REACH- Sept 2008

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TYO - Canada


Vol - 7


Official Newsletter of TYO - Canada

Those who possess wisdom, possess every thing; those who have not wisdom, whatever they may possess, have nothing. - Thirukkural (Verse 430)

To work towards the enhancement of the Tamil Nation and to provide an avenue for the betterment of the Tamil youth in Canada

Dear treasured youth,

- TYO’s Vision

The days are getting shorter and not so bright. The light breezes are no more than the cold air. But this will not stop us from reaching you with our new fall edition of the Tamil Youth Organization’s REACH newsletter. We’d like to thank our fellow youth for your perpetual support and contributions to this e-newsletter. Your hard work and involvement in creating this newsletters a success each month does not go unnoticed. The success of REACH only furthers our bond as Tamil youth in Canada, and you are much appreciated. To ensure you receive all REACH newsletters, please add to your address book or list of safe senders. In solidarity,


TYO – Canada

Historical View

p. 2

YOUTH Actions

p. 3

YOUTH Submissions

p. 6

Get Involved

p. 7

Message from TYO - Canada


TYO - Canada

Vol - 7


Official Newsletter of TYO - Canada

THILEEPAN ANNA When the Indian and Sri Lankan governments signed the Indo-Lanka accord in mid 1987, the Tamil people were undecided as to whether the treaty was to their benefit or not. When large numbers of Indian troops arrived on the island, the Tamil people initially viewed them as ‘liberators’ from the excesses of the Sri Lankan army, even though the Indo-Lanka accord was primarily aimed at securing Indian strategic objectives in the region and the ending of Tamil nationalism on the island. Many Tamil concerns guaranteed by the Indian government (such as the Sinhala colonization of the Tamil homeland) continued to persist and the Tamil people started to realize that things had not improved.

homelands, halt the setting up of Sinhala manned police stations in Tamil areas and release all political detainees. The Sri Lankan and Indian governments ignored his protest. As the days went by, the Tamil people watched Thileepan anna grow weaker and weaker. Within days, public concern had turned to alarm, though most Tamils felt that there would be a last minute gesture from the Indian government.

Historical View

Symbol of Peace

In an effort to persuade the Indian government to honour its obligations (or perhaps to force Delhi to reveal its hand) Thileepan anna, the former political wing leader of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam, began a fast-unto-death on 15 August 1987 in the grounds of the Nallur Kandaswamy temple. Notably, as well as refusing to eat, Thileepan anna wouldn’t drink water either. His demands were that the Indian and Sri Lankan governments withdraw Sinhalese army camps from Tamil areas, stop the continuing Sinhala colonization in the Tamil homeland, suspend all rehabilitation work until the formation of an interim (Tamil) government for the Tamil


On 26 August 1987, Thileepan anna died. His death sparked widespread anger across the Tamil homelands which translated into zealous support for the Tamil Tigers. A few weeks later, the LTTE went to war against the Indian government, which was now viewed as collaborating with the Sinhalese regime in Colombo. Despite deploying over 100,000 troops on the small island (as many as the Soviet Union deployed in all of Afghanistan), the 4th largest army in the world was forced into a retreat after 3 years. The LTTE, which was two thousand strong when the Indian forces arrived, had over five thousand men and women under arms when the Indians withdrew.

Each year, the Tamil people mark the anniversary of Thileepan anna’s death. Sports events, literary contests, science and art exhibitions and other public events take place across the Tamil homelands in his honour. Some people fast in remembrance and many others undertake voluntary work. The Tamil expatriate communities across the world also mark this period. Courtesy:

TYO - Canada


Vol - 7


Official Newsletter of TYO - Canada

TYO Members Prove to Be Better Global Citizens Most of us have heard of global warming or climate change. However, only a few of us are deeply aware of the consequences of this issue. The compounding changes caused by climate change can further contribute to the dimensions of extreme poverty, hunger, human settlement, displacement, landless populations and even increases in child mortality in drought-affiliated countries all over the world. In other words, the human survival in this planet is being threatened due the climate changes. Even though there are many reasons causing this issue, decreasing forests have never the less a prominent impact on global warming. The members of Tamil Youth Organization of Canada (TYOCanada) addressed this crisis and stepped forward to create a difference in this planet. As a result the TYO members initiated the Tree Planting project during year 2007. Following that successful attempt, TYO members planted trees at East Don Tree planting site (Leslie and Cummer) on Saturday, September 27th, 2008. More pictures

Press Release Sri Lanka is Preparing Genocide

YOUTH Actions

September 15, 2008

Foreign Aid workers, namely representatives of UN and other INGOs were ordered by the Sri Lankan government to evacuate LTTE controlled Vanni area in the northern part of Sri Lanka. This area hosts refuge of over 160,000 internally displaced (IDPs) Tamil civilians registered with UN who are in dire need of humanitarian assistance and the assurance of security; which are normally offered by the presence and assistance of foreign aid workers. These IDPs refused to move from the LTTE controlled area, along with the foreign aid workers, due to the executions, unexplained disappearances, suppression of media and other forms of violence and abuses against the Tamils that have been commonly reported in the government controlled areas. Recently, UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon also expressed deep concern over escalating violence in northern parts of Sri Lanka and the humanitarian impact of this brutality. Read more



TYO - Canada

Vol - 7


Official Newsletter of TYO - Canada

30 hour famine by concerned Tamil Canadian Youth A successful landmark accomplishment

YOUTH Actions

September 27, 2008 Over forty concerned Canadian Tamil youth gathered at the cultural hall of the Richmond Hill Hindu Temple to participate in a 30 hour famine (with only water) to create awareness within our own Canadian Tamil community about the humanitarian crisis in Vanni, while raising funds for CARE program. “Now that all the international aid agencies and NGOs have left the Tamil areas, we the Tamil diaspora have to take care of our people in our homeland” said Arani Kanagasabai who is a participant in the famine. The famine kicked off at 4 pm Friday, September 26 with commemoration to Lt. Col Thileepan who fasted unto death in twelve days putting forward five demands to the Indian government to meet the aspirations of the Tamil people, during the occupation of the Indian Forces in Jaffna. The hall continually was filled with members of the Tamil community showing support to the participants. For moral support over ten adults also joined the youth


in the awaraness creating famine campaign. Local radio and television medias promoted the event through regular updates and the Canadian Tamil Radio broadcasted live on location from beginning to end of the famine. Staff of CARE Program were on site to receive the donations as well as the pledges from the participants. “The support of the members of the community, media including print, audio visual, radio and television has been overwhelmingly phenomenal and we ask that this momentum be continued until the sufferings of our people end in our homeland” said Sarva Jeyapalan. As the 30 hours came to a close, each participant got the opportunity to share their feelings with the crowd, which by no doubt left the audience in tears at many instances. Mrs. Pararajasingam, wife of Late Mr. Pararajasingam, TNA Member of Parliament, ended the famine at 10.01pm by providing milk for all the participants followed by the blessings of the priests of the Richmond Hill Hindu Temple.

TYO - Canada


Vol - 7


Official Newsletter of TYO - Canada

Rally against false promotion of Sri Lanka The Sri Lankan government was holding an event on September 20th and 21st, in attempts to portray Sri Lanka as a paradise of the Indian Ocean. Their misleading attempts were in efforts to lure tourists, gain international support, and mislead the Canadian Community. Under constant aerial bombardment and missiles, many Tamils are being displaced from their homes. They are deprived of the basic necessities for living – food, water, shelter, and proper hygiene. Children have also lost their privileges of going to school, and their livelihood. A government that should be in support of everyone in a paradise was actually causing mayhem and danger for inhabitants living there. Is this a country of paradise? As a Tamil community, a rally was arranged during the festival on September 20th and 21th between the hours of 12:00 pm and 10:00 pm to protest and show the ground realities the Sri Lankan government’s horrific actions. Many Tamil youth actively participated in this rally.

Tamil Youth Around the World

YOUTH Actions

Varnangal 2008, held in North East UK on Saturday, September 13th, was an immense success, sending home both a happy audience and satisfied performers. The chief guest for the night was Pathmini Sithamparanathan, MP. $The night provided a combination of various acts from all sorts of cultures from Kurdish folk music to Middle Eastern and Egyptian belly dancing, Brazilian Capoeira and good old British street dance! Onlookers were treated to a fashion show, provided by Casipillai Collections, creating a platform for glittering girls in sparkling saris as well as massive unintended sing-alongs where the audience chose to participate in solo singers’ performances, and spur them on.



TYO - Canada

Vol - 7


Official Newsletter of TYO - Canada

YOUTH Subimssions

In simple terms, a change means to convert or transform something. There are many changes that take place in our world today. However, in our Tamil community I would like to see many active Tamil youth participating to raise awareness about human rights crisis happening in North East of Sri Lanka. When someone hears the word “youth” they shouldn’t immediately think of drugs and violence. It should be hardworking youngsters who can work hard to achieve anything. There are so many youth in our community and there are so many things we can achieve if everyone comes together. Many of our teenagers don’t know exactly what is happening back home to our Tamils. They know there’s a war and they know about the Tamil Tigers, so they walk around with a picture of the Thamil Eelam flag on their dog tags and tell people that they respect the Tamil homeland. But that isn’t enough! They don’t know about the people that are affected by the Sri Lankan government’s oppression. They don’t know about the people that have been uprooted from their lands and left with no place to live because of the Sri Lankan army’s bombings. They don’t know about the young children starving themselves because there is no food for them. Our youth should understand this.

Change is Necessary

The smallest things can make a big difference. We can start by going on the internet and researching about what is happening back home. Get to know about why there’s a civil war in Sri Lanka and how the Tamil people are being oppressed. Ask your parents what they have gone through in order to bring you in to Canada and to raise you in a peaceful environment. Attend community events, awareness campaigns, youth conferences, and cultural programs. Join a volunteer organization like the Tamil Youth Organization (TYO). See what the


other youth are doing to help our people. Realize how you can mobilize yourself and advocate others. Start working on it immediately. If you’re not going to help our people then who will?

Already there are few youngsters working hard to make a difference for our people. But just imagine, if all of us join together the results can be phenomenal. By: Thivya Shanthakumar Grade: 10

TYO - Canada


Vol - 7


Official Newsletter of TYO - Canada

“There is nothing more frightful than ignorance in action.” - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Speak Out As Tamil youth in Canada, we have the ultimate duty of educating others, as well as ourselves of the history, plight and suffering of the Tamil people. Understanding is crucial. And with understanding comes awareness, the most essential step in the path to progress. Ignorance is not bliss.

Get Involved

• Stay updated with recent news • Write to your local politicians • Attend rallies • Enlighten non-Tamil peers • Write a poem, article, essay • Research, understand and recite

Join TYO Tamil Youth Organization is always looking for hard-working, dedicated youth who would like to join in serving the Tamil community. As an organization with the interests of Tamil youth at heart, TYO provides opportunities for Canadian Tamil youth to network, contribute, and develop their skills in various areas. Interested in getting involved? Please contact us at Or visit us at



TYO - Canada


Official Newsletter of TYO - Canada

For our next month’s issue: Submit your written work based on

‘How do you feel about the current situation in Sri Lanka?’ Please follow the guidelines below. Don’t forget to add to your e-mail safe list. We appreciate all of your time and effort. TYO - Canada

Guidelines: o All submissions must be in English

Get Involved

o You may create your own title for your work o Written work should be within 750 words (or 2 pages letter sized), 12 pt font (Times) o Can be written in any form (article, research essay, poem, story, etc.) o Include your name, contact info, and University/ College/ High School (If applicable) o Submit before October 20th, 2008 o Must be e-mailed to with the subject ‘Reach-Oct 2008’ o Please attach a word file or copy and paste your work in your e-mail


Vol - 7

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