Rose Garden Of Persia - Costello, Louisa Stuart, 1799-1870

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Shireen, although he did not neglect any of This is the popular traditions of Persia.

acknowledged as

his chef tfceuvre.


lived A.D. 590


he was a

prince of exalted virtues and great magnificence he fought against the Greek emperors :

with success,but was at last defeated by Heraclius. He is said to have married a daughter

Emperor Maurice, named Irene, called the Persians Shireen, or Sweet. by Ferhad's history forms a tragical episode of the

in this


He was

a statuary, cele-

brated throughout the East for his great genius, but was daring enough to fix his affec-

on the beloved of a king. The jealousy of Khosru was excited, and he lamented to his courtiers the existence of a passion which was so violent as not to be contions

and which gave him great uneasiness. to employ Ferhad in such a manner as to occupy his whole life, and divert him from his dangerous dream accordingly, as on one occasion the fair Shireen had, somewhat unreasonably, required of her royal lover a river of Milk, he cealed,

He was recommended


made her

desire a pretext for the labours he

imposed on his presumptuous rival. Ferhad was summoned to the presence of Khosru, and commissioned by the king to

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