1 minute read



Degree apprenticeships: Futureproofing the workforce

Mauritius central lab: The IBMS Past President reports on a visit

My Ibms

Institute news: The latest from the IBMS

Qualifications: Exam results

Journal-based learning: CPD exercises based on journal articles

Appraisals for equality: How to get the most out of an appraisal

Emotional intelligence: Equality, diversity and inclusion

Here to help: Non-accredited degree assessments changes

My Lab

Rakhee Surti gives a guided tour of the point-of-care testing facilities in Milton Keynes eit er t e publi er nor t e i able to ta e re pon ibility or any ie or opinion e pre ed in t i publication eader are ad i ed t at ile t e content are belie ed to be accurate correct and complete no reliance ould be placed upon it content bein applicable to any particular circum tance ny ad ice or in ormation publi ed i done o it out t e n titute it er ant or a ent and any contributor a in liability in re pect o it content

Respiratory Viral Infections

Diagnosed Rapidly

Bringing Laboratory quality testing to the Point of Need diagnosis of SARS-CoV-2,

Portable and simple to use, the Q-POCTM platform is a rapid multiplex PCR testing system that delivers rapid, accurate and actionable results at the Point of Need

At the time of writing this, there is a lot of press coverage about severe waiting times, ambulances backed up outside hospitals and patients in corridors, and there is a lot of public concern about the state of our healthcare system – as there should be.

What we are not seeing are reports that well-funded diagnostics departments with highly qualified staff are a huge part of the solution to the elective care backlog and to ensuring that patients can flow through the system.

Of course, the press is never particularly solutions oriented. That is the reserve of organisations such as ours – to recognise how tough it is for our members, gauge and measure the extent and depths of the profession’s problems and then inform the correct people about the issues, concerns and solutions.

Please be assured, we are working hard behind the scenes to make sure your voices are heard at the highest levels. Alongside our sister organisations, we are raising the profile of the education and training opportunities that our members need – and how this could map onto career progression and alleviate pressure on our services.

We are explaining how registered staff in accredited laboratories provide the safest services – and how appropriate use