February 2009

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Dear Readers, It’s amazing, but second semester is already here. For some of us seniors, our nostalgia for our high school years is already setting in. But lest I get too sentimental at this point, there are still memories to make and plenty of activities to participate in to make the second half of the year as fulfilling as the first half. As we begin second semester, however, it is time for underclassman to begin selecting their courses for next year. This month, staff writer Emily Buzzard has outlined various elective classes in hopes of answering your electiverelated questions and making the selection process for you easier. Thinking back to last year and years prior, I remember finding the course selection process exciting. I liked having to think through whether or not a certain course was right for me and whether it would correspond well with my interests and goals. For four years, my interests leaned towards Journalism and German classes. Journalism has allowed me to document FHS and community news like state championship teams and award-winning teachers and alumni. With German, I have learned a new language and have helped coordinate events like Lanier Karneval, all while becoming a part of a tight-knit group of students. Although some courses I chose were more challenging than others, I am glad that I challenged myself and that my teachers challenged me. I encourage all of you to take advantage of the AP and Honors courses offered at FHS. Speaking of AP classes, the Fairfax County school board recently voted on changing the FCPS grading scale. Beginning this semester, AP classes will now begin an additional 1.0 weight as opposed to the former 0.5 weight. The new grading scale will be retroactive. Apart from course selection and a new grading scale, this month the Rebel Roar is also featuring several Valentine’s Day articles. Staff writer Zafar Shaw has outlined Valentine’s Day side-effects and entertainment editor Myriam Tchatchouang interviewed students about date ideas. Lastly, in January, the SGA sponsored matchmaking results were delivered. News editor Kevin Poon purchased his results and decided to see for himself whether his match was accurate. See the features section to read about his date with his number one match.

Photo by James Lee.

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