Real Estate Hot Topics Magazine

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Hot Topics presents

buyer wanted, asking some key questions

afternoons. “I’d pick the buyers by filtering

Asking the right questions at the beginning

in relation to what they were after and then

on the Monday and Tuesday morning

saves time in the long run and shows a

making times to see them face-to-face.”

and then I’d spend my remaining week

buyer that the agent knows their market

The system honed by Mr Boon started first

building relationships with buyers who


thing on Monday morning when he arrived

were going to buy in my area of Potts Point

Working in an area with higher-end

at the office and made calls to all the

and Elizabeth Bay in the next month,” he

properties for sale, Mr Boon said he had to

vendors on his list. On Monday afternoon


approach buyers differently and take the

he called all his buyer contacts and, if

relationship further than just sending them

appropriate, made appointments to spend

Reading the Buyer

one or one-and-a-half hours with them on

With total career sales of more than

when they called his office. He also works

Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday

$100 million, it is clear Mr Boon knows

with a lot of referral-based business, which

to the open day the following Saturday

“I decided to be more mindful and focus on the call coming in and then identifying what the buyer wanted.” what he is talking about when it comes

demands a more personalised approach.

to buyer management. He said he reads

“That first phone call that you receive from

the buyer by listening for a certain pattern

someone who is buying in that range

of behaviour through the telephone, or

needs to be taken seriously, and you need

watches for cues when face-to-face, but

to ascertain what they want from you and

mostly it came down to asking questions.

whether they want to go out and look at

“People say things along the way that give

real estate or whether they want to meet

you key questions. They say we’re ready

with you,” he said.

to buy now, we’ve just sold, we’re looking

“For me every call I take is about building

for a certain type of property, there’s a

some sort of relationship with that person;

particular type of property I saw which I

not so much selling them something.

missed out on,” he said. When faced with

Some of the best relationships and

these cues, Mr Boon’s response is to ask

referrals I have got in that area are from

questions like these:

some people who never bought through

• You don’t have to tell me what you want


to pay, but is there a certain range that

Real estate agents facilitate people buying

you want to buy in?

and selling property, he explained, which

• Is there some sort of building that

may even include telling buyers about

you’ve seen around the area that

a property not listed with your agency.

you like?

“The reality is helping people in your area,

• Have you been in an apartment with a friend that you liked, or had dinner at? Asking questions about property type, style, character, size, number of bedrooms and even the ceiling height a buyer is looking for helps to narrow down the selection. “I know pretty much every

building relationships and doing what a person needs to do each day to show real estate.” Backing up this point, Mr Boon talks about his client “Brian” who he has invested a lot of time with, but has never bought from him. There is a flip side to this coin, though. “This guy tells everyone to use me. I’m a part of the community.”

building in the area, so it allows me to get a visual or an image as to what they’re thinking or seeing and to direct them towards what they may fit in to,” he said. Hot Topics Magazine Issue 01


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