Brand Guidelines

Page 1

what do we



dynamic, UNtraditional REAL ESTATE BRAND

Dedicated to empowering business leaders through our YOU-First focus mentality, and great culture.

promise REALTY ONE GROUP IS COMMITED TO PROVIDING the best support to achieve a successful transaction and the best experience possible making you feel part of the ONE family. We are not replacing the agent, we are advisors and facilitators empowering professionals to be successful. If you are successful, so are we!

mission SINCE DAY ONE AND WITH A YOU FIRST-FOCUS as main belief, the mission has been to provide the best support for Real Estate Professionals, while creating new opportunities opening doors for everyONE, every day.

vision DISRUPT THE INDUSTRY WHILE EMPOWERING Real Estate Professionals with the right tools as support in order to ignite, create, and embrace change. Make the agent the center of t he equation!

BRAND PERSOn ALITY OUR BRAND PERSONALITY DEFINES WHO WE ARE, how we do things, how we treat each other and our audience. Start-up mindset with a long rewarded path of success and experience. The brand should encapsulate a desire to be fresh, with an ambitious vision, while offering a sense of stability and success.

CREATIVE • Be original, expressive, and imaginative • Don’t imitate. Be a leader, not a follower • C ome up with concepts and ideas that revolutionize and set standards in our industry

DYNAMIC • D on’t feel afraid of change and to try new things, just keep moving • S timulate and challenge creative minds to constantly evolve and embrace change

EMPOWERING • C reate a collaborative mindset where everyONE has a voice, feels valued, and acts as a leader with a positive attitude • M ake Real Estate Professionals and affiliates stronger and more confident with a message and services that show innovation and stability

INCLUSIVE/LIFESTYLE • C reate relationships and experiences, by building environments to cater each one of the individuals that are part of our ONE family • Welcome all kinds of people without discrimination • B uild a community without boundaries where people take care of each other regardless of their differences


Supportive, trustable, experienced, knowledgeable and wise, without losing the simplicity; making sure it is clear, helpful, and easy to understand, always making a statement and following a clear purpose.

OUR VOICE... • Is scared to sound corprorate • S ounds like a human being, not a robotic script • Is friendly, open and personable • H as a little fun, but is not flippant or disrespectful • A voids industry jargon and acronyms whenever possible, and we explain them when we have to • K eeps our ideas clear and accessible by avoiding long, compound sentences • Is bold and impactful


We refer to ourselves as The UNbrokerage not a real estate company, a brokerage, or an agency



When When referring referring to to the professional the company and the nontangible subjects (emotional/ inspirational

i.e.: For US it’s clear...

i.e.: YOU-First Focus, Your Dreams, Your Success matters the most

TOGETHER/WE to mean or describe a collaborative work between the company and the real estate professional

i.e.:”Together we all achieve more”

11 UNWORDS/SENTENCES UNtraditional in everything we do!





experiences for everyONE




in communities




ONE love




support and care



rockstar potential

TERMS •R ealty ONE Group (recommended) NOT Realty One Group, REALTY ONE GROUP, or RealtyONEGroup •R eal Estate Professional (mixed caps) is the preferred term instead of Agent. For call to action buttons or other instances where there the space is limited use Agent i.e.: “Become an Agent”





Capitalize ONE (and words that include ONE) such as: everyONE, ONE family, ONE experience, ONE love



our design commandments EVERY THING WE DO MUST BE:

impactful If you are scrolling your phone or your inbox, the design should make you stop. Your design, message, subject line, etc should make your emotions vibrate.



•A lways tell a compelling and emotional story of how everything we do is well thought out

•D on’t use stock images of people that look fake and lack originality

• U se images that transmit strong positive emotions

•D on’t use images that might have a negative impact, or be offensive in any way

•C olors used in typography, or any other elements in the design, should have strong contrast with the surroundings

• D on’t overload your design with too many images • D on’t use too many fonts in one design

•E lements is the design must all have a purpose and a clear message •U se big, bold fonts for titles, to create a bigger impact (see approved fonts)

High Level If your message or your creative piece would reach less than 20 people, try to get a different approach… Communicate to the masses, use a general topic that could spark an interaction.



• Design with the audience in mind, taking into account their wants, needs, and interests

•D on’t base message and design on very specific characteristics of your user personas

•R elate to your audience in a emotional, or rational way

•D on’t approach the audience with a message that provoques fear, sexual thougths, or racist or sexist remarks

•A ppeal to the most common characteristis of the target audience selected

TRENDY Let the adrenaline go through your veins. Explore and innovate with your creation. Show the world that we are the UNbrokerage.



•L ook around and see what’s out there in the design world. Find out what’s “hot” at the moment

• D on’t copy or imitate

•C heck out what other companies, competitors, as well as other industries are doing, to get inspired •A dapt a trend always keeping our brand personality at the core • F ind a balance between trendy and timeless • B e a trend setter!

•D on’t adapt trends that can go away in the short term •D on’t overload the design, even if all the elements used are trendy

Edgy Be thought provoking and don’t hesitate to be controversial. Being a leader in the industry starts with a desire to innovate without being disrespectful.



• B e risky but not reckless

•D on’t use images or messaging that might have a negative impact, or be offensive in any way

• B e provoking and controversial but not offensive • U se humor • S urprise your audience, don’t shock them • B e positive, fun, and uplifting

• D on’t make sexual, sexist, or racist remarks

Timeless Not affected by the passage of time or changes in trends. The investment in your creation is high, make sure it could be multipurpose.



•F ind a balance between trends and time. Think in the long term

•D on’t say “10 years with us”, instead use “Joined in 2017”, in three years from now, someone will make the math

•S eek out designs, styles and colors that have been created to last •D esigned should be highly functional, yet not bland and boring. Function is an important essence of timeless design

•D on’t add events dates unless it is an invitation, or when talking about a past event •D on’t implement trends that most likely could be a fad. Take your time to research

brand identity


logo The Realty ONE Group logo is the most


immediate representation of our company, culture, and brand to the world. It is a valuable corporate asset that must be used consistently in the proper, approved forms. The circle represents unity and family, a group of people with shared professions, interests and a common goal... Achieve more! The ONE in Realty ONE Group stands for family and purpose; it stands for teamwork, togetherness, creativity, coolture, and you. The hidden number 1 is always reminding us to challenge our creative minds and generate wow experiences ALWAYS.


USAGE You may use the Realty ONE Group logo for purposes expressly authorized by Realty ONE Group and your use must: comply with the most up-to-date version of these guidelines and with any other terms, conditions, or policies that Realty ONE Group may issue from time to time that applies to the use of the logo. You may not alter the Realty ONE Group logo in any manner, including but not limited to, changing the proportion, color, font, or adding or removing any element(s) to or from the logo.


(continued) • The Icon and logo should NEVER be used one next to the other, however, both can be used in the same composition. (see examples). •T he icon can be placed as it is, or be creatively “camouflaged” or embeded in the design.

•T he logo can be placed either horizontally or vertically, depending on the design and composition. •W hen used vertically, it must always go upwards • F ollow rules for placement on page 33

EXAMPLES • T he Icon can be placed on top of a variety of backgrounds, but always make sure there is enough contrast to make it visible, and the background colors are consistent with the brand standards • T he ONE letters are cut out from the circle, and should always show the backgound the icon is placed on

COLOR The Realty ONE Group logo should always contrast with the background. There are 4 versions of the logo to ensure legibility and optimum reproduction quality in all printing processes and digital needs.

Full Color — Black Background #000000 White #ffffff Gold #C5A95E

Monochrome – Black Background #000000 W hite #ffffff

Full Color — White Background #ffffff B lack #000000 Gold #C5A95E

Monochrome – White Background #ffffff B lack #000000

PLACEMENT The Realty ONE Group logo must appear on

logo is the lower right corner, an area known as the

the initial view of all communications, including

“Corner of Death”. If we take print ads as an example,

print, digital, and video, so that it serves as an

you’ve got 1.7 seconds of average viewing time, per

introduction to the brand. Design should dictate

reader. And the lower right-hand corner is typically

where the logo appears on the initial view.

the second to last place people look on a page. What

Balance is an essential feature of good design.

you don’t see, you don’t get 1.

Graphics, imagery, and text must all be balanced

The best place is the lower middle part of the page

so that each element is able to speak clearly. If

or layout, At that point, the viewer will have engaged

you give the logo a distinct presence in the design,

emotionally with the leading part of the ad, and will

it will have greater impact and won’t distract

then have the opportunity to associate the brand with

from other messages you wish to communicate.

solving a problem or satisfying consumers’ wants 2.

According to studies the worst place to put your

1 The 6 Secrets of Eye-tracking by Dan Hill. 2


PRINT AND WEB • D on’t bury the logo so it’s only in the footer or only on the back cover of a print piece • D on’t crop or align the logo with the edge of the page • In printed pieces, the logo must be on the cover of materials with multiple pages or the front of one-sided materials. For two-sided materials, the logo can appear on either side



depending on design • F or HTML emails such as department newsletters, the logo must appear in the header • D o include the logo “above the fold” on all web pieces • To standarize the usage of the logo, there will be 5 areas where placement is allowed. Mainly, it must be placed on top/bottom of the piece/artboard


VIDEO • T he logo must appear on initial view, meaning the logo should be included as part of the first shot, prior to any other titles or graphics • T he logo may be the focus of the first shot or used in conjunction with other titles as necessary • E xtended graphical opening sequences should be used only if the full logo is visible on initial view • T he logo may be incorporated into the video as long as readability and other guidelines are maintained • T he logo must appear again as the last shot of the video, following any production information or credits


CLEAR SPACE The clear space around the Realty ONE Group logo on all sides should be equal to the height of the letters for maximum legibility and impact.



MINIMUM SIZE To preserve legibility, the Realty ONE Group logo should never be printed smaller than the sizes shown below, for digital and print formats:



104 px

0.8 in

30 px

0.2 in

IMPROPER USE The logo cannot be altered or redrawn in any other way. Previous versions should never be used, and the logo should not appear in a line or block of text. Realty ONE Group should be typed out in any body copy.


use the icon next to the

use background colors that inconsistent

REALTYONEGROUP name or logo.

with brand standards

condense, stretch, elongate, or

reproduce the Realty ONE Group logo

distort the logo in any way.

in any colors not specified in this guide.

typography typography typography typography typography typography typography T YPOGRAPHY TYPOGRAPHY

The typeface families to express Realty ONE Group identity are Museo Sans and Bebas Neue Bold.

Bebas Neue Bold is the font family for headlines and big bold messaging.

Museo Sans is intended for subheads, larger sections of communication, or smaller user-interface elements.

Bebas Neue Bold Family (headlines - upper case only) ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 0123456789 MUSEO SANS 700 (SUBHEADS - UPPER CASE ONLY)


ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789

typography typography lorem ipsum typography typography typography typography PRINT T YPOGRAPHY

In print collateral, we allow for larger, bolder font usage as we have more liberty with space and control over print clarity.

X LOREM IPSUM X X LOREM IPSUM X Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur

adipiscing elit. Mauris id sagittis lacus. Donec

viverra arcu eget neque laoreet, in vestibulum felis bibendum. Fusce elementum nunc augue, a volutpat eros placerat nec.


Subheader 1

Subheader 2 Body Copy

SIZE AND SPACING To calculate the size of headlines and subheaders we should always take the body copy size as reference. Step 1: Clasify the text as Headline, subheader 1, Subheader 2, or Body Copy. Step 2: Calculate sizes based on the table below. Note: 1em is defined by the size of the body copy. Step 3: Adjust according to space available and design, keeping proportions and balance.

Section Font Recommended Font Size Leading Tracking Body Copy

Museo Sans 100

1em = 12pt

1.67em (20pt)

1em x 4 (48)


Bebas Neue Bold

10em (120pt)

10em (120pt)


Subheader 1

Museo Sans 700

2em (24pt)

2.5em (30pt)

1em x 6 (72)

Subheader 2

Museo Sans 700

1.25em (15pt)

2em (24pt)

1em x 4 (48)

typography typography typography typography typography typography SPACING BETWEEN SECTIONS (X) Defined by the Subheader 1 size, X=2em.

Body Copy


Subheader 1

Subheader 2

Body Copy 1em (12pt) 4em (48pt) 3em (36pt) 3em (36pt) Headline 2em (24pt) -- 2em (24pt) -- Subheader 1 2em (24pt) 4em (48pt) -- 4em (48pt) Subheader 2 2em (24pt) 4em (48pt) 4em (48pt) --

WEB T YPOGRAPHY In digital environment, we are careful with the thickness of fonts as they appear thicker than intended depending on monitor calibrations and browser selections.

SIZE AND SPACING To calculate the size of headlines and subheaders we should always take the body copy size as reference. Step 1 - Clasify the text as H1, H2, H3, or Body Copy. Step 2 - Calculate sizes based on the table below. Note: 1em is defined by the size of the body copy. Step 3 - Adjust according to space available and design, keeping proportions and balance.

Section Font Recommended Font Size Line Height letter Spacing Body Copy H1

Museo Sans 100

1em = 16px

1.375em (22px)

0.048em (3em/1000)

Bebas Neue Bold 5em (80px) 5em (80px) 0


Museo Sans 700

1.5em (24px)

1.75em (28px)

0.064em (4em/1000)


Museo Sans 700

1.125em (18px)

1.25em (20pt)

0.048em (3em/1000)

typography typography typography typography typography typography CSS STYLES H1


font-family: bebas-neue, sans-serif;

font-family: ‘Museo-700’, sans-serif;

font-style: normal;

font-style: normal;

font-weight: 400;

font-weight: 700;

text-transform: uppercase;

text-transform: uppercase;

font-size: 80px;

font-size: 18px;

line-height: 80px;

line-height: 20px;

letter-spacing: 0;

letter-spacing: 0.048em;



font-family: ‘Museo-700’, sans-serif;

font-family: ‘Museo-100’, sans-serif;

font-style: normal;

font-style: normal;

font-weight: 700;

font-weight: 100;

text-transform: uppercase;

font-size: 16px;

font-size: 32px;

line-height: 22px;

line-height: 28px;

letter-spacing: 0.048em;

letter-spacing: 0.064em;

lorem ipsum X LOREM IPSUM X X LOREM IPSUM X Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur

adipiscing elit. Mauris id sagittis lacus. Donec viverra arcu eget neque laoreet, in vestibulum felis bibendum. Fusce elementum nunc augue, a volutpat eros placerat nec.



H3 Body Copy

color Color plays a signiďŹ cant role in Realty ONE Group brand awareness. The logos should be reproduced in color whenever possible. The Gold, Black, and White are the brand’s primary colors. A secondary Grey color can be used to support the primary colors.



#c5a95e R G B 197 169 94 C M Y 25 30 75

#000000 R G 0 0 C M 75 68

K 0

B 0 Y 67

K 90

B 153 Y 0

K 40

PMS Metallic 7753U - 7753C 10126C



#FFFFFF R G B 255 255 255 C M Y 0 0 0

#999999 R G 153 153 C M 0 0

K 0

us. You. Together.

WITH A WOW NOW GUARANTEE The structure of our ONE Family, that guides everything we do.

us = (WHO WE ARE) The evolution of real estate, empowering and investing in you to achieve greater success faster with 100% support and technology.

THE “UNBROKERAGE” CONCEPT IS EXPLAINED BY THE FOLLOWING 3 ELEMENTS: 1. UNtraditional: Breaking paradigms with UNboring, UNstale, and UNselfish propositions. 2. UNlimited: 24/7 Access to our tools and systems with an UNstoppable support. 3. UNlock: Opening doors to new opportunities, starting with you!




Strong message, not poetic, to the point, clear and empowering.

Brushes Funky

T YPOGRAPHY Besides Bebas Neue Bold, used for headlines, and Museo Sans used for subtitles and body copy, the script font Freeland is available to use for titles, or to pair and contrast the main fonts when used on headlines.

UNLIMITED Freeland & Bebas Neue Bold




UNlock yourself



If it aint fun, dont do it



Painting the nation gold



Spark, inspire, ignite change!



Making noise, breaking





records Stay gold, stay uncommon


We wont stop ONE vision ONE noise

NOTE: All UNwords should be written as follows: • “UN” uppercase, and the rest of the word lowercase • If used in titles, and not within a paragraph, use the combination of fonts freeland for “UN”, and either bebas neue for main headlines, or museo sans for subheaders.

DESIGN ELEMENTS Brushes, gold backgrounds, and wall textures to be used together with black and white images only.



IMAGERY BLACK AND WHITE WITH GOLD BACKGROUNDS, ACCENTS, AND BRUSHES. • S hould show groups of people, smiling and having fun, always looking at the “camera” or interacting with other people, engaged with the action • A void stock photography • A lways show current real estate professionals, executives, managers, and employees


you =

Opening Doors (WHAT WE DO)

The ONE way of working together towards your goals and dreams.

THE “OPENING DOORS” CONCEPT IS EXPLAINED BY THE FOLLOWING 3 ELEMENTS: 1. YOU-First Focus: We lead with a YOU-First focus. What that means is that your achievements matter most. Without your success, we don’t exist. 2. EveryONE & Everything Matters: Our Belief since day ONE! 3. EveryONE has a Voice: It’s our philosophy, so tell us yours.




Visualize, dreams, imagination, poetic, aspirational, inviting.


T YPOGRAPHY Besides Bebas Neue Bold, used for headlines, and Museo Sans used for subtitles and body copy, the fonts Ostrich Bold and Better Times are available to use for decorative purposes, and as part of designs like for example those created for swag RETRO

TAKE ACTION Ostrich Bold


Let’s make it real Better Times




Everyone & everything



matters YOU-First focus EveryONE has a voice Fastest growing real estate company Wake up to win EveryONE wins at ONE

Imagine Welcome Start Begin See


Take action Sun Stronger as ONE Lights Let’s make it real Goals ONE deal at a time

DESIGN ELEMENTS Brushes, gold backgrounds, and wall textures to be used together with black and white images only.

THE RING White, semi-transparent ring. Note: ring’s opacity depens on image used on background (see examples).


Blurred full color images (gaussian blur, 150 px)

IMAGERY Full color images, inspirational, with gold tones and accents, complemented by a white semi-transparent circle that gives focus to the main subject of the image. • S hould show either groups of people, or single individuals, smiling and having fun, always looking at the ““camera” or interacting with other people, engaged with the action • A void stock photography • A lways show current real estate professionals, executives, managers, and employees


together = FREEdom (HOW WE DO IT)

Success comes from believing in one and other because together we all achieve more!

THE “FREEDOM” CONCEPT IS EXPLAINED BY THE FOLLOWING 3 ELEMENTS: 1. Independence: Celebrate the FREEdom to be the CEO of your own business. 2. Invest: The two ways street of choice, trust and success. 3. Innovation: Stay ahead with no risk to you.



Big fonts

Question audience. Analytic, clear, logic message. Serious, but dynamic.

Words sideways

T YPOGRAPHY Use Bebas Neue Bold for headlines, and Museo Sans used for subtitles and body copy. Use bigger, bold headlines. Better Times is used to compose the word FREEdom when used as main headline/title.

independence Bebas Neue Bold

free dom Bebas Neue Bold & Better Times Alt




Empower: Understanding,







Appreciating, and Investing! Success it’s in our DNA Business FREEdom Together we achieve more

Understand Grow

Together as ONE Formula for Success: 6C’s


FREEdom: Bring it on!


achieve greater succres faster


Zero Compromise


Investing in you


Achieving more together



DESIGN ELEMENTS Tree rings, and wall and wood textures to be used together with black and white backgrounds, and full color subjects.

TREE GROWTH RINGS White, semi-transparent tree growth rings. Note: rings opacity depens on image used on background (see examples).


IMAGERY Full color subjects with black and white backgrounds. • S hould show groups of people, or individuals smiling, with arms open, high and victorious, always looking at the “camera” or interacting with other people, engaged with the action • A void stock photography • A lways show current real estate professionals, executives, managers, and employees


wow-now guarantee =

COOL + CULTURE Two words that unify as ONE. At Realty ONE Group, we’re a family of equals who are proud of each other and proud of what we’re building and creating alongside ONE another. The success of our coolture is supported by our philosophy that everyONE has a voice. By sharing a common passion with a positive attitude and igniting Wow experiences, we’re creating raving fans who fuel our dynamic coolture as we’re painting the globe gold, together as ONE.




Fun, funny, friendly, inclusive.

Script fonts

T YPOGRAPHY Besides Bebas Neue Bold, used for headlines, and Museo Sans used for subtitles and body copy, the fonts Ostrich Bold, Playlist Script, and KG Next to Me Solid are available to use for decorative purposes, and as part of designs, like those created for swag, or doodles. USE WITH “EXPRESSIVE” SENTENCES ONLY



Think Big

Ostrich Bold & Bebas Neue Bold

Playlist Script





KG next to me solid

Museo Sans 900







Shiny eyes, happy heart



See if you qualify!



Think out side the pocket



All you need is ONE



Think big Risky not recless Follow the ONE I’m coolture

NOUNS Friends

Happy Cool

DESIGN ELEMENTS Brushes, gold backgrounds, and wall textures to be used together with black and white images only.






THE DOODLES They are the reflection of our Coolture and our ONE voice. Doodles come from the heart, without judgments. They are a free expression of the people’s voice.

Doodles should be used as a background ONLY, complementing a main subject/object.

IMAGERY Full color as well as black and white images, with subtle gold accents • S hould show groups of people, or individuals smiling and having fun, always looking at the “camera” or interacting with other people, engaged with the action • A void stock photography • A lways show current real estate professionals, executives, managers, and employees


master glossary



Think outside the circle

People - Purpose - Process - Profit - Praise

If it aint fun, dont do it

Relationships + Experience

Wake up to win

Reinvest in your Business

Shiny eyes, happy heart

Don’t “F” with my check!


Business Solutions

Relentless, never reckless

Business FREEdom

Constantly reinvent yourself.

Business Family

For every problem, propose a solution

You can’t shake hands with technology

Make a positive impact

6C + ONE = Sucess

Smile with your eyes

You are the brand

Be a better story teller

You are the CEO of your business

Making the old, new!

Investing in you

Done is better than perfect

It’s ok as long as the outcome is income

EveryONE wins!

Debt free since day ONE

Hello Tomorrow

3-5 Always!

What's Now? - What's Next?!

Collaborative Ecosystem/ Enviroment

Zoom In, Zoom Out

“Not a “”Powered by model...”” This is a relationship. It’s a “”Supported by”” model”

UNIQUE IDENTIT Y Unbrokerage UNtraditional UNlimited UNlock Together we achieve more Making Noise, Breaking Records ONEderful ONE DNA Paint the nation Gold Stronger Together as ONE See if you qualify?! Zero Compromise Positude ONE Experience

ONE CORE FOCUS: YOU-First BELIEF: EveryONE and Everything Matters PHILOSOPHY: EveryONE Has a voice BTW: Dynamic Lifestyle Real Estate Brand EMPOWER: Understanding, Appreciating, and Investing! ACTION: Opening Doors for everyONE, everyday GUARANTEE: Wow-Now Experience Coolture Care Coaching Connect Community Commissions


ONE Family

? PURPOSE Achieve greater success, faster!

11 PRINCIPLES - DECLARATION OF UNDEPENDENCE UNtraditional in everything we do!

UNcoaching creatively

UNbelievable experiences for everyONE

UNmarketing uniquely

UNselfish in communities

UNstoppable momentum

UNconditional ONE love

UNignorable positude

UNlimited support and care

UNmatchable Coolture

UNlock rockstar potential




























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