Phoenix Horizons Magazine / Coffee Table Book- 2010 Editions 1 & 2

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Inside High-

Phoenix Horizons

lights Editorials Ministry News Indie Music &

Apostolic ministry & Music Magazine Issue 1 & 2, 2010

Arts News Interviews Ask our Ministers Healthy Living Heroes stories! Books Reviews Recipes





Healthy Living



Apostolic News


Featured Articles

~ Table of 3Contents ~ Letter from the Editors Greetings from Rebecca Michael….. P.4 Greetings from Herman Bouwer….. P.5

Letters to the Editors Letters from our Readers

Apostolic Corner Ask Ps. Dr. Rebecca Michael….. P.7 Ask Ps. Dr. Herman Bouwer….. P.8

Ministry News Apostolic-Prophetic Global News….. P. 10 777th Precinct News….. P.13 PACM Canada News….. P.15

Feature Articles Spiritual Abuse in the Church– Part 1 / 3 by Ps. Herman Bouwer, D.D….. P.39 Women in Ministry ~ ‗Kingdom Women‘ by Ap. Dr. Lee Ann Marino….. P.47

Culture / Music / Arts Focus Indie Music News this month - Rebecca Michael….. P.16 Artist Spotlight this month - Poetry by Ken Mitchell….. P.22

Interviews Music Artist Spotlight this montb - Bill Clint….. P.25

Heroes and Heroines - Stories of overcomers Hero for this month - Nelson Mandela by Herman Bouwer….. P.28 Heroine for this month - Joan D‘Arc by Ken Mitchell / Rebecca Michael….. P.35

Healthy Living - by Rebecca Michael, D.Min. Health & Fitness Coach Corner….. P.50 Mental Health Corner….. P.52 12 Steps to Recovery Corner….. P.54 Ask the Counsellor Corner….. P.64

Book Reviews Author of the Month - Kelley Varner….. P.66 Book of the Month - Recommended apostolic books….. P.67

Food Food for thought - Indian Basmati rice….. P.70 Recipes - South African….. P.72

* Copyright in effect for all materials posted at this Magazine, 2009. All Rights Reserved.*

Letter from the Editor-in-Chief I would like to extend our warm welcome to all of our readers. We may start this magazine as a beta project on a semi-annual basis per year for the first few issues starting March issue 2010 depending on the feedback we get for this first issue. This will give us a trial period to experiment with the magazine and decide if we then will publish monthly issues at a later date. This magazine will initially begin with an apostolic ministry and music focus both but later on as we grow and develop it- if we decide to continue the magazine- we may split these two topics in to two separate magazines monthly. Therefore the first few issues are intended to as an experiment into this new media form of publishing for us at PACM Inc. and Phoenix Horizons Records companies. Phoenix Alive CM Inc. ( PACM Inc.) is a non-profit organization founded by our Editor-in-Chief Ps. Dr. Rebecca Michael and several other board members in 2006. We publish Christian / Counseling teaching media written and produced by our President and CEO Rebecca Michael in topics such as health and fitness, mental health, leadership training and various teaching sermons. Rebecca Michael has an extensive educational and work background in mental health and allied fields, Christian Counselling and Christian Ministry as an ordained Christian Minister. Our Ministry and outreach is worldwide and we work with allied Ministers- this continues to grow online. Rebecca is also an indie music artist and songwriter, President / CEO of Phoenix Horizons Records since 2009. She has released three CDs to date with more to come, was featured on CBC Radio Canada international as a blues rock Gospel Canadian songwriter and her music has received radio airplay in several countries such as Ghana Africa, Canada, the USA, UK and Internet radio stations. She is becoming known as an eclectic, dynamic and talented songwriter as well as music producer and promoter of other artists around the world. Rebecca Michael has many programs and groups online. If you would like more information and regular updates please do join either or both of her facebook fan pages where we post regular news and updates. You can find these links along with her websites address just below in the name signature. We do hope you enjoy this magazine as much as we enjoyed creating it. We would love to hear from you and your ideas for this magazine, suggestions or e-mails anytime. You can leave a message at the facebook fan page links below. God bless you richly, Rebecca Michael, Website- Facebook Music fan page– Facebook Ministry fan page–

Donations and Sponsors needed! You can donate to our Ministries to keep this Magazine going by emailing myself or Ps. Herman Bouwer directly here at for Rebecca Michael or for Herman Bouwer at <> You can also message us at our facebook links as posted. * Copyright in effect for all materials posted at this Magazine, 2009. All Rights Reserved.*


Letter from the Editor from Ps. Herman Bouwer Let me start of this month by introducing myself to you and also to welcome you as a reader and I believe an active partaker of this magazine in the days to come. I am Pastor Herman Bouwer the founder and spiritual father of a Household of Faith that is called the 777th Precinct Apostolic Resource Center. ( http :// ) I am married to my wife and partner Renette Bouwer who is the cofounder of this ministry and also fathers the Household with me. We have two children, my daughter Rolanda (18yrs) and my son Werner (15yrs). I was affiliated to the IFCC as a lay preacher in South Africa until such time that the IFCC focus changed to churches and no longer included ministries. Renette is a qualified and registered Social Worker and is currently employed by the Council for the Built Environment in SA. Our passion is to walk in obedience and humility before God and serve the Body of Christ. Our mandate is to train people in the Kingdom of God in order to see the manifestation of biblical city churches built on the model of the Antioch Church in the New Testament. We do this through the presentation of Word schools.

The 777th Precinct Ministry is an independent and autonomous Ministry with a Kingdom focus. We submit in our personal walk with God to Gerda and Marlon Pillay of the School for Life ( ) who are the spiritual sons of Dr Sagie Govender one of the leading South African Apostolic leaders in the Nation of South Africa. Our Head Office is situated in Pretoria, R.S.A. I have met Rebecca who is birthing this magazine during my time as the Regional Bishop overseeing the International Regions called Region 11 of UCFM at that time. We both left the UCFM some time ago and met up with one another again on the internet. I believe that as you will enjoy this magazine and that you also will receive the contents as a Word of the Lord with regards to the different topics that will be covered. Let me also take this once off opportunity to thank Rebecca for the opportunity that she is giving me here to serve in this way. God bless you. Ps Herman Bouwer

Donations and Sponsors needed! You can donate to our Ministries to keep this Magazine going by emailing myself or Ps. Herman Bouwer directly here at for Rebecca Michael or for Herman Bouwer at <> You can also message us at our facebook links as posted. * Copyright in effect for all materials posted at this Magazine, 2009. All Rights Reserved.*


Apostolic Corner ~ Ask Ps. Dr. Rebecca Michael Q. How did you get in to Ministry? What is the training for that? A. ―Unlike many other aspiring Christian Ministers, I did not have a lifelong dream or ambitions in this direction in my wildest dreams. My plans and goals were to be a nurse or a Counsellor in the mental health and allied fields. God redirected my life a lot through Providense however and so I was put on a path He chose for me towards overcoming many trials, tribulations and adversities as such far beyond my control. As a result and in the process, the Lord had me also prepare in these above fields to a large degree with a Bachelors degree in B.A. behavioural sciences and later much work experience followed in mental health and allied fields. The Lord revealed over this extensive period of time of over 2 decades, in addition to my own trials and overcoming, that there is much progress that has been made in these helping fields but that so much more needs to be done especially in the area of overcoming adversities and competent leadership training for those in these fields. I see now looking back in the 20-20 hindsight vision that the Lord did not allow me to stay content here but rather revealed many issues, problems, injustices, inconsistencies which He is preparing me now to address in books and education of leaders possibly at some point in the near future. I would have been happy to stay very ordinary in life and happy with my own beautiful family who I adore– however– much has happened and the Lord has now prepared me also as an ordained Christian Minister for empowerment from Him and to send me back later to effectually deal with the issues I repeatedly encountered with some solutions especially around competent leadership and mentoring for the sake of those who are at the mercy of these systems in terms of care. I have and will soon gain further grad education and the worlds finest allies in keeping with this vision for leaders. ‖ Q. Are women also called effectually in to Ministry as ordained Christian Ministers? A. ―Yes- Like I said above. I had no such plans and would have been happy as a clam to stand back and have the responsible men and elders assume their servant leadership positions in Ministry and the marketplace. However– the Lord had other plans for me as I have outlined. I believe at this time it is getting very dark and compromised with very few true heroes and heroines today though wannabees abound– so I think that the Lord is calling, preparing and sending whosoever will pass the bootcamp training of His Providense in trials, tests etc. and then He promotes the faithful vessels / saints who withstand and pass these tests by faith and by His Power. He does this by testing us for truth / fire. The qualities of character He crafts- such as tenacity under pressure, endurance, perseverance over time– even decades- and stamina– as well as a fervent and courageous resistance to corruption, falsehoods and deception– all of this unbeknownst to the one undergoing it all over decades at the time happens through the wilderness– which that cannot be falsified and so these are for real saints and only these does He then appoint. Many men and mostly women it seems are now being raised up on the back side of the mountain so to speak– and coming forward at this endtimes now to be aligned and take their rightful place as ordained of the Lord for all the body of Christ members– the Lord is aligning His leaders and members now and getting ready soon to send them out to advance the Kingdom purposes of God on this earth as it is in heaven. We are gathering now, figuring it out from the forefront of a massive transformation of the ‘ekklesia‘ or His Church bride / Corporate Son– and awaiting instructions from Our Commander-in-Chief– Our soon coming King Jesus Christ for what is next. This is biblical– God has sent many females throughout biblical history esp. in dark times to step up to the plate and take the lead. It is very exciting and also more than a little scary at times. But we live by faith in Him– of whom shall we be afraid if God is with us and for us?!

Apostolic Corner ~ Ask Ps. Dr. Herman Bouwer Question: Dr Herman, as a pastor and minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and also being a pastor that has embraced the Apostolic Reformation, how has it changed and impacted your life? Answer: Well I have always had a passion and a love for Jesus. In all of my years of ministry since 1982 we, that is now my wife Renette and me never fit into the normal church. We always had sons that we were fathering. We were not even married when God spoke to us about setting up a Household and disciple the young believers in order to grow them to maturity. That is kind of how our relationship really started in fathering. As a police officer at the time and Renette was doing social work at the time we would take into the commune we rented young police officers and grow them in the Lord. Later years we joined the late Pastor Ed Roebert of the Hatfield Christian Church and we continually tried to submit what we were doing in a local church. After several interviews and meetings with pastor Ed and several of the other pastors their response to us was that ―We acknowledge the work that you are doing as orchestrated by God. We can however not fit you into the structure of the church. We bless you and release you to continue with what you are doing.‖ We so much had a desire to only do what God wanted us to do and so we continued the ministry. It was in 2006 the we got introduced to the Apostolic Reformation and when we heard the message we responded with passion. Here was a message that was being preached on father and sons and we have been living it since 1982. It really blew us out of the water. Here was a people who have a Kingdom focus and not a church focus. We embraced the season and is currently continuing doing so with everything that is within us.


Someone asked me one day now PS Herman what is all of this apostolic all about. I replied with a response that I have heard from one of the SA apostles….. It is all about how to die successfully! My life has been totally changed. My approach to ministry has totally changed. The Word of God has become my passion and the reality of my life. I will never be able to go back to normal ―church life‖ again. God has removed and cut from me so much that was merely religion and my soul dimension. I do not confess at all to have arrived but I know that God is still deconstructing and reconstructing me daily. Question: Ps Herman, how does your family cope with living this kind of lifestyle as I see you living a life of transparency, taking people into your home and growing them.? You have almost no privacy. Answer: Well that is true there is not much space for anything else and this is the place where I live, work, stay and minister. There is nowhere to go. So those who walk closely with us see us as is... There is no pretense in what we do. What you see is what you get. My children have grown up in this environment and yes sometimes we want to run away and hide and just get some space. However I must tell you that the kids are the first to tell me….. ‗Dad call someone so they can come and visit it is much to quiet here‘. As a father and a husband also sometimes it is a challenge to spend quality time with the biological family but again we have worked around that in having open relationships with one another. If the kids need to speak to DAD and not the pastor they are quick to tell me that they need to speak to me in my study. My wife and I make a point of taking 20-30 minutes everyday the moment she gets back from work to talk about her day and my day. I believe that to a certain extent we are a very unique family with a unique operating system in our home as we live a truly transparent lifestyle. We also try and keep at least one or two Friday nights a month free for family time and as a couple we take a night off and go for dinner someplace where there is no kids, switch off the phones and tell everyone ‗only call us when you are dead…. We will then raise you from the dead‘…. ( that‘s a joke)! -Ps. Herman Bouwer

Apostolic-Prophetic Ministry World News ( with Ps. Dr. Herman Bouwer ) What is the Apostolic Season? The Apostolic Season is the name ascribed to the arrival of a new season (kairos) in the advancement of the Kingdom of God in the earth. In different church circles this kairos is named Apostolic Reformation, the New Apostolic Reformation and the Apostolic‐Prophetic Movement. All of these names are generic references seeking to capture and communicate the fundamentals of what God is presently doing in the Church of Jesus Christ. Evidently, the Apostolic Season propagates the view that these are not only the last days but also the last ‗kairos‘. An epoch whereby certain things prophesied by the prophets of old must come to pass. It is asserted that there will be no return and reconciliation of Christ to and with His Church (body) unless all things (which have be ruined or lost in the fall of humankind) have been reconstituted, restored and reformed (Acts 3:19ff). Hence, thereis great emphasis on the church exercising its authority as the royal priesthood in the earth. Behind this backdrop one can understand why the Apostolic Season preaches that the Gospel of the Kingdom of God being first preached as a witness to all nations before the end of the age will come (Mt. 24:14). Further, the Apostolic Season asserts that the end will only come when the corporate Son, the body of Jesus Christ, located in the earth has reached maturity (teleios) or Son‐ship. Put another way, the church in the earth is to be built up or brought into the fullness of the image of Christ, the pattern Son, in the earth (Ephesians 4:11ff; Romans 8:29). In this respect, proponents of the Apostolic Season maintain that there will not be a return of Christ until the Corporate Son (the Church) reigns as the ‗exact representative‘ (apostolos, shaliah) in the earth bringing all the enemies of Christ Jesus under His feet (Hebrews 10:13ff). Therefore, a characteristic feature of the Apostolic Season is the restoration of the fivefold ministry (apostles, prophets,evangelist, pastors and teachers) to its rightful function in skillfully building up the Body of Christ (Church) (Ephesians 4:11). These are technicians of grace endowed with the spiritual skills to accurately build up the Church in becoming the exact image and representation of Christ in the earth. The passion of five‐fold ministry (apostles, prophets, evangelist, teachers and pastors) is to build a corporate ‗man‘ in the earth that will exactly represent (shaliah) and manifest (phainero) the invisible image of God to all of creation in both the visible and invisible Kingdoms of our God and Father.


Apostolic-Prophetic Ministry World News Cont‘d (with Ps. Herman Bouwer) It must however be emphasised that these (fivefold ministries) are technicians and not the governmental or hierarchical structure of the Church. God sovereignly endows individuals to be carriers of grace to His Body. These are like bees carrying pollen to the beehive. They are not the governmental or apostolic structure of the church but are divinely sent to restore the original intent of the Godhead. One may therefore ask, what is the divine intent for the Church? In my opinion, the church is the family (Son) of God modelled on the relational culture and protocol found in the Godhead (Father, Son and Holy Spirit). The structure of the Family is organised into smaller dwelling units called ‗house‘ or ‗households of faith‘. In the governmental structure of these households there are appointed elders (carriers of paternal/maternal grace) whose mandate is to raise children (‗sons‘). Examples of the organic structure of the Family of God may be case studied in the OT. The scriptures are replete with detailed genealogies that carefully set out the structure of the nation of Israel that is made up of twelve tribes. Each tribe comprises of multiple clans or family groupings. When all these family units are assembled we have the divine design of the Family of God spread out among the nations. – Article By ThamoNaidoo (May 2008) In this issue I am bring you some news and an important event that are being hosted in South Africa that not only impacts South Africa but also the nations. One of these events is the Apostolic School of Ministry that are hosted by Apostle Thamo Naidoo twice a year. Meeting Apostole Thamo Naidoo: Thamo Naidoo has been in the full time ministry since 1985. He is married to Mirolyn and they have three sons Theron, Sherwin and Rylan. They were led by the Lord Jesus Christ to plant the River of Life Christian Ministries (ROLCM) in Pietermaritzburg, South Africa, on 2nd October 1994. The ministry has developed into an influential apostolic centre of global repute. The Apostolic School of Ministry (ASOM) was launched on 20 April 2001, as an apostolic resource ministry that focuses on providing resources for leaders to make the transition into the apostolic season. It facilitates the process of reprogramming, retooling and restructuring congregations into the apostolic season. At present there are regular ASOM hosted for the training of church leaders. These schools have attracted leaders from many parts of the world. Thamo played a key role, together with other apostolic leaders, to found the Judah Kingdom Alliance (JKA). The JKA is a global apostolic alliance

Apostolic-Prophetic Ministry World News Cont‘d (with Ps. Herman Bouwer) comprising of diverse autonomous ministries, networks, churches and individuals who have covenanted to partnership in seamless relationships to advance the Kingdom of God in the earth. There is a distinct apostolic grace upon the life of Thamo. He travels extensively speaking at leadership conferences on the necessity for a reformation of the Church as it prepares to function governmentally in the Third Millennium. Apostolic School of Ministry (ASOM) March 2010 Thamo Naidoo received a divine mandate that leaders needed to be prepared for the advent of a new kairos (season) while visiting Ghana in 2000. Consequently, after much prayer the first Apostolic School of Ministry (ASOM) was hosted in Pietermaritzburg, South Africa in April 2001. The primary objective of the ASOM was to introduce and prepare for the dawning of the Apostolic Season. The ASOM is hosted twice per annum. The duration of each ASOM is seven days. The schools have become an overwhelming success with church leaders attending form different parts of the globe. The next Apostolic School of Ministry (ASOM) will be hosted in Pietermaritzburg from 22rd - 27th March 2010 & the 4th - 10th October 2010. Delegates will have to make their own arrangements for accommodation, meals and transport. We will assist in making recommendations of the various facilities available in and around Pietermaritzburg. Further information can be obtained directly from the PA to Apostle Thamo, Mr Brian Govender. Costs Registration (only) South African Delegates - R 500.00 International - $100USD Contact details of Mr Brian Govender Online bookings can be made at the following site: I can personally recommend that if at all possible that you attend this school if you are serious about this season and what God is doing not only in South Africa but also in the Nations.


777th Precinct Apostolic Resource Centre (ARC) - Ministry News and Updates In this issue I will introduce you to the ministry and give you some information of how we function and operate as well as what our vision is in terms of the mandate that God has given to us. The 777th Precinct Apostolic Resource Centre is an apostolic resource centre for pastors and leaders in the cities and nations who wish to connect with a grace carrier of present day truth. We are living in the time of global transformation. It is undeniable that the greatest move of God since Pentecost is now taking place in the global Church. Christ Jesus is revealing Himself to the church! God has called His Church (Ekklesia—the called out ones) to manifest on the earth. There is swiftness in the Spirit for the seed of Christ to produce effectively on the earth. This is the firstfruit company that represent Christ accurately, and follow the Lamb wherever He goes. These individuals are configured to challenge ―cunningly devised fables‖ and destroy religious practices that kept the church in bondage and prevented her to enter dominion on the earth. Our mandate is to nourish; mentor and release sons in order to establish autonomous believers in the house of the Lord. The current church has adopted systems of Babylon and demands major reformation! Many believers are living a life of defeat as they are unaware of their mandate and therefore unable to enter their dominion on the earth. 777th Precinct ARC is a ―Word Intensive‖ Household of Faith and Wordschool Program , which train believers to fulfill their Kingdom mandate on the earth. You are the king of your domain, and you need to have dominion. This program will help you to identify your purpose and teach you how to rule in the midst of your enemies.

―So shall they fear the name of the LORD from the west, and His glory from the rising of the sun; when the enemy comes in like a flood, the Spirit of the LORD will lift up a standard against him.‖ Isaiah 59:19. Our focus is to grow and establish mature sons of God in the earth that will accurately reflect CHRIST in the earth.

The Household of Faith meets every Sunday morning at 10:00 where we meet around the Word. The Word is our highest priority above all other programs and activities. Children under 10yrs are part of our I AM Kidz Program where they are taught the same proceeding word as the parents but only on their level of comprehension. Ps Herman and Renette Bouwer is the spiritual father of this Apostolic Household of Faith. Herman and Renette are the founders and Executive Directors of the 777th Precinct ARC since 1986. They also oversee and father several other ministries and churches both national and international.

Free Resources Available to you from us: Audio: Written: DVD‘s & CD‘s: Please obtain our catalogue of more than 300 CD‘s that are available and supplied on request


Apostolic Ministry News ~ PACM Inc. News Updates ( with Pres. Ps. Dr. Rebecca Michael ) This is my Convocation grad robes and photos from my online grad studies and degree completion from GBIS Seminary in Calabar, Ng., Africa where I graduated, 2008, with a Master of Arts in Christian Leadership and Counselling and received also an earned doctorate in Ministry in Church Admin majoring in Christian Counselling for the extensive media work, teaching and online projects I created, produced and published during that time. Prior to this I graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in behavioural sciences in 1987 from the Univ. of Alta., Canada and worked for 2 decades in the mental health and allied medical fields in various positions. I have since graduated from this Seminary with first-class honours- created, produced and published many Christian Counselling and Healthy living teachings in different forms such as videos and podcasts. I did an internet teaching radio show for approx. 2 yrs. called ‘Rise Up‘ and Christian Counsellor Cast with various blogtalk radio podcasts on health, mental health, biblical teaching sermons and leadership training teaching at various programs and groups online and some are still currently active live and archived shows. At the time of this writing I am narrating and teaching through the OT books focusing on leadership, the nature of God and relationship with Him at every Sunday and past shows are later archived at that show page link. I am sitting here in my home office for our PACM Inc. organization. Our main PACM Inc. Website is here at I have started 2 blogs as preparation this year for writing my first book called ‗Healthy Living for Today‘ which will be practical tools n tips that are factual about health principles in general and how to apply them. This will be my first book as an author and so I picked a topic that is factual and that I have learned a lot about and do apply as tested, tried and proven over the years. This book will be published soon through whatever means is free and available to us at the time to do just that very thing. I am also this year writing articles regularly for Power for Today magazine by Apostle Dr. Lee Ann Marino. She has a wonderful Ministry and her website is at for info. We have our own Record label as I am an indie Songwriter / Music Producer and promote others as well who are signed up with us.

Apostle Dr. Rebecca Michael is Apostle for Phoenix Alive Christian Ministries, Inc. in Maple Ridge, BC. She has over two decades in education, mental health, and many years experience in ministry. She is also an independent songwriter/producer, publishing blues, rock, and gospel. To contact Apostle Dr. Rebecca, visit her website at . You can join her facebook music fan page here at hael.Music

Interview with Canadian Songwriter/Producer Rebecca Michael from Power for Today magazine excerpt Feb. 2010 issue by Apostle Dr. Lee Ann Marino, Power for Today Editor-inChief. Walk then Run CD Part 1/2 (To be Cont‘d next issue) Q: Blessings Apostle! It is always good to speak with you. A: Hugs all around and blessings to you! Q: I‘ve been watching your Facebook account ( Music ) it is abuzz with news about your new musical albums. Tell us a little about them! A: I wrote 3 CD Albums and they are now published! I also started a publishing record label, registered as a member of SOCAN and ASCAP under my name (Apostle Dr. Rebecca Michael). I recently started Phoenix Horizons Records, where I will write, produce, and publish my own music and music of other ―Indie‖


musicians. I am combining all of this with our PACM Inc. Non-Profit Ministries and waiting to see where the Lord leads us! Q: Wow, it sounds like you are very busy! A: Producing and writing music is fun work to do! Q: Tell us about your albums. A: The first CD is called, Walk Then Run. It is blues rock style; love blues rock! The next two are rock Christian contemporary. The second is called Agape Love, with a strong marriage theme. The last one is called Rose of Sharon, where I wrote and sang harmonies to the entire book, the Song of Solomon. I also incorporated some other Scriptures (such as 1 Corinthians 13) and my own songs 10% of all of our proceeds will automatically go

back in to our Ministries, and 10% of any proceeds from our own Ministries automatically go back in to our Spiritual father, Apostle Dr. Herman Bouwer. The albums are going up the charts, especially the first released CD. I was interviewed as a Canadian Songwriter for blues, rock, gospel and a music Producer with SOCAN / ASCAP recently by CBC Radio-Canada- the interview can be found in the articles posted at my facebook music fan page. My music and teaching videos are also being featured for the ‗Hey Cover Girl‘ 8 part series as well at the viswikipedia site for Chatelaine magazine as a former Cover girl for them- 30 yrs. later I am back with these Ministries and they have posted my videos-


also my work as a music Producer with Bill Clint- another upcoming Canadian Songwriter who is recently signed and produced with our record label called Phoenix Horizons Records. I am being asked to radio airplay in Ghana, Africa and places in the Caribbean. Basically, in a nutshell- I am President of two organizations to do with creating, producing and publishing Christian teaching media at our NPO started in 2006 called PACM Inc. and blues, rock, gospel and folk genres music so far with our Record company called Phoenix Horizons Records started in 2009. Q: What is your most popular song? A: My most popular songs are from the first ‗Walk then Run‘ CD Release, 2009especially the lively upbeat songs like ‗Movin to the Island‘, ‗He Says, She Says‘ and ‗Tribal blues for Africa‘- the last two

songs are what attracted CBC RadioCanada to interview me as I mentioned and the other songs that are increasingly popular is the Song of Solomon songsespecially ‗Return of the King‘ from the Rose of Sharon CD, 2009, where I sing the entire bible book of the Song of Solomon in choral harmonies to a driving contemporary studio beat mix. I did this to encourage and facilitate bible chapter and verse memorization. Q: What is your favorite song that you‘ve written, and why? A: My favourite song that I have written is probably ‗Dark Night of the Soul‘ which is a spontaneously written prayer of the process of the Cross in my own life- death


/ resurrection life that happens for all believers over our lifetimes. Without our Lord Jesus Christ- we would eventually all experience this soul death part with no rebirth / resurrection process to accompany it- which is the life of the fool. With the Lord- we will lose- we will suff er losses, grief and deaths- but we will be raised in glory- beauty for ashes, joy for mourning, eternal life of the soul for death- eventually this will result also in physical resurrection of our very bodies. Stay tuned next time for the second installation of this interview and more from Apostle Dr. Rebecca! Excerpt from Feb 2010 issue of Article written Magazine Editor / Publisher Apostle Dr. Lee Ann Marino Website-


Poetry by Ken James Mitchell Ken Mitchell and Rebecca ’Sherry’ Michael are married and work together birthing out many projects around the world with their PACM Inc. NPO and their PH Record label.He is a very gifted poet and artist in many crafts and collaborates with many of our media and other productions as both a talented artist and as a productions manager- including this magazine which is in the initial beta stages as new territory in publishing media for us both. He will be a regularly featured Poet and writer for articles for our Phoenix Horizons Magazine so watch for his articles as such & / or as our co-Editor overall. See below now for Ken Mitchell:

This is a poem I just wrote today about my take on spiritual readings like the biblemany people just don't get it.It is the power of wisdom to save and keep us in a world of chaos, fools and confusion all clamouring for the mike.Let's just get back to God and His Words- His Water Words. Unedited version- Copyright 2008 to Ken Mitchell

Water Words Wells of water, wells of ink Some words float and some will sink So when you're thirsty, take a drink cuz water words make you think.

Stroke or dive, wash and rinse' Gulp the truth, not the hints When you're lost it will make sense to find God's land to pitch your tents.


Await the harvest till you know where He holds on or He let go.

Forcing bridges, holding boats On water words the whole world floats. So don't forget to thank the host Our Father, Son and Holy Ghost.

Ken Mitchell Copyright 2008 All Rights Reserved

My Sister and My Bride May God bless and keep you forever, My Sister and My bride. As we toil to Climb Gods mountain And Come down the other side. Let us be on guard as we ascend, For the places satan hides And not forget that when we fall, The cause is always pride. As we start the journey to go up The path is broad and wide, But it narrows as we near the top We must measure every stride. And ignore the ones who come as light these words we won‘t abide, For many have fallen to their death With all the ways they lied. Your beauty rare and glorious Flows out from the Spirit inside

And floods my heart euphorious Like the ocean at highest tide. I thank the Lord for blessing me And with your banner I will ride, And champion with you til we meet the Lord My Sister and My Bride. Ken Mitchell Copyright 2008 All Rights Reserved


Interview with Canadian Folk Rock Alternative Songwriter Bill Clint– by Rebecca Michael Bill Clint is a folk rock alternative genre Canadian SingerSongwriter-Musician extraordinaire! You can find out more about his CD Releases now available online at itunes, amazon music MP3 downloads and also at his Website at You can listen freely to his music at his myspace music page here at

Q.(Rebecca Michael) Hi Bill! Thank you for this interview, it is great to have you here as both an outstanding indie artist in your own right in Canada and the USA in past times, as well as a wonderful and true friend. A. (Bill Clint) Thankyou Rebecca for the opportunity to be interviewed with your magazine here in the very first edition– I am honoured that you thought of me. Q. (Rebecca Michael) You are very welcome Bill. I have in mind to do this article in 2 Parts– first, I would like you to tell us about how your music has evolved, what your influences and connections were in the successful past– And then for this interview I would like you to please connect this with where you are now at with your brand new release with our indie record label Phoenix Horizons Records, 2009, called ‗America ~ Lady of Liberty‘ CD. We can discuss other current and future projects you have in your plans in Part 2 of this interview which we will spotlight in our next quarterly magazine issue. So– can you take us from the origins then and connect us with today for this Part 1 issue article up to your recent CD Release then?

Interview with Canadian Songwriter Bill Clint Cont‘d A. (Bill Clint) I was born and raised in a Toronto / area suburbs in a town called Streetsville, Ont., Canada.I sang in a choir as a kid– wrote poetry in Grade 6… I was kicked out of band for playing sax at 16 so a friend gave me a guitar, I wrote my first song at 16 and never stopped. Later I hung out with College kids and met a lot of artists and musicians such as living at the infamous hippy hangout 18 stories Univ. of Toronto free education experiment Rochdale– We played at places like the Riverboat, Ryerson, York U, Toronto Univ– Later I recorded 1975 the CD Crying of a Generation– and working as a primal therapist with Primal Therapist Arthur Janov and a Psychiatrist in Toronto. Here below is a review of this album recently– in a nutshell– anyone interested in their feelings and process should listen to this albums such as the song ‗Angels don‘t need friends‘ - Here is one such review: Right down to the ink drawing of the faceless guy on the cover, this is an obscure singersongwriter classic, which actually managed to exceed my already high expectations when I finally got myself a copy. I mean, I knew there was going to be a bit with the guy actually bursting into tears, but for some reason I imagined he'd be gently sobbing in his handkerchief rather than howling loudly in the microphone as if something really, really went bad, which is actually what he does here. This sounds kinda ugly - not a pleasant listen by any means, but on the other hand, it gives the album a sense of unsurpassed sincerity, as if, you know, he really opens his soul to the listener. So, I'd say this is worth having for just this feeling alone, but musically the album is a winner too - the melodies are excellent, the vocals are superb and haunting even when he's not crying, and the sparse arrangements really work. Huge thumbs up! (from Ebay CD Review online post by Levhan)


Interview with Canadian Songwriter Bill Clint Cont‘d When we recorded this song they put 12 microphones around me and I just started singing and I just went where it took me– we added the music and effects later– It is the definitive soulsearching work bar none for those out there as such. I ran a business for awhile, my marriage went sour so I went to Austin Tx. for a year and a half and met my second wife Lisa and went to LA and wrote America ~ Lady of Liberty CD Album in 1980 something. I recorded at Hershel Cunningham‘s studio who recorded all of Stevie Ray Vaughn vocals and we all started hanging out as fast friends and jamming and I met and collaborated with many other famous musicians. If you are any good in Austin then you meet and play with everybody who is anybody in the music world– and I won the Songwriters Award and next thing I know I am meeting everyone and opening for the Mamas and Papas as the folk singer for Austin, TX with Christopher Cross there– I got a standing ovation– an unheard of feat there– so- many were impressed– many were really miffed haha. Some of those I jammed and collaborated with others like Dan Hill and others from other places along the way. Many folks wanted to sign me and I would not because they cared about money more than music. I stayed to not sell out my music or craft to the industry and so now I am so pleased with the power of the artists rights via the internet– so now I can directly reach people through the internet– Furthermore, Rebecca is the secret love of my life LOL– but you never did get it you fool. LOL. Perfect line and she doesn‘t get it LOL– you missed it again Rebecca! No wonder he cries on ‗angels don‘t need friends‘- lol- Duh. A. (Rebecca Michael) LOL..Course not– I have selective hearing at times! Touche- Kidding aside- I do love your music! Well once again you are colourful Bill and as good in humour as ever I see– teasin me again are ya?? That‘s OK Bill– I have my ways of getting even muahhahah– like this interview maybe.. We go back and forth as always sparring my friend. Stayed tuned folks for Part 2 of this Interview readers– You don‘t want to miss it– more sparring and fun with Songwriter Bill Clint and Rebecca Michael the Interviewer to come, trust me HaMuah! Bye for now my friend– thanks for sharing with us Bill! By Rebecca Michael

Heroes – Nelson Mandela by Ps. Herman Bouwer As a South African and also an ex-police officer that served for 23 years of which a short period of time also within the Security Branch of the SAPS I believe I have the authority to recognize this man as a hero, having seen his life portrayed in this country. The question has been asked many times‌ Is Mandela a Christian? I do not know the answer to that question. What I do know is I honor this man for displaying a godly characteristic called true forgiveness. As a police officer but also a devout Christian I struggled personally with a lot that has been said as we were trained with regards to the ANC and their leader Nelson Mandela. I still remember till this day how I struggled to try and understand the threat in the words of the ANC song at that time Nkosi Sikelele. At that time it really did not make sense to me. Today it is our national anthem. I remember the days as a police officer when we had to fill a certain quota of arrests per week. The easiest way was to arrest black people that do not have the necessary authority to be within the white suburbs and areas. I always felt the burden of guilt having to comply with those instructions. I found a way around this by focusing on people gambling in the street, drinking in public and urinating in public. In my mind these were laws that made sense and that I did not have a moral disagreement with. In my own small way I tried to not add to the misery and suffering I saw around me. Maybe in this issue giving honor to Mr Mandela is also a way of cleansing for me to be able to present to all out there, reading this magazine that not all cops stood in agreement as to what took place in the previous dispensation in South Africa. Thus in this issue it gives me great pleasure to humbly present to you one of our greatest heroes in South Africa:

Nelson Rolihlahla MANDELA

Nelson Mandela's greatest pleasure, his most private moment, is watching the sun set with the music of Handel or Tchaikovsky playing. Locked up in his cell during daylight hours, deprived of music, both these simple pleasures were denied him for decades. With his fellow prisoners, concerts were organized when possible, particularly at Christmas time, where they would sing. Nelson Mandela finds music very uplifting, and takes a keen interest not only in European classical music but also in African choral music and the many talents in South African music. But one voice stands out above all - that of Paul Robeson, whom he describes as a hero.


With a standard working day of at least 12 hours, time management is critical and Nelson Mandela is extremely impatient with unpunctuality, regarding it as insulting to those you are dealing with. When speaking of the extensive travelling he has undertaken since his release from prison, Nelson Mandela says: I was helped when preparing for my release by the biography of Pandit Nehru, who wrote of what happens when you leave jail. My daughter Zinzi says that she grew up without a father, who, when he returned, became a father of the nation. This has placed a great responsibility on my shoulders. And wherever I travel, I immediately begin to miss the familiar - the mine dumps, the colour and smell that is uniquely South African, and, above all, the people. I do not like to be away for any length of time. For me, there is no place like home. Mandela accepted the Nobel Peace Prize as an accolade to all people who have worked for peace and stood against racism. It was as much an award to his person as it was to the ANC and all South Africa‘s people. In particular, he regards it as a tribute to the people of Norway who stood against apartheid while many in the world were silent. Biographical Details Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela was born in a village near Umtata in the Transkei on the 18 July 1918. His father was the principal councillor to the Acting Paramount Chief of Thembuland. After his father s death, the young Rolihlahla became the Paramount Chief s ward to be groomed to assume high office. However, influenced by the cases that came before the Chief s court, he determined to become a lawyer. Hearing the elders stories of his ancestors valour during the wars of resistance in defence of their fatherland, he dreamed also of making his own contribution to the freedom struggle of his people. After receiving a primary education at a local mission school, Nelson Mandela was sent to Healdtown, a Wesleyan secondary school of some repute where he matriculated. He then enrolled at the University College of Fort Hare for the Bachelor of Arts Degree where he was elected onto the Student's Representative Council. He was suspended from college for joining in a protest boycott. He went to Johannesburg where he completed his BA by correspondence, took articles of clerkship and commenced study for his LLB. He entered politics in earnest while studying in Johannesburg by joining the African National Congress in 1942. At the height of the Second World War a small group of young Africans, members of the African National Congress, banded together under the leadership of Anton Lembede. Among them were William Nkomo, Walter Sisulu, Oliver R. Tambo, Ashby P. Mda and Nelson Mandela. Starting out with 60 members, all of whom were residing around the Witwatersrand, these young people set themselves the formidable task of transforming the ANC into a mass movement, deriving its strength and motivation from the unlettered millions of working people in the towns and countryside, the peasants in the rural areas and the professionals. Their chief contention was that the political tactics of the old guard' leadership of the ANC, reared in the tradition of constitutionalism and polite petitioning of the government of the day, were proving inadequate to the tasks of national emancipation. In opposition to the old guard', Lembede and his colleagues espoused a radical African Nationalism grounded in the principle of national self-determination. In September 1944 they came together to found the African National Congress Youth League (ANCYL). Mandela soon impressed his peers by his disciplined work and consistent effort and was

elected to the Secretaryship of the Youth League in 1947. By painstaking work, campaigning at the grassroots and through its mouthpiece Inyaniso' (Truth) the ANCYL was able to canvass support for its policies amongst the ANC membership. At the 1945 annual conference of the ANC, two of the League s leaders, Anton Lembede and Ashby Mda, were elected onto the National Executive Committee (NEC). Two years later another Youth League leader, Oliver R Tambo became a member of the NEC. Spurred on by the victory of the National Party which won the 1948 all-White elections on the platform of Apartheid, at the 1949 annual conference, the Programme of Action, inspired by the Youth League, which advocated the weapons of boycott, strike, civil disobedience and nonco-operation was accepted as official ANC policy. The Programme of Action had been drawn up by a sub-committee of the ANCYL composed of David Bopape, Ashby Mda, Nelson Mandela, James Njongwe, Walter Sisulu and Oliver Tambo. To ensure its implementation the membership replaced older leaders with a number of younger men. Walter Sisulu, a founding member of the Youth League was elected SecretaryGeneral. The conservative Dr A.B. Xuma lost the presidency to Dr J.S. Moroka, a man with a reputation for greater militancy. The following year, 1950, Mandela himself was elected to the NEC at national conference. The ANCYL programme aimed at the attainment of full citizenship, direct parliamentary representation for all South Africans. In policy documents of which Mandela was an important coauthor, the ANCYL paid special attention to the redistribution of the land, trade union rights, education and culture. The ANCYL aspired to free and compulsory education for all children, as well as mass education for adults. When the ANC launched its Campaign for the Defiance of Unjust Laws in 1952, Mandela was elected National Volunteer-in-Chief. The Defiance Campaign was conceived as a mass civil disobedience campaign that would snowball from a core of selected volunteers to involved more and more ordinary people, culminating in mass defiance. Fulfilling his responsibility as Volunteer-in-Chief, Mandela travelled the country organising resistance to discriminatory legislation. Charged and brought to trial for his role in the campaign, the court found that Mandela and his co-accused had consistently advised their followers to adopt a peaceful course of action and to avoid all violence. For his part in the Defiance Campaign, Mandela was convicted of contravening the Suppression of Communism Act and given a suspended prison sentence. Shortly after the campaign ended, he was also prohibited from attending gatherings and confined to Johannesburg for six months. During this period of restrictions, Mandela wrote the attorneys admission examination and was admitted to the profession. He opened a practice in Johannesburg, in partnership with Oliver Tambo. In recognition of his outstanding contribution during the Defiance Campaign Mandela had been elected to the presidency of both the Youth League and the Transvaal region of the ANC at the end of 1952, he thus became a deputy president of the ANC itself. Of their law practice, Oliver Tambo, ANC National Chairman at the time of his death in April 1993, has written: To reach our desks each morning Nelson and I ran the gauntlet of patient queues of people overflowing from the chairs in the waiting room into the corridors... To be landless (in South


Africa) can be a crime, and weekly we interviewed the delegations of peasants who came to tell us how many generations their families had worked a little piece of land from which they were now being ejected... To live in the wrong area can be a crime... Our buff office files carried thousands of these stories and if, when we started our law partnership, we had not been rebels against apartheid, our experiences in our offices would have remedied the deficiency. We had risen to professional status in our community, but every case in court, every visit to the prisons to interview clients, reminded us of the humiliation and suffering burning into our people. Nor did their professional status earn Mandela and Tambo any personal immunity from the brutal apartheid laws. They fell foul of the land segregation legislation, and the authorities demanded that they move their practice from the city to the back of beyond, as Mandela later put it, miles away from where clients could reach us during working hours. This was tantamount to asking us to abandon our legal practice, to give up the legal service of our people... No attorney worth his salt would easily agree to do that, said Mandela and the partnership resolved to defy the law. Nor was the government alone in trying to frustrate Mandela s legal practice. On the grounds of his conviction under the Suppression of Communism Act, the Transvaal Law Society petitioned the Supreme Court to strike him off the roll of attorneys. The petition was refused with Mr Justice Ramsbottom finding that Mandela had been moved by a desire to serve his black fellow citizens and nothing he had done showed him to be unworthy to remain in the ranks of an honourable profession. In 1952 Nelson Mandela was given the responsibility to prepare an organisational plan that would enable the leadership of the movement to maintain dynamic contact with its membership without recourse to public meetings. The objective was to prepare for the contingency of proscription by building up powerful local and regional branches to whom power could be devolved. This was the M-Plan, named after him. During the early fifties Mandela played an important part in leading the resistance to the Western Areas removals and to the introduction of Bantu Education. He also played a significant role in popularising the Freedom Charter, adopted by the Congress of the People in 1955. In the late fifties, Mandela s attention turned to the struggles against the exploitation of labour, the pass laws, the nascent Bantustan policy, and the segregation of the open universities. Mandela arrived at the conclusion very early on that the Bantustan policy was a political swindle and an economic absurdity. He predicted, with dismal prescience, that ahead there lay a grim programme of mass evictions, political persecutions, and police terror. On the segregation of the universities, Mandela observed that the friendship and inter-racial harmony that is forged through the admixture and association of various racial groups at the mixed universities constitute a direct threat to the policy of apartheid and baasskap, and that it was to remove that threat that the open universities were being closed to black students. During the whole of the fifties, Mandela was the victim of various forms of repression. He was banned, arrested and imprisoned. For much of the latter half of the decade, he was one of the accused in the mammoth Treason Trial, at great cost to his legal practice and his political work. After the Sharpeville Massacre in 1960, the ANC was outlawed, and Mandela, still on trial, was detained.

The Treason Trial collapsed in 1961 as South Africa was being steered towards the adoption of the republic constitution. With the ANC now illegal the leadership picked up the threads from its underground headquarters. Nelson Mandela emerged at this time as the leading figure in this new phase of struggle. Under the ANC's inspiration, 1,400 delegates came together at an All-in African Conference in Pietermaritzburg during March 1961. Mandela was the keynote speaker. In an electrifying address he challenged the apartheid regime to convene a national convention, representative of all South Africans to thrash out a new constitution based on democratic principles. Failure to comply, he warned, would compel the majority (Blacks) to observe the forthcoming inauguration of the Republic with a mass general strike. He immediately went underground to lead the campaign. Although fewer answered the call than Mandela had hoped, it attracted considerable support throughout the country. The government responded with the largest military mobilisation since the war, and the Republic was born in an atmosphere of fear and apprehension. Forced to live apart from his family, moving from place to place to evade detection by the government s ubiquitous informers and police spies, Mandela had to adopt a number of disguises. Sometimes dressed as a common labourer, at other times as a chauffeur, his successful evasion of the police earned him the title of the Black Pimpernel. It was during this time that he, together with other leaders of the ANC constituted a new specialised section of the liberation movement, Umkhonto we Sizwe, as an armed nucleus with a view to preparing for armed struggle. At the Rivonia trial, Mandela explained : "At the beginning of June 1961, after long and anxious assessment of the South African situation, I and some colleagues came to the conclusion that as violence in this country was inevitable, it would be wrong and unrealistic for African leaders to continue preaching peace and non-violence at a time when the government met our peaceful demands with force. It was only when all else had failed, when all channels of peaceful protest had been barred to us, that the decision was made to embark on violent forms of political struggle, and to form Umkhonto we Sizwe...the Government had left us no other choice." In 1961 Umkhonto we Sizwe was formed, with Mandela as its commander-in-chief. In 1962 Mandela left the country unlawfully and travelled abroad for several months. In Ethiopia he addressed the Conference of the Pan African Freedom Movement of East and Central Africa, and was warmly received by senior political leaders in several countries. During this trip Mandela, anticipating an intensification of the armed struggle, began to arrange guerrilla training for members of Umkhonto we Sizwe. Not long after his return to South Africa Mandela was arrested and charged with illegal exit from the country, and incitement to strike. Since he considered the prosecution a trial of the aspirations of the African people, Mandela decided to conduct his own defence. He applied for the recusal of the magistrate, on the ground that in such a prosecution a judiciary controlled entirely by whites was an interested party and therefore could not be impartial, and on the ground that he owed no duty to obey the laws of a white parliament, in which he was not represented. Mandela prefaced this challenge with the affirmation: I detest racialism, because I regard it as a barbaric thing, whether it comes from a black man or a white man. Mandela was convicted and sentenced to five years imprisonment. While serving his sentence he was charged, in the Rivonia Trial, with sabotage. Mandela s statements in court during these


trials are classics in the history of the resistance to apartheid, and they have been an inspiration to all who have opposed it. His statement from the dock in the Rivonia Trial ends with these words: I have fought against white domination, and I have fought against black domination. I have cherished the ideal of a democratic and free society in which all persons live together in harmony and with equal opportunities. It is an ideal which I hope to live for and to achieve. But if needs be, it is an ideal for which I am prepared to die. Mandela was sentenced to life imprisonment and started his prison years in the notorious Robben Island Prison, a maximum security prison on a small island 7Km off the coast near Cape Town. In April 1984 he was transferred to Pollsmoor Prison in Cape Town and in December 1988 he was moved the Victor Verster Prison near Paarl from where he was eventually released. While in prison, Mandela flatly rejected offers made by his jailers for remission of sentence in exchange for accepting the bantustan policy by recognising the independence of the Transkei and agreeing to settle there. Again in the 'eighties Mandela rejected an offer of release on condition that he renounce violence. Prisoners cannot enter into contracts. Only free men can negotiate, he said. Released on 11 February 1990, Mandela plunged wholeheartedly into his life's work, striving to attain the goals he and others had set out almost four decades earlier. In 1991, at the first national conference of the ANC held inside South Africa after being banned for decades, Nelson Mandela was elected President of the ANC while his lifelong friend and colleague, Oliver Tambo, became the organisation's National Chairperson. Nelson Mandela has never wavered in his devotion to democracy, equality and learning. Despite terrible provocation, he has never answered racism with racism. His life has been an inspiration, in South Africa and throughout the world, to all who are oppressed and deprived, to all who are opposed to oppression and deprivation. In a life that symbolises the triumph of the human spirit over man s inhumanity to man, Nelson Mandela accepted the 1993 Nobel Peace Prize on behalf of all South Africans who suffered and sacrificed so much to bring peace to our land. Mr Nelson Mandela had the opportunity to revenge his suffering and those whom he loved that even died at the hands of those who oppressed him and his people at that time. When in power as the President he chose to build and not to destroy. r I give honor today to this man, a mere human being but with a spirit and character that we can all learn from. He knows and undestand Forgiveness.

Recommended- A Long Walk to Freedom: The Autobiography of Nelson Mandela (Paperback)

Heroes: Nelson Mandela Cont‘d – by Ps. Herman Bouwer Sources:


Heroines: Joan d’Arc - by Ken Mitchell + Rebecca Michael Much is said about this heroine and many would like to make false acclaim for themselves as such namesakes- but who truly was this woman and more importantly, what was the key underlying motivations and power behind her bravery and convictions? And what did her faith cost her?! For an understanding of this we need to dig a little deeper than her external life or history and events in to the interior inherent core beliefs and passions of this woman herself. What can we discover and so infer that led her on to this path and what kept her there through tremendous opposition, cost and adversities to obey truth in a sacrificial sense as a martyred saint of God? This article will begin with a brief historical overview of her life and times and then attempt to explore and interpret some of these questions through events, biblically and probable inferences that can be extrapolated from it all. An internet search of some credible sources brought up several sites such as this source link at Born Jeanne d‘Arc, ca. 1412, she was born one of five children to a French peasant family. She later became a French national heroine and patron saint nicknamed ‗Maid of Orleans‘. Here is a link to a good biographical and historical backdrop to the life and times in which she was born and raised at http://joan-of As per the introduction the stated purpose and intent of this short article is to dig a little deeper in to these events and her history to determine her underlying processes -which is the real power that drives behavior- in an effort to understand the formation of her character. If the reader reads through these links for reference we can quickly see a recurrent theme here that Joan was profoundly spiritual and organized her very life as central to God vs.self as He prophetically revealed Himself to her through repeated visions starting at age 13 to which she attended. She made her life focus to carry out Gods purposes for her life. We see that it is this purpose that caused her to move and act according to what these visions and revelations from God instructed her- that she also told important allies. Some of these believed her in the name of God– but- true to form as the false religious also do to the Lord Jesus Christ- some of them betrayed her in to the hands of her enemies in a mock Kangeroo court trial on false trumped up accusations and charges- and executed her eventually as a heretic and a witch. As always, these corrupt religious‘ motivation was to get rid of her for their own self-seeking ends to stay in the status quo power and control positions and do this in the name of God- whitewashed sepulchers. Where have we seen these whitewashed tombs before? Of course, at the very Cross of Christ accusing Jesus Christ, Son of God and Man both, for the very same reasons after their illegal mock trials resulting in the murder of God. This is a constant pattern- the true are persecuted, exiled and if it is legal they are executed by the false who are threatened by them because these are the real saints called by God and those are the fakes occupying these leadership roles for the motive of self-gain and philthy blood money lucre. She was of course after her execution at the stake- as these articles say- later exonerated as a hero and these same were exposed as corrupt because the truth came forward. It is often

Heroines Cont’d - Joan d’Arc said that ‗the blood of the saints is the seed of the Church‘ and so she was martyred as a teenage girl as were many, many others for these same basic reasons- greed, envy and avarice. True to form of course, even her allies did not stand up for or with her then out of fear for themselves at that time though they did come forward later to exonerate and extol her as she deserved. All of these are all too common patterns throughout the histories of mankind such as the disciples who ran away and denied Jesus Christ at His worst hour when He was betrayed by His enemies and friends alike to face death and treason charges in a mock and illegal trial and He later faced cruxificion alone with the exception of the brave women and a beloved disciple John– the others did stand and died for Him later also– the traitor Judas hung himself and went to ‗his place‘ in hell as the bible states. If not for deception and cowardice people would stand instead of just talk hot air, challenge corruption instead of just fall in, stand for what is true and right instead of boast about things that don‘t really matter often half drunk and compromised- just a few good men and women who live by principles of noble truth is all it would take to right many of these corrupt systems. All too often, the just and brave few heroes and heroines are left standing alone and pay the ultimate price so we can be truly free. There is no liberty without an unwavering dedication to bullseye accurate truth and following it– Joan asserts her willingness to even leave her family if need be to follow truth and the Lord of all truth- though she honoured them deeply. As typical of many heroes and heroines– she was willing to suffer persecution, peril and grave personal loss to stand for the truth without compromise that makes real community possible. On the contrary and in sharp contrast for most folks of any time in human historymediocrity rules - as so many are happy for a time to be slaves of corruption and depravity and controlled / controlling by such clearly oppressive systems rather than being free in truth. Joan describes these voices and visions from God that led and instructed her here at this link Her description of her response that she would receive help from a Commander that would help her lead an army is one of simple, humble honesty when she replied that she did not know how to do this. Her account is a biblically authentic one reminiscent of the Mother of Jesus Christ Mary when she was visited and told of her own purpose- to give birth to the Messiah of the world. All of the true prophets in fact are humble as such when approached by God for special purposes such as this one- for God uses the humble and resists the proud know-it-alls. Of course- another common thread is the persecution and fight of faith that soon ensues by the evil one and his dupes. Those accounts that remember her as a child and growing up speak fondly of her saying she was a ‗good and sweet girl‘, hardworking and not given to any form of profanity, cursing or any other vice. She became quite serious about God, focused., intent and obedient to His instructions to her no matter what she believed even if it seemed quite impossible to her. Of course, God always asks far too much- the impossible- of those He sends on their mission im-


Heroines Cont’d- Joan d’Arc possible. This is because He supplies the means, resources, contacts if it is indeed His voice and vision. This way all witnesses know for sure that this has to be God as nothing else in the natural can provide a full explanation against the incredible odds one acquires when sent by God to do a mission.and so– HE- gets the Glory not fallen, boastful humans! Faith and a resolute trust and obedience to God as she knew Him through Church and the bible was this girls strength- even to death- she refused to recant in the end and so was executed. This is what it takes sometimes for the truth to come forth- the truth comes out with devastation and grief in the end if it will not prevail through the obvious glaring signs and warnings to this people to repent and turn back to God. This girl had the beginning of true wisdom for sureshe cared more about what the Lord thought and wanted for her than she did popularity and status quo corrupt politicos- whether these claimed to be religious or not. Once Joan was with the armies of men her behavior continued to be strong, self-disciplined, godly and exemplary- sacrificial- towards her saints that she led in battle as led by the Lord. She loathed impurity and prostitution in particular and referred to herself as separated and a ‗chaste virgin‘. This is typical of true hero or heroine saints- they may err off the path but will always repent and return to upright behavior which is biblical. She is a type for the Rev. 12 woman- the bride of Christ. Joan herself said on record that she did not want to lead this army but rather wanted to be at home spinning wool with her mother as this she did not believe her station or status as a woman. However- as with many women throughout history- God made it plain to her that He was sending her and no other. This is typical if one reads through similar accounts of biblical saints and prophets- all were sent by God when they would not have dreamed of such high calling and aspirations for themselves. In fact- they did not feel adequate, special or equipped- but rather often protested to God that they were not special. This is because part of their training throughout life is to ensure a humility that God will then be able to send them as they are resilient and have by now a solid intimate relationship and obedient trust in Him. These saints that the Lord calls and sends have an unwavering trust, reliant faith in Him- this agape love of service then is what gives them such intense focus, endurance, stamina, perseverance and faith to do and risk all doing His revealed Will and Purposes to themhence they become heroes or heroines. It is this love for God and their people that will cause them to obey God to whatever He calls them to and to do exploits in His Power as a result- for God rewards us. If they die in the process as she did and many others, the Lord raises and crowns them eternally with glory, honour and power they scarcely could ever have imagined in their own humble aspirations for themselves as these are not self-seeking. There is a description of Joan d‘Arc receiving a Word of Knowledge- Prophetic Words- from the Lord and telling a key ally as the Lord told her which was a secret and confirmed.This helped to get her in

Heroines Cont’d- Joan d’Arc trusted positions and is typical of how the Lord will secure and confirm His own saints to crucial resource persons in the same mission. In Conclusion, there is much to read at these links provided and elsewhere that space does not permit for this short article on the historical events that surround the life of Joan d‘Arc. However, the important underlying dynamics and traits that we purposed to explore here become apparent and indeed biblical patterns in other saints case studies or profiles : an intimate relationship with the Lord, spiritual gifts in operation of God and fully developed, a diligent worker, a humble servant girl heart, trust and obedience to extreme degrees as she by now is able to distinguish the Lords voice and commands from others, strong discernment of good and evil including phonies, a strong aversion and hatred for sinful lifestyles and deception, a love for the truth strong enough to stand with God who is truth and against status quo if need be, a sweet, kind disposition towards others,determination and endurance under God, a repentant heart towards God and others, a strong sense of both mercy and justice, truthfulness assertiveness, boldness, serenity, courage, faith,hope, love with service, leadership development, autonomy from others opinions, uncompromising truth, passion, respect and submission to godly authority, resilience, joy, overcomer and much more. It is clear that the source of all of this was God Himself as He revealed Himself to her biblically, upbringing with godly influences who also knew God and the sense of purpose that He as a result did give her along with all she needed to accomplish it in due time. Her death became more powerful even than her vibrant young life and brought freedom and life to many more. For this reason, her name will forever be honoured and the King of Kings Himself will reward her with a better resurrection as it states is the case for faithful, martyred saints in the book of Revelations- if we are called to that by God. She is an inspiration to many due to her nobility and heroism– and to those who covet her glory, honour and power alone- no flames, no heroism, no marks and thus no glory due them from God as He is not mocked or fooled like men can be. She and those like her however do bear the Cross and so they have passed the crucial tests- some of them literally by the agonies of real fire. Her story is all the more incredible as this was but a girl! God often chooses the least likely to do the most exploits if they will learn to turn to Him in humility, trust and obey Him. We serve a God as we can see all around us full of glory, honour and power. For those who do follow Him at such a high price, they will indeed be glorified as overcomers with Him as He is also in the King Jesus Christ our example. By Ken Mitchell / Rebecca Michael

Sources: http://joan-of


Feature Article this month by Ps. Herman Bouwer, D.D.

Spiritual Abuse by leaders in the Church: I have long deliberated whether I should address this topic in the first issue of this magazine but I do believe there is a need for this knowledge to be published in order for any Christians that are locked into a relationship with an abusive leader have the tools and means to recognize such abuse. This article will be presented to you in more than one issue in order to enable me to cover relevant information for those who need it. What is Spiritual Abuse? The Wikipedia Encyclopedia definition: Spiritual abuse occurs when a person in religious authority or a person with a unique spiritual practice misleads and maltreats another person in the name of God or church or in the mystery of any spiritual concept. Spiritual abuse often refers to an abuser using spiritual or religious rank in taking advantage of the victim's spirituality (mentality and passion on spiritual matters) by putting the victim in a state of unquestioning obedience to an abusive authority. Spiritual abuse is the maltreatment of a person in the name of God, faith, religion, or church, whether habitual or not, and includes any of the following: Psychological and emotional abuse Any act by deeds or words that demean, humiliate or shame the natural worth and dignity of a person as a human being Submission to spiritual authority without any right to disagree; intimidation Unreasonable control of a person's basic right to make a choice on spiritual matters False accusation and repeated criticism by negatively labeling a person as disobedient, rebellious, lacking faith, demonized, apostate, enemy of the church or God Prevention from practicing faith Isolation or separation from family and friends due to religious affiliation Physical abuse that includes physical injury, deprivation of sustenance, and sexual abuse Exclusivity; dismissal of an outsider's criticism and labeling an outsider as of the devil Withholding information and giving of information only to a selected few Conformity to a dangerous or unnatural religious view and practice Hostility that includes shunning (relational aggression, parental alienation) and persecution

What I am to discuss in this article today is to present to you the profile of a church and/or its leadership characteristics that will give a strong indication of spiritual abuse practices. My wife and myself have been victims of such an abusive relationship and thus I present to you this article not only in the context of personal experience, but also as one who has taken the time to do the research on the internet as well as some case studies in order to present an accurate and objective picture to you the reader. What are the distinguishing elements of unhealthy, abusive, an abnormal church and its leaders? The key indicator is a control‑oriented leadership. These are ministers and churches who have a need to ―lord it over the flock.‖ Abusive leaders demand submission and unquestioning loyalty. The person who raises uncomfortable questions or does not ―get with the program‖ is cast aside and aggressiveley persecuted. Guilt, fear, and intimidation are used to manipulate and control vulnerable members, especially those who have been taught to believe that questioning their pastor is as bad as to question God. In this time and season we are seeing more and younger adults and even successful business men and women attracted to abusive churches due to their seemingly dynamic programs, and their ―take charge‖ leaders. Such churches often target young couples during the crucial child‑bearing years. As a result, the energy needed by these young couples for legitimate family interaction is siphoned off into a high intensity cause, ―The Church‖ or ―The Kingdom‖. Family obligations are sacrificed, and children‘s developmental needs are neglected. These members are taught that the Kingdom of God comes first. The demand is placed that all else takes second place as the leader is as God himself. Often t he scripture is quoted that Moses was as God to the Israelites and the same demand is placed on the members. This usually also results in members loosing their businesses or jobs due to the fact that the church now comes first. Indoctrination takes place that when the leader speaks to a member that it is as if God Himself has spoken. Control is exercised through manipulation, control and intimidation. Members are taught that great tribulation will come to them if they dare to disobey. THE CHARACTERISTICS OF AN ABERRANT AND ABUSIVE CHURCH / PASTOR / LEADERSHIP The following is a list of some of the typical behavioral conduct and demands placed by abusive churches and the leadership. Please note that this is not a complete list but only serves to identify some of the most common identifiers: Harsh and Abusive Treatment Violating Confidentiality Slander Pride Elitism


Isolationism Self Exaltation Refusing to Hear or Heed Correction Oppressive Leadership Binding Members to Life-time Commitments Unbiblical Excommunication Practices 1. Harsh and Abusive Treatment This treatment and abuse of people usually takes place behind closed doors and not in a public place. The leader or eldership often treats people harshly and abusively, even resorting to yelling in anger. Past sins and mistakes are recounted, unkind statements are made, and those being counseled are severely criticized when they express disagreement with what is being said about them or others. I have seen instances where the abuse causes what I would label as emotional castration. Any reaction to explain your position or actions are met with a screaming and shouting batch and you are labeled again as one that is trying to justify yourself. One's questions or expressions of concern or doubt about these actions and practices or with regards to that leader are frequently viewed as the questioner's problem – he or she is a "rebel", "proud", "arrogant", "hates authority", is "not listening", or is guilty of a mentality of defiance of authority or also as one that challenges that authority and position of that leader. This type of abusive treatment of members, however, does not occur all the time behind closed doors. Sometimes these leaders will surround themselves with an inner circle of people who are cultivated to serve this leader. A church that I personally belonged to nicknamed this group the ―inner circle‖. All members in this group have personally observed individuals during public services, especially during these inner circle meetings, being criticized or ridiculed from the pulpit or mentioned in sermons for such reasons as nodding off during service, putting up a wrong music overhead, somethiing in the setup of the venue that is not perfect, being in a motorcycle accident, not reading a Scripture passage loud enough, losing a job, and so the list continues. Even when the individual' persons name is not mentioned, it is often abundantly clear to all attending as to who is being ridiculed and corrected. 2. Violating Confidentiality Violating confidentiality, or what the Bible more commonly refers to as gossip, is a destructive practice that tears down the people of God and destroys their trust in each other. The Bible clearly condemns this practice: Leviticus 19:16, Proverbs 11:9, 11:13, 16:28, 20:19, Jeremiah 6:28, 9:4, Romans 1:29, 2 Corinthians 12:20, 1 Timothy 3:11, 5:13, 2 Timothy 3:3, Titus 2:3. Gossip is revealing personal, private, or intimate information about another without their consent, and is a serious violation of trust. "A gossip betrays a confidence, but a trustworthy man keeps a secret" Proverbs 11:12-13. Information of a highly personal nature is often shared in the context of counseling, and the counselor's obligation to maintain confidentiality regarding this information is mandated by Scriptures and is a universally recognized ethic among counselors. But the sacred right to confidentiality is frequently violated by this leadership. Intimate details from a persons life will be used to teach other the lesson of disobedience and put fear on them in order to control the flock. Personal information revealed in counseling is often repeated by Pastor, leaders and the elders

to others. During counseling sessions, others may be slandered or the brunt of gossip, and sometimes confidential information about others is revealed. Others, even family members, are sometimes asked to write down and submit information about the sins of those being counseled. This information becomes part of the member's personal file that may later be used to remind him or her of past sin, to gain control and/or to manipulate the member. Within the context of counseling, the sins and failings of other individuals are frequently mentioned, as object lessons. Gossip is not confined to the closed door of counseling. On numerous occasions the sins of individuals were revealed from the pulpit. The only time the Bible speaks of such public disclosure of sin is within the context of spiritual discipline, when the Matthew 18 model of correction has been pursued and an individual is unrepentant. Sins of individuals should not to be used as object lessons for others, either in the counseling room or from the pulpit, it is a violation of a sacred trust, and by its example encourages the members to engage in gossip. 3. Slander Despite many years of faithful service, malicious and slanderous information has been communicated about ex-members. False accusations, explicit and implicit, vilify them as false brothers, spiritual terrorists, Judas Iscariots, demonized, God-haters, accused of treason, rebellion, drug addiction, theft, fornication, and homosexuality. Many within the church uncritically accept these judgments about their brothers and sisters in Christ assuming that the leadership would never slander. This sin is obvious to the victims, but not commonly known among members since the slander, when coupled with shunning, serves to conceal the leadership's sin by "protecting" members from contrary information. In fact, information from ex-members may be referred to as lies and poison, and members are advised to respond to ex-members who initiate contact with such statements as "I consider you as an agent of Satan in association with others of like mind . . ." or ―you are a prodical son and need to repent‖ or the most faous that I personally expereinced was ―I can not fellowship with you because you have rejected my spiritual father‖. In such an environment, people are easily manipulated and turned against their brothers and sisters in Christ. This grave sin requires repentance, including confession to those slandered and others to whom the accusations were explicitly made or implied. 4. Pride C.S. Lewis called pride the "essential vice", "the utmost evil", and a sin that "can smuggle itself into the very center of our religious life." Sadly, pride is pervasive among these abusive leaders and the congregation has been adversely affected by it. The following behaviours: Elitism, Isolationism, Self Exaltation, and Refusing to Hear or Heed Correction, are examples of how this sin of pride is manifested. 4.1. Elitism It is not uncommon to hear other evangelical fellowships/ministries denounced from the pulpit, while there is boasting about this church and its ministries, e.g., "We ……. are the only church that preaches the Gospel with clarity and accurately." Generally, the criticism is leveled at others whose theological views are clearly within the mainstream theologically but with whom the church or eldership differs. Those holding differing views are sometimes described in pejora-


tive terms, e.g., "stupid". Pride is at the heart of this spiritual elitism that believes that this church is one of the few, perhaps the only local church that preaches the Gospel in purity. 4.2. Isolationism Another manifestation of pride is isolationism, separating oneself out of a sense of superiority or out of a fear of defilement. This is nothing but a trademark of Pharisaic conduct. Participation in inter-church activities, visiting other churches, cooperating with other college fellowships, or participating in non-church sponsored functions are discouraged and not only discouraged but forbidden. Thus, there is little or no cooperation with other churches to advance the interests of the Kingdom beyond the walls of this specific church. The Apostle John encountered such a church, whose proud leader, Diotrephes, kept the church in isolation and commented: "I wrote to the church, but Diotrephes, who loves to be first, will have nothing to do with us. So if I come, I will call attention to what he is doing, gossiping maliciously about us. Not satisfied with that, he refuses to welcome the brothers. He also stops those who want to do so and puts them out of the church." Like Diotrephes, the leadership of this church discourages members from associating with Christians outside the church, and has even disciplined members for attending other church services or citywide events. 4.3. Self Exaltation Another trademark of the Pharisees was that they "love the place of honor at banquets and the most important seats in the synagogue; they love to be greeted in the marketplaces and to have men call them 窶由abbi'." The honor conferred upon the Pharisees was not the issue, for we are admonished to "Honor one another above yourselves." And to honor particularly "The elders who direct the affairs of the church well . . . " The sin of the Pharisees was loving and insisting on such honor. In this church and leadership you will see the visible expression of "honoring" the leaders in the insistence and expectation that members provide automobile and home maintenance services to these leaders, insisting on being seated at the most prominent places during meetings and social events, demanding flawless service, catering to the pastor's idiosyncratic food and drink preferences, and leaders' becoming upset and critical when these expectations are not met. These "acts of service" to the leaders are often performed to the detriment or neglect of members' own families and other responsibilities. Jesus condemned the Pharisees who "tie up heavy loads and put them on men's shoulders, but they themselves are not willing to lift a finger to move them." Rather, Jesus pointed to a humble leadership model where "the greatest among you will be your servant." There is a preoccupation with people's titles and degrees, and a deference to the educated, wealthy, and powerful. Boasting about one's accomplishments, financial prowess, money, wisdom, or power is not seemly for one who follows Christ. Rather, the great apostle Paul considered all such things as "rubbish" and commanded "Let him who boasts boast in the Lord." 4.4. Refusing to Hear or Heed Correction

accountability you will be informed that ―I am part of a leadership structure where we submit one to another‖ The problem is that you will never see this structure bringing alignment and discipline to each other. 4.5. Oppressive Leadership "Jesus called them together and said, ‗You know that the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their high officials exercise authority over them. Not so with you. Instead, whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant.'" Those who exercise authority in the world claim superiority over those under them, and use their power to control them. But such a mindset is contrary to the Spirit of Jesus, who did not come to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom. To be a godly leader, one must have a servant's heart, to bless those one serves in humility and to seek their advancement, and not to demand recognition or honor, or impose one's will on others. The sense of "lording it over" in this passage carries the meaning of having power over, or control of another, and it is condemned by the Lord as inappropriate for leaders in the church. Yet, sadly, this is the hallmark and the defining characteristic of leadership in such a church. Much of what the church does in terms of discipline, counseling, and other forms of ministry, is carried out with the intent to control and manipulate. Ronald Enroth defines this behavior as spiritual abuse: ―Spiritual abuse takes place when leaders to whom people look for guidance and spiritual nurture use their positions of authority to manipulate, control, and dominate‖. At this church people are expected to seek council from their elder on matters regardless of whether they are moral issues; whether it be buying or selling a house, car, or major appliance; changing jobs or college majors; planning vacations; moving to another city; dating; getting a vasectomy, or raising and disciplining children. The leadership's authority is often made to apply in quite minor and mundane matters as well. Those who do not seek such council are labeled independent and rebellious. Great stress is placed on the need to submit to the authority of the pastor or the elders with little or no right to question, which includes following their "suggestions". To refuse to do so is to be marked as a rebel. By enforcing submission to their authority in areas not clearly mandated or proscribed by Scripture, i.e. in matters of conscience, the leaders of the church are imposing legalism, and unwittingly usurping the place of the Holy Spirit in the life of the believer. The consequence of this is that the members fall into an uncritical acceptance of whatever the leader says, in some cases violating their own conscience, and they gradually lose the ability to hear from God, or to decide for themselves, based on the clear indications of Scripture. 4.6. Binding Members to Life-time Commitments Members joining this church is required to commit themselves to a binding covenantal, lifelong commitment. I find this to be unscriptural and oppressive. No where in Scripture do we read of any individual making a life-time commitment to a local gathering of believers. In fact, marriage is the only life-long covenantal commitment between human beings supported by Scripture. Furthermore, in attestation to the witness of Scripture, we find this practice to be foreign to Christendom, not found in Protestant church history, and in Catholicism only within the confines of the monastic community. Attempts often are made by the elders of such a church to legitimize this practice by alluding


to Luke 15:18 and Ephesians 5:31-32. These passages however in no way support this doctrine. To infer, for example, that the Prodigal son's return to the father is teaching the necessity of returning to a church which you have left, is a highly improper interpretation of this parable, reading into it what was never intended. Clearly, when Jesus said of the Prodigal son: "he got up and went to his father...", he was refering to a repentant sinner's return to God through repentance and faith, not returning to his church of origin. Therefore, the parable cannot be used to support the rule of permanence. Similarly, to use Ephesians 5:25-32 to infer that the believer's commitment to his local church is analogous to the bonds of marriage, or to infer that a breach of that commitment is "spiritual adultery", as has been done on numerous occasions, is also a misuse of Scripture. Ephesians chapter 5 speaks of the relationship of husband and wife as a metaphor for the relationship of Christ and his universal Church Unbiblical Excommunication Practices Excommunication is a church disciplinary action in which a person who refuses to repent of promoting heretical views, or of engaging in gross sin, is excluded from the fellowship of the church, in order that he may see the error of his ways and repent. It is based in large part on Matthew 18:15-17 and 1 Corinthians 5:1-13. Paul gives a list of the type of offenses that are serious enough to require this discipline: "a sexually immoral or greedy person, an idolater or a slanderer, a drunkard or a swindler." John Knox gave these biblical guidelines for excommunication to the church of Scotland: "In the first [place], it is to be noted, that all crimes that by the law of God deserve death, deserve also excommunication from the society of Christ's church. And therefore willful murderers, adulterers (lawfully convicted), sorcerers, witches, conjurers, charmers, and givers of drinks to destroy children, and open blasphemers (as if any renounce God, deny the truth and the authority of his holy word, rail against his blessed sacraments): such, we say, ought to be excommunicated from the society of Christ's church" This kind of church however will greatly abuse the discipline of excommunication. In many cases, but certainly not all, the sole act of leaving the church can trigger the discipline of excommunication, although the reasons given are typically vow-breaking, or failure to appear when being summoned by the elders, which is labeled "contumacy" . Several persons have been publicly excommunicated from the church, after having left the church, without any warnings, and without even receiving a letter of excommunication. Furthermore, the leadership of such a church encourages the cruel practice of shunning persons who leave the church, cutting off all social — and, as a result, business and family — contact with such persons, a practice that is unique to cults like the Jehovah's Witnesses or highly isolated groups like the Amish. Jesus said that the unrepentant believer, after two warnings, is to be treated as "a gentile or tax collector". Treating someone as "a gentile or a tax collector" means not to relate to them as you would a brother. It does not mean to cut off all social contact, for Jesus himself interacted with gentiles, including tax collectors. The purpose of excommunication and shunning at such a church or leadership has little to do with the Biblical goal, which is restoration. Rather, the intention at this kind of church is clearly to keep those who have left from sharing their reasons for leaving with those in the church. In our next issue I will address the Narcissistic Pastor and also post a test questionnaire that

that will enable you as the reader to identify this leader accurately. In our third issue I will present to you the steps to freedom and recovery from Spiritual Abuse. Sources:


Feature Article this month ~ Women in Ministry Being A Kingdom Woman: Knowing Who We Are In Christ By: Apostle Dr. Lee Ann B. Marino, Ph.D., D.D. I am proud to call myself a female member of the Kingdom of God. Being a part of God’s Kingdom vision has helped me not just come into my own calling as an apostle, but to be a part of something exciting that God is doing in women in this age. In a sense, it is something He has been working in women since the beginning of time. For many years, I lived in faith and worked in ministry, trying to pursue the vision God had given me all by myself. Not only was I extremely lonely, I found myself completely disconnected from the great work God has done through His women throughout salvation history. I am now blessed to say that I stayed in God and have been connected to that history, and I do stand in awe, fully graced by my ministry in Christ and blessed to say along with Mary, "My soul glorifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior, for He has been mindful of the humble state of His servant. From now on all generations will call me blessed, for the Mighty One has done great things for me—holy is His Name.” (Luke 1:46-49, NIV) Praise God for the call to be a part of His Kingdom vision! Throughout my ministry walk, I have been asked the question, ―What is it like to be in ministry?‖ Anyone in ministry knows what a hard question this is to answer – especially depending on the circumstances of the day or week on which it is asked. I think, however, that I have figured out how to answer this question by answering another one: ―What does it mean to be a part of God’s great Kingdom work, specifically as a woman?‖ Being a Kingdom woman means I am a history maker. I have taken my place among the great women who have gone before me in ministry and those who will follow after me. I am uniquely aware of the awesome work God is doing in, among, and through the women who choose to follow Him, and I am blessed to be a part of the awesome work He is doing. I know I am a part of something that is so much greater than may meet the eye, and through this great

work, I know that I too shall make history by obeying God’s commands to me. By being a part of God’s Kingdom vision, I can count myself a woman who has contended for the Gospel as found in Philippians 4:3: “Yes, and I ask you, loyal yokefellow, help these women who have contended at my side in the cause of the Gospel…whose names are written in the Book of Life.” (NIV) Being a Kingdom Ministry woman means I accept the covenant of grace God has given to us. It means I cast off the ways of the law, which lead to selfish pride and self-righteous ways void of compassion. Living by religious laws is a part of my past, never again to be repeated; living in Christ is a part of my present and future. In the law, I reap death; but in the spirit, I reap life eternal. I am knowingly unbound by sin’s chains, as, “…sin shall not be your master, because you are not under the law, but under grace.” (Romans 6:14, NIV) Being a Kingdom woman means I know who I am in Christ. I am not somebody else, and that is all right, because I am who God wants me to be. God doesn’t ask me to be someone else or be like someone else, He asks me to be like me. After many years of struggle, I am finally comfortable being myself, knowing the words of 2 Corinthians 5:20 to be true: “We are therefore Christ's ambassadors, as though God were making His appeal through us. We implore you on Christ's behalf: Be reconciled to God.” (NIV) Being a Kingdom woman means I have stopped feeling badly about being a woman, and have stopped apologizing for it. Too many women feel badly because we are female: our fathers wanted a boy, our mothers treated our brothers differently than they treated us, our families wanted a namesake, or maybe we just feel like we never quite measured up to the expectations of others. Not only did many of us feel second best in our families, we also felt second best when we

measured ourselves against other women: we weren’t as pretty, as smart, as thin, as talented, as gifted, or as

―perfect‖ as someone else was. Thank God we have the cross, in the light of which, the expectations of others grow dim and irrelevant. I now realize that no matter what someone else might have or be, I don’t have to feel badly because that is not what I have or who I am. Whatever I may lack, God will, “…equip you with everything good for doing His will, and may He work in us what is pleasing to Him, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory for ever and ever.” (Hebrews 13:2022, NIV) Being a Kingdom woman means I am assured of my calling in Christ. I do not feel compelled to hide it, nor do I feel guilty for it. I know I have this ministry by the gift of God, not by my works or by my abilities in the flesh. By operating in God’s gift to me, I can clearly see and acknowledge that God is working in me, and not I by myself. The call I have is from God, not from man; and I also realize that whatever man may do to me, the call God has given to me cannot be taken away, as “…God’s gifts and His call are irrevocable.” (Romans 11:29, NIV) Being a Kingdom woman means I know a freedom like none other. The world seeks to bind women with legal-

49 ism and expectations. The world expects we will confine ourselves and conform ourselves to the whims of men, but God frees us of worldly expectations. I understand that the world does not understand the freedom only God gives as the world seeks to bind, but God seeks to set free. In understanding this, I realize many will not understand the work God has established for me to do; I may face judgment, criticism, persecution, difficulties, or sexism, but I know I can overcome it all through Christ: “…In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33, KJV) Being a Kingdom woman means I have made the commitment to take up my cross and follow Him through until the end. I will not quit and give up; rather, I will embrace the promises of God found in the Word. I will see my own life in those of Scripture’s amazing and special women, who also made the choice to follow through rather than give up when discouraged or dissuaded. Rather than take the religious approach and act as if they operated under something I cannot obtain, I will see the Spirit of God at work in their lives, and know He is working in mine, too! I will live by the words of Ephesians 3:7: “I became a servant of this gospel by the gift of God's grace given me through the working of His power.” (NIV) Ultimately, being a Kingdom woman means I do not lose heart. So many women in history have suffered under the weight of oppression, sexism, abuse, mistreatment, expectation, and persecution. So many more of us are called to overcome the sufferings we endure as women and rise up to new life in Christ! We have the honor and blessing as Kingdom women to let all women know they can die to their old lives where they lived downtrodden and mistreated and rise to new life in He Who overcame the world. For this reason, I can make the declaration of Romans 1:16: “I am not ashamed of the Gospel, because it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes.” (NIV) Note that in this article, I end each paragraph with the Word, as it is our final Word and authority on God’s call to each one of us. Let us hear God’s call to women in this age, and see what He is doing through us: “…for the LORD hath created a new thing in the earth, A woman shall compass a man.” (Jeremiah 31:22, KJV) y Apostle Dr. LeeAnn Marino Apostle Dr. Lee Ann B. Marino, Ph.D., D.D. Apostle in Office Apostolic Fellowship International Ministries P.O. Box 681 Morrisville, North Carolina 27560 USA 1 (919) 397-9122 © 2008 Lee Ann B. Marino

Health & Fitness Corner – with Rebecca Michael Q. What is the most important contributing health factor diet or exercise? A. Ideally in normal health both of these factors are complementary and work together. If I had to choose one over the other though I would pick aerobic fitness training half an hour to an hour three to five days a week on a regular basis. The reason for the this is because these training effects over time lead to improved health in all respects. It corrects and even reverses unhealthy conditions because our habits start to change such as what we eat, increased fluid intake, oxygen saturation four to eight times per minute and faster movement out of the body toxins etc. We begin to make healthier food choices and varieties as we are encouraged by our progress. As our body systems become healthier we start to feel better which further encourages us to continue all in a regular training program that is an up hill climb to optimal health. As we improve physically, we are able to do more work load in less time, we feel more relaxed and serene and are therefore able to handle new mental and emotional stressors far better.We began to see our fitness gains physically transfer in every way such an emotionally,psychologically and mentally. This can lead us to further set more realistic goals both long and short term for success in other areas of our lives and practically make our dreams come true. We are better able to handle stress and because of that are more relaxed, feeling genuinely good in all these ways if we apply ourselves, become easier to be around and so our social life improves the healthier we become in general. This is because our psychosocial wellbeing is very much connected to our physical well-being as a general rule. Many people try to attain optimal health through healthy diet alone which will indeed make an important difference. This is somewhat magical thinking and the results will be limited at some point if not combined with a regular aerobic exercise program. We are designed biologically as long distance running mammals to outdistance the game. We are basically a system of tubes and channels throughout the body that we must keep clear, unclogged and detoxed through regular and intense movement such as through a regular exercise aerobic training program. Diet will provide us the fuel but we must move the body strenuously enough to train it to correct imbalances and to build reserves for energy and endurance beyond what we normally need in our daily lives. So the more ambitious you are then the more energy reserves you need to accomplish your work load with ease and the more you should train physically for that. This is why we see many of our top leaders for example are regular runners, swimmers or bikers in order to be the sharpest they can be in every dimension physically, psychologically, socially and mentally. It also tends to balance out your eating and sleeping habits etc. but honestly the best


thing you can do for yourself is begin a regular aerobics training program which gets your heart rate and breathing rate up but just so you can still talk or sing to yourself slowly building up to half hour to an hour three to four days a week. There are various sports or crosstraining as such I have already mentioned where you can do this according to your preferences but the most convenient and natural for most is to start with long distance walks then working toward jogs and from there runs and races where you can meet many other athletes to train with and network as such.***This is for all ages in normal health including older runners but you need first to ensure medical clearance to enter such a training program to be safe.***As long as you do this you will notice a steady climb towards optimal health in every aspect of your being throughout your life span. Much of the aging and deterioration of bodily processes occur as a result of our sedentary lifestyles -- if you don't use it you tend to lose it as the body is very conservative about manufacturing and storing any energy reserves we do not use daily or need and so we must work it to build upon it. Always ensure a clean bill of health regularly especially as we grow older but this certainly does not need to slow us down. Training and physical fitness keeps us healthy in all ways, slows down, retards and even reverses aging and leads to athleticism for individuals with normal health or with some modifications accordingly even into old age. If you do this the truth is as all runners know that you can eat almost anything because the body is healthy and will sort it out– also it starts to crave what it needs and in less amount. Give yourself the ultimate gift of aerobic fitness and health – You will be so glad you did in so many ways! Remember the golden rule: Train don't strain! Most importantly, have fun with friends and family too and make it playful. Recommended Source- Aerobics by Kenneth Cooper, Ph.D. Rebecca Michael, D.Min.

Mental Health Corner ~ with Rebecca Michael

Q. What is a hallmark of psychological mental health in a person of normal health? A. There are many aspects of mental health characteristics we could discuss such as the ability to delay gratification, self-control, selfmastery, an accurate self-image and sense of self-worth, humility, the ability to forgive, to love and receive love, patience, acceptance of self-limitations and others, respect for others and differences, diligence, genuine admiration of ability in others, teachable spirit, adaptability, productiveness to do with genuine goodness, to be able receive and give mentoring and correction to do with authority etc. If I had to pick a mental health trait from studies on this I would say the word ‗resilience‘ is the buzzword for mental health in terms of research on the hallmark of psychological strength in the ability to overcome trials and adversities life will throw at us all. For this reason we need to pay attention to biographies of heroes and heroines from history in order to examine what characteristics and traits they had and cultivated. We have included articles on both heroes and heroines in this magazine for the purpose of case studies to do with what motivates and leads such admirable people. We find that their gifts and spiritual callings are evident and vary greatly for their time. However- what does appear to be universal and repeatedly shown in the bible as well is this characteristic of faith, endurance over time and especially resilience- the ability to adapt and stretch ourselves to grow in the diverse ways we need to, to meet the challenges and overcome the obstacles that the status quo may put before us as these are resistant to change and the movers and shakers must learn resilience and to often stand alone if these social changes are to prevail for the good of all. It is an elastic kind of strength which can withstand conflict as neededand it is not a rigid hardness which is brittle and breaks down- but the elastic is much stronger than steely strength by far and can stretch and grow.For this we need to remain supple, teachable and able to let go of inaccuracies and traditions of men that are now institutions which block progress and true community. We need to value truth above all including false sentiments to be accurate and grow in the right directions. You can learn much of the research on ‗psychological resilience‘ academic research studies including overcoming adversities and trauma character traits if you google search it through ‗scholar‘ on google as there is not room enough to publish it all here- just a basic introduction for this brief article. Much of the published findings as I have summarized above to do with characteristics of this trait are in the bible and inherent in the trained servant leadership of God. God trains His leaders expressly through adversities if He is sending them as His leaders often through suffering and trials in order to make them resilient and


strengthened to do effective combat with the enemy using spiritual and not weak carnal ways and weapons which break us down over time and incur losses. You can study this by exploring various biblical leaders and godly Kings- You can see what make them tick and how they ascended as such. You can also see conversely what brings down the antichrist leadership as well- they usually implode eventually through foolhardy choices even if they are not brought low by God and His leaders- through their own evil and corruption as this leads to folly and to a fallevil self-destructs and hurts others- ultimately it takes itself out over time. The truth however eventually sets us free of all vice and corruption-inwardly and outwardly- but we must be willing to see and respond to truth and not just what we want to believe. This in turn enhances and builds true community- the ability to deny self as Jesus instructs us and to take up our cross and follow Him. He is headed for glory in Resurrection but first the ego / self must be executed through an act of humble servanthood and submission via trust to God and the Cross of Christ which puts self-serving ways to death. God then exalts us once we have passed these tests in the end- but He brings down and debases the proud often just through their own error and folly over the long haul. I strongly recommend you explore the psychological research findings on this as well as study the biblical counsel on how God champions and creates His own leaders which is the wisdom that prevails and lasts. These have the hallmark of psychological health in the end which is this ability to stretch themselves as God leads and this is called ‗psychological resilience‘ in the mental health research literature on psychological strength. Rebecca Michael, D.Min.

12 Steps to Recovery Corner ~ with Rebecca Michael We will start this series of informative articles which follow for addictions recovery and overcoming by posting the 12 steps common to most recovery groups first.We will post after that the Christian form of these 12 steps for those who want to follow these. This will be followed by the 12 traditions as used complementarily with the steps. We will follow this with some famous recovery prose and Aarons blessing prayer. We will use this corner in future magazine issues to discuss these steps and traditions in specific ways that can be applied.

12 Steps ( from ) Please click on a link for a step to see how that step has worked for other people. Step 1 - We admitted we were powerless over our addiction that our lives had become unmanageable Step 2 - Came to believe that a Power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity Step 3 - Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God as we understood God Step 4 - Made a searching and fearless moral inventory of ourselves Step 5 - Admitted to God, to ourselves and to another human being the exact nature of our wrongs Step 6 - Were entirely ready to have God remove all these defects of character Step 7 - Humbly asked God to remove our shortcomings Step 8 - Made a list of all persons we had harmed, and became willing to make amends to them all Step 9 - Made direct amends to such people wherever possible, except when to do so would injure them or others Step 10 - Continued to take personal inventory and when we were wrong promptly admitted it Step 11 - Sought through prayer and meditation to improve our conscious contact with God as we understood God, praying only for knowledge of God's will for us and the power to carry that out Step 12 - Having had a spiritual awakening as the result of these steps, we tried to carry this message to other addicts, and to practice these principles in all our affairs


This version of the 12 steps is an adaptation from the original 12 Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous and is intended for general use with any addictive or dysfunctional behavior. We have also compiled a list of different versions of the 12 Steps. The following are some audio clips from Dr. Bob, one of the co-founders of A.A., concerning the A.A. experience. Dr. Bob - A.A. Experience, part 1 Dr. Bob - A.A. Experience, part 2 Dr. Bob - A.A. Experience, part 3 These are audio clips from the excellent website of the Big Book Step Study.

Source: THE TWELVE TRADITIONS OF ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS ( from Overcomers Outreach Group Traditions 1. Our common welfare should come first. Personal recovery depends upon God’s grace and our willingness to get help. 2. For our group purpose there is but one ultimate authority—a loving God as He expresses Himself through His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. Our leaders are but trusted servants; they do not govern. 3. The only requirement for Overcomers Outreach membership is a desire to stop addictive or compulsive behavior. 4. Each group should be autonomous except in matters affecting other groups or Overcomers Outreach as a whole. 5. The primary purpose of each group is to serve as a “bridge” between traditional 12 Step groups and the church. We carry the message of Christ’s delivering power to individuals and family members both within and without the church who still suffer.

6. An Overcomers Outreach group uses The Holy Bible along with the 12 Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous for its tools of recovery. Outside enterprises are prayerfully evaluated lest problems of money, property and prestige divert us from our primary purpose. 7. Every Overcomers Outreach group ought to be fully self-supporting, declining outside contributions. 8. Overcomers Outreach groups should remain forever non-professional, but our Service Centers may employ special workers. 9. Overcomers Outreach, as such, ought never be organized, but group coordinators network with the Central Service Center, seeing that the group is facilitated through adherence to the Freed Book’s “Meeting Format” and rotation of leadership. 10. Overcomers Outreach is, without apology, a Christ-centered recovery group; however, persons of all faiths are welcome. Discussions of doctrine should be avoided; our focus must be upon our mutual recovery. 11. Our public relations policy is based upon attraction rather than promotion; we need to always seek the Holy Spirit’s discernment whenever sharing in the media, in order to maintain personal anonymity of all Overcomers Outreach group members. 12. Jesus Christ is the spiritual foundation of all our traditions, ever reminding us to place principles before personalities. We claim God’s promise that His power can set us FREE!


1. Our common welfare should come first; personal recovery depends upon A.A. unity. 2. For our group purpose there is but one ultimate authority—a loving God as He may express Himself in our group conscience. Our leaders are but trusted servants; they do not govern. 3. The only requirement for A.A. membership is a desire to stop drinking. 4. Each group should be autonomous except in matters affecting other groups or A.A. as a whole. 5. Each group has but one primary purpose—to carry its message to the alcoholic who still suffers. 6. An A.A. group ought never endorse, finance, or lend the A.A. name to any related facility or outside enterprise, lest problems of money, property, and prestige divert us from our primary purpose.


7. Every A.A. group ought to be fully self-supporting, declining outside contributions. 8. Alcoholics Anonymous should remain forever nonprofessional, but our service centers may employ special workers. 9. A.A., as such, ought never be organized; but we may create service boards or committees directly responsible to those they serve. 10. Alcoholics Anonymous has no opinion on outside issues; hence the A.A. name ought never be drawn into public controversy. 11. Our public relations policy is based on attraction rather than promotion; we need always maintain personal anonymity at the level of press, radio, and films. 12. Anonymity is the spiritual foundation of all our Traditions, ever reminding us to place principles before personalities. Copyright _ A.A. World Services, Inc.

Source: Public Information Workbook PDF

*The Twelve Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous with corresponding Scriptures ( from )

*These Steps work for any addiction or compulsion! Simply replace the work “alcohol” with your own presenting problem. Study of these Steps is essential to progress in this program. The principles they embody are universal, applicable to everyone whatever his/her personal creed. We strive for an ever deeper understanding of these Steps and pray for God’s wisdom to apply them to our lives. 1. We admitted we were powerless over alcohol-that our lives had become unmanageable. “We felt we were doomed to die and say how POWERLESS we were to help ourselves; but that was good, for then we put everything into the hands of God, who alone could save us.” II Corinthians 1:9 2. Came to believe that a power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity. “A man is a fool to trust himself! But those who use God’s wisdom are safe.” Proverbs 28:26

3. Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God as we understood Him. “Trust in the Lord completely; don’t’ ever trust yourself. In everything you do, put God first, and he will direct you and crown your efforts with success.” Proverbs 3:5-6 4. Made a searching and fearless moral inventory of ourselves. “Let us examine ourselves and repent and turn again to the Lord. Let us lift our hearts and our hands to Him in heaven.” Lamentations 3:40-41 5. Admitted to God, to ourselves, and to another human being the exact nature of our wrongs. “Admit your faults to one another and pray for each other so that you may be healed.” James 5:16 6. Were entirely ready to have God remove all these defects of character. “So give yourselves humbly to God… then, when you realize your worthlessness before the Lord, He will lift you up, encourage and help you.” James 4:7-10 7. Humbly asked Him to remove our shortcomings. “But if we confess our sins to Him, He can be depended on to forgive us and to cleanse us from every wrong.” I John 1:9 8. Made a list of all persons we had harmed and became willing to make amends to them all. “If you are standing before the altar…and suddenly remember that a friend has something against you, leave your sacrifice there and go and be reconciled…and then come an


offer your sacrifice to God.” Matthew 5:23-24 9. Made direct amends to such people wherever possible, except when to do so would injure them or others. “You can pray for anything, and if you believe, you have it; it’s yours? But when you are praying, first forgive anyone you are holding a grudge against, so that your Father in heaven will forgive you your sins too.” Mark 11:24-25 10. Continued to take personal inventory and when we were wrong, promptly admitted it. “But how can I ever know what sins are lurking in my heart? Cleanse me from these hidden faults. And keep me from deliberate wrongs; help me to stop doing them. Only then can I be set free of guilt.” Psalm 19:12 11. Sought through prayer and meditation to improve our conscious contact with God as we understood Him, praying only for knowledge of His will for us and the power to carry that out. “If you want better insight and discernment, and are searching for them as you would for lost money or hidden treasure, then wisdom will be given you, and knowledge of God Himself, you will soon learn the importance of reverence for the Lord and of trusting Him.” Proverbs 2:3-5 12. Having had a spiritual awakening as the result of these steps, we tried to carry this message to alcoholics and to practice these principles in all our affairs. “Quietly trust yourself to Christ your Lord and if anybody asks why you believe as you do, be ready to tell him, and do it in a gentle and respectful way.” I Peter 3:15 **The Twelve Steps are reprinted and adapted with Permission of Alcoholics Anonymous World Services, Inc. Permission to reprint and adapt the Twelve steps does not mean that AA is affiliated with Overcomers Outreach. AA is a program of recovery from alcoholism—use of the Twelve Steps in connection with programs and activities which are patterned after AA, but which address other problems, does not imply otherwise.**

Overcomers Outreach Group Traditions (from ) 1. Our common welfare should come first. Personal recovery depends upon God’s grace and our willingness to get help. 2. For our group purpose there is but one ultimate authority—a loving God as He expresses Himself through His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. Our leaders are but trusted servants; they do not govern. 3. The only requirement for Overcomers Outreach membership is a desire to stop addictive or compulsive behavior. 4. Each group should be autonomous except in matters affecting other groups or Overcomers Outreach as a whole. 5. The primary purpose of each group is to serve as a “bridge” between traditional 12 Step groups and the church. We carry the message of Christ’s delivering power to individuals and family members both within and without the church who still suffer. 6. An Overcomers Outreach group uses The Holy Bible along with the 12 Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous for its tools of recovery. Outside enterprises are prayerfully evaluated lest problems of money, property and prestige divert us from our primary purpose. 7. Every Overcomers Outreach group ought to be fully self-supporting, declining outside contributions. 8. Overcomers Outreach groups should remain forever non-professional, but our Service Centers may employ special workers. 9. Overcomers Outreach, as such, ought never be organized, but group coordinators network with the Central Service Center, seeing that the group is facilitated through adherence to the Freed Book’s “Meeting Format” and rotation of leadership. 10. Overcomers Outreach is, without apology, a Christ-centered recovery group; however, persons of all faiths are welcome. Discussions of doctrine should be avoided; our focus must be upon our mutual recovery. 11. Our public relations policy is based upon attraction rather than promotion; we need to always seek the Holy Spirit’s discernment whenever sharing in the media, in order to maintain personal anonymity of all Overcomers Outreach group members. 12. Jesus Christ is the spiritual foundation of all our traditions, ever reminding us to place principles before personalities. We claim God’s promise that His power can set us FREE!


Serenity Prayer

( from ) God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference. (Although known most widely in its abbreviated form above, the entire prayer reads as follows:) Living one day at a time; Enjoying one moment at a time; Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace; Taking, as He did, this sinful world as it is, not as I would have it; Trusting that He will make all things right if I surrender to His Will; That I may be reasonably happy in this life and supremely happy with Him Forever in the next. Amen.

The Full Original Copy of the Serenity Prayer by Reinhold Niebuhr (1892-1971) God, give us grace to accept with serenity the things that cannot be changed, Courage to change the things which should be changed, and the Wisdom to distinguish the one from the other. Living one day at a time, Enjoying one moment at a time, Accepting hardship as a pathway to peace, Taking, as Jesus did, This sinful world as it is, Not as I would have it,

Trusting that You will make all things right, If I surrender to Your will, So that I may be reasonably happy in this life, And supremely happy with You forever in the next. Amen.

The Serenity Prayer - What Does It Mean? The "Serenity Prayer" is one of the most well-known prayers of our time. It is the common name for a prayer originally written by theologian Reinhold Niebuhr in the late1930s to early 1940s. Research suggests that Niebuhr wrote the prayer for as part of a sermon he was giving. While there is some controversy as to whether Niebuhr was the original author or not, Elisabeth Sifton states in her book, The Serenity Prayer, published in 2003, quotes the following version as the original serenity prayer: "God, give us grace to accept with serenity the things that cannot be changed, courage to change the things that should be changed, and the wisdom to distinguish the one from the other." According to researchers, it is believed that the first version of the serenity prayer was quoted from memory in a question to The New York Times Book Review dated July 12, 1942. The query requests the name of the prayer's author. In reply to the request, the Book Review identifies Reinhold Niebuhr as its author and quotes the prayer as follows: "O God and Heavenly Father, Grant to us the serenity of mind to accept that which cannot be changed; the courage to change that which can be changed, and the wisdom to know the one from the other, through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen." The Serenity Prayer became much more widely known in the 1950s after it was adopted by Alcoholics Anonymous (AA). In 1950, the AA Grapevine, a popular AA magazine, also named Niebuhr as the author, and the current Alcoholics Anonymous website identifies Niebuhr as the prayer's originator. The Serenity Prayer has also been used in Narcotics Anonymous and other Twelve-step programs. It is interesting to note, however, that the version of the serenity prayer posted on the Alcoholics Anonymous website omits some of Niebuhr's original text: "God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and (the) wisdom to know the difference." Reinhold Niebuhr himself discusses the Serenity Prayer and how it came to be in his book, The Essential Reinhold Niebuhr: Selected Essays and Addresses. He states, ‖... The embarrassment, particularly, was occasioned by the incessant correspondence about a prayer I had composed years before, which the old Federal Council of Churches had used and which later was printed on small cards to give to soldiers. Subsequently Alcoholics Anonymous adopted it as its official prayer. The prayer reads: 'God, give us grace to accept with serenity the things that cannot be changed, courage to change the things that should be changed, and the wisdom to dintinguish the one from the other.' ...‖ Finally, Reinhold Niebuhr's daughter, Elisabeth Sifton, wrote a book about her father's famous serenity prayer entitled, The Serenity Prayer: Faith and Politics in Times of Peace and War. In the book, Elisabeth discusses the the story and circumstances around her father's writing of the serenity prayer, the wide range of versions of the prayer, and the true essence of the serenity prayer's meaning.

References to the Serenity Prayer


The Serenity Prayer has become one of the most widely known prayers in the world. It touches peoples' hearts from all walks of life. Below are a few references to the serenity prayer from well-known singers, songwriters, and artists. The serenity prayer is referenced in Dan Brown's book,"Angels & Demons." The back cover of the Neil Young's album entitled "Re-ac-tor" includes the serenity prayer in Latin. Whitney Houston's debut album, "Whitney," includes a reference to the serenity prayer on the rear cover. The 70's rock group, Boston, sings about the serenity prayer in the song, "Higher Power." SinĂŠad O'Connor, the once famous bald singer of the 90s, references the serenity prayer in her song, "Feel So Different." Well-known rapper, 50 Cent raps the first two lines of the serenity prayer in his song, Gotta Make It To Heaven. He says, "Lord, grant me the serenity to accept the things I can not change, the courage to change the things I can, but wisdom to know the difference." The soundtrack of the "Soul Food" movie addresses the serenity prayer. Famous 60's writer, Kurt Vonnegut, mentions the serenity prayer in his book, "Slaughterhouse Five." The serenity prayer has even made its way into the gaming world. In the well-known game, World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade, one of the Blood Elves recites the serenity prayer. In 2004, punk band Blood for Blood titled their album "Serenity," sings a song about the serenity prayer on track 2 of their album, and the lead singer recites the serenity prayer on the first and last tracks of the album. Finally, Olivia Newton John's Album, Stronger Than Before, includes a song entitled "Serenity," and references the serenity prayer within it.

The Serenity Prayer in Other Languages Finnish Hebrew


Welsh Icelandic Norweigen Polish Portuguese Turkish







Download as a bulletin insert PRAYING THE BLESSING OF AARON ~ NUMBERS 6:22-27 Sneeze, and someone is likely to say, "Bless you!" In the days of Moses and his brother Aaron, to speak words of blessing to someone was no empty formality. In Numbers 6:2227, God provided specific instructions for how the Old Testament priests were to pronounce the Lord's blessing on His people. This was all God's idea and initiative, and shows us how He loves to bless His people: Then the Lord spoke to Moses, saying, "Speak to Aaron and to his sons, saying, 'Thus you shall bless the sons of Israel. You shall say to them: The Lord bless you, and keep you; The Lord make His face shine on you, And be gracious to you; The Lord lift up His countenance on you, And give you peace.'

Ask the Counsellor – Rebecca Michael, D.Min. Q. What is the quickest way for me to get in to optimal physical health and energy as a normally healthy person who is medically fit to exercise? A. It depends on your interests. There are several components to fitness such as cardiovascular, muscular strength and endurance, flexibility and body composition of lean body tissue such as muscle. All of these are interrelated and can be enhanced through various interest areas of your choice of sports interest. You need to get your heartrate elevated- as long as you medically cleared- to approximately 120-140 beats per minute for 20 minutes to start with working up to an hour as your body adapts for 3-5 days per week- be sure to take alternate rest days as needed as rest and recovery of stronger tissue and muscle is part of overall effective training- otherwise it leads to injury and breakdown from overtraining which is counterproductive. You will train faster and stronger if you train right. Choose your sport that gets you in to a workout sweat at a perceived rate of exertion which gets you breathing but still able to talk or sing to yourself. Some people like to swim, I find jogging is easy and fast with little to no prep time needed. If you do this regularly over 6 mos. to 2 yrs. you will build a strong endurance base which is then something you may like to try building on for fun runs and races with some training adjustments. You will also build muscle if you train but don‘t strain as per above and you will build calm energy reserves. You will find you clear all aspects of your system better because you are moving regularly- we are basically a system of tubes and these need to be clear and flushed clean often. You will drink more water as a result of the exercise, you will crave and improve your eating habits in to more healthy ones. You will regulate all body functions and sleep will improve. You will be getting 4-8 X the oxygen per minute your body needs and pushing out the toxins faster as a result of this exercise and the fluids you drink. Time will slow down again as your energy reserves increase and your metabolism speeds up- it will be like when you were an active child how time passed slower- actually we were just doing more living and with more ease in the same amount of time. It will be a bit of a strain for the first 2 months or so but after awhile your body will be trained to want to exercise as it adjusts to this new regular routine. You will go farther and faster over time. We are designed as long distance mammals physically- to outdistance the game- thus our bodies function optimally when we exercise long, slow, aerobic distances. Once we have a good endurance base down , we can work on our stamina (ie: jog up hills) and then our speed last to train for fun runs or races without too much more stress on the body as it is now trained.


Ask the Counsellor Cont‘d ~ with Rebecca Michael, D.Min. Q. Can we train ourselves for emotional endurance the way we do physical endurance like the above? A. Yes. The bible says that we do this line upon line and precept upon precept. We learn to control our own impulses and feelings rather than letting them overtake us by learning to delay gratification, learning patience, count to 10- or 1000 haha when angry until it passes, taking responsibility and blame where we need to, forgiving others to set ourselves and them free, doing good for others as ordained by the Lord, etc. All of these build an emotional endurance and stamina base of sorts. We are transformed emotionally by changing our thoughts- what we

choose to focus on and put weight on. We learn that emotions come and go and are good indicators in many ways- but are not for becoming slaves to and losing self-mastery or control- or ruining relationships due to callous disregard for others or bad temper. The best thing we can do for ourselves is weed our thought gardens as often as needed- too many times folks are focused on others faults while their own gardens are overrun with these thought weeds that ruin lives. We can change the world to a better place but the wise learn that this starts with me first. Recommended source– The Bible– any version! Rebecca Michael, D.Min.

Book / Author of the month Review Dr. Kelley Varner studied Pastoral Ministry at Free Gospel Bible Institute in Export, PA; graduated Magna Cum Laude with a B.S. in Guidance and Counseling and a minor in Music from Frostburg State College, MD; received a Th.B. in theology from American Bible College, Pineland, FL; received the M.Div. and Ph.D. degrees from Tabernacle Bible College and Seminary in Tampa, FL, and received an additional honorary Doctorate from the same institution. Served on the faculty and board of Zion School of Christian Education in Grantsville, Maryland from 1970-1977, teaching most of the books of the Bible as well as Bible-related subjects including Theology and Greek. Dr. Varner married Joann Armentrout of Moorefield, West Virginia, on July 22, 1972. They have four grown children: April, Jonathan, Joy Beth, and David. They are proud grandparents of Jasmine and Destiny. Dr. Varner and his family reside in Richlands, NC. Since 1978 he has been the founder, visionary and apostolic leader of Praise Tabernacle, Richlands, North Carolina. He is also the Executive Director of Kelley Varner Ministries and Carolina Leadership Institute. This growing, multi-racial, trans-denominational church family sends thousands of books, cassette tapes, CDs, videos, and DVDs yearly to all 50 states and 40 nations. Dr. Varner’s international website is . He has written and distributed over 50 books and booklets internationally , including the series, “Principles of Present Truth,” a contemporary commentary on the books of the Bible (with 15 volumes from Genesis-Ezekiel to date), published by Tabernacle Press. Destiny Image Publishers has released 17 additional volumes including his most recent title, "Freedom From Twelve Deadly Sins: Secrets of How to Press Into Your Destiny.” He has been the ghostwriter for several notable national and international ministries. In addition to being an international bible teacher and conference leader, Dr. Varner is also an accomplished musician and vocalist. He has produced and performed both vocally and instrumentally on the cassette and CD, “Treasures New and Old,” featuring many of the old hymns. Dr. Varner's primary ministry was to travel throughout the United States and the nations where he was received by many as an apostle, prophet and teacher of present truth concerning the Kingdom of God. He is a pastor to pastors, and was till his recent passing away a mentor to leading ministries in America and other nations. He was a deeply loved and appreciated apostle in South Africa. All his material in the form of Books, Notes, CD’s and DVD’s can be ordered from his website at If you are serious about this season you need to study what this Sent One has to say. You will stand amazed at the level of revelation you receive. I want to recommend that you start off with the trilogy that he has written and work your way from their through all of the resources available.



Prevail: A Handbook for the Overcomer Kelley Varner –"...There are certain, basic principles of the Kingdom of God that must be a part of the believer's frame of mind. We must learn to think like God. We must begin to rule with Christ in this life. Too many Christians are weak and defeated. Their theology has miserably lowered their mentality into a world that revolves around self-comforts. May the dynamite of

God's Spirit blow us all out of these "comfort zones" into a walk with God that is Christ-centered and not man-centered. JESUS IS PRIEST AND KING. The Lord Jesus is a Priest who is ever merciful and compassionate. He WILL and DOES meet the needs of man, but He is also the KING who demands your obedience to His sovereign will. Is He your ruler and governor? SALVATION IS PROGRESSIVE. The new birth is the beginning of our salvation. We have been saved, we are being saved, and we shall be saved. To grow is to change. The overcomer knows the BALANCE of truth. PRESSING THROUGH TRIBULATION. God keeps His people during the hour of trial. Too many misunderstand the dealings of God and have been taught to think that anything in the negative realm is of the devil. What does the bible say about all this? BALANCE is needed as we search the Scriptures for the answer. Have you received the Baptism of the Holy Spirit and now find yourself restless and searching for more? Has the thrill worn off? Is the party over? Have the dealings of a loving Father torn up your spiritual playpen? If so, then YOU need to read this book!" --Kelley Varner Prevail will help you understand three-fold things and that Jesus is Priest and King, Salvation is progressive, and that we are pressing through tribulation.

The More Excellent Ministry Kelley Varner –

We are standing on the threshold of the Most Holy Place and the fulfillment of the Feast of Tabernacles. There is a Man in the throne who now beckons us to share His mercy seat. How does His ministry operate? How do we know that we are called to share this word of reconciliation? Here are new principles for a new day that will enable you to walk successfully during this critical time. This book reveals the characteristics of HIS more excellent ministry; which is a ministry without condemnation, prejudice, retaliation, walls, profanity, or idolatry. "...The Day of the Lord has dawned, and men in every nation are beginning to hear the Gospel of the Kingdom for the first time. The present reality of the Most Holy Place is truth that is being worked into the inward parts. The realm of His life and love is available to those who now come into His Presence boldly by His blood. An overcoming Church is beginning to sit down with Him in His throne. A throne-room people is the heart-throb of our Heavenly Father. We are becoming His throne of grace in the earth, for as He is, so also are we in the now...We have been given the word and ministry of reconciliation. Every wall must come down in the Name of the Lord! Our King is answering the cry of a groaning creation by sending His army out of Zion. A people with the nature and ministry of Jesus. A people with the more excellent ministry." -Kelley Varner


The Priesthood is Changing Kelley Varner

"For the Priesthood is being changed..." (Hebrews 7:12). The priesthood is changing! From the future view, to a present view; from duality to simplicity; from two wills to one will; from the prophets to the Prophet; from Mount Sinai to Mount Zion; from healing to the Healer; from seeking God's hand to seeking God's face, from taking tithes to recieving tithes; from man's control to God's control. "'And I will raise me up a faithful priest, that shall do according to that which is in mine heart and in my mind: and I will build him a sure house, and he shall walk before mine anointed forever" (1 Sam 2:35). There is an existing Eli and a growing Samuel. A priesthood that is heavy of flesh is givng way to the administration of the Spirit. A ministry that is growing blind and refuses to restrain its sons is being replaced by the answered prayers of a woman in travail. An imitation man child named Ichabod has provoked us to prayer, and this intercession will give rise to a prophetic voice that will bring Israel back to God. This one is a faithful priest like David, Zadok and the Lord Jesus Himself...The Bible is full of examples showing that the priesthood is changing. Above all it is the spirit of this priesthood that is keying this change. Understand the difference between preaching and teaching and ministry: Ministry is the outflowing of the indwelling Christ, flowing from the heart and not the intellect. This new thing will be caught, not taught; it must be imparted. Men like Ezekiel are breathing a proceeding Word upon the bones of His Body. The Son is here. He is speaking. Let us have ears to heave what He is about to say." --Kelley Varner

Food for Thought - Healthy living tips This issue– Basmati Indian Rice Cooking Perfect Basmati Rice

Indian Basmati is the Rice Queen: Discover the Secret to Cooking Perfect Rice Jul 27, 2006 June Chua

Discover the key to cooking perfect basmati rice - the long-grained, non-glutinous rice which has a gorgeous perfume to it that makes a lovely side to any meal. It is possibly the world's most sought-after rice because of its alluring smell and can fetch 10 times the price of other rice grains. If you're intrigued by rice in general, consider starting your education with my earlier articles: Rice Rules, Comforting Congee and The Rituals of Rice. What makes basmati so fragrant? A laboratory examination of the grain indicates it contains 0.09 parts per million of the compound 2-acetyl-1-pyrroline, which is 12 times more than concentrations found in unscented rice. Basmati rice also cooks up nicely, puffing up length-wise and becoming very fluffy, fantastic for mingling with spicy foods and sauces. BASMATI'S INDIAN ROOTS In the Hindi language, basmati means "Queen of Fragrance." The grain has been cultivated at the base of India's Himalayan range in India for thousands of years, in the areas where the Yamuna and Sutluj rivers flow. Apparently, top quality basmati is primarily grown in the Karnal (known as the "rice bowl of India"), Kaithal, Kurukshetra, Panipat and Ambala regions of Haryana. Punjab and Jammu are also major producers. Indian rice cultivation is found in all states including West Bengal, Uttar Pradesh, Orissa and Bihar, which are all top producers.


Rice is considered the most important food crop in India, taking up 44 million hectares -- regarded as the largest rice-growing area in the world. While basmati is the most prominent grain planted, hundreds of varieties of indica rice are also being tilled. Rice provides the main income for more than 50 million households in the country and is a staple for 65% of India's one billion population. (Source: UN Food and Agriculture Organization). Basmati also has some spiritual or physical aspects, according to the ancient practice of "Ayurveda." If you haven't heard, ayurveda is a method of healthy living which includes concepts of mental, physical, social and spiritual harmony. There's much more to ayurveda than what I can tell you in a simple column but think of mixing Chinese medicine with the philosophies of yoga. According to ayurveda, basmati is saatvic or pure and therefore, beneficial for the body and easy to digest. It is considered an excellent remedy for balancing your vata (metabolism) and pitta (energy production). By the way, ayurveda practice means avoiding instant or pre-cooked rice because it has less prana (life force) in it. COOKING BASMATI RICE

Making a pot of basmati is incredibly satisfying, with its gorgeous aroma, slightly nutty flavour and, if you do it right, nice fluffy but separate grains: Instructions: 1. You are supposed to wash basmati thoroughly before cooking it because there is so much starch clinging to its grains. Wash two to three times with your hands. 2. I once watched British Indian cooking doyenne Madhur Jaffrey on television and she recommended that you soak basmati for at least ½ an hour to an hour in cold water prior to cooking. Remember to drain the water again and then fill. 3. Next, the quantity of water should be either be 1 to 1.3 rice to water ratio if you want firm rice, or 1 to 1.5 rice to water ratio if you like your grains more tender. 4. A tiny bit of oil, butter or ghee (clarified, unsalted butter) and a teaspoon of fresh lime juice added while cooking can keep the grains separate. 5. Make sure you cook it in a heavy pot and do not disturb the rice or take a peek while its in the middle of cooking. Let it sit for awhile after cooking before going in there with a spoon. I discovered a raft of delicious Indian rice recipes from the Indian Foods Co. website By the way, back in 2000, the American corporation RiceTec tried to trademark the name "basmati" for three hybrids of the rice. Naturally, the Indian government wasn't too amused, stepped in and saved the day.


Healthy Recipes from the around the World This month issue - South Africa It is my privilege to present to you in this issue some of the most favorite dishes that we enjoy in South Africa. I must confess that I am presenting to you a range of dishes that I love to enjoy and prepare myself. - Article submitted by Ps. Herman Bouwer STARTER: Avocado Ritz recipe Avocado's are a favorite South African fruit and are often used in starters and salads. This dish is quick to prepare and is always well received when the weather is hot.

Ingredients 3 ripe avocado's 300g of shrimps, well drained Seafood sauce Juice of 1 small lemon Salt Cayenne pepper Iceberg Lettuce Leaves Chopped parsley

Instructions on how to make it Cut the avocado's in half and remove the stones. Dip the edges in lemon juice. Season with salt and Cayenne pepper. Place avocado's on a bed of lettuce leaves. Fill with shrimps and spoon seafood sauce on the top of each one. Garnish with parsley and serve immediately. Ensure that the shrimps is properly chilled in order to enhance taste. MAIN COURSE: Bobotie recipe (Cape Malay Dish) The origins of Bobotie can be traced back to the eastern influence on South African culture. The Cape Malay society are famous for cooking this dish and it is usually served with yellow rice.


Ingredients 1 kg minced lamb 125ml milk 1 thick slice of white bread, crust removed and soaked in milk 2 roughly chopped onions butter Salt 1 tablespoon of curry powder (mix the hot and the Cape Malay versions for a good flavour) 1 chili, finely chopped (optional and only if you like your food quite hot) ½ cup vinegar 1 tablespoon of lemon juice 1 teaspoon of brown sugar 1 tablespoon of chutney 8 -10 crushed almonds (optional) 3 eggs 1 clove of garlic, crushed and finely chopped 6 bay leaves 1 orange, sliced in wheels 1 lemon, sliced in wheels Oil for cooking

Instructions on how to make it Heat the oil in frying pan and add the garlic, onion and curry power. Cook over medium heat for three minutes, then add the mince meat. Fry until the meat is almost done, then using your hands, squeeze the milk from the bread. Discard the milk and add the bread, vinegar, lemon juice, sugar and chutney to the mince. Fry for a minute or so and then remove from heat. Take a pie dish and place three bay leaves, two wheels of orange and two wheels of lemon at the bottom. Now scoop the mince mixture into the dish. Decorate the sides of the dish with the rest of the lemon and orange wheels, wedging them between the mince and the sides of the dish so that only a third protrudes. If you are using almonds, push them into the mince. Beat the eggs and 125ml milk, and pour over the meat. Put three bay leaves on top of dish. Place the dish uncovered in the oven and cook for about 30 minutes at 160 deg Celsius. Serve with a plain green salad or chopped tomato and onion, sprinkled with a little vinegar. Make sure you have some chutney near at hand. Serve piping hot with the yellow rice. Yellow Rice recipe Yellow rice is eaten with the Cape Malay dish called Bobotie.

Ingredients 2 cups of rice ž cup raisins, soaked in water for 20 minutes, then drained

1 teaspoon of turmeric a dash of salt 2 sticks of cinnamon

Instructions on how to make it Place all the ingredients, including the raisins in about 750ml of water, bring to the boil and simmer for 15 to 20 minutes. If there is still excess water in the pot when the rice is tender, pour it out carefully. Dot the rice with a few blobs of butter and give it a sprinkling of cinnamon sugar (This is a little sugar and a little cinnamon powder, mixed together). Cover and keep warm. Desert: Quick Melktert (Microwave) recipe This recipe for Melktert (Milk Tart) is quick and easy as it uses the microwave to cook it rather than the traditional way in the oven.

Ingredients 1 pack tennis biscuits (Plain butter biscuits will also do) 1 tin condense milk 3 cups warm water 15ml margarine 100ml maizena (corn flour) 75ml cold water 1ts vanilla essence 2 medium eggs

Instructions on how to make it Arrange the tennis biscuits in a dish, making a base for the mixture. Mix the condense milk, margarine, warm water and microwave for 3 minutes. Mix maizena, cold water, vanilla essence, eggs and salt separately. Combine the two mixtures. Microwave for 5 minutes on high. Slowly pour mixture over the tennis biscuits. Crush one or two tennis biscuits with a rolling pin and then sprinkle cinnamon and crumbs over the mixture. Let the mixture set in the fridge and enjoy! Source:




~ Table of81Contents ~ Apostolic Corner Ask Apostle Dr. Rebecca Michael….. P. 115 Ask Apostle Dr. Lee Ann Marino….. P. 132

Ministry News Apostolic-Prophetic Global News - Five Fold Ministry….. P. 86 Apostolic Fellowship Ministries News….. P.84 PACM Canada News….. P.82

Feature Articles Spiritual Warfare– The battle belongs to the Lord - by Apostle Dr. Lee Ann Marino….. P.91 Women in Ministry ~ ‗I am NOT Gods Second Choice!‘ by Ap. Dr. Lee Ann Marino….. P.96

Culture / Music / Arts Focus Artist Spotlight this month - Poetry by Ken Mitchell….. P.111 Artist Spotlight this month - Poetry by Michelle Harrod… P. 109 Hebrew with Elana—Lean instant Hebrew with Elana Watson ...P. 101

Interviews Music Artist Spotlight this montb - Bill Clint– Part 2….. P.113 Music Artist Spotlight this month- Elana Watson… P. 104

Heroes and Heroines - Stories of overcomers Hero for this month - Chaplain (Gen) Dr. Ezekiel Edumoh by Rebecca Michael….. P.118 Heroine for this month - ‗Vashti: A Misunderstood Heroine‘ by Apostle Dr. Lee Ann Marino….. P.127

Healthy Living - by Rebecca Michael, D.Min. Health & Fitness Coach Corner….. P.134 Mental Health Corner….. P.137

Book Reviews Author of the Month - Apostle Dr. Lee Ann Marino Book of the Month - Five Fold Ministry by Apostle Dr. Lee Ann Marino….. P.86

Food Recipes - North Carolina, USA….. P.139

* Copyright in effect for all materials posted at this Magazine, 2009. All Rights Reserved.*

PACM Inc. Ministry News / 2010 Hi All! Here are some of our important news and updates for this year 2010 and coming soon. Our non-profit PACM Inc. Ministries has evolved over the past 4 yrs. in to a new publishing company starting this year called Phoenix Horizons Media Publishing Co. for which we have a local business license for this one also. We create and publish creative arts, music, books, podcasts, video and other media types from our healthy lifestyles and teaching subjects– as well as promote others. Our PACM Inc. will likely soon be retired as it has served its purpose to give us a place to begin this journey the past few years since its inception. We will keep it in the form of PACM Foundation in memory of our loved ones for whom it was started and also our PACM Household of Faith. We may at a later date reinstate our PACM Champs Bible School as we are awaiting direction from the apostolic reformation now evident globally in progress before we do this as the Lord leads His endtimes Church in to many changes. Rebecca Michael, Pres. PACM Inc. and PHM Publishing Co. has written, produced and released 4 music CDs in the blues, rock, gospel genres this past year 2009- 2010- as well as Editor-in-Chief for this PH Magazine the past 2 editions and is a regular columnist for Power for Today online magazine as well. This year she has authored and will also soon release a book called ‗Healthy Living for Today‘ which is a primer for all aspects of optimal health: physical, psychological, social and spiritual. Stay tuned for this book which will soon be available at amazon and / or other sites. More contact information is available at our main website currently at http:// and also be sure to join our / Rebecca Michael Facebook fan pages for MUSIC at and for MINISTRY here at We will also soon be releasing the last two freely available pdf versions of these past two online PH Magazine editions in to a hardcover book for purchase and available online as well. Likewise we will make available for free a pdf form of the ‗Healthy Living for Today‘ book online once it is released. Information and regular updates about all of this and other Ministry news is available at these two fan page links so be sure to check it out often and do join us there!


God bless you all for now! Rebecca Michael, D.Min. PH Magazine Editor-in Chief

Apostolic Fellowship International Ministries News and Updates Blessings everyone!

My name is Apostle Dr. Lee Ann

Marino and I am Apostle in Office for Apostolic Fellowship International Ministries. I have been in ministry since 1998 and full-time since 2001. I currently cover ten churches and ministries internationally. As part of our ministry, we have prison ministry, women‘s ministry, Apostolic University, educational and training work for pastors and ministers, a radio show (Power For Today) and one in process (The Kingdom Within) , television ministry in process, publishing (Power For Today Magazine and The KingdomWithin Newsletter), and Apostolic Fellowship.

I hold doctorate degrees in philosophy, theology, divinity, and religion/

comparative religion from Apostolic University, of which I now serve as Chancellor. I am covered by Apostle Dr. Rebecca Michael of Phoenix Alive Christian Ministries, Inc., and hold my ordination credentials through PACM. At Apostolic Fellowship International Ministries, our mandate is proclaiming the Kingdom of God within, among, and around the people of God (Luke 17:21). We desire to see the Kingdom of God fully prepared and equipped for the return of Christ. For this reason, we have a special desire to train and equip leaders for their task as end-time Kingdom preparers. We are currently working on hosting our own events and conferences to draw people from all over the world for Kingdom training and education. We are preparing women‘s conferences, leadership events, revivals, and spiritual outpouring events. We are also expanding


our different University programs to encourage more individuals to receive the education of the Lord and equipping for ministry. Our headquarters are currently located in the Raleigh, North Carolina area. For more information about our work, please visit our website at or our fan page at

Apostle Dr. Lee Ann Marino Apostolic Fellowship Ministries

Apostolic - Prophetic Ministry News Five-fold ministry article Q: Didn‘t the five-fold ministry cease? A: The doctrine of cessationalism teaches the gifts of the Spirit ceased, ending at the close of the first century. Such teaching cites we now have the Bible and do not need the gifts of the Spirit or the five-fold ministry any longer because we can now read what is true for ourselves. A by-product of this doctrine teaches all expressions of spiritual gifts occurring since the first century are demonic counterfeits. Is this doctrine correct? Many believe it is a matter of personal opinion whether or not one accepts the gifts of the Spirit and the five-fold ministry. As an apostle, I believe such an attitude is dangerous. If the gifts and five-fold ministry are appointed to be active and vital in our time, there is no opinion as to the essential nature of their function in the church. This makes discovery of whether or not spiritual activity has ceased of relevance for Christians today. The first thing we must do is examine the New Testament. Is there a verse stating the gifts would cease because of the printed Bible? Many are surprised to learn the Bible gives no such verse which stating the gifts (leadership included) to cease at the end of the first century. Likewise, we have no indication spiritual gifts or leadership began to fade as New Testament books were authored. 1 Corinthians 13:8-10 is the one universal passage invoked by cessationalists: “Charity never faileth: but whether there be prophecies, they shall fail; whether there be tongues, they shall cease; whether there be knowledge, it shall vanish away. For we know in part, and we prophesy in part. But when that which is perfect is come, then that which


is in part shall be done away.” On the surface, this passage doesn‘t challenge a cessationalist view. At the same time, it does not affirm such a view, either. 1 Corinthians 13:8 correctly states that one day prophesies, tongues, and knowledge will cease. However, this passage, does not state when this ceasing shall occur. 1 Corinthians 13:8 identifies the cessation, or ending, of such gifts will be at a future time. Paul does not indicate from his words that the gifts would be ceasing in the near future, such at the time of his death or the other apostles. If indeed that were the case, Paul would have specified the gifts were ceasing due to the end of the New Testament era. He makes no such specification. We also need to consider the point of this passage, which is clarified by reading verses 9 and 10. Paul‘s purpose was not to create debate about whether or not the gifts were continuing, but to teach about the eternity of love. In that being the purpose of this passage, we see the gifts will cease when they are no longer needed. When will they cease? The passage answers that question: when the perfect is come! The ―perfect‖ is a reference to the time when Jesus will return, as He is the Perfect, and all things will be restored (Acts 3:21). ―The perfect‖ was not the closing of the Bible canon. Since the perfect has not yet arrived, the time for the cessation of tongues has not yet arrived, either! There is no Biblical prophecy telling the church to beware leaders because the five-fold ministry (a part of the spiritual gifts) would cease. We find warning of false leaders and false prophets to come (2 Peter 2:1, 1 John 4:1) – not people who claim to have an office that ceased. If indeed such was to happen, surely there would have been warning that false leadership wasn‘t a matter of counterfeit faith, but of following offices no longer in place. Since no

such warning, prophecy, or promise exists, we can safely say there is no New Testament prophecy, promise, or verse telling of a ceasing five-fold ministry. If there is no promise, prophecy, warning, or verse – or even the context of such – then we can safely say the five-fold ministry, as part of the gifts of the Spirit, will not cease until the time when Jesus returns. Any teaching that states otherwise is unscriptural and out of order for church structure. As the church pulled farther and farther away from the truth over the first few centuries, the five-fold ministry was one of the first things to disappear. Once disordered and maligned men removed apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers from the church, they replaced the Bible offices with ministry offices of their own making. The church then fell into serious doctrinal, moral, and ethical error. The five-fold ministry structure is essential to keep church leadership and authority intact. On a deeper level, we must also examine Romans 10:14: “Faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God.” The Bible itself states faith comes by hearing, not by reading. Part of the reason evangelistic efforts are low today is due to promoting evangelization through reading rather than hearing. The ―reading method‖ of evangelization is when individuals hand out Bibles and tracts to a large group of people. They hope that by reading the Word or information provided, they will come to accept church teachings. This is not Biblical! Faith comes by hearing, meaning it comes by the process of hearing the Word in preaching, testimony, and action. This means our effort is involved, and the Spirit is involved in the reception process. If there is anything I have learned from studying religion, it is that anyone can read the Bible, and walk away with little faith and lots of thoughts from self-interpretation. Faith comes by hearing, not reading!


If we believe faith continues to be real and valid in the church today, then we cannot deny the gifts of the Spirit. Why is that, you ask? Faith is identified as a spiritual gift, one which the Holy Spirit is a part of as one accepts and comes to live in faith (1 Corinthians 12:9). We can‘t pick and choose what is relevant or active today because it makes the most sense to our natural minds. If faith is active, so are the rest of the spiritual gifts – (Romans 12:6-8, 1 Corinthians 12:1-11) – and so is the five-fold ministry and its spiritual gifts of apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor, and teacher (Ephesians 4:7-16). Another necessary proof the five-fold ministry is found in Ephesians 4:11-16 itself: “And He gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers; for the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ: till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ: That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive; but speaking the truth in love, may grow up into him in all things, which is the head, even Christ: from whom the whole body fitly joined together and compacted by that which every joint supplieth, according to the effectual working in the measure of every part, maketh increase of the body unto the edifying of itself in love.” The purpose of the five-fold ministry is to build up the church until the time when it reaches full unity of faith, unto Christ, the Head, is no longer tossed by false doctrine, or given to false teachers. Last time I checked, this has not yet happened. If the purpose of the ministry is not fulfilled, the five-fold ministry is still vital and relevant for today. The fulfillment will come when Christ returns and all is restored, when the

―perfect‖ arrives. While there are a few other passages occasionally cited by cessationalists, they prove the cessationalist point as little as 1 Corinthians 13:8-10. Passages such as Ephesians 4:11-17 and Ephesians 2:20 uphold the order of the five-fold ministry and its necessity, not its cessation. We can see clearly from this examination that a cessationalist point of view is ignorant of the Word. It is also relevant to note where cessationalism has its strongholds. Cessationalism is strongest within Jehovah‘s Witnesses, Church of Christ adherents, the Orthodox Church, and many mainline, dispensational, and evangelical non-denominational Protestant groups. Examination of the legalism, false teaching, and rigorous structural replacement of God‘s order speaks loudly to the problems which exist in these denominations. The display of disunity, disobedience, and man-made rules taught as those of God (Matthew 15:6, Mark 7:13) are thorough evidence of a man-made leadership structure. There are also individuals who do not claim membership with such groups who hold a cessationalist viewpoint. There are many of varying denominational positions who also reject the notion of fivefold ministry leadership and the exercise of spiritual gifts. Often they doubt the gifts because they themselves have not experienced them. Forming doctrinal truth based on inexperience is error, and it is not uncommon to find entire groups of people rejecting the spiritual gifts because they have not experienced them. From the book, The Five-Fold Ministry: Callings, Duties, Responsibilities, Examples. © 2010 Apostle Dr. Lee Ann B. Marino. All rights reserved.


Feature Article—Spiritual warfare The Battle Belongs To The Lord, Part 1 By Apostle Dr. Lee Ann B. Marino, Ph.D., D.D. An age of battle One day I was innocently doing the work of ministry. I was minding my business, causing no one harm. Then all of a sudden, the apostle I‘d been under announced she was no longer covering me after she‘d behaved strangely for weeks. I was told I would not be speaking at a conference because the host wanted to take money from our work as part of the event. Someone I had called several months earlier - and never returned my phone call - called me out of the blue and turned the conversation around as if I was the one who had done something to him. Mail got lost, my dog started acting up, and I experienced battle in my home. It was as if the whole host of hell decided it was time to pay me a visit. All this came right after I decided it was time to take some positive steps forward in my ministry. I took a step forward, and the enemy sought to make me go five or six steps backward. I stepped out in faith, and in an attempt to cause massive discouragement, the enemy brought forth his best attack. There was a time when this sudden splurge of warfare would have caused me great discouragement. This time I did not experience that discouragement. What I did experience was an intense sense of pressing in and being serious in the work of the Lord. It was a confirmation, rather than a diversion.

My personal story of warfare is not uncommon today. I‘m hearing of a regular increase of people who report intense spiritual battle and warfare. In a recent week, I received no less than six different prayer requests and testimonies from people battling with spiritual forces. People who are familiar with spiritual warfare recognize an increase in tumult and struggle with the forces of darkness. People who are not so familiar with spiritual battle are more confused about the disturbing circumstances that seem to rise up and attempt to conquer areas of their lives. The popular worship song, ―The Battle Belongs to the Lord‖ could rightly be called the Christian‘s battle anthem. It epitomizes the strength, focus, character, and spiritual power we need to fight evil everyday of our lives. We hear a lot about ―spiritual warfare‖ as Christians, particularly in the context of the times we are living in. Living in the end times poses unique challenges to this age. These last days are filled with evil bombardments all around, just as 2 Timothy 3:2-5 said they would: “People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God - having a form of godliness but denying its power.” (NIV) These times are as near to us as the morning newspaper or visit to the latest internet news site. This means being a true blood-bought Christian everyday requires a special preparation as we engage in war against the forces of evil. The spiritual realm for battle is stronger, fiercer, and more vengeful than ever before. It also most importantly leans we must know spiritual warfare, the true enemies we fight, and we must know Who the battle belongs to and Who we are fighting for.


The order of battle

The War of the Sons of Light With the Sons of Darkness is an epic drama describing the great battle between light and dark, or good and evil forces. Found in the original writings of the Dead Sea Scrolls, this book describes the different orders in which the troops would assemble for battle and what purposes each group would serve to the battle. While the book is too long to post in its entirety, I encourage all of you to read it in order to understand a few essential things about spiritual battle, the purpose, and priorities we must have. Too often spiritual warfare is spoken of as a haphazard grouping of events that are simultaneously thrown into spiritual prayer. Spiritual warfare is ordered and disciplined, as is every aspect of the Christian life. Just as natural battle takes strategy and skill, so does spiritual battle. We can‘t attack an enemy without knowing Who we fight for, how we fight, and who that enemy is. The War of the Sons of Light With the Sons of Darkness reminds us, “Yours is the battle, and from You is Power, and it is not ours; nor has our strength or the might of our hands done valiantly, but it is by Your strength and by the Power of Your great might; as you made known to us of old...” (TOB) Many Christians falter in spiritual battle due to disordered unpreparedness. They forget to Whom the battle belongs and whereby we

acquire strength for the battle. Recognizing God as the central aspect to battle - and knowing His precepts for divine order - are the first steps to establishing powerful battle strategies. Living in disobedience to the Father and His precepts opens one up to spiritual defeat. Christians also need to realize we are not to fight God‘s battle for our own personal ego gain, glory, or to bring something unto ourselves that is not of God. As we grow in spiritual battle, we find the fight is against the impressions of the flesh, and therefore, growing in battle means we become less impressionable to the wrong desires and more powerful in the things of God. As we submit ourselves to our heavenly Father, we learn more and more how to become a victorious Kingdom warrior.

Who are we fighting? Knowing the battle belongs to God is just the beginning of effective warfare. Who are we fighting? Do we merely fight against annoying people, personality conflicts, or little irri-


tants? Ephesians 6:12 helps us to identify the true enemy: “For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.� (NIV) We don‘t merely fight people, but the evil they support, enable, channel, or cooperate with through their choices, words, and actions. Everything is greater than ourselves and we all represent a principle greater than ourselves. It is our choice whether those principles are of God or Satan. Whether we are fighting for light or darkness shows in our choices and having been said, we recognize every choice we make is a form of warfare right along with prayer, worship, intercession, spiritual preparation, casting out devils and demons, and showing genuine love for God and others. Everything we do is either a mark for right or wrong. We do not act alone, nor do we make our choices alone. Even though we do all we do by free will, we agree with light or dark, and we choose to either agree with the Lord and Master of the universe or the lord and master of this age. Which side we agree with determines where we choose to place or will and the victory we either will or will not have in our lives. By Apostle Dr. Lee Ann Marino

Feature Article ~ Women in ministry I AM NOT GOD‘S SECOND CHOICE! By Apostle Dr. Lee Ann B. Marino, Ph.D., D.D. I first heard the phrase: "God is raising up women in the church because men won't take their position" about 10 years ago. Even then I was very uncomfortable with the underlying dishonesty in this statement. It is often spoken by men about women in ministry - and, sometimes, women who are trying to make sure men aren't threatened with their position or authority within the church. It's spoken to make someone sound like they accept women in ministry and are OK with it, but in reality, they really aren't comfortable or accepting of a woman's position in ministry. Instead of just saying this, they make it sound like the woman has to be there because there is no other suitable candidate available. In so speaking, women become God's second choice for ministry. I just love it when people speak on God's behalf - and yes, hear my biting sarcasm in that statement. It is a true pet peeve of mine when other people decide for me what God has called or purposed me to do or where I may be on His list of choices. Too often the church still feels the need to disclaim itself for the position of women in the church, instead of recognizing women as called of God and powerful in leadership. The church still thinks we need to explain away the women, justifying the position of women for some altruistic or necessary reason, instead of just recognizing the anointing on a woman's life as sufficient for her calling. For some reason, we just don't take the time to understand the important purpose of women in God's plan.


Then we have the reality that the women of God are so used to being spoken down to, insulted, and "put in their place," so to speak, that we don't even hear the offense in a statement such as the one above. We think we need to go out of our way to prove we don't hate men, aren't trying to threaten anybody's position, or cause anyone offense. We are afraid to stand against chauvinism and sexism in the church for fear we will turn off our audiences or be perceived as a part of the wrong side of thinking within Christianity. We don't want to be perceived as too radical, too outrageous, or too unspoken. Thus we tolerate what we hear above when we shouldn't because it reflects worldly thinking dependent upon power and control. There are a lot of reasons why this issue has not just social implications, but theological issues as well. Rejecting more than half the Body of Christ as unsuited to proclaim the Gospel or function in ministry should be grave cause for concern. We need to stop thinking this is just an issue of personal opinion or interpretation of the Word and see why this is clearly a problematic attitude...and change it. Galatians 3:28: "There is neither...male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus." (NIV) was not written as a mere philosophical musing, but a reality of where we are to be in Christ as men and women. The first reason we have a problem with such a statement is its implication, "God is raising up women in the church because men won't take their position," that the church revolves around men rather than around God. Such logic indicates God is revolving His actions, choices, and decisions around what men want to do or don't want to do rather than what is God's will for the church. What an implication of power and control! So in other words, men are controlling the entire destiny of salvation history based on when they want to rise up or don't want to rise up...I don't think so! God has not ever lived around the whims of human be-

ings. Either we believe the church is expected to fully conform with God's will or we don't. We either believe God calls individuals and they are the best candidates for where God desires the church to go, or we don't. I am the first one to admit people don't always answer their calling in Christ, but I also recognize our calling doesn't go to a second choice candidate if we don't answer it. God is not sitting around in heaven just waiting to decide who He's going to call next based on what some random man wants to do or not do with a calling. When God wants to call a man to do a job, there has never been a shortage of men for that job. Thus the same is true for women: when God calls a woman to do a job, she's not called to it because there's a shortage of men: she's there because she's the one God called. It doesn't have to make sense to the world, to onlookers, or to anyone but God. The second reason this creates a problem is because we raise the question: does God un-call people? If women are simply called because men don't want to rise to the challenge, what happens if a bunch of men decide to change their minds? Does God remove His call on a woman's life or change it? As God called me to be an apostle, does that mean if a man who God called to be an apostle suddenly wants to do it now, I'm no longer an apostle? The obvious answer is, no, God does not un-call people. If we have been prepared for our calling from the foundations of the world, as the Apostle Paul expounded, then the purpose, gifts, and foundations of our calling are not a temporary placement. We can't ever retire or fit ourselves into a different calling! God purposed it this way because "God's gifts and his call are irrevocable." (Romans 11:29, NIV). The gifts and calling on women are just as irrevocable as those on men - and if God can't un-call us, has purposed us from before the foundations of the world, and fully equipped us, then we can't be His second choice!


Then we come to the issue of being threatened - that somehow we need such a statement to un-state the call of God upon a woman's life so men are not intimidated. If we are one in Christ, men shouldn't be intimidated by a woman called of God. If a man wrestles with that, it is a wrestling of the flesh and he must come in line with the Word and the work of God. If more women are called to leadership then men at this time, that is the work of God and every man must come into alignment with what God is doing. No woman should ever feel the need to apologize for her calling or disclaim it with such a statement to make men feel comfortable. If a man is uncomfortable with a woman's leadership position, he is going to be uncomfortable with it no matter what she says or does. Disclaiming simply discredits the God Who gave the calling. Jesus didn't apologize for sending Mary Magdalene to the other apostles with the news of the resurrection - He rebuked the men for ignoring the word of His female apostle! (Mark 16:9-14) The last reason why this is problematic is because such a statement denies acknowledgement of the plan of God. Believing God is only calling women because men don't want to stand up is advocating process theology. Process theology is the belief that a god or divine being is constantly progressing and changing along with humanity, adapting to changing conditions because that god or deity is not omniscient. If God is only calling women because men aren't doing something, that is saying God didn't know men wouldn't answer His call and, therefore, didn't call other men so now He is calling women to fill space. If God is adjusting Himself to changing circumstances, then He isn't the same yesterday, today, and forever! (Hebrews 13:8) Women aren't a miss-happening or accident of God's plans. We can see God purposed so many things in history using His women, such as Deborah - and that they were a part of His plan and

were right for His plan (Judges 4-5). Too often we hear Deborah was called because there were no available men...or is it really the other way around? Were there no available men because Deborah was the right one for the job? I think the church today underestimates God. We don't need to make excuses for what He is doing in, through, or for us. I know if God wanted a man to do a job, he could raise up a man but some jobs are just better suited to be handled by us girls :-) I AM NOT GOD'S SECOND CHOICE! By Apostle Dr. Lee Ann Marino


Culture / Music / Arts - Learn Hebrew with Elana

Tuesday Night Hebrew Workshops at House of James Start Date June 24 / 2010 $10.00 at the door

Learn Hebrew with Elana Read and Write Hebrew Discover the keys to the nature of the Creator Learn about patterns, codes and cycles in the bible Explore ancient Liturgy and Hebraic Musical modes Sing Hebraic Music

Please call 778– 242-5840 or House of James 604– 852-3701


Hava Java Coffee House ~ Live Music ~ Saturdays 2:30– 5 p.m. Elana Watson and guest artists Coffee, exotic music and artistic creations! 32530 Lougheed Hwy., Mission, B.C. 604– 820-9621

Culture / Music and Arts Musician Interview – Elana Watson

Rebecca Michael says- Hi Elana! It is a pleasure and honour to interview you as an outstanding talented songwriter / musician! I understand that you have an eclectic background culturally and come from a musical family background. Can you tell us something about yourself and how you came to develop your craft as artist? Elana Watson says- Well as a child I was raised in a semi-gypsy lifestyle by parents that were pioneers of new musical styles and messages and we as a family toured to over 30 countries singing and telling people about the significance of Israel past, present and future. This was a unique way of getting an education with a world perspective. I believe music is a key to revealing what words can't satisfy. There is always a message to the music I do and it should teach something. I bring in influences from the Middle East, Africa, Latin America and R&B developed by the West. I like potent brews that are memorable because of the living waters of healing, transformation and revelation. I believe music can also be used as a powerful weapon as well a profound connection to love. It is important to note that the melody should speak of the lyrics. Rebecca Michael says- I am sure there are many influences and mentors in your life but which of these stand out most for you in the past? Elana Watson says- Well..I have enjoyed a lot people's music and stories they tell. Any good singer tells a story that they are convinced of. I am a truth seeker and so are so many artists. It is sometimes a gruelling process to shed layers of falsehood and in its place find peace and freedom. I am interested right now in music from the 60's and 70's folk eras. There were a lot more allegories and parables used that had beautiful hope and left a residue of vitality. It seemed ―alive‖ if you will. In Hebrew you learn that words are seeds and they make manifest in your life. It is important what you say and what you sing and play. It is important to mean something regenerative. In a world that seems hopeless in its messages this is shining light in the impending darkness. As the darkness gets darker the light gets brighter. It can drive you crazy sometimes to try and keep buoyant during the days we live in so I am seeking to write songs of hope and joy. Rebecca Michael says- How about the present and your new CD? Can you tell us something about the process and influences for this latest CD?


Elana Watson says- My present CD is based on songs of healing and restoring the foundations. The story in the garden was about choices and freewill.You know the end from the beginning. So a lot of these songs will refer to garden imagery and prophecy. Eternity is a fusion of past, present and future and so I am counting on giving some of this in the fusion that exists in this project. The songs are meant for the overcomers. Rebecca Michael says- How would you describe your Canadian music roots as opposed to your Israeli roots? Are there connections with both that have formed for your creative works? Elana Watson says- They are connected as I am connected to both my Israeli home and Canadian home. My roots are in the Olive tree ...whose roots never die. Rebecca Michael says- What would you say were the most important moments for you in terms of solidifying your identity as an artist and your artistic style? Elana Watson says- Without identity you have no heritage and no authority. My whole message is about identity...the identity that is eternal. I can't put a style to it...only a landscape of everything that has made a imprint in my heart. The most important moments were when prayer was put out and answered in a sovereign way. When I cried out He heard me!...and I must remember that... Rebecca Michael says- What is the main inspiration of your music and style? Does it tend to be autobiographical when you write or perform songs or is it a combination of things? Elana Watson says- The main inspiration is from deep within. It is always reaching inward rather than outward. I no longer want to sing songs of the there is no resolution. songs are about what is happening within. Rebecca Michael says- I have heard your awesome music and performances online at such sites as Youtube. Do you classify your music in a certain style or genre that you can tell us- or do you find this difficult to peg? Elana Watson says- For those that have ears to hear they will know what it is saying. There are signs that can be heard. The signs around us are getting pretty stark as the veil is getting thinner. Open the eyes of my heart is what I pray. Rebecca Michael says- What is your own musical background and training? Elana Watson says- I studied flute, singing,violin, drumming and many forms of dance. My

teachers were generally people living in Jerusalem from various places around the world...probably my Russian Ballet teacher made a big impact on me as she was hard on me but it was good. My mother taught me a lot as well. She is a very accomplished singer, violinist and composer of 100's of songs...Jehovah Jireh is her most well known one...I Like He that Keepeth Israel a lot...could be one of the songs I will record soon... Rebecca Michael says- Do you also teach and train students in music? If so like what and where could someone contact you for lessons? Elana Watson says- I have taught many ages in many places and yes I love to teach.I concentrate first on making a good student...seeing how to reach them and finding out where their heart lies.. So many people are out of touch with their is again, a powerful tool to heal, teach and reveal...also you could call this‖therapy‖ Rebecca Michael says- Can you tell me about the CDs and performances that led up to now? Elana Watson says- Well my performance career highlight was singing with the Toronto Philharmonic Orchestra and few years ago...sold out 3 nights and sang George Gershwin songs. I have sung here for a while with the Bruce James Orchestra...but the truth be told...I like to do original events and in the freedom of my expression.


Rebecca Michael says- You have a new album out soon. Can you tell me something about this - how you came up with it- the process of making it- where we can obtain a copy of it etc? Elana Watson says- You can send me a friend request and I will be posting sound bites up on my facebook page and on youtube. at Elana Watson .Please visit my music videos there...some are funny! website is down at the moment...could be another metamorphosis happening Rebecca Michael says- Is there anything you would like to mention or discuss that is not mentioned here yet? Elana Watson says- What the heck has happened to America??? You are in a deep pitiful slumber...ripe for the pickin' I'd say... Rebecca Michael says- Oh Yeah- that‘s for sure- lots of folks are awakening to the globalist agenda all around the globe and not just in Americas-- Wake up folks! Elana- Will you be performing locally? Do you have a fan page, website and contact info so we can keep up with what you are up to regularly? Elana Watson says - Email: and on my facebook page. Rebecca Michael says- Can you tell me how being a Christian since your youth has shaped your life as an artist and as a musician? Elana Watson says- What I believe is evident in what you hear from me. Rebecca Michael says- Thanks so much for doing this interview for our online Magazine Elana- Yes indeed you are an exotic beauty in many ways. You Rock my friend and are amongst the finest musicians and artists I have ever come across personally! God bless you! Rebecca Michael, D.Min. PH Magazine Editor-in-Chief

Be sure and check out Elana Watson new Album Release entitled ‗Rising from the Ashes‘! ELANA WATSON Coming from a musical family, Elana Watson grew up performing in theatres, cathedrals, churches, synagogues, parks, festivals, open-air events, television and radio shows in over 30 countries. She began singing at the age of five and hasn’t looked back.

A musical chameleon, Watson has performed nearly every conceivable style including Klezmer, African-Ethiopian, Middle Eastern, Latin, Top 40 Pop, Jazz, R&B and Folk. She is now gaining an International reputation as a recording artist, songwriter and producer with 4 CD’s in English, Spanish, Hebrew, and Amharic. She has also made 3 music videos that she conceived and choreographed in the Middle East and has written music for the documentary film, “Quest for the Hero Heart”.

Recently, Elana has returned from a 7month singing tour where she appeared on various radio and television shows across the East Coast of the United States . While on tour, she was honored to be asked to sing in Washington DC for the International Day of Prayer and at City Hall in Jerusalem , Israel .

Elana believes the best quality in a vocalist is the ability to tell a moving story. Her extraordinarily flexible, powerful voice demonstrates great emotional range, sensitivity, and a fine musical intuition. She has been likened to such greats as Judy Garland and Lena Horne. She was the featured soloist in a series of Gershwin concerts with the Toronto Philharmonia Orchestra.


Culture, Music and Arts - Michelle Harrod Running All night was a blast, For hours did the merriment last! Rockin to the beat of Jagger and Bowie ‗Dancin in the Streets‘. But that was lastnight And now its today We had our fun And its time to run. On go the runners And we‘re out the door Its warm and sunny And the skies are blue. Why do our limbs feel like dead weights? Snails are we Navigating through A sea of glue. The pavement is hard And the sun beats down Like a heavy yoke. Onwards we plow Slogging along. But then ends the streets And we hit the trailsBehold vistas of mountains, Soaring eagles Beautiful trees. This is paradise The place to be And then it happensThe infamous runners high. We go from neutral Into drive Galloping like horses Wild and free Til the run

Is through The day is warmer The skies are bluer. We had our fun Finished our run Its time to rest we beat our personal best. Time to celebrate Rock to the beat Oh Yeah we‘re dancing‗Dancin in the Streets‘! By Michelle Harrod Copyright 2010

March On Rejoice all you warriors and soldiers Who have been born from fields Planted with seeds of grief and Adversity Who have risen from deep pools of tears And the fury of fires. Swim like great leviathans and Cavort in the air like dolphins In the vastness of the heavens The sparkling crystalline skies For your cries call to The tender heart of Father God. Savour the sweet sips of wine at The feast of your redemption. Sing and dance now on The blood of your enemies. Then wipe off your battle boots Look behind you no more. Daughter rise as the sun My beloved bride of Christ On a victorious new day. By Michelle Harrod Copyright 2010


Culture, Music and Arts - Ken Mitchell Josie the Jack Our lil Jack Her name is Josie Barks at every bump n Sometimes she‘s noseyTake her for a walk Things get rosey For our lil dog Josie. Our lil Jack Her name is Josie Cuddles with us at night Just to get cozy. Our lil dog Josie. Our lil dog She‘s all heart We fell in love she and me Right from the start. She loves us back our lil JackOur lil dog is so smart And she‘s all heart. Our lil Jack Is full of joy Jumps all around with her Brand new toys. Treats and snacks She does enjoy Our lil Jack is so Full of joy. Our lil dog is a Jack Russell Terrier Which means she can bustle Do the hustle This tiny dog Of solid muscle Our lil dog Josie The Jack Russell.

By Ken Mitchell Copyright 2010


Culture / Arts / Music Interview Part 2 / 2 with Bill Clint – Canadian Singer / Songwriter Rebecca Michael says- Hi Bill! Thanks for Part 2 / 2 of this interview today. Last time we got to your current CD Album Release for 2009 entitled ‗America: Lady of Liberty‘ which is available online at amazon, itunes etc. for purchase- also your facebook fan page can be joined here at http:// for more info for all our readers and listeners who would like to join, listen freely and support your music. Can you tell us now about your latest folk rock CD Album Release, 2009 called ‗America: Lady of Liberty‘ ? Bill Clint says- My pleasure. Hi Rebecca- Thank you. This CD is a compilation of a few things- in particular it exposes the true impoverished state of the USA which is ironically the richest nation on earth- in terms of the hypocrisy of thatmeaning that they care more about money and images of richness and less about the 30,000,000 bottom poor people and their basic care needs. It is a prophetic warning to Wake Up now and start correcting this spiritual imbalance before these crime, drugs and other such problems escalate more and lead to more violence and riots by the growing desparate numbers who are also out of work. The health care plan Obama put in place has put further stress on the poor of the USA to pay for health care insurance they cannot afford- or be fined—this is insanity- and is just one example of the many ways that the poor are put upon and they will act out- Wake Up America is what some of these songs address- and the Youtube video done by us Rebecca in producing this CD Album online… This CD exposes the hypocrisy and the corrupt underbelly inherent in the political system of this nation that worships money / fame and not God- We need to get back to the pioneer roots of our ancestorsGod and community / extended family- The right-left paradigm is helpful in a simplistic way for looking at politics in this country and the parties- however it is deceptive and divides the people against each other- left vs. right- extremes on either end of this scale leads to tyranny either way and a loss of our freedoms…. Left leads to the tyranny of the collective communism and Right wing extremes leads to the tyranny of the eugenicists fascism politics- neither way is Gods way- We need elements of both and we need unity- otherwise this country will continue to lose freedoms and eventually implode from internal corruptions and fall just like other such nations have in the past that became corrupted and debauched over time- like the Roman empire etc for example- It is all the same history repeating itself and is insane. This album addresses this but is meant to be a beacon of hope if we can wake up to the realities of this not just in Americas but around the globe- and take positive action- take our freedoms back legally from the Corporations and banks etc- before it is too late. It is not too late in my opinion but we must all do our part to brighten our own corner of this world as we know to with our families and communities and unite rather than divide- because united we stand and

divided we are conquered as the old adage goes. Love is the glue- real love I mean- not this sentimental usury slop many folks are parading- real love is sacrificial and generous- to family and community. We all need to do our part and we all have a conscience telling us what the next right thing to do is for those around us that we are called to love in liberty and truth– no oppression!! This CD Album finally is also a celebration of everyday life and love between man, woman and child- and statements about our everyday experiences and plights with a view towards overcoming and growth as people. Some of it is from observation and much of it I have myself lived out and so it is also autobiographical– mistakes included! Rebecca Michael says- You are an insightful sage Bill in many ways! I also find your music and this CD Album a prophetic voice ‗crying out in the wilderness‘ so to speak- speaking truth in love- Hopefully folks listen. I know they will enjoy it as it is also incredible musically and the mastering / recording is excellent~and your voice is absolutely arresting and amazing- WOW! Bill Clint says- Yes Rebecca.Many musicians I have known in my days- and I have known many famous ones and played with themare stuck on self and self- importance.They sell themselves along the way and prostitute their music for fame / $...I have refused to do this and have paid a price for it- but it is way worth it because I do still have a clear conscience and my heart is intact- the same one I had as a kid- I still believe in magic, in dreams- in Santa Claus if you will… Many of those I have met no longer feel such things- they are jaded cynics and reprobates- the worst part is they cannot see it because in trading in the truth you also trade in your sight- ‗Physician, heal thyself‘ as Jesus said to the blind then and nothing has changed!! I would advise these spiritually dead and blind guides who often presume to advise others- don‘t sell your art / music and don‘t sell your soul / truth- DUH- Haha! It really is simple- its all about love- but real agape– charitable love- not the fake-agape love empowers, enables others, champions and serves which reaps long-term in kind. Once this life is over- we will all face God to give account of our lives- and God is truth and reality itself– there is no place to hide from that– not even in clever falsehoods that fool some of the folks here. We need to get back to what we once had the sense to know and believe as children- starting with Love God and Love for each other. If you can‘t remember God– then just LOOK UP-Awesome! Rebecca Michael says- Speaking of true agape love Bill- I love you dearly my friend. Thank you for this interview and for sharing your insights with us! Hey–any photos of you for this? Bill Clint says- Thank you Rebecca. You are the reason that I am getting back in to this music circus online again at all– my lil pest- Haha- You talked me in to it– no photos though please– I just want to emphasize the music and the message which is love. God bless you my special friend and agape always.

By Rebecca Michael, D.Min.- PH Magazine Editor-in Chief Copyright 2010


Ask The Apostle Q: Why do you call yourself an apostle? Why don‘t you just do the work of an apostle and let it go at that? A: Throughout the Old and New Testaments, the people of God who walked in godly offices were identified by their ministry. Whether apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor, or teacher, Bible ministers were identified with their ministry office. This served a two-fold purpose. The first was to establish the individual as called of God. In ancient times, people were intimately associated with their teachers and the schools of thought that came from their teachers. It was not uncommon for people to receive a certain rite into the school of thought associated with their teacher to show forth solidarity. This is where the controversy over whose name Christians should be baptized in rose up in the first century. Some were baptizing in Apollos, some in other names identifying their Christian teachers. To be identified with God‘s offices was to identify the individual with God‘s call and His divine instruction. The second reason comes from the ministry identity factor. An individual could be identified in their service for the Lord by the very office they held in His service. Even in Biblical times there was the rise of competitive and false ministries where individuals held titles they attributed to themselves. They used legitimate-sounding terms to make themselves sound like legitimate purveyors of truth. In actuality, such individuals were just trying to capitalize on an anointing and authority that was not theirs to have. Their intention? Destroy the church and lead people away from truth. Those legitimate ministries within the church were well aware of false ministers. They acknowledged the issue, warning God‘s people. They taught on signs of a false ministry and educated in the truth of true doctrine. Even with the rise of false ministries, true ministers of God kept going. They did not stop calling themselves what God had called them or denied the ministry they operated - whether apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor, or teacher. They did not continue to do God‘s work, but disassociate with the office because false offices arose. In a stand of warfare, they stood strong and continued to be who they were called to be in Christ. It is a false humility to think we can do the work of the five-fold ministry without identifying ourselves with our office. If we are called to a certain ministry by God, it is most appropriate we stand in that ministry as we are duly called. To compromise that call is to compromise the Word of God upon our lives. Many think it is showy and offensive to refer to oneself as an apostle or prophet; yet no one thinks twice of a pastor referring to themselves as such, whether or not they are called to pastor. People can refer to themselves by non-Biblical religious terms such as bishop (added to the King James Version in spots in place of pastor or elder to validate the Anglican Communion) or father, and no one thinks about that, either. Yet

many find ―apostle‖ or ―prophet‖ offensive. This does not make sense and establishes certain offices as humble and others as haughty. This is not God‘s way! In the Bible, all of God‘s apostles and prophets identified themselves as such. There was no shame in being called to apostolic ministry. None of them found it necessary do to apostolic work, but call it something else or nothing at all. They all met the criteria God established for being part of the five-fold ministry (which still applies today). They continued doing what God called them to do all along in the face of bitter competition and opposition. That is the same duty we have today. As five-fold ministers, we cannot stop calling ourselves what God has called us to make other people happy. We can‘t compromise on the things of God! If it means we are set apart from others, that is the price we must pay to serve in the ministry of our Heavenly Father. People can‘t discern a true ministry from a false ministry if there are no true ministries available to see, grow, and develop! It took me many years to be comfortable with God‘s call on my life as an apostle. For many years I tried to use different titles and even ascribed to the belief I should just do work without ―titles.‖ I have walked my own battle with this concept and come out on the other side with a stronger understanding, not just of my identity in this world, but who I am called to be in Christ and what I am to do for Him. Even now I still battle with those who try to compromise, add, or dilute God‘s ministry. It is not an easy journey to be a five-fold minister, and that is why we do not take lightly the call of God upon us. Being an apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor, or teacher is not something to mock, insult, or alter. It is no place to mislead or misunderstand God‘s calling. The association of one with their ministry calling is a serious pursuit of the things of God with understanding and grace. Above all things, it is probably most relevant we do not become consumed by the concepts of titles. ―Apostle‖ isn‘t my title, it‘s my office. When anyone refers to me as apostle, including myself, it is a recognition of the office I walk in within the Kingdom. It is a reminder of the journey to this point and both the call and experiences of God within my life. It doesn‘t entitle me to special privileges or to mistreat people. It‘s not an exploitation of God‘s ministry or godly things; rather, it is an upholding of the ministry. It is a celebration, a joy, and a continual reminder of the apostle‘s call to proclaim Christ, as we have died to ourselves and operate a life in the Spirit. Far from being a title used out of conceit, the very reference to myself and other true apostles is an extremely humbling reminder of a ministry lived totally in Jesus Christ. I agree the five-fold ministry offices should not be used as titles. Abandoning their usage all together, however, is equally misguided because it is the denial of the five-fold ministry in those God calls. Q: Do women have to cover their heads during church services? A: Paul‘s admonition to women regarding head coverings was three-fold. The first purpose it served was to maintain good reputation among the church women. In the Corinthian culture, women who went without a head covering were regarded as spiritually and morally ―loose.‖ This custom continues in much of the Middle Eastern world today. The second reason, obviously, was cultural. As a cultural practice, the women were called not to defy the styles of their culture, but to go along with the fashions and styles surrounding them. The third


reason is tapped into by the second one: we are all called to remain, in our dress and style custom, current with that of our times. By dressing in a manner that calls unnecessary attention to ourselves we, in essence, draw away attention from the Gospel and put it on our clothing. It is possible to be fashionable and current while being holy at the same time. As for wearing head coverings in church, it is not a legalism of faith. If the fashion of one‘s culture is for women to cover their heads, it is appropriate for one to cover their head. If it is not a cultural issue, than there is no reason for a woman to cover her head in church. Like I said earlier, wearing a head covering isn‘t as much a faith issue as a representation issue of one‘s culture and the connotations associated therein. We can tell the currency of this issue as it contrasts other places in the Bible. In the story of Judah and Tamar (Genesis 38), Tamar veiled herself to associate herself with prostitution. It is obvious that clothing styles change with times, and changing with those styles do not reflect our faith. We need to make sure we are not distracting from our message with our clothing. This can happen by trying to conform with archaic standards of holiness or modesty just as much as can happen by dressing immodestly or inappropriately based on modern standards. In this same vain, there is nothing unholy, immoral, or backwards about a woman cutting her hair or wearing pants. All these issues are cultural, not spiritual, and women are advised to follow the fashion of the times. (Do you have a question you want to ask Apostle Dr. Lee Ann? Send it to us at

HEROES ~ Dr. Ezekiel Edumoh, ICCC General Chaplain, Ng., Africa The following is an interview between Editor Ps. Dr. Rebecca Michael and Chaplain General Dr. Ezekiel Edumoh Sept. 2010:

SHORT BIO: My name is Ezekiel Joshua Uloh Edumoh, born to Late Bishop Joshua Uloh Edumoh of Udung Ukpong Village and Late Deaconess Mary Joshua Uloh Edumoh, nee Mary Robert Attah of Udung Uko Village all in Oron, Akwa Ibom State of Nigeria. I was born in the village of Ebighe Nnwa oro on the 7th of May, 1955. I attended Primary School Okossi where I had my first school living certificate and later attended the Methodist Boys High School, in Oron where I completed my secondary education. I joined the Nigerian Police Force in 1977 and in 1980 I gave my life to Jesus Christ and answered the call to ministry in 1981 and proceeded to The Full Gospel College of Theology in Abak, of south Eastern State of Nigeria where I graduated with High Honors in 1983 with a Diploma in Theology. I established the Mount Zion College of Theology in Oron in 1983. In 1986 I attended the Calvary College of Theology for an advanced Diploma in Theology. The Lord called me to join a team of Missionaries to go to Owerri in Eastern Nigeria to establish the Wesley International Bible College now African Theological Seminary. In 1991 I bagged a Bachelor‘s Degree in Theology and in 1992 I gained admission to Wesley Biblical Seminary, Jackson MS for a Masters in Christian Education. I returned to Nigeria in 1994 with the degree and the Lord gave us the vision for the present ministry Wholesome Words Mission International In. This ministry comprises of Grace Bible Institute & Seminary (GBIS), Grace Missionary Chapel (GMC), International Christian Corps & Chaplaincy (ICCC) and the Grace Fulfillment University (GFU) still incubating. I am married to Rev. Dr. Arit Edumoh and we are blessed with five girls. Our two boys had gone to be with the Lord earlier. Two of our girls are graduated from University and married. We have two grandchildren. Our granddaughter was born six days ago. By the grace of God, we have trained, commissioned over 3000 into different areas of ministry. Our ministry concentrates in Capacity building, human development and leadership development. We are currently developing our campus. Our Library needs about 3000 more theological books to add to what we already have to boost our degree programs. We are raising fund now to replace the roof of our main building before the 2011 rainy season. We also plan to raise a 100 bed apartment for the students who come from distant places to Calabar.


Our major plan for the future is to make the Grace Fulfillment University a reality. This will give sound university level education to our Pastors and their children at an affordable cost. We solicit prayers for these projects. Rebecca Michael saysHi Ezekiel! Thank you so much for honouring me with an interview with you today my friend and mentor in Ministry and education. Can you tell us about your roots and background where you are from in Nigeria, Africa that has shaped the course of your life from your youth to where you are now? Ezekiel Edumoh saysYou are welcome Becky, am also honoured to be here today. I am an African proper, born in 1955 to late Bishop J. U. Edumoh, founder and presiding Bishop of the Mount Zion Mission Inc. The name of my village is Udung Ukpong in present day Okobo Local Government area. My father and mother being Christians helped in shaping my life in preparation for the call of God in my life. Rebecca Michael saysCan you tell me about your educational and previous work history that led to where you are now as a Minister, educator and someone who has formed a Chaplaincy there from the ground up? Ezekiel Edumoh saysI attended the Methodist Boys High School, Oron and my first job was with the Nigerian Police Force, where I worked in different formations until I resigned in 1981 at the State Police Headquarters at the State Investigation Department. When the Lord gave me a vision for the Chaplaincy, my police experience came into play greatly. It is now I realize the reason God allowed me to spend some years in the Police Force. It was meant to help shape my leadership precision for the ICCC. Rebecca Michael saysWhat is Nigeria like? What does a typical day for you consist of right now Ezik? Ezekiel Edumoh saysToday, Becky Nigeria is a very peaceful nation, considerably normal life of any nascent democracy is thriving. My day is usually very busy. I teach 5 classes of 4 hours each week plus administrative work including that of the Executive Director of Wholesome Words Mission International Inc, an interdenominational ministry that puts me at the mentoring of over 600 Pas-

tors. It will interest you to note that I double as the President of Grace Bible Institute and Seminary and the Senior Pastor of Grace Missionary Chapel. Typically, every Monday, I preach to the students at 9-10.30am and by 3-5pm I have a leadership class and by 6-8pm I teach Bible class in the church. Tuesdays to Saturdays are very busy as I also take outside appointments to preach and teach the word of God. Rebecca Michael saysWhat was it like for you growing up in Nigeria and practicing as a Minister there when you went to the USA to complete your Masters degree- both on the pro side and the con? Ezekiel Edumoh saysBecky, this is hard to say, but I must say that it was the hand of God that helped me to be where I am today. In a land where people are very ambitious to make money fast through whatever means, the Lord faithfully helped me to go through my ministry preparation in prayers, patience and perseverance. In USA I found myself in abject poverty in the midst of plenty. I had $75 to buy food, cloths, drugs and writing materials for Seminary. I thank God that such was also part of the training God had meant for me to go through. I am grateful to Him for preparing me for the kind work He called me to. Rebecca Michael saysHave you written some books? Ezekiel Edumoh saysYes, I have published three books, ―Unleashing the Prophets‖, ―Break Free and Stay Free‖ and ―The Mind of the Pharisees‖. I co-authored with my American friend, Rev. Larry Grabill the book, ―Things Come Together‖. Rebecca Michael saysYou started a non-profit Ministry some years ago named WWOMI which has evolved in to several different Ministry arms- for education, Church and now Chaplaincy. Can you explain how this all came about and developed? Ezekiel Edumoh saysWWOMI is truly a demonstration of what God can do through the life of those who let Him. The burden of helping upcoming ministries grow was paramount on my mind when the Lord called me. As I began to develop the ministry Wholesome Words Mission came into my heart


heavily. The need to preach the wholesome words of Christ weighed me down and through prayers and waiting; the Lord gave instructions and showed me what He had called me to do. I now see that THIS IS AN Apostolic calling and WWOMI is an apostolic ministry. The vision is to raise men and women of dominion who will win in life and ministry. Without doubt GBIS is giving the sound the0ological training in a biblical holiness background and in a very exciting environment. Many ministries, schools and churches have been birthed through this ministry. We have been a blessing to thousands of people around the world through the ministry of WWOMI. Rebecca Michael saysYou are the founder and Chaplain General of ICCC Chaplaincy organization. Can you tell us how this came about and is developing for current and future plans? Ezekiel Edumoh saysICCC came to being 6 years ago to help teach Nigerians and indeed Africans true patriotism. We keep asking ourselves ―what can we do for our people‖. ICCC is recruiting members all over the world to help in times of emergency, and in times of need. We are strategizing to set up a training ground where men and women, boys and girls are properly given orientation to enable us give services to the masses without thinking of remunerations. It is completely a voluntary service Rebecca Michael saysYou worked as a Police man in Nigeria for many years. Can you tell me about this and how these connections are now working for you with ICCC and your other Ministerial projects? Where would prospective trainees and Chaplains contact you to join or train with your organization? Do you offer training programs and if so what are they? Ezekiel Edumoh saysYes, the Lord led me into the Nigerian Police Force for the purpose of giving into my hands ICCC. We give soft military training to our members, just to enable them be smart and take commands at the times of emergency, We have a style of uniform and ranks for all our members. The uniform and rank do not take to any police or military in any country. It is meant for identification and orderly implementation of emergency commands and orders. We have in Nigeria as at now two centers for recruitment and training. In Calabar, CRS and in Uyo, Akwa Ibom State. We have centers also in Kenya, Ghana and in Canada. I will give direction to anybody who contacts me on phone. 2348033416792. We offer soft military training at different locations. We also get free online emergency training from the NATIONAL EMERGENCY AGENCY (NEMA) for our members. They also get certified by this body. Rebecca Michael saysYou have educated and graduated over 2000 Ministry and Seminary degree students from your GBIS Seminary- (which I also graduated

as alumni from the graduate studies program you offered and also worked along with you as an online instructor- which was an awesome experience). Can you tell us something about GBIS and its programs offered and where you can be contacted for prospective students? Ezekiel Edumoh saysI am send as attachment some documents to answer these questions. Rebecca Michael saysAs a very seasoned and international Minister- what are some of your own thoughts from the Lord on the Apostolic-Prophetic global movement that He is aligning and positioning worldwide? Ezekiel Edumoh saysBecky, to be very frank, it is awesome the things we are experiencing in ministry in this generation. As a person, I have very deep conviction of the imminent return of our savior due to the awesome presence of Christ in the church as it has never been before. The church is blessed again as the Lord releases Apostles and Prophets to again take the center stage. Our ministry is in the center of these. Rebecca Michael saysI know well as one of my most important mentors in Ministry that you are a rare man of vision and truly pioneering leadership. What values and character traits do you think are most important in development of true leaders and world changers? Do you incorporate practical policies and curriculum in to your programs to help instill these characteristics and values- and if so, how? ( I guess what I am getting at is that this does not come easily or by default- leadershipbut rather with vision, focus, dedication and hope and this is partly what I took away from my experience with you all at GBIS as a graduate student when I was there in 2007.) Ezekiel Edumoh saysDefinitely, for true leadership to make the necessary impact on this society (the world), there must be a high class of discipline for the leaders. Positive attitudes, Holiness, Faith, Perseverance, and Prayer are components that will build a strong leader. Stephen Coveys 8th Habit is very strong on these. In GBIS in recent years I have taught courses directly from John Maxwell‘s Leadership concepts. Last year, I taught ―Developing the Leader within You and Developing the Leaders around You‖ Currently I am teaching a course titled, ―Greatness in Leadership‖ from Stephen Coveys 8th Habit. I am so bold to say that the result on the life of my students is awesome and delightful. Real practical leadership can be imparted. Yes, there may be some born with leadership talents, but development and capacity building brings the gem out of the person. Such is what we are experiencing daily in GBIS. Rebecca Michael says-


What advise do you have for aspiring students or anyone when times are hard and adversities or trials buffet them from all sides? What is the key in your experiences to keeping the faith and perseverance in hard times? Ezekiel Edumoh saysFor those who know their God shall be strong and they shall do exploit says the bible. We must have strong confidence in God‘s plan and God‘s timing for our lives if we must stand the test of time. Faith, Prayer, Perseverance and Patience is the key. Trials will come, troubles will loom and the wind will blow, but the man who knows his God shall never be weak. Rebecca Michael saysWho would you say has been your most important influences and why? Is there anything else you would like to talk about or mention? Ezekiel Edumoh saysLate Bishop Edumoh, Late Rev. Inyang, Bishop Oyedepo, Pastor Ogbuoji, Pastor Abel James, Rev. Gary Maxey and Rev, Larry Grabill. Their faith, their ability to share what they know and all those who believe in my person and ministry.

Rebecca Michael saysDo you have contact websites or email address that you would like to share if anyone would like to contact you for more information? Ezekiel Edumoh Rebecca Michael saysThank you very much for this interview Ezekiel! You certainly are a hero and a personal mentor and hero to me and many others my friend! It is one thing to read or know of such from afar and quite another to be touched in the heart and inspired in person! God bless you for all that you have done Ezik and continue to do- May He go with you always! Ezekiel Edumoh saysYou are welcome Becky; you are a wonderful sister indeed. I never regret the day my path crossed with yours for the sake of God‘s kingdom. God bless you. Rebecca Michael D.Min. - PH Magazine Editor-in-Chief

ABOUT GRACE BIBLE INSTITUTE AND SEMINARY (GBIS): Grace Bible Institute and Seminary, under the auspices of Wholesome Words Mission International (WWOMI), exists to prepare men and women for Christian service, and to train Godcalled men and women that they might be watchmen upon the walls to proclaim the truth of God‘s Word, and to maintain an atmosphere where students might become established in an experience of holiness and receive a Bible training that will make them effective instruments in the hands of God, for the transformation of the world, as well as edification of the Body of Christ. EDUCATIONAL PHILOSOHY Grace Bible Institute and Seminary has developed an effective philosophy of education that is designed to develop a thorough understanding of Scripture, mastery of the art of ministry within the calling of the student and proven scholarship within the student. The first element in our educational model is ―CONTENT‖. This area specifically deals with the gathering of knowledge by the student through class lectures, assignments, textbooks and research. GBIS takes great care to insure that textbooks and research projects diligently cover all subjects needed for the students to become proficient in their chosen fields of ministries. The second element in this model is ―APPLICATION‖ which involves practicum (mentorship), field projects and supervision. Knowledge without practical experience can prove to be useless in many ministry situations. It is our philosophy that only mentored application of knowledge can true ministry skills be developed. The third element is ―REFLECTION‖. Through journaling his experiences in both the academic studies and ministerial application, the student gains new insights and integrates into his theology. The goal is to see the student develop the concepts learned in his studies from being abstract to practical in application. The student then comes to full circle. His desire is to once again seek greater knowledge to increase his effectiveness as a minister of Christ. Therefore, theological education in GBIS is more than just reading a book or sitting in a classroom. When all the three elements of this educational model are properly maintained, the product is a highly educated and proficient practitioner of ministry. GBIS has provided and is providing sound theological and ministerial education to thousands of Christian Ministers and workers for the Body of Christ. Some of over one thousand graduates of GBIS are serving God in important places of ministry in Nigeria, USA, and in the Republic of Cameroon. GBIS has been identified as a mount of transfiguration because of the nature of its theological education offered in a spiritual environment, as well as chapel services geared towards liberating the total man. A lot of transformation has really taken place in the lives of those who participate in one program or the other that we offer in this seminary. To God be the glory! GBIS EDUCATIONAL DISTINCTIVES GBIS has some things that set it apart from other visions given to other people. GBIS is a Bi-


ble College, yet it is different from other bible colleges – not in the sense that it is better than any other Bible College, but it is different in its own way depending on what it has been commissioned to do. There are three basic things that make GBIS distinctive: Bible Based: At GBIS we are committed to making the Bible our basis for all truth, based upon the wholesome Word of God. It must be our first strength, the foundation of our character, as well as the secret of our greatness. Christ-Centered: At GBIS, Christ must be the eminence in all things. Our education, our life, our motives – must be centered on Him and Him alone. Man is not the center of our education; even the church is not the center of our education, but Christ alone must be made the centrality of life in all at GBIS. People Oriented: People, not just students, are our concern in GBIS. People are the purpose for our being. We do not consider anything as exciting as seeing lives being transformed and changed positively. At GBIS, we do ministry to people. GBIS THREE-FOLD PURPOSE The proposed outcome in the lives of our students constitutes our three-fold purpose as follows: Dedication to Service: In GBIS, we realize that zeal when awakened stimulates motivation; and our calling is very important and it is the basis upon which we do ministry. We are committed to live a dedicated life to God‘s calling and service. Purity of Life: God has called us to be holy because He is holy. That is, the model or example in accordance with which we are to frame our lives should be the character of that God who had called us into His kingdom and ministry. We are to be like Him. Dynamism in Ministry: GBIS is a balanced school of thoughts. We believe that God is holy and we also believe that God is power. We will not be closely associated with anyone who denies the power of God which we have experienced and which is working in our lives. Neither shall we be closely associated with anyone who operates the power and speak in tongues but who is living a careless Christian life. We at GBIS believe that the holiness of God goes with His power. OUR AIMS The aims and objectives for the establishment of this great institution are reproduced among others as follows: To prepare men an women for effective and efficient Christian service, To prepare men and women to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ and promote evangelism according to the Scriptures. To prepare men and women for anointed pasturing as well as the Biblical Church Leadership and Educational Ministry of the Church. To assist in developing spiritually mature Christian character and personality in the students. To teach, preach, hold seminars, conventions, revivals, camp meetings, crusades, workshops and conferences on vital and practical Christian issues. ACCREDITATION Accreditation is the validation of an institution‘s instructional program by an agency authorized to render an academic evaluation of the degree granting process. It is to be appreciated

that GBIS is not preparing people for secular employment but for the church and therefore, we are not bound by any form or standard required by any university in form of accreditation or evaluation. However, having recognized that the pastor we train will be expected to be sound academically and spiritually, we have an academic program that is nothing short of that. AFFILIATION GBIS is in affiliation with International Victory Bible Institute, of Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA. This affiliation gives us the opportunity to recommend our qualified graduates to study abroad. By virtue of this affiliation, GBIS curriculum has been merged with that of IVBI. All affiliated courses have course materials directly prepared by the affiliate school and is at this moment helping our faculty and students to fulfill the academic ideals of this great institution. We have also a working relationship with Harvestime Network International, of Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA. We are using the Harvestime materials along with others, for our Masters and Doctorate Programs.


Compiled by GBIS Registrar 2010


Heroines Vashti: A Misunderstood Heroine By Apostle Dr. Lee Ann B. Marino In the Catholic Church, we never talked about Esther or studied her at all, let alone anyone else in the book. What I knew of the book of Esther was more historical than anything - it was taught to be a record of political dealings under King Xeres. I never studied the book of Esther much until I was in college. Ironically enough, I studied the book of Esther as part of Women's Studies. I was most astonished to learn many Protestant reformers - including Martin Luther - had a great deal to say about the book of Esther. Many of them felt the book should not be included in the Biblical canon. By looking at the book of Esther through the eyes of Women's Studies, I can understand why the Protestant reformers took such a negative tone to the book. As many of them shared the same disordered perspectives on women as the Catholic Church, it's not surprising this powerful book rubbed them the wrong way. Rather than hear God speaking to them through it, they thought it should be tossed out. Doesn't that just sound like a bunch of men who really aren't where they should be in their faith? Instead of seeking to empower their wives, mothers, daughters, and sisters in the Lord, they wanted to pretend that wasn't a part of God's Word. The book of Esther still remains controversial for many reasons, the main one being it's a book about women. The two major figures in this book are both women - Esther and Vashti. The book addresses many issues we would rather ignore, including spousal mistreatment, abuse, degradation of women, and the rise of up of an empowered woman, recognizing her position by God. The heroines of the book of Esther were not men - they were both Vashti and Esther, both in their own way. Both women won important victories not just for their people, but for themselves, and for all women in all times. In recognizing this, it is very important we as Christians, and especially Christian women, study the book of Esther to gain insight just as to what it means to be a woman of God in a given circumstance. For the sake of this dialogue, we are going to look at Vashti rather than Esther. While both women are misunderstood, we can gain great understanding on how we've misunderstood these two women by re-examining how we view Vashti. Vashti has become a villain, a woman of disobedience, a Jezebel, the ultimate symbol of what happens to a woman who disobeys her husband and defies convention. Esther, then, becomes a pure and holy floormat, embodying the "good girl" of society who does everything she is supposed to do and therefore rewarded for that. We've caused Vashti and Esther to be opposites, two different types of women, one we do not want to embody, and one we do, yet the one is totally unattainable in the light we have cast. If we look at Esther and Vashti honestly - especially Vashti - we see they were not all

that different. While they served different purposes, neither one was evil. In our pursuit to avoid controversy and being the "wrong image" of a woman, we've cast aside a woman more of us need to ascribe to be like: the strong and noble Vashti. The name ―Vashti‖ means, in modern Persian, ―beauty‖ or ―goodness.‖ If we examine ancient Persian languages, the name ―Vashti‖ is probably from ancient words meaning ―excellent woman‖ or ―the best of women.‖ Historically speaking, male historians (both Jewish and Christian, according to legends and commentaries) attempted to disgrace Vashti by interpreting her name to fall after pagan goddesses or intimate she had a problem with alcohol. ( We are unable to verify any such disgrace with what we know about her life. Despite many attempts to assign Vashti to various historical queens, conclusive evidence to suggest Vashti was any one of them has never been found. (http:// What we know of Vashti is contained within the book of Esther, making its contents even more precious. While Vashti was, indeed, a historical figure, what we know of her is even more relevant than any historical role she might have played. The essence of who Vashti was, what she did, and the influence she had lies in Esther 1. Esther 1:1-8 (NIV): "This is what happened during the time of Xerxes, the Xerxes who ruled over 127 provinces stretching from India to Cush: At that time King Xerxes reigned from his royal throne in the citadel of Susa, and in the third year of his reign he gave a banquet for all his nobles and officials. The military leaders of Persia and Media, the princes, and the nobles of the provinces were present. For a full 180 days he displayed the vast wealth of his kingdom and the splendor and glory of his majesty. When these days were over, the king gave a banquet, lasting seven days, in the enclosed garden of the king's palace, for all the people from the least to the greatest, who were in the citadel of Susa. The garden had hangings of white and blue linen, fastened with cords of white linen and purple material to silver rings on marble pillars. There were couches of gold and silver on a mosaic pavement of porphyry, marble, mother-of-pearl and other costly stones. Wine was served in goblets of gold, each one different from the other, and the royal wine was abundant, in keeping with the king's liberality. By the king's command each guest was allowed to drink in his own way, for the king instructed all the wine stewards to serve each man what he wished." We learn from this passage that Xeres was quite smitten with himself. He wanted to make full display of everything he had as king due to his rulership. Everyone was to look upon what the king had and want it, flourishing and relishing in the splendor that belonged to King Xeres. In other words, King Xeres idolized himself. He wanted to be everyone's envy and the object of everyone's acknowledged showy display. Everything he had was to be envied by everyone else...and, as we will see in a moment...I do mean everything. Esther 1:9-15 (NIV): "Queen Vashti also gave a banquet for the women in the royal palace of King Xerxes. On the seventh day, when King Xerxes was in high spirits from wine, he commanded the seven


eunuchs who served him—Mehuman, Biztha, Harbona, Bigtha, Abagtha, Zethar and Carcasto bring before him Queen Vashti, wearing her royal crown, in order to display her beauty to the people and nobles, for she was lovely to look at. But when the attendants delivered the king's command, Queen Vashti refused to come. Then the king became furious and burned with anger. Since it was customary for the king to consult experts in matters of law and justice, he spoke with the wise men who understood the times and were closest to the king—Carshena, Shethar, Admatha, Tarshish, Meres, Marsena and Memucan, the seven nobles of Persia and Media who had special access to the king and were highest in the kingdom. "According to law, what must be done to Queen Vashti?" he asked. "She has not obeyed the command of King Xerxes that the eunuchs have taken to her." Vashti was clearly not an unreasonable woman. As queen, she knew her place and did her part to manage the festivities. In ancient cultures, men and women were often segregated in parties and public social events. Xeres' banquet was specifically for his male noblemen, officials, and military. Vashti was required to have a separate party and serve as host for the women. We can see she wasn't just some sort of defiantly fresh woman who didn't want anything to do with her husband by this fact. She did her duty, set forth the display, and was fully prepared to go on with life. We learn nothing negative about Vashti in the Word. If anything, we learn from these passages that she was equipped and purposed for her duties as queen. On the contrary, we do not learn that Xeres was of appropriate or good character. He was clearly in love with himself, idolized his wealth, and we even can see he drank too much as part of this banquet. So is it any wonder that, when drunk and absolutely loving his status and wealth, he took his desire to be envied way too far with his next command? Xeres decides Vashti should come and parade herself - like a common object - in front of all the peoples and nobles. Some suggest Vashti was to be naked, wearing nothing but her crown, but neither the English nor the Hebrew suggests this. Xeres was clearly stupid, extremely self-absorbed, and self-centered, but not stupid enough to let his wife dance around naked in front of a group of men. This was not a bachelor party, after all! He didn't want people to think they could have what he had; he just wanted them to want it really bad. While Vashti might have been supposed to dress suggestively, I doubt she was naked. Wearing that crown doesn't signify she was not to have anything else on, it was to mark her as belonging to Xeres. She was to come and display herself as yet another one of his many possessions. Vashti was commanded to come forth as the King's "arm candy." She wasn't to be honored for her position as queen, but rather, be an object that served no other purpose but to stand as something to look at. When I think of this, I realize all that culture does to women in the name of control and cultural expectation. Too many women come forward, crown on head, to stand as the visual property of a man and all he represents. We are so quick to condemn Islamic culture for mandating its women be veiled and covered in public, but are we any better? Instead of covering up women in this culture, we allow ourselves to be paraded around by men in all states of undress, serving no other purpose but to be seen with them and considered to be a part of their prosperity. It's fine for us to go out in public as long as we're doing something that glorifies the men in our lives and that we're home to make sure they have their dinner at night.

Our society does no more to edify its women than Islamic culture does; we are just hypocrites about it. And, in keeping with culture, the church is full of Xeres who believe a woman's only purpose is to benefit her man and be on his call to display at any time. Too many women in our culture say yes when they are called, and show up, crown and all. Vashti, however, said no. By the standards of many men in today's church, Vashti would be condemned, rather than Xeres. This is, in fact, exactly what has happened. We've vilified the wrong person, just as we do with women and young girls who are abused or mistreated, not knowing they can do better in their relationships. Then society blames the women who are strong enough to leave abusive situations, treating them as if they did a wrong thing by not allowing themselves to be mistreated. Vashti was not about to allow herself to be demoralized in front of the entire nation as nothing more than the king's window dressing. When it was a choice between obeying God and obeying man, Vashti obeyed God. She knew she was more valuable than the king's purposes, and was willing to pay the consequences. If it set her out of the kingdom of men, Vashti always had the Kingdom of God. If it meant being alone, that's what it was going to mean. Based on Vashti's response, I really wonder how comfortable Vashti was with Xeres' lavish displays. I think she did what so many women do - she stood behind her man and played her role no matter how she might have felt - until she was unable to play the role anymore. Vashti needed to make a stand against Xeres' idolatry. It went from being beyond things to being about how he perceived himself and how everyone should feel about what he has, including the people he felt he had. Vashti was not going to be another one of his possessions, so she spoke with her actions. She just didn't come to be demoralized. Esther 1:16-22 (NIV): "Then Memucan replied in the presence of the king and the nobles, "Queen Vashti has done wrong, not only against the king but also against all the nobles and the peoples of all the provinces of King Xerxes. For the queen's conduct will become known to all the women, and so they will despise their husbands and say, 'King Xerxes commanded Queen Vashti to be brought before him, but she would not come.' This very day the Persian and Median women of the nobility who have heard about the queen's conduct will respond to all the king's nobles in the same way. There will be no end of disrespect and discord. "Therefore, if it pleases the king, let him issue a royal decree and let it be written in the laws of Persia and Media, which cannot be repealed, that Vashti is never again to enter the presence of King Xerxes. Also let the king give her royal position to someone else who is better than she. Then when the king's edict is proclaimed throughout all his vast realm, all the women will respect their husbands, from the least to the greatest." The king and his nobles were pleased with this advice, so the king did as Memucan proposed. He sent dispatches to all parts of the kingdom, to each province in its own script and to each people in its own language, proclaiming in each people's tongue that every man should be ruler over his own household." As result of her stand, Vashti was no longer allowed to enter the king‘s presence. She was effectively divorced from the king, losing all her status within the kingdom. Vashti was no


longer queen, but note the impact she had. Nobody could ever say she did not go out with a bang. All the men were terrified other women of the kingdom would find their voice and refuse to be demoralized. The people under Xeres failed to recognize a woman is not despising a man when we refuse to be his property. Where are we on that one? Too often the church implements Xeres ruling over women simply because they are afraid their women might become about something other than them. Not long ago I saw a statement online where a so-called minister made the statement that a woman is required to give her full submission and obedience to her husband. I found this disturbing because, first of all, there is nothing in the Bible that says a woman has to give full obedience to her husband. Women are not children. The men in our lives do not have the right to order us around. Our husbands are not our fathers. The second reason is because God did not implement demoralization of women in the Word. Ephesians 5 is about the description of marriage as a type of Christ and the Church, with the purpose to establish Christ as the Head of all things, even marital relationships. If we are all in Christ, a man is not the head of his household, Christ is. If we remember this, God's blessing can reign and all parties will be free to be obedient to God rather than worrying and wasting time with all this obedience to men. Vashti reminds women that, even though a man may make himself an idol, we can be strong enough in our faith to make sure we don't make that man our idol, too. God is raising up women of Vashti in this day and age - women who are strong, able, and will not be reduced by men who don't know their true place in the Kingdom. In drawing on Vashti, we learn it is OK to be strong...OK to be capable...OK to know our worth...OK to influence one another to be capable and strong...and, most of all...OK to say no to the men in our lives. By Apostle Dr. Lee Ann Marino

Ask the Counsellor With Rebecca Michael, D.Min. Q. ) Are you a female fivefold Minister? If so, what are your Scriptural and other qualifications? A. ) Yes, I am an endtimes fivefold Minister in the Office of Apostle. ( This is not to be confused with the Ministry of the twelve apostles of the Lamb who were sent as firsthand witnesses of Jesus Christ the Messiah-King and authors of the New Testament ).You can read about the fivefold Ministry in Ephesians Chapter 4 and other places throughout the New Testament. There are five Offices in the Government of God that a matured and equipped believer can be called to which are: apostles, prophets, teachers, pastors and evangelists. The apostles and prophets in these endtimes are now being raised up and aligned by God around the world to advance the Kingdom of God on earth as it is in heaven in anticipation of the Second Coming of King Jesus Christ. This is not a manmade movement as it is a global phenomenon underway now and the only one that can bring such movement and alignment worldwide with such unity is the Spirit of God! We are no longer under the law or the flesh as Galatians tells us- as the Cross has abolished all of that by Jesus Christ who has made the way for all by His grace through faith to be gifted and sent as God ordains- male or female, Jew and gentile, regardless of age, ethnicity etc as God has done away with all oppression and given liberty and gifts to men and women to serve Him in the body of Christ as He severally wills. God calls, equips and ordains each of these Offices to whoever He wills and this will furthermore be recognized and ordained by the Church elders and leaders. I was trained, equipped and ordained in gradual steps by the Lord and those elders that He has placed over me. We are a team in the body of Christ. The apostolic call is a grace imparted by the Lord for the purpose of building up, equipping and training the members of His body– the Church members or ‘ekklesia‘- in to their calling until they reach full maturity and stature in Christ. The antichrist system of the world seeks to control, demean and oppress for self-gain but the Lord and His leaders champion and serve. The higher the call on ones life and office the greater the tests, trials and training they will have in life in order to teach them the Sacrificial way of Jesus Christ, our King, so they are fit to serve. God sets us free from oppressive systems that would seek to hold us back and constrain us but we must first count the cost and purpose to trust and do what He leads by His Spirit and His Word. Apostles are master builders and give us doctrine, correct, exhort, preach and teach, they are like Gods generals, Prophets are revelators of truth from


God, seers and watchmen, Teachers ground us in the Word of God- the bible, Evangelists seek to reach out to the lost and preach the gospel and Pastors guard and shepherd the members of the body of Christ towards increasing maturity in to their gifts and calling. The call on my life is one that I see now looking back in hindsight. There has been many hardships, afflictions, trials and persecutions to endure but in the end if we pass the tests- and this may take many times- God will be faithful to promote and glorify us in the end. It was hard to go through at the time but now I can see the light at the end of the tunnel and it is not a train coming straight for me! I do have Ministerial training and a lot of mental health background- it has all unfolded as I had the faith and trust to obey God step by step over the decades since I became a Christian. Since I have discovered my calling my life and the lives of those allied around me now make sense. The rest of what I do not understand now I have learned by faith to trust that God is in control and He is going to complete the glorious work in us that He has started. Seek God, His Kingdom and His Righteousness as the bible admonishes and you will find your life purpose and calling. This is the only thing that can truly satisfy us as we are created for His glory. We will always go from ‗glory to glory‘ if we follow the Lord and so our lives become the ultimate adventure because His plans are to prosper and not to harm us as it says in Jeremiah. Do not concern or compare yourself with others as God is the Only Judge who qualifies to do this. Trust the Lord and ask Him today to lead and guide you in to your own purpose and calling- You will be awesomely surprised and delighted you did in the end! By Rebecca Michael, D.Min. PH Magazine Editor-in-Chief Copyright 2010

Health and Fitness Corner With Rebecca Michael, D.Min. The benefits of Jogging I wanted to write a short article on the benefits for jogging because this has given me and others the most return for the comparatively small investment of time and energy output. Many leaders and productive folks do this simple but effective exercise for vitality to boost overall energy reserves, retard aging, enhance beauty and creativity over time for all ages as long as there is medical clearance and the progress is gradual. It is the number one secret weapon used by Presidents and leaders alike for these reasons because it is quick, simple and inexpensive to do- just ensure a good pair of runners and proper outdoor weather wear and you are good to go. There are so many benefits from running over time but I will touch on four of these which constitute overall optimal health : physical, psychological, spiritual and social. First, there is the obvious physical health returns that you will reap if you ‗train and don‘t strain‘. It will regulate all body functions towards optimal health such as appetite, sleep, all bodily functions and may even reverse disease processes that may be in progress due to lack of use of the body and cardiovascular system. You will see results and be able to go further and faster gradually over time which is objective measures of increasing fitness and health. It is good to start slow with brisk walking from 10 minutes working up to an hour as you want to start to build up an endurance base- this means be able to go distance first before you work on hills and speed. Once you can handle that level through gradual increases every 3 weeks or so of around 10 more minutes then you can start light jogging and work towards becoming a runner over time. You should start by going at a rate where you are breathing harder but can still talk or sing to yourself / others as this is the approximate correct perceived rate of exertion that will cause fitness gains over time. If you develop any chest pains or other pains be sure to get a medical check-up before you proceed and when cleared slow down a bit and progress from there. You can increase the load every 3 weeks or so and not feel any more strain even though you will be going faster and further without more effort. You can measure physical fitness gains by keeping monthly records of your weight, measurements for evidence of fat loss and increased muscle mass tone, vital signs like resting pulse in the a.m. and your blood pressure should also lower.I go to my local drug store to check my blood pressure while training – both the resting pulse and BP will lower if you are in the training zone in a very short time. An ath-


letic pulse is 60 and less- I have had my own drop gradually to 39- a marathon pulse - but this takes a lot of training and some good genetics as some of it is constitution. However- we are all long distance in our animal biology aspects and so all can become endurance athletes as this is our basic design‌ it is adaptive to outdistance the game. It is tough going at first but within 2 months you will notice it getting easier, the payoffs that nothing else you will ever do for yourself- You will be healthier and better able to kick bad habits as well just because you are encouraged and your body craves the oxygen- which you will be giving your body at a rate of 2-4 times the sedentary rate per minute. It will also cause you to drink more water and the major muscles moved will force the toxins out and get the nutrients and oxygen you need to all of the deep tissues and cells of your body. Water and oxygen are the elixir of life. If you remain consistent by keeping it fun you will see shortly the benefits in that it will take years off of your face and body overall. If you do this for an hour 3-6 days per week and combine it with calisthenics (push-ups, sit-ups) you will tone up and become stronger. Remember to have rest days inbetween as this is an important part of training itself at first. Consistency and regularity is the key- and remember to make it fun. If you have kids you can go out together- the family that plays together stays together and your kids learn healthy habits. If you have an infant you can purchase runners strollers and take them for a fun ride- and you can keep your dog happy doing the same. Our dog is my little coach trainer many days when I do not initially feel like going out there because she is always late for the door- before long though the training takes over and we are glad we went. Second, there is the psychological rewards and increase of resilience that transfers from the track outdoors to life itself in the form of mental and emotional toughness and self-discipline which is the essence of true strength and character. The sense of well-being and accomplishment increases and metabolic processes thus time slows down like it was a kid and so you can do much more with less stress. Oh yes- your literal sense of time will slow down as your metabolic rate becomes healthy! This means that you will eventually notice a surplus of energy with an incredible calm and will get more done in a shorter amount of time. You can use this excess for your creative outlets or projects that you have always meant to get around to- like songwriting or writing a book etc. I have solved many creative life problems on the road running because it has a meditative quality to it once you become fit and transition in to a runner. And of course- the ‗runners high‘- no drugs on earth could compete with this euphoric feeling of well-being that you can freely have often. It is important to emphasize to find ways to make it fun though so you will keep at it. Third, if you are outdoors the beauty of your surroundings can give you a spiritual high and increase your faith through the beauty of nature and creation which brings a sense of the presense of God the Creator in to a sharper focus as we can become dulled by all the manmade

ideas, brick and mortar. The fresh air alone will do wonders for you and sunlight will give you the Vit. D your body needs. I like to run wilderness trails with others when I am fit enough because it is more challenging and stimulating in the beauty sense. Wilderness enhances our spirits and the raw sense of nature and the Creator are more manifest- Jesus often went on mountain top hikes to refresh himself as did the apostles. Lastly, there is the social aspects of running. Runners are often more introverted by nature and independent and so often this social aspect is of secondary in importance to them. There are many running clinics you can join and fun runs for all fitness levels and ages.. Masters runners are those ‗older‘ folks over 35 to 85- of course many of these can leave their younger counterparts in the dust as they have been running for years! There are also races for those fit and more serious about this as a sport all over the world. After a race they may have a feast or a beer fest to replenish themselves. Runners tend to identify themselves as runners first and foremost and their occupations secondarily- so you can meet runners on equal footing from all over the world, all ages and all occupations or walks of life. Many fit runners like to challenge themselves at the infamous Boston Marathon on ‗heartbreak hill‘. There are ultra marathoners who run 50-100 mile marathons – in exotic locations such as the sub-saharan desert. There is something for everyone and room to grow. So there you have it- there is much more to it. You can read Runners Magazines or books for plenty of other tips as this is just a place to start. So now, what are you waiting for? Get yourself some good runners and start today to gift yourself and your family / community with abundant life and health! Oh Yeah- and have fun– hope to meet you out there someday! By Rebecca Michael, D.Min. PH Magazine Editor-in-Chief Copyright 2010


Mental Health Corner With Rebecca Michael, D.Min.

Overcoming Trauma and Grief It helps us to label and identify things before we can overcome them. Elizabeth Kubler-Ross has a very good model of the grieving and the letting go process that helps us do just that- identify where we are in the emotional process of letting go. You can google search her online at any local library to learn more but basically she speaks of five stages of grief that we may all pass through in general after any important loss or trauma has occurred- We may pass through these in a different order , skip some stages or go back and forth between these stages many times before we are fully restored because we are all unique. We are enough the same however to note some basic similarities. First, we pass through shock / denial, next anger and guilt, next is bargaining, following that is depression and finally the fifth stage is acceptance or letting go. We can become stuck in any of these places if we do not face it and grieve through it through supportive, life-affirming people or support groups. We may also at the same time have to cut off unsupportive people who can re-victimize us and cause secondary trauma- regardless of how well meaning. Shock or denial is the beginning of facing any important loss through death, breakup or any other way it may occur. This is when we are numbed, frozen and paralyzed- we are badly hurt at this stage and so the ‗flight or fight‘ and survival instincts kick in allowing us to absorb the initial blow and buy us some time to prepare to cope with the loss. Many people who are shellshocked in war may remain in this stage for a long time. Anger and Guilt follow soon after the shocking news wears off. We ask ourselves ‗What if‘s‘ and ‗Why me?‘ etc. and rehearse the loss through such important questions until we can come to understand what has happened. This stage may recur as the others also several times. It is important to have genuine supports who understand the process at this time and to avoid substance abuse, codependent relationships etc. as an attempt to mask these feelings, distract or escape. It is better to face it as these stages will eventually come to resolution and pass. During this stage we are examining ourselves and the loss and are protesting it in bouts of anger quite

vigorously until we realize it is final.There may be nightmares, anziety, panic attacks, eating problems, health problems as the person tries to negotiate through powerful emotions. Bargaining is generally the next stage and the signs of this are outward shows of giving, niceness, generousity, attention and approval-seeking etc. as the bereft person tries to deal with self-guilt and feelings of abandonment or rejection. This process does not usually last long because it does not bring back the loved one. Depression is generally next because we have come at this point to realize that introspection on blame and protest is futile because the loss is final and permanent. Depending on how deep the loss and importance of the loved one we may have lost will depend on how deep the depression may go. It is important to have supportive loved ones and groups around during this stage as this stage may become quite dangerous- many people may choose to end their lives when the despair starts to lift and they once again have a boost of energy in order to carry out suicidal impulses. Friends and loved ones should monitor for odd behavior such as sudden happiness, giving things away etc- the best approach if you have a confidential trust with a bereaved loved one is to ask them directly if they have a plan to harm themselves- the more specific the plan- the greater the danger. Some people need help getting through this stage at which they can access their community mental health support resources, call the Suicide and Prevention line, Police victim services etc- to find the type of support group and resource to help you through this stage. This stage may recur as the last one but eventually it subsides. Acceptance is the final stage of resolution when the bereaved person has worked through all or most of the emotional trauma of loss and come to a genuine place of closure, letting go and saying goodbye- at least for now- in their own way. The bereaved will have come to some very important insights and conclusions along the way through this painful process. Some form of forgiveness or letting go will accompany this stage because we must let go in order to move on and forward with our lives. We may negotiate back and forth many times through this grief process and its stages before we are finally able to let go. Letting go means that we do not think of it in an attached way as we once did and that we now has some forgiveness and closure- it is only in this way that we can be free of it and the grief. We will all experience grief and move through its stage if we live long enough. This model is not the only good one out there to act as a guide for us to label and name what we are passing through but it did help me a lot through a similar process. It helps us to map and compass things out- where we are- and how to proceed out of it. Hopefully it helps you also. May the Lord lead and guide you in His paths of wisdom, justice, mercy and peace. By Rebecca Michael, D.Min. Copyright 2010


Recipes from North Carolina by Lee Ann Marino Lemony beef and barley with sugar snap peas (Recipe courtesy Ingredients 1 pound lean ground beef 1/2 pound mushrooms, sliced 1 medium onion, chopped 1 large carrot, thinly sliced 1 clove garlic, crushed 1 14-ounce can, ready-to-serve beef broth 1/2 cup quick cooking barley 1/2 teaspoon salt 1/4 teaspoon black pepper 1 (8-ounce) frozen sugar snap peas, defrosted 1/4 chopped fresh parsley 1 teaspoon grated lemon peel Heat large nonstick skillet over medium heat until hot. Add ground beef, mushrooms, onion, carrot and garlic; cook 8 to 10 minutes, breaking into 3/4-inch crumbles and stirring occasionally. Pour off drippings. Stir in broth, barley, salt and pepper. Bring to a boil; reduce heat to medium-low. Cover tightly and simmer 10 minutes. Add peas; continue cooking 2 to 5 minutes or until barley is tender. Stir in parsley and lemon peel. Grilled Pizza with Cherry Tomatoes (Recipe courtesy of http:// blog/2009/07/09/grilled-pizzawith-cherry-tomatoes) Makes 2 pizzas 20 cherry and/or grape tomatoes, halved Salt & pepper to taste

2 balls of grilled pizza dough Extra-virgin olive oil for brushing Freshly grated Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese 1/4 pound fresh mozzarella, cut into small chunks 4 large basil leaves, torn into pieces by hand Place tomatoes, cut side down, in a oiled grill pan. Grill over direct heat until tomatoes are slightly charred on top, then transfer them to a bowl and season with salt & pepper. Set up the bowl of tomatoes and the other ingredients at your grilling station for easy access. Prepare a charcoal grill for grilling pizza creating a very hot fire on one side with couple of layers of charcoal just a few inches from the grate, and a low fire on the other side with just a few coals. Oil the bottom of a baking sheet and place one of the dough balls on it. Using your hands flatten it out to about 1/8 inch thick. Carefully slide the dough onto the hot side of the grill. Watch the dough closely making sure it doesn‘t burn by lifting it with tongs and peeking under. When the dough is charred on the bottom, flip it over and brush it with olive oil. Sprinkle with Parmigiano-Reggiano, dot with half of the fresh mozzarella and scatter half of the tomatoes on top. With either the tongs or a spatula, slide the pizza to the cooler side of the grill. Cover grill, making sure the vent holes are open, and cook for 3-5 more minutes. The pizza is done when the cheese is melted and the bottom is slightly charred. Using a spatula, remove pizza from grill to a serving tray, garnish with half of the basil, slice and serve. Repeat with second ball of dough. Ajiaco (Colombian Chicken, Corn, Potato Stew) (Recipe compliments Cook Time: 55 minutes Total Time: 75 minutes Ingredients: 1 (3 1/2-4 pound) chicken, cut into 8 pieces 1 3/4 teaspoon salt 1 1/2 teaspoon black pepper 3 tablespoons unsalted butter 2 teaspoons dried oregano 1 large white onion, finely chopped 1 1/2 pounds russet potatoes 6 cups chicken broth 1 cup water 2 pounds yellow potatoes (Yukon gold) peeled and cubed 3 ears of corn, cut into 1 inch pieces Preparation: Pat chicken dry and season with 3/4 teaspoon salt and 1/2 teaspoon pepper. Heat butter in a heavy 7/8 quart pot. Brown chicken, skin side down in two batches for about 10 minutes. Transfer chicken to a plate. Add onion, oregano, and remaining salt/pepper to pot and sautĂŠ


about 5 minutes. Peel and coarsely grate russet potatoes and add to pot with chicken, broth and water. Cover and simmer, stirring occasionally until chicken is cooked through, about 25 minutes. Remove chicken from pot to cool. Add Yukon Golds, cover and simmer stirring occasionally about 10 minutes. Add corn, cover, simmer (stirring) about 5-10 minutes. Debone chicken and add back to pot. Serve with accompaniments (1/2 cup chopped fresh cilantro leaves, 1 cup heavy cream, 3 tablespoons drained capers, 3 avocados, cubed)on the side. Favorite Chili Mac (Recipe compliments Servings: 12 Total Time (median): 0 : 35 Active Time: 0 : 30 Ingredients 1 cup elbow macaroni 1 pound lean ground beef 1 large onion chopped 3 tablespoons chili powder (I like Gebhardt Chili Powder) 1/4 teaspoon crushed red pepper or to taste (optional) 1 can (28 oz) diced tomatoes in juice (I use Hunts) 1 can (28 oz) crushed tomatoes (I use Hunts) 1 can (15 oz) red kidney beans rinsed and drained Preparation Cook macaroni according to package directions. Drain and keep warm. Cook ground beef with onion in a 6-quart saucepan or Dutch oven over medium-high heat for 4 to 6 minutes or until crumbly and no longer pink. Drain, if needed. Stir in chili powder and crushed red pepper (if using). Add tomatoes and beans; bring to a boil. Reduce heat to low; simmer for 20 minutes. Add cooked macaroni; cook for 5 minutes. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Lemon Garlic Chicken Thighs (Recipe courtesy Ingredients 10 each Chicken Thighs 1/4 cup Vegetable oil 1/2 cup Lemon Juice

1 teaspoon Oregano 1/2 teaspoon Pepper 1 teaspoon Garlic powder 1 teaspoon Salt 1/2 cup Soy sauce

Preparation Soak the chicken pieces in salted water for 20 minutes (or just rinse if you're in a hurry), then pat the pieces dry and lay them in a baking dish. They should be a bit crowded, touching each other. Mix up the rest of the ingredients and pour over the chicken, then let stand for 20 minutes. Bake at 400 degrees for 45 minutes or until done


More recipes Teena's Spicy Pesto Chicken and Pasta (Recipe courtesy Ingredients 1 (16 ounce) package uncooked farfalle (bow tie) pasta 3 tablespoons olive oil 1 tablespoon hot chile paste 1 pound skinless, boneless chicken breast halves - cut into 1 inch pieces 6 tablespoons prepared basil pesto 1/2 cup grated Parmesan cheese 1/2 cup chopped cilantro Directions Bring a large pot of lightly salted water to a boil. Place farfalle pasta in the pot, cook for 8 to 10 minutes, until al dente, and drain. Heat the olive oil in a large skillet over medium heat. Mix in the chile paste and chicken. Cook and stir chicken 10 minutes, or until evenly browned and juices run clear. Toss the cooked farfalle, pesto, Parmesan cheese, and cilantro into the skillet, and continue cooking just until heated through. Minestrone with Roast Chicken (Recipe courtesy Ingredients: 1/2 cup chopped onion 1 clove garlic 2 teaspoons olive oil 1 (32 ounce) carton Chicken Broth 1 (14.5 ounce) can DEL MONTE速 Diced Tomatoes with Basil, Garlic & Oregano, No Salt Added 1/2 cup small shell pasta 2 cups diced, roasted chicken 1 (15 ounce) can DEL MONTE Sweet Peas, No Salt Added Directions: Cook onion and garlic in oil in large saucepan, 3 minutes or until tender. Stir in broth, undrained tomatoes and pasta. Cover and bring to boil; reduce heat. Cover and simmer 8 minutes, or until pasta is tender. Add chicken and peas; cook 3 minutes or until heated through. Serve with grated Parmesan cheese and chopped fresh basil, if desired. African Peanut Soup (Recipe courtesy

Ingredients 2 tablespoons olive oil 2 medium onions, chopped 2 large red bell peppers, chopped 4 cloves garlic, minced 1 (28 ounce) can crushed tomatoes, with liquid 8 cups vegetable broth or stock 1/4 teaspoon pepper 1/4 teaspoon chili powder (optional) 2/3 cup extra crunchy peanut butter 1/2 cup uncooked brown rice Directions Heat oil in a large stock pot over medium high heat. Cook onions and bell peppers until lightly browned and tender, stirring in garlic when almost done to prevent burning. Stir in tomatoes, vegetable stock, pepper, and chili powder. Reduce heat to low and simmer, uncovered, for 30 minutes. Stir in rice, cover, and simmer another fifteen minutes or until rice is tender. Stir in peanut butter until well blended, and serve. Spaghetti Soup (Recipe courtesy, via Ingredients 2 tablespoons vegetable oil 1/2 pound skinless, boneless chicken breast halves, cut into cubes 1 medium onion, chopped 1 large carrot, chopped 1 stalk celery, finely chopped 2 cloves garlic, minced 4 cups Swanson® Chicken Broth or Swanson® Natural Goodness™ Chicken Broth 1 (10.75 ounce) can Campbell's® Condensed Tomato Soup 1 cup water 3 ounces uncooked spaghetti, broken into 1 inch pieces 2 tablespoons chopped fresh parsley (optional) Directions Heat 1 tablespoon oil in a saucepot over medium-high heat. Add the chicken and cook until it is browned, stirring often. Remove the chicken. Stir in the remaining oil and heat over medium heat. Add the onion and cook for 1 minute. Add the carrots and cook for 1 minute. Add the celery and garlic and cook for 1 minute. Stir in the broth, soup and water. Heat to a boil. Stir in the pasta. Cook for 10 minutes or until pasta is tender. Add the chicken and parsley, if desired, and heat through.





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