Annual Review 2015-16

Page 1

An n u al Rev i ew


Ou r Pr oject s Su m m ar y

Volunteering Support & Advice

Ch ai r 's Rep or t

Con ten ts

Ch i ef Ex ecu t i v e's Rep or t Ou r Pr oject s

New Communities Employee Volunteering Community Car Service MK:Smart Netherfield Local Conversation

Fi n an ces

Community Mobilisers Lite Engage MK

M eet t h e Team

Community Action Platform for Energy Communities Can

Ou r Fu n d er s

QuickChat App Community Safety

Con t act Us

MK Futures 2050

H er e's a qu i ck l ook at w h at w e'v e ach i ev ed t h r ou gh ou t t h e y ear .... Supported over

220 Voluntary & Community gr ou ps to set up, develop or find funding. Dealt with over

Supported over


840 volu n t eer s. 420 volu n t eer in g opportunities on behalf Voluntary & Community groups. Collected



people to our even t s. Supported over

Provided over


dialogues related to people's in t er est s, ideas and issu es.


specialist en gagem en t pr oject s.

even t s on our Learning and Events programme.

Shared over

Provided in f or m at ion to over



tweets providing in f or m at ion to

subscribers via our newsletters.

720 new followers.

Su m m ar y

Promoted over

Connected over

volu n t eer enquiries.


over 16 years I have been employed by, worked in partnership with and volunteered for this amazing organisation, Community Action: MK, and I am therefore so pleased to invite you to enjoy the Annual Report which chronicles the wide variety of its accomplishments and achievements 2015-2016.

Ch air 's Repor t

Community Action: MK now works with more businesses and public sector organisations than ever, and its expertise on managing community engagement and creative citizen-involvement has led to many innovative and highly successful, partnership projects such as MK:Smart, Community Action Platform for Energy (CAPE) and People?s Health Trust?s Netherfield Local Conversations project. However, as the city of Milton Keynes grapples with squeezed budgets, and re-development alongside inexorable growth, the voluntary and community sector (VCS) expends more and more energy to deliver the services that are so needed with fewer resources and less and less ?stretch?. And so new models of operating are sought, both for day-to-day and strategic activity. For us it means a leaner Community Action: MK, with currently fewer permanent staff and a smaller base, but as mentioned, we are dealing with more partners and crucially, developing a more robust approach to

strategic planning. This is vital when the city faces so many challenges; the VCS sector must be an equal partner in shaping the forward plans. The VCS Leaders? Forum is key to ensuring strong integrated plans for delivery to the public as well as adding to the research and development of a more sustainable city over the next 25 years. That is why Community Action: MK is delighted to be working with other partners in the VCS to engage more directly with Milton Keynes Council, the Health Service and the ?blue light?services. However, there is another ?however ?. One of the aspects that contributes to the success of a place, whatever its size, is volunteering; the amount and quality of that activity. Community Action: MK provides not only a brokerage service through our Volunteering Service, but also supports dynamic relationships between the business community and those groups that need volunteers, to the mutual benefit of both parties. Community Action: MK is also the key Information, Advice and Guidance centre to myriad small grassroots groups, the kind that turn a place into a community and also offer bespoke, co-production services and help. Volunteering and group development support is Community Action: MK?s ?core business?, it?s why Community Action: MK is an infrastructure organisation, and it is getting harder and harder to fund

these essential, core services. In 2016-17 this work is funded by a one-off grant from Milton Keynes Council and from Community Action: MK?s reserves; neither a laudable nor sustainable state of affairs. If Milton Keynes is to be a city where volunteering and the little people count, and are recognised as fundamental to the vibrancy and resilience of the place of that name, then core service provision must be provided for on a more long-term sure footing. Thank you as always for your interest in, and support for, Community Action: MK. I want to thank the trustee board, the CIC directors and all the many ?friends? that advise and support Community Action: MK, as well as the staff and volunteers, for all their input. I hope you see your efforts reflected in this report.

Sh eila Th or n t on Chair of Community Action: MK

Lik e

The National Council of Voluntary Organisations (NCVO), Chief Executive, Sir Stuart Etherington, has described ?? a unique but fragile voluntary sector ecosystem that has more than proved its worth,? but also warned there are areas of ?? charity desert?, where our sector is overstretched and yet people are most in need of support and voice to tackle poverty and inequality.? There is little doubt that political, economic, social, technological and structural transformation taking place is of an unprecedented scale and pace. Whether in

the Business, Public, or Voluntary and Community Sector (VCS), none of us has the luxury of choosing to stand still. The status quo is not an option, and infrastructure organisations (such as Community Action: MK), like so many others, must adapt and transform in order to survive. The National Association for Voluntary and Community Action (NAVCA), the national body that supports VCS infrastructure, in its report ?Change for Good?, argued that, ?The infrastructure of the future is likely to be a much leaner enabler, broker and catalyst rather than necessarily a deliverer.? We are absolutely sure that Community Action: MK has a critical role to play in the development of Milton Keynes and we are confident we are working to meet the needs of the VCS and local communities. As an experienced and motivated staff team we want to continue to provide professional services to all our stakeholders from the Public, VCS and Private sectors. These sectors rely on us, more than ever , to facilitate the voice of our local communities and the VCS. However we recognise that we are living in challenging, volatile and unpredictable times. We understand it is not an easy time for anyone working with local communities and the challenges facing all sectors are not to be underestimated. However we are committed to 'keeping our foot on the accelerator ' to continue to be

agile, dynamic and responsive to the needs of Milton Keynes communities and the VCS working in Milton Keynes.

Tim M ar r en Chief Executive

Ch ief Execu tive's Repor t

peers and colleagues nationally and locally, 2015/16 has been a challenging year for Community Action: MK with increased demands for existing and new services coupled with a significant reduction in ?core? funding. In response Community Action: MK has adopted an innovative and responsive approach to the local delivery of core infrastructure support and community development services. We seek to collaborate with partners that share our values and vision wherever possible, and in doing so develop much closer strategic and operational ties to our friends and colleagues within all sectors in Milton Keynes. This is well illustrated in our 2015/16 Annual Report which details the variety of services we deliver, the different communities we support and the significant number of priorities we are working on and developing.

H i gh l i gh t s

Vol u n t eer i n g Funded through our Infrastructure contract with Milton Keynes Council, Community Action: MK is the hub for volunteering in Milton Keynes, connecting charities and community groups to people looking for opportunities to volunteer.

170 11

Vol u n teer in g

We support volunteers & groups through... Weekly volunteer drop-in sessions

Enquiries via the do-it website

1:1 appointments for volunteers and local charities and community groups

volunteers attended the volunteer drop-in

volunteers received 1:1 appointments


volunteer enquiries via the do-it website

Promoted Ran

425 voluntary opportunities

4 successful Volunteer Manager Forums

Qu otes: "I just love being a part of "Thank you for a useful and

this group"!

informative session and the inspiration to improve"

Lear n in g an d Even t s:

"Thank you so much for endorsing my volunteering request,

Volunteer Manager Forum: Recruitment and Retention

and forwarding it. Really looking

"First of all thank you for

Volunteer Manager Forum: Introduction to Social Media

your wonderful effort and

Volunteer Manager Forum: Safeguarding

beautiful energy concerning my

Volunteer Manager Forum: Fundraising

appreciate all your work effort Volu n t eer in g Team ach ieved NAVCA Level 4

and you are a lovely person to

"I am glad to to inform you that

coop/work with, very kind and

I have started as a volunteer in CAB.

humble. Bless you!"

Thank you for your advice"

qu alit y aw ar d (h igh est Level aw ar ded) Webpage: w w w.Com m u n it yAct ion M K.or g/ Volu n t eer in g

for your kind help and consideration"

search for volunteering. I really

Supported Volunteer Training and Accreditation Introduction to Involving Volunteers session

forward to this wonderful opportunity. Thank you once again

w w w.Com m u n it yAct ion M K.or g/ f or -ch ar it ies

H i gh l i gh t s

Su p p or t & Ad v i ce Funded through our Infrastructure contract with Milton Keynes Council, w e advise and support charities and community groups, helping them set up, find funding, address the issues that matter to them and find and support their own volunteers. We build capacity in local groups to take ownership of the issues that matter to them and help them design solutions for creating and sustaining change.


Over Voluntary & Community groups and individuals supported over the year with support and advice

Ty p es of gr ou p s su p p or t ed

learning & events programmes throughout the year Connected over


people to our events


Provided information to over subscribers via our newsletters

Qu er i es

Webpage: w w w.Com m u n it yAct ion M K.or g/ f or -ch ar it ies

Su ppor t & Advice


H i gh l i gh t s

Th e N ew Com m u n i t i es p r oject ... funded by MK Tariff, and aims to build strong and sustainable communities in MK's newest estates.

Our long-term Community Involvement Programme covers the areas of:

New Com m u n ities


Broughton Gate and Brooklands (known as the Eastern Expansion Area) Strategic Land Allocation Tattenhoe Park and Kingsmead South Fairfields and Whitehouse (known as the Western Expansion Area)

We deliver an Ar r ivals pr ogr am m e to welcome new residents, and support them to take a more active role in their community. This includes support with volunteering, setting up and running community activities, attending community events, or accessing training. We provide st r at egic su ppor t and in f or m at ion to the w ider volu n t ar y sect or to help them to understand the opportunities and challenges growth can bring, and support them to plan for the needs of our growing city. In partnership with the MK Community Foundation, we oversee a Gr an t s Fu n d , known as the New Communities fund, which supports projects which benefit residents in these new areas.

Webpage: w w w.Com m u n it yAct ion M K.or g/ Expan sion -M K


conversations recorded with residents and agencies to find out about their ideas and issues in their new community


residents accessing training

56 people supported to volunteer in their community 272

attendees at WEA Exhibition


group visits to explore impact of growth


people attending walking tours of the new areas


awarded to


community projects

W h at i s Em p l oy ee Vol u n t eer i n g?

We support VCS organisations to be volunteer ready, matching volunteers to the tasks in hand supporting both the business and the community group ensuring both benefit from the volunteers' skills and time. We are currently looking to promote our Employee Volunteering offer to more companies across MK.

Cof f ee Tot s Pr e Sch ool Ben ef i t s f r om H om e Ret ai l Gr ou p Vol u n t eer s The children's nursery garden in Coffee Hall was given a much needed makeover. The team painted the perimeter grey metal fence in multi colours, the wooden fencing in beach blue. They dug, re-planted, and revamped the raised vegetable beds; renovated, secured and painted their stage and chairs; raked, cleaned, cut grass and cleared rubbish. The volunteers said , ?It was a win win all round as it was a great team building day for us, hard work but so worth it and we all came away feeling immensely proud! I would like to encourage everyone to think about doing something similar. We are extremely lucky to have our volunteering policy here at Home Retail Group and you can do it as an individual or do something in teams, small groups, pairs, mixed cross teams - any which way you can make it work for you there will be a project in need out there!? Steve Coventry, Chair of the Committee that runs Coffee Tots Pre School expressed his thanks to all of the volunteers who helped make such a difference to the environment for the children. "We are really pleased to have received a ?good?Ofsted certificate this year. I believe we achieved this partly due to the help we received from all the Home Retail Group volunteers. Our outside learning area has improved tremendously with their help over the last 2 years. We are always keen to welcome volunteers as they are all so friendly and their contribution is amazing. They have helped us to create a cracking environment for our children."

Webpage: w w m u n it yact ion m k .or g/ pr oject s/ em ployee-volu n t eer in g

170 Over

volunteers attended the volunteer drop-in


volunteers placed with local VCS groups

We have worked with:

Home Retail Group Mercedes Benz Network Rail To help support:

Work Tree M K Sailability Foodbank Secret Garden Wolverton St Mungo's Stowe Landscape Gardens Boarstall Duck Decoy Coffee Tots Preschool Age UK Ihezie Foundation M KC Rights of Way Ride High Shaw Trust Bucks Canal Society M K Play Association Festive Road Young Enterprise The People's Allotment

Em pl oyee Vol u n teer in g

We have been developing our Employee Volunteering programme over the past three years to meet the increasing needs and demands from the local private sector. We have placed more than 600 volunteers, benefiting local voluntary and community (VCS) groups. Clearly illustrating the importance of a ?local response? to developing a robust Employee Volunteering programme that supports the local economy and VCS.

H i gh l i gh t s

Since opening its doors on

Th e Com m u n i t y Car Ser v i ce...

28th September 2015:

Com m u n ity Car Ser vice

...aims to provide safe and reliable transportation for vulnerable members of the community in order to help them access a range of medical services or social care visits. The service is also being supported by Milton Keynes Council, South Northants Volunteer Bureau, five Parish Councils including Campbell Park and funding from MK Community Foundation. The Community Car Service is funded by MK Council with help from a setup grant from MK Community Foundation. In a short space of time we have built up a successful service with regular

12 volunteer drivers 371 journeys booked 37 passengers

passengers, a group of committed volunteer drivers and proven there is a significant need for this Passenger feedback has been very positive:

type of service in Milton Keynes especially as the population is growing and getting older. The Volunteer drivers themselves also feel this is an invaluable

?I saw an advert in the Parish Council newsletter for the Community Car Service and we needed help getting to hospital appointments so thought we would give them a ring and haven?t looked back. Since then they have been a godsend, we can ring them up with our journey and then leave it up to them to sort out, it takes away the worry of how to get to places. We are so pleased we decided to ring them, the staff and drivers are really helpful and we couldn?t do it without them!?

service for people who may struggle with use/access/cost of public transport and are committed to helping passengers. One Driver commented: ?I enjoy helping others on a voluntary basis, meeting different people and it has helped me to understand the various difficulties some people have to contend with.? Jou r n eys t h at w e h elp m em ber s t o u n der t ak e

Webpage: w w m u n it yact ion m k .or g/ pr oject s/ com m u n it y-car -ser vice-m k



M ale Passen ger s

Fem ale Passen ger s

M K :Sm ar t ... funded by HEFCE (Higher Educational Funding Council for England) and is bringing together data, enterprise and communities to transform energy, transport and water use in Milton Keynes. Community Action: MK have been working along side the Open University and Graymatter to collect ideas from people across the city. We?ve been holding workshops, visiting communities and connecting with voluntary and community groups.

We?ve branded the public facing work of MK:Smart as Ou r M K , and have been helping Citizen?s projects come to life through this programme. is a crowdsourcing website to share ideas, volunteer to help projects, and connect with experts.

2 large networking

35 1:1 support

support sessions to explore citizen's ideas

events to promote Our MK

meetings with volunteers

134 attended networking events

28 external 11 projects awarded Our MK funding and suppor t


18 roadshows or pop ups to engage residents in the Our MK and the MK:Smart project

19 entrants to our 39 project ideas supported

Webpage: w w w.ou r m k .or g w w w.m k sm ar t .or g

MK:Smart photography competition run as part of a networking event

opportunities to connect to others. e.g. MK MP's, Universities, Future Cities Catapult and other MK based organisations

M K:Sm ar t

19 workshops or

Neth er fiel d Local Con ver sation

H i gh l i gh t s

Th e N et h er f i el d L ocal Con v er sat i on i s... ...a programme which takes a neighbourhood approach. It is helping to realise the capacity of local people to lead the design and delivery of home-grown ideas that aim to enhance social cohesion, provide new resources and services and improve the local environment.

73 Netherfield community members have volunteered as part of the project. Between them they have volunteered

Th e Peop l e's H eal t h Tr u st i s... independent charity addressing health inequalities by investing in local organisations with great ideas to create fairer places to grow, live, work and age. It works closely with each of the 51 society lotteries and makes grants using money raised through The Health Lottery. The People's Health trust believe that increasing people and communities' control over the wider social determinants of health (the conditions in which people live and work), is key to improving health and well-being.





This have




833 volunteer hours to their estate. Improvements to local landscaping this year has seen volunteers removing over

Ai m s This project aims to create health by focusing on Netherfield residents' capabilities and what they are able to change and do. The community has control over how a pot of ÂŁ175,000 is spent in Netherfield to address the priorities they identified.


tonnes of shrubbery previously

having a detrimental effect on the estate.

Pr i or i t i es The Local Conversation is driven by a steering group made up of local volunteers. Over collectively iden t if yin g t h eir t op pr ior it ies f or t h e est at e. They are:

550 Netherfield community members were involved in

Redu cin g f ly t ippin g / lit t er an d im pr ovin g lan dscapin g - Community clean up days and a volunteer landscaping task team have been launched this year, with ideas around affordable disposal of bulky items to reduce fly tipping being developed. In cr easin g t h e n u m ber & r an ge of act ivit ies f or ch ildr en & you n g people - Local people told us that they want more affordable activities that are sustainable and designed / led by local young people such as sports and music activities. Redu cin g an t i social beh aviou r - This included drug and alcohol abuse in public (including discarded hypodermics), irresponsible dog ownership, litter and fly tipping. We have supported the steering group to work with Compass to develop a dedicated drug and alcohol support, engagement and education role on the estate. Plans are also in place to promote and enable residents to micro-chip their dogs and installing mobile CCTV in community identified 'hotspots'. Com m u n al gr een spaces: Volunteers have built raised beds across the estate and plans are afoot for a community garden. Webpage: w w w.Com m u n it yAct ion M K.or g/ Peoples-Healt h -Tr u st

Con n i bu r r ow

84 activities attended ...of which

26 were joint activities with other


Gr eat L i n f or d

1,430 number of people reached

The key objectives of this project are to:

51 individuals supported to volunteer


support a link between Great Linford Parish Council and the community. engage and secure operational partnerships with other agencies support the development of local community activities. work with agencies/partners to gain an understanding of all projects taking place within the Great Linford community. support people to make a positive contribution in their local area through increasing the level and awareness of volunteering opportunities.

Pr ior it ies Since August last year 460 dialogues have been collected in the Great Linford Parish areas identifying priorities such as local coffee afternoons to help isolated elderly residents on Dow n s Bar n and Gif f ar d Par k , community litter picks/clean ups on Gr eat Lin f or d and Dow n s Bar n and activities to engage with the pre-family 18-30's on Con n ibu r r ow . Or gan isat ion s/ gr ou ps w e h ave been w or k in g w it h Great Linford Primary School, Milton Keynes Arts Centre, Cross and Stable Church Downs Barn (Toddler Tots and Coffee Afternoon), Squirrels Children Centre (Stay and Play sessions), Big Local Conniburrow, Youth Networks, Sheltered Accommodations, Green Gym, National Citizen Service (NCS).

153.5 Volunteer hours 55 people sign posted to different agencies

Com m u n ity M obil iser s Lite

The project on Conniburrow has been funded by MK Community Foundation which has involved developing a model of good practice for working with younger adults (pre-family aged 18-30) by engaging in a variety of different ways such as door k n ock in g, pop u ps and attending f u n day even t s, you t h clu bs and r esiden t led act ivit ies.

H i gh l i gh t s

Th e En gage M K N et w or k i s... ...a par t n er sh ip pr oject bet w een Com m u n it y Act ion : M K an d Saf er M K. Ou r even t s br in g t oget h er st af f , volu n t eer s an d com m u n it y gr ou ps w or k in g t o su ppor t M K com m u n it ies. The aim of the network is to provide support, share best practice and connect community workers in Milton Keynes. We do this by running a series of workshops and events for a range of community groups.

H i gh l i gh t s

En gage M K

39 Members of community safety groups attended workshops on volunteer management, social media, fundraising and committee skills.

29 PCSOs attended workshops on Domestic Violence Homelessness and Self Harm.


199 People from 125 organisations attended networking events about funding, social media and having more effective conversations.

subscribers to 'Connect For ' newsletter, providing updates about the sector and good community development practice.

We also undertook a mapping exercise of local groups who support homeless people and rough sleepers. We spoke to 12 local organisations to find out about their services and get a better understanding of their needs. Following on from this we provided a directory of support services, which is available through our website, and an up to date timetable of services which people can access. We also fed into MK Council's 'Homelessness Task and Finish group' who were making recommendations on ways to tackle the growing homelessness issue in MK.

Community Connectors Networking event

Webpage: w w w.Com m u n it yAct ion M K.or g/ En gage-M K

Community Safety Group workshop

#En gage M K

Funding Fair

The project is developing a free-to-use tool (CAPE website) to make it easier for communities and local suppliers in Milton Keynes to procure and supply energy efficiency or distributed energy projects at scale. CAPE will combine various data sets, including satellite data, energy and social information, so that communities identify opportunities of highest need and impact for community groups and councils to act upon. The website will be launched in mid 2017.

Unique combinat ion of sat el l it e, buil ding, social and demographic dat a set s

Local energy sol ut ions, bringing t oget her communit ies, l ocal aut horit ies and suppl iers

Combat ing f uel povert y, increasing energy ef f iciency and improving t he environment

Com m u n it y Act ion : M K h as been en gagin g w it h cit izen s an d local com m u n it y gr ou ps in M ilt on Keyn es in t h e pr ocess of developin g an d t est in g CAPE By doing this, we are ensuring that individual citizens and local groups have their say on what their priorities are and how these could be addressed as part of the CAPE project. In the coming months, we will be supporting these groups in the delivery of their own community energy projects once the CAPE website has been launched. Expl oring

Communit y Leadership

Import ance of

Communit y Energy Workshop on 21 January

20 i ndividual s

represent ing 12 organisat ions

Using dat a t o make bet t er energy consumpt ion choices

We have been working in close collaboration with many local

Expl oring communit y energy in Mil t on Keynes via rich pict ure excercise

Community Energy, People's Assembly MK, Camphill MK and

groups and projects, including Transition MK, Wolverton others. If your local group, project or parish would like to find out about benefits of joining CAPE, contact Anna at

Par t n er s:

Webpage: @CAPE_Pr oject

Community Action: MK, The Open University, SmartKlub, Tech Mahindra, Catapult Satellite Applications and Milton Keynes Council.

Com m u n ity Action Pl atfor m for En er gy

CAPE, Com m u n i t y Act i on Pl at f or m f or En er gy - i n v ol v i n g ci t i zen s i n w or k i n g w i t h su p p l i er s t o d ev el op l ocal com m u n i t y en er gy p r oject s.

H i gh l i gh t s

Com m u n i t i es Can i s... ...a 6 month project between October 2015 and March 2016 as part of MK Council's Community & Cultural Services Review, with the aim: To develop an insight to the kind of collaborative delivery promoted by the Co-operative Council concept.

Com m u n ities Can

We therefore wanted to: 1. Increase voluntary activity in Libraries, Children?s Centres and Youth Services. 2. Support residents to explore their own priorities relating to Libraries, Children's Centres and Youth Services. 3. Facilitate the generation of ideas around community-led activity and co-production.

Worked with


24 different Council Staff

formal volunteering opportunities



volunteers referred

65 individuals supported to volunteer 6 volunteer-run groups supported 4 Volunteer Managers Forums/ Training 103 visits into the community We w er e able t o m ak e t h e f ollow in g r ecom m en dat ion s t o M ilt on Keyn es Cou n cil based on t h is pr oject : Volu n t eer in g becom es a pr ior it y - this project has given an insight into the w illin gn ess of com m u n it ies to get involved in local services and the potential that this could have, however the st r u ct u r e of volu n t eer su ppor t within the services is not yet equipped to make the most of them. We feel that Milton Keynes Council should make volunteering a priority within services, with dedicat ed st af f t im e to manage volunteers. Su ppor t f or Volu n t eer M an ager s - we would encourage that Volunteer Managers join in with r egu lar f or u m s approx 3 times a year, where we facilitate a meeting of managers from across the voluntary sector to sh ar e ideas an d best pr act ice. On goin g su ppor t f or Fr ien ds of Gr ou ps - we would like to continue the support for groups which are attached to Children's Centres and Library Services. We have made a good start in h elpin g t h e set u p or developm en t of 4 Friends of Groups. These groups however need some longer term support for them to continue successfully, and to be as productive as possible. Pu blicit y of volu n t eer in g r oles - we would encourage continuing to pr om ot e n ew volu n t eer in g r oles, and adver t isin g these through CA:MK. Additional publicity for roles has been successful during this project such as going to fairs, and community events and would be again in the future.

Engaged residents in conversation and recorded.... .....

551 dialogues

Supported volunteer training and accreditation Conducted a community survey Coordinated

3 focus groups

Encouraged ideas sharing Reported communities views to the Communities & Cultural Services Review Project Board

W h at i s t h e Qu i ck Ch at Ap p ? Our Community Engagement Team, also known as Community Mobilisers, work on the ground in communities, supporting community activity and giving people a voice. We have developed in recent years an App which we can use to record conversations, we call this App "QuickChat" and each piece of data entered we call a dialogue.

dialogu es w er e f r om m ales.

dialogu es w er e f r om f em ales.

Peop l e's Pr i or i t i es... Th ese ar e t h e m ost t agged t h em es:

766 dialogues from 60+ yr olds


2037 dialogues from 26-59 yr olds


109 dialogues from 5-11 yr olds

M ost peopl e r epor t ed i m pact s

136 dialogues from 19-26 yr olds

To keep a record of how we have been able to support people To give people a voice on local issues, and identify local priorities To feed into local projects

M ost peopl e w e speak t o ar e aged 26-59 Th ese ar e t h e m ost t agged k ey w or ds:

We col l ect ed

3660 di al ogu es

Qu ick Ch at App


364 dialogues from 12-18 yr olds

W h y d o w e r ecor d d i al ogu e?

Com m u n i t y Saf et y & Ef f ect i v e Par t n er sh i p s The purpose of this project was to provide a greater understanding of what communities in Milton Keynes have been saying about community safety issues.

Focu sed En gagem en t ...

Qu i ck Ch at Dat a...

Com m u n ity Safety

We compiled one report using community safety dialogues collected by Community Mobilisers based in 9 geographical areas for one year (1st Sept em ber 2014 t o 1st Sept em ber 2015).

Top 5 K ey w or d s

209 dial ogues

1762 dial ogues recorded I d eas f r om r esi d en t s.....

Di al ogu e sp r ead acr oss ar eas

We also engaged with residents from Woughton and Bletchley to gain their input around 7 key questions on community safety.

CCTV L ow er h ed ges M or e p ol i ce p at r ol s Bet t er ed u cat i on on f l y t i p p i n g & l i t t er i n g Resi d en t s w or k i n g t oget h er t o i m p r ov e & m ai n t ai n t h ei r n ei gh bou r h ood Sh op ow n er s get i n v ol v ed i n r ed u ci n g n egat i v e p er cep t i on of ar eas Joi n t w or k i n g bet w een r esi d en t s & su p p or t agen ci es

recorded W h at d i d w e t al k abou t ? How safe do you feel in your community? What makes you feel safe/unsafe? What is the local relationship with the police like? How could community and Police work together to improve this? Have you witnessed any Anti Social Behaviour (ASB)? What would prevent ASB from happening? How could the Police & Community work together to improve community safety and reduce ASB?

Bl ack , M i n or i t y an d Et h n i ci t y (BM E) Focu s Gr ou p Repr esen t at ives f r om : -

Filipin o com m u n it y


Jew ish com m u n it y


Sh ik a Tam aa Su ppor t Ser vices (STaSS)


Gh an aian Associat ion


M iddle East er n Cu lt u r al

Key Fin din gs f r om t h e f ocu s gr ou p -


Gr ou p -

Sik h com m u n it y


People felt there was an inconsistency in how different communities are treated by police Police visibility in community gets mixed reception The importance of consistent communications and contacts Cultural awareness remains mixed....but groups want to help!

Th e Qu est i on s...

M K Fu t u r es 2050 Over a fortnight period in January Community Action: MK intensively engaged with MK residents around 3 key questions to gain information for the MK Futures 2050 Commission. Over the course of the 2 weeks we used a variety of methods to reach a wide range of local people and gain their opinions. The response was fantastic!

Wh at m ak es a gr eat Cit y? Wh at m ak es M K gr eat ? Wh at w ou ld m ak e M K gr eat er ?

M K Fu tu r es 2050

The conversations were recorded using our bespoke QuickChat App. which allowed us to examine the top themes and key words. Using this information we can look in more detail at the hot topics and gain a better understanding of local priorities which we'll have a closer look at below. Wh at m ak es a gr eat cit y? "Open spaces, and green spaces. Areas which are quiet and uncongested. Good architecture and a sense of place, where citizens can identify with elements of the city and experience a bond. A mix of social elements and cultures, with high standard and high aesthetic housing. Good transport links and well-maintained roads"

Th e En gagem en t L ocat i on s:


people contributed their views


dialogues recorded

Th e En gagem en t M et h od s:

Door k n ock in g Cof f ee M or n in gs Tw it t er Sw eet Bom b Com m u n it y Facebook pages On lin e Su r veys Fr esh er s Fair s Com m u n it y M eet in g Wor k sh op Act ion : M K Blog

E-m ails

Com m u n it y

Tin k er s Br idge Gr eat Lin f or d Village

Leaden h all Cen t r al M K Bean h ill M K Academ y Blet ch ley Net h er f ield

M K Wide

"The fact that you've got the hustle

"MK will be great by not


and bustle of city life, but then also

messing with the very


the quiet, peaceful calm of the

much loved principles of

urban and be

countryside is great"

the original master plan"

in nature"

M K College


to the

£657k £696k I n com e Ex p en d i t u r e

L ast Year

In com e Total incoming resources for the year increased slightly from £656,689


2014/15 to £656,784 2015/16.

Fin an ces

Expen ditu r e Total outgoing resources for the year decreased from £854,727 2014/15 to

Th i s Year


£696,105 2015/16.

Un r estr icted Fr ee Reser ves Unrestricted free reserves stand at


£164,400 2015/16.

Expenditure includes restricted fund expenditure for which income was received in previous years.

Figures are taken from the audited financial statements for the year ended 31st March 2016, copies of which can be obtained from the office.


Tr u stees & CIC Dir ector s

Laura Jeffery

Anna Klis-Davies

Marie Linden-Wyatt

Clare Walton

Marian Cole

Debbie Leask

May Chung

Sheila Thornton

John Marshall

Gareth Eglinton-Pacitti

Rebecca Brown

Gamiel Yafai

Roger Kitchen

Hannah Forbes

Shona Driscoll

John Cove

Briony Fox

Hannah Mills

Stewart Ikin

Verity De Roche

Keith Straughan

Jeanette Hyde

Tim Marren

Josan Race

Tracy Pearson

Sue Frossell

Simon Elcock

Julie Webb

Tracy Whitmore

Ian Revell

W e ar e Gr atefu l ... the individuals and businesses whose generosity make our work possible The Do-It Trust

Samantha Coster

Graymatter Ltd.

Nadege Houillet

Russell HR


Keen Shay Keens


their contribution and support to our organisation

Jill Macpherson

Parish Councils across MK

throughout the past year, and all of our members,

Robbie Macpherson

Richard Freeman

volunteers, businesses and staff!

Sarah Thurstans Tariq Naseer Raja

We recognise and thank the residents and groups for

M eet th e Team

Alissa Pemberton

Ou r Fu n der s

Please get in t ou ch ...

Acorn House ? 351 Midsummer Boulevard ? Central Milton Keynes ? MK9 3HP 01908 661623 Registered charity no: 1092047



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