The Definitive Guide To Active Retirement 2015

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A warm welcome...


elcome to the very first Welcome to the second of edition The Definitive Guide to Active Retireedition TheofDefinitive ment. This magazine is aimed at Irish residents over the age of 55. We hope to Active new to you, whether you’re thatGuide this magazine will Retirement, be an invaluablea resource retired, approaching retirement or caring for the older community. publication aimed at Irish residents This edition bring best in all there is to know about havover thewill age of you 55.the Wevery hope that ing an active retirement. You will find out about the best places in Ireland to enjoy ‘stay-cation’,will the top to retire abroad and much, much this amagazine be10anplaces invaluable more. resource to you, whether you are retired, approaching Amongst these pages you will find articles on health, safety, things to do retirement or caring for older people. and which places in Ireland offer discounts for the over 55’s. Among these pages, you will find articles on health RD Marketing & Media is a successful publishing company based in the andeastbeauty, financial advice from Ulster best south of Ireland. With over 55 publications to date,Bank, there’s the something for everyone. For a comprehensive list of all our publications, please log on places in Ireland to enjoy a relaxing ‘stay-cation’, the to top 10 places to retire abroad and much, much more. As always we would love to hear feedback from our readers on this edition, so please hesitate get hear in touch by email at Wedon’t would loveto to feedback oninfo@rdmarketingandthis first edition or via our Facebook page, which you can access at facebook. from our readers, so please don’t hesitate to get in com/IrishRetirement. Wetouch will alsoby beemail sharingat our favourite articles, competitions and tips on Facebook, so pay us a visit joint which the Definitive Guide community or via our Facebookandpage, you can access at today! We will also be sharing our favourite articles, Rachael Best competitions and tips on Facebook, so pay us a visit Editor and join the Definitive Guide community! Catherine Keehan

Catherine Editor


published by: RD Marketing and Media Unit 1, Office 5 Airport Business Park, Waterford T: 051 364 267 E: publisher: Ruán Dignam E: editor: Rachael CatherineBest Keehan E: Sales: Peter SandraBradley O’Brien T: 021 2428168 M: 085 8501890 E: articles contributed by: Catherine Keehan, Chevy Johnston, Peter Kavanagh, Gemma Swansburg, National Adult Literacy Agency and Homecare Medical Supplies design:Martin MandyVenter Boosey E:

Disclaimer: Whilst every care has been taken to secure names, addresses and particulars of entries, the publisher cannot accept responsibility for inaccuracies or omissions. All Information is accepted as correct at time of going to press. Opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the publisher. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying and recording, without the written permission of the copyright holder, application for which should be addressed to the publisher. Such written permission should also be obtained before any part of this publication is stored in a retrieval system of any nature.

CONTENTS Health & Wellbeing: 3

5 Must Make Health-Related New Years’s Resolutions For The Active Retiree

6 Ageing Gracefully 8 An Issue Of Weight 30 The Silent Disease Osteoporosis 41 Keeping Your Brain Healthy - The Alzheimer’s Society of Ireland

43 Exercise For The Mind 48 Key To A Happy Retirement 56 Tips For An Active Retirement

Places To Visit: 33 Glasnevin Cemetery Museum

Leisure Time:

49 Michael Collins Centre & Arigideen Heritage Park

17 Retirement Abroad:

72 Cork City Gaol

Top Ten Best Places To Retire Abroad

57 National concert Hall

Security: 66 Seniors Alert 69 Education: Going Back To Education

Finance: 78 Planning For The Future


healTh & wellbeing

Five Must-Make Health-Related New Year’s Resolutions for The Active retiree

Have your hearing professionally tested every year. If you’re diagnosed with hearing loss, talk to your health care provider to determine if a hearing aid will help you. Hearing aids are now more discreet, versatile and effective than ever thanks to advances from many reputable manufacturers. Some hearing aid makers employ wireless technology, enhancing TV and radio listening, and eliminating the need for manual adjustments. There are also hearing aids that can help reduce background noise while preserving speech understanding.

The silent disease ostEoPoRosIs

If you’re not planning on adding “lose weight” to your list of New Year’s No one wants their independence resolutions, you’retoinlose the minority. In fact, losing weight is one of the most and this is why being active and taking commonly made resolutions, year after care of your bones is essential... year. But it’s definitely not the only health resolution you should consider disease which is preventable steoporosis the most making for 2015.


and treatable in the majority common form of bone without disease and affects both men While losing weight offers a host of ofpeople, benefitshowever, for prevention treatment, and women even theother health many people,and addressing issues,or like your hearing health & psychological well-be- can progress osteoporosis young. ing,osteoporosis can make equally compelling New Year’s causing pain, disability and basically resolutions. means porous bones. Bone is a loss of independence. only 15% of people are actually living tissue that is constantly Go ahead and add “drop a few pounds” to your diagnosed, are you one of being removed and replaced. resolution list, but consider jotting these ideas the 85% who have not been Bones need normal sex down as well: hormones, calcium, vitamin D, diagnosed? Many people think that proteins and weight bearing/ 1. Resolve to take care of your hearonly affects older strengthening exercise to keep About 15 percent of Irish peopleosteoporosis report having hearing difficulties, includes a number women, and the only cause them healthy. As weand getthat older, of children, to Hearingisinstitutions. the menopause, however more bone isaccording naturally lost You think you’re too young to worry this is notabout the case, there are thanmay is replaced, but people your hearing, but there are reports that ma-of osteoporosis. over 60the causes with osteoporosis lose more jority of people with hearing loss (65 percent) one in four men and one in bone than people who do not are younger than 65. Our increasingly noisy women over 50 will break have the disease. osteoporosis world exposes people of all ages two to potentially bones to osteoporosis, causes the insides of bone to damaging sounds, so it’s more importantdue than €402 million become fragile and therefore ever to pay attention to your hearing health. was spent in 2010 just on falls and break easily. fractures in senior citizens. osteoporosis is a silent THE DEFINITIVE GUIDE TO ACTIVE RETIREMENT 3

The DefiniTive guiDe To acTive reTiremenT

2. Resolve to take care of your emotStress seems like a natural part of our busy lives these days, but too much stress can be harmful to your overall well-being. According to some experts, stress can negatively affect your mental health, your immune system, heart, digestive system, skin, lungs and reproductive organs. Resolve to take steps to relieve stress. Stress-busting can take on many forms for many people, whether it’s spending time with a pet (interacting with animals can lower blood pressure and heart rate), listening to music, meditating or getting rigorous exercise. Don’t worry over how you relieve stress, just do what feels right for you and fits into your schedule and lifestyle and you’ll reap the benefits. 3. Resolve to take care of your bone Healthy bones are important for everyone, not just post-menopausal women and growing children. Most of your body’s calcium is stored in the bones and teeth. When your body doesn’t get enough calcium from outside sources, it starts drawing what it needs from storage, and osteoporosis occurs. While anyone can experience osteoporosis, certain groups are more at risk than others, including Caucasian women who have gone through menopause, older adults, people who are small in stature, and those with low-calcium diets or who are physically inactive, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Ensure your diet includes the recommended amount of calcium per day, and stay active by doing physical activities that help build bone strength, such as walking, running, dancing and weight lifting. 4. Resolve to take care of your feet The condition of your feet can clue you in to your overall health, and signs of serious problems like arthritis, diabetes and circulatory issues can all be detected in the feet. More Irish people have foot pain than in any other part of their bodies they consider vital to health, such as the skin, teeth or even the heart, according to recent surveys To prevent foot problems, make sure you wear shoes that fit well and offer plenty of support, THE DEFINITIVE GUIDE TO ACTIVE RETIREMENT 4

don’t wear the same pair every day, and avoid walking around barefoot, specialists advise. If you experience foot pain, don’t ignore it; seek a doctor’s help. 5. Resolve to get more rest Think you’re OK squeaking by with just five hours of sleep a night? Think again. Specialists say that sleep is essential to your overall health and well-being, yet 60 percent of adults say they have problems sleeping. Don’t have a heavy meal or drink alcohol before you sleep, and create a sleep-friendly environment with minimal light and noise.

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healTh & wellbeing

Ageing gracefully Ageing gracefully

healTh & wellbeing

severely damage your skin and is a major contributor to how your face ages. A sun hat will also protect the delicate skin on your face. too much exposure to the There is no reason to dread growing older. sun can contribute to some cancers, so be certain to wear It happens to everyone! Luckily, as time orget ageing aging gracefully. For today’s generation of baby sunscreen every day. goes on, we have developed many ways For ladies, skip the heavy boomers, it’s more important than ever to stay healthy of making ageing easier... and powders every and active as we age. While growing oldermake-up causes some now and then. Although unavoidable body changes, more boomersthey aremake focusing us look lovely in the short term, they also on healthy lifestyles that can help them prevent probcontribute to the ageing lems associated with aging—like mobility ofissues related your skin. Cosmetics can harm the skins ability to the feet and legs. to hydrate and maintain Impairment of the lower extremities is a leading cause elasticity. Give your skin a break every and then, of activity limitation in older people, according tonow the and take a few days off a informed bodies. week from foundation, powder and heavy eye to help you cope with ageing nnovation in medicine and make-up. take care of your in a positive, capable manner. the wealth of information “Foot problems are a health concern that can lead to skin with a daily routine available to us, especially skin further likecareknee, hip and lower-back including moisturising and online, havecomplications contributed to cleansing day and night. Do not leave the house making older life much more pain, all of which undermine mobility,” says Michael Buy a fashionable pair of without your sunscreen. the active and enjoyable. Here to help you cope with ageing nnovation in medicine and King, president ofraysthe American Medsunglasses and wear them! UV from the sun can Podiatric are a fewDPM, ‘graceful ageing’ tips in a positive, capable manner. the wealth of information ical Association (APMA). “The human foot has been available to us, especially The DefiniTive guiDe To acTive reTiremenT 3 skin care online, have contributed to

There is no reason to dread growing older. It happens to everyone! Luckily, as time goes on, we have developed many ways of making ageing easier...



called the mirror of health. Systemic problems often related to age, such as diabetes, arthritis, and circulatory disease often can first be detected in the feet.” Fortunately, active retirees can do a lot to maintain and even improve their foot health. Medical bodies offer the following advice to keep your feet pain free:


making older life much more active and enjoyable. Here are a few ‘graceful ageing’ tips

Do not leave the house without your sunscreen. the UV rays from the sun can

severely damage your skin and is a major contributor to how your face ages. A sun hat will also protect the delicate skin on your face. too much exposure to the sun can contribute to some cancers, so be certain to wear sunscreen every day. For ladies, skip the heavy make-up and powders every now and then. Although they make us look lovely in the short term, they also contribute to the ageing of your skin. Cosmetics can harm the skins ability to hydrate and maintain elasticity. Give your skin a break every now and then, and take a few days off a week from foundation, powder and heavy eye make-up. take care of your skin with a daily routine including moisturising and cleansing day and night. Buy a fashionable pair of sunglasses and wear them!

The DefiniTive guiDe To acTive reTiremenT 3

Firstly - Keep walking

Walking offers many benefits for both physical and mental health. If your feet hurt, however, you may find yourself less willing to get in the daily walking that’s good for your overall well-being. To keep your walking regimen comfortable be sure to: • Choose a good quality, lightweight walking shoe with breathable upper materials like leather or nylon mesh. The heel counter should be firm, and the shoe heel should have less cushioning in order to position the foot’s heel closer to the ground for stability. The front of the shoe should offer adequate support but also be flexible. • Go Shoe shop in the late afternoon, since feet swell throughout the day, and have both feet professionally fitted. Wear the type of socks you intend to wear while walking and be sure the shoe fits snugly, but not tightly, over the sock. Your toes should have plenty of room to move around.


healTh & wellbeing

Secondly - Deal with diabetes

notice redness, swelling, cracks in the skin or sores, see your podiatrist.

Diabetes symptoms often appear in the feet first, and the extremities can be hit hard by this chronic disease. In fact, diabetes complications lead to more than 65,000 lower limb amputations each year. Including a podiatrist in your diabetes care can reduce the risk of amputation up to 85 percent.

Taking care of your feet can make aging a little easier and healthier.

The silent disease ostEoPoRosIs Learn to recognize warning signs that often appear in the feet, including changes in skin color, swelling, numbness, pain, open sores that heal slowly, ingrown or fungal toenails, bleeding corns and calluses and dry No one wants to lose their independence cracks in the skin, especially around the heels. If you this have diabetes, inspect your feet daily forand cuts, taking and is why being active bruises, sores or changes to the toenails. Wear thick, soft socks that could rub or cause care of without your seams bones is essential... blisters. Always have new shoes properly fitted and never go barefoot, not even in your own home.

Thirdly - Manage arthritis o

disease which is preventable steoporosis the most and treatable in the majority common form of bone Arthritis canaffects affect the structure function your people,ofhowever, without disease and both men and of feet. Common symptoms in the feet include joint prevention or treatment, and women and even the swelling, joint pain or tenderness, redness or heat in osteoporosis can progress young. joints, limited movement, early morning stiffness, and skin changes, including rashes and growths. causing pain, disability and osteoporosis basically Podiatrists are bones. often the first to loss aofpatient’s independence. only means porous Bone is adiagnose arthritis. Treatment can take many forms, including 15% of people are actually living tissue that is constantly physical therapy, exercise, and medication. Receiving diagnosed, are you one of being removed and replaced. regular check-ups are vital to successfully managing the condition. the 85% who have not been Bones need normal sex hormones, calcium, vitamin D, diagnosed? General Many people think that proteins and foot weighthealth bearing/ In addition to shoes thatto fitkeep properly, osteoporosis it’s important to only affects older strengthening exercise choose socks, pantyhose or stockings that also fit well women, and the only cause them healthy. As we get older, and are free of seams. is the menopause, however more bone is naturally lost If you cornsbut or calluses, them withthe a rathis is not case, there are than is have replaced, people never cut zor, pocket knife or lose othermore sharp instrument. corns orof osteoporosis. over 60Ifcauses with osteoporosis calluses are present, consult a podiatrist and only use one in four men and one in bone than people who do not over-the-counter foot products if he or she advises it. twowith women have the disease. osteoporosis Bathe your feet daily in lukewarm water a mildover 50 will break soap that a separate bones due to osteoporosis, causes thecontains insides moisturizers, of bone to or use moisturizer afterand your bath. Trim or file toenails ₏402 million was spent become fragile therefore straight across and inspect your feet every day. If you in 2010 just on falls and break easily. fractures in senior citizens. osteoporosis is a silent THE DEFINITIVE GUIDE TO ACTIVE RETIREMENT 7

An Issue of

Weight I

rish People are becoming increasingly obsessed with weight. We weigh too much, we’re told. Obesity will kill many, many of us. The truth about weight is far more complicated. Part of that truth: a person’s weight is controlled by hundreds of different factors. And those are ones we know about. The colour of a room can change how much we eat. The choice of rice at lunch can cause us to ingest microRNAs that immediately change our cholesterol making genes. Exercising in sunlight probably makes us make more muscle, less fat. As for the unknown unknowns, we are beginning to learn what our six pounds of gut bacteria do to weight and size. But amidst profound unknowns of what really controls weight, we’ve been learning something—sleep less, weigh more. The evidence is piling up. A Few Hours Rest Kenneth Wright just did a series of studies at the University of Colorado, so carefully he measured the continual ins and outs of people’s oxygen consumption in special rooms appropriate for a simulated NASA Mars mission. He was looking to see what a few hours sleep deprivation would do to weight. The answer: increase it. Fast. Sixteen people were studied. One half slept nine hours, ate what they wanted. The other half went to bed a midnight, got up at five. Then THE DEFINITIVE GUIDE TO ACTIVE RETIREMENT 8

the groups switched places. What happened? Here are a few findings: 1. Staying up late used more calories.Yes, waking takes more energy than sleep. But not by much. His group added 111 calories for the night—similar to other studies. The equivalent of an apple. 2. Staying up made people hungry. They gained weight. They ate more. Considerably more. And more importantly, they craved sugary and fatty foods, and ate far more of them. In a few days, they gained on average two pounds. Not much, you think? Let’s say it’s two pounds a week. Multiple the weeks, and you see where that goes. When they got the chance to sleep more, the weight came off. But much more slowly, just like in real life. Humans are built for intermittent starvation. We love keeping our fat stores ready for those evolutionarily-expected famines. When we can, we feast— even more ravenously when we’re sleep deprived. 3. Foul up body clocks and people eat more—and less healthily. In line with many animal studies, the people who slept five hours found themselves waking at irregular times. They then possessed irregular hungers. Just what happens to shift workers, who gain weight and suffer from far more gastrointestinal problems than the rest of the population—along with more heart disease. Break out from our normal biological clocks and they really want sugary, fatty foods. That’s what shift workers find—with the snack food dispensing machines so thoughtfully placed nearby in their workplaces.

Were These Findings Unexpected? No. The University of Chicago group under Eve van Cauter has been showing for years that less sleep makes people look pre-diabetic. Since glucose is the most important fuel source in the body—and the only one usable by blood and brain until prolonged starvation—looking pre-diabetic in a matter of hours means a lot. Though weight gets fingered as “the problem,” diabetes itself is in many ways more of a national scourge. And diabetes seems a lot easier to get if people don’t sleep enough. Bottom Line Sleep less, weigh more. Subsidiary fact: sleeping more, and more effectively, should make it easier to control weight and improve overall health. Body clocks quickly change eating patterns and weight. The understanding is this: to regenerate your body correctly, you need certain conditions.You need sleep. You require sleep like food. And if you don’t sleep, you’ll require more food. And you might not be that able to stop yourself from eating.

At Butlers, we have been providing little

moments of happiness through chocolate to devoted fans since 1932. Now, you too can visit the home of Butlers Chocolates and discover the magic and verve of a real-life chocolate factory. The Butlers Chocolate Experience is a vibrant tour; packed with nuggets of knowledge and insider secrets.

· ·

There’s loads to see and do as you immerse yourself in the world of chocolate; learning about our origins and history, seeing our experts at work, and putting your skills to the test. It’s a fascinating blend of the history of chocolate and the Butlers story and the exclusive opportunity to see the inner workings of our unrivalled chocolate factory.

· ·

A real treat for budding chocolatiers or chocolate enthusiasts, a visit to the Butlers Chocolates is an experience for all ages, one that everyone in the family can savour and enjoy. The tour caters for a maximum of 50 participants per session, so there’s plenty of room for everyone to get involved. Perfect for the young, and young at heart, the Butlers Chocolate Experience is a feast of enjoyment – a golden chance to immerse yourself in our world!

· · ·

· ·

Watch the chocolate movie Learn about the origins of chocolate and its history through the ages See our chocolate artefacts Enjoy a bird’s-eye view of the factory See how Butlers fudge, toffee, chocolate bars and assortments are produced Learn the techniques of chocolate decoration Decorate their own chocolate novelty and bring it home as a treasured souvenir Taste our delicious chocolate along the way Afterwards why not enjoy a delicious hot beverage in the onsite Butlers Chocolate Café

Find us: We’re located in Clonshaugh Business Park, Oscar Traynor Rd, Dublin 17, five minutes from the junction of the M1 & M50. Opening Hours: Tours (1.5 hours approx) run at 10.0am, 12.0pm and 3.30pm Monday to Saturday and Bank holidays. Admission prices: €13.50 per person, €50 for family ticket (2 adults, 2 children). All tours must be booked in advance. Senior Citizens can avail of a 10% discount or a 5% discount by booking online at


placeS To viSiT

Discounts and freebies Seniors throughout Ireland enjoy a variety of discounts and privileges – we’ve put together a list of some of Ireland’s finest visitor attractions that offer reduced prices to seniors – as well as ones that are free to visit. Embrace your age and enjoy the perks of being retired! Attraction

Phone Number


Regular Price

Discounted Price

Adare Castle

061 396 666




Ardfert Cathedral

066 713 4711




Athenry Castle

091 844 797




Aughnanure Castle

091 552 214




Battle of the Boyne

041 980 9950




Boyle Abbey

071 966 2604




Brú na Bóinne Visitor Centre

041 988 0300




Cahir Castle

052 744 1011




Carrowmore Megalithic Cemetery

071 916 1534




Casino Marino

01 833 1618




Castletown House & Parklands

01 628 8252




Céide Fields

096 43325




Charles Fort

021 477 2263





090 967 4195




Derrynane House

066 947 5113




Desmond Castle

021 477 4855




Donegal Castle

074 972 2405




Dublin Castle

01 645 8813




Dún Aonghasa

099 61008




Dunmore Cave

056 776 7726




Emo Court

047 862 6573




Glebe House & Gallery

074 913 7071





30 The DefiniTive guiDe To acTive reTiremenT

Connect Hearing Ltd supplies digital hearing aids to the

public through a network of outlets across Ireland . Connect Hearing’s Professional Hearing Aid Audiologists have between them over 25 years experience in hearing care and are now able to offer you or any member of your family, a FREE Hearing test. At Connect Hearing we pride ourselves on being a leading hearing healthcare provider in Ireland. We offer a full service to both new and existing hearing aid wearers. Whether you suffer from hearing loss or have a hearing related problem we guarantee you will receive comprehensive and impartial advice on your hearing and the digital hearing aids we offer.

To ensure you feel comfortable and in control at all times when you deal with Connect Hearing, this is what you can expect. We evaluate your hearing and establish your individual hearing profile. We then develop and agree a personal plan based on your needs. We recommend and fit the chosen hearing aid and set the initial hearing programme. We then discuss what to expect from the adaptation period. We will discuss and evaluate your initial experiences. Based on those we may make some adjustments to your hearing aids. We will also arrange your next appointment. We are available Monday to Friday 9am —5 pm whether you are a new or existing wearer. Home Visits and Retirement Talks also available on request.

Tips for Pre-Retirement Planning 1.Save as much as you can afford into your Retirement Fund, the earlier you start the better. 2.Manage your expectations and your risk – the greater the investment return you seek, the greater the risk you will incur. Proper retirement funding is about achieving your goal with as limited amount of risk as possible, not chasing returns. 3.Set your goals and work toward them – set out your hopes for your retirement income, understand what is required to achieve these and then work carefully toward this. 4.Make allowances for unforeseen events such as retiring earlier than expected

Tips for Post-Retirement Planning

Use your Retirement Assets wisely Active retirement is often directly related to your disposable income. Extra income can provide you with those extra luxuries. An additional income of just €2,000 per annum i.e. €48 per week could provide you with a holiday, funds for insuring / taxing your car or paying a Golf or Leisure Club membership. Without any additional income, you will need to save from your State Pension on a weekly basis to cover these things something which could prove difficult. These enhancements are based on a small enough additional income, multiply this income and you multiply the benefits. Accumulating Accumulating your your retirement retirement fund fund while while you you are are working retirement are working and and using using this this fund fund wisely wisely in when you retire key components to being ableable to enjoy an active are key components to being to enjoy an active retirement. retirement.

1.Examine all your options at retirement carefully, and take into account all your assets. 2.Utilise your funds in retirement carefully so that you can maximise your fund to its greatest effect. 3.Review your position at least annually to take account of changes that may have occurred.

General Tips

Get independent professional advice from a qualified Retirement Consultant. In our experience too many Retirement Plans are sold based on historical investment returns and policy charges. A professional Retirement Advisor will help you in planning, structuring and reviewing your plans while accumulating your fund and using it in retirement. They will help you manage your risk and give you a realistic chance of reaching your goals and to get the most out of your plans. An Independent Professional advisor has the added advantage of using multiple companies to structure your retirement plan rather than being restricted in their advice. Act now and take proper advice from a Qualified Professional – it is worth it in the long run. Fitzgerald Life & Pensions Ltd are regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland


placeS To viSiT

estiny The Stone of D

Muckross House & Gardens


at the Hill of Ta


Carrowmore Megalithic Cemetery

Glendalough Visitor Centre

040 445 352




Glenveagh Castle

074 913 7090




Hill of Tara

046 902 5903




Ilnacullin (Garinish Island)

027 63040




Jerpoint Abbey

056 772 4623




Kilkenny Castle

056 770 4100




Kilmainham Gaol

01 453 5984





041 988 0300




Muckross Complete Package

066 667 0144




Muckross House & Gardens

066 667 0144




Muckross Traditional Farms

064 667 0165





041 988 0300




Newgrange & Knowth

041 988 0300




Old Mellifont Abbey

041 982 6459




Parke’s Castle

071 916 4149




Patrick Pearse’s Cottage

091 574 292




Portumna Castle & Gardens

090 974 1658





The DefiniTive guiDe To acTive reTiremenT 31

placeS To viSiT Rathcroghan Complete Package

071 963 9268




Rathcroghan Exhibition

071 963 9268




Rathcroghan Site Tour

071 963 9268




Reginald’s Tower

051 304 220




Rock of Cashel

062 61437




Roscrea Castle & Damer House

050 521 850




Ross Castle

064 663 5851




Sligo Abbey

071 914 6406




Swiss Cottage

052 744 1144




The Blasket Centre

066 915 6444




The JFK Arboretum

051 388 171




Trim Castle

046 943 8619




Copper Coast Mini Farm

051 396 870




Loftus Hall

051 397 728




Bishop’s Palace

051 849 650




House of Waterford Crystal

051 317 000




Medieval Museum

051 849 501





Phone Number


Altamont Gardens

059 915 9444


Arbour Hill Cemetery

01 821 3021


Ashtown Castle

01 677 0095


Ballyhack Castle

051 389 468


Barryscourt Castle

021 488 2218


Connemara National Park

095 41054


Coole Park

091 631 804


Corlea Trackway Visitor Centre

043 332 2386


Desmond Hall

069 77408


Doneraile Wildlife Park

021 251 5965


Dromore Wood

065 682 2711


Dungarvan Castle

058 48144


Dwyer McAllister Cottage

040 445 325


Ennis Friary

065 682 9100


Famine Warhouse

087 908 9972


Farmleigh House & Estate

01 815 5900




32 The DefiniTive guiDe To acTive reTiremenT

Papal Cross Phoenix Park

Ennis Friary

placeS To viSiT Ferns Castle

053 936 6411


Fota Arboretum & Gardens

021 481 2728


Gallarus Oratory

064 663 2402


Garden of Remembrance

01 821 3021


Government Buildings

01 645 8813


Grangegorman Military Cemetery

01 821 3021


Heywood Gardens

057 873 3563


Killarney National Park

064 663 1440


Kilmacurragh Arboretum

040 448 844


Listowel Castle

086 385 7201



049 854 1240


Lusk Heritage Centre

01 833 1618


Maynooth Castle

01 628 6744


National Botanic Gardens

01 857 0909


Newmills Corn & Flax Mills

074 912 5115


Ormond Castle

051 640 787


Pearse Museum & St. Edna’s Park

01 493 4208


Phoenix Park

01 821 3021


Rathfarnam Castle

01 493 9462


Royal Hospital Kilmainham

01 612 9900


Scattery Island Centre

065 682 9100


St. Audoen’s Church

01 677 0088


St. Mary’s Abbey, Dublin

01 833 1618


St. Mary’s Church, Gowran

056 772 6894


St. Stephen’s Green

01 475 7816


The Croppies Acre

01 702 8811


The Iveagh Gardens

01 475 7816


The Main Guard

052 612 7484


The Wexford Wildfowl Reserve

053 912 3406


Tintern Abbey

051 562 650


War Memorial Gardens

01 475 7816


Wicklow Mountains National Park

040 445 656


Edmund Rice Heritage Centre

051 874 390


Rock of Cashel




How much?


Heritage Card

€16 – usually €21

Free entry to OPW Heritage sites for one year.


Copper Coast Mini Farm

The DefiniTive guiDe To acTive reTiremenT 33

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top 10 Best places to retire aBroad Are you thinking of retiring abroad? Retirement can be a great time to make a big move, or even purchase a vacation home. The following pages take you on a journey of our top 10 places to retire abroad

1st – Devon


etiring abroad, whether permanently or for just part of the year, is an increasingly popular choice, particularly among retirees from countries with ‘poor’ (cold, wet, etc.) climates and high taxes, such as Ireland. For many people, the dream of spending their golden years in pastures new has become an affordable option. Before deciding where, when or indeed, whether to retire abroad, it’s important to do your homework thoroughly and investigate the myriad implications and possibilities. Recognising and preparing for potential difficulties in advance is much easier than dealing with disappointment, or even a crisis, later on. However, if you do decide to take the plunge you will be in good company – millions of 3 The DefiniTive guiDe To acTive reTiremenT


2nd – Dorset

3rd –London people have successfully retired abroad. As when making all major life decisions, it’s never advisable to be in too much of a hurry. Many people make expensive (even catastrophic) errors when retiring abroad, often because they don’t do sufficient research or

beST place To ReTiRe

take into account the circumstances of their partners and family members.

For most people, the main advantage of retiring abroad is a more moderate climate. the advantages of living in a warmer climate usually result in an improved quality of life and often an increased life expectancy for retirees. A better climate also provides ample opportunities to enjoy outdoor activities, such as gardening, golf, tennis or walking, during your increased leisure time. Before planning to live abroad permanently, you must take into account many considerations. there are both advantages and disadvantages to retiring abroad, although for most people the benefits outweigh the pitfalls.


If you are considering moving to another country there are some key financial issues that need to be considered. Find out what effect retiring abroad will have on your pension, benefits and taxes. As a pensioner what are your rights if you move to another EU country? Pensioners on a fixed income need to be sure that all the financial aspects of becoming an expatriate have been taken into consideration. what else should you think about?

c tax rates. How do tax rates compare and how will this impact on you? c General costs of living. the cost of food, eating out, clothes and so on. c Property prices. Many people are attracted by the prospect of cheaper property prices. c Healthcare. What is free and what you have to pay for and how much is it likely to cost.

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The DefiniTive guiDe To acTive reTiremenT 35 THE DEFINITIVE GUIDE TO ACTIVE RETIREMENT 21


Devon is the perfect place for retirement with homes to suit everyoneDevon and aiswide range ofplace clubs societieswith homes to the perfect forand retirement suit everyone and a wide range of clubs and societies

must see... becky falls Dartmoor’s famous Becky Falls offers stunning woodland and waterfall walks.

dartington crystal Watch carefully as craftsmen work together to transform hot molten crystal into elegant shapes.

clovelly village The historic fishing village of Clovelly is uniquely special in that it has no cars on its streets.

lynton & lynmouth cliff Railway A unique Victorian water powered lift, giving access to spectacular cliff top walks.


et’s start with some of the beautiful places to retire just over the pond in the UK. Devon was awarded the status of Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty in 1959, which means the beauty of the landscape is protected. The area is renowned for its Blue Flag beaches, plentiful activities and attractions and distinctive landscape, making Devon a popular retirement destination as well as a great location to purchase a second home. The county hosts a wide variety of gardens and houses, family activities, theatres and leisure facilities, including two championship golf courses at Saunton. For golfers, a second home in Devon is the ideal choice!

homes for sale

GITTISHAM: Detached 3-bed bungalow with views. £299,995

must do... A Devon traditional favourite – the cream tea! Whether you’re sat out in the sunshine or cosied in next to a roaring fire – a cream tea is the perfect treat! THE DEFINITIVE GUIDE TOTo ACTIVE 3 The DefiniTive guiDe acTiveRETIREMENT reTiremenT22

BOVEy TRACEy, NEWTON ABBOT, DEVON: Well presented 3-bed bungalow. £299,950

Dorset 2. DORSET UK UK

Dorset - a great retirement - with great seaside prettiness Dorset – aspot great retirement spot – with seaside to walk and so much to keep places to walk and prettiness, so much toplaces keep you busy. you busy during your golden years

must see... Sherborne castle Built in 1594 by Sir Walter Raleigh. Set in 40 acres of landscaped gardens and grounds.

The Tank museum The world’s finest collection of armoured fighting vehicles, from World War I tanks to the latest main battle tank.

monkey world A sanctuary that’s home to more than 240 rescued and endangered primates.

dancing ledge

Large flat ledge and pool at the base of Jurassic Coast cliffs near Swanage.


orchester and Christchurch are two of the most popular retirement destinations in the county of Dorset in south west England. Admire the distinctive beauty of the puddingbasin hills of Dorset and spectacular South West Coast Path along the Jurassic Coast. Keen walkers will love Dorchester and its surrounding area, which can be easily reached by train from London, while foodies will be enchanted by the town’s magnificent Wednesday market. For a picturesque seaside life, look no further than Christchurch with its lovely high street full of little shops, and a food and wine festival in May. The town sits at the meeting of the Rivers Stour and Avon, with a great beach for the grandchildren to build sandcastles on!

homes for sale

DORCHESTER: 3-bed thatched bungalow on approx ½ acre site £285,000

must do... Visit Abbotsbury Swannery – the only place in the world where you are able to walk through the heart of a colony of nesting Mute Swans. THE DEFINITIVE GUIDE TO ACTIVE RETIREMENT 23

VERWOOD: 2-bed retirement bungalow (over 60’s). Emergen pull cord system. £174,950

must see... Science museum Over 15,000 objects on display and interactive galleries.

hm Tower of london Discover the Crown Jewels, join a Beefeater on a tour to hear their bloody tales and stand where famous heads have rolled.

london bus Tours

lonDonUK UK 3. LONDON Retiring doesn’t to mean andcocoa earlyand nights Retiringhave doesn’t have cocoa to mean early- some retirees want the– buzz brightwant lights lifeand in the city - nights someand retirees theofbuzz bright shops, cafe’s, the– doorstep! lightsrestaurants of life in theonCity shops, cafés, taxis cruising past and restaurants on the doorstep!


uiet villages and seaside towns aren’t for everyone, and many wish to retire to a city with a vibrant cultural scene. London may be an expensive option, with the average annual household income required for the duration of your retirement is a substantial £34,855, but the attractions cannot be denied either! London is becoming a wonderful place for older people, with top class medical care, free public transport for oAPs – not to mention being one of the cultural and entertainment capitals of the world! If you’re thinking of retiring in London or purchasing a second home, you can be safe in the knowledge that you will never be short of something to do.

Sit back, relax and take in the sights on a London bus tour.

london dungeon An amazing cast of theatrical actors, special effects, stages, scenes and rides – a truly unique walkthrough experience that you see, hear, touch, smell and feel.

homes for sale

TWICKENHAM: Retirement apartments. Safety and security come as standard. £399,950

must do... Take a ride on the EDF Energy London Eye which offers unrivalled views of London and provides a unique and magical way to experience the UK’s capital city. THE DEFINITIVE GUIDE TOTo ACTIVE 3 The DefiniTive guiDe acTiveRETIREMENT reTiremenT24

RICHMOND: 2 double bed apartment in gated development for the over 55’s. £349,950

Calitri italy A land of eternal fascination and beauty, quickly becoming one of the most popular locations for retirement, due to its climate and weather

must see... laghi di monticchio A stunning location in the heart of the Mount Vulture region situated on the crater of an extinct volcano.

Sant’angelo dei lombardi This small village is a jewel and the Cathedral and the Febbronia Tower heighten its beauty.

church of the annunciation It has an artistic stone portal with lunette and several 18th-century paintings by Cavallino.


A land of eternal fascination and beauty, quickly becoming one of the most popular locations for retirement, due to it’s climate and weather.


he Mediterranean lifestyle is an attractive one! You can opt for sun, sea, sand or the stunning Italian Alps. the food is healthy, with a focus on locally-produced fruit and vegetables and plenty of freshly caught fish. one of the most popular retirement towns in Italy is Calitri, situated in the southern region of Campania. Calitri is home to the beautiful traditional architecture and delectable food and wine typical of the Italian south and has the benefit of relatively cheap housing. In fact, we found a 3 bedroom villa in Calitri fully-restored and complete with balcony and wine grotto for just €45,000. the town itself is surrounded by rolling hills and lush forests. the icing on the cake? European citizens moving to Calitri can avail of free healthcare!

ceramics museum Inside the very beautiful Borgo Castello with samples of Calitrian ceramics, dating from antiquity to modern times.

homes for sale

AVELLINO: 1-bed, 1-bath restored ancient wine cave. e35,000

must do... If you ever wanted to know more about wine making, then a tour to the Mount Vulture Vineyard is a must THE DEFINITIVE GUIDE TO ACTIVE RETIREMENT 25

AVELLINO: 3-bed, 2-bath villa with balcony panoramic view and 2 garages. e120,000


There is a climate to suit everyone in this top retirement destination

must see... eiffel Tower Like all towers, it allows us to see and to be seen, with a spectacular ascent, a unique panoramic view of Paris, and a glittering beacon in the skies of the Capital.

FranCe There is a climate to suit everyone in this top retirement destination!

lourdes A place of universal meeting and sharing, prayer and celebration of life, visited by more than five million pilgrims from all over the world every year.

grasse A beautiful French town – the birthplace of the world’s perfume industry – surrounded by rolling fields of lavender, jasmine, mimosa, orange blossom and violets.


he south of France, home to beautiful towns like nice and Cannes, has a Mediterranean climate, with immaculate beaches and great regional cooking. As for the north and northwest, you have mild winters, warm summers and abundant rain. the central and eastern regions of France have cold winters, warm summer months and breath-taking storms between seasons. If the weather isn’t enough to draw you to French shores, consider a world-class healthcare system where the state foots 85% of all medical bills and easy accessibility for visiting family and friends. With 450 airports and wellmaintained road and rail networks, you can reach and explore France with ease and often for a very low cost.

homes for sale

BRITTANy: 4 bedroomed renovated Manoir with stream, natural pond, paddock, well and bread oven e221,500

must do... Visit Mont Saint Michel – a mediaeval walled city, crowned by its great gothic abbey and one of the few places in France to have preserved intact its historic walls and defences. THE DEFINITIVE GUIDE TO ACTIVE RETIREMENT 26

0 The DefiniTive guiDe To acTive reTiremenT

NORMANDy: Charming 2 bedroom cottage in excellent condition. e81,250

must see... The montgo national park A major landmark of Denia home to a variety of species, which are unique to this ecosystem.

Safari park vergal Slightly inland from Denia with145 species of animals, including lions, Bengal tigers, yaks, elephants and many exotic birds.

isla Tabarca The island is little more than a mile long, 437 yards wide and car free.


la mere de dĂŠu del consol

spain SPAIN

Spain has long been a popular retirement destination, Spain has long been a popular retirement destination, especially for those who love sunshine especially for those who love the sunshine


ith vibrant cities like Madrid and Barcelona, the fabled Costa del sol and Portugal just over the border, there really is a corner of spain for every retiree. spain boasts a fantastic mix of attractions, from snowy mountains, a stunning Mediterranean coast, ancient hilltop towns and delicious regional cuisine. the Costa Blanca has lovely beaches and starts in the north with the towns of Denia and Javea. Entertainment can be found at Benidorm. others are smaller towns and villages like Villajoyosa just south of Benidorm, famous for its old town and its chocolate. In the south the costa blanca goes down to Guardamar and torrevieja. With such cities like Elche, the palm tree capital of the world.

homes for sale

JAVEA: 2 bed/2 bath ground floor apartment in secure gated complex. 5 mins walk of amenities with private front/rear gardens. e149,000

must do... La Villajoyosa – The Chocolate City – take a tour and find out the history and how the best chocolate is made. Discover a wide assortment of chocolates elaborated by chocolate masters.


Striking blue ceramic-tiled domed church in the old fishing village of Altea, one of the best conserved towns on the Costa Blanca.

CALPE: Single level three bed house within walking distance of Calpe centre. e199,000

Malta If the Mediterranean lifestyle appeals to you, but you don’t fancy the hassle of learning a new language, one of the charming islands of Malta could be your perfect fit

must see... museum of fine arts An exuberant Rococo building dating from the 1570’s, exhibits some magnificent art, ranging from the early Renaissance to modern times.

Sea excursions There is no better way to appreciate the beauty of the Maltese coastline than from the vantage point of a boat.



If the Mediterranean appeals to you, but you don’t fancy the hassles of learning a new language, Malta could be your perfect fit


apital Valletta strikes just the right balance between bustling and laidback, with architecture that will blow you away, while there are dozens of peaceful coastal towns for you to choose from if you prefer the quiet life. sunshine is abundant and the islands boast a varied cuisine of Italian, spanish, French and north African influences. Besides the excellent climate, magnificent scenery, warm and friendly people, rich history, retiring in Malta is easy and affordable and there is a very low crime rate. the health care system in Malta is top class backed up by highly qualified doctors and professional support staff and everybody in Malta speaks English.

Lamp lit by night and referred to as ‘the silent city’, Mdina is fascinating to visit for its timeless atmosphere, cultural and religious treasures. Don’t miss the renowned chocolate cake at Fontanella Tea rooms.

homes for sale

GOZO: Luxury apartment with terrace overlooking the pool, gardens and open sea views e174,434

must do... Dominating Palace Square in Valletta, the Grand Master’s Palace is the house of government in Malta. When parliament is not in session you can visit the palace for free. THE DEFINITIVE GUIDE TOTo ACTIVE 2 The DefiniTive guiDe acTiveRETIREMENT reTiremenT28

ZEBBUG: Converted house of character enjoying numerous original features. e300,000

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must see... kronborg castle Known all over the world from Shakespeare’s play Hamlet, it is also the most famous castle in Denmark.

walks in copenhagen History Tours arranges guided walking tours and events in Copenhagen.

cisternerne, Søndermarken


A recent University Study found that Denmark A recent university study found that Denmark has the has the highest life satisfaction ratings, not just in highest life satisfaction ratings, not just in Europe, but Europe, but in the world. in the world


enmark’s healthcare system makes it a retirement favourite. Its capital city Copenhagen is a vibrant, colourful spot, but expect to fork out for property and high living costs. However, the city is packed with art and culture and you can always escape the city for nearby outdoor activities. Denmark has double taxation agreements with a number of countries and if covered by one of these you will not be charged twice on your income, including your pension. if you are sensible and follow local habits and are a little economical – such as cycling and eating at home – then living costs in Denmark should not blow your budget. Denmark has a relatively mild climate with no extremes of heat or cold.

An underground museum featuring modern glass art from Denmark and around the world.

copenhagen opera house This stunning building is worth a visit in itself and dominates the waterfront across from Amalienborg Palace.

homes for sale

KRISTIANSHOLMSVEJ 33 4262 SANDVED: 3 bed house set in a wood. 5-10 min. walk to beach and forest. e397,714

must do... Tivoli Gardens – a cultural wonderland and historical gem right at the heart of Copenhagen. Its mix of attractions, performances and culture make it a treat for all ages.


HyLDEVEJ 51 3100 HORNBæK: Totally renovated with new furniture. Architect designed 2bed cottage. e535,873

must see... Stanz 90 licensed distillers produce first rate Schnapps in 54 distilleries Guided tours are available to see and taste the award-winning Schnapps varieties.

ambras castle

9.aUstria AUSTRIA

Austria is a popular place to retire, attracting those who a popular placewilderness. to retire, attracting those fall in wishAustria to liveisamong pristine Most retirees who wish to live amongst pristine wilderness. love with the slower and more traditional Austrian culture. Most retirees fall in love with the slower and more traditional Austrian culture


or those of you trying to decide between city and country life, Austria, which shares its borders with Germany, Italy and switzerland (to name a few), is a natural choice. You are never far from stunning Alpine scenery and outdoor recreation opportunities, but can nevertheless enjoy the buzz of a European city such as Vienna or salzburg without the steep price tags of London and Paris. German is spoken by 98% of the Austrian population. English is by far the leading second language and is understood widely and spoken fluently by most people working within the tourism industry. the climate is moderate and generally agreeable, with warm summers and cold winters.

High in the hills above Innsbruck, one of the most important sights in the city houses some of the most important cultural works in the country.

open-air museum Stßbing Austria’s rural history comes alive at one of the largest open-air museums in Europe. Beautiful pastoral landscapes and more than 100 historic farm buildings from all over Austria

homes for sale

SEMMERING: A former hunting and coaching inn, with spacious rooms. Located in country and woodland area. e117,000

must do... Travel back in time to the 800 year old city centre of Innsbruck. A classic hybrid of Gothic and Baroque, the Old Town exudes a special charm and sophistication that is unique in the Alps. The DefiniTive guiDeRETIREMENT To acTive reTiremenT THE DEFINITIVE GUIDE TO ACTIVE 31

EGGENBURG: 2 bed 14 Century, refurbished old schloss. e295,000

must see... cruise Enjoy a Croatian cruise aboard a historical galleon, a pirate-style sailing ship that offers the best way to discover the Elafiti Islands and Green Islands.

konavle valley Croatia’s southernmost tip offers traditional family-run wineries where you can meet local winemakers and sample wines.

10. CROATIA Croatia

Croatia’s low cost of living and wealth of stunning Natural beauty makes it aand realwealth up andofcoming retirement Croatia’s low cost of living stunning natural beauty makes it a real up and coming and tourist destination. retirement and tourist destination


ore and more people are making the decision to retire in Croatia – and the reasons are obvious – stunning island sceneries, crystal blue waters and abundant sunshine. this spot is not only picturesque and affordable, but has also been named one of the safest for travellers and residents. Dubrovnik is a city without having that ‘big city’ feel – its relaxed pace of life, stunning coastal scenery and rich culture make it an ideal place to spend your golden years. the legendary Frenchman Jacques Cousteau, esteemed biologist and oceanographer, once described Croatia’s waters as the cleanest and clearest in the world.

pula arena A rare example among the 200 Roman surviving amphitheatres. The Arena is the only remaining Roman amphitheatre to have four side towers and all three Roman architectural orders entirely preserved.

homes for sale

SUMARTIN, SPLIT-DALMATIA: Nicely designed and newly built apartment, located in Sumartin on the island of Brac. e149,500

must do... A UNESCO World Heritage Site Dubrovnik’s Old Town offers highlights such as Orlando’s Column and Rector’s Palace – explore the ancient city walls and see Fort Revelin and Minceta Tower.


RACISCE, KORCULA: A beautiful fully renovated sea front stone house located few meters from the beach and sea. e450,000

healTh & wellbeing

The silent disease ostEoPoRosIs No one wants to lose their independence and this is why being active and taking care of your bones is essential...


steoporosis the most common form of bone disease and affects both men and women and even the young. osteoporosis basically means porous bones. Bone is a living tissue that is constantly being removed and replaced. Bones need normal sex hormones, calcium, vitamin D, proteins and weight bearing/ strengthening exercise to keep them healthy. As we get older, more bone is naturally lost than is replaced, but people with osteoporosis lose more bone than people who do not have the disease. osteoporosis causes the insides of bone to become fragile and therefore break easily. osteoporosis is a silent

disease which is preventable and treatable in the majority of people, however, without prevention or treatment, osteoporosis can progress causing pain, disability and loss of independence. only 15% of people are actually diagnosed, are you one of the 85% who have not been diagnosed? Many people think that osteoporosis only affects older women, and the only cause is the menopause, however this is not the case, there are over 60 causes of osteoporosis. one in four men and one in two women over 50 will break bones due to osteoporosis, â‚Ź402 million was spent in 2010 just on falls and fractures in senior citizens.


healTh & wellbeing

OSTEOPOROSIS STATISTICS • 20% of Irish people aged 60+ who fracture a hip will die within 6-12 months. • 50% of Irish people aged 60+ who fracture a hip, will not be able to wash, dress or walk across a room unaided. • Only 30% of Irish people aged 60+ who fracture a hip, will regain their independence. • One fractured hip in total costs e55,000. • A DXA scan for Osteoporosis costs approximately e100. • 90% of hip fractures are due to Osteoporosis • Every 30 seconds there is a fracture in the EU due to Osteoporosis

exercise can play an important part in helping to reduce your risk of osteopenia/ osteoporosis and it is also an important aspect of treatment

this cost is estimated to increase to €1 billion a year within the next seven years, unless promoting prevention and earlier detection is increased.

• Loss of height: Many people believe that it is normal to lose height as you get older. However, if a person loses more than two centimetres, it is a red flag that they should get a DXA scan to rule out signs and symptoms of osteoporosis. possible undiagnosed • A hump developing on the osteoporosis upper back or a persons head protruding forward • A broken bone caused by a from their body: If it is from trip and fall from a standing osteoporosis, the bones in the position or less: It is not spine are collapsing and will normal to break a bone at any continue to collapse unless age from a trip and fall. If a prevention/treatment is put person’s bones are healthy they in place. should not break so easily. With severe undiagnosed • sudden, severe episodes of upper, middle or low back osteoporosis, a person can pain: this could be a sign cough, sneeze or turn over in that a fracture has occurred, bed and break a bone. THE TOacTive ACTIVEreTiremenT RETIREMENT TheDEFINITIVE DefiniTive GUIDE guiDe To 731


healTh & wellbeing Many medications can cause bone loss especially if the person has any of the signs or symptoms mentioned previously. what is osteopenia?

osteopenia is the early stages • of osteoporosis and can develop into osteoporosis unless prevention methods are put in place. Research shows that the majority of broken bones occur in the moderate • to marked osteopenia range. who is at risk of developing osteoporosis?

there are many reasons why a person can develop osteoporosis. Below is a list of some of the risk factors.

You will notice that some of these are other diseases, some are treatments used to treat other diseases and some are secondary effects of a disease or lifestyle choices. Family history: 80% of your bone is due to genetics therefore genetics is a strong risk factor especially, if there is a history of a hip fracture. Eating disorders: Past or present history of anorexia and/or bulimia Gastrointestinal disorders: such as Coeliac, Crohn’s, Ulcerative Colitis or Primary Biliary Cirrhosis. Rheumatoid Arthritis: the disease itself and steroid treatments.

WHy IS IT CALLED THE SILENT DISEASE? Osteoporosis is known as the silent disease because people with osteoporosis cannot feel their bones getting weaker. Typically the first sign/ symptom that a person may already have osteoporosis is a broken bone from a trip and fall. Unfortunately many people are not diagnosed even after multiple broken bones, this is why everyone has to be proactive about checking to see if they have risk factors.

The affects of undiagnosed Osteoporosis, at any age The DefiniTive guiDe To acTive reTiremenT


healTh & wellbeing

MISCONCEPTIONS... The most common bones to break are the wrist, hip and bones in the spine, however it can affect any bone. One of the many misconceptions is that if a person eats a healthy diet and exercises, that they will not develop osteoporosis. The people in the picture above are NOT actors. The male on the far right is an Olympic and World (multiple) rifle shooting champion, who has reversed his bones back to normal. The youngest person was diagnosed at 19 with the bones of an 84-year-old, she has reversed her bones back to normal. Osteoporosis is reversible in certain cases, however the earlier a person is diagnosed, the better the results.

• Endocrine disorders: such as high levels of Prolactin, cortisol or thyroid hormone problems. • Asthma • Diabetes • turner’s syndrome • Klinefelter’s syndrome • Haemochromatosis • Bone Marrow Disorders • Connective tissue Disease • Multiple sclerosis • Parkinson’s disease treatments that cause bone loss

• Chemotherapy or Radiation: Any adult or child who has received or who will be

• • • • • • •

receiving either of these should have a DXA scan and be treated preventively. Aromatase inhibitors for the treatment of breast and prostate cancer. Corticosteroids: such as prednisolone, prednisone or cortisone some Anticonvulsants Post-organ transplant therapy Diuretics such as Lasix can increase calcium loss Chronic Heparin or Warfarin Antipsychotic medications such as long term Lithium therapy

Lifestyle factors that can cause bone loss

• Excessive physiological or psychological stress • Low body weight. If you are unsure if you are underweight for your height, check with your doctor or a dietician • Lack of regular weight bearing exercise • Diet: Low daily intake of Calcium and/or Vitamin D. Intolerance to dairy products or vegetarians/vegans who do not take the daily amount of Calcium, Vitamin D and protein. (Calcium and Vitamin D supplements are


The DefiniTive guiDe To acTive reTiremenT

Glasnevin Cemetery Museum the same with each guide giving their own personal interpretation. There is inspiration around every corner and at every grave, and with one and a half million stories buried in Glasnevin, there’s no shortage of tales to tell.Visitors gain a heightened sense of understanding of Irish history, and a deeper appreciation of Glasnevin’s never forgotten residents. Welcome to Glasnevin! In this unique location is Ireland’s largest cemetery, a grand and impressive Necropolis. Since 1828, more than 1.5 million people have been interred in Glasnevin - rich and famous, paupers and politicians, artists, warriors and heroes, all resting side by side in this renowned Victorian Garden Cemetery. Established by Daniel O’Connell as a place where people of “all religions and none” could bury their dead with dignity; the cemetery has grown to become a national monument and is a vital part of the Irish Heritage story. The exhibitions show the social, historical, political and artistic development of modern Ireland through the lives of the generations buried there. Both the award-winning museum and the guided tours chart the fascinating history of this hallowed place, telling the stories of grave diggers and grave robbers, cholera epidemics, and world wars. Key to Glasnevin’s success is the popularity of the tour guides whose enthusiasm is compelling. Brimming with banter and charm each tour guide is passionate about sharing their love of heritage and history. No two tours are THE DEFINITIVE GUIDE TO ACTIVE RETIREMENT 40

Interactive exhibitions, dramatic re-enactments, lectures and daily walking tours visiting many of the renowned figures that shaped the country we live in today including Charles Stewart Parnell, Roger Casement, Eamon De Valera, Michael Collins, Constance Markievicz, Brendan Behan, Luke Kelly and Daniel O’ Connell. This is a unique opportunity to gain an understanding of Ireland’s complex and fascinating history. Trace Your Ancestors A visit inside Daniel O’Connell’s Celtic Romantic designed Crypt and iconic tower, the tallest in Ireland, forms part of the tour. A genealogy research area, where access to the extensive online records can be accessed is a must for those researching their ancestry.Visit the museum shop, home to a terrific collection of Irish crafts, jewellery, mementos, historical books, and other interesting gift items or stop for a cuppa in The Tower Café - a popular pit stop for locals and visitors alike. Visit the world famous National Botanic Gardens via pedestrian gateway and witness the incredible collection of rare plants housed in massive conservatories – combined with Glasnevin its now the second largest green space

in Dublin with over 200 acres of mature parkland. Private and public guided tours available daily. Additional summer tours; re-enactments, and special events – see website. Winner 2013 & 2014, Tripadvisor Travellers Choice Award and Certificate of Excellence City Sightseeing Bus tours provide hop on hop off service from the city centre. Additional tours at 13.00 in June – Sept Flexible times for pre-booked groups Tel: +353 (0)1 882 6550 Open year round. Mon-Fri 10.0017.00; Sat, Sun & Bank Holidays 11.0017.00. Museum & Tour: Adult €12; Child €8; OAP €8; Student €8 Museum only: Adult €6; Child €4; OAP €4; Student €4 Celebrating history, heritage and culture, join this intriguing journey through Ireland’s past.

If you have any queries you can contact us at: The Irish Osteoporosis Society Charity, 114 Pembroke Road, Garden Level, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4. Tel: Tel: Email: Web:

Lo-call 1890 252751 01 637 5050

SECONDARy SECONDARy EFFECTS EFFECTS THAT CAN CAUSE CAUSEBONE BONE LOSS LOSS Those Thosewho whoare arewheelchair, wheelchair, bed bound or who have impaired who have impaired mobility mobility for six weeks longer,especially especially in in childhood childhood or senior ororlonger, citizens.Example: Example:Cerebral Cerebral Palsy, amputees citizens. thosewho whohave have had had aa stroke stroke (CVA) ororthose

available thosewho whocan can menopausewhich whichisisbefore before available forfor those menopause not get the required amounts 45 years. not get the required amounts 45 years. from food.) • natural or surgical from food.) • natural or surgical menopause i.e. • smoking menopause i.e. • smoking – ovary/ovaries removed/ • Alcohol. Women who – ovary/ovaries removed/ • Alcohol. Women who regularly consume more hysterectomy regularly consume more hysterectomy than 14 units of alcohol per • Endometriosis than 14 units of alcohol per • Endometriosis week and men who regularly • Loss of periods not due week and men who regularly • Loss of periods not due consume more than 21 units to pregnancy – example: consume more than 21 units to pregnancy – example: of alcohol per week are at Anorexia and/or Bulimia, of higher alcoholrisk. per week are at Anorexia and/or Bulimia, over training or constant higher risk. over training or constant dieting. dieting. additional risk factors additional for womenrisk factors additional risk factors for women additional for men risk factors the most common cause for men the common cause in most women is oestrogen the most common cause in deficiency. women is this oestrogen the mostiscommon cause may be due in men testosterone deficiency. this be due indeficiency men is testosterone to a variety of may causes: (Hypogonadism). a variety ofwho causes: deficiency women have gone symptoms(Hypogonadism). of this include •to All womenthe who have gone symptoms thisloss include • Allthrough Menopause, loss of sex of drive, of through the Menopause, loss of sex drive, loss ofand/or particularly those who have erections, depression, particularly those who have erections, experienced premature fatigue. depression, and/or experienced premature fatigue. 50 The DefiniTive guiDe To acTive reTiremenT THE DEFINITIVE GUIDE TO ACTIVE RETIREMENT 42 50 The DefiniTive guiDe To acTive reTiremenT

you have have one or more IfIf you risk factors, we recommend recommend risk factors, we that you speak to your Doctor that you speak to your Doctor about the possibility about the possibility of of aa DXA scan. scan. Based Based on on your DXA your results, you can then results, you can then help help prevent its its onset onset or or if prevent if you you have osteopenia/osteoporosis, have osteopenia/osteoporosis, you can can prevent prevent further further you deterioration, reduce deterioration, reduce your your risk risk of fracture and possible loss of of fracture and possible loss of independence. independence. Diagnosis of osteoporosis Diagnosis of osteoporosis A DXA scan is a simple, A DXA scan is a simple, painless test that takes painless test that takes approximate 15 minutes approximate 15 minutes and is not claustrophobic. and is not claustrophobic. A DXA scan of the spine A DXA the spine and hipsscan is theofonly test and hips is the only test

Keeping your Brain Healthy You cannot cure Alzheimer’s but growing scientific evidence indicates that by keeping your heart, body and brain healthy you can reduce your risk of developing it and other dementias.

Follow the Steps Every day, think of these three areas , tie them into your daily routine and remind yourself to perform a task from each area.

Your Brain: Challenge your brain to figure out new things and stimulate it by connecting with others socially: • Take up a hobby such as painting, woodwork or craft work • Read different styles of books, newspapers and magazines • Learn a language, an instrument or to dance • Go to the theatre, museum, the cinema or a concert with a friend • Play cards or board games with a club or with friends • Volunteer with a favourite charity or community group • Keep in touch with family and friends • Join a group like a walking club, book club or sporting club.

Your Body: Looking after your body will help you to remain healthy, some things you can try include: • 30 minutes moderate exercise, 3-5 times per week, consider walking, cycling, swimming or an exercise class • Activities such gardening, washing the car or cleaning windows • Eat plenty of fruit and vegetables, 5 servings per day • Include fish in your diet, particularly oily fish such as salmon, mackerel or sardines.

Your Heart Protect yourself from things that can damage your heart: • Have regular health checks to ensure your blood pressure, cholesterol and blood sugars are at levels that are healthy for you. • Take steps to maintain a healthy body weight • Cut down on salt • Reduce fat, saturated fat and sugar • Alcohol in moderation • It is never too late to stop smoking

For more information about brain health visit or call 1800 341 341

What if I am What if I or someworried about myself one close to me has or someone close to dementia? A diagnosis of Alzheimer’s or another form or me? Everyone can be forgetful and struggle to put a name to a face or remember where the car is parked. But if you are worried about changes in memory, mood or ability to manage daily life, it is important to do something about it. There are many reasons for memory loss and confusion, apart from dementia. These can include anxiety and stress, depression, an infection, thyroid disorders, vitamin deficiency, side-effects of medications and conditions such as mild cognitive impairment or a stroke. If you are worried it is a good idea to talk to your doctor.You doctor will explore with you what may be causing the changes that concern you. Before you visit your doctor, make a note of the changes you have noticed and some examples of the things that are causing you concern. Keep a diary to help you.

dementia can come as a huge shock, no matter how expected it may have been. It can take time to adjust to this diagnosis and time to adjust to the changes that it brings. However many people with dementia and their families find that they do adjust and that they do live well with this diagnosis. One of the most important things you can do is to reach out and talk to someone. There are over 48,000 people in Ireland today with dementia, you and your family are not alone. The Alzheimer Society of Ireland works across the country in the heart of local communities providing dementia specific services and supports and advocating for the rights and needs of all people living with dementia and their carers. For more information contact our free and confidential National Helpline at

1800 341 341.

healTh & wellbeing

the Irish osteoporosis society recommends for the diagnosis of osteoporosis. the Ios does not recommend heel scans for the diagnosis of osteoporosis. It is essential that all cause/s are found and addressed when a person is first diagnosed. treatment of osteoporosis

there are many treatments for osteoporosis and it is important that you speak to your doctor about a treatment plan that is right for you. A treatment plan should be based on: • Your risk of fracture or re-fracture

• Your DXA results of spine and hips • the cause(s) of why you developed it. • Your age • Your medical history fall prevention and osteoporosis

Reducing your risk of falling and preventing or treating osteoporosis will help you maintain your independence. People work their whole life looking forward to retirement. All it can take is one fall that can prevent a person from enjoying their golden years. Most falls happen in the home, therefore making your home

environment safe is essential. Undiagnosed osteoporosis leads to broken bones which can lead to loss of independence. since only 15% of people with osteoporosis are diagnosed, the risk of a senior citizen having undiagnosed osteoporosis is very high. Fall prevention is linked to osteoporosis because of the high risk of broken bones from a fall. the rate of hip fractures among residents living in nursing homes is between 3-11 times higher that those who live in the community, this is why ‘hip protectors’ are essential to help decrease the risk of hip fractures in this group.

about 15-20 minutes of sunlight a day, during the summer months will enable the body to store vitamin D


The DefiniTive guiDe To acTive reTiremenT 51

Exercise for the Mind As the Baby Boomer generation retires, many are concerned about dementia, Alzheimer’s and memory loss. Modern technology and scientific advancements in health care are helping individuals live longer and healthier lives than any previous generation. The statistics of past generations indicate that 10 percent of individuals over the age of 65 years of age develop memory problems. By the age of 85 years of age, the percentage of memory problems increases to 50 percent.

We expect to grow old gracefully, physically and

mentally. We expect to remain youthful and full of vitality as we age. People do not want to know or experience the ill effects of aging, such as mental decline. This has been a driving force behind the research done on the cognitive (thought) processes of the brain. Although there is still much research to be done, there are some very promising findings being reported. Science now confirms that memory loss is not a normal part of aging. Proper nutrition, physical exercise and challenging the brain frequently are linked to brain fitness. Memory loss can occur gradually over time. The symptoms are not the average forgetfulness we all experience. In a society that is inundated with audio and visual stimulation, everyday forgetfulness is a result of multitasking and stimulation overload. It is important to be aware of the signs and symptoms of early memory loss, as intervention can prevent or delay the process. Memory loss for the aging population can be due to alcohol abuse, use of illicit drugs, smoking, and/ or poor nutrition. There are many health-related medical conditions and prescription medications that can have a negative effect on the aging brain. Many of these conditions, and the effects they have on the memory, can be treated with early intervention. The aging generation can be proactive in preventing memory loss. Studies show that physical activity such as aerobic exercise helps brain fitness. One study done on a group of individuals over the age of 55


years old used brain imaging on individuals who were active versus a sedentary group of the same age. Over a period of 6 months, the physically active group exercised 3 hours a week. Both groups had brain imaging studies done prior to the start of the study. At the end of 6 months, the results were astonishing. Several areas of the brain showed an increase in the brain volume of the physically active participants. The increase in brain volume occurred in the areas of the brain responsible for memory and thought process. Scientists are not sure why this increase in brain volume occurred, but it is thought that an increase in blood supply and connections between the neurons of the brain. Research scientists now feel that an active life style can prevent or delay dementias and Alzheimer’s.

Baby Boomers are a generation of groundbreakers.

They have pushed themselves to the limit and have tried new and different things. This is an important trait to continue to possess as they move into their retirement years. The brain can continue to form new connections between the neurons. This improves the ability to communicate, store and retrieve memory. Being open to experiencing something new and different often is a key to maintaining a good memory and brain fitness. If you do crossword puzzles or Sudoku and become proficient at that task, you are no longer challenging your brain to continue to form new connections. Take a proactive approach and get out of your comfort zone.Your memory and mind will be glad that you did. Traveling, meeting new people, dancing, and even learning to use the computer are ways to keep the brain growing and firing up those neurons! Consider a brain fitness program.


A brain fitness program should test your abilities in a variety of different categories and identify your strengths and weaknesses. A good program will then build an individualized program based on your initial results. It will assist you to build your weak areas and continue to maintain or improve upon your strengths. A brain fitness program should also be able to give you feedback on a regular basis as to where you’ve improved and what changes you’ve made. Research shows that developing new connections occur and the brain can be revitalized by participating in a brain fitness program just 20 minutes three times a week. This generation should know that dementia, Alzheimer’s, and other causes of memory loss can be prevented or delayed by taking a proactive approach to their health. Physical activity, trying something new and challenging Not only can be fun, but also can help your brain remember the good times you have!

healTh & wellbeing

• From age 70 and older, a person is 25 times more likely to sustain a hip fracture. • Between the ages of 65 to 74, 62% of accidents are related to people falling. • 82% of accidents to people over the age of 75 are fall related. vitamin D

Vitamin D is critical for calcium absorption, as it increases the body’s ability to absorb calcium by 3080%. there is a world wide Vitamin D deficiency and low levels of Vitamin D have been linked to not only osteoporosis but multiple forms of Cancer, tB and Multiple sclerosis. the most important source of vitamin D is from the action of sunlight on the skin. However, it is very important to avoid over-exposure resulting in THE DEFINITIVE GUIDE TO ACTIVE RETIREMENT 49

sunburn, as we are all aware of the damaging effects of the sun, especially in terms of skin cancer. Vitamin D can also be found in fish oils and species of fish such as salmon, tuna, sardines, mackerel, halibut and herring. Many milk products and margarines are fortified with vitamin D, but check labels for specific nutrient information. Breakfast cereals, soya milk and rice milk may also be fortified with vitamin D. Again, please refer to the individual brand labels for nutrient information. calcium

Calcium is the most abundant mineral found in our bones and helps to give strength and rigidity. Every cell in our body, including those in the heart, nerves and muscles relies on calcium.

Calcium can be found in milk, cheese and yoghurt to name a few. Fortified milks have calcium and vitamin D, please check labels for amounts. note: Calcium alone is not enough to treat bone loss and is not a substitute for drug therapies that treat bone loss. Vitamin D is essential for calcium absorption. Prevention of osteoporosis

Calcium, Vitamin D3 and appropriate weight bearing exercise, all help to reduce your risk of developing osteoporosis. note: substantial clinical evidence demonstrates that low calcium and vitamin D intake or poor absorption are linked to an increased risk of hip fractures in senior citizens.

F URtHER InFoRMAtIon The Irish Osteoporosis Society Charity 114 Pembroke Road, Garden Level Ballsbridge, Dublin 4. T: Lo-call 1890 252751 T: 01 637 5050 E: W:

Visit the


Take a tour of the Bewery, meet the brewers and see how it began life as The Dingle Ceamery. Read the life history of the great Tom Crean Antarctic Explorer

Children are free

Tar linn ar cham-chuairt m贸rthimpeall na gr煤dlainne ar Bh贸thar an Sp谩, An Daingean.

healTh & wellbeing

Planning key for



Peter Kavanagh from Active Retirement Ireland advises on the importance of planning for your retirement


eorge is happily retired at age 73. It’s taken him quite a few years to reach this happy state, but he’s contented being a selfdescribed ‘man of leisure’ at

last. “Retirement came as quite a shock to me,” he says, “as a professional I automatically had purpose and drive right up until the day I finally decided to retire. I had put it off for four or five years but when I finally took the plunge, I wasn’t expecting such a drastic change. I never realised how much of my social life was made up entirely by my professional life. For a few years I just took public transport every day. I wasn’t going anywhere; I just wanted somebody to talk to.” While it may be upsetting, George’s story is not unique. Many

older people, especially older men, have severe difficulties adjusting to retirement. the culture shock of not having to work each day can have sudden and immediate effects. Loneliness and isolation aren’t the only big risks, either. the Harvard school of Public Health found that retired older people were 40 per cent more likely to suffer a heart attack or stroke than those still in employment for



the first year of retirement. While leisure time has been universally accepted to be beneficial to health, it appears that a sudden exposure to too much leisure time can be detrimental, even deadly. the importance of planning for retirement

this underscores the importance of planning for retirement, a habit not prevalent in Irish society. While financial planning


Whether in large clubs or small groups, social interaction can be the difference between the despair loneliness and isolation, and a healthy and active retirement. For George, at least, the difference is striking. “Just a few years ago, I really didn’t know what I was going to do. It seemed like retirement was a prison sentence,” he says, “This week, however, I’m in Kerry playing bowls at a national competition organised by Active Retirement Ireland and next week I’m up at the crack of dawn for the Bealtaine Dawn Chorus. Had I known there was this much to do, I’d have retired years earlier!”

The DefiniTive guiDe To acTive reTiremenT 57

Michael Collins Centre and Memorial Park The Crowley Family (cousins of Michael Collins) Established this Centre in 2000. The Centre:

Is famous for it’s live slide show and talk delivered by an expert historian/guide. Exhibitions of Collins artefacts, photographs, militaria and archive film. (Open for groups (15 People +) all year

Memorial Park

Out side the Memorial Park has breathtaking views of the West Cork Countryside, A life size replica ambush site, with Armoured Car and Crossley Tender, A Michael Collins Memorial and A 1798 Memorial

Coach Groups (welcome all year)

The Country Life Show (1.5 hours) Is another popular option for active retired groups. .The Show takes place in the setting of an old farm house kitchen and begins with the placing of a cake, in a bastable on the open fire. The visitors are then taken back in time with story telling, songs, music and monologs. The show continues with a slide show on the history and people of West Cork, from the Bronze age up to the time of Michael Collins, including the local connections with Henry Ford and J F Kennedy. All groups are presented with the cake on leaving. Must be pre-booked. The Centre also conducts Private guided tours of Michael Collins and War of Independence sites. (By appointment).

Open full time, off road, Mid June-Mid September Mon-Fri 10.30 a.m to 5 p.m. Sat 11-2 p.m. Sunday Closed. MICHAEL COLLINS CENTRE CASTLEVIEW, CLONAKILTY, CO. CORK. (50mins drive from Cork) ITM E543170, N546700 Contact: +353238846107 e.mail:


Free Bastable Baking Included in Presentation For groups of over 25 adults One coupon per group Terms & Conditions Apply

healTh & wellbeing

for CEos and company directors is available from all the state-supported banks, little care is given to the wellbeing of ordinary workers as they approach retirement; and almost no attention is paid to the mental and psychological well-being of the almost and recently retired. the Retirement Planning Council, a not-for-profit organisation based in Dublin, provide pre-retirement courses for hundreds of


public, semi-state and private companies, but this is just a drop in the ocean of Ireland’s roughly 170,000 registered businesses. so what makes retirement such a burden for so many older people? the Irish Centre for social Gerontology, based in nUI Galway, found that older people who are socially engaged and active in their communities lead healthier lives. this concept of ‘health production’, or older people creating their own good mental and physical health, is evident in the volunteer spirit seen in Ireland’s community groups, ICA guilds, tidy towns committees, Active Retirement Associations and GAA clubs, to name but a few. the ICsG interviewed older volunteers and found

that 52 per cent of socially active older people feel they have ‘excellent’ or ‘very good’ health, compared to 40 per cent of the population at large. four key components to a happy ‘third age’ of life When researchers in the UsA asked study participants 80 and older what made retirements

healTh & wellbeing

enjoyable, healthy and rewarding, four key elements emerged: social networks, play, creativity and lifelong learning. these were seen by those enjoying their retirements as the key components to a healthy and satisfying ‘third age’ of life. For many, in particular those who have no great desire to join a large group so soon after retirement, the only barrier is access to these four key components. Ciarán McKinney, Director of Development for Age and opportunity, has worked

on one possible avenue for older people to enjoy their retirement. “We heard during the Bealtaine Arts Festival of 2011 that there were older people who would love to take part in local cultural events but they didn’t have someone to go with, so we started ‘Cultural Companions’, says McKinney, “Because we facilitate local networking it’s ideal for people who don’t want to join groups; you can meet up with one or two people from your area and arrange to go to things together, or you can come along

to the events we organise and meet new friends and take it from there. For some people it’s been a lifeline.”

F URtHER InFoRMAtIon Peter Kavanagh works with Active Retirement Ireland, Ireland’s largest community-based older people’s organisation. For information on your local group, call us on 01 873 3836 or visit

Journalism and Photography

Electronic Technology

Sound Engineering and Music Technology

Healthcare Support

Art and Design Portfolio

Nursing Studies

Photographic Studies

Applied Science/ Laboratory Studies

Advanced Certificate in Photography- Level 6


Beauty Therapy Year 1

Special Needs Assistant

Beauty Therapy Year 2- Level 6

Supervision in Childcare- Level 6

Hairdressing Year 1

Applied Social Studies

Hairdressing Year 2- Level 6

Advanced Certificate in Social Care- Level 6

Holistic Therapies

Hospitality Operations

Business Studies

Tourism and Travel Industry Studies

Business Studies with Digital Marketing

Sports, Physical Fitness and Massage

Advanced Certificate in Business- Level 6

Sports Therapy and Injury Management

Construction Technology

Sports and Recreation

Computer and Network Maintenance

Fitness and Health




Social Studies

Business Studies

Arts and Media


VTOS- Returning to Education

WCFE offers a range of courses in the area of the Arts and Media. We currently offer courses in Art and Design Portfolio Level 5 & 6, Photography Level 5 & 6, Journalism & Photography and Sound Engineering. Both the Art and Photography Level 6 courses are new this year and offer students a unique opportunity to further their studies in a specialised and personalised environment. WCFE has two designated art studios, a fully equipped darkroom and a professional sound recording studio and state of the art digital radio studio. WCFE encourages a fertile and flourishing artistic environment, emphasising individuality. The College has an online record label, Faktory Record Label, which fosters new musical talent and has been supported by artists such as Kate Bush and Mick Hanly.Our annual Art and Photographic Exhibition enjoys national recognition and WCFE collaborates with a number of respected artistic venues. The Sound Engineering courses offer a comprehensive pathway to a career in the music industry, embracing bands, DJ’s, promoters and journalists in equal measure. The Media Dept also offers training in areas such as radio and visual broadcasting in collaboration with WIT. The Journalism and Photography course also offers student membership of the National Union of Journalists for the duration of the academic year.

WCFE offers an exciting range of course in the area of Tourism and Hospitality. These courses are uniquely placed to offer significant employment opportunities within the Tourism and Hospitality areas. Courses include; Tourism and Travel Industry Studies, Certificate in Hospitality Operations. Courses are offered in conjunction with industry professionals and W.I. T. The WCFE Tourism Department boasts one of the highest employment rates in the College.

WCFE offers the most rewarding VTOS programmes in the South East, specifically tailored to meet the needs of the individual learner. Three major areas of study are on offer; Childcare, Social Studies and Business Studies, with a range of combination modules within each core area of study.

Business and Marketing

An exciting and dynamic area, WCFE offers a range of innovative business orientated courses. Our Business Department offers excellence to prospective students, fostering those skills most pertinent to entrepreneurs and the world of marketing and business in general. Our Business Department is a continuing success story and offers the following in its field of study; Business Studies, Business Studies with Digital Marketing and Advanced Certificate in Business. WCFE is particularly responsive to the rapidly growing employment opportunities in ICT and business graduates enjoy excellent progression opportunities to WIT. The College enjoys a reputation as one of the most progressive Colleges in the business area.

Construction and Engineering

An invigorating learning experience is offered to students interested in the area of construction and electronics. Our Construction and Engineering Department offers a practical and theoretical foundation for students interested in these areas. The Construction and Engineering Department offers two major courses of study; Construction Technology and Electronic Technology. An innovative classroom environment is offered to students, incorporating cutting edge technology and expert tuition.

Night College WCFE offers a wide range of night courses throughout the year. Over a thousand students partake of our evening courses each year and the area continues to grow. Courses are varied and designed for both academic achievement and personal development. A full list of evening course provision is available from our Parnell St. campus. All courses are appropriate for those who wish to enjoy educational development, but cannot commit to a full- time day course. Further details on these and over 30 other full- time day courses is available at or visit our Facebook page to see the opportunities WCFE has to offer. Waterford College of Further Education,Your College, Your Future.

healTh & wellbeing

tips for an

active retirement

Keeping healthy and positive in your retirement is vital, and easier than you may think... by Gemma Swansburg


aintaining good health is important for all of us, at any age. With robust health, energy and mobility, you are physically free to pick virtually any activity or lifestyle you choose. there is no need for special diet secrets or exercise plans. simply maintain a balanced diet, exercise at least three times a week for 30 minutes, avoid unnecessary stress, get enough sleep and schedule regular medical check-ups. With this routine and lifestyle you are well on your way to maintaining great health. Age doesn’t have to be a barrier to great physical

accomplishments. 102year-old Fauja singh from England has completed eight marathons – including five London marathons. Do you know what age he decided to take up running? At the youthful age of 81! Fauja took up longdistance running to give himself a new purpose and challenge in life. He even appeared in an Adidas advert with David Beckham, donating his appearance fees to charity. Fauja is the world record-holder for the oldest male marathon runner, having finished the toronto Marathon of 2003 in five hours and 40 minutes, aged

0 The DefiniTive guiDe To acTive reTiremenT THE DEFINITIVE GUIDE TO ACTIVE RETIREMENT 59

92. Jenny Wood-Allen is the oldest woman, having completed the London Marathon in 2002 at the age of 90, with a time of 11 hours, 34 minutes. of course, you do not have to run marathons! Pick any exercise that sufficiently raises your heartbeat and keeps your limbs moving. It’s an excellent idea to ‘kill two birds with one stone’ by picking an exercise routine that also includes a social activity. Ballroom dancing is considered one of the best physical and social activities for senior citizens. You’ll meet new people, have a laugh, stretch your limbs, exercise

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FRIENDS MUSIC TALKS EVENTS TOURS Experience More with Membership Through joining as a Friend of the National Concert Hall you directly contribute to our Education, Community and Outreach projects, you ensure the highest in artistic excellence reaches Irish audiences and you support the National Concert Halls continuing development as a world-class facility for generations to come. Membership of the National Concert Hall means you experience more while gaining a greater connection with the home of music in Ireland.


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Make yourself at home at the National Concert Hall...the true home of music in Ireland. A sense of occasion greets our audience night after night at the National Concert Hall - a world-class venue, a home for the Arts and a community of which every audience member is part of. The Hall has a fascinating history and is the home of Classical Music in Ireland.

intimate. There are exciting devel­opment plans to rejuvenate older sections of the building into public spaces. The Kevin Barry Rooms, home to the Treaty Debates of 1921 and 1922, will be restored during 2015 into recital rooms and meeting space ahead of the 2016 commemorations.

The site at Earlsfort Terrace was originally developed in 1865 for a major international exhibition. Music formed a vital part of the early history of the building with band concerts choral and organ recitals and classical dances. The building has served as a university campus, most recently as University College Dublin.

We are proud of our membership programme – The Friends of the National Concert Hall. Our members support the music programme that enthrals audiences night after night, and also our education and community outreach work, ensuring music is available to deprived communities, children in hospitals, and to people living with dementia throughout Ireland. When you become a Friend of the National Concert Hall you help inspire and give life to the work that we do. As a Friend you will also benefit from a sense of community enjoying ticket discounts, priority booking, music appreciation courses, international tours, receptions and dinners with like-minded people. Our doors are now open to new members so get in touch and be part of something special.

Established 1981, the Hall is rated by performing artists as one of the finest concert halls in Europe and boasts a thrilling line-up of the world’s greatest performers both nationally and internationally. The Hall enjoys the patronage of more than 300,000 people each year who attend more than 400 concerts and 500 smaller events, talks, and tours. Our philosophy is one of social and cultural inclusion with a sense of pride that we programme music and events for all. The building is impressive but the venue

For further information on the National Concert Hall’s mem­bership programme, forthcoming events, education and outreach projects visit or call


Friend of the National Concert Hall membership starts at just €125 per year.

healTh & wellbeing

your mind by remembering routines and can derive great satisfaction from the end result, not to mention impressing everyone around you with your new skills! voluntary or part-time work

It is a natural human desire to seek a positive sense of self-worth and purpose. A job can often provide this sense of identity, purpose and daily routine. It is not uncommon for new and active retirees to feel a deep sense of loss, lack of motivation and even mild depression when they finish working. Part-time or voluntary work might be a great replacement for this void. Many organisations and groups are staffed with retired employees whose work principles, extensive experience and reliability are very much appreciated and respected. In addition, performing voluntary work for a favourite charity can provide enormous spiritual rewards and satisfaction. there are several ways of seeking out this kind of work. the internet is one of your best resources. simply The DefiniTive guiDe To acTive reTiremenT 1


Physio Products Ltd is a dedicated supplier to the physiotherapy profession. We offer a comprehensive range of evidence based products to assist in the rehabilitation of specific conditions. Physio Products was launched in 1994 to serve physiotherapy departments in hospitals and in private practice. We can provide a full fit-out for a modern practice, including examination & treatment couches. Our range of electrotherapy includes ultrasound, laser and interferential units. The evolution of the Physiotherapy Profession has led to some exciting crossovers to other disciplines, resulting in us currently stocking an extensive range of Pilates, acupuncture, massage,

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healTh & wellbeing

do a Google search for volunteering organisations in your area. Volunteer Ireland may have a centre in your area. You can call 01 6369446 to find out, or email them through their website: go back to school

My retired family doctor and his wife are in their nineties and they are just about to complete their third diploma course since retiring. they are currently studying geography, which involves field trips up mountains and around lakes with fellow students who are 70 or more years younger! Courses at local THE DEFINITIVE GUIDE TO ACTIVE RETIREMENT 67

community colleges are usually reasonably priced, even free or highly subsidised by the government. Your local library, higher education college, or again, the internet, can be an excellent source of further information. Visit for free courses from some of the world’s best universities. You can take any subject from writing to archaeology and meet people from all over the world! get online

Learning how to use the internet is relatively simple, and many community colleges will offer beginner

courses. these days, the price of computers and internet access is getting cheaper and cheaper. In addition, there are many libraries and coffee shops that offer free internet access, so it really is easier to get online. the internet can be a fantastic tool for entertainment, information, socialising and education. news from all parts of the globe, videos, music and online books are all just a click away, and you can also keep up regular contact with family and other loved ones who may live too far away for frequent face-to-face contact. As an active retirement resource, the internet is second to none. there are a slew of websites, forums, discussion groups and blogs dedicated to active retirement with tips on retirement planning, offers and activities. there are even ways of earning additional income online, such as selling on eBay and taking part in paid surveys. Life after retirement is not about your age. It is about your emotional, physical and mental state. so shun away your worries about growing old, seize retirement with both hands and let your new life begin!




Pearse Road, Sligo 071 919 0400



communities supporting older people More people are living longer and fuller lives with many older people choosing to live independently in their own homes...


ecause of the rising number of older people residing in this country today, safety and security is important to ensure seniors have peace of mind and feel secure in their own homes. THE DEFINITIVE GUIDE TO ACTIVE RETIREMENT 69

the seniors Alert scheme aims to encourage community support for vulnerable older people in our communities. the scheme provides grant assistance towards


the purchase and installation of equipment to enable older persons without sufficient means to continue

to live securely in their homes with confidence, independence and peace of mind. Grant support is available towards the purchase and installation of personal monitored alarm systems and can be accessed through community and voluntary groups registered with the Department of the Environment, Community & Local Government. All applications for grant support must be submitted

through community and voluntary groups registered with the Department. Information on the seniors Alert scheme and the list of voluntary registered groups can be obtained at www. Keep safe at home

Your home is a big part of your life. It can affect your whole sense of well-being so it is important that you feel happy and safe there. safety experts agree that the best way to deal with


security tips • Keep your possessions safe by securing your home. Contact the Seniors Alert Scheme to see if you are eligible for grant assistance towards the purchase and installation of secuirty equipment • Don’t keep large amounts of money in your home. Keep it in a bank or building society where it is much safer

crime in the home is to take every step possible to prevent it from happening to you. A security system can not only protect seniors from outside threats such as thieves, but can also allow for other forms of communication, such as medical alert, in case of a fall or other accidents. Keep doors locked at all times. Because seniors are sometimes less alert or move less quickly, it’s important that doors always remain locked, because by the time there is a threat that becomes known, it could be too late. While it is important to keep doors locked at all times, THE DEFINITIVE GUIDE TO ACTIVE RETIREMENT 71

seniors should also ensure that close friends or family members have keys, in order to check in on the person, if necessary. Always keep a phone nearby and always know where it’s located.

F URtHER InFoRMAtIon The Seniors Alert Unit, Community & Voluntary Supports Division, Dept of the Environment, Community & Local Government, Teeling St., Tubbercurry, Co. Sligo.

Tel: 071-918 6707/ 071-918 6733/ 071-918 6765 E:

• Make sure you have good exterior lighting on your home. A well-lit home not only deters criminals, but can also prevent other accidents and injuries resulting from darkness • Do not to let strangers into your home. Fit a door chain and viewer • Never give out personal information to strangers who come to your door or telephone you • Never let a maintenance man who has just turned up at your door into your home. Check ID of maintenance men that you are expecting. you can check with their employer beforehand. If you are ever in doubt – ask them to come back when someone else is with you. An eclectic mix of Old World charm & New World contemporary elegance and luxury. Located on the South Coast of Dublin, overlooking Dublin Bay. Easily accessible by road, bus, sea and train line. Only 20 mins from Dublin City centre by train.

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Don’t be worried about

going back to



ridie Daly from Wesmeath says “the biggest fear I had was that I would be the only one with difficulties spelling and writing and that the course would be like school. It couldn’t have been more different and I tell everyone I meet that there’s no need to be worried about attending a course, it’s the best decision I ever made.” Bridie fell behind at school because she had dyslexia that was undiagnosed. she decided to return to education as an adult to help her daughter with her homework. similarly, several years ago, olive Phelan joined an adult literacy class in her local adult education centre in

Dublin. “I was very nervous going back to education but it’s the best decision I ever took,” she says. “the tutors were absolutely brilliant, they made me feel so at ease and now I’m learning online,” she says. According to the last international survey, one in four or 25% of Irish adults have literacy difficulties – 500,000 adults were found to be at or below literacy level 1 of a five level scale. At this level a person may, for example, be unable to determine the correct amount of medicine to take based on information printed on the medicine package. the International Literacy survey also showed that another 30% of Irish adults


were at level 2, meaning they could only cope with very simple material. In the past literacy was considered to be the ability to read and write. today the meaning of literacy has changed to reflect changes in



Cork is a city with a very rich historical and archaeological heritage – much of it still in evidence today. Part of this heritage, Cork City Gaol is located 2k n/w from Patrick’s Street and while the magnificent castle-like building is now a major and unique visitor attraction, this Gaol once housed 19th century prisoners! Visitors get a fascinating insight into day-today prison life at a time when the high walls ensured no escape and denied law-abiding citizens the opportunity to see one of the finest examples of Ireland’s architectural heritage. Stepping inside visitors are taken back in time to the 19th century. Wandering through the wings of the Gaol, the atmosphere suggests you are accompanied by the shuffling feet of inmates, each representing their particular period in Irish history from pre-famine times to the foundation of the State. The cells are furnished with amazingly life-like wax figures; original graffiti on cell walls tell the innermost feelings of some inmates while a very spectacular audio visual tells the social history and contrasting lifestyles of 19th c. Cork and why

some people turned to crime, and some ended up in Australia . This exhibition fascinates visitors of all ages and nationalities and the tour is available in up to 13 languages. At the same location and uniquely situated in the former Governor’s House, is the Radio Museum Experience incorporating the restored 6CK Radio Broadcasting Studio. In addition to an audio visual on Marconi – and particularly his Irish connections, there is a wonderful collection of artefacts, including the RTE Collection, providing a nostalgic trip back to the early days of radio.


Interview with... Tony Moloney

society and the skills needed by individuals to participate fully in society. It involves listening, speaking, reading, writing, numeracy and using everyday technology to communicate and handle information. Most adults with literacy difficulties can read something but find it hard to understand official forms or deal with modern technology. some will have left school confident about their literacy skills but find that changes in their workplace and everyday life THE DEFINITIVE GUIDE TO ACTIVE RETIREMENT 76

72 The DefiniTive guiDe To acTive reTiremenT

Like many people with literacy difficulties, Tony Moloney, thought he was the only one. “I thought I was alone and that it was a shameful thing. If I ever had to deal with anything official, it hung over me like a huge fear in case I’d be asked to read,” he says. However, since attending adult education classes everything has changed. “Going back to education has inspired and empowered me,” says Tony. “I can’t praise the tutors in youghal enough, they’ve given me the confidence to try anything. And now I’m even representing other learners on the National Adult Literacy Agency Student Subcommittee,” says Tony proudly. Tony Moloney was born and reared in Blackpool in the northside of Cork. He was the youngest of six siblings and was only seven years old when his father died in the 1960s. Because his mother had multiple sclerosis, his eldest sister Rita gave up her job to

money and making sure everyone towed the line. Like many of his generation, Tony got left behind in Primary school as there were 57 children in his class. Despite this, things improved when he entered Secondary school, where there were smaller classes. “It was only then that I started learning,” says Tony. “I remember there was one teacher, Mr Twomey, a very tall, thin man from the Gaeltacht. He took an interest in me and was the highlight of my schooling. While I was weak at reading and writing, he knew I was good at maths and science and gave me great encouragement,” he says. Indeed Tony excelled in these subjects and got an A+ in both Maths and Science in the Inter Cert. After completing these exams, Tony left school in 1973 and got an apprenticeship as a painter and decorator. He had originally applied for a job with Pfizer in Cork and he even made it to the second

look after and raise the family, while his brother Donal took on his father’s role of bringing in the

interview but lost out because of his literacy difficulties. Since then he has worked


“Going back to education has inspired and empowered me” continuously in a number of different jobs but he admits that his problems with reading and writing have always haunted him. “When I worked as a taxi driver in Cork I was expected to jot down addresses and directions from the radio. That wasn’t an option

decided to return to education and tackled his literacy difficulties. “I signed up for a computer course in youghal Adult Learning Centre - basically I was entitled to six hours free tuition in the evenings as part of a FÁS job I was doing locally. That was really the start for me. The

day. She’s always online getting us new resources to work on and training herself so she can help us even more. She knows how I have difficulty seeing words on a page and has given me different aids to help me with reading,” he says. Tony was voted class

for me so I bought a Dictaphone to get around this – recording the message the minute it came in and playing it back to myself. If I couldn’t read signs, I’d ask someone. Before long I’d memorised all our customers and addresses,” he says. Tony also worked in the pub business for a while but always found the paperwork difficult. “I

tutor noticed that I had difficulty reading and spelling so with her support I decided to do one-to-one literacy classes,” he says. “At first I was terrified as I thought I was the only one with problems or that I was the worst. But they’re amazing in the youghal Centre – they have this ability to put you instantly at ease, everyone is treated as an equal, there’s no

representative by his classmates. There are four from each area in Cork – Cobh, Fermoy, Midleton and youghal who represent their colleagues views and organise student development days and attend networking events. It was while attending last year’s Student Day in Waterford that Tony was invited to join the National Adult Literacy Agency Student Sub-

was nearly teaching myself to read at that stage – comparing the

them and us,” he says. After a year and a half working

committee. “Three years ago I was one of

labels on bottles with the names in order forms,” he says. But dealing with solicitors and banks or anything official was always nerve wrecking. “you think you’re the only one who has a problem reading or writing, so you have this constant fear that you’ll be caught out,” he says.

with his tutor, Tony joined a group class with 10 other adults. “It’s fantastic, we’ve been together two years and are now all on FETAC Level 3 at the moment – everyone has similar stories and is helping each other out – it’s great fun,” says Tony, who has special praise for his tutor Cathy O’Mahoney. “It’s

six guys working with FÁS who was offered six hours free tuition, and it’s given me a new lease of life. It’s a great opportunity that makes a huge difference and I would hate to see that opportunity lost to others with cutbacks in education and training. That’s something that I will be working

It was only recently that Tony

unbelievable what she does every

for,” says Tony.


The DefiniTive guiDe To acTive reTiremenT 73


make their skills inadequate. For example, if a person left school before Junior Cert and didn’t have to use their reading and writing skills in their work or home life, they could easily get out of practice and lose confidence in their ability to use those skills. Literacy is like a muscle. If you don’t use reading and writing skills

every day you can get out of practice. the great news though is that all over Ireland, lots of people are returning to learning and improving their reading, writing and maths. they are people who want to catch up on what they missed at school, parents who want to help children with their homework and those who would simply like to write an email. Whatever the reason for going back to learning, the benefits are always the same. not only



do people improve their old skills, but they also gain the confidence to learn new ones. Currently in Ireland there are over 55,000 adults attending literacy courses nationwide. this service is mainly provided by the VEC Adult Literacy services. the national Adult Literacy Agency also offers a distance education service where adults can learn with a tutor over the phone or internet in the comfort of their own home. Michael Power from Co. tipperary feels passionate about his journey back to

education. “I want to take everyone by the hand and take them on the journey I’ve been on,” he says. “It’s been a rollercoaster. ten years ago I couldn’t read bedtime stories to my kids but since going back to adult education I’ve done my leaving cert in English and Maths. My daughter even told me I was better at explaining algebra than her teachers!” Adult learning is a very different experience to school. Adult learning is all about addressing the needs of the learner, working at a pace that suits them and mapping out a

learning path that fits in with their life and interests. the important thing to remember is that it is never too late to return to learning and the benefits are well worth it.

F URtHER InFoRMAtIon If you would like to find out more about returning to education call the National Adult Literacy Agency on 1800 20 20 65 or Freetext LEARN to 50050. For more information visit

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financial planning

aDverTiSemenT PromoTion

Planning for the future When did you last review your provisions for your retirement?


t every stage of our lives, our situations are changing. From starting our first job, to having children, to planning for retirement - our priorities are never the same. And it’s often difficult

to relate what we will want in the future, to what we have to do now to get there. Financial Planning is all about just that – identifying what we need to do now to plan for our future. For any

of us approaching retirement, obvious priorities might be clearing any outstanding debt, planning home improvements or ensuring that sufficient pension plans are in place. there are other factors, however, which might need to be considered beyond retirement. • When I retire, how much replacement income will I need? • If I became sick and was unable to work, how much replacement income would my family and I need? • If I died, how much replacement income would my partner or family need?


financial planning

With increased standards of living and medical advances, we’re now (thankfully!) living longer than ever before. Which makes planning our finances

post-retirement all the more important. It’s important to consider the possibility that we may develop a chronic illness and need constant care, or for the possibility that we may need to move to a nursing home. Dental care is another expense that can often be overlooked. the dental work required in retirement tends to be more extensive than just the run of the mill procedures.

FREE FINANCIAL REVIEW At Ulster Bank, we offer a ‘free financial review’ with one of our financial planning managers, which will cover the following areas: income: First we look at your total household income. Security: We check to see if you have enough cover in place to protect you and your family for loss of regular income due to death or serious illness. Savings and investments: We can help you to select the right mix and match your choices so you can ensure that your money is put to work and available when you need it most. Retirement: We look at your plans for retirement to ensure you have enough money to enjoy the lifestyle you expect. Once you’ve assessed what you currently have in place, this needs to be related to your life goals and values. Are your plans sufficient, or do you need to consider:

7 The DefiniTive guiDe To acTive reTiremenT

• Topping up your pension fund/retirement savings • Assessing your attitude to investing and giving informed consideration to the many longer term capital secured and unsecured options available • Re-organising any life or income protection policies to change the level of Life or Serious Illness cover that suits your changing circumstances Once you have completed your review and addressed any changes which were required, you can get on with your life, safe in the knowledge that you are prepared for the future.


financial planning

Along with the State Pension and benefits, there a number of grants and entitlements that people may qualify for in retirement. These grants are means tested and cover part of the cost of some essential home improvements, for example: • structural and heating repairs • mobility issues in your home • insulation is a good place to start for more information on things like this.

supporting additional dependents may be an unexpected draw on income in retirement. For example, elderly relatives or adult children may remain part of the household. However, as many

entitlements change regularly, the bulk of preparation rests with ourselves. We should all review our financial plans at least once a year. An annual review is all about ensuring that what you have in place is continuing to meet your needs. It gives peace of mind that the plans you have now are adequate and to ensure that your money is working as hard as it can for you. And if not, it makes us aware of what we need to do. When reviewing your finances, it’s important to make sure you have up-to-date information, by reviewing the following: • Details of any existing life

• • • •

assurance and protection policies already in place Any bank or building society savings account statements or passbooks Certificates for any investments or shares Details of any pension scheme Recent payslips

F URtHER InFoRMAtIon To make an appointment with an Ulster Bank Financial Planning Manager and discuss how our ‘free financial planning review’ could help you, drop into your local branch or call 1800 200 936 and we’ll be happy to help.

Ulster Bank Ireland Limited is regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland THE DEFINITIVE GUIDE TO ACTIVE RETIREMENT 84

The DefiniTive guiDe To acTive reTiremenT 7

90% of people asked in a recent survey all agreed they would prefer to remain at home and if possible pass away in their own beds surrounded by the ones we love. I only had one family who had actually put into practice their mum’s wishes and when she was 99 she became poorly and had a very bad chest cold, which resulted in breathing difficulties. Subsequently her swallow was compromised, however she did not want hospital care. Her family had the community health nurse and her doctor monitor her and keep her comfortable, but within 3 weeks she sadly passed peacefully in her carers arms. Governments are now advocating that people have the choice to remain in their own homes, in the communities that they have lived in for 30-50 years or more. They know most of their neighbours and feel safe in these familiar surroundings. The figures suggest that 1 in 4 of us will be over 65 in 2020 and the need for senior services will increase all over the world. Casa A Carers was set up as a LIVE IN only set up and we started with a recruitment company and supplied help to families to care for children and the elderly since 2000. We have built our reputation on finding the perfect match for each persons needs. We believe care is all about relationships and feeling safe and secure and this can’t be achieved with someone popping in for 30 -60 minutes. More often than not you may need help outside this allotted time slot and be uncomfortable waiting for someone to arrive. Our Passion is to make sure live- in care is available to all people irrespective of their budget and with Government support we could make this very affordable both for clients and the tax -payer as this is the most efficient model of care.

I am sure you get the picture? In 2015 we will launch 2 new companies offering different models of live in care to ensure there is a model to suit every budget, we will never compromise on quality as our foundation is our 5 stage recruitment process and vetting every carer with background checks, Garda Vetting and reference checking. I am so passionate about helping families get the care they need I have written a book called “Confused about Carer for your Mum and Dad” this is due to be published early 2015. I found that most families when they call me have no idea what type of care their Mum or Dad needs, they don’t know what they are entitled to, and they also have not considered all the legal aspects involved like assigning power of attorney. Here is an excerpt from “Confused about Care for Your Mum and Dad?” So now you realize it is time… Mum or Dad really do need help. In a moment you suddenly realize this is going to be a momentous task and all those previously mentioned questions flood your mind. ➢Are you and you alone going to be responsible for your parents care? ➢Will your siblings be able to help or contribute? ➢Where do you start? ➢How do you initiate this difficult conversation? ➢What about insurance policies, money in the bank or investments? ➢Have they made a will? ➢Who will pay? ➢Do they have enough money to pay for long -term care? ➢Do they need medical assessments by specialists? ➢Where do you go to find out who can help and what to do? ➢What are they entitled to? ➢If your going to care for them what are you entitled to? I have been dealing with families for over 12 years now and really understand how difficult this is. We can be super successful in our personal lives and careers, however when it comes to family matters you have to deal with multiple ego’s, lots of old unresolved hurts, emotions add to this add sibling rivalry and you have a recipe for disaster. As I mentioned you can be a superhero in your life but when you return to the family home you can often turn back the clock and become like squabbling children again, able to wind each other up and push all the right buttons to cause you to lose your cool and become a screaming wreak.

I have met only a few families who can put all this aside and have parents who seem to be sensible and willing to have a rational conversation about what they desire for the future and are willing to reveal all their private information to their children. These are the exceptions rather than the majority. The majority of families feel they are dysfunctional, as there are unresolved issues, some not talking to others, jealousy and so on. Trust me this is normal not dysfunctional. • You can go to our website and register for your FREE copy when its released • Alzheimer’s and Dementia is on the increase and sufferers always thrive much better with one to one care in their own homes. Familiarity, keeps them feeling safe and less agitated and if they are troublesome in a nursing home then often they are sedated so they don’t disturb the other residents. We advocate living life to the fullest no matter what stage of decline you are in, keeping our clients as independent and active as possible and ensuring they have enriching activities and outings to go to, helps give something to look forward to, reduces depression and keeps them engaged. As we only do live in we have time to ensure our clients eat properly, well-balanced meals. We ensure they are properly hydrated as dehydration causes many problems for the elderly, such as UTI’s and confusion. We also incorporate little things like foot and leg massage as long as there are no contraindications. Many of our ladies like to wear make up, have their hair done and get dressed up with their accessories every day. We advocate this and encourage our clients to invite friends over for tea, or going to the Pub to watch football or meet up with old pals or visit the theatre or cinema. With live in help they can have full and enjoyable lives, as they get the assistance they need and the tasks that have become difficult like cooking, cleaning and ironing. Once we finally get the client to accept some help and they find that the “stranger” in their home soon becomes a trusted friend and companion. Many say they wished they had done it sooner. With this in mind we created our NO STRINGS OFFER for €395

“Sure if they want to get in, they’ll get in”. I couldn’t tell you the amount of times I’ve heard this. Technically this statement may be correct but in theory it doesn’t necessarily hold up. Why is that? The facts: Burglars generally enter your home through your front and back doors, patio doors or windows. They generally enter your home on the ground floor and they don’t tend to break glass, if there are neighbouring homes. Thieves don’t want to spend more than 1 minute breaking into and 2 minutes inside a home. Homes without the proper protection in place can be easily broken into in less than 30 seconds. This also goes for homes with state of the art monitored alarms. Alarms are a great deterrent but due to 95% of alarm activations being false are not very reliable. Due to their numbers the Gardai are under extreme pressure at the

moment. They try to respond as quickly as possible to a triggered alarm but the burglars are usually long gone by the time they arrive. Most people think because they have a decent multi-locking system on their doors, their doors are secure. The cylinders in these doors, if they haven’t been upgraded to high security cylinders, can be bumped or snapped in seconds. Patio doors can also be easily broken into. Windows can be jimmied in seconds. These points of entry can easily be secured and if they are, the likelihood is that the burglar will not get in to your home. Generally burglars look for the easier targets. By installing proper security products you ensure that this will not be the case with your home. In Europe and the U.S. much greater emphasis is given to prevention rather than the detection of burglaries. Alarms let the burglar know how long they can afford to stay in your home but it is much more important to stop the thieves from getting in, in the first place. There is a once off expense to put these measures in place but for the peace of mind alone it is worth it. Visit and check out their tips page for simple things you can do around the house to deter burglars.

REFERENCES Diane Carbo, RN has over 35 years’ experience in a variety of nursing settings,

including orthopedics/rehabilitation nursing, home care, discharge planning, case management, oncology, hospice, senior behavior health, assisted living, and long term care. Her passion is to help people plan for long-term care needs, and to that end started Her goal is to assist aging seniors and their families to develop plans that allow individuals to remain home, safely and comfortably, in the least restrictive environment, regardless of age, income or ability level.

Dr. Matthew Edlund, M.D., M.O.H., is an internationally recognized expert

on rest, sleep, and body clocks. His books include The Body Clock Advantage, Designed to Last, and Psychological Time and Mental Illness. His new book, The Power of Rest, shows that rest is a skill that rebuilds, renews, and rewires mind and body, and can increase productivity, health, and pleasure. For more information, visit his website,

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