Spring 2021 Making Waves

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Making Waves Spring 2021

Executive Director's Report by Jim Donofrio

An Unlikely Ally Against Offshore Wind


he deeper I dig into the political push for massive windfarms off the East Coast the more it becomes obvious that the lies behind renewable energy (wind and solar) could very well be the biggest scam ever perpetuated on the American public in my lifetime. If you do not believe me, I encourage you to watch the latest documentary from social acPhoto Courtesy: NBC 6 South “Planet Florida tivist Michael Moore. of the Humans” is a enlightening condemnation of the runaway “green” mentality and the perpetuation of the myth of wind and solar generated electricity as the savior of our planet when nothing could be further from the truth. I bet you're thinking, “Hey, wait a minute, did you just say Michael Moore is anti-renewable energy?” Watch the film because it proports to expose the lies we are being fed about the efficacy of wind and solar power, in fact most supposed forms of renewable energy. Those of us who stand in opposition to the “white monsters” as Norway’s Minister of Energy, Sylvi Listhaug, termed wind turbines,

could not have imagined a more unlikely ally in our cause than counterculture Moore. His documentary gives voice to why so many people are willing to immediately embrace any technology with the slightest chance of saving us from the scourge of climate catastrophe without taking the time for due diligence to root out the real driving force behind the hype. There are fortunes to be made by billionaires and major corporations who are pushing the false narrative for their own greedy purposes and it will be the middle class, small businesses and low income individuals who will pay the price for this folly. Ocean wind in the U.K. and E.U. is proving that it cannot live up to the promises made by its proponents. Windfarms are dependent on backup generation plants burning fossil and biomass fuels to maintain the illusion that they provide clean energy, but that’s just one facet of the problem. The turbines are proving extremely problematic for fisheries, bird life, and marine ecosystems, not to mention Continued on page 8

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