Rebirth Magazine March 2022

Page 26

What is your

Tarot Reading Style?


Developing your own reading style in tarot can take some time and practice. As I say to all my tarot students, “Practice is just as essential as the theory and without practice your own unique style will not develop”. Regular practice of the tarot will enhance your tarot skills tenfold.


encourage you to let the cards speak to you personally and honestly about your life, before you read the meanings the accompanying book. Let yourself be in conversation with your inner self and tell a story about what it might mean for you based on the image you see in the card. Apply it to your lived experiences and build rapport with your inner being, be honest with yourself. The answer is always correct. Once you have had dialogue with your inner self, look for the meaning in the book and apply that to your current circumstances for an alternative perspective and add another layer of meaning. Apply the book interpretation to whatever is happening in your lived experience and again, have honest dialogue with your inner self. You can’t get it wrong; you are developing trust in yourself and your psychic abilities. The more honest you are with yourself on how you’re feeling, thinking and what you’re perceiving, will develop your psychic abilities. Here are 3 common and unique reading styles, which you may utilise all 3 in your reading style. Which one do you prefer? 1. The Analytic Style: Everything in the cards stands for something regarding the ‘personality’ of the querent. We read one card at a time and each card is analysed for its multiple levels of meaning. Personal associations are encouraged. The querent walks away with A LOT of information that requires further introspection and contemplation: they get to

make meaning of the reading based on the analysis of the symbology contained in each of the cards. 2. The Therapeutic Style: Based on reflection and feeling, counselling style. The reader asks the querent to reflect on the cards, to speak about how it feels to gaze upon the images. The reader listens and mirrors the readings, reflecting their response back to them, summarising, paraphrasing, and honouring their interpretation. The reader may ask the querent about how the card impacts internally, “What is coming up for you, what do you see, think and feel?” Traditional meanings are discouraged and personal connection to the images are encouraged. This is the therapeutic container and the client can explore the cards at their own pace. It’s great for kids! 3. The Psychic Style: This is based on psychic intuition, tuning into the imagination (sight) and subtle sensory feelings. As the reader, you are encouraged to go with your feelings, gut instinct, hunches that are triggered by the cards. The content is channelled by an ‘inner guide’, a divined reading, where there is a great value of trust placed on the creative energy as impressions through the sensory channels of the body, heart, and soul of the reader. The talented intuitive reader will convey subtle insights about the querent without even looking at the cards at all! People will often refer to themselves as clairvoyants, psychics etc (rather than tarot readers), as they develop this reading style.

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\\ MARCH 2022 \\ Rebirth Vade Mecum Magazine

Articles inside

Spirit Readings – Suizy Lamont

pages 36-37

Larissa Beattie, Saramatu

page 38


pages 42-43

Christine Blosdale

page 39

Irene Klepec The extraordinary energetic gifts of Croatian visionary and spiritual healer

pages 40-41

Tarotscopes – Missy Rivers

pages 34-35

Astrology – Sherriden Sloan

pages 32-33

Lorna Hollinger The stress-relief natural remedy at the end of your fingers and how to use it

page 31

Victoria Cochrane

page 24

Bree Stedman Is positive thinking enough?

page 25

Kathy Lather Acts of kindness

page 22

Vicki Haspels

page 30

Marina Lovasz What is your tarot reading style?

pages 26-27

Sarah Tump YOU ARE… Loved

pages 28-29

Rebecca-Lee Healing from past lovers Part II

page 21

Keezia Leigh Living your best life

pages 12-13

Jessica Beard The Sacred Rebel Archetype The responsibility of staying in the light

pages 14-15

Special Feature – Jacine Greenwood

pages 6-11

Inna Segal

pages 18-19

Gwenda Smith The art of non-attachment

page 20

Leanne James

page 16

Alissandra Moon The Wise Witch

page 5
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