Rebirth Magazine March 2022

Page 39

How to beat the 9 to 5 blues and

Live a Life with Passion!


As an International Media Coach I have had plenty of clients beat themselves up for having a 9-5 job that is clearly not their passion nor very fulfilling.


o many people simply dread Monday mornings and going to a job that is not something they are passionate about. This can lead to depression, anxiety and massive stress on their mental and physical well-being. So how can you find your purpose and passion while working in a ho-hum profession? First off, you need to be gentle and forgiving with yourself. Sometimes we can be our biggest critic, but you need to know deep down that you can still seek fulfilment. It just takes some clever self-talk skills and organisational chutzpah! Whatever you do, just stop with the nasty selfdeprecating chit-chat in your head. It is not helping anyone, especially YOU! And you know what? You actually need to give yourself a big high five for being responsible and having a job or profession in the first place; even if it doesn’t bring you ecstatic joy. Maybe you’re busy paying off a mortgage or you’ve recently sent your child to university. Maybe you overcame some illness or injury that was pretty darn scary to go through. Maybe you’re a busy mum juggling life with children and they’re all growing up happy and healthy because of what you have managed to create for them. C’mon now. That is amazing! And in today’s topsy-turvy world you actually deserve a gold medal for being right where you are today. Even if at times it seems chaotic and not the soul soaring adventure you wished for. So for now, take a deep breath and tap yourself on the back and say, “I am grateful.” Gratefulness changes lives and I have witnessed it work miracles for my clients. Okay, now on to the good stuff! So how do you manage to find fulfilment and purpose outside of your profession?

You recognise that little spark that lights up inside you when you’re doing something you really love. For some, it may be volunteering for a non-profit organisation that helps those in need. For others it may be creating a podcast or YouTube channel to share their wisdom and expertise with the world. Some of my clients are in their 80s and trust me, they don’t want to sit around all day in a recliner watching the world go by. They want to offer the world something. They want to make a difference by sharing their life stories in hopes of inspiring or motivating others. The main thing is you need to find that ‘passion bubble’ within you that lights up. If you light up helping those less fortunate there are so many places that need you right now. If you want to become a speaker and share your stories then consider joining your local Toastmasters. If you want to eventually quit your 9-5 and start your own coaching or consulting business then get busy creating that now. Who would your perfect client be? Can you spend a bit of time upskilling? How about taking an online course or getting a coach to keep you on track and accountable to your dreams. Whatever it is that resonates with you and your lifestyle – that’s where you want to start. Once you take those first few baby steps towards pursuing what makes you feel good you’d be amazed at what opportunities appear and what doors open for you. Now go out there and get you some passion and purpose! Christine Blosdale is a world-renowned Multimedia Expert and Motivational Confidence Coach, an International Speaker and Three Time #1 Amazon Best Selling Author. Rebirth Vade Mecum Magazine \\ MARCH 2022 \\


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Articles inside

Spirit Readings – Suizy Lamont

pages 36-37

Larissa Beattie, Saramatu

page 38


pages 42-43

Christine Blosdale

page 39

Irene Klepec The extraordinary energetic gifts of Croatian visionary and spiritual healer

pages 40-41

Tarotscopes – Missy Rivers

pages 34-35

Astrology – Sherriden Sloan

pages 32-33

Lorna Hollinger The stress-relief natural remedy at the end of your fingers and how to use it

page 31

Victoria Cochrane

page 24

Bree Stedman Is positive thinking enough?

page 25

Kathy Lather Acts of kindness

page 22

Vicki Haspels

page 30

Marina Lovasz What is your tarot reading style?

pages 26-27

Sarah Tump YOU ARE… Loved

pages 28-29

Rebecca-Lee Healing from past lovers Part II

page 21

Keezia Leigh Living your best life

pages 12-13

Jessica Beard The Sacred Rebel Archetype The responsibility of staying in the light

pages 14-15

Special Feature – Jacine Greenwood

pages 6-11

Inna Segal

pages 18-19

Gwenda Smith The art of non-attachment

page 20

Leanne James

page 16

Alissandra Moon The Wise Witch

page 5
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