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Every month, we have the pleasure of meeting leading women in the professional realm who have the tendency to inspire those around them. This month, we’re pleased to introduce you to the Marketing Manager at Wyndham Grand Manama Hotel¸ Nadine Nasser. Let’s take a walk in her shoes!

What’s a quote that never fails to inspire you?

“Success is not final; failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.”

Three things you don’t leave your house without?

My phone, hand moisturiser, and perfume.

Your all-time favourite book is:

The Holy Quran

What would you save if your house was on fire?

My son. God bless him.

What’s your favourite movie?

The Notebook. It is a remarkable movie! Extremely well-made and sentimental. Not just in the romantic sense but also the way the director does it is fantastic. It portrays the thrill, excitement, and wilderness of young love. The story is compelling from the opening credits to the closing credits. The themes portrayed in this movie were handled in a great way. The Notebook for me is the only one that completely touched me. It is wonderful to look at, has a lovely soundtrack, a touching story and a great script.