The Eco-Logic Awards 2019 Brochure

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Molweni Molweni Mother Earth I thank you for my Body Made from the rocks and roots of your body Your Body becomes my Body My Body becomes your Body We are One Molweni Mother Earth I thank you for your Air That flows through my lungs Your Air becomes my Air My Air becomes your Air We are One Molweni Mother Earth I thank you for your Waters That flow through my veins Your Waters become my Waters My Waters becomes your Waters We are One Molweni Mother Earth I thank you for your Life-force That gives vitality to my body Your Life-force becomes my life force My Life-force becomes your Life-force MOLWENI Mother Earth Molweni I Greet you in love and gratitude We are One We are One We are One

Written for the Eco-Logic Awards by David Parry-Davies Editor of The Enviropaedia set to music by composer Grant McLachlan and given voice by VOX Choral Group: see





Meet influential, innovative and inspirational people in the environmental and sustainability sectors.

18:00 THE ECO-LOGIC AWARDS CEREMONY Introduction to Eco-Logic by David Parry-Davies.

18:25 MOLWENI performed by Vox Coral Group 18:30 PRESENTATION OF AWARDS       

Climate Change Award Eco-Innovation Award Recycling and Waste Management Award Eco-Build Award Water Conservation Award Green Economy Award Biodiversity Award

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19:20–20.00 A LIGHT NETWORKING SUPPER ... ... of local, lekker, in-season finger foods and canapés.

20:00 PRESENTATION OF AWARDS      

Municipalities Award Eco-Community Award Eco-Youth Award Eco-Angel Award Eco-Warrior Award Eco-Logic Lifetime Achievement Award


Followed by further networking and photo opportunities for Award winners and Finalists until 22.00.





Dear Eco-Logic Guest



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We hope you will thoroughly enjoy and benefit from your participation in The Eco-Logic Awards celebrations, hosted by The Enviropaedia.

Today, we celebrate individuals, communities and organisations who have the intelligence, foresight, wisdom and emotional maturity to behave in an ‘Eco-Logical’ manner. What do I mean by ‘Eco-Logical’? As Publishing Editor of The Enviropaedia, I recognise that we and many other organisations have been providing information about the world’s environmental crisis for a long time. In fact, these issues were clearly identified and articulated back in 1992 when the world’s leaders gathered in Rio to discuss these challenges and to identify solutions for them. And yet, despite the vast amount of information supplied to governments, business and the public about the increasing scale of our environmental challenges – we have not changed our ways sufficiently to effectively deal with these challenges! I therefore looked for a different approach to dealing with our environmental challenges (because if we keep doing the same thing – we are likely to get the same results - that are clearly not working). The words of Albert Einstein gave me the key I had been looking for. He said: “The world we have created today, has problems that cannot be solved by thinking the way we thought when we created these problems.” The critical point he identified is that in order to solve our current environmental challenges - we first need to re-view and change our thinking! Pollution, poaching, climate change and other environmental challenges are the outcomes and effects of our thinking and value systems.


Trying to solve these challenges without first addressing the thinking and values that motivate and drive our behaviour is like trying to fix a punctured tyre by blowing in more air – without first fixing the leak! By changing the values and thinking patterns that motivate our behaviour and thus cause these environmental challenges, we can build a new foundation for a healthier, happier and more sustainable world for us to live and thrive in. I therefore began by identifying the negative, destructive and selfish thinking patterns and values that I believe are responsible for creating most of our current environmental challenges (I call them the destructive EGO-Logical Values). Then I identified the logical, opposite positive values and thinking patterns that can stimulate and drive sustainable and regenerative behaviours that are likely to result in a happier, safer and more sustainable planet to live on (and these I refer to as the ECO-Logical Virtues). These ‘Virtues’ of Eco-Logic are the basis of the Eco-Logic Awards and they form the judging criteria on which we have selected our worthy Award winners. I hope that you will resonate with these ‘Virtues of Eco-Logic’ and use them as a frame of reference to play your part in healing and regenerating our Earth - and in so doing improve the quality of your own life and the profitability and efficiency of your business. Yours eco-logically, David Parry-Davies Publishing Editor of The Enviropaedia

Visit the Enviropaedia at for more on the concept of Eco-Logic


The Virtues of Eco-Logical Thinking Eco-logically destructive thinking & values (F.I.D.O.E.M.S)

Eco-logical Virtues (V.I.R.T.U.E.S)

1. Fear (doom & gloom), Anger & Apathy

1. Vision

Far too much of this has already been spread around, resulting in people feeling overwhelmed and unable to make a real difference to the state of our home planet Earth.

2. Insular/Silo thinking A lack of awareness and consideration for the interconnectedness and inter-dependence of Earth’s systems and the potential effects that any individual action can have on the whole system.

3. Disconnection with Nature Significantly due to urbanisation and packaging of our daily foods, many have forgotten that we are absolutely dependent on Nature and healthy eco-systems for our physical health and wellbeing and our economic development.

4. One dimensional (exclusively intellectual) views and decision making in business and science A lack of emotional and intuitive intelligence - resulting in a brutal mechanistic/ commodity based view of Nature and people – causing waste, destruction and loss of natural resources and eco-systems and the cruel abuse of individuals and communities.

5. Ego-centred focus – resulting in a lack of Social Cohesion Climate change and the many other environmental challenges we are currently facing are far too big for any one person, community or even one Nation to solve on their own. We need to unite as humanity to meet these challenges. Yet we have allowed ourselves to become divided by selfishness, racism; Nationalism; Religion; politics and other superficial differences that prevent us from acting in unity against the biggest challenges facing all of humanity today.

6. Materialistic focus – driving unsustainable Consumerism Unbridled material self-gratification resulting in about 20% of the (richest) world’s population consuming about 80% of the world’s resources ( = a recipe for social and political instability). Driven by a shallow, immature and misguided value system that believes that the more (money and stuff) you consume and own, the more important you are in society. This thinking drives unsustainable levels of consumption, breeds corruption and diverts us from the non-materialistic things in life that bring about more meaningful and longlasting fulfilment and self-actualisation.

7. Short-term thinking Being motivated by profits today and instant gratification of our wants and wishes, without due care and consideration for the future.

Fighting against wears you down - fighting for stimulates, invigorates and excites. We therefore need to determine what we do want (we already know what we don’t want) in order to give us positive direction and inspiration to create a beautiful, healthy and sustainable world to live in

2. Inclusive / Holistic perspective Looking at the ‘bigger picture’, seeing the interconnectedness of all things and taking into consideration the potential (beneficial or destructive) knock-on effects of our choices and actions.

3. Reconnection with Nature Recognising the importance of Nature and the value of her eco-system services for our physical and economic health. Harmonising and learning from Nature in order to achieve the material and economic advantages and benefits of Biomimicry + Circular Economy efficiencies.

4. Three Dimensional Intelligence integrating intellectual intelligence with emotional and intuitive intelligence in order to reach more balanced (wise) conclusions and decisions that view and treat people and planet as if they are just as important as intellectual and material property and profits

5. Ubuntu – Care for Community Recognising that all humanity is threatened by the same environmental challenges, we need to put aside our differences in order to ensure our future survival. In an Ubuntu society that recognises our mutual dependence and our common humanity, the minor differences of colour, race, religion, politics etc. are diminished and become less important. By actively promoting and building an Ubuntu consciousness we become more able to work effectively together to meet and overcome our common social and environmental challenges

6. Ethical focus – driving a quality based approach to consumption By focussing on our non-material virtues and assets (including the arts, culture, spiritual and psychological self-development), we reduce the need for material goods to define and maintain our sense of self-worth. And when choosing goods that we do actually need, by purchasing high quality goods that last longer instead of wasteful disposable or short lifespan goods, we can reduce the overall quantity of the world’s resources that we are consuming. When we actively choose to be an ‘ethical consumer’ (buying from those organisations that choose to reduce their environmental impacts) we can further drive down the levels of environmental destruction waste, pollution and climate change caused by dirty, wasteful and unsustainable methods and processes of production.

7. Sustainable long term thinking (In Economic & Political Strategy). Balancing our short term wants and wishes against our ability to meet our long term needs.



Justin Fox is the current editor of Getaway magazine. He is also a photographer and the author of 20 books. Justin was a Rhodes Scholar and received a doctorate in English from Oxford University after which he became a research fellow at the University of Cape Town, where he has been teaching part time for two decades. His articles and photographs have appeared internationally in a number of publications and on a wide range of topics, while his short stories and poems have appeared in various anthologies. He is a two-time Mondi journalism award winner (1999 and 2004). Recent books include The Marginal Safari (2010),Whoever Fears the Sea (2014), The Impossible Five (2015) and The 30-Year Safari (2019).


Yolan is the CEO of the Endangered Wildlife Trust, one of the largest conservation NGOs in southern Africa. Yolan’s academic qualifications and senior role in many local and international institutions are too many to list in full, however as an indication of how well respected her work and thought leadership is, Yolan is a Director of the Institute of Directors SA, the first female recipient of the SAB Nick Steele environmentalist of the Year Award, the winner of the CEO Most Influential Woman in Business and Environment Award in the Environmental Category, recipient of the 2012 Green Globe Award, a member of the Golden Key International Honour Society, a Board member of the Global Compact South Africa, and was a Regional Councillor on the IUCN Council for 4 years.


Jannette was born and educated in Gauteng. After graduating from the University of Johannesburg (RAU) she joined Anglo American as an environmental consultant and continued her consulting career at various internationally recognized engineering firms for a further 16 years. Whilst specializing in environmental management systems, compliance, training and EIA’s, she was fortunate to work in countries such as Canada, the UK, Namibia, and the United Arab Emirates. In 2010 Jannette moved out of consulting to join the Altron Group as Head of Sustainability. Her role at Altron required her to adopt a holistic approach to the environment and sustainability at a group level. Altron won various sustainability report awards under her guidance. In 2014 Jannette continued her studies at the University of Pretoria to further her knowledge in Integrated Reporting and Sustainability. After returning to consulting for a brief period in 2015, Jannette joined Sun International as their Group Sustainability Manager in 2017. Her role has expanded to also include environmental, health and safety, socio-economic development, community engagement, risk management and B-BBEE. She is also responsible for compiling and managing the group’s Integrated Annual Report (IAR) as required by the JSE.


Kevin is an eco-entrepreneur focused 100% on unlocking green economy opportunities. He is also a sustainability professional with deep experience in strategic corporate sustainability as well as in the development of green, low carbon projects. In 2006 he founded his most current entrepreneurial venture - Global Carbon Exchange (GCX) with two goals in mind: to create commercial value and to make a positive impact at the same time. Kevin is currently the CEO of GCX, a strategic environmental sustainability and project development company that supports the transformation of large, complex organisation across SA into more responsible and valuable entities through the design and implementation of sustainable business programs. Besides his role at GCX and The Green Building Council South Africa, Kevin is also a Director of OptimusBio a leading, homegrown biotech company developing biological solutions across various fields.


Albi Modise serves as Chief Director/Head of Communications at the Department of Environmental Affairs (DEA). Modise graduated with an Honours degree Journalism and Media Studies from Rhodes University School Journalism. He has worked as a Lecturer at Tshwane University of Technology, also at Government Communications and Information System, State IT Agency and Spokesperson for the national Ministry of Communications. His responsibilities include overall management of the communications portfolio in the department while also entrusted with spokesperson roles for the department. He has served as the Country Spokesperson during international conferences like international climate change talks, CoP 17 and other similar international conferences. In addition he also Certificate in Telecommunications Policy from Wits University and General Management Programme from Gordon Institute of Business Science (GIBS).


Charles Moore is an award-winning environmental filmmaker producing documentaries and television inserts for local and international TV networks. He has been the Series Producer on the SABC2 environmental programme 50|50, the producer of a series on the 2002 World Summit on Sustainable Development as well the COPPUCINO series of interviews at COP17 for the Cambridge University of Sustainability Leadership.



Ms Modise is a sustainability specialist with over 20 years’ experience in the field and currently the Chief Executive Officer of the Green Building Council of South Africa. Until January 2017, she was the Strategic Executive Director: City Sustainability at the City of Tshwane where she was responsible for leading the sustainability programmes and ensuring that the City becomes the greenest most sustainable city in the African Region. Ms Modise also served as Chief Policy Advisor for Sustainable Development at the South African Government Department of Environmental Affairs where she spearheaded the development and implementation of the National Strategy for Sustainable Development, South Africa’s engagements in global sustainable Development negotiations, the environment sector green economy response including the establishment and management of the national green fund. Ms Modise holds an MBA from the University of Pretoria’s Gordon Institute of Business Science (GIBS), A Master’s Degree in Environment and Development from the University of Sussex; a Post-Graduate Diploma in Environmental Diplomacy from the University of Geneva among other qualifications. She has served on numerous boards and advisory panels and is currently the chairperson of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Africa focal point advisory panel.


Ndivhuho Raphulu heads up the National Cleaner Production Centre of South Africa (NCPC-SA), the resource efficiency and cleaner production programme of the Department of Trade and Industry (the DTI), hosted by the CSIR, with offices in Pretoria, Cape Town and Durban. He oversees the NCPC-SA’s efforts to promote the implementation of Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production (RECP) methodologies to assist industry to lower costs through reduced energy, water and materials usage, and waste management. Ndivhuho holds degrees in Environmental Science, Environmental Management and Developmental Studies. Prior to joining NCPC-SA he was Senior Sustainability Advisor at national power utility, Eskom. He plays a leading role in various national forums as well as on the continent and internationally, and is currently President of the African Roundtable on Sustainable Consumption and Production (ARSCP), and Chairman of the EU and African Union Partnership on Sustainable Consumption and Production. He also co-chairs the Steering Committee of the African Regional Eco-labelling Project, and serves on the Executive Committee of RECPnet, the worldwide UNIDO and UNEP resource efficiency and cleaner production forum. He is non-executive director of various social and sporting organisations, a trustee of Desmond Tutu Diversity Trust and founder and member of the board of trustees of the Proclaiming Life Church in Centurion.


Nancy Richards is an independent journalist with many years’ experience in radio and print. As a radio presenter, areas of specialisation included literature, the environment and ‘women’s issues’. In print amongst others, she covers environment, arts, lifestyle, travel and décor. She is founder of NPO: Woman Zone and a Women’s Library. She’s author and co-author of Beautiful Homes - featured in Fairlady; Woman Today - 50 years of South African women on radio and Being a Woman in Cape Town. She is a speaker, media trainer and proud to be Board member of Soil for Life. Born in London, based in Cape Town.


Vince is a member of the IUCN Species Survival Commission and the IUCN World Commission on Protected Areas. He has worked throughout Southern Africa with national governments, private sector and community based organisations in the management and planning of nature based tourism. Vince worked as a researcher and independent consultant in the Okavango Delta for over a decade and has also carried out biodiversity survey work in Mozambique, Madagascar and Angola to assist governments with the setup and planning of new protected areas. He is currently the General Manager of the Ecotourism unit at the Wildlife and Environment Society of South Africa (WESSA) which oversees the Blue Flag, Green Coast and Green Key eco-labels, as well as the management of national youth development projects.


Anthony Stroebel has been the Group Marketing Director for Pam Golding Properties (Pty) Ltd since 2000 but his role has now evolved to Head of Strategy. He is currently responsible for integrating a ‘green agenda’ into the future of Residential property in South Africa, this as a brand dimension of the Pam Golding brand. His vision is to drive green consciousness in the domestic environment, thereby facilitating the inclusion of green credentials in the valuation of residential property. He schooled at Woodridge College in Port Elizabeth and currently holds a degree in Bachelor of Commerce (UCT), as well as Diplomas in Public Relations and Marketing (Damelin College).


Joanne Yawitch has been the Chief Executive Officer of the National Business Initiative (NBI) since March 2011, having previously been Deputy Director General for Climate Change in the Department of Environmental Affairs with responsibility for Environmental Quality and Protection, as well as for the Department’s Climate Change work. She worked for the Gauteng Department of Environment from 1997 to 2004 and prior to that was Special Adviser to the then Minister of Land Affairs. Joanne is currently the Chairperson of the Board of Directors of South African National Parks and is on the Board of SAFCOL. Joanne ́s expertise lies within business and sustainability, business and government collaboration, climate change and climate change negotiations.



SPECIAL THANKS! A Special Thank You to our eco-friends and supporters for generously providing the following prizes and contributions: PRIZES FOR THE ECO-DRESS-UP COMPETITION De Beers for a pair of sparkling diamonds Seiko Watches for stylish yet classic watches perfect for all occasions Canon for an EOS M100 Digital Camera and Zoom Lens David Green for stunning eco-friendly watches and eyewear White Elephant Safari Lodge & Bush Camp for a 2 night stay for up to 16 guests

FOR AWARD WINNERS Rhino Wood and Knobs & Tassels for creating bespoke eco-friendly Award certificate frames Ngwenya Glass for bespoke blue glass Eco-Logic Award trophies

DELICIOUS THINGS Stellar Winery for their tastebud-tingling bubbly and sensational organic wines Sir Fruit for their delicious, healthy and alcohol free selection of juices Sun International for their local, lekker, inseason finger foods and canapĂŠs

SPECIAL PEOPLE & ORGANISATIONS John Matham: Master of Ceremonies Vox Choral Group: Performance of Molweni and Pula The Studio Art Gallery and the Artists for Nature: Commissioned works of art for The Eco-Logic Awards in support of The Endangered Wildlife Trust Miss Earth: Prize presentations WESSA: Volunteer Helpers Matthew Rosmarin: Video Production Candice Burgess of King Of The Jungle: Public Relations Altstadt Printing for the printing of the EcoLogical Awards Brochure R&D Brands for designing the Eco-Logic Awards Brochure and Award winners certificates



Climate change

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DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE: SMARTAGRI PLAN SmartAgri (The Western Cape Climate Change Response Framework and Implementation Plan for GOLD the Agricultural Sector) is an outstanding example of how government has developed a plan and is WINNER implementing this plan for the benefit of all involved in the agricultural sector (including commercial and smallholding farmers, agri-workers, agri-businesses, etc). The SmartAgri Plan is also an attempt to secure the food basket of the Western Cape and beyond (regional, global exports, etc.); and to ensure the agricultural sector in the Western Cape is more resilient to climate change, thereby securing jobs and ensuring economic development. SmartAgri is furthermore highlighting how difficult and comprehensive certain challenges are, in this case climate change, and finding effective ways to become more resilient as a sector. These action plans are delivered in a palatable and userfriendly way, in which the roles and responsibilities of stakeholders are clearly defined. The main aim is for stakeholders to pick up the plan, read it, get excited by it and move towards climate change resilience in their own way and at their own pace with their own tailor-made implementation plans.

GLOBAL WHEELING Since 2010 Kayden Kleinhans has been travelling the world solo on human energy, by bicycle, with the BRONZE aim of raising awareness about our over reliance on fossil fuels and advocating carbon free travel. With WINNER one and half revolutions around the globe on pedal power since its launch, Global Wheeling is both a nonprofit organisation as well as an international television series airing to millions of people worldwide including the US, India, France, Sri Lanka, Russia, Poland and South Africa. The television series, now moving into its 3rd season, preaches this pedal powered eco-gospel to audiences in multiple languages around the globe making it a fiercely powerful tool with huge reach and ability to influence in a positively green manner. In conjunction with the series is the Global Wheeling NPO that has planted thousands of trees and donated truck-loads of bicycles to less fortunate communities in South Africa. Between major rides Kayden mentors groups of aspiring eco-warriors by facilitating micro expeditions to various locations around the world whereby groups of 10-20 people plug into a two week carbon free pilgrimage whilst stopping to plant trees and add value at local eco charity projects en route to festivals and gatherings which thereby reduces the events carbon footprint. This re-immersion into nature by means of deep ecology and using the body to power yourself great distances helps to sew the seed of change amongst people that are looking for a deeper environmental connection.

TOMA-NOW: WHAT DO WE DO WITH THE ALIENS? TOMA-Now (Tomorrow Matters Now) advises and partners with leading companies, industry bodies and NGOs on the green economy to develop responsible, impactful ways of doing business, with significant environmental and social benefits. TOMA-Now has developed a biomass beneficiation value chain economy by removing alien vegetation which is a threat to South Africa’s water security. A local biomass market already exists and is open for expansion with biomass acting as a renewable resource for energy production in South Africa’s smaller towns. It’s an effective way to develop an inclusive low carbon economy. The unlocked value potential is for 118,000 tonnes alien biomass in the Eden district alone, with additional biomass available from sawmills and plantations in the area. Developing a biomass beneficiation value chain will have the following benefits: Unlock a significant quantity of biomass as an energy generating resource; improve South Africa’s water security; create jobs through the green economy and grow small businesses in rural communities whilst reducing their local environmental footprint.





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DEKRO PAINTS: AMORIGUARD A-GAIN In 2012 when Prof Mulalo Doyoyo was developing a binder for waste materials with Sasol Chemcity he discovered how to make paint using this technology. Sasol Chemcity approached Ryan Purchase, a paint chemist, who had just taken a voluntary retrenchment from Midas Earthcote to evaluate the sample which had many problems, but provided the seed of a brilliant innovation. The two joined forces and Amoriguard was born.



Almost 18 months was spent evaluating various waste streams before development commenced on the first product. As there is no SABS Specification for a “Waste Based Paint”, Amoriguard turned to Agrément for certification of Amoriguard A-Gain Topcoat. Due to the unconventional nature of the product the Agrément evaluation and testing took almost a year before being certified. Amoriguard have entered into an agreement with Dekro Paints to manufacture, market and distribute the Amoriguard A-Gain Products. Amoriguard’s objective is to develop a range of sustainable green coatings and associated products utilising significant levels of waste materials. The sub-brand, A-Gain, comes from using products (recycling) Again and that it is A Gain for society to use these products. Even the packaging is made from 100% recycled plastic and end users are encouraged to clean and reuse the buckets again!

INTERWASTE: WASTE DERIVED FUEL SERVICES On August 2013, a legislation banning the disposal of hazardous waste to landfill was released – challenging the waste management sector to become more forward thinking in how to manage such waste to the benefit of the environment, as well as delivering value to clients that are generating such waste.


In response, Interwaste, constructed a blending platform facility, where suitable hydrocarbon and chemical hazardous waste, from various industrial generators, are stored and subsequently blended to generate an alternative fuel, that can be used in cement production. Interwaste are the first company locally to introduce the production of liquid fuels for coprocessing. The facility receives, stores and blends hazardous waste sludge (liquids and solids) with an inherent calorific value, to be used in the pre-calcining process, as a waste derived fuel (WDF). Co-processing in cement kilns is effective as the high temperatures and longer residence time allows for the complete destruction of the fuel. This alternative fuel used in cement kilns is waste that would have otherwise had to be incinerated or sent to landfill.

UCT BIO-BRICK: GROWING BIO-BRICKS FROM HUMAN URINE In 2018 University of Cape Town’s Dr. Dyllon Randall and his team ‘grew’ the world’s first bio bricks from human urine offering a more sustainable approach to conventional brick making. The process uses various “waste” streams (urine, waste building material etc.) to produce bio-bricks using naturally occurring methods. Bacteria is used along with the urea present in urine to produce a bio-cement that is able to glue loose material (sand) into a shape of any form – in this case, a brick.


The bio-bricks are the same size and shape as standard South African masonry bricks. They are stronger than concrete bricks and are currently made from 50% dune sand and 50% Greywacke aggregate and have a porous structure. The calcium carbonate produced from the biological process cements this material together and constitutes up to 20% of the final bio-brick. The process is inspired by nature and is responsive to the limited resources we have. The next steps are to use “waste” material to even replace the sand component used thus converting multiple “waste” streams into something useful. While not at the commercial stage, Dr Randall is confident that these bio-bricks will be on the market within the next 5 years. R6.5 million in funding will be invested over the next two years to develop the fully-integrated urine treatment process. There is significant potential to disrupt the current way we deal with sanitation with this technology. The ultimate aims are to rethink “waste” streams, create paradigm shifts in the sanitation and building sectors and to disseminate knowledge to the public so that these initiatives are socially accepted. South Africa desperately needs to recycle and reuse “waste” streams in order to achieve a circular and sustainable economy.



recycling & waste management the

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BAOBERRY: I-ZEWATA The i-ZEWATA (Industrial Zero Waste Tiered Analysis) is a game-changing tool that aids the design, assessment and evaluation of an integrated waste management and treatment system for application in BRONZE the heavy manufacturing industry with the objective of achieving Zero Waste. It also assists companies in WINNER preparing to participate in Industrial Ecology programmes and initiatives that not only contribute to the green economy but also promotes downstream economic opportunities, divert industrial waste from landfill and contributes to a green and circular economy. Over a 5-year implementation of i-ZEWATA, industrial waste at an iron and steel company was reduced by more than 40%. It is estimated that the implementation of the i-ZEWATA tool can contribute to ZAR 9.2 billion worth of resources entering the economy annually.

GREEN CAPE: THE WESTERN CAPE INDUSTRIAL SYMBIOSIS PROGRAMME (WISP) The Western Cape Industrial Symbiosis Programme (WISP) is a free facilitation service that creates mutually beneficial links or “synergies” between member companies. The programme connects GOLD companies so that they can identify and realise the business opportunities enabled by utilising unused or WINNER residual resources (materials, energy, water, assets, logistics, expertise) - i.e. one company’s waste can be used by another as a resource. WISP is funded by the City of Cape Town and delivered by GreenCape, a not-for-profit organisation that supports and promotes the development of the green economy in Africa. WISP has over 650 business members in its network and has had the following beneficial impacts: • 36,600 tonnes of waste diverted from landfill • E stimated fossil GHG savings of 147,700 tonnes of CO2e (equivalent to electricity use of 39,800 South African households) achieved to date • F inancial benefits to WISP members of R67.9 million in total consisting of: • Additional revenue R34.6 million • Cost savings – R24.8 million • Private investment – R8.54 million • F or every R1.00 the City has invested in WISP: • R7.00 has been returned to members in financial benefits • 25 permanent, 25 temporary jobs and 126 wider economy jobs created through WISP activities.

RECLITE: RECYCLING OF PROBLEMATIC WASTE GLASS PREVIOUSLY CATEGORISED AS “NON-RECYCLABLE” Reclite developed and implemented an innovative process (a world first) to make different industrial grade products from glass recovered from waste lighting, waste solar panels and autoclaved glass vials from the medical industry. These products were listed as non-recyclable by the glass industry due to their chemical or hazardous properties. The glass products are sold and used in industrial applications replacing an imported virgin glass equivalent, thus forming a local national supply of these products for the first time. Reclite is the first company in South Africa that recycles spent solar panels and medical glass vials in addition to its waste lighting recycling. Reclite is now currently expanding to accept other problematic glass waste that is currently not recycled, such as CRT and LED/Plasma screens. Traditional glass recycling methods mainly focus on glass bottles, and the processes are not designed to recycle other glass. This has proved to be a financially viable and a sustainable solution for previously nonrecyclable waste. Reclite developed successful collection systems nationwide for these waste streams, working together with the public, waste companies, hospitals and directly with its clients to exclude these wastes from waste bins bound for landfill, supporting high levels of waste reduction and re-use.




Creating Concrete Possibilities


Eco-Build Award

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DEKRO PAINTS: AMORIGUARD A-GAIN In 2012 Prof Mulalo Doyoyo was developing a binder for waste materials with Sasol Chemcity when he discovered how to make paint using this technology. Sasol Chemcity approached Ryan Purchase, a paint BRONZE WINNER chemist, who had just taken a voluntary retrenchment from Midas Earthcote to evaluate the sample which had many problems, but had the seed of a great innovative new product. The two joined forces and Amoriguard was born. Almost 18 months was spent evaluating various waste streams before development commenced on the first product. As there is no SABS Specification for a “Waste Based Paint”, Amoriguard turned to Agrément for certification of Amoriguard A-Gain Topcoat. Due to the unconventional nature of the product the Agrément evaluation and testing took almost a year before being certified. Amoriguard have entered into an agreement with Dekro Paints to manufacture, market and distribute the Amoriguard A-Gain Products. Amoriguard’s objective is to develop a range of sustainable green coatings and associated products utilising significant levels of waste materials. The sub-brand, A-Gain, comes from using products (recycling) Again and that it is A Gain for society to use these products. Even the packaging is made from 100% recycled plastic and end users are encouraged to clean and reuse the buckets again!

HOTEL VERDE Hotel Verde at Cape Town’s international Airport takes ‘Going Green’ to the next level as an ecotourism leader and as ‘Africa’s Greenest Hotel’. The hotel was designed for sustainable luxury in every aspect ranging from its rooms and conferencing facilities to the award-winning Nuovo Restaurant that minimises waste in every possible way.


Featuring low-flow water fittings and recycling systems, photovoltaic panels, energy efficient lighting, vertical axis wind turbines, regenerative drive elevators and power generating gym equipment that are all utilised to generate power back into the system. Guests are encouraged to earn Verdinos (their in-house rewards currency) by choosing to partake in a variety of environmentally sustainable initiatives within the hotel such as walking down the stairs instead of taking the lift. This is an environmentally innovative and unique feature of hotel Verde. The Hotel has created a green lung in the Cape Town industrial area by restoring a derelict wetland that now boasts over 80 indigenous and endemic plants with an outdoor gym, a natural pool, an eco-trail and two urban beehives which provide a beautiful and tranquil space in an unexpected setting. Hotel Verde at the Cape Town international Airport was the first hotel in the world to be certified LEED Platinum (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) for both New Construction, Operations and Maintenance from the United States Green Building Council. The hotel is proud to hold various eco and hospitality awards and they work continuously to innovate and develop their principles and practices of ‘sustainable tourism’.

STREETLIGHT SCHOOLS Streetlight Schools is a nonprofit organisation launching globally competitive schools in some of the most underserved communities in South Africa, starting with a flagship primary school in inner-city Johannesburg. GOLD WINNER The school is the first green-star rated school in South Africa, which was earned for its innovative, low-cost, eco-friendly school design approach. The school was launched inside a mixed-use, affordable housing building managed by Bjala, revitalizing an existing space into a shining example in the Jeppestown community. The presence of school children has improved safety in the community, motivating the city to upgrade the park opposite the school. To make the school environmentally and economically sustainable, the use of local & low-cost resources is maximised while ensuring that high-quality, innovative schooling for marginalised students is delivered. Student inquiry, collaboration, exploration, creativity, and communication is placed at the heart of all teaching and learning. The holistic development of young learners, including social-emotional skills, identity development and values is supported. The teacher recruitment & training process enables those without previous experience to become excellent, lifelong educators within 2 years. Numerous visitors have been hosted, including the Johannesburg Mayor, and partnerships created with those interested in learning from Streetlight Schools, most notably the University of Johannesburg.


Water Wise

- going strong since 1997 AND

















Water Wise has been going for more than 20 years, offering education and information on water conservation in the home and garden. There are many simple and effective ways to reduce the amount of water you use in the garden and home. Hydro-zoning your garden, using mulch, installing a raintank, using permeable paving, and irrigating at the right time of the day are all easy ways to use less water in your garden or landscape. If you would like to know more about what we do and how you can be Water Wise, please visit our website. and click on the Water Wise logo FOR FURTHER INFORMATION ON WATER WISE, PLEASE CONTACT US ON: 0860 10 10 60

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ENVIRO OPTIONS (PTY) LTD Enviro Loo is a dry sanitation system that is safe, hygienic, non-polluting and odourless. As an evaporation and dehydration system, the Enviro Loo utilizes sun and wind to transform human waste into a stabilized material, without the use of water, chemicals or electricity. Because it is a containerized system, harmful waste is not leached into the surrounding landscape or into water systems. As the world’s potable water resources become increasingly scarce, dry sanitation systems become an increasingly important and viable alternative to wasteful water-flushed systems and potentially dangerous pit-latrines. Enviro Options is committed to bringing forward the day that every South African has access to safe, dignified and ecologically efficient sanitation.



THE GREENCAPE SECTOR DEVELOPMENT AGENCY: WATER RESILIENCE INITIATIVE GreenCape’s Water Resilience Initiative was developed to assist businesses within the Western Cape region in coping with the drought experienced by the province. The water resilience initiative demonstrated how to reduce and promote efficient water use, and in doing so building economic resilience to water scarcity risks.


As a non-profit organisation which removes barriers to green growth, GreenCape’s water resilience specialists have played a critical role during the drought period by helping over 400 businesses to cope with water shortages and increased water tariffs. Survey results from 58 of the assisted businesses showed that support through GreenCape’s water resilience initiative helped them safeguard 52,000 jobs and reduced their water usage by 41% on average. The businesses collectively invested around R120 million in efficient solutions which relieved pressure on local water supplies. The water resilience team actively pursued business engagements and hosted workshops, which provided information to businesses on water-related risks, alternative technologies, case studies and legislation. The business support workshops also facilitated knowledge-sharing and collaboration amongst other businesses. Globally, water scarcity is a growing business risk. The water resilience team’s model is unique, and can help other cities and regions build economic resilience and safeguard jobs in a climate of increasing uncertainty.

VIRGIN ACTIVE SOUTH AFRICA: JOURNEY TO NET ZERO WATER WASTE A recent UN-endorsed report predicts that the global demand for fresh water will exceed supply by 40% in 2030. The notion that water is a single-use resource is antiquated. How we think about water; how we use and reuse water, has to fundamentally change if we are to survive drought and changing climate conditions.


Against this backdrop, Virgin Active South Africa has invested over R25 million in its Western Cape clubs and has committed to rolling out its water resilience efforts to its clubs nationally. Given this estate is made up of more than 140 clubs nationwide, this is no small undertaking. This decision is driven by the recognition that drastic action needs to be taken to secure the long-term sustainability of this vital resource. By instituting operational efficiencies and making infrastructural changes such as greywater systems, their efforts have been rewarded in the Western Cape with a 62% reduction in consumption in 2018. This is just the beginning as the health club group have committed to achieving Net Zero Water Waste by 2030, putting back what they take out, and then some – evolving to a restorative enterprise.


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Green economy


CAPE TOWN ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION TRUST: CTEET TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME The Cape Town Environmental Education Trust (CTEET) has been running the Training and Development Programme (TDP) for youth from low-income communities since 2007, in order to facilitate entrants to the Green Economy. Over 200 youth have participated in accredited nature conservation learnerships, graduate internships and tertiary bursary programmes. The nature conservation learnerships in particular have proven highly successful, with 77% of graduates having moved on to further training or employment on completion of their programmes. This model is strengthened by access to the conservation projects managed by CTEET, and the organisation’s strong partnerships with Conservation agencies and Environmental Organisations. TDP participants not only have the opportunity to gain invaluable work-place experience during their 12-month placement on conservation projects and reserves, but CTEET’s established network also provides access to job opportunities within the Green Economy.


This unique model is growing the Green Economy by equipping youth for this sector and creating opportunities for experienced, willing and passionate entry-level environmentalists. These opportunities give hope to many youth and allow for people to identify with conservation projects, taking custodianship and contributing to the protection of Cape Town’s biodiversity.

GREENCAPE SECTOR DEVELOPMENT AGENCY GreenCape is a Cape Town-based NPO working with businesses, governments and academia to identify and remove barriers to green economy growth. They catalyse the replication and uptake of green economy solutions to enable each country and its citizens to prosper. The GreenCape vision is a thriving prosperous Africa, mobilised by the green economy - one that is pro-poor, low carbon and resource efficient. Services provided: • Market data, research and insights • Advisory services and technical support to government and industry Sector development: • Advocacy and access to networks of key players in government, industry, finance and academia. Examples of their Impacts: • GreenCape developed an application for the Atlantis Special Economic Zone (SEZ) for Green Technologies, the first greentech-focused SEZ in the country.



he SEZ was launched by the President in Dec 2018. The T GreenCape team then attracted R680 million in green economy investments into the SEZ, creating over 300 jobs. • Leveraging their market intelligence GreenCape assisted the Development Bank of Southern Africa (DBSA) to successfully apply to the Green Climate Facility to set up a SA Climate Finance Facility. • GreenCape directly supported 22 Western Cape municipalities to develop rules and regulations for customers to feed electricity into the grid; the team also facilitated 3.4MWp of solar PV installations to date.

WESSA: TOURISM BLUE FLAG PROJECT The Tourism Blue Flag (TBF) project, funded by the National Department of Tourism, has trained and mentored 200 youth over a 28-month period. The project has led to a cadre of skilled youth who are now better placed to access further employment within the Green Economy.


In August 2018, President Cyril Ramaphosa stated that “around 162 000 jobs and R47bn can be generated through the development of the biodiversity economy”. The growth strategy included having “100 Blue Flag beaches designated across South Africa by 2030”. Through TBF, WESSA supports government’s vision by developing South Africa’s youth to play a critical role in the green economy. In the last two years, TBF youth have assisted in increasing the number of Blue Flag beaches in South Africa from 50 to 66. Further, President Ramaphosa’s recent State of the Nation Address on 07 February 2019 re-emphasized government’s commitment and focus to providing jobs for youth. The value of the Tourism Blue Flag project is not just in environmental management and education but also in economic development and job creation of youth in the conservation and tourism industries. Supporting the development of youth is essential for South Africa to grow its green economy.



Biodiversity Award

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CITY OF CAPE TOWN: BIODIVERSITY MANAGEMENT IN THE CITY OF CAPE TOWN Plans for conserving Cape Town’s unique biodiversity began in the early 1980s. Many of these plans such as the Biodiversity Strategy and the Biodiversity Network (BioNet) were visionary documents and a first for a South African municipality.



However, implementation was slow with pockets of activities around some of the established reserves as well as a people centred project called Cape Flats Nature. This all changed when in 2005, the City formed the Biodiversity Management Branch (originally the Nature Conservation Branch), within the Environmental Management Department. Areas formally secured for conservation have doubled from 34% of the BioNet in 2009 to over 64.8% by 2018, a doubling in less than a decade. The conservation effort has been further supported by: formalising protected area boundaries and management plans; setting up protected area advisory groups; management effectiveness; people and conservation programmes; establishing baseline ecological data; monitoring and evaluating; and increasing the staff component from approximately 40 in 2005 to over 210 by 2018. The functions of Biodiversity Management have also grown through this period to include: protected area expansion; management of 20 protected areas; conservation stewardship programmes; conservation services programmes; invasive species management; people and conservation; and significant job creation and skills development.

KLOOF CONSERVANCY: ENVIRONMENTAL REHABILITATION PROJECT Caring for the Ekurhuleni-owned Korsman Bird Sanctuary in Benoni, Korsman Conservancy is a small, self-funded organisation of volunteer Citizen Conservationists that punches far above its weight in achieving results. Operating on a shoestring budget, they self-developed techniques and built innovative tools to effectively clear this wetland sanctuary of invasive vegetation and reed incursion, bringing it back from the brink of being a wasteland.


Since 2014, their invasive vegetation removal programme has almost completely eliminated some category 1b plants such as Cirsium Vulgare which destroyed bird habitat. Their annual controlled ecological burn has seen indigenous plants and insects return, and provided food for birds. This has saved dozens of Spur-winged geese which used to starve from lack of grazing in the moribund grassland. Areas that were degraded from reed incursion which devastated the grassland, and caused siltation in the water, have recovered with native grasses, sedges and wildflowers. Korsman Conservancy has largely stopped sewage spills into the wetland through their pro-active engagement with the Ekurhuleni Municipality. They are proud that due to their constant care, the Sanctuary is home to a wide variety of insect species that can only survive in a clean environment, such as the Marsh Sylph butterfly and the Phantom Flutterer dragonfly. This stands in stark contrast to other East Rand pans which are almost devoid of all life.

LANDMARK FOUNDATION: SHEPHERDING BACK BIODIVERSITY Approximately 70% of South Africa’s land surface comprises of agricultural landscapes. Traditional livestock and game farming have resulted in disastrous effects on native biodiversity in these production landscapes. From poor grazing management leading to loss of top soil, to human-carnivore conflict leading to the loss of top predators, and the continuous persecution of meso-predators, and their prey, the competing wild herbivores. It is therefore critical to restore and re-activate natural ecosystem functions in these spaces, as this is where our biodiversity is to be secured, or decimated. Landmark Foundation has designed a conservation intervention that is designed to improve the ecosystem patterns and processes affected by this form of agriculture through an ecologically friendly and ethical brand of rangeland meat and fibre. The Shepherding Back Biodiversity project facilitates mainstreaming biodiversity conservation on agriculturally productive landscapes through a return to human shepherding. While simultaneously increasing economic, socioeconomic and ecosystem resilience, shepherds move livestock herds in mimicking ancient migrations of millions of indigenous herbivores which encourage the regeneration of vegetation. This project allows the interface of biodiversity conservation, livestock production and socio-economics to work together.



• R15 million invested in municipalities. • More than 16 000 lives protected. • More than 4 000 smoke alarms installed in vulnerable communities. • 200 Firefighters trained to prevent and fight fires. • 10 emergency services coordinated to improve relief response.

Santam supports 43 municipalities to increase their capacity, skills and competence to manage disasters and save lives.

Santam is an authorised financial services provider (licence number 3416)

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municipality Award

ETHEKWINI MUNICIPALITY: THE ALLER RIVER PILOT PROJECT (ARPP) The Aller River Pilot Project (ARPP) sets out to support and inspire ‘river communities’ to take co-responsibility for and care for their river. The Aller river is a severely degraded 13-kilometre stream GOLD in Durban, running through New Germany residential and industrial and Clermont township areas. Major WINNER problems include aging infrastructure, particularly the sewer lines routed alongside the river, litter and dumping, chemical pollution, and invasive alien plants. These are exacerbated by the effects of climate change, including intensified drought and heavy rainfall events. The ARPP was initiated in 2016 by volunteers under the umbrella of the ‘TakeBack-Our-Rivers’ initiative of the eThekwini Conservancies Forum with the Kloof Conservancy as the implementing agency. The project facilitates multi-actor collaboration to generate practical solutions to problem issues, such as the safe disposal of disposable nappies. The project has trained previously unemployed township youth as ‘eco-champs’, who then spearhead behaviour change interventions in the community and local businesses. This includes environmental education through ecoclubs established at each of 6 local schools. The eco-champs monitor river health, including through regular weekly riverside walks, and report sewer spillages thereby minimising sewage pollution. Alien invasive plant clearing by eco-champs and a partner organisation is followed by planting endemic indigenous plants, restoring biodiversity.

KNYSNA MUNICIPALITY: DISASTER MANAGEMENT In June 2017 Knysna experienced a level 1 fire disaster. This classification means that it was the biggest fire in South African recorded history and one of the biggest in the world. Very strong winds, varying in directions with gusts of wind-speeds between 80-90 km per hour fanned the fire, resulting in temperatures in excess of 2000 degrees Celsius. Little did the community know that within 72 hours 10 000 hectares and more than 800 structures on The Garden Route would burn. Spreading over 35 areas across the greater Knysna area from Sedgefield all the way to Brackenhill, communities were evacuated as Knysna Municipality implemented their Disaster Management Plan.


Head of Disaster Management, Richard Meyer defined this plan as “a continuous and integrated multi-sector, multi-disciplinary process of planning and implementation of measures aimed at, preventing or reducing risk of disaster; mitigating the severity or consequences of disasters; emergency preparedness; and a rapid and effective response to disaster”. Part of the coordination and disaster recovery strategy was to establish six working clusters to deal with the matter at hand, consisting of Infrastructure, Economic/ Tourism; Social; Communication/PR; Security; and finally the Finance/ Economic cluster. During this time a demand and supply methodology was created, a resource tracker and a value chain of relief for affected households established. Medium/ Longer term interventions included were: • C learing of alien vegetation, fire breaks, defendable spaces, asbestos and landslides. • “ Build back better” and climate smart initiatives during all rehabilitation & reconstruction activities in order to create a more disaster-resilient Knysna.

KNYSNA MUNICIPALITY: INVASIVE PLANT MANAGEMENT SKILLS DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME The socio-ecological challenges that emerged for Knysna Municipality following the devastating fires in June 2017 and the prolonged drought for almost two years before the fire events included water security, future fire risk, loss of indigenous vegetation, loss of jobs and pressure on the timber industry. Fire and drought are the new realities in The Garden Route.


It is critically important to reduce the fuel load by removing alien vegetation, and in turn create job opportunities. Another benefit is to assist with drought alleviation as infestation of alien plant species drastically reduces the water available in rivers. Without a dedicated Skill Development Programme aimed at reducing the risk of climate-driven natural disasters the Knysna Municipality will continue to be at the mercy of the elements. The Knysna Municipality Invasive Plant Management Skills Development programme resulted in 38 unemployed local residents receiving accredited training certificates in the application of herbicide, operation of a chainsaw, first aid level 1 and 2, Health & Safety, plant identification and wildfire suppression. From the 38 candidates who passed the training, an ‘A Team’ was selected based on performance. The team has been equipped with all the necessary tools and PPE for invasive plant management and started an 8-month pilot contract with the Municipality in November 2018. So far, they have cleared high priority sites that were burnt in 2017, and densely infested sites in catchment areas and sites used by criminals. Selected members of the ‘A Team’ were trained as Chainsaw Mechanics in February 2019 further enhancing their skill set and making them more employable. The programme has added enormous value to the Knysna Municipalities ability to respond timeously to environmental challenges.


RECOGNISED FOR BEING GREEN: A FIRST FOR AFRICA Congratulations are in order for Sun International. They have become the first company in Africa to receive a prestigious Green Building Council of South Africa’s (GBCSA) Net Zero Waste rating for an ambitious recycling effort at its Wild Coast Sun property. The award is the first of its kind in the country, and although the Wild Coast Sun was already sending zero waste to landfill by the end of 2016, the verification process required one full year’s data before it could be certified. The GBCSA completed the criteria process at the end of 2017, after which an external audit of the data was done in 2018 by professional environmental consultancy company, GCX.



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Award KORSMAN CONSERVANCY Caring for the Ekurhuleni-owned Korsman Bird Sanctuary in Benoni, Korsman Conservancy is a small, selffunded organisation of volunteer Citizen Conservationists that punches far above its weight in achieving results. They have made massive strides in clearing the Sanctuary of invasive vegetation, reed overgrowth and litter. Because they operate on a financial shoestring, they have self-developed and built innovative and cost-effective tools to effectively carry out difficult tasks. In addition to the hands-on work performed by volunteers, they also raise funds for large scale invasive vegetation and reed removal efforts.


The Korsman Conservancy volunteers care for the Sanctuary and surrounds as a whole by pro-actively engaging with the Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality to keep their infrastructure maintained, and inspire the local community to get involved in funding or joining work parties. They have initiated projects around the Sanctuary which make the area pleasant and convenient for all and bring the community closer together. While the primary objective of the Korsman Conservancy is to restore and maintain the ecology of the Sanctuary, they also use this as an opportunity to encourage a love of nature and raise awareness of conservation within local communities.

SUSTAINING THE WILD COAST: XOLOBENI COMMUNITY The Xolobeni community are part of AmaMpondo nation that lives on the beautiful coastal land popularly known as the Mpondoland Wild Coast. Their land has been declared a Biodiversity hotspot by IUCN (Global Conservation Union). In this area there are 200 endemic plants that do not grow anywhere else in the world. The Xolobeni land is also littered with many archaeological sites that date back 500 000 years. All the big caves found in the area have shell middens indicating occupation during the last glacial ice age. The entire coastline of Xolobeni forms the Mpondoland Marine Protected Area (MPA).



The local community has surprised the world over with a prolonged two-decade resilient resistance against an Australian mining companies bid to mine the area and a Government backed plan to extend the N2 Wild Coast Toll Road which would have destroyed much of the unique beauty and biodiversity of the region. The community say that whilst the South African government has used public finance to try and influence a change of views, the Community has remained resolute against it. They say that Government bought tractors, solar panels, and solar geysers to support those who are in support of mining in the area. Millions of Rands has also been provided by the Australian mining company as development funding to try and persuade people to accept mining but the local Amadiba people of Xolobeni have stood their ground for almost twenty years saying NO to these two proposed projects that threaten their livelihood and traditional way of living. The community believe that both of these projects stand to benefit the ambitions of just a few wealthy and powerful people through extraction of mineral deposits and imposing ”big solutions” like the N2 Toll Road on the people of the Wild Coast. Their opposition is founded on a deeply held conviction that any development intervention that fails to honour indigenous knowledge, customary law and ecological integrity will only serve to create dependency and leave even bigger problems for future generations to resolve. To the surprise of many, the resilient Amadiba community have succeeded in pressurizing the mining company to divest from the Xolobeni dune mining scheme, and in November 2018 they won their legal ‘Right to Say NO’ case against mining in the area.

WESSA: YOUNG REPORTERS FOR THE ENVIRONMENT PROGRAMME Imagine enabling a movement of youth who redefine what it means to be social and environmental leaders. Imagine a South Africa where youth are given the power to actively create and amplify innovative BRONZE solutions for socio-ecological challenges. The WESSA Young Reporters for the Environment (YRE) does WINNER just that! Launched in South Africa for youth to navigate the intersections between social, economic, political and ecological issues, the international YRE programme fast became a community of young leaders advocating for social and environmental justice. YRE bridges the gap between older and younger generations by drawing on the experience of their parents to guide them to understand our environmental risks and then use contemporary mediums (articles, photography and videography) to highlight our communities’ untold stories. Coupled with this intergenerational approach to environmental learning and problem solving, is the value that the YRE community places on mentoring by experts and role-models in local communities. Focusing on development of 21st century competencies and life-long skills, YRE facilitates a process of critical thinking, teamwork, socio-ecological responsibility and leadership to enable a community of young reporters to highlight and solve their local environmental challenges. The Young Reporters for the Environment (YRE) programme creates a community of youth reporters united and motivated through a sense of common purpose



Children need more than just pens and paper to write their future. The Pick n Pay School Club has been supporting schools throughout South Africa for 15 years. With 3 335 schools in the programme, it is the biggest brand-funded education platform in the country. We supply free education material to more than 5,7 million educators, learners, parents and guardians, ensuring a brighter future for all.

Educating future leaders


Eco-Youth Award

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JADE BOTHMA: OCEANO REDDENTES NPC Jade Bothma is the 13-year-old founder of Oceano Reddentes NPC. Her mission is to save the sea one piece of plastic at a time and to use this plastic waste to build a home for a homeless person. Jade focuses on educational awareness around plastic waste and the oceans by hosting zero waste to landfill beach and ocean cleanups, working with local surf outreach organisations to teach the kids how to create eco-bricks as useful building materials. She gives educational talks at schools as she believes that educating the youth is critically important.


Everything collected at beach cleanups is tallied up and the information is submitted for scientific research on plastic. Jade believes that scientific research into the nature and source of plastic pollution is essential in helping to eliminate plastic pollution. Oceano Reddentes NPC therefore also conducts their own research projects around plastic waste. All plastic waste collected is used to make eco-bricks and these eco-bricks are used to build buildings. Jade says: “This has been my dream since I started Oceano Reddentes. We are building a house for the caretaker and his family of The Bhongholethu Foundation as well as a sewing room for the ReLife project”. Jade partners with other organisations as she believes that working together with the same goal makes us stronger.

JOSHUA POTGIETER AND IMRAAN SAMUELS: GUERILLA HOUSE Guerilla House is a shared learning platform for the experimentation and pursuit of regenerative technologies and regenerative worldviews. Their framework is permaculture and their context is urban. The Guerilla House purpose is to make permaculture training affordable and accessible. Their activities include; organic food garden design and implementation, water harvesting, soil building, animal systems, mushroom cultivation, grey water systems, alternative building technologies, waste regeneration, and sacred economics, all within the urban context and all under the ethics of “earth care, people care and surplus share”. This is an impromptu and organic training space where people can learn practical urban permaculture skills, deepen their interconnection, and actively engage in regeneration as a collective. Joshua and Imran aim to facilitate the building of ‘guerilla houses’ household hubs of regeneration wherever a human inhabits earth as they believe that this is where the most potential for positive change can be found.



ROCCO ANTONIO DA SILVA: THE FUTURE KIDS Rocco Antonio Da Silva is a highly motivated 10-year-old with a huge passion to save the environment while helping to make the world a better and cleaner place. Rocco is the founder of The Future Kids BRONZE initiative which is a non-profit organisation dedicated to ‘recycle for a difference’. Inspired by his chess WINNER coach who was launching an app, Rocco launched The Future Kids website to help kids like himself and adults to learn how to look after the environment and how to recycle. The Future Kids host beach clean-ups in Cape Town once a month, where the collected waste is repurposed, reused and recycled. Rocco provides sustainable solutions around waste management in his regional area and school through monthly beach clean ups – where he provides kids with a free Future Kids T-shirt, a canvas shopping bag, a sticker page and a badge as part of his mission to save the planet from waste. The work done by Rocco through The Future Kids initiative helps to create a youth culture that doesn’t litter, one that will pick up litter even when it’s not their own, that understands the importance of recycling at home, at work and in schools. One of Rocco’s biggest goals is to eventually raise enough funds to provide dustbins for all areas that do not have them and to help people in those areas by educating them about recycling and how recycling can be used as a form of job creation. This he hopes will alleviate poverty and unemployment in the country.


We all need a place to call home We salute each individual whose insightful thinking and inventive actions take us one step closer to creating a more sustainable future for the one home that we all share.

Pam Golding Properties is the proud sponsor of the Eco-Angel Award 2019.


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Eco-angel Award CRAIG FOSTER: SEA CHANGE PROJECT Craig Foster has spent over thirty years making national and international award-winning films on wildlife and films of great anthropological significance. In the past eight years, he has spent hours SILVER WINNER every day in the kelp forests of false bay, free diving and functioning as a citizen scientist, contributing to the knowledge and discoveries of species in the kelp forest. He has been mentored in this process by Professor Emeritus Charles Griffiths, a master marine biologist and scientist. Craig has discovered over 8 new species and 40 new behaviours. He has even had a newly discovered species of shrimp named after him, Heteromysis Fosterii. He has recently co–authored an impressive coffee table book called Sea Change-primal joy and the art of underwater tracking. This is the first of its kind that showcases the wonders of the kelp forest while simultaneously speaking to the deep inspiration and change that nature immersion creates within a person. His prolonged exposure to the wonders of the kelp forest ecosystem and the cold has redefined the way that naturalists explore the ocean. His way of being in the water without a wetsuit or any diving gear, makes him at-one with the ecosystem. Not as a visitor but rather as a member of the forest with its incredibly diverse and beautiful variety of species. Craig’s gentle and non-invasive approach has opened up the sea forests to him in a way few people have experienced it and enabled him to discover and uncover many wonderful and previously unknown secrets of the sea. His work has been showcased in BBC BLUE PLANET 2 and will shortly be in film form for wider release. He has co-created the SEA CHANGE project, a not for profit trust, which is a collection of like-minded individuals of explorers, free divers and storytellers who have all come together to conserve our unique and wonderful Great African sea-forest.

MASHUDU MAKHOKHA: LAPALALA WILDERNESS SCHOOL Mashudu Makhokha has built up a well-deserved reputation for developing and running a centre of excellence in the field of environmental education at the Lapalala Wilderness School (LWS). He manages a team of educators that have inspired young people to discover the value of biodiversity in our natural world. Mashudu is a leader who embraces the key inspirational characteristics of passion and enthusiasm in all he does, galvanizing his staff to become outstanding teachers, and encouraging them to identify and nurture Africa’s future conservation champions through the LWS’s Youth Development Program. Many who come to the LWS have recognized their time there as being a life-changing experience, both by encouraging them to consider a career in environmental conservation and by stimulating them to promote biodiversity conservation as a key requirement for a sustainable society. Mashudu’s example at Lapalala should be replicated in all South Africa’s provinces and elsewhere in the continent.


RHIAN BERNING: ECO ATLAS Rhian Berning has environmentalism running through her veins and has had the healthy interconnection between people and planet as her focus for more than half her life. After studying Environmental Science she got the Schools Environmental and Educational Development (SEED) organisation off the ground with its first funding from the Shuttleworth Foundation and project managed SEED on the Cape Flats, nurturing food growing at schools and empowering teachers with the tools and skills to use food gardens as a teaching resource. She then went on to found the Nature Network, fostering a sense of wonder and interconnection with nature for hundreds of children across the schools of Cape Town. She was invited to become the Regional Coordinator for the international Eco Schools programme supporting environmental education and outcomes at schools across the Western Cape. She has gone on to create Eco Atlas, as a unique online platform which empowers active citizens to vote with their wallets for a better world for people and planet. Rhian has also initiated, Renew Able Plett, which is a localised campaign running Eco Brick projects with thousands of children at schools and incentivising businesses and the public to drop single-use plastics, support local suppliers and to reduce their waste to landfill.





Eco-warrior Award

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DANIEL NYARENDA Daniel has been involved in Outdoor Environmental Education since 1987. He was part of establishing programs, projects and outdoor education of Bush Pigs 32 years ago.


This has added value to environmental conservation and enhanced environmental knowledge for the youth. He believes that biodiversity be should protected and conserved for future generations. Therefore there is a great need for educating and helping change attitudes towards nature. He says that he has seen a great positive impact as a result of his work and this has been measured by seeing people that he taught when they were young coming back to the centre as teachers bringing learners and other teachers with the aim to learn more about nature and ‘going the whole hog’ for the environment and ‘an extra mile’ for children.

MARGO TAMZONE ADONIS Margo entered Miss Earth South Africa in 2018 where she was the only representative for the Western Cape at the National Finals top 12 which concluded 6th October 2018. Even though she did not win the title, she has spent the past seven months advocating for the Environment.


During her campaign she conducted a variety of projects throughout the Western Cape promoting environmental awareness and encouraging community and youth development. As the Western Cape was severely affected by the drought, for World Environment Day 2018 she conducted water conservation talks at schools on the West Coast educating learners about the cause and impacts of the drought, and explaining what can we do to respect water and to conserve it. She also completed beach clean ups, community cleanups, and educational school visits to warn students against single use plastic. Margo is dedicated to her campaign to promote environmental conservation and preservation of our environmental and natural resources.

SINEGUGU ZUKULU Sinegugu Zukulu’s life work has been committed to enable people to come to rediscover themselves as living, not on the earth but of the earth, and awakening their consciousness to cherish all life. The rich biodiversity of his ancestral home - the Mpondoland Wild Coast - blooms as much in his soul as it does in the ravines, grasslands, rivers and coastal waters where his ancestors lived and died.



At great personal sacrifice he has led his traditional community, the Amadiba in a decade long campaign against the ambitions of wealthy and powerful people intent on extracting mineral deposits and imposing the N2 Toll Road on the Wild Coast. His opposition is founded on a deeply held conviction that any development intervention that fails to honour indigenous knowledge, customary law and ecological integrity will only serve to create dependency and leave even bigger problems for future generations to resolve. With the Amadiba community having succeeded in pressurizing an Australian mining company to divest from the Xolobeni dune mining scheme, the community has approached the high court for a declaratory order for the Right to say NO, and won. A judgement which is precedent setting for the entire world, affirming land rights of the communities affected by mining. Sinegugu went to court against the approval of SANRALs N2 Wild Coast Toll Road project. The matter was heard on the 3rd and 4th of December 2018 and the judgement was handed down, in his favour, in February 2019.


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lifetime achievement


PAT FEATHERSTONE Pat Featherstone is the founder and director of Soil for Life, a public benefit organisation that teaches people how to grow their own food, improve their health and wellbeing, and nurture and protect the environment. The Soil for Life demonstration garden and composting depot is located in Constantia, Cape Town, but Pat and her team spend most of their time on the Cape Flats, demonstrating, training and encouraging residents to grow their own food, either in their own little garden or cooperatively in open spaces and to live optimally healthy lives. She has always believed in working at the grassroots level to build and educate a population that has an appreciation of and relationship with their soil. She is also the author of Grow to Live - A simple guide to growing your own good, clean food. Published in 2008, it is beautifully illustrated with photographs by Pat’s daughter, Leah Hawker, and is replete with line drawings to make every step in the creation of food gardens understandable. She has also written articles for Gardener Magazine, Biophile and Garden & Home, with the intent of increasing knowledge and awareness of the benefits of food growing, particularly with organic methods. Pat has also run workshops in the Eastern Cape and Genadendal. Pat has also attended two international Organic Agriculture Development training courses – one in Sweden and the other in Thailand and has been an International Guest speaker at Keene State University. Pat’s passion for good soil and the combination of inspiration, enthusiasm and hard work has been handed down through the women in her family - from her mother, grandmother and aunt - and to her three daughters. They all learned to tread carefully on the Earth. Pat has always loved learning, and even at the age of nine was propounding her theories about the delicate balance of Nature and the pressure that humans were rapidly placing on the Earth. In 1962 Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring helped to determine her course of study. She holds a Bachelor of Science Honours degree from the University College of Rhodesia (London) majoring in Zoology and Biochemistry, and a teaching degree from the same university. Her greatest mentor was Professor Bursell, who taught his students that there is a spiritual side to science. In the years that followed her three daughters have cheered from the sidelines and have much faith in her as a mother, albeit an eccentric one. She trusts that they will tread the same path and learn the most important skill of all – to grow their own food. Pat’s first experience in the world of NGOs was with the Food Gardens Foundation. Then in 2002 she branched out on her own as Soil for Life and began training programmes for home gardeners in the Western Cape. From its base in the Soil for Life garden the work has flourished, touching the lives of gardeners from all backgrounds - constantly teaching and learning, sharing wisdom and experience, as they return their soil to a loamy, fertile state of fruitfulness. People come to the garden from all over Cape Town to buy compost, organic vegetables or just to be inspired by its natural beauty and fruitfulness. Pat is dedicated to serving humanity, creating strong, positive energies in places where there are none. Her assignment on this planet is “to serve it and preserve it, dress it and keep it”. Pat has received a number of awards, but one of her greatest honours in recent years was to become the first woman in Africa to be fitted with a mechanical heart pump, powered by a battery which she wears on her waist. She treats every new day as a gift to be celebrated and shared. The potential of the Soil, combined with the appreciation and effervescence that is Pat Featherstone, is what has made Soil for Life the environmental flagship that it is. David Parry-Davies says “Pat is a shining example of a selfless and generous-hearted human being. Her longstanding commitment to serving both humanity and the Earth is based on a foundation of solid science and pragmatism that has benefitted over 35000 individuals who have benefitted from her hands on training and mentorship. Pat is an inspiration to us all and we are deeply grateful to her for her lifetime of truly eco-logical efforts.



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