Personal Fitness Professional February/March 2020

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PFP ONLINE Visit VOLUME 22 | ISSUE 1 president


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josh vogt | audience development manager

rachel spahr | national sales director

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Erin Eagan | creative director

kelli cooke | contributing writers

The Search for White Space Quietly Making a Difference What it means to be an introverted trainer By Sara Lewis

It’s out there... go find it! By Joe Drake

Lisa Mastraccio, Nick Tumminello featured columnists

Dean Carlson, Vito La Fata, Sean Greeley, Nathalie Lacombe, Chad Landers, Kelli Watson RB Publishing Inc. P.O. Box 259098 Madison WI 53725-9098 Tel: 608.241.8777 Email:


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Lindsay Vastola

Greg Justice

Farel Hruska

Amanda Vogel



Plenty of Americans are spending money to get healthy. The fitness industry in the US has a current market value of $32 billion with a revenue of $9 billion. — IBIS World

Visit our website to view instructional videos and other training tips, including Exercise of the Week, Fitness Business Insights and Functionally Fit by Brian Schiff.

Joey Percia

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Farel Hruska

Jolie Glassman www.

2020 Vision: Happy New Year!


ith each new year, considerable stock is taken on what was and what could be moving into a new chapter. With close to two decades in the fitness industry, my lens has been, and continues to be, one of growth and expansion with the beginning of a new year. With growth comes new opportunities, new connections and possibly bigger impact! In the new year, I encourage your growth with an emphasis on education. When we learn, we grow. We expand. We accelerate. Lean into concepts that have evaded you or that you’ve shied away from. Master them this year! Lean into conversations that you’ve always wanted to have with people who intrigue you. Reach out to make those connections, put yourself out there to share experiences and conversations. You never know what could be uncovered or understood if you are open to it. Education can be accessed in so many ways, using so many vehicles. In this issue, you will read about finding ways to grow and expand in ways that match your learning style. Do you prefer to learn by reading, watching, hearing or doing? Do you prefer a combination of these ways? The VARK analysis is a great exercise to take yourself through. It is a questionnaire that guides you in discovering your preferred style. It’s so helpful to discover those preferences and then seek out educational opportunities which are delivered in that way. With so much education in the fitness industry becoming available virtually, you will have access to more and more content! You cannot deny the efficiency and instant accessibility of these methods. Our industry would not be as advanced as it is (and is becoming) without people having these options. My preferred way to teach, learn and motivate is in a LIVE/in-person experience. It is in these moments in trainings, conferences and conversations, where a kinesthetic and energetic exchange of ideas, concepts and shared experiences take place. Knowledge is felt and sinks in deeply because there usually is an emotional connection to the moments experienced. Find the efficient ways to consume education this year virtually and in person…your growth, expansion and 2020 vision will follow!

PFP Advisory Board Member Farel Hruska has over 20 years of experience as a personal trainer, group fitness instructor and educator. She is presently the Director of Education & Culture at Chuze Fitness. Farel also helped grow FIT4MOM from 2002-2018 as Global Fitness Director and Pre/Postnatal Director. She has presented at fitness conferences around the world including AFC (Bangkok), MEFIT PRO (Dubai), IDEA China and US and has been featured in CNN, New York Times, WebMD, Women's Running Magazine, and Farel’s most meaningful accomplishment, however, is being mom to her three daughters.

Education A vision of at success the forefront 2020 PFP Trainer of the Year Jolie Glassman talks about education being a lifelong journey. How has education played a role in the success of your career? Well, it's played the entire role just about — as I am a teacher, motivator, educator by soul trade. It's my true mission to serve and deliver magical and transformational results. I have a BS in Elementary Education and a Master’s in Behavior Modification. My thesis was, "Putting Higher Order Thinking in the Early Childhood Years," and I also have my NLP Master Practitioner's License. Education is the forefront of it all as I live a life of consistently educating myself along the way, nonstop, so I can in turn, educate others. I've always been guided by my strength and what next actions contribute to making me, and others around me, stronger, better, fitter, faster — in and out of the gym (or boxing ring). What advice would you give to fitness professionals in determining their continued education? Immersion is key. You want to eat, sleep and breathe your craft and always be learning and then sharing. Try everything. Be curious and explore and really learn to go on the journey of listening to your body and the journey of training, health, nutrition and recovery. Learn it, practice it, live it, share/teach others… seek and you shall find. Where do you see opportunities in continuing education for fitness professionals to invest more time, money, energy? I highly recommend learning nonstop, practicing nonstop and sharing and teaching nonstop to sharpen your own tools and growth results. You want to become an expert in your field, which is why I mentioned before to immerse yourself in all areas of your life — physically, emotionally and mentally.


Volume 22 | Issue 1




JOURNEY TO SUCCESS Jolie Glassman 2020 Trainer of the Year Erin Eagan

4 tools to tap into in the new decade Lisa Mastraccio





How to train and communicate with each one Nick Tumminello

Certification opportunities for fitness and mind-body professionals




2020 Vision: Happy New Year!

Farel Hruska





Learn more to earn more

Dean Carlson




Do you need a degree to be a successful personal trainer?

Chad Landers



Learning never ends

Kelli Watson



One small change to increase sales

Vito La Fata




The latest trends in fitness equipment





5 powerful questions for long-term success

Sean Greeley



Justin Tamsett



Is live education dead?

Nathalie Lacombe



Why over 300,000 personal trainers choose ISSA After 32 years, ISSA remains the world leader in personal training certification.


s the leader in personal training certification, ISSA has now certified more than 300,000 personal trainers in 143 countries, all while continuing to develop greater approaches for promoting a healthier world. So, why do personal trainers looking to become certified, or further their education, choose ISSA? It’s because ISSA is the world leader in empowering students and trainers with the knowledge and skills they need for long-term success. It’s ISSA’s mission to “bring healthy living to everybody in the world through education and community,” and that’s exemplified in no better way than through the care of ISSA students and certified trainers. With all the courses offered totally online, ISSA students and trainers can study, complete courses, and take exams entirely on their own schedule, and from the comfort of their own home. And, as a truly student-centered organization, ISSA has teams of dedicated financial, educational, and job placement experts committed to ensure every student receives the help they need. The #1 organization in providing students and trainers with the latest in health and fitness advancements, ISSA regularly develops innovative course materials through groundbreaking industry research. Offering a wide range of revolutionary specializations, ISSA is constantly on the forefront of health and fitness education. Offering an extensive knowledge base of completely online course materials, ISSA’s extended education training specializations include:  DNA-Based Fitness Coach (the first of its kind)  Certified Nutritionist  Group Fitness Instructor  Strength and Conditioning Coach, plus so much more And now, with ISSA’s acquisition of NCCPT, ISSA offers 5 NCCAaccredited exams including Certified Yoga Instructor, Cycling Instructor, Group Fitness Instructor, Certified Personal Trainer, and Strength and Conditioning Coach. Plus, as trainers develop and grow their careers, ISSA offers opportunities for professional development through Elite and Master level certifications. Once certified as an Elite or Master level expert, trainers will be part of an exclusive group of highly skilled and educated professionals who are specialists in their trade. And,

with this certification, Elite and Master trainers will:  Earn more money by adding credentials that lead to higher hourly rates  Become certified in new areas of fitness  Be among the top experts in the industry  Grow their knowledge and be able to manage a larger client base Whether you’re a certified trainer looking to further your education and grow your career, or an individual with a passion for health and fitness who’s ready to start your journey to a new profession — ISSA is here to help you make your goals a reality. And now, for a limited time, you can enjoy $200 off any ISSA specialization course at Just enter code: PFP200


Learn more to earn more


ast forward to December 31, 2020. You are sitting in your office, anticipating knocking off work early to celebrate the arrival of the New Year. As is your habit, you are reflecting back on the highs and lows of the previous year. You pull out the goal sheet you wrote last December and mentally check off the goals you reached, and maybe with a little regret, the one’s you didn’t. And then you pull out a clean sheet of paper, or open a new file, and write down your goals for next year. There’s always next year, right? And so it can go, year after year. Let’s do something different. When you identify a goal, write down how you are going to accomplish the goal and then identify any barriers — knowledge, values, beliefs or skills — that need to be overcome in order to achieve what you want. Let’s say you wanted to earn $75,000 last year, and you ended up making $50,000. What can you do this year to make up that gap? The solution is rarely working harder, which in reality usually means working more. If you are an employee, what skills can you acquire to make you worth that much more? Is there a level of education you need to be eligible for more pay? Does your employer offer tuition reimbursement or other education benefits? It’s worth having a conversation with your boss if you don’t know. And if you are an entrepreneur? As the owner of the business you are well aware you can’t just print more money, and you are already working as hard and long as you can. The good news is you can gain the knowledge and skills to become more effective at running the financial side of your business. Have systems in place to make sure every dollar that comes into the business has a purpose and is being allocated for maximum efficiency and profitability. Educating yourself and surrounding yourself with experts on subjects such as business structure, tax planning and investment strategies will go a long way to making your cash work for you and ultimately putting more money in your pocket. December 31, 2020 will be here before you know it. As you sit down on that day to reflect, will you be able to say the investment you made this year to learn and grow made a difference? Make it happen.

Dean Carlson is a certified Profit First Professional and in 2016 founded Fit For Profit, providing fitness business owners with the coaching and tools they need to manage their cash easily and keep more of their hard-earned money. His experience as a gym owner came full circle in 2018 when he sold his award-winning gym Get Fit NH for seven-figures. He is passionate about helping fitness entrepreneurs stop worrying about finances and start building the business of their dreams.


Do you need a degree to be a successful personal trainer?


good argument can be made that with the skyrocketing costs of a university education and the relatively low wages of fitness professionals, aspiring trainers should eschew college altogether. The proliferation of many training certifications has made it easier to be a credentialed trainer without having to have a two- or four-year degree. Similarly, the explosion of content on the Internet over the past two decades has led to many trainers doing well despite being “self-taught.” So, the short answer is no, you don’t have to have a college degree to be a successful personal trainer. But that doesn’t mean a college education isn’t beneficial for long-term career success, even a degree not in the field of Exercise Science. One of the biggest benefits to higher education is practicing the ability to think critically. Being forced to practice the habit in college makes it much more likely that you’ll both be good at critical thinking and continue to do so throughout your career. In fact, the same “Internet Data Explosion” that made it easier to become a self-educated trainer also makes it more imperative that a fitness professional can review information contained in an article or blog or research paper and separate fact from fiction and cherry-picked hype from well-studied theory. This doesn’t mean an aspiring trainer has to go to Harvard or Yale or Stanford. A good degree can be had without going in debt at a major university. Look at smaller state schools or even community colleges. Many trainers would say their ultimate goal is to not be an employee of a big box gym, but rather to be independent and just pay to rent space at a private studio… or better still, to own their own facility. In this case, it can be more beneficial to long-term success to major in something OTHER THAN Kinesiology or Exercise Science. Trainers with business ownership aspirations should seriously consider going to school to learn about business, marketing, accounting, writing, public speaking, videography, etc. So again, while you don’t have to have a college degree in Exercise Science or Kinesiology to be a successful personal trainer, the more educated you are in a variety of subjects, the more likely you are to have a long, successful career in fitness.

Chad Landers is a graduate of the University of Illinois with a BS in Kinesiology. He is a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist with the National Strength and Conditioning Association, and in 2018 was named their “Personal Trainer of the Year.” He also has a Graduate Diploma in Sports Nutrition from the International Olympic Committee (IOC). Chad has been a personal trainer in Los Angeles for 27 years, and has owned his own gym, Push Private Fitness, for 17 years.




Kelli Watson

Vito La Fata

Learning never ends


o you know the best investment you can make? It’s an investment in yourself. That’s right. Investing in your personal growth and development is invaluable, and necessary, in the rapidly changing environment of the fitness industry. As science continues to evolve and new products and services come on the market regularly, it is important to continue your education in order to provide the best experience for your clients. Here are three suggestions to make sure that lifelong learning remains a priority: 1. Attend at least one live conference or certification training each year The industry provides many conferences and certifications that allow you to network with other fitness professionals as well as grow your skill set. Staying on the cutting edge means making a commitment to attend at least one live event per year. 2. Read at least one growth-oriented book per month Reading is inexpensive and you can do it anywhere. You can even “read” an audiobook or listen to a good podcast while you work out. Get in the habit of reading a book each month on a topic that will improve your skills and knowledge base. 3. Join a professional organization or mastermind group Surrounding yourself with people who have a commitment to growth can significantly accelerate your success. In fact, when groups of people work together to achieve goals, magic can happen. Join a local professional organization or industry-specific mastermind program to help fast-track your success. Just remember that your degree or certification is a beginning, not an end. Lifelong learning is the key to your continued growth and that investment in yourself will ensure that you continue to give the very best to your clients. Learning never ends, and it is the very best investment you can make.

Kelli Watson is a best-selling author, coach and presenter. She coaches fitness professionals and business executives through the Todd Durkin Mastermind Group and the Todd Durkin IMPACT Coaching Program. In 2017, she co-founded Scriptor Publishing Group, a publishing company dedicated to helping people share their stories and publish their books. With more than 15 years of industry experience, she specializes in business and personal development, helping fit pros and business owners discover their keys to success. Email



One small change to increase sales


he number one problem with marketing in the fitness industry is something we call “pitch marketing.” Pitch marketing is when you run ads, emails, offers, posts, etc. straight-out asking for the sale. No warm up. No education. No value. No follow-up. This can feel very sales-y and be very ineffective as it only works for three percent of the market that wants to buy right now. What you may not know is that every time you market this way you are missing out on the 67% of those who need more knowledge about what you do and how it’s going to help solve their problems. They need more nurturing and connection before choosing you for their solution. Begin to utilize education-based marketing (EBM). EBM is the process of delivering a series of content-rich, value-driven marketing campaigns that educate your prospects about the problems, common misconceptions and the solution. It gets the audience’s attention, entices people to read or watch more because they have a genuine interest in finding out more about the problem and how to fix it. It creates the reason WHY your prospect needs what you offer and why they need it NOW. Examples of this would include content like:  3 Reasons You Struggle with Yo-Yo Dieting and How to Finally End It Once and For All  The #1 Strategy To Finally End Low Back Pain Without Meds, Injections or Surgery  Top 5 Ways to Gain More Speed and Get Off the Bench and Into the Starting Rotation You can see from these examples how EBM is powerful because: 1. You educate your market about who you serve. 2. You educate about what pains you solve. 3. You educate how you solve those problems in a systemized and proven way that separates you from your competition. Setting this up is an easy process with the automation of online funnels. You can automate your lead generation and have qualified hot leads showing up in your business around the clock.

Vito La Fata, is co-founder of The Visionary Planner and Fitness Profit Systems. A marketing and brand building specialist, Vito coaches his students to build a brand as true visionaries looking to shape the world and their life in bigger and better ways. For free trainings on 5 Steps to Build Your Online Business, head to or



Journey to Success


Jolie Glassman CERTIFICATIONS:  Certified Personal Trainer  CrossFit Certified  Spinning Certified  USA Boxing Certifications–Coach, Referee, Cut Man, & Cornerman  First aid/CPR Certification  AFAA & NASM Certification AWARDS:  Top 100 Minority Business Award (3 Years)  2012 Health & Fitness Body & Spirit Award AND 2013 Sister Circle Honorary  South Florida Business Journal’s–40 UNDER 40  Awarded Key to the City by Mayor of Miami Beach  Awarded a Proclamation for a “JOLIE GLASSMAN” Day by Mayor  1st Woman in Business Award for City of Miami Beach 2016 FAVORITE SAYING: “Work harder on yourself than you do on your job and life becomes easier.” CONTACT INFO: Facebook: South Beach Boxing Twitter: @SouthBeachBox Instagram: @Jolie Glassman


By Erin Eagan


n December, Jolie Glassman added 2020 PFP Trainer of the Year award winner to an already-impressive resume. Chosen among 12 finalists, Jolie is determined to prove to others that the unimaginable is possible and that the life you want is the life you can have. For almost 30 years, she has impacted and transformed the lives of tens of thousands of people. Although she was born in Beverly Hills, Jolie grew up in South Florida where fitness became an integral part of her life. At just 16 years old, she got certified to teach aerobics and spinning. After college, Jolie became an elementary school teacher while still continuing to teach fitness. As teacher of both academics and fitness, she came to the realization that she was best at working with at-risk youth and went on to teach in jails and lock-down facilities. There, she worked closely with teens and parents to transform their relationships through life coaching and bonding them through fitness. In 1998, Jolie and her then-husband opened South Florida Boxing. After teaching during the day, Jolie worked there in the evenings, bringing students with her to

participate in boxing and fitness programs. She began to recognize the impact it was having. The students got into shape, built self-confidence and better managed anger and stress. Jolie left teaching to focus on the gym full-time. In 2010 following a divorce, she took sole ownership and rebranded with the name South Beach Boxing. Today, South Beach Boxing is the longest-running gym in Miami Beach. It’s a family style gym that caters to all levels, beginner to advanced, with a mix of over 40 weekly workouts, including boxing, kickboxing, cross training, sparring, technical classes, boot camps, MMA, etc. It’s a fully equipped gym with full weight training facilities and cardio machines. Jolie has taken the same exercises and training that professional boxers use to get lean and toned and made them available to anyone looking to burn fat and get into the best shape of their life. At South Beach Boxing, as their slogan says, “You Don’t Have to Be a Boxer to Train Like One.” In a male-dominated sport, Jolie has defied the odds to become a boxing industry leader — and her gym has become a premier boxing club to A-list celebrities (Will Smith, Matt Damon, Nicki Minaj), professional athletes and



some of the most revered boxers, including Lennon Lewis, Sugar Ray Leonard, Oscar de la Hoya, Floyd Mayweather and the late Muhammad Ali. Jolie’s passion to transform lives is unrivaled. She’s a coach, trainer, teacher, speaker and motivator. She often says, “You can’t teach a lion to be ferocious, they just are.” It epitomizes exactly who she is and how she has become so successful.


Taking a few minutes out of her day, Jolie gives us a glimpse into her journey to success along with her plans for this year and beyond. What would you consider the factors that differentiate South Beach Boxing from your competition? We are family style. We’re a place that people belong and come with their families, year after


year. Gyms are scary places to go. Who’s looking around? Who’s going accept you? I know that feeling and I want everybody that walks in the door to feel extra welcome and know they’re not alone. We’re here for them every step of the way along their journey. I know everybody’s name, I know when they start, I know what their goals are. How can I say I want to transform lives and then not know where

they are in their journey? It would be inauthentic of me to say that’s what I want to do and then not be dotting my i’s and crossing my t’s. Service is everything. People can say it, but do they really do it? I know what they’re going through and I understand the compassion that I give helps them get that they’re not in a boat alone. What have you done to expand health and fitness in your community? I began as a teacher, and now I’m a teacher for life. I am always spreading fitness and leading by example in my community and everywhere. I’ve hosted events and raised over $15,000 yearly for charities such as Big Brother Big Sister, Toys for Tots, Girl Power, Silent Victims of Crime, etc. After 19 years, I decided to create my own charity: Jolie’s Kids Inc. We’ve now completed two years and it’s grown immensely. Every quarter, I hold auditions for kids to come apply for scholarships to our boxing/fitness/anti-bully program after school on Tuesdays and Thursdays. I do social, age and economic integration. How I choose is I look for the most disadvantaged and doing poorly in school. Once they show an interest in boxing, I know I have leverage to get their grades up and behavior on point and humble them. Nike is our sponsor

and sends us swag and volunteers. We deliver astonishing results. On a weekly basis, I also volunteer at several public schools. I enjoy teaching the students and teachers about health, fitness, boxing and life, and how to manage their classrooms and best teaching practices. I’m on all PTAs for the local schools and I am a known resource for transformation/intervention with students and teachers. How have you played a part in the advancement of the fitness industry? For almost 30 years, I’ve been immersed in contributing to my community and transforming lives in health and fitness, and I will continue to do so as it’s my life’s mission. I am determined to prove that the unimaginable is possible and that the life you want is the life you can have. Gaining the respect and admiration of top boxers and other top professional athletes wasn’t easy; I studied the lifestyles and training techniques to see how I could make them better. I came to the conclusion, “You don’t have to be a boxer to train like one.” What contributions do you plan to make in 2020? Out of my passion to transform kids/families all

over the world, I decided to franchise my gym. I will teach teams, that teach teams, that transform lives. They all must be owner-operated and have the charity program component as I teach how to serve and earn a living and have it all aligned. I will also create seminars and retreats in hopes to find my “minions in transformation” to own and operate South Beach Boxing (future franchisees)! My slogan was always “Often Copied — Never Duplicated.” Now I added, “….UNTIL NOW.” I’m currently writing my autobiography called Warrior Life Training: How I Went from Last to Badass — Wisdoms of Her-O-wINE Ages (The Legacy I Leave Behind) followed by Life According to the Rules of Boxing. In 2020, I also plan to create seminars and retreats that will transform targeted groups of people from all over the world and will focus on the teachings in my book.

Congratulations, Jolie, for earning the title of 2020 PFP Trainer of the Year and for your continued success!



3 FITNESS PERSONALITY TYPES How to train and communicate with each one | By Nick Tumminello


t is often said that we should give our clients “a combination of what they want and what they need.” Instead, I prefer to say training is about giving our clients “what they need to achieve what they want.” Clients need a fitness professional to communicate and provide a training approach that is in-line with what they want. An effective way to achieve this is by identifying, understanding and training according to a client’s individual fitness personality type. In their paper, “The General Causality Orientations Scale: Self-Determination in Personality in Journal of Research in Personality,” Edward Deci and Richard Ryan describe three personality types: 1. Autonomy-oriented 2. Control-oriented 3. Impersonal-oriented The strength of these personality orientations can vary in different life contexts; Elaine Rose, David Markland and Gaynor Parfitt developed


the “Exercise Causality Orientations Scale (ECOS),” that provides a series of multiple-choice questions to assess the strength of an individual’s causality orientations in the exercise domain. Since these three personality types have different modes of function in terms of human motivation and behavior, it’s crucial for fitness professionals to know how to identify each personality type, understand their current and prospective clients’ personal values and goals, and then tailor their communication and training strategy accordingly. This is because, as will be illustrated here, an approach that may excite and interest the autonomy-oriented person, would likely set up the control-oriented person for failure, and make the impersonal-oriented person want to run in other direction. Autonomy-oriented fitness personality type Autonomy-oriented individuals are those who tend to select jobs that allow greater initiative, tend to interpret their existing situations as informational, and therefore, are


more autonomy-promoting. Because they’re more intrinsically motivated rather than motivated by extrinsic rewards, they organize and regulate their actions on the basis of personal goals and interests rather than controls and constraints. They look at everything as a lesson or personal challenge that makes them smarter, stronger or more competent. In a study of cardiac-surgery patients, those who were high on the autonomy-orientation scale were found to view their surgery more as a challenge and were likelier to have more positive post-operative attitudes; whereas those low on the autonomy orientation scale viewed their surgery as a threat and had more negative post-operative attitudes. In the context of exercise and nutrition, autonomy-oriented individuals do things because they want to, and further, like to decide what they do. They don’t like anything rigid that takes away from their ability to be self-determining. They much prefer having opportunities to make decisions on what they

do in training and lifestyle and adjust accordingly to their daily situation and schedule. Many fitness professionals are autonomyoriented when it comes to their own training and nutrition; likely a reason why they became fitness professionals. Some of our clients share these same personality traits in this regard but don’t have the same knowledge and experience. This is why autonomy-oriented clients are often the ones who enjoy reading training books and learning about the thought process behind their trainer’s exercise prescription and programming approach. These Autonomy-oriented personality types dislike a repetitive and rigid workout structure because they’re more motivated when they’re able to make (at least some) decisions on things like exercise order, exercises they prefer to perform or omit, or changing the style of the workout depending on how they feel. In other words, they prefer to be given options and to have a fluid and adaptive process. The same goes with their nutrition. These individuals don’t want to be put on a specific diet plan but prefer to be given guidelines for them to utilize in the best way they determine. These are the individuals who don’t respond well to being told that they need to get rid of all their favorite junk food. Instead, they’d rather have it in order to demonstrate their own self-control. Control-oriented fitness personality type Control-oriented individuals are motivated by extrinsic rewards; factors such as pay and status are important in determining which jobs they take. Their behavior is organized with respect to controls in their environment rather than by their own choices. They tend to rely on external controlling events such as deadlines or surveillance to motivate themselves. From a practical nutrition and training standpoint, control-oriented individuals have difficulty staying on track unless they are training for a specific event or test. So, clients of this personality type do best with very structured programs and diets with clearly defined metrics and markers to regularly work toward. Since their behavior is initiated and regulated by extrinsic rewards, if they’re not training for a specific event, they need a clear training objective such as a transformation challenge

or an approach that offers incentives (e.g., a trophy, special t-shirt, gift card, etc.) to help keep them interested and motivated. Impersonal-oriented fitness personality type Impersonal-oriented individuals feel that they are unable to regulate their behavior to achieve desired outcomes, have feelings of incompetence and often see themselves as unable to master situations. They tend to have strong anxiety about entering new situations. They follow precedents not because they’re controlled by them, but because they lack the intentionality to do differently. From a training and diet perspective, impersonal-oriented individuals are often the

types is especially crucial during your initial meeting with a prospective client. First, you’ll know how to interact with them in a way that resonates, which will make them more likely to sign up for your services. For example, the control-oriented person needs deadlines, whereas the autonomy-oriented person doesn’t like deadlines. In your first meeting with a control-oriented person, they would be excited to hear you talk about your expectations, deadlines and any incentives for meeting or exceeding them. On the other hand, the autonomy-oriented person would prefer less talk and more action on the gym floor during their first meeting where you show them how they can become smarter and more competent with exercise and nutrition. As for a first meeting with an impersonal-oriented person, they’d be more inclined to want to work with you if you take more time to talk with them in a private office to listen to them so they feel understood and begin to build a level of comfort with you and your environment. The second reason being able to identify the fitness personality type of a prospective client is important is because it will help you determine whether that person is likely to be successful given your training style and environment. This is especially important if you focus on semi-private training or group training that doesn’t allow you to be as accommodating to individual personality types as you can be with one-on-one training. When you understand these three fitness personality types, you are better able to determine how to effectively communicate and train each client or whether to recommend a different training environment that may be a better fit. As a result, you’ve put yourself in an ideal position to give them what they need in order to help them achieve what they want.

From a practical nutrition and training standpoint, control-oriented individuals have difficulty staying on track unless they are training for a specific event or test. clients who say they’ve “tried everything but nothing works;” or every time they get going in the right direction, they have a setback like an injury or major life crisis. As a result, they’re often hesitant to get started at a new facility or start a new program because they feel like no one understands them. It’s for this reason they’ll respond best when the fitness professional takes time to listen, asks questions to learn more about their past experiences and shows that they empathize with how difficult engaging in such an endeavor is for them. These individuals tend to do best by taking a training and nutrition approach that starts off slowly and builds comfort in a supportive environment with constant communication and social support. First (session) impressions are everything! There are two important reasons why knowing how to identify different fitness personality

Nick Tumminello is the author of three books, including Strength Training for Fat Loss, and is the developer of of the NT Loop Band - the best band for hip and glute training.



THE HYBRID FITNESS PROFESSIONAL PHENOMENON 4 tools to tap into in the new decade


oday’s fitness industry is evolving at record speed. Gone are the days where one basic certification could carry a fitness professional through years of service or when one specialty program could satisfy the crowds. In recent years, with the modern jolt of technology, the internet’s widespread influence coupled with the incredible explosion of the health and fitness industry, fitness professionals must “level up.” Basic level certifications are still the necessary foundation when starting out as a fitness professional; however, these entry-level skills now require an “upgrade” if one intends to grow, thrive and pursue longevity in the fitness industry. Today’s most recent phenomenon is the “hybrid fitness professional.” Over the past decade or so the once very separate roles of personal trainer and group fitness instructor have now meshed into one. Working under the same umbrella, today’s fitness professional might be a personal trainer who is coaching a group alongside the group fitness instructor


who is tapping into small group training or one-on-one sessions. Furthermore, one generic certification is no longer enough to please all demographics. Specialty certifications are now the norm where TRX, Zumba, Bootcamp and pre-choreographed programs permeate our facilities from big box gyms to small specialized boutique studios. And because of this modern-day fitness evolution, a fitness professional needs to expand his/her knowledge base, improve skills and coach to a growing number of people who seek health, fitness and wellness in a variety of ways. The solution? Tap into these four tools to soar into the new decade and beyond: 1. Be a role model: As fitness professionals, we should reflect health and wellness, in body and mind. Our own personal fitness goals must remain a priority in order to keep our bodies in peak condition and carry out our purpose in serving others with vitality and sustained energy. Burnout and injury are un-


| Lisa Mastraccio

fortunately ongoing issues because our work is energy-depleting and demanding. However, this downfall can largely be avoided when personal fitness and self-care are prioritized. In a nutshell, fitness professionals must “walk the talk” and lead by example by being a role model of holistic health and wellness. 2. Be a leader: Leadership is not about being the best, rather it’s about helping others become better. Mentoring others is a phenomenal way to help sharpen their skills and in so doing sharpen our own. Seek out opportunities to help “newbies” by offering coaching tips, feedback and expertise to help them become better at their craft. Mentorship means connection and growth, both of which are pivotal for one’s career. 3. Be an influencer: The online world allows fitness professionals to have extensive reach thanks to social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and more. Maximizing the use of these social media tools is

THE ONLY SURE-FIRE WAY TO GROW AND THRIVE IN THIS EVER-CHANGING INDUSTRY IS TO BE A LIFELONG LEARNER. one of simplest and most cost-effective ways to expand our reach and connect with a limitless number of people. Now, more than ever, take the time to grow as an influencer and tap into the tools of videos, blogs, Facebook Live and Instagram stories. Our impact is the imprint we leave behind, far beyond the walls of the studio or gym. Seek out ways to grow social media influence by showcasing fitness in a positive, inclusive and vibrant light. By being an online ambassador of health and wellness, our message and influence will have an extensive reach. The online world is here to stay, and today’s fitness professional needs to leverage this expansive community in order to thrive into the future. 4. Be a lifelong learner: This final tip is, unequivocally the most crucial step to set a fitness professional’s trajectory on the course towards continued success. Basic certifications are just that… basic. They are “a shoe in,” a stamp of approval to start and the initial green light to forge ahead.

But the journey doesn’t stop there… in fact, it’s only just begun. The only sure-fire way to grow and thrive in this ever-changing industry is to be a lifelong learner. And the very best way to learn is to delve into continuing education opportunities. Fitness conferences are by far one of the best ways to grow in knowledge and connect with like-minded individuals on the same mission. Through live fitness events, workshops and lectures delivered by experts in the field, we can continue to learn and grow and in turn share more with our clients and “level up.” Apart from the valuable experience of attending fitness conferences, there is a plethora of podcasts, books, online courses and workshops that allow us to continue to grow our knowledge base. Whether a fitness professional wants to delve deeper into a specialty area of expertise or spread further into other areas of fitness and health such as nutrition or lifestyle coaching, being an ongoing learner is a critical key for continued success and relevancy in this ever-changing industry.

It is no longer enough to simplify survive in this industry; we must seek ways to thrive, grow and re-invent ourselves into modern day fitness professionals. Our ultimate goal is to enjoy a meaningful career wrapped in mastery, relevancy, passion and purpose. Seek to be a role model, a leader, an influencer and a lifelong learner and experience success and longevity as fitness professional for many years to come.

Lisa is a fitness professional with over 25 years’ experience as a group fitness leader and personal trainer. She is a coach at Econofitness clubs in Quebec and teaches both live and virtual classes. She also works at Goodlife Fitness Clubs as the National Trainer and co-creator of Newbody, an exclusive group fitness program. Lisa also inspires and shares her passion with other fitpros as a presenter in conferences across the country. In addition, Lisa has recently been awarded canfitpro Fitness Professional of the Year in 2019. She recently launched her brand “Coach Lisa” which offers online digital fitness products and both group and personal online training programs.


EDUCATION RESOURCE CENTER AAAI/ISMA is the International Gold Standard in Live Fitness Education and Certification. As one of the original fitness certification associations, AAAI/ISMA has been educating and certifying fitness professionals for over 39 years. AAAI/ISMA is also one of the largest fitness certification associations worldwide. Our fabulous Fitness Family has over 170,000 members. As an International Fitness Association your certification is recognized worldwide. AAAI/ISMA is based on a University model where you pre-study, attend a live interactive class, ask questions and then take a written and practical exam. The certification workshops are taught by and proctored by fitness professionals that have a Master’s Degree, Ph.D. or M.D. AAAI/ISMA’s cost is affordable. AAAI/ISMA believes that all people deserve to be able to afford live fitness education and certification. AAAI/ ISMA helps you build a fitness career with 30 certification options: Core Certifications: Personal Fit-

ness Trainer Phase 1, 2 & 3 / Strength & Weight Training/ Sports Nutrition/ Fitness Marketing Consultant/ Fitness Facility Director/ Primary Aerobic (Group Fitness)/ Step Aerobic Specialty Certifications: Older Adult/ / Kids & Teens/ Aqua Instructor Phase 1 & 2/ Cycling Instructor/ Kickboxing Instructor/ Cross H.I.I.T. Tabata Instructor/ Small Group Fitness/ Weight Management/ Pre & Post Natal/ Total Body Strength Mind Body Certifications: Yoga Instructor Phase 1, 2 & 3/ Pilates Instructor Phase 1, 2 & 3/ Tai Chi Instructor/ Stress Reduction, Relaxation & Meditation Instructor Phase 1 & 2 Certifications are held on weekends at gyms, fitness facilities and also at AAAI/ ISMA’S “One World” Fitness Certification Conferences and Certifications Celebrations and we have options to host a certification workshop at your facility.

Are you prepared for one of the biggest market opportunities in the fitness industry? If you work with the 50+ market, you should know that brain health is the biggest concern now and in the future. While exercise yields impressive brain health benefits, why has there never been a comprehensive course to learn how to train clients for optimal brain health? This is why we created the Brain Health Trainer course, which combines neuroscience theory and applications for the modern era in an innovative online course! This course is the result of the latest research in brain health and exercise, and has been guided by some of the brightest minds in neuroscience. This course will transform your understanding of the brain, its relationship to exercise and how to leverage precision programming to slow cognitive decline. Becoming a Certified Brain Health Trainer is for you if you want to:

 Understand neuroscience without years of study  Differentiate yourself in the fitness industry  Establish a medical fitness practice  Implement the latest evidence-based interventions  Improve your business by addressing brain health It's accredited for CECs by ACSM, NASM, AFAA, the NBHWC and ACE! And because you are a subscriber to Personal Fitness Professional, we want to offer you $200 off the Brain Health Trainer course! You can use code “PFP” to take advantage of immediate access to the Brain Health Trainer course. It’s a no-brainer!

Everyone needs continuing education courses, but no one wants to go broke buying them. If you agree with that statement, then you need Exercise ETC for your continuing education needs. We are your one-stop shop for high-quality, deeply discounted continuing education programs for fitness professionals. No matter how you learn best, or what your budget is, we’ve got you covered: Do you like traditional “Live” workshops? We offer dozens in cities all over the USA. Our topics for 2019 include “Strength & Conditioning for Seniors,” “Posture and Mobility,” “Functional Fitness” and more! Do you prefer a book-based continuing education course? We have a huge selection of home study courses and they all offer free, instant grading; in addition, many of them are now available as eBooks, so earning CEs has never been faster — and with prices as low as $79 for 20 CEs you won’t find a better price! In a hurry? Then our recorded webinars on demand are just what you’ve been waiting for. Each webinar on demand is a self-contained 2-hour presentation that you can watch on your computer or tablet at your own pace; when you’re done, simply print out your CE certificate. No book to read, no test to take. Simple! Exercise ETC offers so many programs that you’re sure to find something that appeals to you, but, in the unlikely event you’re unhappy, we offer a 100% refund guarantee.

Certification opportunities for fitness and mind-body professionals

FiTOUR® is a leader in providing nationally recognized health and fitness certifications. FiTOUR is recommended by health and fitness directors and managers across the United States and is known for affordable, comprehensive, cutting-edge certifications grounded in science and guidelines for safe and efficient health and fitness practice. FiTOUR makes it affordable and convenient for fitness professionals to expand their knowledge and share their passion for fitness with exceptional pricing, complementary online study material, online exams, online renewal courses and more. Today, the FiTOUR Development Team continues to write and devel-

op outstanding health and fitness certification programs to keep fitness professionals and enthusiasts ahead — and on top — of the ever-changing fitness field. FiTOUR makes it convenient for fitness professionals to expand their knowledge and share their passion for fitness with: online study materials and online exams; $25 for renewals every two years; immediate exam results; ACE, AFAA, NASM CECs and in-home study courses available.

With over 8,000 5-star reviews from verified personal trainers through TrustPilot, ISSA is the #1 rated personal training certification. ISSA delivers easy-to-follow comprehensive online courses designed to prepare trainers for long-term success. With totally online courses, students can study, complete assignments, and take tests on their own schedule, from wherever they’re most comfortable. Currently offering 20 certification courses, ISSA has certified more than 300,000 trainers in 143 countries. And now, with the acquisition of the NCCPT, ISSA offers 5 additional NCCA-accredited exams including strength and conditioning, yoga, cycling and group exercise. Plus, ISSA offers endless opportunities to help trainers looking to grow in their careers with Elite and Master level certifications. Continuously updating course offerings with the latest cutting-edge science, ISSA now offers the first of its kind DNA-based fitness certification.

As a leader in resource development for trainers and gyms, ISSA now provides an all-in-one employee solution for fitness clubs — Smart Fitness. Offering an easy-to-use platform for onboarding, training, and certifying employees, Smart Fitness is designed to help any club manage and grow their staff. Committed to student success, ISSA delivers unlimited educational, financial, and job placement assistance through dedicated support teams. In addition to providing students with the support and assistance they need, ISSA partners with the fitness industry and guarantees that every student who completes their certification will find a job in 60 days, or their money back. Begin, or continue, your journey to a successful career in fitness today and turn your passion into your profession.

Trainer Certification. Personal Consideration. In a world where it is increasingly difficult to find friendly and attentive personal care in customer service, be part of an organization who treats you like family; because we are. Yes, our certification program is accredited, recognized and high quality. But we are more than that. When you’re with NFPT, you are part of our trainer family and community, and we’ll treat you with the care and attention that you deserve. This makes us different than what you may be used to. National Federation of Professional Trainers has been certifying personal trainers for more than 30 years, and we consistently add new programs for continuing education and to expand your scope of practice. NFPT CE courses will get you the credits you need to recertify and attain additional working credentials (some of these include Specialist titles in Medical Fitness programming, Nutrition, and Functional Training). We also offer FREE CEC options so that paying for continuing education is your choice and not a financial requirement for recertification. We are unlike other providers in both people and process. You will never call and speak to a switch board operator. You will never email and get an automated response. Don’t settle for not being a priority. NFPT trainers, staff, and partners are all part of the collective mission to get people fired-up for fitness. For aspiring trainers, it starts with the qualification of certification, but it doesn’t end there. At NFPT we give of ourselves, both personally and professionally, and you’ll feel the difference when you work with us. Let us help you get to your goals, and then some! We are better together.

NEW ON THE MARKET The latest trends in fitness equipment

BOSU® BALANCE PODS Add even more versatility to your workouts with the new BOSU® Balance Pods. The BOSU® Balance Pods are 6 inches in diameter, portable and tough. Already used by top trainers and elite athletes around the globe, add the Balance Pods to your client’s workout in 2020. Use as a standalone balance trainer or in conjunction with any BOSU® Balance Trainer.


INTEGRATED MOVEMENT SPECIALIST™ CERTIFICATE FROM BALANCED BODY® The Integrated Movement Specialist™ program was created to provide fitness professionals a deeper understanding of the interplay of muscles, bones and joints while the body is in motion. The curriculum trains fitness professionals in effective movement analysis and correction, provides a critical anatomical baseline and expands programming skills and repertoire. The IMS coursework is offered at Balanced Body Authorized Training Centers, Pilates On Tour events and IDEA PTI East, NASM Conference and IDEA World.




The Stability Barrel™ Lite by Merrithew™ has a dual-purpose design, which dramatically increases your exercise options. The gentle curve on one side provides support for multidimensional bodyweight movements and the flat platform on the other allows you to introduce instability and balance challenges into your practice. At just 6.6 lbs (3 kg), this prop is easily stackable for convenient storage. It is also available in a smaller, 1 lb (0.5 kg) version called the Mini Stability Barrel™ Lite, making it the perfect companion for personal trainers on the go.

The Brain Health Trainer is the first comprehensive course on the neuroscience of exercise! If you want to be a health and fitness professional that wants to address brain health through understanding neuroscience and intelligent program design, this course is for you! With over 10 hours of content in a multimedia e-learning experience, you will learn the neuroscience of exercise, functional neuroanatomy, exercise programming for brain health goals, how to combine exercise with cognitive challenges and more!

The DNA-Based Fitness Coach, a game-changing certification in the personal training industry, is the latest launch in the ISSA course catalogue. Exclusively offered through ISSA, this certification provides personal trainers with the tools and knowledge to develop specific programs based on their client’s DNA. Using 36 unique DNA identifiers, trainers will be able to create diet and fitness programs that specifically address their client’s individual needs and produce real long-lasting results.



FEBRUARY Women’s Leadership Forum February 27, Herndon, VA March 26, Burlingame, CA May 14, Orlando, FL


February 29-March 1, Herndon, VA

Health & Fitness Business Summit February 28-March 1, Herndon, VA March 27-29, Burlingame, CA May 15-17, Orlando, FL

MARCH IDEA Personal Trainer Institute March 5-8, Alexandria, VA

One World Fitness Certification & Education Conference March 6-8, Colorado Springs, CO

Merrithew Mindful Movement Symposium March 6-8, New York, NY

Mind Body Fitness Conference March 11-15, Skokie, IL April 15-19, Pittsburgh, PA May 27-31, Minneapolis, MN

IHRSA 2020 International Convention & Trade Show March 18-21, San Diego, CA Free Trade Show Pass with Code: PFPSD

SCW California MANIA

March 27-29, Burlingame, CA

APRIL Pilates on Tour 2020 – Rehab Summit April 3-5, Phoenix, AZ

Fitness Fest Conference and Expo April 16-19, Mesa, AZ

Boutique Fitness Summit

April 24, New York City, NY




5 powerful questions for long-term success


t’s a new year and everyone is off to the races with new dreams, goals and plans for growing their business. Yet too many fitness professionals want to fire up their engines and take off down the track before understanding the real work required to set up their business for long-term success. Unconventional thinking: Where you need to start When most people think about growing their business, their mantra is: “I just need more leads and clients.” They’re incorrectly focused on quick-fix sales and marketing tactics without understanding the real work required to set up their business for long-term success. That line of thinking almost always leads to a dead end. When things aren’t where you want them to be with your business, it’s easy to think, “Oh, I just need more clients. More clients will equal more revenue, and that will solve all my problems!” But don’t settle for surface-level thinking! Do the work with unconventional thinking to identify root causes and address critical areas that must be handled in order to create lasting profits, increased revenue and happiness.

Every fitness business needs good answers to key questions that drive your business forward. Growth questions to 10x your results Every fitness business needs good answers to key questions that drive your business forward. You likely have answers to these questions right now; they’re just not as good as they need to be in order to grow to the next level. But when you commit to doing the work required, you’ll consistently move from CONFUSION to CLARITY. We like to call these the 5 most powerful fitness business growth questions, which are: 1. What does success look like and how will you get there? 2. Where do you find (and how will you sign up) new prospective clients? 3. How do you serve the market in a unique and powerful way? 4. How will you increase revenue, cash flow and profitability to ensure continued success? 5. How will you look after yourself, have fun and enjoy the journey?



You can see how each question will force you to consider your blind spots. Once you’ve identified areas of confusion (or weakness), then invest the time to find better answers and solutions. As you get better answers to these questions, you will have increased FOCUS. Focus increases power. And more POWER will allow you to do all the good things you want to do (and more) in taking your business (and life) to the next level. Truth is, there’s some hard thinking and planning that needs to be done before you hit the accelerator on new client acquisition if you want to ensure consistent business growth this year. That’s why, if you’re serious about wanting to:  Find and fill your schedule with high-paying clients you love working with  Install great systems into your business to run smoothly (and make a profit!)  Start (or continue) building a team to grow the business with you... then, invest time in doing the work that allows you to make 2020 your best year ever in the fitness industry. The best is yet to come!

Sean Greeley, founder and CEO of NPE, has an unrelenting passion for empowering fitness business owners to grow their business and create the life they want. Since 2006, NPE has helped over 45,000+ fitness professionals and business owners in 96+ countries grow to the next level.


@activemanagementcommunity @JTActivemgmt

@ ActiveManagement


f you like honesty, Justin Tamsett (also known as “JT”) is your guy because he calls it the way he sees it. An industry veteran of 30 years, JT was a membership consultant and club manager for the industry guru Jamie Hayes, a club owner for 15 years after that, and he has been an industry coach and speaker since 2012. JT speaks with passion, candor and with no agenda other than making your business better. Here is how JT is sharing his message... My ideal clients are business owners who want to think and do different to grow their business and leadership. If you always think like a fitness professional, you only get as good as every other fitness professional. Also, if you only think and never do, you’ll never achieve. Hence, think and do different. My message is that we cannot and should not hide that we all run sales-based organizations. However, the focus on experiences when people interact with our brand will make lead generation and sales easier. Your strategies will lay the foundation for experiences and what you need for success. If I had only one way to share my message it would be face-to-face conversations — either individually or in a group — as you cannot beat that connection. As we move rapidly to a totally digital world, human-to-human connection will grow in importance and impact for our messages. Successful messaging is when the recipient of the message (conversation, text, email, marketing, etc.) understands the message I am conveying. Many recipients may hear or see one thing and that may not be what I said or meant. Success is when they hear/understand what I said so we are both on the same page. People follow me not because of what I do, but rather why I do it. I want my daughter to grow up with amazing opportunities. Unfortunately, with an aging and sickening population we’ll see a blowout of health care costs around the globe. I want more people moving more often to lower these health care costs. I believe that movement should be in a quality facility with a qualified fitness professional.



The premier source for fitness professionals

Instructional videos and training tips Business and marketing solutions New product information Insight from leading fitness professionals Event calendar …and much, much more!

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Compete to gain industry recognition Advance your career, grow your brand!


HERE & NOW Nathalie Lacombe

Is live education dead?


hese are challenging times for many fitness education companies, and consequently, the fitness professionals who have invested their time and money in their programs and services. We recently saw the demise of large education providers leading to shock and dismay from the instructors who counted on being provided their programming. In comparison, some education providers are enjoying phenomenal success thanks to programs that are niche-focused and keenly connected to the skill set of their creator. It leads our industry to wonder what lies ahead for the future of fitness education. In the last two years, we’ve also seen the launch of many new start-up education companies founded and led by female fitness entrepreneurs who have tapped into the desire for different approaches to learning and more gender equality in leadership positions.

Fitness professionals are seeking learning that goes well beyond the minimum standard of CECs that helps them maintain the foundational credential. What this means for fitness education providers Fitness professionals are seeking learning that goes well beyond the minimum standard of CECs that helps them maintain the foundational credential. They are always on the lookout for opportunities to grow their skill set, confidence, audience, offers, business and careers. In order to meet those needs it’s critical to reflect on the following:  People who choose in-person training seek fresh approaches to live education including significant amounts of hands-on learning, interactive activities, putting their newfound learning into practice with their fellow professionals, etc.  Beyond the techniques and protocols related to the hard skills in our industry, fitness professionals have understood that without the related soft skills they won’t be able to truly benefit from their experience. These must be included and integrated for them to utilize their newfound learning with their clients and participants.  Online education is much more accessible and sometimes more



affordable, but the experience is worlds apart from in-person training. Consider how fitness professionals can still gain a powerful experience from offers such as live-streaming, mentorship and online communities. What this means for fitness professionals Remember that growth comes from targeted learning. It’s therefore important to choose learning opportunities that meet the following criteria:  Is part of a development plan that makes us crave not only the educational experience, but also the applied learning opportunities that will follow.  Offered in a manner that fits our preferred learning method: online, in-person, self-directed reading, accompanied by a mentor, etc.  Meets our level of patience: some of us can handle months of study and in-class practice before we are permitted to apply our newfound knowledge, and some of us want to use our new skills asap. Live education is not dead. Rather, just like everything related to our industry, it is evolving in order to meet the ever-changing needs of fitness leaders and learners.

Nathalie Lacombe, M, Sc. blends her 25 years of international fitness experience with her degrees in psychology and exercise science to passionately connect with fitness professionals. Nathalie dedicates herself to coaching fitness professionals and leaders towards incredible success in their careers and businesses.









The Mind-Body Connection

Erin Eagan






UNDERSTANDING FASCIA AND KEEPING IT HEALTHY Help your clients harness this integral and ubiquitous tissue

By Kim Kraushar

How to help relieve tendinitis — or even prevent it

By Paula Wilbert



While more research is needed, the evidence is convincing

By Ryan Glatt



The what, why and how of integrating mindful movement into your repertoire

By Nora St. John, MS 4




elcome to this special issue dedicated to The Mind-Body Connection. While an integrated mind-body approach to training isn’t a new concept, we have seen an increasing demand for it. The word is out on the benefits of yoga, meditation, cryotherapy and other modalities, and today’s consumers are seeking to find out for themselves. But that’s not what is really driving this movement. We now have a much better understanding of the mind’s power to enhance the body and vice versa — what affects one affects the other. There is science and research that demonstrates this correlation. Now’s the time to put it into practice to improve our clients’, and our own, overall well-being. Making a more concentrated effort to focus on recovery and mindfulness is part of a fundamental shift in our industry that’s here to stay. We hope you enjoy this special issue and it inspires you to join the movement — if you haven’t already!

Erin Eagan


Paula Wilbert


How to help relieve tendinitis — or even prevent it By Paula Wilbert


ow are the New Year’s resolutions going? It’s easy to be overzealous in working out, especially when chasing a goal. If you find yourself or a client with an ache that won’t go away, the enthusiasm may have led to an injury. There may be a micro tear in a tendon or tendinitis, which is often caused from repetitive stress. Perhaps it developed over time by doing too many of the same movements or stretching excessively. So, watch out for a lot of burpees, sun salutations or overstretching in hot yoga. Tendinitis may also appear suddenly due to a high force on the muscle or rapid and jerky movement when doing kettle bells or lifting heavy weights. When your clients are building up strength and endurance remember that reduced muscle strength increases the stress on tendons and can lead to tendinitis. It’s important to deal with tendinitis as quickly as possible — the longer it persists the worse it may become and will take a longer time to heal. Plus, there is greater the chance of strains and other injuries due to overcompensation and reduced range of motion. Maybe an adaptation of the activity or exercise that was the culprit is all that’s needed. The most common places tendinitis occurs is at the base of the thumb where it connects to the wrist, the elbow, shoulder, hip, knee and Achilles tendon. The thumb and wrist aren’t areas thought of often. We use our hands and wrists in almost everything we do,



especially when we exercise. It’s almost impossible to strengthen your core and arms without using your hands, which can strain the tendons. Sure, we can modify our exercise sequence to avoid bearing weight on our hands. We can skip the dips and push-ups, do planks on our elbows and use light weights for our arm strengthening. But the results just aren’t the same. Look for products that help ease tension, help relieve tendinitis or even prevent it, such as Wrist Assured Gloves (WAGs). A tool for the wrist and thumb, WAGs provide support and decrease wrist extension, thus avoiding the strain on the tendons. Weight bearing on the patented wedged gel pad reduces wrist extension 15 degrees and takes stress off the joint. Without the strain of full extension while weight bearing, planks, push-ups and pikes are done in comfort. Remember to catch tendinitis early on when the pain is mild. Tendons and ligaments have reduced blood supply which

makes healing slower. RICE is always good to recommend — a bag of frozen peas works well for smaller areas like the thumb and wrist. An ice massage directly on the painful area is also very effective. To keep the pain in check, modifications may be needed as well as joint supports. Help your clients stay injury-free and coming back to see you!

Paula OTR/L, is the founder and president of Joint Protection Products. After a wrist injury, she was unable to support weight on her hands. Using her background as an Occupational Therapist she invented a therapeutic gel pad to solve her problem and Wrist Assured Gloves came to be. She holds US, Canadian and EU patents on the gel pad inside the gloves. Prior to being an entrepreneur, she worked as an Occupational Therapist in various settings focusing on pediatrics, head injury rehab and ergonomics. She has a BS from the University of Kansas.

Ryan Glatt


While more research is needed, the evidence is convincing By Ryan Glatt


n an era where neurological disorders and mental illness run rampant, effective and scalable non-pharmacological interventions are desperately needed. Luckily, science continues to demonstrate the efficacy of exercise-based interventions in improving cognitive, neurobiological and mental health outcomes in a variety of populations. Multiple modalities of exercise, such as aerobic training and resistance training, continue to demonstrate improvements in several measures associated with brain health. While aerobic exercise has received a majority of the spotlight over the past couple of decades, other forms of exercise have also moved to the forefront of the exercise-neuroscience literature. Mind-body exercise, referred to as “MBE� in research literature, is a sub-domain of exercise that often includes slower and lower-impact movements that can be initiated in sequences or choreographies of postures, stretches, movements and/or breathing patterns. MBE can include elements of rhythm, coordination, mindful awareness and focus. These integrated elements of MBE likely contribute its multifaceted benefits, while also positioning different types of MBE for potentially unique benefits on the brain. MBE can include yoga, TaiChi, QiGong, Pilates and other modalities that include such mind-body components.

The benefits of MBE can be understood at 3 levels. The "micro" level includes improvements in the neurotransmitters, neuronal, synaptic and vascular systems of the brain. The "macro" level refers to changes in neuronal networks, brain regions and functional brain networks. Changes at the behavioral level include changes in the cognitive and psychological systems. MBE positively affects the brain at all 3 of these levels of the brain, sometimes in specific ways. Areas of the brain responsible for emotional regulation, executive functions (higher level cognitive processes) and memory, are also positively affected by MBE. Research demonstrates that yoga can increase gray matter volume of temporal, prefrontal and limbic brain regions. In addition, various types of MBE including yoga and TaiChi, have been shown to improve executive functioning, attention, memory and language abilities. These benefits seem to be enhanced when combined with other modalities, such as aerobic exercise. MBE also has been shown to have positive effects on mental health. For instance, TaiChi has been hypothesized to modify the activity of connectivity of brain regions involved in mood regulation and depression, such as areas of the prefrontal cortex, the basal ganglia, the amygdala and regions in the parietal lobes. TaiChi is also thought to have

anti-inflammatory effects in the nervous system, while regulating the Autonomic Nervous System. MBE seems to have a positive effect on the Default Mode Network, which is affected in various mental illnesses such as depression and addiction. While more research is needed, the current evidence for MBE is both convincing and opportune. Comparative studies to further determine the unique benefits of different types of MBE are needed. Such findings would empower health and fitness professionals to program and recommend MBE for clients and local communities for specific outcomes. In the meantime, training, provision, and access to MBE should be a priority for the fitness, health and medical industries.

Ryan Glatt is a personal trainer and brain-health coach with over a decade of experience who currently practices brain-based strategies for cognitive enhancement at the Pacific Brain Health Center in Los Angeles. Ryan has undergone education from the Amen Clinics, the Neuroscience Academy, Academy for Brain Health & Performance and the Master's of Applied Neuroscience program at King's College. Ryan has created the Brain Health Trainer course, which is the first comprehensive course on the topic of brain health and exercise.


UNDERSTANDING FASCIA AND KEEPING IT HEALTHY Help your clients harness this integral and ubiquitous tissue

By Kim Kraushar




ver the last few years, there’s been a growing interest in fascia as more research has emerged about this amazing tissue’s importance to our everyday function and overall health. Made predominantly of collagen fibers and specialized cells that live in a gel-like fluid environment, this biological ‘fabric’ surrounds and invests muscles, nerves and organs, creates tendons, ligaments, aponeurosis and retinacula, and transmits forces efficiently throughout the body as long-chain myofascial continuities. It is found everywhere in the body, and is, in essence, what holds us together and, at the same time, separates us into definable parts. Despite our increasing knowledge of the fascial system, it is still difficult to define because it appears in many different forms in the body. It is also highly adaptable — and it changes in response to how we load and stimulate it. It can be a source of pain when it is immobilized and/or dehydrated, affecting movement efficiency and range of motion. Alternatively, it can be the driver behind free movement when it is fluid and flexible, helping in healing or regeneration. Research presented at the 5th International Fascia Research Congress in 2018, a global

and evaluate the body more effectively and customize programs that maximize results and potentially reduce injury. Q: How has knowing more about fascia improved your skills as an instructor and your work with clients?

or rehab patient. And it’s easy to remember the following key factors for healthy fascia because they apply to every type of training we do:  Change it up: Fascial tissue will adapt and get stronger as you load it. Make sure you add variety to your client’s programming,

Understanding how to train with consideration to the body’s fascial properties may prove to be the missing piece in a client’s progress. A: Instructors should always seek to increase

collaboration of multidisciplinary scientists and health care professionals, revealed many new and interesting insights about fascia. They discussed how fascia relates to biomechanics and injury prevention, how it might be leveraged to assist those with chronic low back pain and other diseases and how it might be modified to assist seniors with mobility and stability issues. Their research is also validating the benefits of alternative treatment methods, such as acupuncture, self-myofascial release, yoga, Pilates and tai-chi, catapulting fascia into the fitness world and the mainstream lexicon. There are several important factors fitness professionals need to know about fascia, and how they can incorporate fascial movement into their programming to better serve their clients. Q: What should fitness professionals know about how fascia applies to exercise? A: Understanding the properties of fascia

will help fitness professionals integrate fascial-focused training into any movement session. Healthy fascial tissue is well-hydrated, allowing for movement efficiency and optimal communication, ‘the glide and slide’ between neighboring tissues. A deeper understanding will allow instructors to see

their education and knowledge because it will help them build confidence and diversify their client offering. I recommend reading the science on the Fascia Research Society website ( and enrolling in workshops and courses that are specific to their movement field and beyond. For me, having this extra layer of understanding of the fascial web has enhanced the way I observe clients in motion and can lead to more client-customized exercise choices. Understanding how to train with consideration to the body’s fascial properties may prove to be the missing piece in a client’s progress, whether it’s improving performance or rehabbing an injury. As part of Merrithew’s programming team, we use scientific information to inspire creative movement strategies that can be implemented into any exercise environment. Q: What are some ways to keep fascia healthy? A: Because fascial tissue is diverse, training approaches are vast and varied — from playing with passive, slow myofascial release activities using a variety of props, such as soft balls or densely textured foam rollers, to more dynamic approaches like plyometric activities. Performing pendulum, or kettle bell-inspired motions, creates a traction effect that engages long myofascial chains and hydrates the fascial matrix. Swing patterns naturally inspire smooth, graceful, integrated movements that activate the entire body, and it’s through this high-quality movement that fascial training is achieved. Since fascia is found everywhere in the body, keeping it healthy is relevant to every client, whether they’re an athlete, older adult

so the tissue adapts to different movement patterns.  Move more: Healthy fascia thrives in a mobile body and remaining immobile for long periods causes fascial tissue to become dehydrated and less resilient. Encourage clients to move often throughout the day, even if it’s just by doing a bit of stretching after sitting for prolonged periods.  Address faulty posture habits: Faulty posture creates regions of chronic overload in the fascial tissues, which may also lead to dehydration, reduced resiliency and inefficient movement.  Don't forget recovery time: After intense bouts of activity, fascia tissues, like muscles, need recovery time. Make sure clients have 48-72 hours of lower intensity sessions and rest in between high intensity workouts. By better understanding fascia, you may be able to look at exercise through a whole different lens and program a more mindful movement experience for your clients.

Kim Kraushar is a Merrithew™ Master Instructor Trainer and owner of Merrithew Licensed Training Center, Interlude Spa, in Halifax, Canada. She’s an integral member of Merrithew’s programming and education team, with training in STOTT PILATES®, ZEN•GA®, CORE™, Halo® Training, Total Barre® and Merrithew Fascial Movement. She has a B.F.A./B. Ed. in Dance and a B.Sc. in Kinesiology. 2020 MIND-BODY MOVEMENT SUPPLEMENT | 9

EXPAND YOUR TRAINING TOOLBOX The what, why and how of integrating mindful movement into your repertoire | By Nora St. John, MS



indful movement is a popular term in the fitness world but how does it apply to your business? While many trainers think only yoga and Pilates are mindful movement, the principles are applicable to all forms of fitness from indoor cycling to high-intensity interval training to working with clients with injuries. Let’s take a look at what it

lessly and knowing exactly where your body needs to be in the moment is one way of describing mindful movement. Learning to pay attention to both physical sensations and mental state can enhance the benefits of exercise and help clients maintain their exercise programs. BENEFITS OF MINDFUL MOVEMENT

ness when combined with dietary changes can help with intentional weight stabilization and loss. 3. Decreased likelihood of injuries — When a person is paying attention, they are less likely to over-train or push their body beyond its limits. 4. Increased adherence to a training program and long-term retention — Mind-body

is, why it’s useful and how you can incorporate it into your training toolbox. Mindful movement is simple in concept. It means paying attention to what you are doing at the moment you are doing it. Many athletes, both amateur and competitive, talk about “hitting the zone” or “getting in the flow.” That feeling of moving effort-

According to current research, documented benefits of mindfulness while exercising include: 1. Enhanced athletic performance — It can lead to decreased stress and increased ability to manage negative emotions during training and performance. 2. Heightened weight maintenance — Mindful-

movement involves the class or client in the process of self-discovery, keeping users motivated to return. 5. Decreased feelings of stress, depression and anxiety — Mindful practices combined with movement are effective at increasing parasympathetic tone and minimizing negative feeling states.


WAYS TO ADD MINDFULNESS TO YOUR TRAINING PROGRAM Depending on the activity, mindfulness can take many different forms. When performing relatively slow, precise movements like yoga, Pilates or weightlifting, focusing on breath, form and physical sensation causes the client to fully experience the movement. By paying attention to each breath, clients are forced to tune in to the body several times a minute, keeping their minds focused on the movement. Cueing correct form and helping the client achieve it increases clients’ awareness of what the body is doing and how it is doing it. Focusing on physical sensation, such as where the weight is on the body or where they feel muscle activation is another way to tune in. If clients are doing a repetitive endurance sport such as running or cycling, zero in on what the body is doing for short bursts of time. Start with being fully present and focused for 10, 20 or 30 seconds, several times during the training period. Turn off the music, quiet the mind chatter and feel the body moving. Having

clients tune in to internal sensations provides information they can use in self-correction and following trainer’s cues. Encourage clients to pay attention to the following: a. Breath: Feel the breath moving in and out of the nose. Is the inhale or the exhale longer? Feel the movement of the ribs and the belly with the inhale and the exhale. b. Form: Notice the position of the pelvis and the alignment of the legs. Are they level and well-aligned or in need of correction? c. Physical sensation: How are the feet landing or the pedals moving? Listen to determine if the rhythm is the same on each side. If clients are in a fast-paced, competitive group environment like high-intensity interval training or CrossFit, add mindfulness by asking them to stay as present as possible during each exercise. Feel what the body is doing and pay attention to the amount of effort exerted. Focus on breath, form and sensation for the first 3 to 5 reps of an exercise and then increase the pace and focus on one or two el-

ements such as breath or one aspect of form. Connecting with your clients through mind, body and movement increases your ability to impact their performance and overall well-being. These results build respect, trust and longterm trainer-client relationships — and help attract new clients through word-of-mouth. For fitness professionals in today’s market, it’s a no-brainer to enhance your training and expand your business by going mindful!

Nora St. John, MS is Education Program Director at Balanced Body Education. Teaching Pilates since 1988, Nora creates teacher training courses in Pilates and Mind Body fitness modalities for Balanced Body. She holds degrees in Biology, Dance and Traditional Chinese Medicine and is the author of 15 teacher training manuals and several magazine articles. She is currently focused on creating educational experiences that are innovative, enlightening and effective.

By paying attention to each breath, clients are forced to tune in to the body several times a minute, keeping their minds focused on the movement.











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