Wife Wants a Hall Pass Ch. 23 Loving Wives

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Wife Wants a Hall Pass Ch. 23 Loving Wives I thought, "Rhythmic is a nice word." I fucked her rhythmically. Butler found a book in the village. His eyes twinkled and I saw him chuckling under his breath. He looked at me but didn't speak. Cook called us to dinner. She kicked off her shoes and dropped her pants to the floor. I said, "Linda and I are well pleased and I want a kiss. I think Bobby would become upset." I said, "Bobby, explain this to me. What are your thoughts?" There was no accent in his voice. They were standing together on the bearskin. She said, "I don't think we have a problem. Is she liable to become pregnant?" We walked into the Great Room on the chime of two. Michelin came to me and asked me to dance. They sat on the hearthstones, sipped their wine and talked. I said, "You have it, Sweet Girl." I paused and added, "Linda told me that you have given her a couple bottles of orange blossoms and told her that I really liked the scent." I said to Linda, "Bobby and I have agreed that both of us would like to exchange partners for this last night together. He said," Please have the Bentley in front of the main house at nine, thirty in the morning. He asked, "Luke, are you sure we shouldn't have a drink?" A second later, Bobby continued, "I only meant that after we become family, your cabinet will hold better stock." He asked again, "Do you want a drink." I said, "Bobby, explain this to me. Michelin came to me and asked me to dance. I have to know. Everything else will be new anyway. I gathered Michelin close and kissed her the same way. It will make him happy. It is our last chance too." She paused and we danced. Bobby stopped and turned back toward Uncle Artair. Is that it?" Bobby took Linda's hand and led her to the floor. Give me a rain check. Have her prepared for a trip to Edinburgh." He said, "No Luke, she has only missed one and tonight will be two. I hoped that they had. Speaking about me, Bobby continued. I shall address you as, Artair and you will address me as Bobby when we are in private. Is that it?" I noticed suddenly that slow classical music was floating in the air. I looked at the other couple. He said, "I think it would be better if Cook explained. In another minute, I was naked with her. I was trying to think of an answer when Bobby broke in. They danced. I thought. Cook has made a special treat for us." I asked, "Do we have to dress?"

Five minutes later, Bobby and I walked up to the open garage door. As they shook hands he said, "Welcome to the family," He answered, "It's her wedding that is coming up. A new tune began. He said, "Truthfully, I would like to have Linda one more time before you leave. They were sitting together on the loveseat and holding hands. He provided Linda's white wine for the girls. I am happy to drink it and honored that you share it with me." The old man finished his drink in another gulp. It was all carbohydrates and cholesterol. A new tune began. Bobby laughed softly and asked, "May I be frank?" She answered, "Do you want to be with Michelin? Would you do this only because Bobby asked you to?" I looked at them and said, "I want to stick my tongue in one of their mouths but I can't decide which one. Bobby came to Michelin and kissed her forehead softly. The old man would not tolerate an insult from anyone. Our need for each other will not diminish. They had spent the day the same way we had. Let's let her drive." Bobby paused and said, "I need to speak frankly again." Bobby called Cook on one of those damned black phones. When he was finished I said, "I think I will have a drink now. Bobby let him escape. Our need for each other will not diminish. When it came, it was fresh baked hot apple pie with ice cream. We called Cook on the devil's machine. I was going to have to deal with this crusty old bastard for most of the next year. The old man just stared at him. I thought, "It's his house, his wedding and his wife-to-be. I said, "I want to dance with you." She let me lead her far enough away that we could talk privately. Michelin giggled again. I whispered to her, "I will have you again." Bobby and I were pleased. The staff has enjoyed your stay with us. I would have you tell us about your plans to build Luke's car." The old man bowed his head slightly and replied, "Sir!" Michelin took Linda's hand and said, "Come with me to the kitchen. She said, "Bobby told me that you asked to have me spend this night in your bed." She melted and her body molded itself to mine. It is entitled, "Country Cuisine of Texas." We chose this meal to prepare for you in appreciation of your visit. I have adopted Luke. After a time, Bobby said, "Let's go see Chauffer. They want each other very much. If there is no other choice, I could use

it. He very much wants to have you in his bed. I fully intend to wed with Michelin. You couldn't find better food at a greasy spoon cafĂŠ in Small Town, Texas." Michelin said, "We have been given permission. They had spent the day the same way we had. He already has that privilege." He said, "I want to stick my Willy in both of them." As we approached, Michelin said, "Bobby if it is all right, I want very much to spend this night with Luke." She turned to Linda and said, "I want him very much. Bobby explained that they had difficulty getting out of bed. Who am I to step on the brakes? I would like to see where this goes too. I thought, "It's his house, his wedding and his wife-to-be. I thought, "Michelin and I both have debts to pay". The old man bowed his head slightly and replied, "Sir!" He answered, "No, I will dance with her. They were swaying to the rhythm and holding each other very closely. "Does this mean we have your blessing?" The girls swayed, bumped their mounds, fondled each other's boobs and kissed for the duration of the music. "This woman has her, little-girl-dumb-blonde, act down to an art but she is so intelligent. She kissed the monster's head and those beautiful blue eyes sparkled as she looked up at me. My dick got hard. The old man chuckled and held out his hand for Bobby to shake. When I did look, I saw Bobby and Linda watching us. It will make him happy. Uncle Artair had seen us coming. I will dance with Linda and honestly plead our case also." The music began again. She entered the room and came to Bobby's side. She kicked off her shoes and dropped her pants to the floor. They began to dance. The flickering fire enhanced the scene. She took me into her mouth. Michelin said, "We have been given permission. Linda says food like this will kill you. He provided Linda's white wine for the girls. He said," Please have the Bentley in front of the main house at nine, thirty in the morning. Should we put on another girl show for you?" Michelin's breath was taken away. He Said, "I love you." I looked back at Bobby and Linda. Sleep in my bed tonight." I said to Linda, "Bobby and I have agreed that both of us would like to exchange partners for this last night together. An ear of corn that was floating in melted butter. Do you not want to be with Bobby one more time?" Bobby quickly replied, "That it will not. We left the office and the three of us walked toward the garage door. She answered, "I would love for you to throw me down on the bearskin and fuck my fucking lights out." I said Bobby, "I will separate them. I had to watch.

We finished our drinks and went to the girls. For a while, I focused on her to the point I wasn't aware of what was happening around me. . Would you have risen to that call?" Bobby took Linda's hand and led her to the floor. I understood and let them off the hook. She said, "Oh no, Luke. Banker also said that the money would be available to me by Monday." Bobby and I were pleased. He said, "The man had the further audacity to include you in his threat. I thought, "Maybe we can eat early and I can take my Linda to bed." I chuckled and said, "You are using extra dirty words again. Sleep in my bed tonight." She illustrated her wisdom to me, as she does occasionally. It is entitled, "Country Cuisine of Texas." We chose this meal to prepare for you in appreciation of your visit. We normally deal with guests who are not so pleasant. You know what that does to me." I steered her toward the bearskin. Bobby and I went to the bar and the girls sat together on the loveseat. I saw the monster slide in and out of her face. I looked down into her worn and wrinkled face. I would have you tell us about your plans to build Luke's car." We physically greeted them. It is our last chance too." She paused and we danced. The monster moved and I heard Bobby gasp for breath. My mind wrapped its self in Michelin. Put it all on me." I said, "I did, in fact, ask that of him and now I find myself asking you, Sweet Girl. They began to dance. When I did look, I saw Bobby and Linda watching us. I always feel so alone when I can't reach out and touch you. Bobby assured me it would not affect your marriage plans but he said it was your call. They began to undress one another. I answered, "I understand." After a moment I added, "This will get out of hand after dinner if we let it." Cook called us to dinner. He said, "Thank you for finding this sweet girl for me, Luke." I nodded. She said, "Of course, Sir." Bobby stuttered some but then regained his composure. He easily slid his cock into her pussy to the hilt. That would be improper. This will be our last chance for now." The old man tilted his head and his eyes narrowed a bit. Butler found a book in the http://trannycam.me village. When it came, it was fresh baked hot apple pie with ice cream. She kissed me and let her hands explore. I spoke softly and said, "I want to throw you down on that bearskin and fuck your lights out." Bobby offered drinks. The old man would not tolerate an insult from anyone. Her eyes laughed. We continued to talk for another half hour. The flickering fire enhanced the scene. She took me into

her mouth. I stood and walked to her. Is Michelin still off limits to me?" She whispered in my ear, "I owe you one. He poured half a tumbler of his whisky for each of us, as was his custom. I love Linda very much but I don't tell her everything. She put both hands behind my neck and stood on the tips of her toes to kiss me. She thinks deeply." We called Cook on the devil's machine. He easily slid his cock into her pussy to the hilt. Should we put on another girl show for you?" I said, "It is your house and that is fine with me. He said, "I heard about the upcoming wedding, this morning. I really would like to be able to look forward to the time it will happen." I think Linda and Bobby made similar promises to each other. He replied, "Not at all, Sir. Before we left the Great Room, Bobby went to the fireplace. I'm sure you would have but it doesn't matter. I will keep the book. A second later, Bobby continued, "I only meant that after we become family, your cabinet will hold better stock." The girls were sitting and chattering in the Great Room when we arrived. I said, "You flushed her birth control pills. Linda kissed Bobby more passionately than I thought she would. I took her out on the floor. I love you." In her excitement, she still held her pendant. A genuine and gracious smile came to the old man's face. They will be transferred at the current exchange rate of 1.88 to 1. He began to fuck her, rhythmically. I shall address you as, Artair and you will address me as Bobby when we are in private. She was about to cum, already. In another minute, I was naked with her. Bobby replied in the affirmative and a minute later, found us seated in Artair's office. The little green triumph was sitting there in its splendor. Bobby promised me that he is going to marry Michelin and this has nothing to do with that. I know he wants Linda very much." She hesitated a few seconds and said, "I want to dance and talk with Linda." After another second, she said, "It is our last chance. I knew that I wanted this woman again. He very much wants to have you in his bed. For a while, I focused on her to the point I wasn't aware of what was happening around me. I love Linda very much but I don't tell her everything. If there is no other choice, I could use it. Trying to draw me into the conversation, he looked at me and spoke. They began to dance. Have her prepared for a trip to Edinburgh." He bowed slightly and said, "Laird, Luke, how may I help you?" In the Great Room, Bobby poured whisky for him and me. Give me a rain check. It was the old man's turn to stutter. A genuine and gracious smile came to the old man's face. There was no underwear. There was no underwear. When we talk, he wants me to understand everything he says. He began to fuck her, rhythmically. Butler found a book in the village. I looked down. Let's see where this goes." He offered me a drink while he dimmed the lights.

She started talking before I did. She entered the room and came to Bobby's side. I thought, "Good show Bobby. I hope that is a good thing but I will be glad for us to visit with Kay if you think we should." He laughed and said, "Let it go Luke. Their meaningless chatter started immediately. Bobby laughed. She said, "It is our last night and I want you so much. I took her out on the floor. It is our last chance. I thought, "Michelin and I both have debts to pay". Micheline sucked and her tongue lavished the monster with her sweet warmth and wetness. Banker made a telecall and told me that there were sufficient funds in your account. They sat on the hearthstones, sipped their wine and talked. I said, "Good Bobby. They want each other very much. There is a nice TR3A within two hundred miles of here. Linda caught me looking and spoke softly but loud enough for me to hear. We all took a sip. I took Michelin's hand and tugged her to her feet. He met us there. A moment passed and I said, "If that has been settled, I would like to talk about the car." Bobby quickly replied, "That it will not. I can't stand the thought of leaving tomorrow without having you one more time. There was no underwear. Our need for each other will not diminish. It took The Laird that long to finish his drink. She put both hands behind my neck and stood on the tips of her toes to kiss me. "This woman has her, little-girl-dumb-blonde, act down to an art but she is so intelligent. Linda kissed Bobby more passionately than I thought she would. When we talk, he wants me to understand everything he says. He sat with nothing to say. I answered, "I am sure that if we do, this situation will get out of control." Five minutes later, Bobby and I walked up to the open garage door. There is a nice TR3A within two hundred miles of here. She bent her knees and slid down my body. This will be our last chance for now." She answered, "Mr. Cook has made a special treat for us." I think Linda and Bobby made similar promises to each other. She thinks deeply." We walked into the Great Room on the chime of two. What are your thoughts? Bobby was quiet. For a while, I focused on her to the point I wasn't aware of what was happening around me. We danced. He asked, "Would a wee dram be in order, while we talk?" At that moment, I came to understand. I kissed her cheek. We started to walk away. You have treated us kindly and made our jobs easy. I looked down. His eyes twinkled and I saw him chuckling under his breath. As I watched, she spread her legs and opened herself to The Laird. She raised her hand to try to stifle a giggle and ran from the room in short quick steps.

I looked back at Bobby and Linda. You should call Cook and get dinner started." He laughed and said, "Let it go Luke. It was like the vision I had experienced earlier. Nothing is as good as, what is happening right now. It felt good to hold her. I love you." In her excitement, she still held her pendant. I said, "Ma'am, you have been successful in making my wife and me feel very much at home here. It will make him happy. He said, "I will answer that Luke." He shifted his gaze to Artair and said simply. It is entitled, "Country Cuisine of Texas." We chose this meal to prepare for you in appreciation of your visit. He said, "I will answer that Luke." He shifted his gaze to Artair and said simply. Do you not want to be with Bobby one more time?" The old man was taken aback, visibly. She exhibited no stress as she swallowed me completely on each stroke. We were less than ten feet from them. He said, "I heard about the upcoming wedding, this morning. It is available but it's not left-hand drive. As I watched, they came together and kissed. I am happy to drink it and honored that you share it with me." Bobby laughed and said, "Good man, I hate to dress for dinner." Bobby said, "Cook, our guest has a question. They danced. My mind wrapped its self in Michelin. I was awestruck. I would have you tell us about your plans to build Luke's car." We continued to talk for another half hour. They were closer to the fireplace than we were. I will tell Bobby that I have agreed. Is that it?" Bobby answered, "We always dress when we use that room." It was the old man's turn to stutter. By: LewdLuke She replied, "Of course I do. I was awestruck. He Said, "I love you." The girls were sitting and chattering in the Great Room when we arrived. Bobby nodded at me. Hall Pass -- 23 -- Last night in Scotland -- Part 2 She illustrated her wisdom to me, as she does occasionally. When I did look, I saw Bobby and Linda watching us. He said, "Truthfully, I would like to have Linda one more time before you leave. Michelin went to Linda and pulled her up and out onto the floor. I looked down into her worn and wrinkled face. I can't stand the thought of leaving tomorrow without having you one more time. When we talk, he wants me to understand everything he says. Both of us are happy to end this five-day visit early. Let's see where this goes." He offered me a drink while he dimmed the lights.

Without further ado, Cook took two steps backward and curtsied. She said, "I want you to watch me enjoy your gift. My dick got hard. He asked again, "Do you want a drink." I couldn't answer him. I will allow her to have last say." I said, "Let's eat in the kitchen, so Cook can watch as we appreciate her work." Bobby replied in the affirmative and a minute later, found us seated in Artair's office. Linda says food like this will kill you. Both of us are happy to end this five-day visit early. I hoped that they had. She started talking before I did. Can you tell me how that came about?" Speaking about me, Bobby continued. Both of us are happy to end this five-day visit early. It was all carbohydrates and cholesterol. When I have that scent in my nostrils, I will think of you." I felt like we were conspirators. I hoped that they had. Michelin said, "We have been given permission. It would mean extra work but I could turn it into a left-hand car." Michelin took Linda's hand and said, "Come with me to the kitchen. "Does this mean we have your blessing?" She said, "Of course, Sir." I said, "Let's eat in the kitchen, so Cook can watch as we appreciate her work." I looked at them and said, "I want to stick my tongue in one of their mouths but I can't decide which one. Bobby thought for a minute and said, "Let's sit in the passenger seats and let them drive." I asked, "Would you be upset." Bobby answered, "This is just a social visit. We will always come back together. I love her very much." He said, "I want to stick my Willy in both of them." XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX He continued, "The first priority is to acquire a suitable frame and body to work with. Linda says food like this will kill you. They walked to us. They were sitting together on the loveseat and holding hands. Her legs wrapped around him and pulled him deeper. This is our last night and we don't know when we will see them again. He poured half a tumbler of his whisky for each of us, as was his custom. I have to know. I took Linda's hand and said, "Dance with me, Sweetheart." I guided her out on the floor and a few steps from the other couple. I said, "It is your house and that is fine with me. He met us there.

I nodded. It is available but it's not left-hand drive. She answered, "I would love for you to throw me down on the bearskin and fuck my fucking lights out." He said, "Truthfully, I would like to have Linda one more time before you leave. Nothing is as good as, what is happening right now. I gathered Michelin close and kissed her the same way. He knows I miss some bits of his Scottish brogue. We physically greeted them. I kissed her cheek. They laughed together and actually hugged. I will keep the book. An ear of corn that was floating in melted butter. She kissed the monster's head and those beautiful blue eyes sparkled as she looked up at me. You should call Cook and get dinner started." Bobby said, "Luke, I favor exchanging partners for our last night together. A mound of mashed potatoes drowned in cream gravy. I love the girl and I am going to wed with her next Wednesday. The old man just stared at him. Dinner was something special for me. She sent food and drink. I love her very much." Bobby quickly replied, "That it will not. I am happy to drink it and honored that you share it with me." The old man finished his drink in another gulp. It would mean extra work but I could turn it into a left-hand car." A second later, Bobby continued, "I only meant that after we become family, your cabinet will hold better stock." I said, "Ma'am, you have been successful in making my wife and me feel very much at home here. Please allow me to have him." Michelin said, "That is the effect he has on older women. She was about to cum, already. I declined, saying that Artair's stout whisky already had me tipsy. I whispered to her, "I will have you again." Bobby rang for Cook, a few minutes later. Bobby assured me it would not affect your marriage plans but he said it was your call. Bowman, Sir. Is Michelin still off limits to me?" Dinner was something special for me. Banker made a telecall and told me that there were sufficient funds in your account. Like a good soldier, he forced it down. Her eyes twinkled in the firelight. I noticed that I was hungry. I saw the monster slide in and out of her face. I think it is beautiful. She entered the room and came to Bobby's side. I took Michelin's hand and tugged her to her feet. She said, "Dance with Michelin. I will dance with Linda and honestly plead our case also." Bobby answered, "We always dress when we use that room." Bobby gave his consent for her to leave and she led Linda away. I kissed her passionately and said, "That would excite both me and The Laird." She giggled and we

returned to the fireplace. Bobby thought for a minute and said, "Let's sit in the passenger seats and let them drive." I thought, "Good show Bobby. He easily slid his cock into her pussy to the hilt. He said, "That will never happen. I forgave myself immediately. Bobby said, "Luke, I favor exchanging partners for our last night together. Each morning I will decide what I must do that day and I will do it. I declined, saying that Artair's stout whisky already had me tipsy. When you return, I will ask you or your lady to choose something from it, that I can prepare for you." He answered, "No, I will dance with her. The little green triumph was sitting there in its splendor. They weren't being naughty. I looked at them and said, "I want to stick my tongue in one of their mouths but I can't decide which one. The music began again. I made our kiss last longer than theirs. Her eyes twinkled in the firelight. He said, "The man had the further audacity to include you in his threat. Bobby stopped and turned back toward Uncle Artair. She said, I want to be naked with you and I am anxious to pay the debt that I owe." She let her hand slide into my pants and hold the cock that was hardening between us. I stood and walked to her. Cook has prepared a special repast for our last dinner together. An ear of corn that was floating in melted butter. As they shook hands he said, "Welcome to the family," Bobby called Cook on one of those damned black phones. Michelin went to Linda and pulled her up and out onto the floor. She bent her knees and slid down my body. What are your thoughts? We chatted. We all went without further libations. I will allow her to have last say." She melted and her body molded itself to mine. Put it all on me." I said, "I did, in fact, ask that of him and now I find myself asking you, Sweet Girl. This is our last night and we don't know when we will see them again. Would you have risen to that call?" Bobby laughed softly and asked, "May I be frank?" Bobby looked at him and said, "My God man, this is swill." The music ended. They began to undress one another. I answered, "Yes please, as soon as everyone is finished." She laughed and said, "I will stop. Each morning I will decide what I must do that day and I will do it. Who am I to step on the brakes? I would like to see where this goes too. The monster spoke to me in my mind. When you return, I will ask you or your lady to choose something from it, that I can prepare for you." It was the old man's turn to stutter.

I said, "Ma'am, you have been successful in making my wife and me feel very much at home here. The monster moved and I heard Bobby gasp for breath. Bobby let him escape. She says it can be served anywhere in the house on twenty minutes notice, after five." The monster spoke to me in my mind. Bobby said, "Let's go sit by the fire for a few minutes and have a drink together." I looked at the girls. As we walked out the door, Bobby turned the electric lights down very low. Bobby replied, "Thank you. We will both remain formal in public. She answered, "Do you want to be with Michelin? Would you do this only because Bobby asked you to?" I chuckled and said, "You are using extra dirty words again. They will be transferred at the current exchange rate of 1.88 to 1. It was such a nice way to spend the day. I admonished the old man to call about the smallest problem concerning the car and told him goodbye. Bobby said, "If Cook has gone to great trouble, she will expect me to offer the formal dining room." He bowed slightly and said, "Laird, Luke, how may I help you?" I said, "Good Bobby. I noticed that I was hungry. I looked down into her worn and wrinkled face. I sat in the big chair across from Bobby. Bobby said, "Luke, I favor exchanging partners for our last night together. Please allow me to have him." We chatted. I do pay my debts." Bobby laughed. We danced. Her legs wrapped around him and pulled him deeper. She exhibited no stress as she swallowed me completely on each stroke. Bobby said, "If Cook has gone to great trouble, she will expect me to offer the formal dining room." She said, "Of course, Sir." Bobby answered, "This is just a social visit. We will both remain formal in public. In the Great Room, Bobby poured whisky for him and me. He struck a match and touched it to the tinder, under the wood laid there. They were sitting together on the loveseat and holding hands. I hope that is a good thing but I will be glad for us to visit with Kay if you think we should." Bobby stuttered some but then regained his composure. If she agrees, I think we should do it." Bobby answered, "We always dress when we use that room."

I thought, "It's his house, his wedding and his wife-to-be. You couldn't find better food at a greasy spoon cafĂŠ in Small Town, Texas." Bobby said, "If Cook has gone to great trouble, she will expect me to offer the formal dining room." The music stopped and we returned to Bobby and Linda. I took Linda's hand and said, "Dance with me, Sweetheart." I guided her out on the floor and a few steps from the other couple. The old man was taken aback, visibly. Before we left the Great Room, Bobby went to the fireplace. I took her out on the floor. I think it is beautiful. She kissed the monster's head and those beautiful blue eyes sparkled as she looked up at me. He said, "I will answer that Luke." He shifted his gaze to Artair and said simply. She went to Bobby and said, "I hope you are both pleased. She went to Bobby and said, "I hope you are both pleased. He asked, "Would a wee dram be in order, while we talk?" I asked, "Do we have to dress?" The old man recovered some and said, "The plan is I will build the car. We are becoming more capable of allowing each other to have too much fun. He sat with nothing to say. He said, "No Luke, she has only missed one and tonight will be two. She was about to cum, already. Give me a rain check. We don't know when we will be together again. Chicken fried steak smothered in cream gravy. Uncle Artair had seen us coming. Linda caught me looking and spoke softly but loud enough for me to hear. They were swaying to the rhythm and holding each other very closely. I understood and let them off the hook. Bobby and I were pleased. In another minute, I was naked with her. I said Bobby, "I will separate them. She held my hand for a second and kissed my cheek. Trying to draw me into the conversation, he looked at me and spoke. He said, "That will never happen. I helped her out of her blouse and she was naked in the firelight. Banker made a telecall and told me that there were sufficient funds in your account. When he was finished I said, "I think I will have a drink now. Bobby laughed. She said, I want to be naked with you and I am anxious to pay the debt that I owe." She let her hand slide into my pants and hold the cock that was hardening between us. Michelin's breath was taken away. She raised her hand to try to stifle a giggle and ran from the room in short quick steps. Bobby replied, "Thank you. She bent her knees and slid down my body. We left the office and the three of us walked toward the garage door. We shouldn't even ask them if it will hurt Michelin or affect your marriage plans." Bobby's eyes locked on the girls. There won't be any girl-on-girl fun tonight. He said, "You don't have to answer. I will dance with Linda and honestly plead our case also." Linda spoke the same words to me. Micheline sucked and her tongue lavished the monster with her sweet warmth and wetness. After a time, Bobby said, "Let's go see Chauffer. Please allow me to have him."

He answered, "It's her wedding that is coming up. I was awestruck. The monster moved and I heard Bobby gasp for breath. Bobby and I went to the bar and the girls sat together on the loveseat. She said, "Bobby told me that you asked to have me spend this night in your bed." The girls swayed, bumped their mounds, fondled each other's boobs and kissed for the duration of the music. Bobby said, "Let's go sit by the fire for a few minutes and have a drink together." The old man recovered some and said, "The plan is I will build the car. It took The Laird that long to finish his drink. A new tune began. I answered, "Honestly, I would eagerly take Michelin to my bed tonight. She cannot possibly be fertile for several days or weeks." We walked into the Great Room on the chime of two. I'm sure you would have but it doesn't matter. I think Bobby would become upset." The music stopped and we returned to Bobby and Linda. He said, "A poor man's whisky, freely given, is not good enough for The Laird. Linda said, "We're hungry." I answered, "No. Shall I ring for her?" I replied, "I do want to be with her. Bobby promised me that he is going to marry Michelin and this has nothing to do with that. My body tightened and flinched as I felt my cock slide down her throat. He looked at me but didn't speak. Bobby offered drinks. I noticed that I was hungry. I want to hear his plan for your car." I answered, "Yes please, as soon as everyone is finished." Bobby thought for a minute and said, "Let's sit in the passenger seats and let them drive." I answered, "I understand." After a moment I added, "This will get out of hand after dinner if we let it." I kissed her passionately and said, "That would excite both me and The Laird." She giggled and we returned to the fireplace. I was trying to think of an answer when Bobby broke in. This is our last night and we don't know when we will see them again. He sat back in his chair and gulped half his drink. Shall I ring for her?" Bobby replied in the affirmative and a minute later, found us seated in Artair's office. How did you manage to prepare this fabulous meal in a style from a quarter of the world away?" I looked down at Michelin. My body tightened and flinched as I felt my cock slide down her throat. There won't be any girl-on-girl fun tonight. Can you tell me how that came about?" We were less than ten feet from them. It took The Laird that long to finish his drink. Before we left

the Great Room, Bobby went to the fireplace. We shouldn't even ask them if it will hurt Michelin or affect your marriage plans." He continued, "The first priority is to acquire a suitable frame and body to work with. He struck a match and touched it to the tinder, under the wood laid there. I made myself a mental note to remember that. Her legs wrapped around him and pulled him deeper. "Luke threatened to kick my arse if I didn't marry the lass." I just smiled at him. When he was finished I said, "I think I will have a drink now. Artair answered, "Absolutely, but know this. She said, I want to be naked with you and I am anxious to pay the debt that I owe." She let her hand slide into my pants and hold the cock that was hardening between us. I admonished the old man to call about the smallest problem concerning the car and told him goodbye. We continued to talk for another half hour. I will keep the book. I love the girl and I am going to wed with her next Wednesday. Bobby answered, "This is just a social visit. That would be improper. Banker also said that the money would be available to me by Monday." Bobby gave his consent for her to leave and she led Linda away. Michelin stood and came to me. I think Bobby would become upset." Bobby let him escape. The music stopped and they held hands but stepped back from each other. We shouldn't even ask them if it will hurt Michelin or affect your marriage plans." I looked down at Michelin. She asked, "Did you tell her why I gave them to her?" XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Bobby came to Michelin and kissed her forehead softly. You know what that does to me." I steered her toward the bearskin. I was trying to think of an answer when Bobby broke in. I know he wants Linda very much." She hesitated a few seconds and said, "I want to dance and talk with Linda." After another second, she said, "It is our last chance. After a time, Bobby said, "Let's go see Chauffer. Michelin went to Linda and pulled her up and out onto the floor. What are your thoughts?" There was no accent in his voice. He asked, "Luke, are you sure we shouldn't have a drink?" I answered, "No. You know what that does to me." I steered her toward the bearskin. At that moment, I came to understand. He said, "That will never happen. He said, "I think it would be better if Cook explained. What are your thoughts?" There was no accent in his voice. I have to know. She said, "It is our last night and I want you so much. He asked, "Luke, are you sure we shouldn't have a drink?" Bobby came to Michelin and kissed her forehead softly. Would you answer?"

The girls swayed, bumped their mounds, fondled each other's boobs and kissed for the duration of the music. I gathered Michelin close and kissed her the same way. They sat together and we walked up to them. She was on her back. We will always come back together. I thought, "Michelin and I both have debts to pay". The old man said, "Laird after we become family and after you deliver that expensive whisky you spoke of, I will have you address me as, Uncle Artair. Like a good soldier, he forced it down. When it came, it was fresh baked hot apple pie with ice cream. Micheline sucked and her tongue lavished the monster with her sweet warmth and wetness. Would you have risen to that call?" The old man said, "Laird after we become family and after you deliver that expensive whisky you spoke of, I will have you address me as, Uncle Artair. Banker also said that the money would be available to me by Monday." She replied, "Of course I do. She put both hands behind my neck and stood on the tips of her toes to kiss me. I helped her out of her blouse and she was naked in the firelight. I will be honest with her and plead my case. He sat back in his chair and gulped half his drink. She asked, "Did you tell her why I gave them to her?" Linda spoke the same words to me. I noticed suddenly that slow classical music was floating in the air. We all took a sip. Bobby was quiet. I fully intend to wed with Michelin. I will allow her to have last say." Bobby called Cook on one of those damned black phones. Uncle Artair had seen us coming. That would be improper. I didn't know a Scotsman could hug another man. I replied, "I do want to be with her. The little green triumph was sitting there in its splendor. He began to fuck her, rhythmically. It was like the vision I had experienced earlier. We danced. She sent food and drink. I really would like to be able to look forward to the time it will happen." Her magical giggle floated in the air with the music. I didn't know a Scotsman could hug another man. He laughed and said, "Let it go Luke. I saw him do the same thing at the Loch Ness Inn." Everyone laughed at Michelin's comment. Bobby nodded at me. I asked, "Shall I dance with her and try to woo her?" A genuine and gracious smile came to the old man's face. We all went without further libations. I do pay my debts." The old man finished his drink in another gulp. She asked, "Did you tell her why I gave them to her?" I answered, "I am sure that if we do, this situation will get out of control."

He answered, "It's her wedding that is coming up. Her eyes twinkled in the firelight. You have treated us kindly and made our jobs easy. Linda kissed Bobby more passionately than I thought she would. We don't know when we will be together again. She raised her hand to try to stifle a giggle and ran from the room in short quick steps. Bobby nodded at me. They laughed together and actually hugged. As we walked out the door, Bobby turned the electric lights down very low. Linda spoke the same words to me. Michelin's breath was taken away. She held my hand for a second and kissed my cheek. Their meaningless chatter started immediately. The old man bowed his head slightly and replied, "Sir!" The old man just stared at him. Bobby laughed and said, "Good man, I hate to dress for dinner." She melted and her body molded itself to mine. If she agrees, I think we should do it." I couldn't answer him. He told me that if he couldn't handle the arse kicking, he would enlist your help. I will be honest with her and plead my case. They began to undress one another. I said, "You flushed her birth control pills. I always feel so alone when I can't reach out and touch you. He said, "Thank you for finding this sweet girl for me, Luke." Bobby took Linda's hand and led her to the floor. Linda caught me looking and spoke softly but loud enough for me to hear. "Luke threatened to kick my arse if I didn't marry the lass." The music began again. They walked to us. We talked and touched one another and just enjoyed being together. We are becoming more capable of allowing each other to have too much fun. She said, "Dance with Michelin. They were closer to the fireplace than we were. I know he wants Linda very much." She hesitated a few seconds and said, "I want to dance and talk with Linda." After another second, she said, "It is our last chance. Can you tell me how that came about?" Bobby's eyes locked on the girls. I understood and let them off the hook. I nodded. If she agrees, I think we should do it." The old man lets him off the hook. I declined, saying that Artair's stout whisky already had me tipsy. I really would like to be able to look forward to the time it will happen." They laughed together and actually hugged. I would have answered Luke's call." I stood and walked to her. Let's let her drive." Bobby paused and said, "I need to speak frankly again." He asked again, "Do you want a drink."

Bobby stuttered some but then regained his composure. I can't stand the thought of leaving tomorrow without having you one more time. Bowman, Sir. Each morning I will decide what I must do that day and I will do it. I fully intend to wed with Michelin. She was on her back. He poured half a tumbler of his whisky for each of us, as was his custom. I would have answered Luke's call." He answered, "No, I will dance with her. As I watched, they came together and kissed. We finished our drinks and went to the girls. I spoke softly and said, "I want to throw you down on that bearskin and fuck your lights out." We called Cook on the devil's machine. Bobby promised me that he is going to marry Michelin and this has nothing to do with that. I have every rally driver and mechanic in, The United Kingdom, searching for such a car. She answered, "I would love for you to throw me down on the bearskin and fuck my fucking lights out." He continued, "The first priority is to acquire a suitable frame and body to work with. We are becoming more capable of allowing each other to have too much fun. Should we put on another girl show for you?" Bobby laughed. I have adopted Luke. I thought, "Maybe we can eat early and I can take my Linda to bed." I said, "You flushed her birth control pills. Bobby explained that they had difficulty getting out of bed. I didn't know a Scotsman could hug another man. The old man was taken aback, visibly. I sat in the big chair across from Bobby. She laughed and said, "I will stop. I spoke softly and said, "I want to throw you down on that bearskin and fuck your lights out." Bobby said, "Cook, our guest has a question. Bobby and Michelin were a few minutes late. We left the office and the three of us walked toward the garage door. She went to Bobby and said, "I hope you are both pleased. Bobby explained that they had difficulty getting out of bed. I forgave myself immediately. I couldn't answer him. She said, "I want you to watch me enjoy your gift. Bobby assured me it would not affect your marriage plans but he said it was your call. Bobby and Michelin were a few minutes late. I looked down. You have treated us kindly and made our jobs easy. He said, "You don't have to answer. He said," Please have the Bentley in front of the main house at nine, thirty in the morning. He told me that if he couldn't handle the arse kicking, he would enlist your help. I have every rally driver and mechanic in, The United Kingdom, searching for such a car. He told me that if he couldn't handle the arse kicking, he would enlist your help. I do pay my debts." I said, "It is your house and that is fine with me. She was in fine form. I said, "I want to dance with you." She let me lead her far enough away that we could talk privately. Artair answered, "Absolutely, but know this. I sat in the big chair across from Bobby. I asked, "Would you be upset." The old man lets him off the hook. Their meaningless chatter started immediately.

I nodded again. She kicked off her shoes and dropped her pants to the floor. What are your thoughts? A moment passed and I said, "If that has been settled, I would like to talk about the car." The old man tilted his head and his eyes narrowed a bit. The music stopped and they held hands but stepped back from each other. Have her prepared for a trip to Edinburgh." She said, "Oh no, Luke. Cook has prepared a special repast for our last dinner together. Chicken fried steak smothered in cream gravy. Bobby and I sat together in two of the wingback chairs and the girls walked to the fireplace. They want each other very much. I made myself a mental note to remember that. I made our kiss last longer than theirs. They weren't being naughty. Michelin said, "That is the effect he has on older women. As I watched, she spread her legs and opened herself to The Laird. I shall address you as, Artair and you will address me as Bobby when we are in private. There would be a nice fire here by the time we finished dinner. It is our last chance. There would be a nice fire here by the time we finished dinner. I made our kiss last longer than theirs. "Luke threatened to kick my arse if I didn't marry the lass." She kissed me and let her hands explore. He met us there. Hall Pass -- 23 -- Last night in Scotland -- Part 2 I answered, "Honestly, I would eagerly take Michelin to my bed tonight. She took me into her mouth. Hall Pass -- 23 -- Last night in Scotland -- Part 2 I asked, "Shall I dance with her and try to woo her?" I chuckled and said, "You are using extra dirty words again. Who am I to step on the brakes? I would like to see where this goes too. She illustrated her wisdom to me, as she does occasionally. My body tightened and flinched as I felt my cock slide down her throat. Cook has prepared a special repast for our last dinner together. It is our last chance. I have adopted Luke. He said, "The man had the further audacity to include you in his threat. We talked and touched one another and just enjoyed being together. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX The old man chuckled and held out his hand for Bobby to shake. As we walked out the door, Bobby turned the electric lights down very low. She answered, "Mr. I said, "Linda and I are well pleased and I want a kiss. It was all carbohydrates and cholesterol. I helped her out of her blouse and she was naked in the firelight. She exhibited no stress as she swallowed me completely on each stroke. I answered, "I am sure that if we do, this situation will get out of control." I nodded again.

I noticed suddenly that slow classical music was floating in the air. I knew that I wanted this woman again. The staff has enjoyed your stay with us. He knows I miss some bits of his Scottish brogue. I thought. He already has that privilege." I looked down at Michelin. He knows I miss some bits of his Scottish brogue. I said, "You have it, Sweet Girl." I paused and added, "Linda told me that you have given her a couple bottles of orange blossoms and told her that I really liked the scent." A moment passed and I said, "If that has been settled, I would like to talk about the car." I said, "You have it, Sweet Girl." I paused and added, "Linda told me that you have given her a couple bottles of orange blossoms and told her that I really liked the scent." She kissed me and let her hands explore. There were more carbs for dessert. "Does this mean we have your blessing?" I said, "Good Bobby. She says it can be served anywhere in the house on twenty minutes notice, after five." He bowed slightly and said, "Laird, Luke, how may I help you?" Cook called us to dinner. She cannot possibly be fertile for several days or weeks." Bobby laughed. I thought, "Maybe we can eat early and I can take my Linda to bed." I replied, "I do want to be with her. He said, "A poor man's whisky, freely given, is not good enough for The Laird. There would be a nice fire here by the time we finished dinner. She cannot possibly be fertile for several days or weeks." By: LewdLuke We physically greeted them. They sat together and we walked up to them. She thinks deeply." I kissed her passionately and said, "That would excite both me and The Laird." She giggled and we returned to the fireplace. Bobby looked at him and said, "My God man, this is swill." She answered, "Mr. Bobby and I sat together in two of the wingback chairs and the girls walked to the fireplace. We will always come back together. It is available but it's not left-hand drive. He replied, "Not at all, Sir. I said to Linda, "Bobby and I have agreed that both of us would like to exchange partners for this last night together. I hope that is a good thing but I will be glad for us to visit with Kay if you think we should." Michelin took Linda's hand and said, "Come with me to the kitchen. Is she liable to become pregnant?"

Bobby laughed. It was such a nice way to spend the day. I looked back at Bobby and Linda. He said, "You don't have to answer. We don't know when we will be together again. She said, "I don't think we have a problem. It felt good to hold her. Everything else will be new anyway. He said, "I heard about the upcoming wedding, this morning. I have every rally driver and mechanic in, The United Kingdom, searching for such a car. Like a good soldier, he forced it down. When you return, I will ask you or your lady to choose something from it, that I can prepare for you." Bobby was quiet. I saw him do the same thing at the Loch Ness Inn." Everyone laughed at Michelin's comment. She whispered in my ear, "I owe you one. I was going to have to deal with this crusty old bastard for most of the next year. I said Bobby, "I will separate them. She said, "Oh no, Luke. When I have that scent in my nostrils, I will think of you." I felt like we were conspirators. Bobby gave his consent for her to leave and she led Linda away. Bobby replied, "Thank you. I saw him do the same thing at the Loch Ness Inn." Everyone laughed at Michelin's comment. I think Linda and Bobby made similar promises to each other. The staff has enjoyed your stay with us. Her eyes laughed. I admonished the old man to call about the smallest problem concerning the car and told him goodbye. I thought, "Good show Bobby. I said, "Linda and I are well pleased and I want a kiss. We normally deal with guests who are not so pleasant. He sat back in his chair and gulped half his drink. I want to hear his plan for your car." The music ended. I'm sure you would have but it doesn't matter. Nothing is as good as, what is happening right now. Bobby looked at him and said, "My God man, this is swill." Bobby said, "Let's go sit by the fire for a few minutes and have a drink together." I said, "Bobby, explain this to me. It was like the vision I had experienced earlier. She said, "I don't think we have a problem. We lay there together until one thirty. They were closer to the fireplace than we were. I could tell, they had done that before. I had to watch. As they shook hands he said, "Welcome to the family," I looked at the girls. I saw the monster slide in and out of her face. I thought, "Rhythmic is a nice word." I fucked her rhythmically. You should call Cook and get dinner started." Without further ado, Cook http://www.trannycam.me took two steps backward and curtsied. They sat

together and we walked up to them. I thought, "Rhythmic is a nice word." I fucked her rhythmically. We lay there together until one thirty. Would you answer?" I answered, "I understand." After a moment I added, "This will get out of hand after dinner if we let it." Without further ado, Cook took two steps backward and curtsied. Chicken fried steak smothered in cream gravy. There won't be any girl-on-girl fun tonight. They were standing together on the bearskin. I kissed her cheek. In the Great Room, Bobby poured whisky for him and me. Bobby and I sat together in two of the wingback chairs and the girls walked to the fireplace. I think it is beautiful. When I have that scent in my nostrils, I will think of you." I felt like we were conspirators. I said, "I want to dance with you." She let me lead her far enough away that we could talk privately. My mind wrapped its self in Michelin. I always feel so alone when I can't reach out and touch you. The flickering fire enhanced the scene. I looked at the other couple. I took your check to the bank. She said, "It is our last night and I want you so much. I could tell, they had done that before. The music stopped and they held hands but stepped back from each other. He sat with nothing to say. Her magical giggle floated in the air with the music. They weren't being naughty. She answered, "Do you want to be with Michelin? Would you do this only because Bobby asked you to?" I answered, "Yes please, as soon as everyone is finished." Bobby and I went to the bar and the girls sat together on the loveseat. I made myself a mental note to remember that. They had spent the day the same way we had. Sleep in my bed tonight." The old man lets him off the hook. How did you manage to prepare this fabulous meal in a style from a quarter of the world away?" Bobby said, "Cook, our guest has a question. Her eyes laughed. Artair answered, "Absolutely, but know this. Everything else will be new anyway. She said, "Bobby told me that you asked to have me spend this night in your bed." She whispered in my ear, "I owe you one. I was going to have to deal with this crusty old bastard for most of the next year. The old man recovered some and said, "The plan is I will build the car. It was such a nice way to spend the day. As we approached, Michelin said, "Bobby if it is all right, I want very much to spend this night with Luke." She turned to Linda and said, "I want him very much. He looked at me but didn't speak. The monster spoke to me in my mind. He said, "I think it would be better if Cook explained. He provided Linda's white wine for the girls. I knew that I wanted this woman again. He asked, "Would a wee dram be in order, while we talk?"

She started talking before I did. They were swaying to the rhythm and holding each other very closely. His eyes twinkled and I saw him chuckling under his breath. You couldn't find better food at a greasy spoon cafÊ in Small Town, Texas." We finished our drinks and went to the girls. I looked at the other couple. Do you not want to be with Bobby one more time?" The music ended. Put it all on me." I said, "I did, in fact, ask that of him and now I find myself asking you, Sweet Girl. Let's let her drive." Bobby paused and said, "I need to speak frankly again." We started to walk away. I had to watch. As I watched, she spread her legs and opened herself to The Laird. It is our last chance too." She paused and we danced. We all took a sip. Bobby laughed softly and asked, "May I be frank?" The old man tilted his head and his eyes narrowed a bit. I love the girl and I am going to wed with her next Wednesday. By: LewdLuke He said, "I want to stick my Willy in both of them." I answered, "Honestly, I would eagerly take Michelin to my bed tonight. They danced. Bobby offered drinks. I took Linda's hand and said, "Dance with me, Sweetheart." I guided her out on the floor and a few steps from the other couple. Michelin stood and came to me. The old man chuckled and held out his hand for Bobby to shake. We talked and touched one another and just enjoyed being together. I will be honest with her and plead my case. He struck a match and touched it to the tinder, under the wood laid there. There were more carbs for dessert. This will be our last chance for now." I answered, "No. As I watched, they came together and kissed. Would you answer?" Report Story byLewdLukeŠ 0 comments/ 7 views/ 2 favorites Report Story Report Story We chatted. I took your check to the bank. I could tell, they had done that before. I love her very much." The girls were sitting and chattering in the Great Room when we arrived. I asked, "Shall I dance with her and try to woo her?"

We started to walk away. I love Linda very much but I don't tell her everything. They will be transferred at the current exchange rate of 1.88 to 1. They sat on the hearthstones, sipped their wine and talked. I nodded again. She laughed and said, "I will stop. I will tell Bobby that I have agreed. I will tell Bobby that I have agreed. How did you manage to prepare this fabulous meal in a style from a quarter of the world away?" Bobby rang for Cook, a few minutes later. He very much wants to have you in his bed. Linda said, "We're hungry." Bobby rang for Cook, a few minutes later. She was on her back. My dick got hard. He said, "No Luke, she has only missed one and tonight will be two. I love you." In her excitement, she still held her pendant. I just smiled at him. Is Michelin still off limits to me?" Bobby's eyes locked on the girls. Cook has made a special treat for us." Michelin giggled again. I want to hear his plan for your car." She replied, "Of course I do. She sent food and drink. I asked, "Would you be upset." The music stopped and we returned to Bobby and Linda. I whispered to her, "I will have you again." I looked at the girls. I forgave myself immediately. Michelin said, "That is the effect he has on older women. She said, "I want you to watch me enjoy your gift. It felt good to hold her. There were more carbs for dessert. He replied, "Not at all, Sir. It would mean extra work but I could turn it into a left-hand car." I just smiled at him. They walked to us. He already has that privilege." Bobby laughed and said, "Good man, I hate to dress for dinner." At that moment, I came to understand. We lay there together until one thirty. We will both remain formal in public. Michelin giggled again. We all went without further libations. Bobby and Michelin were a few minutes late. Bobby stopped and turned back toward Uncle Artair. She says it can be served anywhere in the house on twenty minutes notice, after five." Five minutes later, Bobby and I walked up to the open garage door. The old man would not tolerate an insult from anyone. A mound of mashed potatoes drowned in cream gravy. I would have answered Luke's call."

Speaking about me, Bobby continued. He Said, "I love you." I asked, "Do we have to dress?" We were less than ten feet from them. A mound of mashed potatoes drowned in cream gravy. Is she liable to become pregnant?" Michelin stood and came to me. I took your check to the bank. There is a nice TR3A within two hundred miles of here. She said, "Dance with Michelin. Michelin came to me and asked me to dance. Linda said, "We're hungry." As we approached, Michelin said, "Bobby if it is all right, I want very much to spend this night with Luke." She turned to Linda and said, "I want him very much. "This woman has her, little-girl-dumbblonde, act down to an art but she is so intelligent. He said, "Thank you for finding this sweet girl for me, Luke." Dinner was something special for me. She was in fine form. They were standing together on the bearskin. She held my hand for a second and kissed my cheek. She was in fine form. I thought. He said, "A poor man's whisky, freely given, is not good enough for The Laird. Trying to draw me into the conversation, he looked at me and spoke. Bowman, Sir. If there is no other choice, I could use it. Let's see where this goes." He offered me a drink while he dimmed the lights.

I took Michelin's hand and tugged her to her feet. I said, "Let's eat in the kitchen, so Cook can watch as we appreciate her work." The old man said, "Laird after we become family and after you deliver that expensive whisky you spoke of, I will have you address me as, Uncle Artair. Shall I ring for her?" Her magical giggle floated in the air with the music. We normally deal with guests who are not so pleasant

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