DIVERCSITY - October 20th, 2014 (Issue #2)

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Your October snugly wrapped up in College Happenings PAGE 6 Dublin Events PAGES 34 World news PAGES 10

Your spooky submissions Halloween Feature!


How will your favorite burrito joint fare in our GREAT MEXICAN BURITOFF




HEY RCSI! We invite you to take a break and relax with the DIVERCSITY committee at our

DIVERCSITY Tuesday event!! TOMORROW @5.30pm Come along for FREE CUPCAKES and CANDY. Get your Martha Stewart on and customize a cupcake with icing, sprinkles and candy - our sweet treat for Halloween! (Nom nom nom!!) If you would like to get involved with the paper or would be interested in submitting things, this would be the best time to hangout with and ask us your questions. We’d also love to hear your suggestions and feedback! We look forward to seeing you! :)





e present to you the second issue of the year! For October we’ve explored the spooky side of the year in our special Halloween feature. We also welcome three new columns - Sudoku, World News and Fashion.

A TASTE OF THE ISSUE: All our columnists have are bringing something new and interesting to keep you entertained this month: RCShape interview two lovely ladies with two very interesting workout routines, Paraic Behan in the Bahrain Exchange programme reports back on his experience so far -have a read to see some familiar faces of our friends from RCSI Dublin having exciting new adventures in Bahrain. As the year is getting busier and more stressful the Student Life section has found a variety of ways to relax and distress with some lazy days as well as tips to stay organised and keep on top of the study. Robots that can control Ebola? Have a read of this and more in the Medical Pulse in the Education section, or have a good laugh with our satire and silly column – DIVERSILLY, and for when you’ve finished enjoying this issue of Divercsity and are ready to head out on the town Culture and Leisure have you covered once again on what to do, see and eat in Dublin. SUBMISSIONS: We were extremely pleased to receive submissions for this issue. We have launched our Moodle page for submissions late last month and EVERYONE is welcome to submit! You can submit articles on any topic as well as poetry, photos, art work or creative writing. Our favorite submission piece of the month will win the Editor’s Pick title and our giveaway for the month! To submit, go to moodle > view all courses > open access courses > DIVERCSITY. You will then be prompted to enroll in this course, and once you have done that you will be able to submit your work by uploading it on that page. DIVERCSITY will then come up in your courses which will make submitting easier in the future. In an effort to blur the lines between print and online, we have decided to use QR codes. We hope to link videos and websites for further reading and enjoyment in this way. You can download a QR Reader as an app on your phone and have a go scanning a code in the paper! MENTIONS: We apologize for the misspelled names in our previous issue and would like to properly acknowledge Yasoda Subramanian for her support and help in the planning of the paper and getting the website set up for us. Last month’s cover photo was photographed and edited by Joe Hsaio, and this month’s cover photo was photographed by Sailesh Partheeban and edited by WaiYi Feng. We’d like to add a note of thanks to the IT department for helping us resolve an issue with our software, and again thank Corriena Brien and Sandra Bonetto for their continued support. - NIKITA RANE AND CAITRIN O’LEARY Directors and Editors-in-Chief


FACEBOOK GROUP SOCIETY PAGE facebook.com/groups/ divercsitysignup/







The ancient Gaels believed that on this day, there was no separation between the worlds of the living and the deceased, who would come back to haunt others and wreak havoc.


hether you call it All Hallows’ Eve, All Hallows’ Day, Halloween or simply October 31st, this annual conviviality is a day founded upon ancient tradition that deserves recognition. Why do people celebrate Halloween? Perhaps we crave the antioxidant flavanols and the sudden flood of endorphins from devouring ‘trick-ortreat’ candies and chocolates. Perhaps it allows us to release our inner fairy princess or terrifying Dracula as we parade the streets at night. The carving of ‘Jack-O-Lanterns’, bonfires and parties are of paramount importance, but for the origins of this magical night we must journey back in time to the Pagan festival of Samhain. In Medieval times, Samhain (pronounced Sah-win) signified the completion of the harvest season and the beginning of the ‘darker half ’ of the year. The ancient Gaels believed that on this day, there was no separation between the worlds of the living and the deceased, who would come back to haunt others and wreak havoc. The celebrations usually took place from sunset on 31 October until the sun went down on 1 November, and involved elaborate bonfires, traditional music and food. The heat of the fire attracted insects, which in turn attracted bats which stimulated man’s imagination to make these significant symbols of Halloween. ‘Trick-or-treating’ (usually done by children as they move from house to house in their fancy costumes, demanding candy or else a trick will be played on the person who refuses them) can be closely associated with the practice of ‘souling’ when poor folk would go door to




door on Hallowmas (1 November) receiving food in return for prayers for the dead on All Souls’ Day (2 November). Halloween has since spread worldwide as Irish and Scottish immigrants carried versions of this tradition with them as they left their homelands during the Irish potato famine (1845-1850). Some countries that celebrate Halloween today include the United States, Ireland, Scotland, Wales, Australia, Canada, New Zealand and even Puerto Rico.


Samhainophobia is the fear of Halloween Ireland is generally believed to be the birthplace of Halloween The word ‘witch’ comes from the Old English word ‘wicce’ meaning ‘wise woman’ Harry Houdini (1874-1926) was one of the most famous and mysterious magicians who ever lived died in 1926 on Halloween night as a result of appendicitis brought on by three stomach punches ‘Barmbrack’ is the classic Halloween food in Ireland, It is customary to add objects to the dessert which symbolize the fortunes of the person who receives it in their slice. For example: a coin represents wealth, a matchstick represents an unhappy marriage for the upcoming year and a thimble means that the person would remain single forever. Information on how to prepare this wonderful Irish Brambrack can be located at the website: AllRecipes.com.





hope you are comfortable?

Do you want anything? Oh, don’t be silly, here have some…. oh, poor thing, so clumsy, let me help you, that’s better. Is something wrong? No? I’m glad, look at you so happy, so proud! So happy with our love! Look outside. Lovely weather we’re having isn’t it? So dark and calm. Sad really, the sun had shone so brightly this morning and now it’s gone….sigh…. gone, nice isn’t it? Oh, how I love storms; I think they are pretty, very, very pretty. Like when we met. Makes me feel like I’m drowning. It’s suffocating! Like falling in a lake, cold and silent. Oh, how exciting. We met on a rainy day, no you don’t remember, but I do. You were the sixth one that day. The sixth one Mama brought in and I knew. Oh, how you looked at me, with such a stare; those eyes, those deep-blue-ocean eyes. How you and the eyes stumbled backwards when seeing my face; how you and the eyes almost squealed with excitement. And then, how your eyes ran away, so overwhelmed with love and passion! If only you could see how mad you had made Mama, how insulted she was! She didn’t understand. “The nerve of him!” she had said. “You’ll never marry,” she had shrieked. “Nobody wants a hideous face!” How cruel she was to speak of you that way; you are not the prettiest man but she should not have been so rude. She didn’t understand; she didn’t see what I saw. She was wrong; we are in love, forever in love, to have and to hold! I hope to forever please you, as you will me. What are you staring at? Oh, do you like my dress? I made it myself you know. Look at the bow in the back. The lovely pattern, the lace, the trim, all done by hand you know, how nice of you to notice. I look like Queen Victoria! Don’t you think? Oh sure, there are a couple tears, but you don’t mind. What? The stains? Oh those; don’t mind them; they add colour,



memories-like you.

You don’t mind. Yes, yes, I know you. You can’t mind. You’re different, not like the others. They are all so jealous, so crazed. Mad people! Blind! They call me Ugly! Can you believe it, ugly! Me, UGLY! Me not fit to wed! A lunatic! How sad they are. Here, look out the window, can you see them? Look down at them, the ants, running from the rain. All of them: the smart ones, the ugly ones; all of them blind, all of them cursed, cursed by evil. They can’t see my beauty. You were once like that too, afraid of the rain. Yes, yes you were, but lucky I saved you. Saved your eyes from that evil.

Did you say something? Speak up! I SAID SPEAK UP! Oh no, silly, we are alone. It’s a big place, isn’t it? Well, this is the attic, so not too big, but big enough for us. Mama says it’s safer for me up here; all Princesses live in towers, like me. Where? Oh, how foolish of me; this is my home; Mama and Papa are away today. Mama’s in London and Papa…. he….he will be back soon. He promised, soon. What’s that? My Scar? Oh, was I rubbing my face again? It bothers me once in a while. It was an accident…but can’t talk about that - he will get mad – it’s a secret. You still think I’m pretty, don’t you? Oh, of course you do! Of course you do, I’m the princess, I’m the beautiful princess, the beautiful princess locked in the tower and you, you are MY prince. You love me, only ME. Right? Right?! Why of course. I always knew you did. I watched you, watched those deep-blue-ocean eyes. Watched the eyes in your bakery with, her. Yes, her. I see you remember, her. Oh, don’t look so surprised; I knew all along! She was hideous, the harlequin wench with the pale smooth skin and golden threads. She looked like a grotesque doll! Oh how all of them fell under her spell! She tried to steal you, and you, so innocent, tumbled into her trap. You were so kind to even gave her that gold ring,



the one you worked hard to afford. Ignorant boy, you mustn’t be so kind. What if I hadn’t seen? What if I weren’t there? I stopped her though. I saved you, as you have saved me. My Prince. What’s that? Did you hear that? Oh, yes, the clock. I always forget about the clock. Tic tock, tic tock! My father bought that clock, a long time ago, for me, for his princess. Did you know my first prince worked with clocks? You look surprised. Don’t be worriedhe’s gone, out of my life, the one with the pearly teeth. Now, it’s just your deep-blue-ocean eyes. The others don’t matter they’re all long gone. How many? Oh, a dozen or so, and now your eyes. Do you want to see them? Of course you can! Can you see? Here, here look in the cupboard; let me help you. See the jars? Look carefully, look inside, do you see? Do you see what pieces I have collected? The pretty ears? The luscious lips? The marbled white smiles? Aren’t they beautiful! Oh, don’t get jealous, they had their fun and it’s all done, done, done. Oh, look at how fidgety you’re getting. Soon we can have fun. Oh, dear, you’re starting to look pale. Are you alright? Do your hands hurt? Are the bonds to tight? Is the gag too much? We must make sure you’re alive. Don’t pass out, you’ll ruin the fun! Oh, don’t be worried. Look at your face. Just think, aren’t you lucky to have me? I am so loved, so fair, so beautiful. But, of course, you know that. Oh! There goes the clock again. I suppose I should hurry. Mama would not be happy to find you in the house. It’s not proper for a princess. Oh, how I love those eyes. Don’t worry; I’ll keep them safe for you. You’re going to look so pretty when I’m done. You look worried. The scissors? Just a toy. Feel it against your skin. For fun. For your eyes. Your pretty, pretty eyes, Don’t you love me?






osted in the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland every year since its conception, this year’s International Conference for Healthcare and Medical Students will take place on Friday and Saturday, 24 and 25 October.

With ICHAMS taking place in RCSI, registration remains open up until the event begins, and passes for the conference start from €50. If you are interested in attending do not forget to register. MORE INFO VISIT ICHAMS.ORG

The conference, run by RCSI students for undergraduate healthcare and medical students, is aimed towards providing all healthcare students with a platform on which to present papers and research, to their peers and professors. ICHAMS offers an opportunity to receive structured feedback on research findings, and valuable career information from experienced healthcare workers. ICHAMS 2014 also promises to bring more interactive workshops this year. This year’s keynote speakers are Ms. Mary Aiken, an award winning Scholar and CyberPsychologist who will open the conference with a talk and Kieran P.J. Murphy, MD, FRCPC, FSIR, Vice Chair and Director of Research of Neurointerventional Radiology in the Department of Medical Imaging at the University of Toronto who will close the conference with a talk on Saturday evening. FRIDAY 25TH RCSI: A HISTORY Professor of Anatomy and Head of the RCSI Anatomy Department, Clive Lee, will be providing his renowned talk into the history behind the college. The talk will focus on the Royal College of Surgeon’s fascinating past and continue on to a tour of the campus from Professor Lee, including an inside view of the anatomy labs. This is an excellent opportunity to get a first-hand insight into our historic college from one of our most captivating lecturers! Attendance for this workshop is capped at 20 participants. COMPUTERISED THREE DIMENSIONAL GAIT ANALYSIS Computerised three dimensional movement analysis is cutting edge technology that is used to detect and measure human movement. The system in the RCSI Movement Laboratory comprises infra-red cameras which detect motion, a force plate which detects forces to the groud, and electrodes which measure muscle activity. The aim of this workshop is to demonstrate motion capture technology and discuss its use in healthcare and in the animation industry. The workshop will start with a brief introduction to computerised three dimensional movement analysis. It will demonstrate how a subject is prepared for motion capture. The analysts will capture motion of a subject walking and show how the data is processed and modelled. The workshop will also demonstrate animation and show some examples of motion capture in people with gait problems. Attendance for this workshop is capped at 15 participants. TEST TAKING STRATEGIES FOR USMLE STEP 1 WITH DR. STEVEN DAUGHERTY. Learn test taking strategies to ace Step 1 during this live online session featuring helpful tips and tricks including how to read exam questions and manage your time effectively. Attend Becker’s free USMLE sample lecture to: * Hear about the USMLE Step 1 exam * Identify


test taking strategies to maximize your USMLE score * Understand how your Step 1 score impacts residency options in the USA * Learn about Becker’s Step 1 Live, Live Online and Becker’s Self Study Course eCoach & Qbank Bundle All attendees receive a free interactive eBook SATURDAY 26TH 14:30-15:30 THE USE OF SALBUTAMOL AS A MEDICINE. This is a three part workshop conducted by members of the RCSI School of Pharmacy. Part 1: Pharmaceutical Chemistry This will depict the development of salbutamol from noradrenaline. It includes an overview of thestructure-activity relationship of salbutamol, the functional groups and selectivity present for efficacy, as well as the side effects that may occur and it’s duration of action. Part 2: Pharmaceutics The pharmaceutics component will be run by Ms Gemma O’Connor and feature a demonstration of the analytical techniques required to show the delivery of salbutamol to the lungs. Part 3: The Practice of Pharmacy Finally, participants will be shown how pharmacists counsel asthmatics on the appropriate use of salbutamol inhalers. Ms Alice Holton will also discuss how spacer devices are used to enhance delivery of salbutamol and the monitoring of asthma using peak flow meters. THE PROMOTION OF GLOBAL EQUALITY IN ACCESS TO MEDICAL INNOVATIONS This workshop is facilitated by Universities Allied for Essential Medicines (UAEM), an international student-led non-profit organisation who promote access to medicines and medical innovations in low- and middle-income countries by challenging norms and practices around academic patenting and licensing. Access to essential medicines is an increasing problem which mostly affects developing countries. Due to economic crisis, however, it is becoming an important issue for a lot of European states as well, including Ireland. This workshop is aimed at students with a strong interest in Global Health and Public Health. At UAEM, we want to ensure that university medical research (which

many of you have contributed to!) reaches its potential to benefit the maximum number of people, worldwide. We will help you to understand the complexity of the access to medicines problem, in part by looking at the role of all the different actors involved: governments, the pharmaceutical industry, funding agencies, health facilities, health workers, and university researchers. By engaging in this interactive session, attendants will walk away with a skill set and knowledge base that will allow them to interpret emerging challenges in Global Health. Attendants will be encouraged to consider their own important role in building a stronger, more equitable civil society. SATURDAY 26TH 15:30-16:30 PUBLISHING PITFALLS AND JOURNAL CLUB PRESENTATIONS Research plays a vital role in the daily life of a physician. Whether it is to establish yourself as a competitive candidate for a training program or to stay up to date with the latest research; a doctor must know how to publish their own work and know how to examine and present another paper at a journal club. In keeping with this, the RCSIsmj will be offering a workshop that will include two key topics. The first segment will cover common publishing pitfalls in an effort to educate students on the do’s and don’ts of writing, editing, and submitting a paper. Our goal is to help you increase your odds of getting your work accepted. Lastly, the RCSIsmj Education Team will briefly demonstrate how you should present a paper at a journal club. This is a valuable skill to all students and will come in handy if you ever work in an academic centre. SURGICAL SKILLS RCSI tutors will divulge their secrets behind developing your surgical skills. Using practice materials from our surgical department, participants will get the opportunity to assess their capabilities and gain invaluable experience which can be applied throughout their medical careers.



Take Me Out!




s I sit here agonizing over the workload which fourth med promises, something delightful popped up on my Facebook. An invite to Take me out. Let me just explain the event for those of you who know nothing about it. Take me out is an Irish dating game show which the SU has adopted for our own amusement. How chilling could a game show be you ask? Well read this.

Imagine bachelorettes lined up on stage, like sheep to the slaughter, awaiting the arrival of their one true love. Each has a light bulb lying within arms length. The bulbs are all lit and create a golden haze in an otherwise hauntingly dark room. Their eyes look to the audience filled with mixed emotions of hope and fear. They are all thinking to the same thing. Will he be THE ONE? The rambunctious crowd anticipates the arrival of the bachelor, with high spirits, -wine to be exact. Their eyes are hungry for the show and jeers hang on the edge of their lips ready to devour the bachelor should he be unsatisfactory. The bachelorettes can feel the energy of the crowd and the adrenaline rushes through their veins as they await the first bachelor. Then the music starts and the crowd cheers. The back door swings open, bathing the crowd in a shaft of light, as the bachelor enters.

With his head held high, and chest pushed out, he dances towards the stage. His moves are beautiful, his tie impeccable and his face is in fact awe-inspiring. In astonishment the audience watches as he parades to the bachelorettes ready to find the lucky woman that is going to be his. Everyone can feel that the room is now radiant, even though it is still dimly lit, as the bachelor’s spirit

Ladies do not be afraid to be a bachelorette on this fateful night you never know who will take you home. According to the SU events coordinator the dashing Daniel Creegan “Our RCSI Bachelors are going to have to up their game this year.....it’s going to take alot to keep this year’s ladies from turning off those lights”. So men if you don’t want those lights turned off, go hard. fills everyone with wonderment. The women look at him expectantly waiting for his voice to speak to their souls, letting them know he is the one. His voice initially entertains them with a litany of facts about himself, then continues onto his likes and dislikes in a companion. At first many of the bachelorettes are intrigued, but as he continues, the hope in one bachelorette’s eyes disappears, and with it the brilliance of her light bulb vanishes, indicating her disdain for the bachelor. The crowd



Chocolate Ball

jeers. The moderators of the show, two witty students, try to diffuse the situation by getting the contestants to ask him questions about himself. His answers leave a lot to be desired. Three more lights go off. Haunted by the blunt snub of the bachelorettes the bachelor continues but one by one the women turn their lights off until only two are left. In this moment the room seems more sinister. With only two lights on the golden haze is replaced by the slimmest glimmer of hope. The crowd jeers, the bachelor tries to serenade his last two beauties. One more light goes off. It is his last chance to leave with any dignity. His voice cracks. Darkness prevails and the crowd goes wild. So the defeated bachelor returns back from whence he came, and the bachelorettes, now more confident of their power, once more bathe the audience with their glow, ready for the next bachelor. Now I hope you understand my delight upon seeing that this event was right around the corner. It is truly chilling on many levels but in the most fun way. It is set to happen once again just eight days before All Hallows’ Eve on 23 October at 7.30 in O’Flannagan. There will be non-alcoholic and alcoholic beverages there to aid you in your viewing pleasure. Overall it is really a night of good-humored fun and the craic is sure to be had by contestants and patrons alike. Try not to miss this deliciously frightful event and definitely don’t forget about the after party at Harry’s on the Green. See you there. Image credit: Joe Hsaio (photo soc)

mmmmm Chocolate... As this event neared everyone was abuzz with details about the previous chocolate ball including: “The multinational fashion show was amazing!”, “Everyone dresses up a bit. Not as much as college ball but more like you’re going to a nice club. Actually a little better cuz’ a lot of the guys wear ties. ”, “there was an after party at...”, “Chocolate and wine create a good time.”, “There were more people last year than the year before. Wonder what this year is going to be like. Going get a ticket before they are sold out”, “Wait a second, did you see who dancing at the after party last time? Anatomy Robert...”, “VVIP was great last year; a table with a bottle a wine and food too. Perfect!”, “Going to keep my distance from that wine but I’m definitely going this year to see the show, Inshallah” Hearing all this I was like, OH gosh! I need to get my ticket to see this ball thing before they were all sold out.




#HAPPENINGS I could not for the life of me imagine why this event was so popular. I waited, enjoying every moment of my time there but still waiting So, I bought my ticket and went to this thing thinking this is going to for the fated moment when the ball would arrive. Then it ended and I be ridiculously amazing, and it was. was like WHAAAAAAAT! So I saw someone I know It’s 5 am now and I just woke up from an older year and asked the question I had never There were white and milk chocolate founafter having a nightmare about a thought about asking anyone before. tains with and an abundance of different world without chocolate. items to dip in them. Endless wine flowed Conversation went a bit like this... from bottle to glasses to lips to stomachs Sometimes I get obsessed about Me: Where is the chocolate ball? (back out of some stomachs at the after par- chocolate. So much so that when Him (looking at me with an areyououtofyourmind ty). People swarmed the room in all manner face): [silence] I said I wanted Belgium to win of lovely cocktail dresses and charming ties in a particular FIFA match I was Me (looking at him the way he looked at me wondering (love a man wearing a nice tie). The fashion if I had only spoken in my head and not aloud): Where asked if it was because of the show looked so legit! is the chocolate ball? chocolate. Him (response is slow and a little unsure): “You are at the ball...are you having me on?” CAS had gotten some designers to donate Therefore, when I heard there their clothes for the evening and some of the Me: But the ball made of chocolate. You know the giwas a chocolate ball other students helped procure cultural dress ant ball, where is that? Do they roll it out on the dance I nearly died. floor at the after party? from their various countries. Also, between runway sections our peers performed to keep Him (wonderment on face): The ball is the party. There the excitement level high. The lovely attire paired with the delight of isn’t literally a ball made of chocolate cheering for your friends modelling or performing on stage, made the Me: Oh, haha, just kidding (not kidding) Him (laughter): hahaha had me worried for a moment there. Thought fashion show quite the success. you were serious Me (crestfallen inside but putting on a brave face): ahahahahahahha Despite all this I still did not see what I was looking for. Where was definitely not this elusive chocolate ball? Were they going to drop it from the roof at the end of the final hour like the Times Square ball in Manhattan Well needless to say I was slightly embarrassed. Luckily I’m black, like at New Years? Would it be floating above our heads at any moment dark skinned black. Otherwise, he would have seen a tell-tale blush on daring us to reach up and try to touch its ever present magnificence? What do the people do when the ball appears? Is it one of these things my face that would have made the conversation unsalvageable. I would be able to live this down because you know what, the event was so where we all break of a piece of the ball and pass it around like sacrafun and exciting who cares if he told everyone he knew. We all looked ment? My goodness! Why was it taking so long to materialize? pretty and had fun. Now it was time to finish the night, turnt up loud, at the after party. P.S. Let’s keep this story between us.


AS is proud to present the most extravagant and highly anticipated event of the year: CHOCOLATE BALL 2014. This year, we’ve decided to use a different platform for showcasing the various cultures and talents of the students of RCSI. The MR. And MISS RCSI competition promises to be a spectacular event! The competition features a display of cultural and evening wear, a talent show and a question and answer segment. The show will also be packed with live performances and an exclusive fashion show by one of our very own talented designers, Lameese Al-Haddah. It’ll definitely be a night to remember! The charity that CAS has decided to support this year is Sickle Cell Society Ireland. It is the official Umbrella organization for all sickle cell support groups in Ireland. All funds raised from Chocolate Ball will go towards aiding this group in raising awareness of Sickle Cell Anemia and providing social support to the individuals affected by this disease in Ireland. Come join us on November 7th in support of this great cause! It’ll be a night of great entertainment, amazing company and of course, lots and lots of CHOCOLATE.




The World this Month



Too busy to read the news?

Feeling embarrassed when someone asks for your opinion on the situation in Mongolia and you just can’t remember where that is? Fear no more, this is your current affairs cheat sheet to keep you up to scratch … you know, just in case you ever wind up talking to someone outside of medicine.

Image credit: Forbes.com

The Headlines: ISIS

The Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS), a militant group who's aim is to create an Islamic state in the Sunni areas of Syria and Iraq, have beheaded two American journalists and one British aid worker in the last month. The videos of the beheadings threatened the lives of more western hostages if the US does not stop their missile attacks in Iraq - "Just as your missiles continue to strike our people, our knife will continue to strike the necks of your people." The United States and several Arab countries have now begun air strikes against ISIS targets in Syria. After years of debate on whether to intervene in Syria or not President Obama is now urging a strong stance in light of the recent beheadings.


After months of fighting Ukrainian officials and pro–Russia separatists in Eastern Ukraine agreed on a ceasefire on the 20th of September. Thousands of people lined the streets of Moscow protesting about how the government handled the crisis. Missed out on the whole Ukrainian issue? Shortest background summary you will ever see: The unrest first started in December 2013 when then President Yanukovych backed out of a trade deal with the EU in favor of a deal with Russia. Pro-EU protests erupted in Kiev and shortly after Yanukovych lost power. During this period Putin placed troops close to the Ukrainian border and carried out military training operations. In March Russian troops illegally annexed Crimea, causing international concern. Since then pro-Russia rebels in Eastern Ukraine who are supported by Russian intelligence and weapons, have been fighting against the Ukrainian military.


On September 18th the people of Scotland voted 'No' to leaving the United Kingdom and becoming an independent country. It was a narrow victory for the Better Together campaign with British Prime Minister David Cameron giving away last minute concessions of power to the Scottish parliament in order to keep the fiery Scots in the union.


The death toll from the Ebola outbreak in West Africa has risen to just under 3000 people. There is currently debate on the best methods to treat Ebola with a doctor in rural Liberia claiming successful treatment of his patients with the HIV drug lamivudine. Other suggested treatments include giving blood transfusions to patients with the antibodies from the blood of Ebola survivors.

Here’s the deal:

Money Talks:

I know you probably started reading that with great intentions but let’s face it, a few prime ministers later and the above article seems like hard work. So here is the deal:

The shiny new iPhone 6 was released in early September along with Apple’s first smart watch. A record 10million phones were sold in the first week and a new eBay craze was created as people started auctioning off their place in the queue to buy the phone once they got near the top.

• • • •

ISIS are causing problems Obama is bombing them Don’t take your vacation in Eastern Ukraine Go to Scotland, they are full of feelings of love and togetherness • If you are looking to make your mark on the world find a cure to Ebola • iPhones are still cool • By the time you graduate you might just be able to find a job in Ireland

Ireland’s economy was the fastest growing economy in the Eurozone in the 2nd quarter of this year. The economy grew by 7.7% in between April and June, a welcome change after years of dismal growth resulting in government spending cuts and taxes increases.

Image credit: versus.com




Students RCSI


“What do you want the m t in life?”


he thing I want most in life is to fix the things around me. To make the world a better place to live in. But all I can do right now is to change what is around me. And one of the ways to do that is to be happy. And since I’m easily amused, I had to find things that make me super happy. And then I realised how great it is to make other people happy. And how much it adds up to your happiness when you find a friend who had a bad day and to give them a spark of happiness or some positivity. This is what makes me happy every day. There are of course bigger goals in life, but if I’m planing to achieve any of them, I would want to live in a happy word while doing it..



“What is your best quality?”


f I had to choose my best quality, I would describe myself as a generous person. My life’s motto is a quote by Mahatma Gandhi who said, “The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.” Generosity, for me, encompasses the giving of material possessions in addition to giving of my time and understanding to others in a way that would positively influence their lives. Simply making someone else smile or lending a listening ear, even for just a few moments in time, seem to transform our own worlds into a more beautiful place. - SONIA RAMKISSOON





How Would You Like to Have Fairies Halloween Around the Knocking at Your Door?




here’s nothing like Halloween…I mean on what other day will you see everything from ghastly ghouls to flirty felines to precious pumpkin children! All that costumed co-mingling just happens to appeal to both the macabre side as well as the chubby-baby-cheeks -pinching side of me. It’s a unique juxtaposition, aligning the scary with the sweet (hey, we already have half the Spice Girls with us…speaking of which, costume idea? Any takers?). This phenomenally tacky, kitschy holiday presents so many opportunities for everyone, regardless of age or any other delineating factor, to enjoy themselves. The children run off to trick or treat, while the adults partake in themed parties, haunted houses…the sources of fun are endless! All in all, no other day celebrates the individual and self-expression more. But where did Halloween even come from? And how did all this wacky costume wearing arise? Observed yearly on 31 October, Halloween, also known as All Hallow’s Eve, is thought to be a Christianized observance influenced by Celtic harvest festivals, notably the Samhain. Samhain, a seasonal festival of Gaelic Ireland, signified summer’s end, and was thought to be a time when the portals, sídhe (fairie mounds), to the Otherworld opened, allowing free entry to the dead and the Aos Sí (faeries) into our world. Food and drink were offered to the Aos Sí (Warning: This is not your average Tinker Bell. These are large, scary creatures with names like ‘Morrigan the corpse-picking Queen’, in the belief that appeasing these beings would lead to survival and health in the winter. In addition, the souls of the dead were thought to re visit the homes of their loved ones. Places would be set for them amongst the family at the table to welcome them home. Around the 16th century, mumming became a tradition practiced in parts of Ireland and Scotland. This involves donning a guise and setting forth from house to house, requesting food. It’s believed that this custom was practiced

either to avoid recognition by the Aos Sí or in imitation of these spirits, seeking gifts in return for luck or fortune. The usual source of illumination for the mummer on his merry way was a hollowed out



Ireland: In the birthplace of Halloween, the festivities

are very much alive with trick or treating and bonfires and, of course, PARTIES! (You’ll see what I mean when the time comes. Just step outside and you’ll be swept up in a frenzy of costumed madness!). Some eat a traditional fruitcake called barnbrack in which is hidden a wrapped treat said to foretell your future. A bit of straw indicates good luck and a ring signals the wedding bells!

USA/Canada: Ah us North Americans. We just take

turnip in which a lit candle was placed. They were often carved grotesquely to represent the spirit they were impersonating. (Somehow, someone must have gotten the idea that pumpkins were larger, more effective, and tasted way better in pies and cakes. I’d like to think that’s how the jack o’lantern was born, in the pursuit of baked goods). It’s no surprise then that the leap from emulating potentially volatile spirits to enacting pranks and making mischief in their name was a short one! By the early 20th century, the practice of costumes and pranks had already spread to nearby England. The merging of Christian and pagan influences was set in stone when in 835 A.D. Pope Gregory IV switched All Saint’s Day (a solemn day for commemorating martyrs, saints, and those who have passed), previously celebrated in April, to November 1st, the same time as Samhain. The reason for doing so isn’t clear, some call it British influence, some Germanic. And others claim it was to combat the public health dilemma that arose from crowds of people storming into Rome in the warm month of April. In any case, due to the melding of beliefs and practices, 31 October - 1 November is now associated with a variety of different customs and traditions worldwide. There are so many different sides to this holiday., so many different ways to commemorate and celebrate! Even if you’ve never carved a pumpkin or entered a haunted house, there’s never a wrong time to get swayed by the Halloween spirit! There’s a little something for everyone here! Don that banana suit! Get lost in a costume party! Bob for apples! Don’t be afraid to let your kooky side show a little! It’s not every day that it’s socially acceptable to yell Boo! at random strangers…actually, I don’t know if that’s every okay… well try it out and let me know?

holidays and run wild with ‘em, don’t we? Holiday traditions here have largely been adapted from other cultures, and, in the 20th century, there came the total commercialization of Halloween. We have Halloween cards, branded candy, all manner of cobweb and skeletal decoration. You name it. In fact, it comes only second to Christmas in terms of the amount of decoration...and probably first in the candy and chocolate department. I can’t even tell you how many kids I’d see the next day in school clutching their stomachs for dear life. Over-indulgence is both a terrible and beautiful thing.

France: Ugh, vat eez thees Amereecan holiday you speak of? Trust me, I’ve been there on Halloween…and if you wear a costume, you will absolutely get stared at as if you were a chocolate éclair that sprouted legs and started walking…not that I speak from experience or anything… oh dear.

Singapore: The Chinese population in Singapore

celebrate Zhong Yuan Jie, The Hungry Ghost Festival, a Buddhist/Taoist celebration welcoming the spirits of the dead back from the lower realms into our world. Elaborate meals are prepared and paper creations meant to signify material items like clothing and jewelry are burned in honor of the deceased. Many also buy and release miniature boats or lanterns onto the water to direct lost ghosts or deities. American pop culture has also pervaded, giving rise to Halloween celebrations akin to the ones in North America!

Mexico, Latin America, Spain: Here, the holiday is

known as Dia De Los Muertos, and it is a 3-day celebration in which to fondly remember loved ones who have passed. The graves of family and friends are cleaned and decorated with paint, flowers, and wreaths. Altars are set up in the house with photos of the deceased, and offerings of his/her favorite food and drink are made so that the spirit may dine when they return home. Families often picnic at the site of the grave on the last day, a time to gather and reminisce.

Happy Halloween!






ver experienced one of those days where even the walk to Dunnes from Mercer seems too far? A day where you could not muster enough energy to open Gray’s Anatomy, let alone read it? However, being lazy does not mean you have to miss getting things done. Here are a couple tips for your next lazy day:

Grocery Delivery Have your groceries delivered- Do not let one lazy day ruin your week because you did not get groceries. Physically going grocery shopping will be outdated once you discover Tesco’s delivery service. Especially since they deliver to your kitchen table. Simply go to tesco.ie, select your groceries, select a time slot, and food is sorted for the week. They always offer many fresh products and often have sales and deals on popular food items. Premade meals are also available in the frozen or fresh sections. Delivery is also a great time to stock up on essential items that are usually too heavy or bulky to carry such as toilet paper and tinned beans. Tesco’s does charge a delivery fee that varies in price. It is usually cheapest Monday or Tuesday and then increases throughout the week. However, Tesco’s offers a lowest price guarantee and will price match your items and provide voucher codes to discount the difference off your next purchase. If you find yourself shopping at Tesco’s online often, consider getting a Clubcard to collect points. New to Tesco’s is a monthly delivery fee, allowing you to pay one low price to avail of unlimited delivery for the month. However, for the monthly delivery every delivery order must meet a minimum price, so be aware. My favourite use of the delivery service is ordering from Canada before I leave, so my groceries arrive shortly after I arrive in Dublin. No more jet-lagged grocery shopping!

...and Lat€ NIght$ T

his is university, so there will inevitably be some late nights. Whether you are out with your friends or up late studying in the library, the night always ends with the same question: Where can I get some food at this hour? Most nights everyone ends up at the same places: McDonald’s, Burger King, or Zaika’s. Looking for a little variety? Check out some of these places that stay open after midnight! (Opening and closing times are subject to change. These times are accurate as of August 2014.)

Order-in Dinner Feeling too tired to cook? A simple solution is having food delivered to your door. Now with so many apps and websites there are hundreds of options for food. Feel like eating Indian food? No problem. Sushi? Pizza? Salad? All available at the click of a button. Selection even caters to those with gluten allergies. A couple popular sites are justeat.ie and feedme.ie. Restaurants often have meal packages that include appetizers, main, dessert, and drinks, and most of the time these tend to be the best deal. Be wary of additional delivery charges.

Laundry Get laundry done- There are many laundry services in the city. Some are as close as next to the Swan Pub. You can take a bag of laundry and have it washed, dried and ironed. Prices vary from place to place but some offer student discounts.

Relax Sit back, relax and enjoy a movie or catch up on television. You might even start a new series because let us be honest, you were never going to get anything done today anyway.

Pizza Apache Pizza in Temple Bar open till 4am Ray’s Pizza in Temple Bar open till 4am, Difontaine’s Pizza in Temple Bar till 1am weekdays and 2am on weekends

Burgers Eddie Rockets on Grafton Street, Camden Street, Dame Street, O’Connell Parnell center Bobo’s Burgers on Dame Street open till 4am at weekend

Middle Eastern Zaytoon on Camden street or parliament street till 4am Mezza open till 4am

Indian Shan Indian Restaurant on Crow Street open till 4am

Subs Subway over Londis on Grafton Street open 24 hours 7 days a week


Chinese Good World Chinese on George’s Street open till 2am



The Mindful Way


MOYOWA BOYO t’s a bright and sunny Irish morning. Upon waking, you sit down to eat breakfast. As you nibble away on your toast and eggs, you begin thinking about what you’re going to say in your group meeting that morning. At your group meeting, you’re staring at the clock every two minutes all the while wondering what you will do after class. In class, you silently ponder what you will wear on your night out tomorrow. By dinner, you worry about the fact that well, its dinner and you’ve haven’t done an inkling of study all day. Sound familiar?


We’ve all been there before. So often we spend our time thinking about the past or worrying about the future. By the end of the day, we might find ourselves asking “where have I been all day?” The mind has an amazing ability to wonder, worry, think and discover, but when our constant thinking or worrying about the past or future robs us of our ability to stay in the present moment, we become detached, unsatisfied and stressed. The truth is, student life can be overwhelming, and frankly there’s a lot to think about. For many of us, as the weeks pass by we find bad habits slowing creeping back in and the stress and worry starting to build up. Cue mindfulness, the practice that could very well shake things up. The UCLA Mindful Awareness Research Center defines mindfulness as “paying attention to present moment experiences with openness, curiosity, and a willingness to be with what is.” Mindfulness has been shown to increase attention and focus, help people cope with anxiety and depression and foster overall wellbeing. It has even been shown to lower blood pressure and boost the immune system. Despite what you may think, mindfulness is not just for hippies or monks living deep in the mountains. It is a practice that is useful in our everyday lives as students. In fact, it is so effective that many medical schools including Harvard and McGill offer courses on mindfulness to their medical and health care students. Time Magazine even ran a front page piece in January this year titled “The Mindful Revolution”. Over the past ten years, much research has been done on the effectiveness of mindfulness. Yet interestingly enough, mindfulness is not new. It is an ancient practice that has been around for thousands of years. The recent buzz about mindfulness may be due to the fast paced nature of our world today. Perhaps people need something to slow them down and bring them back to the present moment. Whatever the reason may be, the appeal of mindfulness is twofold. Not only is it proven to help with various health problems but it also teaches compassion, empathy and a non-judgemental viewpoint. It is among these reasons that some people believe that mindfulness can change the world. I say, it wouldn’t hurt to try.

Add Mindfulness to Your Day: Practice mindfulness meditation

Adding just five minutes of mindfulness meditation to your day can help you manage stress and promote wellbeing. Check out the UCLA Mindful Awareness Research Center website for free mindfulness meditations and podcasts. Download these to your phone so you can access them anytime.

Spend time in natureSpending time surrounded by nature has a grounding and calming effect. It is the perfect opportunity to practice mindfulness. Try going hiking in Glendalough or Howth to experience nature and see more of Ireland. Practice Yoga

A huge part of yoga is focusing on your breath and being aware of how each part of your body is moving. Becoming aware of your breath brings you back to the present moment when your mind wonders. In this way, your breath is like an anchor. RCSI Yoga Society runs free yoga classes every Thursday from 19:00- 20:00.

Think Out Loud






he first month is finally over! Hopefully everyone is settling into their student lifestyle. While trying to adjust to a new school, friends, perhaps country, it’s easy to forget about your main objective- LEARNING!

The RCSI Ear



If you haven’t gathered from the last few weeks, studying is difficult! Although many of you were straight A students, only the minority will have the audacity to maintain this status. This may be psychologically burdensome, but don’t worry, we are here to help you survive.

4)FIND YOUR PERFECT STUDY SPOT: You may feel more comfortable at home, a coffee shop or the library. Many students find it easy to concentrate on studies when in a quiet, study-oriented environment. The library also has the textbooks and resources you need readily available. You can also book group study rooms and use them to study with friends. 5) DO NOT PROCRASTINATE: I’m not only referring to watching youtube whilst you should be studying, but on avoiding hard concepts and reviewing concepts you already understand. Studying something you’ve already memorized may boost your ego, but in the process you are neglecting the concepts that take energy to comprehend. Master the harder concepts first!

Looking over the lectures can be overwhelming when each slide is brimming with information. Try to remain calm and focused with the following five tips for success: 1) ATTEND YOUR LECTURES: Studying a lecture without having any context of what the lecture is regarding is challenging. When you are in the lecture try to make notes. At the very least, writing will inhibit your mind from wandering. Additionally, Profs may divulge which concepts and topics are candidates for exam questions. Use these tips to guide your studying. 2)STUDY SMART: Research has proven that your attitude to studying is just as important as how you study. You should realize the concept of smart studying. Studying for hours at half capacity may not even be equivalent an hour of your undivided attention. If you

are unprepared to devote your full attention to studying that day, save yourself the internal conflict and focus your attention on whatever is distracting you. 3)DEVISE A STUDY STRATEGY: Everyone approaches studying in a different way. If you haven’t found your studying persona you could try creating mind maps, rewriting study notes, making cue cards, or studying in a group setting to name a few. Develop a pattern in your studying to ensure each lecture is covered to the same extent. For more information try the resources on moodle that inform on the benefits of different study techniques! And keep your study resources organized. Your time is better spent studying than fumbling through haphazardly arranged notes.

It is vital to achieve a balance between enjoying life and studying to maintain mental health. Managing your time will be one of the most vital skills you will acquire. Creating a schedule or to do list can be helpful in managing time effectively and ensuring you remember important events. Allocate time slots to specific tasks and make realistic goals for studying. Try scheduling in catch-up hours or days if you are unsure of how long it will take for you to finish an assignment or study for an upcoming MCQ. If scheduling time slots seems too inflexible, make a to-do list each day and try to achieve all the targets. You can always contact us if you need any kind of help through moodle. Our student services and student welfare office doors are also always open to lend a hand.

This column is all about you and for you. You can send in your questions anonymously via the moodle page. The questions can be about any problems that you may encounter and we will do our best to provide you with a solution. If you feel like you need additional help, our student services and student welfare officers are always there to help you with anything. Don’t hesitate to ask for help!

“Hello, Niteline?” If you’ve ever given us a call, you’ve heard that line before. But most people reading this probably haven’t given us much thought beyond a casual glance at the sticker on the back of the bathroom door. In fact, a lot of students may not have heard of us or know what we do. We are Niteline, a telephone and online listening service for students of Dublin colleges and universities like RCSI. We are open every night of term from 9:00 p.m.-2:30 a.m. You can call us at 1800-793-793, or log into our instant messaging service at niteline.ie. We are 100% student-run; after all, who understands students better than other students? We are thrilled to talk about absolutely - whether it be good news, bad news, or even if you’re just bored, we’re here for you. Whatever’s on your mind, rest assured that whichever volunteer you speak with will not share your conversation with anyone else, not even other volunteers. Niteline is strictly and completely anonymous and confidential. You don’t know us and we don’t know you, but that doesn’t mean that we can’t have a chat!





RCShape! Fitness Sutra



t’s the 2nd month of college, the curriculum in full swing and many will have difficulty managing their time. Really try to keep trucking on with the program, starting it is difficult but maintaining it is harder. Around this period, after more than a month’s hard work on a training program, some may find boredom and inefficiency starting to creep in. Fear not for the October issue is focusing on the various spectrums of fitness programs to help you keep things fresh. Many wrongly assume that weight lifting, running and sports are the only ways of maintaining a fit and healthy lifestyle. The truth is there are many other forms of exercise programs available, catering to all varieties of people. We are focusing on two forms of exercise today: Crossfit and Pole Dancing. These disciplines are relatively new but the benefits are already reknowned. The question is; as students is it possible to maintain these exercise programs and hectic study lives? What better way to find out than to ask students doing just that.

Interview with Becca Ngo Trinity College Dublin Dentistry year 2

Pole Dancing

What changes do you feel / see in yourself after engaging in this exercise? My core has definitely gotten stronger and I’ve been told my arms are “pretty good for a girl” which is annoying but some people have unusual ways of complimenting. Besides that I’ve acquired this strange obsession with bruises. Some call it pole burn, others call it pole kisses. Whatever it is, it gives you a sense of achievement and symbolizes a good pole session. I kid you not, one time the dorsal surfaces of my feet were black and blue from climbing. It hurt so good. With regards to weight loss, dropping dress sizes and all that, yeah, pole doesn’t really help in that area. Do you think you can be considered sexy? Pfft, I consider myself sexy sans the pole dancing. So what do you think?

Tell us more about what is It that you do? Pretty self-explanatory to be honest - I dance on and around a pole. The common misconception is that the performer does a kinky walk in heels around the pole on a dim lit stage with a few hair flips and the occasional lip lick. This is far from what it’s all about (although I’d probably be better at that). All joking aside, it requires a lot of core and upper body strength as well as plenty of determination. Why choose pole dancing? I love trying new things! Every few months I try to get involved in something different or rediscover things I used to do. The initial plan was to start ballet again. I was doing my research when I discovered one of the dance companies offered pole fitness. I was sold. Who would you recommend it for? Anyone who’s up for a bit of a laugh and a massive challenge. It’s a lot of fun and I found that I was able to lift more at the gym as well. Also, it doesn’t matter what size you are, which was one of my main concerns at the start. Also, guys can try their hand at a little pole as well. They tend to be very good at it too. In short, anyone can pole dance if they learn the techniques and if they work at it.


Interview with Sara Al Qabandi RCSI, Medicine, JC3

Tell us more about what is it that you do? Crossfit is constantly varied high intensity movement. It’s a strength and conditioning based training regime that blends Olympic lifting, power lifting, gymnastics and strength conditioning in a variety of workouts.

Despite people’s distorted perception of pole dancers, what made you want to stick to it? I don’t really care what people think, in general, so the apparent stigma doesn’t bother me. It’s an addictive sport, I get to meet new people, and it helps make my arms stay “pretty good for a girl”. I won’t be giving it up any time soon! Hell, when I get my own place, there’s gonna be a pole in the kitchen. Try and stop me. How is it different from regular weight lifting or powerlifting? Crossfit combines many disciplines such as weightlifting, gymnastics and cardiovascular endurance. It’s constantly varied and more about the fitness element and working your body through many disciplines. A crossFitter trains Olympic lifts and power lifts but not to the degree of someone who has focused on this training. They are just some of the elements of CrossFit.


What changes do you feel / see in yourself after engaging in this exercise? As well as huge weight loss, I started to overcome so many of my fears as I realized that I am capable of doing what I set my mind to. The energy you get after a workout is great, or by hitting a weight that you never thought you would. That allows you to feel good about where you are at and what you are doing. I wouldn’t be half as athletic as I am today if it wasn’t for crossfit. Is there a strict diet you follow to compliment you exercise? Just like most things in crossfit every individual follows a diet that will compliment their training, the hours they put in and how often they train and also what their goals are. I personally try and be as Paleo as I can (minus exam time) as I’ve found that it has helped me both drop weight and still make gains.

Why choose cross fit? I chose crossfit because I needed something competitive and challenging, that would push me out of my comfort zone and that is constantly varied. There’s no getting bored with crossfit, you instantly want to do more, learn and lift more! Meeting new people and just being in that community atmosphere is positive and motivating. I looked for that challenge and found all that and more at CFD. Who would you recommend it for? All the workouts can be scaled to suit each individual and what they are capable of. There is no one that I wouldn’t recommend it for. Everyone is capable of doing the workouts or a variation of the movements.

Is there a strict diet you follow to compliment your exercise? My weekday meals are usually from Subway or Pablo Picante. Weekends are less structured, and that’s putting it lightly. I’m sure if you stuck to a high protein, low everything-bad-for-you diet, you’d see more positive changes but I don’t see the need to deprive myself.

“Getting comfortable with the uncomfortable”-CFD.

Do you think you think crossfitters can be sexy? I think that Crossfit gives you a certain confidence that allows that. Strength is beautiful and so many crossfit girls are healthy, strong and beautiful. People think crossfit makes you bulky but that’s not always the case some of the prettiest girls I know are crossfitters and they are far from bulky.





B X...

GAA (Gaelic Athletic Association) or Cumann Lúthchleas Gael (CLG) in Irish, is an organisation unique to Ireland and a major component of the Irish culture. If any of you who are unfamiliar with the organisation have ventured around Dublin, or even you brave souls who have decided to go outside of the capital, you’ll probably have noticed the big pitches with strange, long goal posts. These pitches are GAA pitches and are guaranteed to be in every village and town in Ireland. Every Irish person you will ever meet will know what “football” or “hurling” is. Most will have played it at some stage in their lives, be it briefly or for a number of years. And in general, those who play it will have a passion for it.

Image courtesy of Yoge (PhotoSoc)

GAA is made up of the traditional Irish sports; Gaelic Football, Hurling, Handball, Rounders and Camogie (the female variant of Hurling), the most popular of which are Football and Hurling. Both Camogie and Ladies Football are organised by different bodies, but are still closely linked to GAA. All of these are amateur sports, and so those who participate play for pride rather than money. Something that sets GAA apart from other sports is people play for the parish or county they live in. Generally there are no transfers from one club to another unless the person moves home. GAA was founded in the late 19th century and was

set up to promote Irish culture and support the Irish language. Both football and hurling are by far the most popular sports played today in Ireland with over one million people participating. The All-Ireland finals in both Hurling and Football are days marked on every Irish household’s calendar, played every year in September in the main grounds of GAA; Croke Park. Colloquially known as Croker, Croke Park is home to Dublin’s home games, as well as any major fixture in the GAA calendar. The stadium, which holds 82,300 people, also houses the GAA Museum which is a great way to spend an evening with entry only €5 for Students! Here in RCSI both Ladies’ and Men’s Gaelic football is played. These are both popular clubs within the college, and those who join are guaranteed to have fun. Not only are both teams very welcoming for beginners but they’re also competitive in terms of competition. So if you have any interest in the sport why not pop on down to a training session? They’re always fun, and you’ll meet loads of new people! And if you’re a sports fan in general make sure to try and catch a game next semester (the season is over now) and get in on the action! If you’re interested in knowing more about GAA, why not log onto GAA.ie, and click into “About the GAA”, or simply ask someone who plays! I’m sure they’d be happy to explain everything you need to know.

Looking for a fun way to get fit?

Dance Society

invites you to FREE classes in ballet, zumba, breakdance, jazz and Irish dance. Classes are taught by professional teachers for all levels of experience. Begginners are always welcome! For more information email dancesoc@rcsi.ie or like RCSI Dance Society on facebook





Philosophical and Literary Society

“the unexamined life is not worth living” -Socrates

PRESIDENT & CO-FOUNDER: PETAL ELDER EMAIL: philosophicalandlite@rcsi.ie


ome people take things for granted. Statement made, statement processed, statement accepted. We are indoctrinated into a way of life by our guardians and elders and taught certain values and ideologies. Some people seem to be absolutely fine about this, no qualms whatsoever, never questioning, never doubting. Me, on the other hand? Well let’s just say I was born with a healthy or unhealthy dose of skepticism (-a matter of perspective after all).

For a long time, I was fascinated with the world around me, puzzled by all its intricacies and overwhelmed by its vastness. I was faced with inner turmoil, I yearned for the meaning of it all, searched for this absolute truth. However, I found that the more I searched, the more confused I felt. There was so much to read, so much to know, so much to do, would I have time for it all? Growing up, I continuously startled my parents with the most bizarre questions, ‘how can I be sure that you exist?’, ‘is lying always wrong?- you told me about Santa after all’, ‘if nothing can come from nothing, where did God come from?’ and maybe even irritated them with a long list of ‘whys’ when they tried to explain a concept to me. Then, I learnt that parents, God bless them, are usually understanding of their kids, but not everyone else is. Long story short, for fear of being labelled eccentric and becoming ostracised, I decided to keep these ‘philosophical thoughts’ to myself. Enter RCSI chapter: I found myself a group of supportive friends who now deserve the title of family. I could not hide my tendency to blurt out outlandish comments and make references to philosophical theories here and there. I revealed my deep love for philosophy and they encouraged me to establish this Philosophical and Literary Society. Now, I am free to find like minded individuals within the college and together we can

Enviro Soc Green Tip REBECCA JAGOO


ith Halloween just around the corner, it’s the right time to put out your sole Halloween prop to decorate your dorm and invite all your friends over, to show off how festive you truly are.

• • • • • discuss abstract issues, debate sensitive topics, and question everything we know and think we know about life to our heart’s content. So, here is a little introduction to what the Philosophical and Literary Society is all about. What is Philosophy in a nutshell? Philosophy is a huge field encompassing subjects such as metaphysics, logic, epistemology and ethics. Ultimately, it addresses the ‘big questions’, in an attempt to acquire a true and unbiased understanding of ourselves and the world around us. The benefits of philosophy are limitless! You will gain critical thinking and problem solving skills, the ability to dazzle persons with your extensive knowledge of such esoteric subjects, win arguments that are deemed worthy for your participation in the first place and more importantly, it will aid in all those self actualisation dilemmas. According to Socrates, “the unexamined life is not worth living” An exposure to philosophy is invaluable. Feel free to join us.

To discuss philosophical theories To engage in analysis of literature and art To produce poems and short stories To become involved in charity work To go on excursions to places with a rich history in literature and/or philosophy • To welcome unconventional thinking in a receptive, non judgemental atmosphere • To collaborate with other philosophical societies in Irish universities • To interact with philosophers and attend conferences intended to spark interest in thought provoking topics

Our Fraternity

The budding philosophers, the truth seekers, the mavericks, the creative writers. We represent students of all years and faculties who have a desire to converse about important social, ethical and moral issues from a philosophical perspective and who have an insatiable curiosity. We will represent those who love to express themselves through writing and are avid readers of fine literature.

What do you need? • • • • •

Glass jars… from all that pasta sauce and mayonnaise. Coloured Tissue paper… from that gift your flatmate gave you. Black permanent marker… that you use to write your name on all your belongings. Liquid glue… to fix your life when it falls apart. Candle or Battery powered Tea light

Jack-o-lanterns are an all-time favourite, but it just doesn’t work. Last year, my flat mate carved a pumpkin How do you Even..? and left it in the kitchen…, it collected mould and was a 1. Cover the outside of glass jar with glue, and then horror story all on its own! take bits of torn tissue paper and proceed to cover the jar completely. Try not to overlap the tissue A great way to get that classic Jack-o-lantern aesthetic paper too much to maintain translucency and feel and RECYCLE simultaneously, is through these DIY free to dilute the glue with water if it’s too thick. luminaries. It’s quite simple and a great way to procras2. After your glass jar has completely dried, use your tinate! permanent marker to draw whatever designs your heart desires. 3. Install your candle or tea light, despite time of day, and marvel at your work.


Our Objectives

Happy Halloween and thanks for trying EnviroSoc’s Green Tip. Do feel free to posts pictures of your masterpieces onto our facebook page: www.facebook.com/RCSIEnviroSoc.






those eponymous experiences. However, a week in Penang is good enough for one to experience all three!

A more appropriate way to describe Penang is as a food haven! Ranging from fine dining to street food, Penang is famous for its myriad of flavors offered by the different races that blend in and live together in Malaysia. I’m not a foodie, but some of those dishes always leave me hungry for more! You can’t leave the island without trying the greasy Char kuey teow at Pulau Tikus, the cool and soothing Cendol at Penang Road, the flavor rich and mouth-watering Nasi Kandar at Beratur and finally the hot and spicy Hokkien Mee (Air Hitam)!


s it already October? Wow. That was quick!

You’re one month in. How does it feel? Hopefully everyone is settling in and busy. I can’t speak for my fellow fourth years, but I’m certainly tied up to the point that I no longer have social life. A recent visit from a friend all the way from London reminded me of summer. Being a tropical country, it’s practically summer everyday here in Malaysia! I can hear you mentally groaning about the weather getting chillier and the nights getting longer, but what can I say? As much as I loved my life in Dublin, I love the 30 degrees more! Now relax, and allow your mind to envisage the beautiful scenery of the tropics, the warm bright sun, the evergreen rainforests and the sandy beaches. Let me welcome you to my beautiful country – Malaysia, a place which is truly Asia, and definitely a must visit destination for summer 2015! Although I was born in Penang, I grew up in Kuala Lumpur and never quite got to experience Penang at its best. Even when I moved here six months ago, I rarely went out. My friend’s short holiday here gave me an excuse to play tourist for the day that I showed her around. The uniqueness of Penang is such that it offers the best of both worlds. Besides embracing the world of modernity, which includes the busy city life and traffic (oh dear God, don’t get me started on that!), it has also retained its fascinating culture and tradition. Don’t be surprised if a turn from one lane to another could bring you into a totally new world! Remember Julia Robert’s ‘Eat, Pray and Love’, on which she embarks on a life changing/soul-searching journey? She traveled to different places in order to take part in


Sure, for all you health conscious freaks these might seem like a red alert, it’s like hypercholesterolaemia and diabetes mellitus waiting to happen (incidentally Malaysians have a high incidence of diabetes), but to the rest; you are going be spoilt for choice. And that’s only the tip of the ice bearg of what can be found in Penang! So bring in some ka-ching, and eat away! Ah, don’t worry; you can get back to that gym diet once school starts! But Penang isn’t just amazing food; it also has a rich and vibrant culture. Did you know, the capital of the Pearl of Orient, Georgetown has been awarded the UNESCO World Heritage Site? The city that was named after a British King (King George III) is the financial heart of the state. Alongside the hustle and bustle of city life, this older part of the city is permeated with an abundance of history, sealed behind the walls of its great 18th century British era architecture.

testament to its multi-racial heritage; from the hilltop Indian temple, and the Burmese temple, to the churches and the mosques, there is much to be experienced. Penang is home to the largest Buddhist temple in Southeast Asia – Kek Lok Si. Situated against a hill slope in Air Itam, one can marvel at the beauty of the Goddess of Mercy “Kuan Yin” and the 30 metre high Pagoda! As you stroll through this 19th century temple complex, soak up its beautiful architecture, calm your mind, and find some inner peace (though you might have to try and ignore the tourists bustling around you). Perhaps, for those of you who are into the supernatural, a visit to the Penang War Museum would be more your taste. Legend has it that the place is haunted. Admittedly, I’ve not been there – so let me know if any of you experience anything out of the ordinary! And finally, the golden sandy beaches of Batu Ferringhi and Batu Maunp-in my humble opinion the main reason to fall in love with this island! To feel the sand beneath my feet glitter brightly under the sunlight, and hear the soft crashes of waves against the sand, it is a paradise on earth. On a bright sunny day with a perfect wind you can also try your luck with parasailing! Summer has officially ended with college back in full swing. But, sure, in eight months time it’s back to summer! (Yeah, I’m a glass half full type of person!) Start saving up from now, book the flights and pack some shades, shorts, hat, camera and flip flops, and come over to PENANG!

For the photography enthusiast, the labyrinth of alleys and narrow lanes will serve as a marvelous background for your shots. Feel free to click away and scratch that itch for photography, but be sure to remember to bring an extra battery and memory card, because in Penang, you will be doing a lot of clicking! The many houses of worship in this city are a




Exchange to



Though we arrived merely four weeks ago, we have been treated to a display of traditional Bahraini dancing at the University. We’ve been sea-kayaking in the Arabian Gulf, go-karting on the famous Bahraini Formula 1 track and we’ve even taken a visit to a traditional Arabic market known as a Souq! And of course, there’s no better feeling than to take a dip in the rooftop pool after a long day of lectures. Having been built just ten years ago, the college is a bright, modern space where the library even has a water feature. The campus boasts an all-weather pitch and a spacious sports hall which are both just a minute from the college. As RCSI-Bahrain shares the same curriculum and examinations as RCSI-Dublin, the transition to academic life here has been seamless. Those who wish to be considered for acceptance have to complete a quick application form and attend a short interview. It couldn’t be simpler to apply - and it’s a decision that you won’t regret!


here’s no better way to beat the blues of the impending Irish winter than to relocate for a semester to our sister University in Bahrain during either JC3 or IC2. This year, ten students from RCSI-Dublin were offered the chance to study in this fascinating country.

Information can be found on moodle and the closing date for applications usually falls around March.

Though smaller by surface area than Co. Louth, a visitor to this intriguing island nation in the Arabian Gulf can expect the warmest of welcomes, flawless fine weather and exotic cuisine. Since arrival in Bahrain, we continue to be struck by how extraordinarily welcoming the students of RCSI-Bahrain have been. As soon as we set foot inside the college, everyone has been only too keen to show off all the exciting aspects of life here.

Photos taken by Sinead Horan




Massive craters in Siberia


– dramatic effects of climate change?

limate change, once the buzzword of environmentalists worldwide, has slipped out of the public consciousness as of late, but this is likely to change with the recent discovery of huge craters in the Siberian permafrost.

who claimed that the damage had been caused by aliens, taking samples of the Earth’s core for the purposes of research. However the truth of the matter is more disturbing than any of these hypotheses.

These holes, which are 30 metres wide, were first unintentionally discovered by helicopter passengers. They are located in the energy rich Yamal peninsula region of Siberia, approximately 2,000 miles northeast of Moscow. More disconcerting is the locals’ traditional name for the area, literally translating as the “End of the World”. The mystery was confounded when two more craters of similar size and appearance were found on the same peninsula. Initial hypotheses suggested that the holes could have been caused by meteorite strikes or volcanic eruptions; others blamed the nearby power plant, suggesting that the damage could have been caused by fracking. There were even those



these holes were the result of increasing temperatures leading to a thaw in the permafrost; this thaw led to the release of a deposit of natural gas which had been trapped in the frozen earth for thousands of years, causing both the holes and the raised ridges of dirt which surrounded them. This is incredibly worrying information; both as it is direct proof of the effects of climate change on the earth and the observation that potentially large amounts of natural gas are being released into the atmosphere. Natural gas is mainly composed of methane, a greenhouse gas that has approximately sixty times the effect of carbon dioxide over twenty years.

Image credit: nationnews.com

Researchers investigating the appearnce of the craters took air and soil samples from various depths within the holes. They discovered that there were extremely high levels of methane gas at the base of the crater. Based on this finding it is now theorised that that

Although technologies are being developed to allow for carbon and methane capture, the problems from the rise in greenhouse gases from sources like the permafrost are being seen today. If human behaviours do not change soon, these effects may start to hit much closer to home!





Anatomy WITH Clive Lee



ir William Thornley Stoker (1845-1912) was a student at RCSI and went on to be President of the College and Professor of Anatomy both here and in the Royal Hibernian Academy of Arts, which is in Ely Place on the far side of St Stephen’s Green.

His brother, Bram Stoker, was the author of Dracula. Imagine you are Thornley Stoker advising Bram on surface anatomy.

Where exactly on the surface should a vampire slayer place a stake in order to drive it into the apex of the heart? A. 2nd left intercostal space – sternal border B. 2nd right intercostal space – sternal border C. 4th left intercostal space – midaxillary line D. 4th right intercostal space – sternal border E. 5th left intercostal space – midclavicular line

STAND A CHANCE TO WIN OUR MONTHLY GIVEAWAY! Winner will be announced and contacted in the next month’s issue. submit your answer on our Moodle page: https://vle.rcsi.ie/course/view.php?id=844

Last month’s anatomy answer was: B. BRACHIAL ARTERY Winner: AMANDA O’HALLORAN Congratulations, we will be in touch with you soon!





The Medical Pulse



Microchips: The future of contraceptives and beyond?


he future of contraception could lie in the form of in implantable microchip with a remote control to allow simplistic, and user friendly family planning. An IT start up company known as MicroCHIPS is developing a revolutionary contraceptive device. A microchip designed to release a controlled amount of chemicals was originally developed by Roberts S. Langer at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology; in 2012 Bill Gates heard of the technology while touring MIT and recognised its potential as a novel contraceptive device. The design was leased to MicroCHIPS who created a device measuring just 20 x 20 x 7mm, for subcutaneous implantation in the upper arm,

buttock, or abdomen. The chip contains minuscule reservoirs of the hormone levonorgestrel, currently used in some oral contraceptives on the market as well as emergency contraceptives. The drug falls under the class called progestins and works via three main methods including: preventing ovulation, fertilization, and implantation via altering the endothelium of the uterus.

communication between the remote and implant has to occur at skin contact level distance,” meaning that “someone across the room cannot reprogramme your implant… we [also] have secure encryption that prevents someone from trying to interpret or intervene between the communications.” The chip is due to enter pre-clinical trials next fall, meaning the device could become a reality for consumers as early as 2018.

The chip contains enough of the hormone to act as an effective contraceptive continually for up to 16 years of continuous use, dispensing 30mcg per day. Levonorgestrel is contained in the chip using a hermetic titanium and platinum seal, which was developed by MicroCHIPS. An electric current is passed through the seal temporally melting it to allow the daily dose of the hormone to diffuse out.

Of course with such an innovative design, the use of microchips is not limited to contraception. In fact MicroCHIPS is entering third phase of clinical trials with their recombinant parathyroid hormone (PTH) infused device, designed to increase bone mass in patients with osteoporosis. Clinical trials have shown the device successfully delivers PTH as programmed with similar dose and kinetic curves as traditional injections, however the dose to dose variation was greatly reduced.

A woman wishing to conceive could simply use the remote control to turn off the daily dose of levonorgestrel, and then switch it back on when she wanted to resume contraception. The simplicity of the device presents an attractive means for family planning, and its longevity far surpasses that of any hormonal birth control implant on the market today. The most notable critique of the design is concern over “hacking” of the remote control. However president of MicroCHIPS Robert Farra states that “the

The company is also in the process of developing interferon chips for use in the treatment of patients with multiple sclerosis, as well as a novel rescue device to treat diabetic patients in case of hypoglycemia. The applications don’t end there, any patient requiring long term drug therapy could benefit from this technology and as such the possibilities for this technology are endless.

Disinfectant Robots to Fight Ebola

Disinfectant Robots to Fight Ebola

UV-C Disinfectant Robots have been dispatched to Liberian Hospitals to help fight the Ebola crisis

3D Printed Anatomy Models Marks New Era in Medical Training

Two robots designed to deliver lethal doses of ultraviolet light, which modifies the DNA structure of various superbugs, are on route to disinfect major treatment centres. The world’s first disinfecting robot has in fact been around since 2007. TRU-D stands at 5’5’ and contains intuitive software known as Sensor360 allowing the robot to calculate the amount of UV-C light required to disinfect the room; taking into account the size, shape, amount of equipment in the room, and where it is situated. TRU-D then uses these parameters and emits a single, lethal cycle of UV-C light from the centre of the room. Numerous studies have shown the effectiveness of the robot on viruses and bacteria alike, including methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae, influenza, norovirus, Clostridium difficile, and others.The robot is already an integral part of hospital teams across North America and Europe, and will hopefully help protect healthcare workers working in Ebola treatment centres.


The “3D Anatomy Series” created by Monash University in Melborne, Australia is set to be the first commercially available alternatives to cadavers. The research team wished to create an alternative to cadavers, which can be expensive and in some cases in short supply. The 3D printed model offers a cheaper, reusable alternative, that more importantly can be utilized by medical schools where the use of cadavers is prohibited for cultural or religious reasons. The models are created by using radiological scans, such as CTs, with thin slices of the body to generate a coloured model, which is then converted to a file format that the 3D printer can recreate any number of times. The team is currently under negotiations with commercial partners to allow mass production and commercialization.




Medical Apps Reviews PROGNOSIS: STD





PROGNOSIS: STD PRICE: Free! AVAILABLE FOR: Android, iPad, iPhone RECOMMENDED FOR: IC2 (related apps for IC-SC)


Are you ready to manage a patient? This medical simulator is somewhat realistic and gives you a case presentation of a patient. The user then has various options to take a history, perform a physical exam, form a differential diagnosis and administer therapy to treat the patient’s underlying problem. There are a range of treatment options available to you and you are scored based on your management skills. The cases can get quite detailed so the app definitely offers a challenge, testing your therapeutic knowledge!

Prognosis consists of a range of apps covering a wide spectrum of medical specialties including cardiology, respiratory, infectious diseases, neurology, emergency and diabetes. Once again this is a cased based scenario app which allows medical students, junior doctors or anyone wanting to test their diagnostic skills with a range of clinical case studies. Each investigation and management option preformed is turned into points. The best part of the app is the thorough case discussion at the end providing insight into how the patient should be managed from start to finish. Even better there is a forum where experienced consultants, medical students and junior doctors all discuss each case.

If you are a visual learner this app is for you! Although expensive this app is definitely much lighter than the original textbook. It provides detailed images labeled immaculately, as well as 531 plates of colourful anatomical drawings. If you aren’t a huge fan of Grey’s Anatomy for its lack of detailed drawings this is a wonderful alternative. The most notable feature is the quiz function for each plate that allows tests your ability to locate muscles, bones, arteries, lymphatics, and nerves. Each plate can also be annotated.

4/5 STETHOSCOPES: Would be nice to have the full proper management and treatment at the end of each case.




4/5 STETHOSCOPES: Very rare crashes of the app due to its large size.


This app includes exactly what the name indicates. You can sort the 32 different growth charts based on sex, age, or BMI use. Also includes an easily accessible percentile calculator. Your consultant wants the chart printed? No problem: the measurements are directly added to the growth chart PDFs. You can email these PDFs or print them out (if you have an AirPrint enabled printer nearby). Data from the app is encrypted if your device ever went missing.

This app brings a detailed biochemical reference to your pocket, with easy-to-understand explanations of topics supplemented by pictures, videos and pathways. It contains 350 pages of concise biochemistry notes on subjects from amino acid structure and glycolysis to cell signaling. The 45 diverse topics currently covered in this app are definitely worth its price. You can even make annotations on each page to include information from your lectures. No need to buy a chemistry textbook when you have this app!






#PHOTOGRAPHY, ART&POETRY SURROUNDINGS Know what is in the air you breathe and what brings out the heat. Know the soil you press upon your feet.


Memorize what you can seen in the dark from the stars and moon. Then wait for the night again as you memorize the sun after noon.

Like a pair of converse I’ve always worn And now refuse to cast away Just because it’s ragged and torn Having won it each and every day.

Find comfort in silence, empty of sound before your voice echoes and comes back round.

Like my oldest tee-shirt that I pride With holes and stains, print nearly gone After the hardest most trying day outside I find comfort just slipping it on.

Do not ignore the world around you, within, you are made up of what surrounds you.

Or a favorite movie, I’ve watched too many times But am always willing to watch again. I can recite every line. And yet it will always entertain. This is some of what you are to me That old converse I won’t give up The tee embodying familiarity The reruns I refuse to stop.

ALIVE Pain and confusion are all I’ve come to know, Born of dreams, goals and aspirations. I stand stagnant, not knowing how to go, Along this road paved by good intentions. Pain so deep, that tears will never spring Hushed whispers and cutting stares. They neglect who I am, focus on one thing Without right to claim it as their cares. And life goes on without my permission As I try to paint a picture with just one word Adding up the current situation Of which I stand as just one third. Yet... I enjoyed it while it lasted I am human, no less, no more Perhaps it landed me out-casted But my pain defines me as alive,thiough sore.



Because in life there’s so much that alters And too few good things that stay the same It’s good to know that when I falter I can find comfort, just calling your name.

Get your poetry posted anonymously, by submitting on our Moodle page: https://vle.rcsi.ie/course/view.php?id=844 We only accept anonymous submissions of poetry and questions for our anonymous advice column- Doc on Call. DIVERCSITY protects your decision to remain anonymous and refuses to disclose indentities





EDITOR’S PICK AT THE VALE FLOWERS Flowers first unblossomed beings then blossom in spring only to be ripped, torn and picked but the the and

if every flower chose not to live life that they’ve been chosen view around would be bare the soil forever frozen

In life that is and the but our

a beauty lies of a forever spoken beauty is that it won’t exist faith remains unbroken


At the vale, there is just mist Barren land has consumed the vicinity Zero inhabitants Sins of our ancestors clearly seen Castigated, deprived and tested Houses they built for the gods Now ignored, lust is the friend in need Spiritually blind, mentally deaf Pain delivered in evolutionary phases Patience a virtue not common amongst us From womb to a living being From dormancy to occupancy Yet unthankful to the supreme Seasons come and go, life is perished Bones to dust, ignorance is bliss He stands here alone The first and the last

The wires swayed, Gently, In her veins Eyeshadow black on Purplish lids, Bone weary Leaning forward, Cogwheel spine, Buried river voice

(Background photo by Joe Hsiao)

I wanted to save her, But nothing could carry her From the horror of her born truths.

THE OCEAN Arteries that anchor the heart are lifting. Heavy are it’s secrets, leaking black tar in the ocean, Like dark midnight diamond-studded starry skies turned into liquid. Waves kiss the shores as lovers met, only to bid farewell once more. Of sand, shattered shells, broken dreams and shipwrecks of relations, Shadows made of love dance. Forms you see but can’t hold. Silent prayers and wishes from the beating hearts of billions Whisper back to us in the sound of the sea, Felt in the cool breeze that caresses our cheeks, A reminder that we are alive. The heart is a pirate, who yearns for treasures unknown, A compass that points ambitions and dreams on the map of the world. And she is swept away by the currents of journey once more.









enguins in Dublin zoo have been conspiring this year, to get revenge on the humans, after one of their pack was stolen and left on O’Connell street last year. Zoo keepers claim the penguins have been “looking suspicious” for months.

A gang of the penguins tunnelled out of the zoo ataround midnight and made their way to O’Connell street. They were quite disappointed to find that Pennies was closed as they heard from zoo visitors that the shop was selling penguin onesies. The gang was spotted on CCTV at the Spire where they grabbed a highly inebriated man and dragged him back to the zoo. The man was found in the penguin enclosure the following morning sharing a Spar chicken fillet roll with one of his penguin mates. Gardai decided not to persecute the offenders as they were already living in cages and the victim didn’t seem too bothered. As the war between humans and penguins continues, citizens have been urged not to speak to strange or suspicious looking penguins.



sers of the popular social media network ‘Instagram’ have not been able to eat for 24 hours due to a temporary crash of the network.

Fans of the network claim that they cannot eat a meal without first posting a photo of it on Instagram. One hunger striker cried, “My blueberry cheese on toast just looked so fabulous, I couldn’t possibly eat it without my followers seeing it first, that’s preposterous!” Dublin Accident and Emergency departments have been filled with Instragram enthusiasts collapsing from starvation. Paramedics claim that they generally find the patients in their kitchen at home wearing an apron and lying beside a table of many beautifully decorated items of food and fanciful dishes. It has also been reported that paramedics have been attacked as they try to move the dishes away from the victims.



rchaeologists have been carrying out an excavation in the Temple Bar area of Dublin this month. The aim was to find out what the area was used for before it became a tourist hotspot filled with pubs and clubs. Surprisingly the team of archaeologists only found jugs and fossilised vomit indicating that the area had never been used as anything other than a clubbing scene. Even more surprisingly, the fossilised vomit was found to date back to 2,000 BC indicating that even cavemen went on the lash in this spot. A cave has also been found deep beneath the streets with cave drawings depicting early settlers doing a traditional Irish dance known as ‘grinding’. The excavation is ongoing and archaeologists are hopeful that more artefacts and vomit will be found to shed more light on the rituals of this ancient settlement.

Art byDavid O Reilly OCTOBER 2014







n 1977, the yet unknown David Lynch made his surrealist debut feature Eraserhead: a film about the terrifying fear of fatherhood. Think “Son of the Mask” – except not execrable. After this promising start, he literally filmed the first script to land on his desk – The Elephant Man. The melodrama received a score of Oscar nominations, including a Best Director nod for Lynch. It also turned the head of one George Lucas, which approached Lynch to direct the finale of the Star Wars trilogy – Revenge of the Jedi. Lynch turned it down, calling Star Wars Lucas’ vision, his baby.

Instead he took a three movie deal from infamous Hollywood producer Dino DeLaurentiis (Disclaimer: not a real dinosaur). The first film was his ambitious, expensive adaptation of the sci-fi opus Dune which was… a total flop, critically and commercially. DeLaurentiis chopped an hour off the running time, replacing it with an exposition-heavy voiceover. (Even worse than Blade Runner’s.) What remained was a plodding, yet rushed “Star Wars rip-off ”. Lynch was horrified with the result. He went so far as to take remove his director’s credit from the extended TV cut (“directed by John Smithee”). He vowed never to make another film – unless he himself had the final cut. Luckily for audiences everywhere, DeLaurentiis gave him this privilege. Lynch had a chance to redeem his reputation with his next film, Blue Velvet. Film Noir was not new to Hollywood. Thrillers involving hardended gumshoes, brunette femme fatales and mysterious MacGuffins (in the vein of The Maltese Falcon) had been endlessly repeated since 1941. But Lynch subverting our expectations by taking these tropes out of shadowy urban comfort zones into sunny small-town Americana. Lumberton is introduced as your stereotypical happy-clappy 1950s-era town. (Think Back to the Future’s Hill Valley.) But this nostalgic idealised setting is gravely disturbed in the opening scene. The beetle motif foreshadows the unthinking evil in our midst. Our hero Jeffrey Beaumont returns to Lumberton. But he doesn’t quite fit in anymore. His appearance hints at his non-conformity: his wears a silver earring, his hair is too long, his eyes too dark. Jeffrey’s boredom with small-town tedium propels him into its mysterious, seedy underbelly. His insatiable, voyeuristic curiousity scares Sandy, his blonde sweetheart. She fears for his safety – and rightly so. Jeffrey falls into the seductive arms of the brunette Dorothy. (Her Wizard of Oz-inspired name underlines Jeffrey’s departure into this new surreal world.)

In dreams, you’re mine.” But more than that, he is every man’s id. He is our unconscious desire, our power fantasy. Frank scares us because we in his eyes, we see into our own soul. We see the worst of ourselves and of humanity.

Sandy represents the naive, innocent, pre-feminism social convention of 1950s America. She is wholesome and supportive “I can’t figure out if you’re a The battle between love and lust, good and evil, virtue and sin, to his ego. She enkindles “the blinding light of love” in Jeffrey’s detective or a pervert.” conformity and disobedience… These are internal battles that dreary life. However, she is rather plain in appearance. She will never be fully resolves. They are the result of free will. Lynch does not appeal to his id, his lust. Instead it is Dorothy and her “Well that’s for me to know takes a potentially bland and forgettable erotic noir with (delibermysterious world that excite him. They promise him carnal and you to find out.” ately?) stilted dialogue and transforms it into a timeless, universal hedonistic, pleasure with no adverse consequences. No strings exploration of the human condition. That is what makes David attached. Jeffrey’s sexual frustration due to social constraints Lynch a true auteur, a master of cinema. And Blue Velvet his masterpiece. call to mind Brad and Janet in 1976’s The Rocky Horror Picture Show. Or even Dr Jekyll in the even more restrictive Victorian society. Our protagonist is offered sweet release – but at great cost. Jeffrey incurs the wrath of Frank, played by Dennis Hopper in his most memorable screen role. Hopper holds nothing back in his performance. Frank is true to his name: direct, outspoken and brutal. He acts brashly, selfishly and with no concern for the future. His sentences are peppered with expletives – no small matter in a pre-Reservoir Dogs film. He claims to “fuck anything that moves”. He demeans and assaults women mercilessly. Frank represents Jeffrey’s id, his dark side. Echoing the lyrics of Roy Orbinson, Frank whispers, “In dreams, I walk with you. In dreams I talk to you.









ncient Egyptians wore cosmetics regardless of gender or status, as they believed that cosmetics had magical power. They paid extra attention to eye makeup and they usually lined their eyes with a black galena, kohl (black eyeliner), that was placed in small kohl containers and applied with a wooden stick, creating an almond-shaped eye.


gyptian clothing was filled with a variety of colors. Adorned with precious gems and jewels, the fashions of the Ancient Egyptians were made for not only beauty but also comfort. Egyptian fashion was created to keep cool while in the hot desert


he men wore wrap around skirts known as the Shendyt, which were belted at the waist, sometimes pleated or gathered in the front





fashion LOOK BOOK



alloween is finally here! And, you might be gearing up with all your energy for it. But wait a minute!!. Have you still not decided what costume to wear? Are you looking for something in particular that not everyone can offer?


e bring to you your favourite Characters !!

Take their charm to the streets by dressing up like your favourite character for Halloween 2014!! OCTOBER 2014







orean pop, or more commonly known as K-pop, is a musical genre originating in South Korea that is characterized by a song coupled with dancing and other visual performances. Although it comprises all genres of "popular music" within South Korea, the term is more often used in a narrower sense to describe a modern form of South Korean pop music covering mostly dance-pop, pop ballad, electronic, rock, hip-hop and R&B. First gaining popularity in the 90’s, it grew from a musical genre to a subculture in the mid-2000’s. Now, K-pop has spread all over the world via the Korean wave. K-pop is now popular in Latin America, the Middle East and North Africa, as well as some parts of North America and Europe. I first got to know K-pop when I was in primary school. Few people were genuine K-pop fans back then, as we mainly preferred Taiwanese and Chinese artists. With the emergence of K-pop idols like Rain, BoA and Wonder Girls he popularity of K-pop began to increase substantially, and by the time I finished middle school, the number of K-pop fans far outnumbered the fans of The members of Girls Generation, or SNSD, all underwent rigorous training before emerging other non-Korean artists. as an idol group. They now release singles which regularly top music charts in many countries. many are not selected. Those selected have to work very Finally, the Korean agencies are really good at hard because if they don’t, their popularity will fall and marketing their artists, and K-pop activities are usually they will be replaced. This issue has raised supported by the South Korean Government. The controversy over the years as some Korean artists government promotes K-pop by organising concerts have become depressed and committed suicide due to overseas and encouraging collaborations with foreign work-related stress. artists. Many K-pop idols also star in Korean dramas which increases their publicity Why is K-pop getting more popular nowadays? Are they really that good? The answer is yes...sort of. Firstly, K-pop idols are almost always good looking (to me, that is). Therefore, for the same reasons why people Psy’s Gangnam Style danced its way to the like One Direction, K-pop idols with their pretty faces current most watched Youtube video and the quickly garner a lot of fans. Other than that, their songs number 2 spot on US Billboard Hot 100. are very catchy and many of the music videos have very, very good choreography. I would say very few artists The main reason that K-pop is huge today is their effec- have the dancing skills of the K-pop idols. They are really good at dancing because as I said earlier, they train tive marketing strategy. In contrast to Western singers, very hard. Groups that rarely dance, like Big Bang, are K-pop idols rarely release albums – they prefer releasfamous because they produce creative songs and have ing singles and mini-albums once every few months. IU is a fast-rising singer who has released really good fashion sense. Title songs are coupled with flashy music videos, which three albums and performed in the US and are uploaded onto Youtube. Complemented by mass Japan. She came in 19th in “The 23rd Annumedia advertising, the songs quickly become hot hits. al Independent Critics List of the 100 Most After a few months, when the popularity of the songs Beautiful Faces”. And she’s only 21! and the idols begin to die down, they release new singles, using the same strategies and quickly gain popuSo, will K-pop idols one day become as popular as larity again. In this way, the idols steadily increase their Western artists such as Beyonce, Taylor Swift, or even popularity while maintaining a relatively low output Justin Bieber? I don’t think so. Despite their best of new songs. Most K-pop idols appear in groups as efforts, the language and cultural barriers are very a group of idols can appeal to a more diverse fan base. difficult challenges to overcome. English is still the Therefore solo idols like Rain and BoA are rare, but world’s most international language. Even if Korean they are so good that they are able to compete with idol artists release English songs, they still won’t appeal to groups. people worldwide due to cultural differences. This does not mean K-pop is inferior compared to Western pop You may think by using these marketing strategies, Big Bang are known for their quirky culture though; more and more people are becoming K-pop idols did not do much work to achieve their personalities and fashion sense. Among the K-pop fans every day, and K-pop artists are constantly fame. On the contrary, they work extremely hard, members most Asians like G Dragon, and sometimes too hard. Potential K-pop idols are scouted from my observation the Irish favourite is Tae making breakthroughs in the international market. K-pop is very entertaining , I honestly enjoy it despite at young ages, sometimes as young as 6, by agencies and Yang. being sceptical before, and who knows one day it may undergo rigorous training regimes so that they may one just become the biggest pop culture in the world. day become top K-pop idols. Despite years of training,








solutions! easy








Culture, Ephemera and CRAIC!




here are plenty of delightfully frightening things to do in Dublin around Halloween.

Here, I’ve rounded up a few of the more unusual options and some free tickets for those with strong stomachs...

THE GRAVEDIGGER BUS TOUR Rapidly becoming a Dublin institution, this is a fantastic alternative night out...a ghoulish tour on a 4D bus. You will be taken back to the plague-ridden Dublin of 600 years ago where you can meet some of the unfortunate victims (played by professional actors) who will guide you through the tour. - Tour lasts 2 hours - Around Halloween they have two tours daily, leaving at 7.45pm & 10.30pm - Definitely something you need to pre-book as the Halloween tours sell out quickly - Price includes a free drink in The Gravedigger’s pub.

You can pre-book via their downright creepy website, where eyes will follow your every move. WESBITE: thegravedigger.ie

GLASNEVIN CEMETERY Not one of the first things people think of when they consider attractions to go to in Dublin but it is a fantastic experience (especially around Halloween when the staff make an extra effort) as well as being ranked as the 4th best attraction in Dublin on Tripadvisor. A huge number of historical figures, good, bad, and infamous are buried here and included in the tour are the tales of how they met their ends. Historical, often macabre and full of genealogical interest, it should be added to the to-do list. To book one of their ‘Ghastly Halloween Tours’ contact events@glasnevintrust.ie

GIVEAWAY!! If you and a friend want the bejaysus frightened out of you, we have two tickets for the first person to email: divercsity@rcsi.ie with Gravedigger in the subject line. OCTOBER 2014









ram Stoker Festival From the 24th for his gothic novel, Dracula. Watch as Dublin transforms into a hub of the supernatural. And remember, not everything is as it seems come the month of Halloween. Don’t miss the annual vampire hunt which begins on Dame Street where you and 3 friends get to flee through historical buildings and venues, uncovering countless spooky secrets on the way. There will also be haunting street performances dubbed ‘Spine Chilling Sights and Sounds in the City’ on South king Street as well as Dame Street. Make sure you attend the open-air scary movies in Temple Bar as well terrifying theatre shows for a spook-tacular night! Picture link:/ to 27th of October, the city celebrates Abraham Stoker, the Irish novelist most famous


Powerscour Townhouse Centre images courtesy of Sukyi Ng


DID YOU KNOW.. Dublin was originally called ‘Dubh Linn’ or ‘black pool’? This referred to the deep pool in Dublin Castle where the Poddle stream met the Liffer river.



his is one of Dublin’s hidden gems, set in a Georgian house at 59 South William Street. A boutique mall just 5 minutes away from RCSI, Powerscourt houses a fascinating array of one-of-a-kind shops, including a toy hospital, one boasting a collection of Phillip Treacy hats, a bridal gown boutique and an array of cafes serving pastries to die for. However, what most people don’t know is that there is a free guided tour of the premises, led by Shireen, an eccentric lady that will captivate you with tales of the past. Formerly the home of Richard Wingfield 3rd was once the entrance hall, kitchen, cellars and even their bedrooms, all of which now have been transformed into the Pygmalion bar, a garden, Pzazz hair salon and knick-knack shops. Viscount Powerscourt and his wife in 1774, Shireen will take you through what The tour takes place every Thursday and Saturday at 11am and 2pm at the South William Street entrance. Do call or make an online reservation first to avoid disappointment.






CONTENDER 1: PABLO PICANTE Where? 1 minute walk from the library on Clarendon Market Rd. by the RCSI library Price? €6.25 student deal giving you a large burrito + a soda beverage! Burritos are large and no skimming on the meats. The rice is bland and only adds to your carbohydrate intake for the day. The meat has mild spicing and flavourless additions - the most flavourful is Mexicali mince. Pablo’s offers 5 mouthwatering salsas ranging from a mild to suicide heat. The guacamole is one of the best in Dublin! And what would a truly Mexican meal be without the avacadolicious effect of their signature guac. When you are in a pinch for time while furiously cramming in the library, Pablo’s is a mere one minute walk. And with fast, efficient service even in a lineup, you will be out of there lickity split. They offer a nice outdoor set for the hotter days or having great tables upstairs for larger groups.

QUANTITY: 8/10 RICE: 6/10 MEAT: 6/10 SALSA: 7/10 GUAC: 7/10 UNIQUENESS: 5/10 TOTAL: 40/60

CONTENDER 2: TOLTECA Where? 5 minute walk from the library on Suffolk Street (right at the end of Grafton Street) Price? €6.50 student deal giving you a burrito + a soda beverage! For the North American denizens of the college, think Chipotle-esque (except subpar). Their decent-sized, steak burrito are less than stellar but why settle for burrito mediocrity when the city is chock brim full of exciting alternatives? Rice and meats are both not memorable though they do offer the option of brown rice for the health-conscious public. Same can be said about their salsas and guacamole. All in all, there is nothing extraordinary or appalling to mention about Tolteca. It’s average Tex-Mex cuisine even on its best day. The only bonus is that they have large communal tables for large groups and are at a good location to grab a quick bite before jumping on the next Dublin bus out of town.

QUANTITY: 7/10 RICE: 6/10 MEAT: 6/10 SALSA: 5/10 GUAC: 5/10 UNIQUENESS: 4/10 TOTAL: 33/60 CONTENDER 3: TUZO

Where? 5 minute walk from the library on Dawson Street Price? €5.50 student deal giving you a burrito Another burrito establishment on Dawson Street, a mere few steps down the road from Little Ass. Pretty standard selection of meats and rice available but in a generous portion size. Great variety of unlimited burrito toppings, especially the vegetables. Extra servings of salsa are free of charge! Guacamole ranks on the average side though. Massive amounts of seating available inside and a small outdoor seating area.

QUANTITY: 7/10 RICE: 5/10 MEAT: 5/10 SALSA: 5/10 GUAC: 6/10 UNIQUENESS: 4/10 TOTAL: 32/60 OCTOBER 2014



Dublindulgence !



Where? 5 minute walk from library on Dawson Street Price? €5.50 student deal giving you a burrito! €7 student deal giving you a burrito + a beverage! Little Ass Burrito Bar does not hide that it is well a little ass burrito bar. There is a lack of seating around but with these burritos you don’t hear a lot of people complain, particularly with St.Stephens Green nearby. There are however a few seats available on the makeshift patio outside. This is a burrito bar that is running without enough place to sit? How you might ask? Because they do it the best. The size of a burrito is smaller than some other burritos in the neighborhood you say? This place is all about quality over quantity. The meat can be seen cooking on most occasions freshly in the outlet as opposed to a lot of other burrito joints which have their meat sitting for hours. This definitely translates into the flavorful punch packed in these burritos. Try the Sancho Panza to experience their slow braised mole marinated Irish pork. Throw in some mango salsa to add some zesty flavour. Sweet Potato is not a burrito ingredient? Well Little Ass does more than change your mind about this. Try the Cinco De Fryo or one of their other sweet potato burrito options to change your mind.

There is almost always a line here but they work quickly and efficiently enough so do not be scared away by the line running outside the store - it is worth the wait.

QUANTITY: 7/10 RICE: 7/10 MEAT: 9/10 SALSA: 9/10 GUAC: 5/10 UNIQUENESS: 9/10 TOTAL: 46/60

CONTENDER 5: BURRITOS AND BLUES Where? 5 minute walk from the library on Wexford Street Price? €6.50 student deal giving you a burrito + a soda beverage! Located at the lovely corner of Cuffe St. and Wexford St. The quantity is average, leaving you still needing a meal in 4-6 hours while the others are dual-meal deals. The rice is standard, BUT chips can be added to your burrito as well for a special taste. The salsas are tasty, but there is nothing special that you don’t see elsewhere. The guacamole is only mediocre, not very memorable. Money and time can be better utilized at Boojum down the street.

QUANTITY: 7/10 RICE: 6/10 MEAT: 6/10 SALSA: 5/10 GUAC: 6/10 UNIQUENESS: 5/10 TOTAL: 35/60




#CULTURE&LEISURE CONTENDER 6: BOOJUM Where? 5 minute walk from the library on Lower Kevin Street (just off where Aungier turns into Wexford Street) Price? €6.50 student deal giving you a burrito + a soda beverage! This is a time-honoured college favourite of the local Dubliners only a tiny walk from the RCSI library or main campus. The atmosphere is hipster-ish with great indie music and a vibe that makes your great tasting meal all that much more enjoyable. The burritos are massive and meaty; you will not leave Boojum hungry and may skip your next meal. The fantastic spiced, Mexican rice is a definite highlight of the burrito. They have great tasty slow-cooked chicken and beef, but can come in large chunks. The chorizo makes for an out of this world taste, a definite must-try! The chili con carne is another favourite here, a great taste and nice spice! Many of the salsas are a light addition to the burrito, but don’t add much flavour The best salsa here is the salsa rojo, adding a nice heat for heat-lovers. The guacamole is one to behold; a fantastic, non-overpowering taste with every bite. However, the cheddar cheese (an odd choice) is not melted and bland, one of the few negatives here. No grilling or pressing - leaves you with a chewy tortilla wrap, but that is up to personal preference.

QUANTITY: 9/10 RICE: 8/10 MEAT: 8/10 SALSA: 6/10 GUAC: 8/10 UNIQUENESS: 6/10 TOTAL: 46/60


Best burrito joint in DUBLIN? (Drum roll, please)

IT’S A TIE! #1 LITTLE ASS & #1 BOOJUM Little Ass offers what others don’t, truly unique tastes like the mango salsa. - The burrito contents truly complement each other in taste. Boojum offers a solid burrito; it offers a variety of tastes and an enjoyable atmosphere. - The great tasting salsas, guac, and meats (like the chorizo) really keep people coming back. Best burrito in Dublin? The verdict: BOOJUM CHORIZO BURRITO #3 PABLO PICANTE Pablo’s is best known for its large, cheap rush meal in between studying at the library. - While it does not offer a truly wonderful burrito as #1 and #2, but you will not leave feeling cheated. #4 BURRITOS AND BLUES Burritos and Blues has a nice seating area for a lunch or dinner while walking along Camden. - We rank this one lower against the others for its meats and salsas, but is a nevertheless a decent burrito joint especially for the quick walk from main campus. #5 TOLTECA Tolteca tries to follow in the footsteps of the popular North American Tex-Mex chain, Chipotle but falters in creating a loyal following within the denizens of Dublin. - None the less, it’s a respectable burrito joint for anyone looking to fill up their burrito quota for the week. #6 TUZO Another Chipotle-esque type chain giving you the option to choose every topping, but is at a loss when it comes to creativity and taste. -Tuzo is a loved burrito joint by a few of our friends, but it still has yet to impress us. OCTOBER 2014



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