Bossier Press-Tribune Fall Home Improvement 2020

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Paragon Flooring - Your Step to Excellence

Chris Sepeda Bossier Press-Tribune


fter 25 years of owning A+ Solutions and A+ Roofing, owners Chris and Laura Culotta saw a need for a flooring store in the Haughton area. In November of 2019, they opened Paragon Flooring to fill the need for the Haughton area to not only get the best flooring, but the best customer service to help with their flooring needs. “With over 50 plus years of flooring experience, you get personal assistance to help you on your path to redoing the floors in your home. We help you find works best in your home, and we take care of the rest.” said store manager James Eric Moore. Paragon Flooring also offers help for the do-it-yourself person. “Whether we do the work or you do the work, we set up an appointment to see what you are looking for. We give you the pros and cons for what you need, give you options, and then you take the samples home to make

sure they work correctly in your home.” said Moore. Paragon will then come out to measure the area you need, give you a quote for them to install or for you to do it yourself. “We always factor in a little extra to make sure you are covered if you’re doing it yourself, just in case something happens that you will need more or for further down the road in case life happens and you need to replace a section or two” said Moore. One of the best things about owning a remodeling and roofing company, along with the flooring company, is the ability to meet many of a customer’s needs at once. “If we are already at your house for A+ Roofing, our guys can take a look at your house also to see if A+ Solutions or Paragon Flooring can help you with your next project,” Moore said. Choosing the The Right Flooring When choosing flooring, understanding the needs of the home is of utmost importance, according to head salesperson Jerry Kennington.

“When picking your flooring, we give you the best options to meet your needs,” said Kennington, who has been in the flooring business for almost 51 years. “Real wood and ceramic tile are the only real flooring options that increase in value as the flooring ages. As long as you take care of the ceramic tile or real wood, it will last forever.” Flooring is often the most expensive way to update your house, Kennington said, but when looking for a home, a person normally looks at the flooring in the rooms they’ll spend the most time in. “That is why we spend so much time making sure you get the flooring that works best for you, your budget, and your home,” he said. According to Kennington, the job is not to sell someone a product, but help them buy the correct product they need. He added that luxury vinyl and laminate click flooring, which has a built in pad that will “float” over the base floor and is waterproof, works best for those with kids and pets.

“Stain-proof yarn” carpet is another option that works for those that have kids and pets.

Fixing Problems Many do-it-yourselfers start a flooring project and regret it. However, Paragon Flooring will come out to finish the project, or give pointers to help someone finish on their own. The staff wants to make sure people are educated properly, from start to finish. Community Service Owner Laura Culotta is Haughton proud and loves to help out the community. In the past, A+ Roofing was involved with fundraisers for Haughton athletics and schools, and they look forward to doing more with the community through Paragon Flooring. Business Outlook At the start of global pandemic, Paragon Flooring took a hit. They went from being open daily to shutting the doors. Once restrictions began to lift, Paragon operated by appointment only, to finally being open to the

public again. Even with the challenges, the folks at Paragon have viewed the pandemic as a bit of blessing. More folks spending more time at home has equated to a recent uptick in business, but there are still some hiccups. “We have had to adjust to the requirements of each customer when we enter their home,” Moore said. “We wear masks, gloves and anything else we need to do to make sure the customer feels safe. In addition, we have had some trouble getting products, but we do our best to adjust properly to help the needs of each customer when that happens.” The goal for Paragon Flooring is to not just stop with the Haughton location. They hope to fill the flooring needs of customers from the Texas state line to the Mississippi state line. They also are trying to have more than just flooring in the coming months and years. “We are working with companies to have lighting, paints etc, so we can be the true one-stop shop for your household needs,” Moore added.

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OCTOBER 28, 2020

Exterior illumination can cast a glow on various features, but there are many other reasons to increase lighting around the exterior of a home.

Curb appeal is important, as a home’s appearance can greatly affect prospective buyers’ perceptions.

Why homeowners should add more exterior light to their properties

Exterior renovations that improve curb appeal


omeowners are increasingly realizing the benefits of improving the exteriors of their home, which can be just as valuable as improving the interior spaces. As individuals design picturesque garden beds and cultivate lavish lawns or revamp exteriors with architectural features, they probably want to spotlight these improvements. This is where exterior lighting can be put to great use. Exterior illumination can cast a glow on various features, but there are many other reasons to increase lighting around the exterior of a home. • Safety: Trips and falls can occur at night when trying to traverse walkways and landscapes in the dark, as it can be difficult to see rocks, stairs and uneven pavement. Outdoor lighting can illuminate pathways, entryways and other areas for safer access for homeowners and their guests. • Extend outdoor entertaining: Ample lighting can increase the amount of time one can use outdoor spaces and make them the perfect gathering spot. As autumn arrives, days become

shorter. However, patios, porches and more can get extended use with lighting. • Safeguard security: A well-lit home may be less likely to be targeted by burglars than one swathed in darkness and shadows. Lights can remain on all evening or be motion-triggered. Setting lights on timers also ensures that the home is illuminated whether residents are home or not. • Create drama: Landscape lighting designers can establish focal points around the landscape and highlight the best features of a property. Uplighting in trees, silhouetting techniques to showcase plants and spotlights to show off architectural features are all options for homeowners to consider. • Add value: The experts at Parker Homescape, a landscape design service, say that exterior lighting can add roughly 30 percent to the value of a home. They also indicate that 50 percent of all home buyers say that outdoor lighting is important when buying a home. If current residents are thinking about selling, now may be the time to invest in exterior lighting.


eglecting a home’s exterior can be a disservice to homeowners, particularly those looking to increase the value of their homes. Curb appeal is important, as a home’s appearance can greatly affect prospective buyers’ perceptions. Knowing which projects can offer the most bang for their remodeling buck can help homeowners make the right choices when improving the exterior of their homes. The following are some areas where homeowners can direct their focus if their end goal is a great-looking home with added value, as determined by the 2019 “Cost vs. Value Report” from Remodeling magazine. This report compares the average cost of 22 remodeling projects with the value those projects retain at resale across 136 markets. • Garage door replacement: Homeowners can recoup 97.5 percent of their investment on a new garage door. This remodel tops the list for good looks and value. The average cost of $3,611 is for replacing an existing two-car garage. • Manufactured stone veneer: Replacing a portion of vinyl siding with stone

veneer can greatly improve curb appeal, adding style that can set a home apart. Homeowners can expect to recoup a 94.9 percent return on their investment. • Wood deck addition: A wooden deck on the rear or side of a home enhances homeowners’ ability to enjoy the outdoors year-round. A wood deck addition recoups 75.6 of the cost of homeowners’ initial investment. • Siding replacement: Not only does old or weathered siding look unsightly, it can impact the energy efficiency of a home. Even though a siding replacement project is costly — at roughly $16,000 — it offers a 75 percent return and peace of mind that the home is being well-protected from the elements. • New entry door: Replacing an existing door with a 20-gauge steel door complete with clear dual-pane half-glass panel, jambs and an aluminum threshold with composite stop gets homeowners 75 percent of their initial investment back at resale. Improving the door isn’t all about good looks, either. A door that isn’t well-insulated or secure can be problematic.

Prepare your deck for winter


omeowners often take steps to winterize the interior of their homes in the weeks before winter’s arrival, but such efforts should extend to the outside of a home as well. Decks make for great gathering places when the weather permits. Decks are where many people spend their free time and eat their meals come spring and summer, when the temperatures climb and the sun sets well into the evening. But as summer turns to fall, homeowners must take measures to protect their decks from potentially harsh winter weather. • Inspect the deck for problems. Decks tend to be used more often in summer than any other time of year. That makes fall and early winter an ideal time to inspect for wear and tear and any additional issues that may have cropped up throughout the summer. Damaged boards and loose handrails should be fixed before winter arrives, especially for homeowners who plan to use their decks in winter. Fixing such issues in winter and even into spring may be difficult thanks to harsh conditions, so make good use of the relatively

Homeowners who take steps to protect their decks throughout the winter months can ensure these popular areas are ready once entertaining season returns in the spring.

calm autumn weather to fix any issues on the deck.

• Clear the deck of potted plants. Even homeowners who intend to use their decks in winter should remove potted plants from the deck in the fall. The home improvement experts at HGTV note that moisture can get trapped between deck boards and plastic, wood or ceramic containers in cold weather, and that can contribute to mildew, discoloration or decay. • Store unnecessary furniture. Homeowners who like to sit on their decks in winter will no doubt want to leave some furniture out over the winter. But those with lots of furniture for entertaining guests can likely move the majority of that furniture into a garage or shed for the winter. HGTV notes that doing so will prevent the potential formation of blemishes on the deck that can result from inconsistent weathering. • Remove snow, but do so carefully. Prolonged contact with snow and ice can damage a deck. As a result, homeowners should clear snow from their decks when accumulation is significant. HGTV recommends using a snow blower on the deck to avoid scarring. If a shovel must be used, push snow with the planks to reduce the risk of damaging the deck.

OCTOBER 28, 2020



House powerwashing tips

owerwashing, also known as pressure-washing, utilizes a high-velocity water spray to remove dirt and residue from the exterior surfaces of a home. It is frequently used on vinyl siding, concrete and sometimes wood decks to treat mildew and other growth that accumulates over time. Powerwashing can be a great way to remove grime without having to scrub by hand. But it requires a delicate touch to get it right. Sometimes it is best to leave the job to professionals. But homeowners willing to give it a go can try powerwashing themselves, as various stores rent power washers. The home improvement website ImproveNet says that, until very recently, pressure washers were almost exclusively commercial machines sold to professionals or rented to do-it-yourselfers. Lately manufacturers have targeted homeowners looking to buy with lightweight options. For those who see powerwashing as a routine venture, purchasing a unit may be worth the investment. It is important to exercise caution when operating a powerwashing machine. The high-velocity spray can tear through skin. It is key to get a feel for the washer, and try less pressure first to get a handle on the magnitude of the tool. Don safety gear prior to using a pressure washer. Gloves, eye protection and ear protection can be handy. Most units will con-

Powerwashing the exterior of the home can be an effective way to clean it in the spring and fall.

3 ways to use your lawn to improve curb appeal

Returns on home improvement projects vary. In its annual Cost vs. Value Report, Remodeling magazine notes the projects that yield the best returns on investment in a given year. But a host of factors, including the type of market (buyers’ or sellers’) and the region where the home is being sold, ultimately combine to determine if homeowners’ investments in home improvement projects will provide the returns they were hoping for. Though there’s no way of guaranteeing a home improvement project will yield a great return, real estate professionals often cite improving curb appeal as an excellent way to attract prospective buyers and potentially get the asking price or more when selling the home. Improving curb appeal makes even more sense in today’s real estate market, when many people do their own searching via real estate websites such as Trulia or Zillow. When using such sites, buyers will likely be less inclined to click on a listing if exterior photos of the property are not eye-catching. Various projects, including tending to lawns and gardens, can improve curb appeal. An added benefit to focusing on landscaping to improve curb appeal is it promotes spending time outdoors in spring and summer. In addition, many lawn- and garden-related home improvement projects need not require professional expertise.

1. MAINTAIN A LUSH GREEN LAWN. Lawns that fall into disrepair may not give buyers a correct impression about how homeowners maintained their homes. Lawns with multiple dead spots and grass that appears more brown than green may lead many buyers to assume that the home’s interior was equally ill-cared for. Maintaining lush green lawns is not as difficult as it may seem. Applying fertilizer and aerating at the appropriate times of year (this varies by region) can promote strong roots and healthy soil, making it easier for grass to survive harsh conditions like drought. When watering in summer, do so in early morning or evening so as little water is lost to evaporation as possible. 2. ADDRESS BROWN PATCH. Even well-maintained lawns can fall victims to brown spots. According to the lawn care professionals at TruGreen, lawns in regions with hot temperatures and high humidity can be infected with brown patch, a common lawn disease that is caused by fungus, which can produce circular areas of brown, dead grass surrounded by narrow, dark rings. Penn State’s College of Agricultural Sciences notes that removing dew that collects on grass leaves each morning, which can be accomplished by mowing or dragging a water hose

• See CURB APPEAL - page 5

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nect to a standard garden hose. Choose old clothing and expect to get wet. Never point a powerwasher hose at anyone and do not attempt to rinse feet or hands in the spray. The renovation resource The Family Handyman suggests starting with a wide-degree nozzle to test out the spray on the surface that needs to be cleaned. A 15or 25-degree nozzle is usually the wand for general cleaning and paint stripping without damaging the surface of the home. Experiment with an optimal distance of the washer wand to get the desired cleaning effects without causing any damage. Work using a horizontal and slightly downward angle to avoid driving water up under the siding of a home. Avoid spraying any electric wires or components on the home. Also, try not to spray upward, and angle the spray away from doors, windows and vents. Some washers have reservoirs that will hold a detergent solution. Choose the right detergent for the job. Keep in mind that cleansers containing bleach can damage surrounding plants, so they may need to be covered while the washing takes place. Avoid the use of ladders when operating a powerwasher. The push-back from the wand can cause falls. Instead, opt for an extension wand to address the upper reaches of a home. Powerwashing a home is an effective way to remove stubborn grime and refresh the look of a home’s exterior.

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CURB APPEAL across affected areas, can be an effective way to reduce brown patch. Homeowners without much lawn care experience can consult professional landscapers to address the issue. But those looking to sell their properties should note that buyers often walk the grounds of homes they are considering buying. So addressing any issues on the lawn should be a priority for sellers. 3. CONFINE DOGS TO CERTAIN AREAS. Dog owners may want to let their pets roam free in their yards. But

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homeowners about to put their properties up for sale may want to confine their four-legged friends to certain areas. That’s because dog urine can be high in nitrogen. Nitrogen itself is not harmful to lawns, but in high concentrations it can contribute to yellow or brown spots. Also, highly acidic dog urine may even adversely affect pH levels in the soil. Curb appeal can go a long way toward helping homeowners sell their homes, and a lush lawn can be used to catch the eye of prospective buyers.

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7 uses for fallen leaves

OCTOBER 28, 2020


y the time autumn hits full swing, many trees will have shed their leaves for the season, and the last vestiges of red, yellow and orange magic will have faded to brown. Raking, blowing and collecting leaves becomes the primary chores of lawn and yard maintenance, and presents most homeowners with large piles of gathered leaves to tend can be used in the spring as a weed barrier to. for spring plantings. They will keep weeds It is impossible to count just how many at bay and help retain soil moisture to enleaves fall to the ground each year, or just sure small sprouts have the resources to how many pounds of leaves get collected grow. curbside, but the numbers are substantial. 5. Use shredded leaves as a lawn supCleaning up leaves is considerable work, plement. Pass a lawn mower over leaves but not all of those leaves need to be carted left on the lawn to break them down into away. In fact, there are several different uses pieces too small to rake. This will help of leaves that can be beneficial. keep the lawn healthy throughout the 1. Spread leaves as a protective mulch to winter without blocking out needed suncover tender perennials or root crops/bulbs light. in the ground. The leaves will form a natu6. Bag dried leaves and pack them ral insulating cover that keeps the soil and tightly together in cold areas of the home, the plants within a bit warmer over winter. such as basements or garages. They can 2. Create a pile of leaves that will break act as added insulation. Bags of leaves down and form a crumbly, compost-like also can be placed around planting conmaterial called leaf mold. Even though leaf tainers to protect them from frost. mold may sound like a blight, it’s actually a 7. Gather a few of the best-looking leaves good amendment to garden soil, improving and preserve them. Use an iron on a low its structure and ability to hold water. Leaf mold also attracts beneficial organisms that Cleaning up leaves is considerable work, but not all of those leaves need to setting and press leaves between two piecare vital in healthy soil. be carted away. In fact, there are several different uses of leaves that can be es of waxed paper until the waxed paper seals together. Or use clear contact paper 3. Brown leaves can be added to green beneficial. to achieve the same effect. percent brown to 25 percent green materials in commaterials in compost piles to improve the Fallen leaves can be used in many different post. Turn compost piles regularly to aerate them. health of the compost being formed. According to 4. Store dried, mulched leaves in a dry spot so they ways throughout the year. the healthy living resource Care2, the ideal ratio is 75

Design a more functional pantry


any homeowners should be easily reached and wish they had more grabbed as needed without having storage space, and to move too many things. Idealkitchens are one ly, foods should be arranged in a area where people seemingly can single layer so that all items can always use more storage. be viewed at a glance. Shelves of Despite a desire for more kitchvarious depths and heights can en space, until recently, kitchen accommodate items of different pantries fell out of favor. Builders sizes. Adjustable shelves are ideal and architects may have thought because they can be modified as that close proximity to supermarfoods change. Sliding drawers can kets as well as multi-use cabinets in improve reach in cabinets. kitchens would offset the need for In smaller spaces, French doorpantries. But according to a recent style reach-in cabinets are consurvey from the National Associvenient and flexible. In complete ation of Home Builders, a kitchen kitchen remodels or new construcpantry is the most desirable kitchtions, walk-in pantries offer the en feature for buyers in the market most space and flexibility. for a new home. According to a 2016 survey from MUST-HAVE FEATURES ReportLinker, 98 percent of Amer- In order to accommodate for spending more time in the kitchen, homeowners are directing Pantries serve different functions icans say cooking at home is their additional attention to kitchen preparation and storage features. In fact, one recent trend in in different homes. For the bulk kitchen renovations is creating custom-designed pantries. preferred way to prepare a meal. shopper, a pantry with plenty of setup. Some homeowners need to move storage panAnd despite the wide array of room for large items will be needed. restaurants, prepared meals and fast food options tries into the garage, the basement or a mud/launLighting can be beneficial in all pantries. Lights nearby, more than one-third of people cook at home dry room. can improve visibility when trying to locate items. Various factors should be considered before placdaily, with nearly 50 percent cooking between three Others prefer an outlet for charging hand-held vacing a pantry outside a kitchen. What is the climate? uums or other small appliances. Counter space in and six days a week. In order to accommodate for spending more time Will food spoil? Is there a possibility that vermin the pantry enables homeowners to unload groceries in the kitchen, homeowners are directing addition- or insects can infiltrate the room and access food? directly onto pantry shelves. al attention to kitchen preparation and storage fea- These factors will dictate whether to have closed For pantries located outside of the kitchen, builttures. In fact, one recent trend in kitchen renova- cabinets, air-tight bins or open shelves or if other in freezers can maximize storage possibilities, espemodifications must be made to the room prior to cially for those who freeze-and-eat after bulk shoptions is creating custom-designed pantries. building. ping ventures. LOCATE THE APPROPRIATE SPACE Pantries are popular features that homeowners Ideally, pantries should be in or adjacent to the CHOOSE THE TYPE OF PANTRY can customize depending on their storage needs and Accessibility is essential in a pantry. Everything the amount of time they spend in their kitchens. kitchen. But not every home layout allows for this

OCTOBER 28, 2020


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