PFP March April

Page 23

First, you need to ask yourself some hard questions - and be honest with yourself; your success or failure will only be determined by you. The BIG question is: are you willing to do what it takes to build your business and be successful? Most people will say, “Of course I am.” But are you truly willing to give up nights with your significant other, spouse or children if need be to take care of business? Are you willing to not just do the things you love, like training clients, but also do the accounting, opening the doors, closing the doors and cleaning the bathroom because the guy you hired last week called in sick for two days in a row? It takes a lot more to run your own business than just showing up to turn the lights on every morning. You have to be willing to do whatever it takes to succeed, or the business won’t. Now, you think to yourself, “I like training clients one-on-one, but I like the idea of owning a big facility also.” But nobody knows Joe Smith and there is a well-known health club a town over. How does your small no-name studio compete with that? That is when you might start playing with the idea of buying a franchise. Like anything else, there are pros and cons to consider when deciding to become a franchisee. Depending on what kind of business you want to have and where you want to take it will determine your best course of action. Do you want to own a women’s only facility or a boot camp franchise? A health club-based location or perhaps a powerhouse hard-core gym might be more up your alley? Do you want to be hands-on or just own a fitness facility and pop in once in a while? There are several benefits and positive aspects to buying a successful fitness franchise that many aspiring business owners find very attractive.

Somebody else has done much of the hard work for you. They have tested the system, written the manuals and branded the product. And guess what? It typically works. As long as you follow the system, it should work for you. They know the best methods to get new clients, have the advertising worked out and provide you with all the information and resources to get out there and open your doors. The franchise provides training and teaches you much of what you need to know to be successful. They will literally ‘hand you the manual.’ Your job is to study it, learn it and apply it. You do not have to reinvent the wheel. The franchise may provide discounts on supplies and services. Some may offer advertising and marketing materials and resources. Often times, there may be automatic fees involved in this, so again, do your research, but for a brand that has been proven to work, it may be worth your investment rather than trying to figure it out on your own. After all, your business is fitness. Depending on the franchise, the name is already branded and established. Clients have heard of you and are coming to you with their money willingly. Even if you go for a niche market, the franchise company is getting the name out there. It gives you double exposure. Buying into a franchise may also mean a territory comes with it. This does not mean a competitor will not open nearby, but another location within your franchise cannot, so the devotees to your brand in that area are coming to you. You will have support from your new franchise community to help you grow the business; there is an opportunity to create relationships with more experienced franchisees.



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