Marsh Tincknell Bottom line Magazine ISSUE 4

Page 7




business has a lot of assets, some more obvious than others, but one of the most valuable assets that any company can have is accountability in the workplace. Accountability is about leadership, ownership and initiative and when harnessed correctly it can open up a plethora of business opportunities.

So why is accountability so important for business? Accountability in the workplace means that employees are invested in their work, their ideas and the end product and bottom line. When workers hold themselves accountable, they are taking responsibility for their work, their performance, the decisions that they make and the results that they get. They

are not simply clocking a time card on and off but rather they are investing in the business. When people are accountable it demonstrates a high level of commitment and is closely linked to workplace morale and we all know that improved workplace morale is directly linked to improved employee performance. Showing accountability illustrates a level of responsibility within the business and is not about passing the buck to someone else or getting away with the bare minimum. It is about being personally invested in your work and hence pushing yourself to achieve the very best results that you can. Accountability also demonstrates that employees are open to failure and with failure comes growth and development. Being able to acknowledge and learn



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