Personal Fitness Professional Looking Ahead to 2021

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 Premium Certification Package by NFPT ($400 value)  1-year membership to FiTOUR Total Access: receive access to complete each of the FiTOUR in-home certifications with online study materials ($300 value)  A complimentary full conference registration to any 2020 Medical Fitness Tour event courtesy of the MedFit Education Foundation ($299 value)  Featured profile in the 2021 Winter issue of Personal Fitness Professional magazine!

The 2021 PFP Trainer of the Year (TOTY) will be selected from the 2020 Trainer of the Month (TOTM) winners. TOTAL PRIZE PACKAGE WORTH MORE THAN $7,500!  Functional Aging Institute (FAI) Education plus Business VIP Package includes: • Functional Aging Specialist Certification ($399.00 value) • Two (2) VIP tickets to the 2020 Functional Aging Summit ($600.00 value)

Functional Aging Business Mastermind meeting ($1,200 value) 1-Year Lease of the BodyMetrix Professional System Ultrasound Body Composition ($1,895 Value)  PowerBlock U50 Club Set ($795 value)  Lifetime membership to The Academy online resource and community for fitness business owners by Fitness Revolution ($599 value)  Choice of any NSCA Certification Exam and associated textbook by NSCA ($575 value)  2-night hotel at SUCCEED by Sports & Fitness Insurance •













EACH TRAINER OF THE MONTH WILL RECEIVE OVER $4,000 IN PRIZES:  Functional Aging Institute (FAI) Education plus Business VIP Package includes: • Functional Aging Specialist Certification ($399.00 value) • Functional Aging Business Mastermind meeting ($1,200 value) • Two (2) VIP tickets to the 2021 Functional Aging Summit ($600 value)  A 1-year AFS + SUCCEED! Membership that includes one (1) full convention ticket to SUCCEED! AFS' Annual Fitness Business Convention & Expo ($500 value)  A 1-Year membership to The Academy online resource and community for fitness business owners by Fitness Revolution ($399 value)  National Corporate Fitness Institute (NCFI) Certified Corporate Fitness Specialist Certification ($295 value)  Standard Certification Package by NFPT ($249 value)  MedFit Network one-year professional membership ($169 value, for new members) - or - $100 off select MedFit Classroom classes for existing MedFit Network members  AAAI/ISMA “One World” Conference Registration ($150 value)  One in-home certification from FiTOUR ($99 value)

($500 value)


PFP ONLINE Visit VOLUME 22 | ISSUE 5 president


chad griepentrog | publisher

josh vogt | editor

Erin Eagan | audience development manager

rachel spahr | national sales director

josh vogt |

Harnessing the Power of Millennials Part 2: Give ownership and control By Joe Drake

creative director

kelli cooke | contributing writers

Joe Drake, Billy Hofacker, Adrienne Ione, Ben Ludwig, Nick Tumminello featured columnists

Dean Carlson, Vito La Fata, Sean Greeley, Nathalie Lacombe, Chad Landers, Kelli Watson

Are You Right for the Job? 8 must-have personality traits for trainer success By Nick Tumminello

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Lindsay Vastola

Greg Justice

QUESTION TO PONDER What is your #1 business focus for 2021? Find out what others had to say on page 16.

Farel Hruska


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Joey Percia


Visit our website to view for instructional videos and other training tips, including Exercise of the Week, Fitness Business Insights and Functionally Fit by Brian Schiff.

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Looking ahead to 2021

2020 (Take a deep breath before you type, Farel)… 2021 will be here before we know it, and while we are still moving through and climbing out of all that 2020 brought, we have a choice with how we plan for another new year. How can we move through this next time of transition with intention and purpose? I believe our industry will be poised to make some decisions around how we chose to “pivot.” Where are our opportunities for 2021? Stand with and FOR Each Other: We, as a collective industry family, find ourselves in very needed (and long overdue) moment to seek out ways to increase diversity, equity and inclusion… within our four walls and throughout our various touch points in our industry. Let’s agree to seek out ways to allow for access to coaching, instructing, managing and leading within our spheres of influence. From marketing to recruiting to hiring to promoting and leading, there are opportunities to open pathways to build more diverse and increasingly creative teams. As an industry, we have an obligation and responsibility to be out loud about the open doors to opportunity for those who historically haven’t seen an open door around them. Have the conversations. Listen. Learn and unlearn. Let’s agree to know better and then DO better. Innovate with Agility: The massive upheaval that was felt in 2020 can either serve to stunt our progress as fitness professionals or fuel a fire for innovation. So much of what was experienced (and still felt) this year might have opened up a tunnel vision around the narrow ways we may have approached our talents and paths. Tough times can sharpen skills we may have laid dormant or didn’t even know we had. What have you discovered about yourself? We have seen so many forced to rethink our journey in the fitness industry… what new and innovative ways have you engaged with your clients? How has the vehicle of that engagement changed? Every single one of us was not only challenged to think differently about our craft, we were expected to. 2021 is on its way and how we prepare for the new year can drastically steer our paths. Take some time to ruminate on what you want, who you want to be, the energy you wish to embrace and the impact you want to have. Change is a constant and being agile within that knowledge, can make all the difference. Our industry can be a powerful conduit for change… let’s take the time, as we close out 2020, to decide our intention for that opportunity. PFP Advisory Board Member Farel Hruska has over 20 years of experience as a personal trainer, group fitness instructor and educator. She is presently the Director of Education & Culture at Chuze Fitness. Farel also helped grow FIT4MOM from 2002-2018 as Global Fitness Director and Pre/Postnatal Director. She has presented at fitness conferences around the world including AFC (Bangkok), MEFIT PRO (Dubai), IDEA China and US and has been featured in CNN, New York Times, WebMD, Women's Running Magazine, and Farel’s most meaningful accomplishment, however, is being mom to her three daughters.

Thank you, Jolie Glassman, 2020 PFP Trainer of the Year, for your innovation, thought leadership and purposedriven mission! Read Jolie’s articles on our website.

WHO WILL BE NEXT? The 2021 PFP Trainer of the Year winner will be announced on December 15 at 3pm EST!



Volume 22 | Issue 5





Travis Barnes In the Face of Adversity Erin Eagan

4 things your fitness business should do through COVID and beyond Bed Ludwig





What is your #1 business focus in 2021?

You can’t control the circumstances, but you can still be prepared Billy Hofacker



How to incorporate the Brief Grief Questionnaire (BGQ) in assessment and training program development for clients diagnosed with the disease Adrienne Ione




Looking Ahead to 2021



Personal training is dead... long live personal training

Farel Hruska

Chad Landers






What did we learn from 2020?

Dean Carlson


The sun will come up tomorrow

Kelli Watson



2020: The year to forget, 2021: The year to look forward

Vito La Fata








Spirit Commercial Fitness by Dyaco





What you can expect for your fitness business in the next 12 months

Sean Greeley



The latest trends in fitness equipment



Planning to pivot, again!

Nathalie Lacombe



What Should You Look For in Professional Liability Insurance?

Do you need coverage? What makes for a good policy? 20+ things to consider


hy would someone who’s focused on making people healthier need to protect themselves from lawsuits? Professional liability insurance offers coverage for you if you’re sued for injuries that specifically result from your professional expertise, training or advice (e.g., if you teach a client how to perform a difficult yoga pose or use a new weight machine). And even if a client’s claims are unfounded, defending against them can still cost you time and money. Liability insurance can cover those costs and even reimburse you for related expenses, such as lost wages. (By the way: policies typically start at about $169/year for individuals — that’s money well spent, given that claims can easily cost thousands of dollars in attorneys’ fees.) Whether you work for a gym, have your own studio or host online training, you’ll want to have a policy in place that provides you with the coverage you need to protect your career and reputation. Here are some questions you should ask, depending on your particular work setting: If You’re a Gym/Studio Owner  How much coverage do you offer?  Can I get coverage for the trainers and physical therapists who work at my studio?  Can I add general liability insurance to cover “slip-and-fall” accidents? If You Work at a Gym/Studio  Does the gym carry liability insurance?  If so, does their policy cover me as an employee/independent contractor?  If I host classes/train clients on my own time (and the work isn’t affiliated with the gym), do I need my own coverage? If You’re a Personal Trainer Hired by Clients  Do I still need professional liability insurance, even if I don’t own or work at a studio?  Do you cover me in every state where I’m certified or licensed as a personal trainer?  Do you cover me if I work in clients’ homes or in my own home? If You Host Virtual Classes  Does your policy cover virtual training sessions?  If I work in a gym but also host virtual classes on my own time, do I need my own policy?

It takes a village to stay healthy and strong, and you can consider Berxi part of your village. We provide high-quality, low-cost professional liability insurance to fitness professionals like you, so you can protect the business and reputation you’ve worked so hard to build. Go to to get a quote today!

10 More Questions to Consider Before You Choose an Insurance Company  What insurance company is backing my policy, and how strong is its financial rating?  How easy is it to buy a policy?  Can I get a policy as soon as I need it?  What’s the customer service experience like? If I need help, will I be able to speak with a human or will I get stuck in a phone tree?  Can I do everything online?  Do you provide “occurrence” and “claims-made” policies?  Can I pay in installments?  Do you offer $0 deductible plans?  Would my defense costs count against my limits of liability?  What’s the claims process like if I ever need to file one?


What did we learn from 2020?


et me break it to you gently. The fundamentals of business are not going to change when the calendar turns from December 31, 2020 to January 1, 2021. The temporary “relief” of being out of 2020 will fade and the reality of the challenges we face as business owners will still be there. Learning from the past (and present) will help us be better prepared for the future. Here are some things 2020 reminded us of: Respond Not React: Nobody expected stay-at-home orders and gym closures due to a pandemic. But far too many gyms reacted by reducing member fees or putting accounts on hold, even without being asked. The consequence is having to dig out of a bigger hole or even closure. The businesses who communicated value and provided superior service, even when the delivery platform changed from in person to online, were in a better position to maintain pricing, keep their clients and even grow. Running Lean Is Better: You can’t count on constant growth to cover up cash flow problems. Evaluating operating expenses regularly keeps you from having to make drastic cuts when income slows. If an expense isn’t contributing to the core competencies of your business, get rid of it. And never forget that debt is a business killer. Always know what you are getting into when you incur debt, including government backed loans. Savings Matter: Should there be a question why we should have 3-6 months of emergency funds, both personal and business, ever again? Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) saved a lot of businesses, and we can be grateful for the help, but we should never count on it. If you don’t have one, open a separate savings account today. Cash Management Doesn’t Just “Happen”: Your business needs to have a system that puts every dollar to work. It should be structured to control operating expenses, track and pay down debt and maintain healthy profit margins. It needs to be simple to operate while giving you the feedback you need to make good strategic business decisions. George Santayana said, “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” None of us want to repeat 2020, so let’s propose to learn from 2020 and do what it takes to be prepared for whatever is next.

Dean Carlson is a certified Profit First Professional and in 2016 founded Fit For Profit, providing fitness business owners with the coaching and tools they need to manage their cash easily and keep more of their hard-earned money. His experience as a gym owner came full circle in 2018 when he sold his award-winning gym Get Fit NH for seven-figures. He is passionate about helping fitness entrepreneurs stop worrying about finances and start building the business of their dreams.


Personal training is dead... long live personal training


ersonal training as a profession has been around about 30 years. During those three decades, the trade has faced numerous challenges: the threat of regulation (state licensing), financial struggles of clients (the dotcom bubble burst and The Great Recession of 2008-09), and more recently, a business model shift towards semi-private and small group training. Currently, COVID-19 has thrown the entire fitness industry into disarray with many gyms having been closed for over six months (and counting) and even large chains declaring bankruptcy... many never to return. How will the business of personal training survive? Trainers were exploring online training even before COVID-19, and many more have pivoted to virtual offerings in lieu of in-person coaching since. This is wise for multiple reasons. First, SURVIVAL in the industry. Unfortunately, just as many gyms may never reopen, many personal trainers may be forced to leave the industry to survive financially. Trainers who embraced online training early will be more likely to survive this pandemic. And that means when gyms do reopen, they will have less competition for in-person clients too. Second, IMPROVEMENT of their craft. It can be extremely difficult via a Zoom call to create the comradery and motivation that training at a real gym provides...but it can be done! Trainers who make the pivot to online training have to be better at communicating verbally with clients, as they can’t rely on giving clients tactile cues and demonstrating proper technique via video is challenging. Third, giving people what they want. The success of Peloton isn’t just because of the pandemic. Yes, having a captive audience of homebound gymgoers has helped the company grow, but the company was already growing at a strong pace before 2020. How have they done it? Hint: it’s not the bike. It’s the experience... it’s the instructors and it’s creating the comradery and “gym experience” that has historically been lacking with home fitness. Personal trainers are doing the exact same thing on Zoom and FaceTime. In all likelihood, COVID-19 will be the biggest challenge the entire industry ever faces. For those who survive, future success will depend on the same skills that made personal training special during its first three decades... personal attention, excellent communication and relationship building. This will stay true when gyms finally do reopen, and it will continue to be even more critical for trainers working in the online space.

Chad Landers is a graduate of the University of Illinois with a BS in Kinesiology. He is a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist with the National Strength and Conditioning Association and has a Graduate Diploma in Sports Nutrition from the International Olympic Committee (IOC). Chad has been a personal trainer in Los Angeles for 27 years, and has owned his own gym, Push Private Fitness, for 17 years.



Kelli Watson

Vito La Fata

The sun will come up tomorrow

2020: The Year to Forget, 2021: The Year to Look Forward



atching the sunrise this morning, it was impossible not to hum the tune, “The Sun Will Come Out Tomorrow.” The pinks and oranges spilling across the sky gently erased the darkness and illuminated the new day. It suddenly seemed to be an apt metaphor for this moment in time. The darkness of a worldwide pandemic and nationwide quarantine changed the fitness business landscape this year and covered us in a blanket of uncertainty. And yet, heading into the 4th quarter of the year, it seems even more important for us to look ahead. Research reveals lists of companies which grew and thrived in desperate times — Microsoft, Netflix and Disney, for example. These companies succeeded because they recognized needs in the marketplace, and they took action to meet those needs. In other words, they looked ahead. They also serve as models on how to grow your own business in this uncertain climate. The way to do that is to stay focused on your clients, pour into your employees and assess your services to see if you are offering creative solutions. Spend some time seriously considering these questions and let your imagination flow.  What do your clients need right now?  What products and services do you currently have that meet those needs?  What products and services could you create that would solve the problems your clients face? Necessity is the mother of invention and if you can pinpoint needs, then you can also come up with solutions. It just takes some thoughtful time, a little creativity and a vision for what’s ahead. It might seem the darkest before the dawn, but rest assured, the sun will come up tomorrow!

Kelli Watson is a best-selling author, coach and presenter. She coaches fitness professionals and business executives through the Todd Durkin Mastermind Group and the Todd Durkin IMPACT Coaching Program. In 2017, she co-founded Scriptor Publishing Group, a publishing company dedicated to helping people share their stories and publish their books. With more than 15 years of industry experience, she specializes in business and personal development, helping fit pros and business owners discover their keys to success. Email



n industry in the midst of forced change. Here are principles of success if you plan to thrive in the future. 1. Have a Larger Vision. Creating a new successful reality requires imagination. Relying on the power of your own mind is the weapon of your future success. In what new ways can you envision your future? Dream bigger than ever? 2. Don't Put Your Business in A Box. Most businesses lock themselves into a box of “things we do” and “things we don’t do” regardless of changing situations, circumstances or opportunities. What's missing is an open mind to pivot on a dime and seize a market when such an opening presents itself. How can you re-invent or innovate what you offer so you can claim a new share, command higher dollars, bring people back, or open new markets? This will require that you possess the skills to ‘get outside the box’ of what you have always done. 3. Accept 100% Responsibility. Responsibility is the key to control. You can’t build a secure future on the foundation of excuses and denial. If you deny responsibility, you deny your ability to change and control things. Many don’t feel secure in their own ability to procure success so they demand free, the easy button. However, as Dan Kennedy taught, the only true security we have is our ability to produce for ourselves. 4. Take Risks. Bet On Yourself. Put yourself on the spot. Invest in you. “Risk is not as dangerous as most people think, because most people risk without their thinking of it as risk. People who trust the safety and security of a job with a big company think they're avoiding risk. Actually, they're risking their incomes, careers and futures on the ability of often unseen and unknown people.” GKIC For you, what does this mean? You may feel it's safe to bet on trying to market to everyone so you don’t miss anyone. When the truth is that strategy is the biggest risk you are taking, as it makes you disposable to everyone. Instead, risk carving out your niche, defining a new target market, focusing on a single topic or specialty so you can craft a unique market for your new business. 5. Don't Wait, Act. This is the last and all important step to creating your own reality. Just start. Do something. Do it now. You have to take action now from wherever it is you are. Do it as best as you can, and move forward. Successful entrepreneurs literally bend circumstances to their own will through the power of their own thinking, innovation and determination.

As an internationally recognized speaker and writer, Vito La Fata has contributed to IDEA WORLD, IDEA PTI, IHRSA, MindBody BOLD, Australian Fitness Health Expo, and Canfitpro. He is the co-founder of The Visionary Planner, and CoCreator of Vision In the Vineyard and Creator of the Hard Chargers United.


Introducing Merrithew Connect™: Mindful movement workouts and training on-demand

Deepen your practice, gain new programming ideas and teaching skills with Merrithew’s new Pilates and mind-body streaming platform Merrithew Connect™


errithew™ is thrilled to bring more than 30 years of experience, research and innovation in fitness education and training to its new Pilates and mindbody streaming platform Merrithew Connect™. Since 1988, we have been committed to developing and teaching safe, effective and mindful exercise through our unique, high-integrity education programs: STOTT PILATES®, ZEN•GA®, CORE™ Athletic Conditioning & Performance Training™, Total Barre®, Halo® Training, and Merrithew™ Fascial Movement. Now, through Merrithew Connect, fitness professionals and enthusiasts can experience and easily access Merrithew’s world-renowned education programs and workouts anytime, anywhere and on multiple devices. As the Leaders in Mindful Movement™, our aim is to provide fitness professionals with the ongoing education and training they need to bring the benefits of mindful movement to people all over the world— no matter the client’s age, ability or fitness level, or whether they’re taking in-person or virtual classes. It’s more important than ever that fitness professionals continue to learn, evolve and adapt to meet their clients’ changing needs and to keep their businesses thriving. With so many fitness professionals pivoting their businesses online this year, and with an increasing demand for digital-first fitness options, we created Merrithew Connect to inspire, enhance and complement fitness professionals’ ongoing learning and client offerings, while providing them with a satisfying and challenging workout at the same time. Designed with Pilates, yoga, personal trainers, group fitness and rehab specialists in mind, all of the workouts on Merrithew Connect incorporate the latest research in exercise science as well as newer fitness practices, including mind-body connection, fascial movement, athletic conditioning, functional fitness and post-rehabilitation. Our programming emphasizes the importance of mind-body connection to help participants enhance their performance, combat stress and build resilience. Research shows that by moving mindfully — with intention, focus and awareness — one can multiply the advantages of exercise. Our catalog of in-depth workouts of varying lengths and difficulty levels are led by Merrithew’s top Instructor Trainers, including Cofounder Moira Merrithew and Master Instructor Trainers Laureen DuBeau and PJ O’Clair. Participants can expect to gain new cueing techniques, teaching skills, programming ideas and insights to take back to their clients — in-person or virtually.

Merrithew Connect offers a flexible rent-to-try or buy-to-own pricing model, so users can explore, discover and keep the videos and workouts they like best. Visit to try complimentary workouts and experience a new way to learn and move! Take it one step further with Merrithew education online! Inspired by a workout or instructor on Merrithew Connect? Fitness professionals and enthusiasts can take their learning experience even further with select Merrithew courses and workshops now available online through Merrithew’s worldwide network of Training Centers. Find online training near you on As the fitness industry moves increasingly online and clients’ expectations change and evolve, it’s vital that fitness professionals continue their education. Instructors must prioritize new ways of infusing their programming with energy, excitement and the latest research, which is why Merrithew is offering multiple learning options virtually, so students can complete their training and education no matter what their circumstances or situation. We provide students and instructors with the training, equipment, services and support they need to reach their career goals and serve a diverse range of populations and exercise needs, from elite and recreational athletes to rehab patients, active aging patrons, pregnant women and countless others. Visit




By Erin Eagan

IN THE FACE OF ADVERSITY What would have derailed others made him even more determined


ravis Barnes discovered his passion for fitness at an early age. At just 5 years old, when most kids are learning how to tie their shoes, Barnes set out to emulate the physique of his heroes at the time: Hulk Hogan and Rocky. Armed with his Hulkamania workout set, he was ready to take on the world. Fast forward to today, and Barnes is the founder and franchisor of Journey 333. He is an ACE-certified personal trainer and author of Journey Fitness and co-author of 52 Amazing Journeys. Barnes is also an international presenter and teacher of FitBiz Mastery. It was exactly where you’d expect someone with his passion and drive would end up. But in-between the time he was that enthusiastic little boy until now as a successful entrepreneur, Barnes faced adversity that would have derailed many others. During that time, there was drug use and 10 years of incarceration followed by unemployment and living in a FEMA trailer after his home was flooded by a tropical storm — and that is just a brief summation of what he endured. Despite all of this, Barnes never threw in the towel on his dream to succeed in the fitness industry. If anything, these obstacles made him even more determined to follow his passion. We recently sat down with Travis to learn more about his experiences and what motivated him to keep going.

How did you get started in the fitness industry? Before I tell you about my start in the fitness industry, let me first begin with when I first discovered my passion for fitness. I was a young kid growing up in a broken home, searching for male role models. This is when I discovered Hulk Hogan and Rocky. I saw these guys and I thought they were awesome. I wanted to be fit like them so I started working out at about age 5 with a Hulkamania workout set. I discovered being fit on the outside helped me feel better on the inside and so it became my way to help myself through some difficult years. I also enjoyed sharing that discovery with others so I always took friends to the gym. You might say I was a bit of a trainer even in my adolescence. At age 15, we traveled to Las Vegas to visit my brother who was attending UNLV, and while there I visited the Gold’s Gym to work out. At this gym, I met some impressive professional bodybuilders and it became my dream to work at that gym. I began studying for my ACE certification before graduating high school. I moved to Las Vegas at age 19 and got my first fitness job at that same Gold’s Gym. NOW FOR THE BIG TWIST… Things don’t turn out how you imagine and unfortunately this dream became a nightmare. The professional bodybuilders that I thought so much of were involved in illicit drug use


Journey to Success

and being an impressionable kid, I became involved as well. This took me on a downward spiral that eventually cost me 10 years in prison for a nonviolent drug offense. What was that experience like for you? During my 10 years of incarceration, I re- discovered my passion for fitness and it was once again a therapeutic experience helping me through some difficult years. I provided personal training services to other inmates in exchange for tuna and stamps (this is prison currency). I also taught Adult Continuing Education on how to become a certified trainer and other classes on nutrition. While in prison, I began to dream of coming home and having my own gym. What came next for you? In 2010, I came home and landed a job at a local gym as a trainer. This was a huge accomplishment because I didn’t know if anyone would hire me given my prison record. I am a passionate, hard worker so I quickly rose from trainer, to manager to Chief Operations Officer (COO). As COO, I helped open multiple locations for the company. Unfortunately, or fortunately for me, there came a

point where the owner no longer wanted to have me run his fitness company for him and so he terminated me. Once again, I was met with adversity. There could not have been a worse time to be let go. I was living in a FEMA trailer because our home had been flooded to the second floor in the flood of 2011. Now it was November 2012 just days after Thanksgiving, basically Christmas time, and I had a wife and daughter to think of. This is when my wife and I became traveling trainers traveling to clients’ homes. We struggled to get by on unemployment and what little additional income the in-home training provided. In early 2013, I was contacted by my father who was insisting I come and see a commercial space owned by Rosa Giammichele, who was a woman he went to church with. I really only went to appease him. I did not think that a commercial space was a real opportunity for me. I had no money, resources and my nearest client lived 30 minutes away. When we toured the space it was evident that this woman was a spiritual person. She had Christian music playing and quotes on her walls. When the tour concluded, I told her what I had previously

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Publication Title .............................................................Personal Fitness Professional -PFP Publication No. ..............................................................1523-780X Filing Date .....................................................................September 18, 2020 Issue Frequency...............................................................Winter (February), Spring (April), Summer (July), Fall (October), Looking Ahead (December) 5. No. of Issues Published Annually...................................5 6. Annual Subscription Price .............................................Free 7. Complete Mailing Address of Known Office of Publication (Not Printer) MadMen3, P.O. Box 259098, Madison WI 53725-9098 Contact Person ...............................................................Rachel Chapman, (608) 446-6800 8. Complete Mailing Address of the Headquarters of General Business Offices of the Publisher (Not Printer) .....................MadMen3, P.O. Box 259098, Madison WI 53725-9098 9. Full Names and Complete Mailing Address of Publisher, Editor and Managing Editor Publisher ............................................. ...........................Josh Vogt, MadMen3, P.O. Box 259098, Madison WI 53725-9098 Editor .................................................. ...........................Erin Eagan, MadMen3., P.O. Box 259098, Madison WI 53725-9098 Managing Editor............................................................Erin Eagan, MadMen3., P.O. Box 259098, Madison WI 53725-9098 10. Owner (If the publication is owned by a corporation, give the name and address of

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(Full Name) (Complete Mailing Address) Chad Griepentrog.................................................. P.O. Box 259098, Madison, WI 53725-9098 Josh Vogt ................................................................ P.O. Box 259098, Madison, WI 53725-9098 Ken Waddell .......................................................... P.O. Box 259098, Madison, WI 53725-9098 11. Known Bondholders, Mortgagees and other Security Holders Owning or Holding one Percent or More of Total Amount of Bonds, Mortgages, or Other Securities.........None

rehearsed which was, “You have a nice space but we are living in a FEMA trailer on an unemployment check so we really have no money. If that changes we will reach out.” To which she replied, “I don’t care about that. All I know is God told me you are supposed to be here.” My wife and I were blown away by this blessed opportunity and so we took it. With the help of a couple months free rent, a high interest loan for equipment and some advertising on credit we began Journey Fitness in April 2013 in Elmira NY. Journey quickly grew to five locations in four years, and most recently we rebranded and became a franchise. We are now Journey 333 and we have locations in New York, Pennsylvania, Indiana and Florida. In 2015, I published Journey Fitness with forward written by Todd Durkin which is my story of overcoming adversity and living my dream. In 2016, I created FITBIZ Mastery to help fitness professionals systemize their business for success and was named the Todd Durkin FitPro of the Year. The following year, we released a book that I co-authored with our coaches called 52 Amazing Journeys which includes the stories of 52 of

12. Tax Status...............................................................The purpose, function and nonprofit status of this organization and the exempt status for federal income tax purposes has NOT changed during preceding 12 months. 13. Publication ......................................... Personal Fitness Professional - PFP 14. Issue Date for Circulation Data......................................Summer 2020 (July) 15. Extent and Nature of Circulation ..................................B2B - Controlled a. Total No. Copies (Net Press Run) .......................... 10,657 ......................... 8,030 b. Paid and/or Requested Distribution 1. Outside-County Mail Paid/Requested Mail Subscriptions Stated on Form 3541. ................... 9,343 .......................... 7,758 2. In-County Paid/Requested Mail Subscriptions Stated on Form 3541. ........................0 ................................ 0 3. Sales Through Dealers and Carriers, Street Vendors, Counter Sales and Other Paid or Requested Distribution Outside USPS.... 0 .................. 0 4. Other Classes Mailed Through the USPS ...............0 ................................ 0 c. Total Paid and/or Requested Circulation [Sum of 15b (1, 2, 3, and 4)] ..................................... 9,343 .......................... 7,758 d. Nonrequested Distribution (Samples, Complimentary and Other Free) 1. Outside-County as Stated on Form 3541 ............ 1,251 ........................... 234 2. In-County as Stated on Form 3541 .........................0 ................................ 0 3. Other Classes Mailed Through the USPS ...............6 ................................ 8 4. Distributed Outside the Mail ..... . ...........................43 .............................. 20 e. Total Nonrequested Distribution ............................ 1,300 ........................... 262 f. Total Distribution (Sum of 15c and 15e)................. 10,643 ......................... 8,020 g. Copies Not Distributed ...............................................14 .............................. 10 h. Total (Sum of 15f and 15g) ..................................... 10,657 ......................... 8,030 i. Percent Paid and/or Requested Circulation (15c/fx100) ...............................................................87.8% ........................ 96.7% 16. Electronic Copy Circulation ..............................................................................Yes a. Requested and Paid Electronic Copies ..................... 8,548 .......................... 8,925 b.Total Requested and paid Print Copies (Line 15c) + Requested/Paid Electronic Copies (Line 16a) .... .................... 17,891 ................................ 16,683 c.Total Requested Copy Distribution (Line 15f) + Requested/Paid Electronic Copies (Line 16a) ......................... 19,191 ................................ 16,945 d.Percent paid and/or Requested Circulation (Both Print & Electronic Copies) (16b divided by 16c x 100) ..........................................93.2% ........................ 98.5% 17. Publication of Statement of Ownership for a Requester Publication is required and will be printed in the December 2020 issue of this publication. 18. Signature and Title of Editor, Publisher, Business Manager or Owner: Rachel Chapman, Audience Development Manager, / September 18, 2020 I certify that all information furnished on this form is true and complete. I understand that anyone who furnishes false or misleading information on this form or who omits material or information requested on the form may be subject to criminal sanctions (including fines and imprisonment) and/or civil sanctions (including civil penalties). PS Form 3526-R, July 2014



SUBSCRIBE TO PFP HERE our members overcoming their adversities and accomplishing their fitness dreams. Over the years I have presented for such organizations as IDEA, IHRSA, Perform Better, Portugalfit and SCW Mania. Now in 2020, we are releasing a podcasts called “Overcomers,” where we highlight people like us who have overcome certain adversities. Have you had a mentor or someone you’ve looked up to? Todd Durkin has been my greatest mentor in the fitness industry. I applied shortly after starting my business to become part of his exclusive P10 Mastermind group. Over the years, he has given me a wealth of fitness business knowledge, but most importantly, he has believed in me. It wasn’t long after I was accepted into his group that I felt the need to disclose my past. I shared my disclosure in the form of an unpublished biography which I intended to name Journey Fitness. I remember leaving Todd with a copy one night when the P10 group was all staying in a hotel together, and I asked him to just read the first few pages. I had no idea what the next morning might be like for me after Todd found out he had let someone in his group that spent 10 years in prison. The next morning when I saw Todd at breakfast he greeted me with a hug and so much grace and acceptance that it was overwhelming. It was as if he had thought even more of me after reading my book. We all need people to believe in us and Todd has been that person for me. More times than I can count he has reminded me that I am special and he has pointed out the special perspectives my life has given me. It is such a gift when someone helps us to see our adversity as our advantage. It is an amazing revelation when someone helps us see that our past has built muscles rather than scars. What’s the biggest mistake you’ve made? How did you remedy that mistake and how has it made you better? The biggest mistake I made was starting a restaurant inside one of our gyms. I lost over $100,000 before I learned to stick to what I do best and let others do the rest. There were many things I didn’t anticipate such as how the smell of food would negatively impact the members or how the loud music from group training would negatively impact the restaurant. I knew nothing about the restaurant business and the investment that it takes to make one successful. What’s the best thing you ever did? How did the decision to do that one thing re-route your career? The best thing I ever did is marry my wife, Cyn-

With the help of a couple months free rent, a high interest loan for equipment and some advertising on credit we began Journey Fitness in April 2013 in Elmira, NY. dy. Somehow I managed to do that during my wayward years. As life would have it, shortly after I committed my crime we found out that we were having a baby. Cyndy visited me for 10 years in prison. She came to work with me after I was promoted to manager in the first fitness business that I worked in after my release. She left with me when I was terminated, meaning I got fired and so she quit. She trusted me and started the business with me on an unemployment check while living in a FEMA trailer. We all need supportive people in our lives and Cyndy definitely has been my most supportive person. Todd Durkin calls her Saint Cyndy for her supporting role. If you could give one piece of advice to your younger self, what would it be? Follow your passion. It will lead you to your purpose. And when these two things collide you will be walking in your God-given destiny. To succeed, you will need tools. You can’t read enough books. Read 10 books on any one subject and you will know more than 95%. To be in the top 1% look for ways to spend time with those who are top in your field. Go to conferences, join masterminds, attend seminars.

Seek people out who are doing better than you at what you want to do. “You will become the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with.”

What do you think is the greatest opportunity in the fitness industry right now? The greatest opportunity is no doubt online coaching. The pandemic has taught us that we must incorporate this component into our business if we are going to survive. There are those now who want to work out with a prerecorded video and those who want to work out virtually. As fitness professionals, we all need video streaming platforms like Zoom and we all need an online membership platform such as an app where our clients can access our live and recorded workouts. The most successful fitness businesses will be super clean gyms with safe exercise zones and online coaching services. What is in your future? Our vision is to franchise across the country and eventually the globe. We know that if we have 1,000 locations that means 5,000 to 8,000 coaches waking up every day to change lives. We know that when we reach 1,000 people that have gone through each location that it will be 1 million lives changed. We know if the average weight loss is just 10 pounds that it will be 10 million pounds lost. Just a 5% reduction in bodyweight is enough to change your vital statistics, reducing blood pressure, cholesterol and blood sugars which equals people getting off medications and living longer because we were here.


LOOKING AHEAD TO 2021 What is your #1 business focus in 2021? With our lives turned upside down for the last eight months and counting, it’s difficult to know what our lives will be like tomorrow, let alone any further down the road. But we can’t afford to just sit back and wait for things to get back to normal. We must keep moving forward — for ourselves and our clients. While many things still remain out of our control, those who stay focused on the things we can control are the ones who will rise up. How about you? What is your #1 business focus in 2021? We asked a variety of readers and industry leaders and here is what they had to say:

Knowing that many people have been significantly affected financially this year, and knowing how selfcare is more important now than it’s ever been, I’ve instituted a “pay what you can afford” policy for all my group classes (which are being taught remotely for the most part). I have always been of the mindset that I want my services to be accessible to as many people as possible, regardless of location or financial standing. Melody Schoenfeld (February PFP Trainer of the Month) | Pasadena, CA

Getting more information so that in the future I am able to open my own facility. This time has definitely proven people need exercise and fitness in their lives and I want to help. Will Paulding | Greenfield, MA


My focus will be the same as it has been since we opened our doors. We will focus on delivering the most up-to-date exercise and nutritional programs for our clients while creating an environment that is safe and inspiring. We will continue to coach clients online and in-person, enabling each client to work with us based on their comfort level and location. Scott Keppel (April PFP Trainer of the Month) | Chandler, AZ My focus is life balance above all. Rather than spending way too many hours on marketing and sales I want to focus on client acquisition that makes sense for time and effort management. I am 100% remote, so expenses are very low which reduces the need for new clients. Brien Shamp | El Dorado Hills, CA

To utilize the pandemic as a means of encouraging and enlarging my client’s abilities to focus and work without constant supervision. Ray Dryden | Visalia, California The new year should be a period for me and my clients to regain our confidence to the vital role of exercise in public health and quality of life. Unfortunately, social distancing, local and regional lockdowns as well as the closure of health and fitness clubs across the world increased sedentary behavior and stress while reducing mental health and physical independence. Thus, I am going to fight against the current situation trying to get my clients’ good habits back on track. Alexis Batrakoulis (March PFP Trainer of the Month) | Larisa, Greece LOOKING LOOKING AHEAD AHEAD TO 2019 2021 | WWW.PERSONALFITNESSPROFESSIONAL.COM | 17


My #1 focus in 2021 is to keep people moving and as active as they can be for where they are at in life. Helping them to become the best they can be regardless of age or medical conditions they may be living with. Debi Mahoney | Eden Prairie, MN

To follow up on the things my coach and mentor prescribe to me to get my holistic health education program off the ground. I have the content finished and need help with social media! Les Sparks | Aurora, CO

There is a need for a more holistic approach, which can be achieved only through a concerted effort between the fitness industry and health care providers. Julio Salado (September PFP Trainer of the Month) | Boston, MA

My number one focus for Autism Fitness in 2021 is providing the hands-on practical component of our Level 1 Certification safely across the US and Internationally. To effectively learn and be able to provide fitness programs for special needs populations, there needs to be an in-person learning component. Eric Chessen (June PFP Trainer of the Month) | Charlotte, NC

To bring more mental awareness into my clients’ fitness programs. To incorporate strategies to also focus on their mental health. Pamela Yula | South Plainfield, NJ My main focus is to help more people achieve their goals. I want to be able to show everyone that they can do anything as long as they have the proper support and believe in themselves. Eric Ruiz | Visalia, CA I will focus on continuing to empower, educate and elevate my clients, fellow fitness professionals and aspiring entrepreneurs with an unwavering drive to create positive change. I will change more lives around the world in the Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s communities and beyond through the growth of Let’s FACE It Together™ facial exercise and rehabilitation. Christine Conti (August PFP Trainer of the Month) | Brick, NJ First, I plan to engage in more virtual meetings. Second, I plan to schedule more one-on-one or two-person personal training. Lastly, I plan to increase the number of classes. In other words, I plan to offer the same class several times a week. Debra Williams | Philadelphia, PA 18


The right motivation inspires everyone. In 2021, I want to help people find that inner spirit of burning desire to reach fitness and personal goals. Lydia Greear | Palm Coast, FL My focus for 2021 will be proper breathing for lung health and stress relief. Also, outdoor fitness with the benefits from nature and the ability to be together in a safer environment. Ginger | Fort Myers, FL With COVID-19 affecting those with underlying conditions to a much greater degree than the healthy population, The Life Energy Foundation designed a research study to target this part of the population. The resulting data from “Move the Needle Research Study – Will Improving Health Reduce Severity of COVID-19?” could be a pivoting factor in how to manage and improve chronic conditions affecting 130 million people in the US. As non-profit entity, we need all the help and support we can get. If anyone has any expertise, please contact Sharon Bourke (January PFP Trainer of the Month) | Rockville, MD



Let Spirit Commercial Fitness Help You to Open Your First Studio

Thinking of opening your own studio? Spirit Commercial Fitness Team offers an end-to-end solution


ince its inception in 1983, Spirit Commercial Fitness has soared with the goal of providing the highest-quality equipment to help our customers achieve their fitness goals. While our equipment and technology has evolved over time, our focus and passion has always been deep-rooted in innovation that improves our customers' experience. It is that same simple purpose which continues today in designing and developing every piece of equipment that bears the Spirit Fitness name. We make sure that each new design meets the same demanding standards that have crafted the Spirit Fitness brand. Now, Spirit Studio Business Suites is the partner passionate about helping your business take off, providing the same dedication and quality service to developing your business as we do to our equipment.

Become a Spirit Commercial Fitness partner and we will be there with you, every step of the way. Spirit Commercial Fitness is the Champion of Individual Advancement For Fitness Professionals. We have developed our Business Suites, offering you an unparalleled level of service from the fitness manufacturing industry. We offer a whole array of cardio vascular machines, plate loaded & selectorized strength equipment, benches and racks. Opening your own studio is full of adventure and amazing challenges. The rewards are endless socially, financially, physically and career-wise. Taking control of your own destiny will transform your life in ways unimaginable. There are many moving parts when you are considering opening your own business: how big, where, how much equipment, how many trainers, writing a business plan, getting financing, hiring staff, compensation plans, launching right, sales systems and how to market once you have clients. Spirit Commercial Fitness has a great mix of cookie-cutter solutions and a team of fitness industry professionals to make sure you get the

best equipment and the best start. From your business plan, equipment selection and financing to your grand opening party and client retention. We have the tools and resources to help you with all of these. Become a Spirit Commercial Fitness partner and we will be there with you, every step of the way. All is included in the equipment purchase cost. It’s no secret that studio owners find themselves wearing lots of hats. What may start with owner/operator, lead instructor or trainer, often extends to bookkeeper, hiring manager, client relations liaison, even janitor. Unless you are trying to develop a very well-rounded resume, you are likely starting your own business for vocational freedom, not to enslave yourself to it. The investment up front is substantial in terms of time, energy and finances. But with the right business plan in place and Spirit Studio Business Suites as your partner, you are setting your business foundation up for success. We are your ultimate partner, helping you to make your living with Spirit. Please email us at, or call 750-501-1314 to secure your placement in our program. Spaces are limited, be sure not to wait until the last minute.


CREATE AN ACTION PLAN 4 things your fitness business should do through COVID and beyond | By Ben Ludwig


o matter what any expert in any industry tells you, they do not truly know what is going to happen over the next six months. Will things continue to move back to a new normal? Will our jobs resume as before? Will there be social distancing recommendations around... forever? No. One. Knows. Fitness experts all have opinions as to what our industry will do and who will rise from the rubble stronger, and who will phase themselves out of the landscape, but you’re


not here to listen to opinions on fitness, you’re here to see what you should do next. I recently had a conversation with a friend that owns several small businesses and understandably, he is in a scary spot. “Ben, I just don’t know how my employees and customers are going to react once we reopen our doors. Do I have enough protocols in place or not enough? Will I need to completely rebrand? Spend a ton on cleaning supplies? Man, this is tough!” The beauty of the conversation is we came away


with four action items for him to consider and implement that will make reopening a much less stressful feat. 1. Have Fun with Your Protocols In my experience, your customers value what you do. Your customers also REACT how you do. What is important to you will be important to them, which is why as a business owner, yes, of course you need to take extra precaution, but you also need to weave this information into your customer experience!


areas, and that they can do much better and are failing in areas that, locally speaking, are actually doing quite well. Having a consultant review your model, SWOT analysis and trends is a great way to help get an external perspective on what you truly can and should do with your business. Business owners need to keep a healthy balance of understanding the evolution of your industry without directly comparing a location in downtown Los Angeles to a location in your hometown of 1,200 total residents.

Do not waste an opportunity to get your best personalities in front of your customers by just giving them another set of rules. The fastest way to make sure customers are uncomfortable coming to your business is by making it feel like a hospital. Video content is the best way to get this across, social media platforms provide extremely simple ways to create quality content while simultaneously getting your point across. 2. Decide What You Want to Be Known For and Charge Hard The second point to consider is what your business does well. Too many consultants today are telling you to create all kinds of new revenue sources! Find all new ways to market! Now most businesses are not completely irrelevant post-COVID, so you do not need to change your business plan completely around. You need to decide what you and your staff do extremely well

and market that HARD. For example, if your group fitness program is extremely solid, but your customer acquisition is subpar, don’t run a huge membership special to try and get more people in the door. Hold a huge member party with a launch of the best classes everyone loves and a mixer afterwards to welcome everyone back! What is easier to invite people to? A party? Or a cheap membership that most aren’t sure if they want now that they realize “outside” is an option for exercise? 3. Look Sideways, But Don’t Measure Sideways One of the hardest jobs for business owners is deciding what KPIs to set. The reason why is because a KPI has to be mutually agreed upon for it to be relevant, otherwise it’s just a number. Owners are looking all across the globe at similar business models and think that their business is doing great in some

4. Make Plans to Invest in Those That Have Risen to the Occasion It is certainly not a secret that hard times show people’s true colors. When the pandemic started, who was solid as a rock and who panicked? Who did others look to for guidance? True leaders are not the ones that are only the most charismatic, sometimes not even the ones that “have the most sales.” True leaders are the ones that don’t get derailed when times get tough. They find creative solutions in the hard times. They rise up when everyone else becomes a naysayer. Over the past several months, every company now has a very clear view of who those people are. If you haven’t planned on heavily investing in those individuals yet, you better start now before someone else does.

Ben Ludwig currently serves as the growth pastor for CrosspointNow network of churches across Kansas, acts as the subject matter expert in sales for Fitness Revolution, sits on the Advisory Board for the International Strength Training Organization and works in a consultant role with the fastest-growing fitness franchise in the world, F45 Training, as well as working a hand in many startup businesses. He has held multiple upper level management roles within the fitness industry and has developed curriculum for certified personal training programming as well as standard operating procedure for gym businesses around the world. He currently contributes regularly to fitness business magazines including Club Solutions, IDEA and Boutique Fitness Solutions. Ben can be reached at




You can’t control the circumstances, but you can still be prepared | By Billy Hofacker


f creating a financial plan weren’t hard enough, we are now faced with creating one in the midst of a presidential election and the pandemic. Due to all the uncertainty, I’m sure many will be tempted to not do any planning. Benjamin Franklin’s famous quote, “If you fail to plan you plan to fail,” applies here. COVID-19 has affected different fitness businesses in different ways. The impact is largely based on:  Location — For example, my facilities are in NY and were closed for six months.  Business model — Those who were used to doing large group classes may have found


it more challenging to adapt to the new guidelines (e.g. social distancing).  Preparedness — Businesses that had little to no cash reserves were often faced with huge dilemmas as they saw revenues decline. Regardless of circumstances, all businesses must face and plan for an uncertain 2021. While the focus here will be on business, it’s also crucial for business owners to make sure their personal financial house is in order. Here are 3 steps you can take to develop a financial fortress during this extraordinary time.


1. Hold onto your cash. Do what you can to keep your cash on hand right now. For example, you may be saving up to buy something such as a car, home repair or even a vacation. Depending on your situation, you may want to hold onto the money until things stabilize. 2. Keep your expenses down. Make sure you are prioritizing your basic needs. These would include food, shelter and clothing. Other than that, and especially if your income is down, turn off the faucet on other expenses that might be considered wants


One benefit of all these changes is that it facilitates the ability to create something new and better. Many fitness professionals had businesses that were limited by poor profit margins. In other words, they weren’t making enough money for their service regardless of the global economy. Now is the time to set a realistic forecast when it comes to revenue, but the focus should be on improving the profit margin on the services that are offered.

fidence bigger businesses have and neglect to do any planning. Those that succeed learn the financial skills they need and take action. It’s usually much more painless than they realize. “If you can’t measure it you can’t improve it.” — Peter Drucker Action steps If you are still unsure how to create a plan for 2021, these steps will get you moving in the right direction.  As mentioned at the start, keep your personal finances in order. Determine your goals and work on the next steps to achieve them.  Pull an income statement from a normal year (e.g. 2019) and use it along with the information you currently have to begin creating a rolling plan.  If your sales are stable or even robust, double down and finish the year strong. This will help you enter 2021 with an advantage.  Adapt your program offerings to the current behaviors of your target market.

Now is the time to set a realistic forecast when it comes to revenue, but the focus should be on improving the profit margin on the services that are offered.

Assuming that things are squared away on the personal side, here are the key points when it comes to financial planning for an uncertain 2021.

This may mean increasing rates, adjusting payroll or targeting a different type of clientele. In addition to a flexible revenue forecast, you’ll also want to analyze expenses. Here are some of the factors to consider:  Payroll — Do you need to get rid of or shift team members who aren’t working out? Perhaps you need to hire.  Marketing — It’s been said that the business who can spend the most on acquiring a customer wins. While there is some truth to that, it’s imperative the marketing budget is focused to produced the greatest results. Additionally, there are creative ways to get in front of prospects on a limited budget.  Fixed expenses — These are generally those that don’t change, like rent. It’s definitely worth having a discussion with a landlord to see if there are any creative ways to move forward. An example would be rent forgiveness or at the very least rent increases being delayed.

Flexibility is key “There is nothing permanent except change.” — Heraclitus

Just do it Like most things, financial planning begins with your mindset. Many fit pros lack the con-

and not needs, until you feel like you’re in the clear. 3. Have an “Unexpected Event Fund.” This would be 1K to start and then ideally much more so that you can handle any emergencies without getting completely derailed. One of my favorite quotes is by Warren Buffet. He said, “It’s only when the tide goes out do you discover who’s been swimming naked.”

 Keep your risk down. In other words, don’t use credit cards to finance your business. This is a surefire way to go bankrupt!  In relation to the point above, keep debt in check. Ideally, a debt eradication plan would be developed and at a minimum, you wouldn’t take on more.  One final reminder, be flexible! Keep your plan in front of you and adjust each month if you need to. “Change or stagnate. Keep moving or die.” — Mercedes Lackey

Many fitness professionals get stuck in the day to day and have little to show for their hard work. Billy Hofacker helps them get on a plan to achieve financial freedom. Get a complimentary Power Spending Plan at https://yourfitnessmoneycoach. com/power-spending-plan/.



UNDERSTANDING GRIEF AND PARKINSON’S How to incorporate the Brief Grief Questionnaire (BGQ) in assessment and training program development for clients diagnosed with the disease By Adrienne Ione


vidence of mind-body connections suggest vast malleability vis-àvis modifiable lifestyle factors. Among people affected by Parkinson’s disease (PD), more inclusive clinical interventions need to be adopted, such that non-motor complications are flipped on its head. An area even less studied is the effects of grief. Due to the compounding nature of a global crisis (COVID-19), clinical interventions for treatments of grief as a way of moderating dementia symptoms in PD are needed now more than ever. How are the environment, COVID-19, Parkinson’s and grief all intricately connected? The environment shapes our brain. Grief reshapes our brain. COVID-19 is reshaping our environment. According to principal study author Kühn, “brain plasticity supports the assumption that the environment can shape brain structure and function.” Most notably is the effect of the environment on the amygdala. With a healthy functioning amygdala, part of the limbic system and the specific region


responsible for emotion regulation, grievers are able to navigate, find and assign meaning in loss episodes. For people with PD, there is an estimated 20% atrophy of their amygdala. How might one’s experience with PD shift positively if fitness and health practitioners allow space for breaching current and residual grief episodes? Perhaps a starting point could be an inclusion of the Brief Grief Questionnaire (BGQ) in the intake assessment interview. Rather than a standalone instrument, to be completed by the participate prior to meeting, the 5-item screening tool should be delivered in an interview format. Often, grief is underreported, socially and culturally unrecognized and thus untreated. Grief is the antithesis of mind-body homeostasis. Although the BGQ has been developed for measuring and screening for complicated grief, the instrument holds strong reliability and discriminant validity. Complicated grief occurs when the mourning process is interrupted and frozen in the mind-body matrix. Future crisis, as COVID-19 is for some, can possibly unfreeze previous grief episodes and


catapult one into the middle of a large body of frigid waters, with no life saving measures in sight. The BGQ can serve as a life preserver. Participants are prompted to assign a value of “not at all, “somewhat”, or “a lot” to each question. One such question asks: How much are you having images or thoughts of _____ when he/she/they died or other thoughts about the death that bother you? Self-reported levels of anxiety are much higher among people diagnosed with PD as compared with their non-PD counterparts, when matched for age, gender, race and socio-economic status. Could it be that anxiety associated with loss and separation in the human need to fulfil attachments, then results in systemic overload and is diagnosed as dementia in PD? The concept of “possible selves” can be used as a template for informing the grieving of the possible selves that one imagined and may never live once diagnosed. Intake assessments that account for previous life losses, as well as the potential ex-


acerbating loss effects of a PD diagnosis aim to take into account the whole person. Practitioners who fail to contextualize a person’s diagnosis within one’s lived history of losses is systematically failing a PD survivor. It is imperative to adopt a grief lens when working with people experiencing dementia symptoms of PD. Further, we can see where Horchschild’s concept of “feeling rules” dictates the lack of grief that surrounds a diagnosis. Additionally, exercise programs should consider opportunities for stimulating somatosensory recruitment, which has been suggested to mediate mild cognitive emotional deficits with respect to regulation of the amygdala. Nociception, proprioception, touch and temperature can be assessed in a clear and simple method of inquiry: “How comfortable are you?” Asking this throughout a strength training regimen allows participants to develop new neural pathways that may circumnavigate previously laid and now deteriorating pathways. Could it be that the symptom of dementia in PD is less about the disease and

more an outcome of current treatments? Answering this question is actually less important than considering incorporating the BGQ into your training practices. It’s absurd to think any practicing health and fitness professional is not committed to social justice. In a culture that already denies death, we can play a pivotal role in shifting the dementia divide. Kenneth Doka, Professor Emeritus at the Graduate School of The College of New Rochelle and Senior Consultant to the Hospice Foundation of America offers guidance on adopting a holistic systems approach to life-threatening illness diagnosis. He outlines tasks that can be considered by fitness professionals when supporting participants diagnosed with PD — after first learning their stage: acute, chronic, terminal. Although each task may vary in actualized form depending upon each participant and a professional’s background, three general areas to consider are: ventilating feelings and fears; preserving, redefining self-concept; and examining and maximizing health and

lifestyle. Physical activities can be utilized as a vehicle for addressing these areas. One caveat, is that professionals should always operate within their areas of expertise and when appropriate, refer to other professionals. As you contemplate the responsibility you have in assessing the whole person, consider incorporating novel approaches that value, expose and decomplicate one’s grief – past, present and future. Validating participants grief episodes today, may lead to a more just society tomorrow.

Formerly a fitness specialist with the U.S. Marine Corp. and a counselor in residential and clinical settings, Adrienne Ione is now committed to the mind-body well-being of people ages 60 and greater, by utilizing an integrative therapeutic approach. In some of her work, she uses grief counseling techniques to moderate BPSD/NPS. Currently, she is testing a non-pharmacological psychotherapeutic intervention based in grief counseling to increase human flourishing among people diagnosed with dementia, who also exhibit BPSD/NPS.









“Don’t fall into the lie that you need to carry a credit card balance or borrow money to grow your business. Having a debt-free business allows you to designate some of your cash for future growth and take advantage of opportunities that present themselves.”

“The financial health of your business depends on three skills: how well you sell your services, how well you deliver your services and how well you manage the cash created from your services. Each one of those things is dependent on the other.”


“All value is perceived value. If you can market to me that you are the very best trainer in my area who has tons of proof to share, written trade articles and can reference examples of when you have spoken professionally at industry conferences, then you won’t have any trouble getting me to buy into your value.”


What you can expect for your fitness business in the next 12 months


he fitness industry has been hit hard this year. Gyms closing, clients ghosting, revenues dropping, old business models failing… business has been tough for everyone. But what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. And there are powerful new business opportunities available for fitness professionals willing to evolve to better serve the needs of their clients. Here are 3 trendlines we’re seeing for 2021 and the business opportunities that come with them: 1. Prospective clients are actively seeking new ways to reach their goals while training from home Remote work continues to grow. More people are staying home. And fewer people will go to big box gyms. But people who are home most of the time still have the same problems and pains that caused them to join a gym in the first place. They have a problem and want to find a solution. The new opportunity: Prospective clients continue to seek out new ways to engage fitness. Remote coaching is no longer a pipe dream/ fringe model where the only people who make money are social media stars and celebrity trainers. Remote coaching is no longer a temporary-to-stay-alive, band-aid model. Instead, remote coaching is now a real, solidified, long-term business model. People don’t just want free workout videos: They want to engage with a coach to support and challenge them to achieve their goals. Online coaching will continue to grow. Now more than ever, people want someone human to actually guide them, coach them, hold them accountable and support them in achieving their goals. Fitness professionals and business owners that effectively serve clients remotely will be best positioned to take advantage of this opportunity next year. 2. The size of the market that you serve will continue to grow More people are seeking help to achieve their health and fitness goals. For example, have you ever heard anyone say, “I need to get in shape to go to the gym?” That’s because a LOT of people are uncomfortable working out in gyms and studios when they do not feel they are ready. They feel they must achieve some baseline results on their own (which they struggle to complete) before they feel confident enough

to go to the gym. That’s why they don’t buy gym memberships… even though they want to train in a gym! They’re scared. The new opportunity: The market for fitness clients is getting bigger. People who would normally stay home and struggle on their own (and fail) can now seek out a coach to make progress at home. Since they work out in the privacy of their own home, they can control the interface of how they connect on video or a phone app. They can engage a relationship with a coach to make progress, grow and have success. 3. Investing in your business education is NOT optional Investing in your business education is not optional … it’s mandatory if you want to survive. Nobody knows you exist, and will show up knocking at your door, unless YOU do the work to put yourself in front of them at the right time and place. And yes, there’s competition out there too. You must learn and apply structure and proven systems to succeed in marketing your programs, selling your services and growing your client base. The new opportunity: Get help. Find a mentor that can guide you on your journey. Learn the business skills (mindset, sales, marketing, team-building, finance, etc.) required to succeed. If you’re stuck, or the market changes, and/or your business stops growing, it’s time to learn new skills to move to the next level. Be prepared for strong growth in the fitness industry next year. More people are looking for remote coaching and the market itself will continue to grow, as people who normally would wait to join a fitness program now have ways to engage and overcome barriers to signing up. The key will be to have the business education, skills and support you need to take full advantage of the opportunities available to you.

Sean Greeley, Founder and CEO of NPE, has an unrelenting passion for empowering fitness business owners to grow their business and create the life they want. Since 2006, NPE has helped over 45,000+ fitness professionals and business owners in 96+ countries grow to the next level. Get the business strategy and plan you need to grow your business, take home more money, and live your dream lifestyle when you register for a ‘Get Clarity’ Strategy Session now at


SUBSCRIBE TO PFP HERE NEW ON THE MARKET IN TECHNOLOGY The latest trends in fitness technology trends



The eGlide Trainer was designed with group fitness classes or a class setting in mind. It will appeal to both runners and cyclists as a cross-training modality that is full weight bearing, without the impact. The unique Patented Direct Drive System, optimally weighted pedal arms, dual-action handlebars, 2° inverted foot pedals, and stride length combine to create the perfect formula for a frictionless stride.

Power Plate product lines for the ultimate fitness studio. The portable Power Plate MOVE is a one-stop wellness solution for members and clients of any age or fitness level. MOVE caters to a wide variety of movements and training styles and integrates with functional tools for faster results in less time. Power Plate’s Targeted Vibration products assist exercisers of all levels and abilities. Including the Pulse, DualSphere and Roller, these portable, easyto-use and effective tools are designed for training preparation, recovery and rehabilitation on the go.





Leggings this sleek are so versatile that they belong as a staple in any wardrobe — they're sweat-wicking and breathable and unbelievably soft, to work great for any season and worn for any reason. Light compression and support. Fourway stretch fabric to fit your body type. Stay clean and dry with moisture-wicking, antimicrobial fabric. Workout tested and lounge ready. 40+ UV Protection

CLMBR is an ergonomic and innovative climbing machine. CLMBR was designed to deliver users peak efficiency and an unrivaled fitness experience. The machine's open structural design leaves users' views unobstructed and supports a natural athletic posture. Its interface technology will help keep user's motivated with real-time data visualizations. CLMBR is a fit for any space including health clubs, boutique studios, personal training studios, community centers, hospitality and many more.


If so, submit your product to be featured here. Simply send the following to Erin at and Josh at  Product name as it is to be displayed in print  80-word complete description of the product in a Word document or included directly in your email response (please do not send press releases, bullet points, user guides, brochures, etc.). Please keep language neutral and descriptive and avoid heavy marketing verbiage.  Web address  High-resolution image (minimum 300 dpi)

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Planning to pivot, again!


t’s been a rough year for those planners; goals we set out at the start of 2020 have pivoted so many times we’ve become agents of spin. Fitness professionals having the added challenge of supporting our clients in achieving their goals, we owe it to ourselves and them to find solid ground from which we can all grow. Top Ideas to Set Goals for 2021 1. A little risky business: Most fitness professionals have grounded their careers thanks to the steady revenue coming from brick-andmortar gyms and studios, yet those businesses have had to make difficult decisions related to staffing. Companies that seemed “high-risk” in 2019 are now providing continual revenue streams for fitness professionals who tap into their entrepreneurial spirits. Consider less traditional ways of growing your income thanks to a combination of in-person and virtual clients and classes, multi-level marketing for brands you believe in, and partnerships with companies needing health and fitness resources.

Creating fun and accessible programs focused on different age groups, movement styles and specific sports will be a massive draw both in person and virtually. 2. Look into new markets: School systems are struggling tremendously with providing physical education or movement of any kind and organized sports opportunities have been sporadic at best. Parents are searching high and low for coaches and leaders who can provide some form of engaging physical activity, and children are already suffering the consequences of lack of exercise. Creating fun and accessible programs focused on different age groups, movement styles and specific sports will be a massive draw both in person and virtually.



3. Covid-proof your services: We know that about 20% of the population exercises in a structured facility. This creates a massive opportunity for fitness professionals, gyms and studios who are offering their services virtually to attract clients that would have never come through our doors. Virtual platforms that were set up before March 2020 have seen surges in sales, and fitness leaders who strategically and mindfully launched their online services are continuing to grow. Our learning curve on virtual has been fast, furious and fabulous. Providing a well-developed variety of health and fitness virtual offers will help carry us through potential waves and closures as well as the more challenging weather of the coming months. Let’s set goals for the New Year, with a steady dose of adaptability. Fitness leaders are fantastic are finding creative ways to connect with their clients to continue to provide our much-needed services.

Nathalie Lacombe, M, Sc. blends her 25 years of international fitness experience with her degrees in psychology and exercise science to passionately connect with fitness professionals. Nathalie dedicates herself to coaching fitness professionals and leaders towards incredible success in their careers and businesses.


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