre-Legal Society, Vice-President of the Alpha Phi Omega (APO) Service

Fraternity, student supervisor of the Matthew Brown Fellowship and co-captain of the men’s volleyball team. In his spare time (which Ecker somehow manages to have), he works as both a student fellow at the Admissions House and gives tours to prospective students and families. He is also as a tutor for the local high schoolers at Washington High School. Throughout his four years at W&J, Ecker has taken advantage of many opportunities, and has made numerous memories along the way. One of his favorite experiences in college was taking the London Theatre Intersession class. Through this class, Ecker travelled abroad to London with Professor Daniel Shaw and saw various plays and learned about the culture of England. “Although Lon-

don was a really memorable experience, my favorite memory at W&J has to be joining the Alpha Tau Omega (ATO) Fraternity,” Ecker said. “I have had the opportunity to be a part of a brotherhood that embodies scholarship, service and leadership in addition to making my years at W&J a lot of fun.” Before he leaves W&J, Ecker has some advice for all students (especially freshmen) in terms of their college careers: “Have some fun while you’re here at W&J,” Ecker advised. “Four years go by quickly, so if you don’t take the time to enjoy college, then you’ll end up regretting it later.” After graduation, Ecker plans on working in the finance industry and then attending law school shortly thereafter.

college. She decided to come to W&J because they offered her the most financial aid; however, her decision was not all because of the money. Bruecken believed this college, over others, would give her the best learning experience. Her experience thus far has been positive. She humorously stated, “I like how the people are so welcoming and don't judge you for being a freshman. Going to a city school I'm used to people being disrespectful but when people come up to you here

it's for a nice reason even if it's just to ask your name or where you got your shirt from.” Bruecken is definitely now immersed in a different type of culture, coming from a Pittsburgh Public High School to a prestigious college like W&J. However, she is adapting to her new environment and making lots of friends. Her major is currently undecided but she hopes to be on the business track with a minor in Russian. During her time at W&J, she hopes to achieve a successful future, and with the

Courtesy Nate Ecker

Nate Ecker '17 plans to attend law school upon graduation.

Freshman Spotlight: Ashlee Bruecken Tiffany Dittrich Red&Black editor

Ashlee Bruecken ’20 is not far from her hometown, Pittsburgh, PA. This past summer, before attending Washington & Jefferson College, she stayed active by working at Victoria’s Secret and a tanning salon. When she was not working hard, she took a trip to Outer Banks, North Carolina for her senior trip with her friends from high school. Throughout the course of the summer, Bruecken eagerly awaited the start of her freshman year of

great reputation of the college she believes this is possible. Bruecken stated, “I hope to go for my masters or even PhD. I think the best thing in life is to be intelligent so going to school longer won't hurt. Then I'll hopefully travel the world and meet more people and achieve more experiences.” Though overwhelmed with feelings of intimidation because of hard courses and excitement of new surroundings, Ashlee is eager to make long-lasting memories and earn much success while at W&J College.

Courtesy Ashlee Bruecken

Ashlee celebrates her birthday on campus with new friends from W&J.


Red & Black

30 S eptember 2016

Magellan Spotlight: William Wesley Preston

Courtesy William Wesley Preston

William Wesley Preston traveled to a number of European citizens this summer to study drag culture.

Lauren Markish Red&Black Contributor

William Wesley Preston ’19 spent the month of August studying the culture of drag and diversity by traveling to London, Copenhagen, Paris and several cities in Germany. The idea for Preston’s Magellan was actually narrowed down from three original plans. He explained that he ended up choosing drag culture since, according to him, “It’s something that is fun and

interesting. It’s a fun, quirky commentary on society in this day and age.” His trip was inspired by Conchita Wurst, a drag queen that won Eurovision back in 2014. Preston said, “She’s my inspiration since she’s a humanitarian. It’s why I like her so much.” A vast majority of Preston’s trip was unpredictable, and each day varied greatly. For his project, he completed a number of interviews. He would spend time with drag queens get to know more about their lives and personal experiences. Preston said he

went to drag shows in several cities and interviewed the drag queens about “all of the issues,” including social issues and diversity. Many of the drag queens are people that he now considers to be friends. Not only did Preston learn a great deal about drag culture in Europe, including some tips on doing his makeup, but his trip also helped to improve on his language skills. Having learned how to speak in several different languages prior to embarking on his Magellan, Preston says that the trip really helped him improve in speaking German.

The family that he stayed with included a mother that spoke only in German, thus forcing Preston to use the language. Preston also had a lot to say to students that are on the fence about applying for a Magellan. He encourages students to go somewhere or do something that is out of their “comfort zone,” since he says that is really what helped him learn. While being alone on a trip could get lonely at times, Preston says that it is well worth it and the independence will only lead

to more life experience. He summed it up by telling me, “The experiences that I’ve collected have molded me into somebody that I didn’t know I could be, and it has made me a better person. In short, just do it!” The Magellan Part I application is due Nov. 1, 2016. Students interested in learning more about the Magellan Project should contact Tyler Tenney ’14, Coordinator of Co-Curricular Innovation at ttenney@

30 S eptember 2016

Red & Black


Campus Speak Out: What's your favorite fall activity? “I love to jump in the leaves that fall off the trees." -Stephanie Velasquez '17


“I love the thrill of going to haunted houses!" -Amiti Sharma '17

“I love drinking hot apple cidar and wearing warm sweaters." -Kayla Marasia '19

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Emily Sterk Katherine Campbell Leah Segal Tiffany Dittrich Shannon Adams Kayla Marasia Christopher Frydryck Jordan Toohey Abigail Pipcho Lauren Virgin siddhanta bista McKenzie Merenick mike kovak



Red & Black

30 September 2016

Keystone College Pays Back Loans Kelly Colleran Red & Black Contributor

Student loans are a daunting factor for any student to face after college. Keystone College, located in La Plume, Pa., decided to create a program to help their future graduates. The college just announced their decision to help students with student loans on Sept. 19. They came to this decision because the college wants to be able to help their graduates in the workforce when they are starting their careers. This new student loan program is called the Keystone Commitment Loan Repayment Assistance Program. In order to apply for the KCLRAP, students must earn less than $40K a year. The amount of help with student loans depends on the student’s salary. For example, if a student works 30 hours a week and makes less than $20K, the student will not pay any

student loans. If a student makes around $30K, the student will only have to pay half of their loans. The KCLRAP will continue to help students with loans until the student either makes more than $40K a year, or the student does not have any more loans. The KCLRAP not only allows students to start at careers with lower paying salaries, it is also involved with the Keystone Promise. This promise ensures that if a student does not go onto graduate school or find a job within five months of their graduation date, the college will provide additional courses or further career advice. Starting careers with lower salaries allows students to start building careers without the risk of not being able to pay off debt from student loans. Next year, Keystone's new program will be available to all the incoming freshmen. With Keystone starting a program to help students with loans, could Washington & Jefferson College follow the same path to help its students after college? Aysha


Keystone College is a small private liberal arts school similar to Washington & Jefferson College in northeastern Pennsylvania.

Nuhuman ‘19 believes that a student loan program like Keystone’s would “help the students when they graduate because no one wants alumni to go talk to freshmen and potentially convince them to transfer due to the rates of tuition going higher because even if [the students are] on

scholarship, our scholarships don’t increase when the tuition does.” Nuhuman also would like the program to be available for international students. On the other hand, Alan Ellis ‘17 said, “Something in its infancy is not worth pursuing yet. I do not think that W&J

can afford to provide a program like this. Logistically speaking, I am not convinced that it is sustainable or appropriate.” Time will tell if Keystone’s program will help students out of college. If it is successful, it can certainly be something other colleges should consider.

30 September 2016

7 Life

Red & Black

Take a Break! Life Advice Sarah Peterson Red & Black Contributor

Since school has been in session for about a month now, exams will soon be approaching. Exams generally mean stress. To avoid stress here are some activities to take a study break while studying. It’s important to remember to actually study and not just have fun. No one wants to fail their classes. Moderation is key in college. Take a walk. On a nice sunny day, walk around campus and meet people. Enjoy fall before the weather gets too cold and winter comes. Watch a movie. Pick a funny movie, grab some friends, and watch it to relieve stress. The same goes towards watching an episode on Netflix, Amazon, or Hulu whichever is preferred. Hang out with friends. Go to George and Tom’s, The Commons or another favorite restaurant. It is just attempt to get away from studies for a while to let the brain rest. Get coffee. Drive to Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts to get coffee. It provides a way to get away from work and includes the added benefit of caffeine. A pumpkin spice latte can actually help in studying. Nap. In order to do well on exams, studying and understanding the material is important, but so is sleep. Sleeping also boosts the immune system. Sickness also

Life advice given to you from the mouths of the Red & Black Editorial Staff.

How do you deal with stress?

Courtesy Shannon Adams

Emily Sterk ‘17 watches “Parks and Recreation.”

will cause poor performance on exams and papers. Remember to set an alarm so time isn’t wasted in extra sleep. Too much sleep is not a good thing either. Do laundry. Avoid roommate issues about a dirty room and get laundry done. This way clean clothes are available and the process yields a study break. Find a relevant podcast. Take a 20 minute study break and listen to a podcast that is about the topic of the exam. This provides the opportunity to lay down absorb information auditorially During study breaks, try to stay away from social media. Social media can be an endless trap of “just checking one more time.” I would like to reiterate that doing too much of these activities instead of studying will not help grades. Please take a break while studying, but do not go wild. Study, but have fun while doing it.

“I eat lots of chocolate, but I don’t advise that because it could cause diabetes.” -Leah Segal, Social Media Chair

“First, I take a nap, and then I go play soccer.” -Jordan Toohey, Sports Editor

“I listen to the ‘Hamilton’ soundtrack and suddenly all is right with the world. -Emily Sterk, Editor-in-Chief


30 September 2016

Red & Black

Creepy Clowns Invade Washington County

Courtesy of

The clown sightings have resembled this clown above. Wig, makeup, props and all. Oh, and did we mention knives?

Sonja Laaksonen Red&Black Contributor

Killer clowns are a common topic for urban legends. Their terrifying nature allows for easy story telling like a traveling circus making its way through the backwoods of Kentucky on a stormy night. One of the clown cars, which contained four performers, hydroplaned and slid over the cliff to the forest far below. After a few weeks, two of the clowns reported missing were found stumbling down a deserted road with hypothermia and large chunks of flesh hanging off or missing

entirely. They reported that one of their fellow clowns had died immediately from injuries sustained from the crash. The fourth clown, named Sprinkles, had kept the other two hostage, forcing them to feed off of their dead friend in order to survive, as well as sadistically abusing them for his own enjoyment and devouring parts of them before their very eyes. One night, when Sprinkles’ back was turned, they managed to escape, leaving Sprinkles face down in the river where they believed he froze to death. According to urban legend, Sprinkles still wanders through the woods looking for lost campers to feed on, constantly seeking new

victims to “play” with. The common phobia of clowns and urban legends like that of Sprinkles served as inspiration for the hysteria around the “killer clown” sightings along the Appalachian states. What is believed to have started out as a harmless prank, has heinously shifted into an experience out of one’s own nightmares. People dressed up as grotesque versions of the smiling faces seen at circuses have been wandering the woods at various locations, oftentimes standing on the outskirts of properties bordering the tree-lines; terrorizing whoever may live there. Cause for concern didn’t arise immediately. “Kids are bored. They do dumb things.

So what they want to stand out in the freezing cold pranking their friends? I wouldn’t do it now... But hey, I was a dumb kid too once. A bit creepy, but just call the cops and call it a day” laughs one dog walker after being asked what he would do if he saw a “killer clown” watching his home. Intimidation wasn’t enough for the clowns. Recent reports have stated that the clowns are now beginning to try to lure children and pets out of their yards, schools or neighborhoods and into the forest, retreating when an adult comes out to investigate. Pictures have traveled across multiple media outlets of the clowns carrying large machetes and weapons like a character out of “The Purge.”

Alabama recently changed its laws so that clown costumes are banned entirely, even on Halloween. If threatened, homeowners and police have a right to shoot any “killer clown” that is armed. The first sighting appeared in Washington just two weeks ago. “No, no, no, nope. I’m buying a gun. No thank you,” squirmed one Washington and Jefferson College student who reports having extreme coulrophobia. Although no one has been injured or taken as of yet by a “killer clown,” the cause for concern is not unjustified. Many counties continue to change laws to protect the public from any potential damage.

30 September 2016

Red & Black

9 Life

DubJay Cribs: Harrison Hall 215 Alex Benner Red & Black Contributor

What’s up Washington & Jefferson College? My name is Alex Benner ‘18 and welcome to my crib: Harrison Hall 215. I live here with my roommate and best friend, Sam Schaub ‘18. When we were talking about how we wanted to put our room together, we decided we wanted to showcase all of our personality traits intertwined together. We drew influence from roommates past and friends who had lived in this dorm before. Starting with my side of the room, I chose to show my love of sports and Pittsburgh pride by going with Steelers bedsheets, a Terrible Towel and a Jolly Roger. Then, I wanted to show the nerdy side of me as well, so we set up a full DVD tower, a desktop computer and multiple Funko Pops. Moving over to my roommate’s side of the room, he wanted to show his love for the school, science fiction and Pittsburgh pride, as well. He started by putting up multiple Star Wars, Minecraft and Star Trek posters. He also added in a touch of the Penguins and Steelers with small posters, and finished it off with posters from theatre events that have occurred on campus. We decided we wanted to have the possibility of having

a decent amount of friends over for Steelers games, movie nights, game nights and whatever else crazy college kids do on the weekend, so we needed to optimize space. Schaub came up with the idea of turning our wardrobes so that they would be back to back. By doing so, we added at least a foot of space in the middle of the room. With added space comes added responsibility, so we put down a carpet, placed a futon and two card tables. We both are pretty avid gamers and Netflix-ers, so we both brought our TVs and PS4s. This way, we can chill on the futon and play whatever game or watch whatever episode of “The Office” we are on that day. We both brought our own fridges and food cabinets to gain as much food storage as we could. After all of this was put in, the room seemed complete, but we knew something was missing. After about five minutes of deliberation and a late-night Walmart trip, we found the missing piece. An American flag fit perfectly across the sides of our two wardrobes, finally bringing the room together. How did we make this room so awesome? Simple, we took everything we enjoy, multiplied it times five and put as much of it in any open space we could find. So that’s our crib. Thanks for stopping by!

Sam Schaub’s half of the room featuring his Star Wars and video game posters hanging up on the wall. It is brought all together with his desktop computers.

Here we see the genius idea of pushing the wardrobes against each other to create maximum space decorated by the American flag. Nice choice!

Here we see Alex Benner’s side of the room decked out in Pittsburgh gear. Alex is clearly a Pittsburgh fan!

With all the extra space, the guys needed something to use it for. Why not turn it into a game lounge!

10 Culture

Red & Black

30 S eptember 2016


Album Review: The Evolution of The 1975 Holly Sauer Red&Black Contributor

Pink is the new black. Well, at least for the Manchester based alternative-rock band, The 1975 it is. In February 2016 the group released their sophomore album entitled “I like it when you sleep, for you are so beautiful yet so unaware of it.” The band creates music about themes such as love, substance abuse, religion and sex. Their music has an endlessly youthful tone that easily appeals to teenagers and young adults. Before releasing this album the quartet changed their aesthetic from the black and white of their first album to a neon pink. But it wasn’t just their color scheme that changed in the three years between records. This album is very different from their self-titled debut because it has many more synthetic elements, without the use of as many strong and domineering drum or guitar parts. By adding gospel singers in pieces such as “The Ballad

of Me and My Brain,” “The Sound” and “If I Believe You,” the songs become incredibly interesting and unique. In “If I Believe You,” the singers add to the somber and pleading mood of the song. The piece explores the idea of hopeful agnosticism and is a sort of cry to a higher power. Toward the end of this track, after a stunning fugal horn solo, the singer repeats, “If I’m lost, then how can I find myself?” until the song ends. It is a quiet ending to a dramatic song. There are upbeat songs, slower songs and instrumental love songs on this record. Really, all 17 tracks on the album are about love in some form or another. “Somebody Else” is a very synthetic-sounding track about not wanting to be with a person, but not wanting anyone else to have him or her either. The chorus of the track repeats, “Our love has gone cold / You’re intertwining your soul with somebody else.” “A Change of Heart” has a catchy beat placed behind colorful lyrics like, “you used to have a face straight out of a magazine, now you just look like anyone,” and other harsh


The 1975, pictured above, is a UK alternative-pop-rock band based out of Manchester. The band is known to put on high-energy concerts and will be returning to Pittsburgh in late October.

lyrics about changing your mind about a prior love. The instrumental tack entitled “Please Be Naked,” employs the hardly audible sounds of cars in the background. When listened to with headphones on the street, it’s difficult to distinguish the real car noises from the artificial

sounds. This, in my opinion is the most beautiful and intriguing song on the record because every time I listen to it, I hear something different. There are no lyrics to tell the listener exactly what the meaning must be. The way the band uses the volume of the sounds to create drama in the piece is genius. This record is

one that artfully captures the different stages of love and loss. I, however, think they became over-stylized on this album. They lost some of the best features and styles of their older music, but it certainly is a romantic and very obviously themed record.

30 S eptember 2016

Culture 11

Red & Black

Local Restaurant Review: Gran Agave Hannah Kail Red&Black Contributor On a bustling side street of the Waterfront in Pittsburgh, sits “Gran Agave,” a colorful, little Mexican place. Although all Mexican restaurants claim authenticity, this one actually lives up to its boast. Its empanadas, burritos and tacos can be stuffed with rice, beans, peppers, onions and basically any other topping. The menu has tons of options, but if it’s difficult to suit someone’s taste, the chef is flexible when it comes to ordering personalized dishes. While waiting for the entree, the servers bring out freshly made chips and salsa. While the salsa is very good, the secret is to ask for a side of their queso dip. If visiting this restaurant, simply to try

this dip to be satisfied. Rich and creamy with a hint of jalapenos, queso is impossible to stop eating. Many times I’ve stuffed myself with it and barely had any room left for my meal. Everything on the menu is very reasonably priced, especially because the portions are monstrous. It’s possible to get a meal under $10 and have enough leftovers for the next day. Leftovers from this restaurant taste just as delicious the next day, so be sure to ask for a box to take them home. “Gran Agave” has indoor and outdoor seating. If the weather is good, I would recommend eating on the patio. The tables are shaded and it’s the perfect location to people watch while eating. If it’s preferred to sit inside, try to get seats at the bar. The service is faster and it has truly unique decorations.


Gran Agave, pictured above, is a small, locally-owned Mexican restaurant that boasts authentic Mexican cuisine.

The wall to the back of the bar is shelved from the floor to ceiling with antique liquor bottles. There are also large TVs on the walls so restaurant-goers can watch a game or keep up

on the news while they eat. The servers are always friendly and quick to recommend their favorites. They’re also efficient with checking on tables. “Gran Agave” works as the per-

fect spot to grab dinner with friends or somewhere unique to take a date. Its Pittsburgh location makes it the perfect little trip to get off of campus and grab some authentic Mexican food.

W&J Speaks Out: Favorite Books "The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath is my favorite book because it changed the way I felt about myself as a woman. Seeing the main character’s inner struggle between the pressure she is feeling to have sex and the pressure to stay chaste was an issue I could easily relate to when I first read this novel. Also, the narrative is told from the point of view of an individual struggling to live with depression. This made the story incredibly interesting but also incredibly tragic. While this novel has heartbreak and misfortune scattered throughout, Plath ultimately ends the narrative happily, which makes the story even more poignant." - Holly Sauer '19

Holly Sauer '19 is pictured above with a favorite book from her extensive personal library.

12 Culture

Red & Black

30 S eptember 2016

¿Que léer? A Spanish Literature Review


El boom latinoamericano fue un fenómeno literario que surgió entre los años 1960 y 1970.

Emilia Zamora Moncayo Red&Black contributor

Cuando escuchamos hablar de literatura latinoamericana, tendemos a pensar comúnmente en escritores que responden al boom latinoamericano. El boom latinoamericano responde a la escritura de Gabriel García Márquez, Juan Rulfo, Julio Cortázar y Mario Vargas Llosa entre otros. El peso que este movimiento llegó a tener a nivel mundial, sumado a la revolución cubana de la

época, ocasionó que algunos escritores que se quedaron fuera de la comercialización de la literatura, por desfases en el tiempo o por no cumplir con características que convenían a las Grandes Casas Editoriales, no lleguen a tener el reconocimiento que su poesía, escritura y arte merecen. Cesar Aíra es uno de aquellos escritores. Nació en Pringles- Argentina en 1949 y a lo largo de su carrera ha publicado al menos 86 novelas cortas, entre ellas, “Como me hice monja (1993) y “Como me reí (2005), dos historias fragmentadas, que se alinean con la pérdida de sentido.

“Cómo me hice monja” es una novela irónica, pero no tiene que ver con una monja ni mucho menos con el proceso de transformación de una. La primera escena está compuesta por un helado putrefacto, una niña, que también podría ser un niño, un padre y el asesinato de un heladero. Con un lenguaje crudo y literal, Cesar Aíra juega con dos historias fragmentadas y combinaciones al azar. Parte de una cuestión sensitiva que dispara una cuestión intelectual. “Cómo me hice monja” es una novela corta, sin la estructura tradicional de la novela, cuya

realidad está ampliada con el lente de una lupa. A medida que las páginas avanzan se convive con una voz travestida que intenta construir un sentido no moral, Aira le otorga voz a un personaje cuya existencia está descarriada. “Como me reí” es una novela corta parte de la risa como premisa. Un escritor condecorado está harto de que sus novelas, cuentos, escritos, anécdotas causen risa. A partir de esto, la narrativa se traslada entre la “realidad” y la “fábula.” Aunque la historia no va mucho más allá, recorre

caminos de infancia y divaga entre pequeños fragmentos de la vida del escritor, que a su vez es narrador y personaje principal. A lo largo de la trama, “Cómo me reí” va ganando ironía, la frase en sí misma “como me reí” deja de ser abrumadora, se trastoca y se confunde con lo opuesto. Se percibe compulsión y obsesión, por ir al baño, por el orden de los azulejos, por la cantidad de veces que el único comentario posible puede ser “cómo me reí.” Cesar Aíra nos engancha con la pérdida de sentido como hilo conductor, en un intento por re-significar aquello que es literal.

30 S eptember 2016

Red & Black

Poetry Corner "Youth" by Hannah Schmitt

“The Beggar Woman” by Diana Ciarallo

We’re young and not afraid of heights We never turn around We’re jumping in the sea of life Never touching ground

A fairy godmother Disguised in humbling rags Prostrate upon the ground Lips blessing the stone walkway

Culture 13

With a kiss

We’re going where the eagles are We’re never standing still One road is near, the other far Never touching ground

Humbling the steps of the proud Praising those of the meek Cup filled with charities She lifts up her head

Crossing borders, running free We’re never gonna stop I wonder if it’s you or me Who’s first there at the top

And smiles

"Dancing with the Stars" by Hannah Schmitt I watched you dancing Saw your smile Your hair was full of stars I guess it’s true for all of us We fall apart Sometimes But then you caught Before I fell Your hands were strong enough To catch someone that often falls Deep down And rather rough I saw you dancing with the stars I saw you looking down But then you caught My eye And watched Me dancing with the stars.

At the streets that are her home Walks past a gaggle of children Their guardian spirit beneath the veil Then, in a blink of an eye She is gone

“Mirror Conversations” by Diana Ciarallo Look at me, look at me See how I frame your face? They chatter at me - beckoning From every corner of the room I suit you more The one - studded with gems No, no, beseeches - the one of gold And silver pronounces - I flatter you best Yet, I am not Narcissus No cause to entrap me - with such enticing bait So I leave and the mirrors cry Invisible tears

14 Opinions

Red & Black

30 September 2016

opinions Is W&J Handicap Friendly? Lauren Markish red&black contributor

Here at Washington & Jefferson College, we pride ourselves on diversity and involvement. From sports and club athletics, to academia-themed clubs, there are many ways to be a part of the student body. However, when it comes to the physical accessibility for these students, it can cause many of them to be left behind or inconvenienced. As someone that does not use the accessibility

services provided by the school, I admittedly would probably not notice a flaw or inconvenience as immediately as a handicapped student may do so. For this reason, I made it a point to talk to students that have either personally witnessed issues in accessibility, or have had to deal with these issues themselves. Max Graf ’18 talked to me about his experiences with the school’s accessibility. Graf said, “W&J makes great strides for accommodating ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) eligible students by moving classes and reconfiguring classes, thus allowing the students to make

it to class. However, I have experienced shortcomings where I was only offered either personal one-onone instruction with the

When the weather becomes colder; many of the pathways are either poorly cleared or not at all cleared. professor, or to bite the bullet and inconvenience myself with the task of accessing a non-accommodated classroom.” Having no idea

E ditorial P olicy The Red & Black is the official, registered student-produced newspaper of Washington & Jefferson College. It is published Fridays with the exception of exams and break periods. Editorials are based upon the opinion of the respective writers and do not necessarily reflect the views of the newspaper, the

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Letters are due on the Monday before publication and may not exceed 600 words. All letters must include the author’s name, campus box and telephone number. Names may be withheld upon request under certain conditions on rare occasions. All letters may be submitted to redandblackstaff@jay.

that a problem such as this existed, I was surprised that this kind of a decision was put on students that need certain accommodations. I found it particularly unfair that a class could not simply be scheduled in an accessible area or classroom, allowing all students to get to class on time and not be singled out due to their possible limitations. A student should not have to deal with the situation of feeling isolated, and they also should not have to miss out on the classroom discussion environment. Graf also pointed out the fact that “for what students pay, a top priority should be accessibility on campus.” Another issue that I have

personally witnessed is more relevant when the weather becomes much colder; many of the pathways are either poorly cleared, or not at all cleared, when it becomes cold enough for them to freeze. Not only are students with disabilities forced to deal with the icy conditions, but students that are injured from sports are also expected to use crutches or wheelchairs on these uncleared sidewalks. Overall, especially with newer buildings such as Swanson or the Tech Center, students are able to access the facilities fairly easily. There is, however, always room for improvement, especially with a project as important as student accessibility.

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30 September 2016

15 Opinions

Red & Black

College Dorms Deserve Updates

Should We Ban Plastic Utensils? Leah Segal red&black staff

Courtesy Christopher Frydryck

A study room in Marshall Hall that has a singular chair and a broken table.

Mario Tiberie red&black contributor

As far as college dorms go, it’s no secret that Washington & Jefferson College doesn’t have the best to offer. Sure, freshman year is about transitioning to college life and starting at the bottom of the food chain again, so it’s only natural that freshmen shouldn’t get the “best” in terms of residence life. However, the freshmen dorms are in serious need of an update. Aside from the lack of air conditioning, basic necessities such as heat, ventilation and water are common problems in these residence halls. Taylor Osborne ‘20 was forced to take cold showers at the beginning of this semester. Regarding the issue, she said, “I live in Alex Hall, and it took about a week for facilities to fix our water so that we could take warm showers.”

As troubling as this is, even our upperclassmen dorms are known to have their fair share of problems. Jamie Smith ‘18 lived in Cleveland Hall last year. She said, “The heat did not work all winter, and when we would try to turn it on, it would occasionally smoke and make a ton of noise. [The bathroom] was like a sauna all the time, especially when people showered.” Other complaints have included toilets breaking halfway through the year and paint peeling off of the room and hallway walls. Gus Goedel ’18 is living in Bica-Ross Hall this year, one of W&J’s newest dorms. “There was a week at the beginning of this semester in which we had no hot water and had to use buckets of water from the sink to shower,” he said. So what should W&J do to fix this situation? Under the Uncommon Bond Initiative (a fundraising campaign which raised over $100 million for W&J), Presidents’ Row (AKA The Quads) and the freshmen

dorms need to be updated. It’s far from unheard of to have freshmen dorms be the least luxurious living on campus, but upperclassmen should be entitled to better housing as they get older. Expanded air conditioning for each quad and renovated rooms and bathrooms are definitely needed. Admittedly, things don’t always go as planned, and utilities begin to break with time and usage. In addition, I’ve had the life-changing opportunity to experience life without basic necessities. While studying and volunteering in Nicaragua this past Intersession, I learned to shower in cold water, not have air conditioning and use bathrooms that weren’t very sanitary. I believe we deserve to have better facilities at W&J. And I think it’s safe to say that with the amount of money most of us pay to attend W&J, the least we could have is working utilities in our residence halls.

France is known for a plethora of things: fashion, the Eiffel Tower, lavender fields, exquisite food and now biodegradable plates and dishes. As of Jan. 2020, a new French law will be enacted requiring at least 50% of all disposable utensils to be made of “biologically-sourced materials” that can be easily composted at home. With all eyes on France, there is one question that comes to mind: Should the U.S. follow in France’s footsteps and do the same? If the future of a cleaner, more sustainable America hangs in the balance, the answer is a resounding “yes.” According to CNN, the French are responsible for wasting 4.73 billion “single use cups” annually, all of which ended up in landfills and oceans. With such a staggering number hanging over their heads, it is no wonder Ségolène Royal, the French minister for Ecology, Sustainable Development and Energy, decided to take action. Royal is the mastermind behind the Green Growth Act, which aims to put France as the leader in environmental sustainability solutions. The waste produced by plastic dining wear sparked

the initiative to find a better, eco-friendlier way to produce such objects of environmental destruction. America too, is just as guilty when it comes to the use of plastic utensils, making us the perfect candidate for our own Green Growth Act. As reported by, “America throws away 25 billion Styrofoam coffee cups every year and 2.5 million plastic beverage bottles every hour.” By initiating an act that would greatly reduce and hopefully eradicate environmental destruction by coffee cups and other plastic objects, we would be doing our part to help save this planet. More importantly, by working with France, the U.S. may be able to win over the minds of other nations – many of whom are already making waves in the “green movement.” For example, as of 2002, Bangladesh banned plastic bags. Overall, the banning of plastic-wear will harbor a positive impact for generations to come. On Washington & Jefferson College’s own campus, a sophomore said, “Even the smallest change can make the biggest difference” and another sophomore stated, “It’s environmentally conscious and easy to do.” As of right now, the future of France is looking brighter, with the other nations of the world following on the horizon.

16 opinions

Red & Black

30 S eptember 2016

The Drinking Age Should Be Lowered

Courtesy Boston University

The U.S. is one of only a few countries where the legal drinking age is 21.

Hannah Kail red&black contributor

The U.S. stands among only 12 countries that requires its citizens to wait until age 21 to legally drink. European countries allow teenagers to drink, and in many places it’s simply a part of the culture. The U.S. is a minority in this matter; 60% of countries

have a drinking age of 18 or 19. Here in the U.S., however, teens are forced to hide their drinking, especially in college. Monica Park ’19 said, “People will find a way to drink if they want to.” The only thing that the drinking law does is make dangerous environments for young people who choose to drink. If a person is in need of medical help, their friends are often too scared to call for help for fear of getting into trouble. Children are often unable to

talk to parents and doctors about drinking because it is such a taboo subject. The drinking law creates secrecy and situations where people can get into trouble. Keeping alcohol illegal for people under 21 encourages drinking because it makes alcohol into something that kids are drawn towards when they want to rebel and experiment with things they’ve been kept away from their whole lives. Instead of drinking being allowed and encouraged in

a safe environment, kids are sneaking around and are therefore unable to create safe habits. Drinking alcohol becomes associated with bad decisions and regret. This country requires men who are 18 years old to register for the military in case of a draft, but won’t allow them to have a drink. If our government thinks that 18-year-olds are mature enough to serve their country or give their life for their country, then how can those

same people not be able have a drink? Park said, “Once you’re able to vote, go to college and fight for your own country, you should be able to crack open a beer with your parents or friends once in a while.” Lowering the drinking age to 18 would make drinking safer because it would allow more regulation to occur. The law is outdated and the U.S. should join the majority of countries in giving its citizens the right to drink at the same age as it recognizes them as adults.

17 opinions

Red & Black

30 S eptember 2016

The Four Phases of Study Abroad

Courtesy Hannah Schmitt

Originally from Germany, Hannah Schmitt's is studying at W&J this semester.

Hannah Schmitt red&black contributor

One night I was talking to a friend of mine on the phone and he was asked: “Have you already been to one of those parties where they serve drinks only in red cups and is it true that Americans are allowed to write their exams with a pencil instead of a pen?” I could not stop laughing at him. It’s not the first time that I’ve been to America, so I was

sure that there was nothing outrageously new to expect. Going to school, studying, making some new friends and hopefully getting the chance of traveling around a bit were all things I expected. But all of a sudden it hit my face. Here we go, girl. Throwing at you all the things you did not expect! Whoops! I would have never expected the clichés to be true and I never believed in stereotypes until I found myself representing one. Coming from a country where strangers would never ever talk to you, except if they

are drunk, and even then restricting the conversation to some weird babbling, it kind of hits your face when every person you meet doesn’t matter. If you know them well or not, they ask you, “How are you?” or “How’s it going?” Then they walk away without even hearing your answer. That’s why a couple of times I said to myself, “Thank you, I’m fine. How are you?”. Isn’t that weird? The first weeks of college it just felt as if I was caught by some strange movie director and thrown into one of those American

college movies we Germans go crazy about. Parties, alcohol, dancing and some things you better not talk about in a school’s newspaper article. I found myself questioning my existence every single day and wondering if I was undergoing a mental disorder. Until one day I visited the school’s Health Center and found an information brochure about experiencing culture shock. Phase one: fascination and euphoria. Okay, definitely passed this one after a couple of days. Phase two: realizing differences. Oh yes! Phase

three: emotional breakdown. Close! And finally phase four: acceptance. I’m proud to report that I eventually reached phase four, sometimes interrupted by a visit of phase three, but phase four is becoming more and more consistent with each day. Nevertheless, I guess that’s what it’s all about: leaving your comfort zone, being shaken up, questioning yourself as a person, and questioning your perspective. Sometimes falling on your face is necessary to see things with a clearer view again.

18 Sports

Red & Black

30 S eptember 2016


Men's Golf Team Places 2nd at Invite Kaitlyn Vogel Red&Black Contributor

The Washington & Jefferson men’s golf team finished second at the Battle at the Brook Tournament. The tournament was hosted by Ohio Wesleyan at Plum Brook Country Club. The men’s team held their own, placing second out of nine teams, with their competition including Kenyon, Denison, Mount St. Joseph, Franklin, Thomas Moore, Earlham and Manchester. All of these teams are very talented golf teams, so the men made a statement coming in second overall. Plum Brook Country Club was playing at a distance of 6,344 yards and is a par-71. The Presidents were able to shoot a team total of 294 on the first day and a 302 on the second day. That led them to a +28 overall or a 596 total. Bryce Egger ‘18 said, “Personally, I enjoyed the way I scored last tournament. Despite a rough second day, I was still able to help my team to second place.” Bryce carded a nine-over, two-day score of


Darr was named Rookie of the Week for the second time.

151 which was good enough to place him in a tie for seventeenth place. With the 2016 Presidents’ Athletic Conference Fall Championship right around the corner, Bryce said, “Looking forward, I am very confident in our team solely due to the depth we have on the roster. We have many good players capable of helping the team to victory each week.”One of the many good players is Jake Darr ‘20. Being elected PAC Men’s Golf Rookie of the Week for the second time, Jake paced the Presidents with a seventh place finish. The freshman carded

a two-day finish of 147. Elar (Daniel) Velasco ‘20 finished in a three-way tie for tenth place at +7, while Patrick Jonnet ‘17 finished up at +8 for the tournament. Rounding out the Presidents’ lineup was Niklas Steiner ’19, who carded a +16, 158 which placed him thirtyfifth in the tournament. Out of the three tournaments completed this season, the Battle at the Brook Tournament was the men’s golf team best finish yet. This should give them good momentum heading into the PAC Fall Championship that is quickly approaching.

Mens Water Polo Looks for Momentum Jordan Toohey Red&Black editor

Despite an overall record of 2-8, the men’s water polo team is having success in their season; they are competing very well against bigger schools. This past weekend, the men’s water polo team traveled to Salem, West Virginia to play Connecticut College, LaSalle and Salem International. In their first game of the weekend against Connecticut College, they fought a hard battle, but fell 13-12. Patrick Fredrick ‘17 finished the game with six goals on ten shots. He also added two assists, one steal and two drawn ejections. Tyler Willison (two), Owen Hanna (two), Ian Geister (one) and Joshua Emde (one) finished out the scoring for the Presidents. Mac Hennessy finished the game with nine saves in goal, providing a strong showing for the Presidents. In their second game of the day, the Presidents were able to defeat LaSalle, a division 1-AA school, by a score of 22-13. Tyler Willison lead

the Presidents by going six for six on his goals to shot ratio. Nicholas Willison (three), Troy Smith (three), Fredrick (two), Hanna (two), Emde (two), Nicholas Spehar (two), and Jack King (two) rounded out the scoring for the game. Hennessey and Zach Bacchus split the time in the goal, while making twelve and two saves respectively. In their final game of the weekend, the men fell to Salem International by a score of 21-13. Fredrick led with six goals as Nicholas Willison (four), Hanna (one), Smith (one), and Tyler Willison (one) finished out the scoring for the weekend. Fredrick finished the weekend with a team high fourteen goals. The Presidents’ next home games will be on Oct. 15 at 11:40 a.m. against Monmoth College, with a second game later that day at 5 p.m. against Penn State-Behrend. The game against Penn StateBehrend will be the men’s senior night, so students should come out and support the team and the two seniors, Nicholas Willison and Patrick Fredrick. Both seniors have put on remarkable showings in their four years on the W&J men’s water polo team.

30 S eptember 2016

19 sports

Red & Black

Student Athlete Spotlight: Jade Annaldo

Courtesy Genea Richardson

Jade Annaldo practicing tennis as she prepares for her first year of college tennis with Presidents (left) and her freshman year headshot for the website (right).

Genea Richardson Red&Black Contributor

Jade Annaldo is a freshman at Washington & Jefferson College from Scituate, Rhode Island. She is nineteen years old and has been playing tennis for fifteen years. “Tennis has been a big factor in my life since I was four years old; most of my family

were tennis players and it kind of just ‘passed down’ to me,” Jade said. Jade is a singles player and aspires to be like famous tennis players Roger Federer and Agnieszka Radwanska. Jade plays tennis not only because of her family’s tradition and the sport’s health benefits, but also as an outlet for stress. It helps get her blood flowing and motivates her to get through the rest of her day. Though she loves everything about tennis, Jade faces a lot

of challenges, such as her height – she is only 4’3. This causes many people to underestimate Jade’s ability, but she uses this as fuel to stay motivated and prove them wrong. To compensate for her height, Jade says she does “as much as she can.” As a student athlete, Jade balances school and being on the tennis team, which requires her to practice nearly every day for about an hour and a half. Tennis is a priority for Jade, and she won’t let anything as little as height or

negativity get in the way of her success. In high school, Jade played as a first singles varsity player for all four years. According to Jade, college tennis is different from the high school tennis teams. In high school, there were four singles and three doubles on the team, and in college, there is a larger team of six singles and three doubles. Right now, Jade is unable to play or participate in games due to a knee injury. This has been a difficult time for her

because she’s never had an injury that affected her play time. Jade is staying positive, however, and is using this recovery time to get ahead in schoolwork and learn more about W&J’s campus. The Presidents are off to a great 4-2 start and an even better 3-0 start to conference play this season. The Presidents don’t have any more home games for awhile, but their next away game is Oct. 1 at Westminster College.

30 S eptember 2015 20 sports Red & Black Field Hockey Undefeated Health and Fitness: Exercising with an Injury

Megan Ochsenreiter Red&Black contributor Courtesy Alana Boyd

Senior Kelsey Bowman leads the team this season to 7-0.

Mckenzie Merenick Red&Black staff

Washington & Jefferson women’s field hockey team is having a great season; they are currently undefeated. Kelsey Bowman ’17 said, “It feels really good to be undefeated, especially my senior year, and it shows that we’re all working really hard to reach our goal of a conference championship.” With a record of 7-0, the Presidents seem unstoppable. The team opened their season against Wittenberg and won with a score of 3-2. All three goals were made by freshmen. Next, the ladies took on Shenandoah and Bridgewater, defeating both teams and earning a record of 3-0. W&J opened with a 6-0 win over Elmira in Empire 8 play. Five of the six goals were from different players. W&J then toppled Nazareth, 4-1, to improve to 2-0 in the Empire and 5-0 overall; Rachel Buyan, Yurkofsky and Fromm

made goals. Defeating Juniata helped propel the Presidents to 6-0 on the season. Fromm and Kelly Knisel ‘20 made goals and Baran continued to play well in goal by making three saves. Finally, to get to their present 7-0 record, the ladies beat Hartwick 1-0, with a late goal in the game by Amanda Steffey ‘20. During the week September 6, Yurkofsky earned the Empire 8 Offensive Player of the Week honor. Posting four goals in her first three games as a President won her this honor. Buyan also earned the title of Empire 8 Field Hockey Offensive Player of Week for the week of Sept. 19. Buyan is second on the team in goals and points after her two goals against Nazareth. Baran won the Empire 8 Defensive Player of the Week honor. She recorded her second and third career shutouts against Juniata and Hartwick and is the second-best in the Empire 8 for her goals-against average.

Courtesy Megan Ochsenreiter

Senior soccer player Katie McClelland gets rehab and treatment from a recent injury she suffered.

Megan Ochsenreiter Red&Black Contributor

While working at the gym, it is important to be well-versed in injury prevention to be able to work efficiently toward one’s fitness goals. Basic concepts of stretching have been instilled in students since elementary school, and most of those who are involved in athletics or fitness understand the importance of warming up prior to exercise. However, not everyone knows how to best avoid injury. Athletic trainer Mark Lesako said, “Before starting a workout regimen, it is always wise to consult your physician and a fitness professional to advise you on the proper workout program for you.”

Many people may find themselves stuck in a repetitive workout routine, not cognizant of the fact that although they are exercising, without variation or careful planning, chance of injury can increase. With overuse of certain muscle groups through repetitive exercise, disproportionality of musculature can put one at a greater risk for injury, including ACL tears and other ligamentous damage. Understanding how the muscles of the body work together is crucial in order to create the most beneficial workout that does not leave one or more muscle groups significantly weaker. Maintaining proportionality while also including balance training to fine-tune muscle control is essential in daily workouts as well as rehabilitation exercises. Ashton Grimm ‘18 has had a lot of experience in rehabbing muscles after coming

back from ACL injuries. She said, “When in rehab for my second ACL tear, my physical therapist really emphasized the importance of doing all of the therapy exercises with both legs so that one leg would not be getting stronger than the other.” Returning from an injury requires an emphasis on understanding your body’s limitations. Pushing too far in a workout by using too much weight or exercising too long can lead to further injury or straining from compensation. If a student is injured, it is important that they seek medical advice, and upon their return to activity, work alongside a physical therapist if possible. Incorporating these tips as well as creating a plan with an exercise professional will put students on track towards safer fitness routines.

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