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After class the next day, May lingered behind. Ms.Smarty emerged from behind her desk. “Hey May. What’s wrong?” Ms.Smarty asked, looking concerned. Then May told her everything, how she had blurry vision, how her mom got her contacts, and how wrong she was not to tell her sooner. Ms.Smarty nodded, then wrapped May in a big hug. Then, May knew that everything was going to be all right. When May got home that day, she took Ms.Smarty’s advice. She could almost see Ms.Smarty encouraging her from wherever she was. She also could feel Ms.Smarty in her heart, always her love would be with her. May took a deep breath and plunged into the kitchen where her mom was. May looked down at her shoes. She shuffled her feet. Her heart was beating so fast, it was like she had just ran a mile. May stumbled forwards then stopped. She looked at the square tiles on the floor. She wanted to disappear into the cracks. What she had to do next would take lots of courage. Maybe even more than what she had. Then she remembered Ms.Smarty's smiling face and knew that she would always be there for her. May took one big, last calming breath, then whispered, “Mom.” “Hmmm,” her mom asked. “Mom,” May repeated stronger now, “I don’t like those stupid contacts. They don’t make me see better and they’re really annoying. Please can you get me glasses?” May’s mom suddenly looked like she would burst into tears any moment. “Oh May!” she cried, “I was so wrong to force you to have contacts! I liked them so I just assumed you would like them! I should have asked you! I was a terrible mom!” May didn’t say anything. No words were needed. They embraced for a long time, May never wanted to let go. “I love you,” mom told May. “I love you too,” May whispered. On Ms.Smarty’s birthday, the class sang and laughed and danced. When the class left for recess, May was left alone in the room with Ms.Smarty. It was a picture with these words on the top, “To Ms.Smarty, a supportive teacher who gave a little girl hope. Who taught her, although the right thing to do may seem blurry, with a good friend, the truth always becomes clear.”

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