PFP July/August 2016

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PRACTICES for your holistic business


The Fitness Professional’s Lifeline: A PFP 2016 6-part special series

JOURNEY TO SUCCESS Maria Turco: A gift that keeps on giving




of the

Year 2017



JUNE - Scott Keppel

JANUARY - Lisa Dougherty

Kurt Gillon Balanced Fit Life Atlanta, GA @Balancedfitlife

MAY - Farel Hruska


Sharan Tash TASH Fitness Skokie, IL @TASHFitness


APRIL - Jim White


MARCH - Ashlee Alfred


FEBRUARY - Stephen Holt


APPLY TO BE A 2016 TRAINER OF THE MONTH! The 2017 PFP Trainer of the Year will be selected from the 2016 Trainer of the Month winners. Visit to apply and for contest details.




president & publisher

chad griepentrog | audience development manager

rachel spahr | national sales director

susan malmanger | editor

lindsay vastola | managing editor

mike beacom | creative director

kelli cooke |

How to hire Pilates instructors Productivity, managing stress and pacing

Strategies for successful hiring. By Carly Porrello-Hamlette

13 best practices of self-care for fitness professionals. By Sean Greeley

POLL RESULTS What technology do you feel you know least about?


Exercise of the Week

9.6% 11.0% 13.7%

26.8% 38.6


Jump Start

by Brent Gallagher

Visit our website or YouTube channel to view weekly instructional videos from some of the most respected names in the fitness industry.


Client management software Social media

Editor’s Top 10

Live streaming video

Top 10 ways to declutter your business By Lindsay Vastola

Business and accounting technology Websites, SEO, online advertising

Career Builder by Josh Bowen


NEXT POLL Visit: to participate

Which do you integrate with your clients most often?


Functionally Fit by Brian Schiff

a. Yoga b. Meditation c. Pilates d. Tai Chi e. Other mindfulness practices




pfpmedia pfpmedia pfpmedia

contributing writers

josh bowen, lori kennedy, jenn pike, nick tumminello featured columnists

michelle blakely, greg justice, phil kaplan, jason karp, bedros keuilian

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Lindsay Vastola |

Mark Nutting |

The gift of hope

The layers of brain fitness Three grand essentials to happiness in this life are something to do, something to love, and something to hope for. - Joseph Addison

A few weeks ago, following the last session of a group program we offer at my studio, I noticed one of the participants waiting around for everyone else to leave. This was the one woman in the group who was the most difficult for me to read; I always found myself asking (internally) ‘Was she enjoying the program? Was she overwhelmed or excited by the information? Did she think it was a waste of her time?’ Other than the occasional nods and half-smiles during a session, she didn’t speak much or participate in an outgoing manner. Once the room cleared, she came over to me and gave me a hug. She then looked at me and said, “Thank you. I’ve learned so much, but perhaps the greatest gift you’ve given me is hope.” Many of us have pivotal moments that standout in our career. This was certainly added to my list. Hope. How profound a thought that we have the ability to give the gift of hope. And it is exactly that… a gift. In this issue, we explore the mind-body connection. More than yoga, Pilates or Tai Chi, to me, the mind-body connection is that moment someone awakens something inside of them that has been lost or buried: an awareness and a connectedness of self. They begin to see there is hope. Hope that has been lost for so long, for so many. At a core of what we do as fitness professionals is take the physical body and use it as a catalyst for discovering the best self within. Whether a new exerciser, a stellar athlete, a recovering cancer patient, someone coming back from injury, a child or an older adult, hope holds the power to motivate and inspire. In this issue: } Josh Bowen connects emotional intelligence with eliciting better results through more effective communication with our clients. } Have a yoga/Pilates or more holistic-focused business? Jenn Pike shares how to thrive and not just survive. } Maria Turco, sought-after industry consultant and innovator and founder of Honor Yoga, inspires us in our Journey to Success profile. “Three grand essentials to happiness in this life are something to do, something to love, and something to hope for.” Through fitness, we can do just that… give someone something to do, something to love and something to hope for. Mind-body connection at its best.

Legacy Award Winner Mark Nutting gives perspective on the impact of brain health on the body and how fitness professionals can integrate this technique with their client programs.

Do you incorporate any mind-body elements in your clients’ training programs? I think that the limited answer would be “not so much.” But that is if you think of mind-body as the particular styles of exercise that have been called mind-body (i.e. yoga, Pilates, tai chi). In a broader definition, having a mind-body connection or a mindfulness of your body, how it feels, moves, and where it is in three dimensional space, the answer would be “absolutely.” This attention to your body, posture and breath while exercising is integral to the quality of movement and draws mental focus away from external stressors, offering the meditative benefits of exercise. What training or education have you received to better understand the mind as it relates to working with your clients? In the past few years, I’ve had a strong interest in brain fitness (increasing the health and function of our brains). I have extensively researched and presented on the topic. Brain fitness elements include exercise, nutrition, stress management, cognitive stimulation and social connection. Personal trainers and group fitness instructors can enhance the brain fitness benefits of their clients by layering these elements into their sessions and classes. A great place to start your understanding of brain fitness would be by reading The SharpBrains Guide to Brain Fitness: How to Optimize Brain Health and Performance at Any Age by Fernandez, Goldberg and Michelon.

Committed to your success,

Trainer of the

Year 2016 JULY-AUGUST 2016 | WWW.FIT-PRO.COM | 5



Move the body, empower the mind


OTHER Columns 08 Treadmill Talk

Connecting mind and body By Greg Justice

09 Boost Your Business Fitness is not mind versus body By Bedros Keuilian

10 Top-Notch Training Get your mind right By Michelle Blakely

10 Education Connection


Mens sana in corpore sano

Journey To Success: Maria Turco

By Jason R. Karp

By Lindsay Vastola

30 Be Better

And the experts say‌ By Phil Kaplan

Departments 05 Letter from the Editor


The art of communication


Using emotional intelligence to elicit optimal results

The gift of hope

2016 SPECIAL SERIES: Client Attraction and Retention Understanding psychographics to attract and retain clients

By Josh Bowen

By Lori Kennedy


15 Education Trends

Think like a skeptic. Act like a trainer. Speak like a client. By Nick Tumminello

23 The Message Evan Osar

Create a thriving holistic business

Five tips to thrive not just survive By Jenn Pike

26 Exercise Spotlight Terra-Core by Vicore Fitness

28 New on the Market 29 Events Calendar




Connecting mind and body True wellness is only achievable when the mind and body are in sync. What happens to the mind affects the body and vice versa – as the cliché goes, “a sound mind and a sound body.” How can you connect the mind and the body to enable your whole self to be healthy and strong? What are the activities that can help you obtain optimum well-being? First and foremost, daily exercise. Thirty minutes of daily exercise is all it takes to help you look and feel stronger, healthier and more energized and youthful. It can also help you increase your level of serotonin (hormones that stabilize your mood), and steer you from negative thoughts that can affect you in a mental, emotional and physical way. Meditation also effectively connects your mind and body because it is able to restore balance between these two aspects of yourself. While in a meditative state, you are able to fully and deeply rest your body, while keeping your mind fully aware. The deeper you are able to go into a meditative state, the stronger your mind and body become. A balanced diet is fuel for mind and body. Different types of food give us different energy. While food is necessary for our physical survival, it also affects our thoughts and mood. Fruits and vegetables give us the vitamins and minerals we need; however, fast foods contain saturated fats, which can affect our physical health as well as our level or mental alertness. Keep yourself hydrated. In as much as your mobile phone must be charged in order to keep running, we too need something life-giving in order to keep going – water. Not only does water keep us functioning, helps rid us of waste and regulates our digestion, it literally makes up 70% of our brain. Get some quality sleep. Some people forego sleep for work or an active social life. However, if we consistently go below 7-9 hours of sleep, our mental and physical health can deteriorate. Quality sleep not only reduces cholesterol levels and stress, it also helps us stay alert during the times we are awake. Also, people who lose out on a good amount of sleep tend to be mentally exhausted and depressed. Substance abuse such as drugs and alcohol slowly poison both the mind and body. Addictions can be hard to let go of, especially if both your mind and body are so used to them that your whole self can go through withdrawal if the substances are taken away. So, take care of your mind as much as you take care of your body and vice versa, and remember that the stronger those two are, the stronger your whole self is.

Greg Justice, MA, CPT, is the founder of AYC Health & Fitness ( and the Corporate Boot Camp System ( He has been actively involved in the fitness industry for more than a quarter of a century as a club manager, owner, personal trainer and corporate wellness supervisor.




Fitness is not mind versus body The key to top performance in any field is to have your mind and body not only healthy, but also in balance. This is especially important in our industry, since we need to first model and then promote healthy living for our clients. Most people currently do not have this balance. Instead, they prioritize one over the other, slowing them down and lowering their quality of life.

MIND OVER BODY This is where a lot of your clients probably start out. They spend their lives becoming highly educated or climbing very high in the corporate world, which are great accomplishments and give them enough money to afford your training. However, because they spend all their time on intellectual work, most of them have let their body slide. That is why they need you to help them. Be careful, though, because this can also happen to you as your business grows. As you stop personally doing the training and focus on more high-level business work, it can be easy to get lazy with your nutrition and workouts. Avoid this. You still need to be a walking billboard for your business. BODY OVER MIND This is something I see constantly with personal trainers. I see people who are in stunning, god-like physical condition who nonetheless cannot make any progress in their business. Why? Because they struggle when interacting with people, and they let their self-doubt sabotage all their good work and intention. In other words, they do not have control over their own minds. They have not done the tough but necessary mind work that is a prerequisite for top performance. You will occasionally see clients run into a similar problem. For example, you might be training a woman who is making good progress but cannot seem to recognize and appreciate her results. She may become fanatical about eating “clean� (which is not the same as eating healthy) and she may become judgmental of other people who are less strict about their health. When you see this happening, you have an opportunity to empower that client and coach them on how to have a healthy mindset and not let their insecurities control their personality. Find ways to model total mind-body wellness in your own life, then show this to your clients. That way you can differentiate yourself as a top performer and have a better life and business.

Bedros Keuilian is the founder of the franchise Fit Body Boot Camp and an online fitness marketing expert. Between his information products and his live coaching programs, he has helped many fitness professionals build 6- and 7-figure businesses. Visit his website at




Michelle Blakely |

Jason Karp, PhD l

Get your mind right

Mens sana in corpore sano

“Get your mind right.” Usually placed near the end of a workout, during an exercise I despise, this comment is one of my personal trainer’s favorites. It’s unclear to me exactly what he wants me to think of in that moment, but it personally elicits the exact response I need. I stop thinking about how much it hurts, how tired I am or my mental distractions. I switch my thoughts to overcoming, positive affirmations and channeling any frustration into power. My muscles didn’t get any stronger in that moment. My nervous system didn’t develop faster pathways. Simply put, the frustration in my mind is redirected to thoughts that are useful and then, ultimately, the physical work feels easier. It is awesome. You, I suspect, are well-versed in this application with clients’ workouts and your own. I wonder though, how many of us are using this tool as professionals? Do we address our mindset in easing some of the burden of a professional dilemma? There are obstacles in your career that continue to wear on you. But it doesn’t have to be that way. We hold firm to paradigms because, at some point, they worked for us. But maybe they are not working anymore. Could a simple shift in mindset be useful? Let’s take an example: “I’m not earning enough to make ends meet but I can’t change my payment structure because I might lose a client.” Insert a gentle, “Get your mind right” and let’s see where we land. Fact: The hard truth is, you are right. You probably will lose a client when you raise your rates. The key is to accept it and find a way to make it work. Any significant change will cause certain clients to leave; they were going to leave anyway. That was inevitable. Accepting the probable allows you to let go of your convenient catch-22 rationale and opens the door to earning more money every week and month ahead of you. Solution: Step one, do the math. Add up what you would earn with your new rate with one or two less clients over the same period of time that you have been avoiding raising your rates. (This might sting a bit.) Then, develop a proactive, simple plan to replace those clients you lost. Raising your rates and earning your worth is invigorating and actually expected by educated customers. That energy and ease can be brought to your business. It is difficult to push ourselves through change. However, when we “get our mind right” the hurdle of moving forward is more easily dismantled. And a more enjoyable or lucrative future lies on the other side.

If the fitness industry were ever asked to come up with a slogan, a frontrunner would likely be a famous line borrowed from the ancient Roman poet Juvenal: “Mens sana in corpore sano”—a sound mind in a sound body. Many fitness professionals seem to support this sentiment with a zeal that approaches the fanatical. The fitness industry is buzzing with “mind-body exercise.” Every conference now offers mind-body sessions and gyms offer mind-body classes with eager instructors helping people to find their chakras. It may have taken us a long time, but we recognize that fitness is as good for our minds as it is for our bodies. Through exercise, we fulfill our destiny as physical beings, and on the foundation of a fitter physical being, we can build a sharper mind and better life. And so, too, is the converse: When we don’t exercise, our minds deteriorate. Research shows that people who exercise think better and more creatively than those who don’t exercise. When I can’t run because of injury or illness, it affects both my body and mind. My biggest disappointment that comes from not running, and from the accompanying loss of fitness, is the existential crises and near-depression that mounts. I’ve always seen myself as someone working on being the complete package of a sound mind in a sound body. Running is a huge part of me, but I struggle with it not being all of me. On days that I don’t run, which are few and far between, I feel guilty, like I missed out on something important. I suppose this falls within the realm of addiction, and I guess others would say I’m addicted to running. My addiction to running speaks to something very important in our industry—that the body and mind are intimately connected. Philosophers as far back as the ancient Greeks recognized a difference between mind and matter. Plato believed that the mind is the only true reality, the thing of greatest worth, that ideas are implanted in the mind before they are embedded in the body. Aristotle believed the two are intertwined. There can be no matter without mind, he proposed, and no mind without matter. Exercise blends our minds and matter, enabling us to think and become our thoughts. One cannot be obtained without the other. That is, perhaps, the most valuable thing we can give to our clients. When we exercise, we are living the life we are supposed to live and carrying out what Aristotle called the “actus primus,” the first actuality, of our bodies. Exercise takes us beyond Aristotle and transcends our flesh and our physical efforts, connecting us to the immortal part of ourselves that science and its neuroimaging techniques have been unable to touch.

Michelle Blakely’s company, See Jake and Jane Train, cures the business headaches of personal trainers and studios. Twice named the city’s best trainer by the Chicago Reader, Michelle pens columns, speaks at training groups, and gets tapped as a go-to source by media outlets like Good Housekeeping, Prevention and Enjoy a complimentary gift at



Jason Karp is the creator of the REVO2 LUTION RUNNING™ certification, 2011 IDEA Personal Trainer of the Year, and recipient of the 2014 President’s Council on Fitness, Sports & Nutrition Community Leadership Award. A PhD in exercise physiology, he has more than 200 publications, mentors fitness professionals, and speaks around the world. His sixth book, The Inner Runner, is available in bookstores and Amazon.


THAT KEEPS ON GIVING Making a life by what she gives



Journey to Success


he describes herself as a mother, wife, yogi, entrepreneur, CEO and business leader. In over 20 years of working in health and fitness, there isn’t a part of the industry Maria Turco hasn’t been a part of, worked in, mentored or impacted. Here is a glimpse into Maria’s journey to success…


President and founder of Honor Yoga, fitness industry entrepreneur, consultant and speaker



Rider University



“We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.”

CONTACT INFO: Email: LinkedIn: mariaparrellaturco

At 16 years old and 60 pounds overweight, Maria Turco began her start in the industry at the front desk of what was then the Living Well gym in Hopewell Valley, New Jersey. At one point the owner told her that she had to teach a class. She instructed Slide and Step aerobics classes to what she calls, “crazy choreography.” The club was the first - yes, the first in the U.S. - to offer Les Mills Body Pump classes. Maria was one of the first instructors to teach off of “Tape 1” of the very first Body Pump workout release… a fun fact about which she is quite nostalgic. After spending time in different roles, she started managing clubs in Chelsea Piers, New York City. By her early 30s, she realized she had gained valuable experience in all parts of the fitness industry, she was selftaught on how to make a business profitable and started to get a lot of questions from club owners. Ninety percent of the industry at that time were still mom-and-pop gyms and they were seeking help as the industry began to shift towards consolidation. By 2001, she became a co-founder and senior partner of New Paradigm Partners, a

By Lindsay Vastola

brokerage, management and consulting firm specific to the health and fitness industry. In 2003, she purchased the Eclipse fitness club in Green Brook, New Jersey and subsequently partnered in four Crunch Fitness franchises in New Jersey and New York. As if this resume isn’t impressive enough, she then founded fitRewards in 2005 seeing the need to offer health and fitness facilities a reward and loyalty program that has helped hundreds of fitness businesses increase referrals, improve attrition and create more revenue.

A DETERMINED DHARMA Though Maria shifted much of her professional time from Step Aerobics and Body Pump classes to consulting and managing her businesses, the common thread is that teaching is at the heart of all she does in each of her roles. She is driven by a strong desire to help and give back by applying all she has learned over her years of experience. Her current focus is perhaps the perfect culmination of her desire, strengths, gifts and what she believes is her dharma, or mission. Eight weeks after her best friend died of cancer she received her yoga teacher training. She was approached by a friend who asked her to help her open a yoga studio. She proposed to Maria that she would focus on the yoga part, but it would be Maria’s gift of business and experience that would make it a success. And so, Honor Yoga was born in Hamilton, New Jersey in 2013. Flash forward less than three years and there are now 10 Honor Yoga locations and a working focus in motion to open franchises nationally.




Maria’s dharma is not driven by financial gain as a first objective. She has created a business model that helps yogis run a fulfilling and sustainable business, one that also supports the growth of strong communities. “With the creation of Honor,” Maria explains, “I have taken my experience and applied it to a network of community-based yoga studios where people can come to care for their bodies, their minds and their spirits through a holistic and fulfilling yoga practice.” In a world where fitness has become so often too retail and transactional, Maria’s approach with Honor Yoga exemplifies the perfect combination of heart, compassion and the necessary keen business sense to become successful and perhaps more importantly, remain sustainable; a challenge many well-intentioned yoga practitioners and fitness professionals are all too familiar with. With Maria’s insight and expertise, just as she’s achieved with some of the most influential fitness clubs, she has worked with yogis and studio owners to triple and even quadruple their business and successfully brand and market to drive more traffic, creating thriving



businesses for themselves and by extension their communities.

ADVICE FROM THE INSIDE As is evident with her breadth of experience, Maria has been closely involved in nearly every aspect of the industry. With the evolution of health clubs increasingly consolidating, and the independent, middle-market clubs diminishing, the market seems to be splitting into two categories: the low price/ high-volume clubs and the high value/boutique facilities. She attests this is a great time for independent trainers since the market is ready and willing to pay for higher-value services. The key, she says, is to develop a strong brand that will stand up against consolidated, middle-market brands like Crossfit and Orange Theory. This is especially important if one doesn’t have strong business, sales and marketing experience.

THE MOST IMPORTANT THING When asked how she balances her drive and sustainability with her roles as mom, wife, CEO, volunteer and leader, she says the key

for her is to answer the question, “what is the most important thing I can do in each role this week.” By being purposeful about accomplishing this weekly, it keeps her balanced and ensuring that she’s not looking back years later and saying she wishes she did this or that. The most important thing is to never feel like a victim; take charge of your life and don’t let it take charge of you.

THE GIFT THAT KEEPS ON GIVING Maria’s resume of experience over the last 20plus years is without question impressive. Multiple successful businesses and a quickly growing yoga studio franchise is undoubtedly proof of her business savvy, love of the industry and keen sense of our industry. However, perhaps the less obvious accomplishment, one that can’t always be quantified on a resume, is her impact. Her genuine commitment to giving is evident in the success of the business owners she’s helped elevate, the clubs and studios she’s helped grow that in turn serve their communities and create meaningful change in people’s lives. Maria Turco is certainly a gift to our industry that keeps on giving.

EDUCATION TRENDS Nick Tumminello |

Think like a skeptic. Act like a trainer. Speak like a client. How we think, how we act and how we communicate all determine how successful we are as fitness professionals. Here’s why fitness professionals should use the philosophy of Think like a skeptic, act like a trainer and speak like a client. Think like a skeptic Training is the art of applying the science. And, in science there are experts, but there are no authorities. Therefore no one is above questioning because no one is too smart or too experienced to hold false beliefs. This is why it is far more dangerous to assume people (including yourself and people in leadership and teaching roles) know what they are talking about, than it is to assume they are unaware of their own ignorance, and let them prove you wrong by listening to what they have to say and by politely asking questions. Such as: How do you know? What is your evidence for this? What do the world’s scientists/experts have to say about this? Do they agree or disagree with you? Skeptics aren’t people who don’t believe anything. They believe lots of things, as long as there is sufficient reason and evidence to believe based on how those basic questions are answered. For example: Sufficient evidence to justify (provisional) belief would be claims that have the following marks of good science: } It has been published in a peer-reviewed journal. } It is backed up by experiments that have generated enough data to convince other experts of its legitimacy. } It does not fly in the face of the broad existing body of scientific knowledge.

a part of their training, not some allegiance you have to a given training method or a fanaticism about certain types of exercises (barbell exercises, kettlebell exercises, stability ball exercises, etc.). Speak like a client “Exercise is medicine.” But we are all much more likely to take our medicine when the medicine tastes good to us. Speaking like a client means tailoring our language in order to make the medicine taste good to each client. It means meeting each client where they are and give them the respect they deserve by speaking to them in ways that they can related to, get excited about and buy into. For example: Let’s say we’re using a leg complex with 10-12 repetitions of split squats, reverse lunges, single leg step-ups and split squat jumps. For a serious athlete, you can say it is for “Power Endurance” to help them develop “legs that won’t quit.” For a female recreational exercise enthusiast who’s looking to improve her physical appearance, you might call this a “Lower-body Sizzler” and tell her it is to help “accelerate her metabolism” and “help improve the shape of her legs.” All of those stated benefits of doing that leg complex are true. You’re simply emphasizing the particular benefit of a given exercise application that will resonate most with each individual. Speaking like a client is simply making an effort to make the medicine taste good to each individual client so they can get excited about their training programs. If they are excited about what they are doing, clients are much more likely to put more effort into the sessions. Not to mention, they are also more inclined to stick around, and that is good for both the client and the fitness professional.

Whereas insufficient evidence that do not warrant (provisional) belief would be claims that have the following marks of bad science: } Comes from overconfident fringe experts who speak dismissively of mainstream science. } Claims to have knowledge no one else has or knowledge the “establishment” doesn’t want you to hear. } Provides data that takes the form of anecdotes, testimonials and/ or studies of only one person. Act like a trainer The job of fitness professionals is to put the current best evidence to work on the training floor by providing their clients with the best training direction to take based on the client’s goals and needs – not based on the trainer’s specialty or bias. Put simply, there are fitness professionals and fitness hobbyists. Fitness hobbyists try to get other people excited about their pet hobby, regardless of their individual goals, while the fitness professionals fit the workout program to the client’s goal, not to the trainer’s specialty or bias. Acting like a trainer means conducting yourself like a fitness professional. In other words, when it comes to good program design, acting like a trainer means that you don’t go from methods down; you go from principles up. For example, the principle of specificity dictates that the client’s goal(s) ultimately determines the exercises that need to be

Nick Tumminello is known as the “Trainer of Trainers.” He’s the owner of Performance University, which provides practical fitness education for fitness professionals worldwide, and is the author of the book Strength Training for Fat Loss. Nick has produced 15 DVDs, is a regular contributor to several major fitness magazines and websites, and writes a widelyrecognized blog at

Certification and continuing education organizations American Aerobic Assoc. International (AAAI)

American Council on Exercise (ACE)

Functional Aging Institute (FAI)

National Federation of Professional Trainers (NFPT)


National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA)


SCW Fitness Education


By Josh Bowen

THE ART OF COMMUNICATION Using emotional intelligence to elicit optimal results


arry King said, “I remind myself every morning: Nothing I say this day will teach me anything. So if I’m going to learn, I must do it by listening.” This quote is vital to live by for today’s fitness professionals. We live in the age of excess and instant gratification where everyone is inundated with marketing messages and very few are “listening” to the consumer. Most services are sold instead of bought; there is a huge difference, especially in fitness. As fitness professionals, our communication skills and the ability to listen to our clients, authentically, separates the good from the great.



As fitness professionals, we often become the only positive influence in our clients’ lives. We become part of their inner circle and become more than a trainer. We essentially become their best friend and confidant. This is a responsibility, especially when dealing with new, rookie trainers and with trainers who lack communication skills. Think about a special time when you’ve been powerfully influenced by someone – maybe a speaker, teacher, coach or manager. Were you impacted by just their words alone? Would you have been just as excited if you read their words in a memo, as opposed to being in this person’s actual presence? For

most people, the answer is “no.” The reason for this is that there are three primary components of communication. 1. Speech: the words we use. However, this actually represents only a small component of the message we communicate. 2. Physiology: how we communicate through our body language. 3. Tonicity: how we say something (tone, inflection, volume, etc.). Tonicity provides the majority of the message we communicate. Failure to be consistent in your body language, voice inflection and intended message

How do I better understand the world around my client and thus better understand my client’s emotions and body language? people’s emotions. For fitness professionals, it more specifically means the ability to understand our clients as individuals better in order to motivate them to achieve their fitness goals.

EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE AND COMMUNICATION Emotional intelligence, unlike personality and IQ, is a developable skill. Many emotional intelligence experts have found that those with higher emotional intelligence experience greater career success, are able to manage stress more effectively, have more meaningful relationships, have a heightened sense of self and are better able to navigate challenging relationships or interactions because they approach these situations through a lens of empathy. Having a higher emotional intelligence also makes business skills like selling, marketing and public speaking far more effective. Exercising emotional intelligence when communicating with your clients will empower you to become a more successful professional, particularly when you focus on these five areas in your relationships with clients: 1. Respect 2. Shared experiences 3. Trust 4. Reciprocity 5. Mutual enjoyment

can create a less-than-optimal experience for individuals with whom we are communicating. It can also impact our credibility. The question then arises for the fitness professional eager to create more meaningful relationships with their clients and potential clients, as well as elicit better results: “How do I better understand the world around my client and thus better understand my client’s emotions and body language?” How do we better understand their situations, be more empathetic and be able to pull the best out of every client? The answer is through the awareness and development of Emotional Intelligence (often referred to as EI or EQ). By definition, emotional intelligence is to be intelligent about other

Success with a client is not solely based on the results of the workouts you deliver. You and your client will experience more meaningful results and success when your relationship is founded on the above five areas of communication. By working to develop a deeper understanding of your clients’ emotions, you will build longer-term and more loyal relationships.

in order to elicit the desired outcome. Male communication styles tend to be more direct and lack emotion, whereas women tend to lean toward a communication style that is more abstract and emotional. It is very important for trainers to recognize the differences and adjust their communication style to their client as necessary. When men communicate with men in a fitness setting, it is often direct and without emotion. Simply asking, “What are your goals?” or stating, “This is how we are going to do this exercise” or “Do 20 more squats.” These interactions comes off as normal conversation for most men in the fitness setting. Communicating with women, on the other hand, integrating a component of emotion and feelings will often lead to a more meaningful response. A simple direct question may not suffice. Engage by asking “What is your goal and why is this important to you?” Or “How was your day today and what was the best part?” Incorporating more emotion into the conversation will likely be more successful in getting the result or answer you’re looking for. Communication will be a catalyst for growth and success, or it can be a recipe for disaster. Learning how best to communicate with each individual client will serve us best in our job as a fitness professional. As part of your own self-development, challenge yourself to heighten your own emotional intelligence, put it into practice in your own self-awareness, communication and relationships and watch how it impacts you and your clients.

Josh “JB” Bowen is a fitness professional



plished personal trainer. He serves as the owner of his

CASE STUDY OF EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE IN PRACTICE: MALE AND FEMALE COMMUNICATION It is fairly common knowledge that males and females communicate differently. In our industry, where training relationships may be male-training-female or vice-versa, it is imperative to recognize the differences in communication styles

own training studio, Aspire Fitness but he much more than a personal trainer. He engrains himself into his client’s lives and he sees their struggles and accomplishments, their wins and losses. He has been a consultant, big box operator and was a global finalist for the 2013 Life Fitness Personal Trainer to Watch contest.


EDUCATION RESOURCE CENTER Education and certification opportunities for fitness and mind-body professionals

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For information on how to get listed in the Education Resource Center, please contact

Part 4 of PFP’s 2016 Special Six-Part Series: The Fitness Professional’s Lifeline: Client Attraction and Retention

By Lori Kennedy



ave you ever had the experience of marketing your fitness business - maybe you are hosting a workshop, a mini-challenge or a three-day trial - and no one responds? You’ve spent money on both print and Facebook ads hoping that they would work to bring in traffic and… nothing. Crickets. Is it that no one is interested in slimming down, getting healthier and building muscle? We know that’s not the case. So what’s happening? Why are your marketing efforts falling flat? Why is it that you can’t figure out how to attract a steady stream of clients who want to commit to doing the work and value the investment in their own health? It’s likely because you aren’t using psychographics in your marketing communications.



You aren’t using language that hits the emotional hot spots of your ideal clients. Instead you are promoting the name and features of the program – things like the number of sessions, the equipment being used and the price. If you want to attract and retain a steady stream of ideal clients who pay you what you are worth without objection, then it is time to dive deep into learning about your clients’ psychographics so that your marketing deeply resonates and motivates them to give you an on the spot “YES.” Before diving into explaining psychographics and give you strategies to define them, we need to take one step back and first talk about your ideal client profile. Only after you have an ideal client profile will you be able to create a client psychographic profile to be used in all of your marketing and content efforts.

What is an ideal client profile? Think back to when you decided to start your business. Why did you want to start your business? It is safe to assume that the reason you decided to go out on your own and start up your business was not solely to make money. You feel a deep purpose to create something that would help other people. Who are those people? Who do you want to help? Who do you want to connect with and be of service to? An ideal client profile is an in-depth word picture describing the demographics and psychographics of the one type

of client you want to attract and work with in your training business. This profile gives you a deep level of understanding of your client’s life, their way of thinking, their values, their challenges, their hopes, fears and visions for their future. Drilling down to the core of what makes your ideal client tick is where all of the client attraction and sales conversion magic happens. There are 5 phases to creating an ideal client profile: Phase 1: Where is your dream client right now, at the first point of contact? Phase 2: Where does he/she desire to be or what’s the dream goal? Phase 3: What’s holding them back from achieving the dream goal or desire? Phase 4: What’s the ‘why now’ trigger? Phase 5: And if he/she does nothing what’s that going to cost him/her? When you take the time to really understand your dream client you will be able to truly empathize with her. You’ll be able to walk in her shoes and communicate with her on such a deep, soul-to-soul level that she will feel like you are telling her story or talking directly to her. She will feel understood and she will want to work with you. What are psychographics? Demographics describe WHO your clients are: age, gender, geographic location, marital status, profession, their annual income and maybe even their favorite color. Psychographics describe your clients’ WHY: their worldview, their habits, their buying decisions, their motivation, their fears, their challenges, their life goals and dreams. Understanding your ideal client’s psychographics means that you have taken the time to understand them, you have learned what makes them tick, what keeps them awake at night and what their biggest dreams are. Learning client psychographics means you are able to truly empathize with them. You are able to step into their shoes, feel what they feel and use that clarity to communicate to them in an authentic way. Here’s an example: Client demographics: Age: 42 Gender: Female Marital Status: Married with 2 children Profession: Bookkeeper Household Income: $100,000+ per year Geographic Location: Suburbia Client Psychographics: } Believes that in order to lose weight



} } } }


she must severely restrict herself and not eat carbs. She talks herself into “being good” during the week and then binges on the weekend. She feels extremely guilty when she binges and tells herself that she’s a bad person. She’s deeply embarrassed about her body, specifically her tummy, and can’t stand being naked in front of her husband so she hides herself and that is affecting their sex life. She thinks she’s weak because she has no will power. She doesn’t really believe that anything will work for her because she’s tried it all. She would do anything at this point to be ‘skinny.’ She knows that if she does nothing she’ll end up getting fatter and probably have diabetes like her mother and that scares her. She so badly wants to feel good in her body, she wants to feel sexy and she wants her husband to tell her how sexy she is.

Can you feel the difference? When you only target clients based on their demographics the marketing feels cold and empty. Yet when you communicate your clients’ darkest fears and deepest desires the marketing feels supportive and compelling. How to create a client psychographic profile Getting a clear picture of client psychographics can be tricky, especially if you’ve never been through the experiences and challenges that your ideal clients face. Below are two of the easiest methods to really dive into your ideal clients’ psychology. Method #1: Interview ideal clients (existing clients) Think of your favorite client - how amazing would it be to only work with 20 people just like him or her. Well, that is what happens when you do the work to define your ideal client profile and use psychographics in your marketing strategies and sales systems. Ask your favorite client if you could interview them. Make sure that you audio record the session because you’ll want to capture their exact words as you’ll be using those exact words in your blogs, marketing pieces and during your sales consults. Questions to ask: } Where does he/she spend their free time? What social media platforms are they on? What magazines do they read? What blogs do they read?

Here’s a glimpse into what to expect in our exclusive six-part series: Part 1 (January-February)

Out of the gate: Strategies to attract and convert your first clients

Part 2 (March-April)

Your funnel to your success: Create a predictable sales funnel

Part 3 (May-June)

Keep the momentum: Continually attract, retain and get referrals

Part 5 (September-October)

Have them from “hello:” A client experience like no other

Part 6 (November-December) Marketing systems made easy

For sponsorship opportunities of this Six-Part Special Series, contact

} What motivated them to want to work with you? Why then? What was the trigger? } What fears did he/she have around working with you? } What was going well in his/her life? } What was not going well in his/her life? } What are his/her goals? Why are they important? Why do they matter? How does he/she want to feel when they achieve their goals (self-identity)? } What’s stopping him/her from achieving their goals: Fears, self-sabotage, lack of support, money, overwhelm? } What would happen if he/she doesn’t achieve her goals? What would happen to his/her confidence? Marriage? Financially? Health-wise?


} If he/she could pop a magic pill that would transform their life, what would their new life look and feel like? TIP: You want to get to the real answers, the answers that are hard to speak out loud, so when your client gives you an answer that you feel isn’t deep enough ask: “why does that matter?” Continue to ask that same question until you get the deep, real answer. You’ll know it when they say it. Method #2: Read Amazon book reviews Pick the top 10 books you think your ideal client is most likely to read. They should be specific to health, mindset and/or lifestyle. The comments are filled with people sharing their deep, emotional stories. The comments reveal how people feel about the topic at hand. The other thing the comments can reveal are the aspects missing from the book that the ideal clients would find helpful. You’ll gain a tremendous amount of insight from reading book comments. 3 ways to use psychographics in your marketing Now that you know a lot more about your



ideal client you will be able to market your business in the right places. Use the information you collected from your ideal client psychographic profile to create new content and marketing campaigns that attract your ideal clients. } Take the top 5 challenges you know your ideal client has and turn each into a video or blog post, sharing one specific strategy to overcome that challenge. } Create an email marketing campaign that vulnerably reveals that you were once where they are and share how you overcame that painful time. If you’ve never had that experience then use a client’s experience to tell the story. } Create a multi-day challenge that solves ONE problem your ideal client has. The problem you are promising to solve should be directly related to the bigger problem you are solving with your training programs. The challenge is something you can run over and over again and will help you to attract the right types of clients. Create daily content that is easy for the prospect to do, giving them a mini win each day.

They’ll increase their confidence and love you for it. The bottom line is this… we all just want to feel heard, understood and supported. It is your responsibility as the expert to demonstrate that you ‘get’ your ideal client. When you can do this effectively, you likely will no longer have any issues with client attraction or retention.

Lori Kennedy is a Toronto-based nutritionist, health and wellness business expert, online strategist and mother of two who works with health practitioners, healers, coaches and fit pros who want to start up and grow their purpose-driven businesses. She’s a published author and acclaimed speaker with a real-world approach to entrepreneurism. For more personal development and professional training join her FREE Facebook community called The Wellness Business Hub. You can also follow her on Instagram @lorikennedyinc.

THE MESSAGE Website: | Facebook: / | Twitter: @evanosar

Dr. Evan Osar has a gift for getting people excited about movement. Dr. Osar is a nationally recognized industry speaker, author (Corrective Exercise Solutions to Common Shoulder and Hip Dysfunction and Functional Anatomy of the Pilates Core), founder of Fitness Education Seminars and developer of Integrative Movement Specialist certification. Here’s how Dr. Osar shares his message to inspire movement… My ideal clients are fitness professionals that work with the aging adult population and want to be known as ‘the movement solution to the healthcare crisis’ by helping their clients develop more ideal posture and movement strategies. My message is that there is no better profession than the fitness profession to help educate and empower the aging adult to take control of their own health care and ultimately provide them with an individualized plan for living an active and productive life. If I had only one way to share my message it would be Facebook and blog posts, written and in video format. This is a great way to reach a lot of individuals, however, nothing inspires greater action and connection with the speaker than experiencing a live talk or workshop. Successful messaging educates and empowers. It is inspiration, an internal call-to-action that enables the individual to go beyond the comfort of their current habits, endure the challenges and overcome the obstacles so that they attract their ideal reality. People follow me because I provide perspective. I help fitness professionals envision what success looks like, distill down the important points into key principles, and then provide a plan for getting to where they want to go and for inspiring positive change in their clients’ lives.


Create a thriving


By Jenn Pike


“A sale happens when the prospect associates the action of buying with tremendous pleasure, and the action of not buying with tremendous pain.” - Anthony Robins or years salesmen have worked to find creative ways, to overcome objections, and find productive ways to close as many sales as possible. If you have tried to overcome objections before, or talk people into buying your service, you also know how uncomfortable and ineffective this can be. The idea of going back and forth haggling with a prospect over prices and objections with a goal of getting them to buy can feel pretty extreme. That is also why these ancient sales techniques are becoming obsolete, especially in the world of fitness and personal training. By better understanding certain factors of psychology and behavior, we can begin to take a much more effective approach to sales. First, it’s important to understand what objections really are, and where they come from. Beginning to understand this concept will then allow you to recognize why they come up and how to “overcome them.”

FAMILIAR OBJECTIONS There are yogis and holistic health practitioners who have launched successful careers that were



profitable within a few months and those who have struggled to pay the bills even after years of teaching. Instructors who have waiting lists for privates and those who have had to pick up shifts tending bar after their classes. As more and more teachers are graduating from the increasing number of yoga teacher training programs – there are a lot of mistakes. A lot of stumbling, frustration and disappointment. In a 2012 Yoga in North America Research Study of 800+ yoga teachers surveyed, only 22.3% of those surveyed claimed yoga as their only profession and 83.5% are teaching yoga part-time. Another study from the Bureau of Labor Statistics shows that while the average yoga teacher salary is $35,000, 50% of yoga teachers earn less than $31,000 and 75% never break $46,000. Only the top 10% of yoga teachers make more than $63,000 per year. Why is this? What do the top 10% in the business know that you don’t and how have they made a full-time teaching or business gig out of their knowledge? Here are five tips for creating a holistic business that is thriving instead of surviving:


Be authentic. Be you. There is nothing worse than when a teacher is trying to sound like, teach like or be like someone they are not. It’s easy to get caught up in the excitement of a course or a workshop you have taken or a certain teacher’s style that you love, but if you try to copycat this it will end up awkward, disingenuous and become an energy leak for you to sustain. Be YOU. There is only one you and that is incredible; celebrate this and share who you are more than what you actually do. By that I mean for you to think about all of the reasons, the passion and joy that have brought you to this place of teaching or running a business. Why do people love you? Is it your loving words? Do you make everyone feel like they matter when they walk through your studio doors? Are your classes fun and engaging? Do you play the best music, create the best butt-burning series or heart-opening flows? What is it about you that attracts people in? No discount, promotion or copycat class will do for your business what true authenticity can.


Inspire during your class. Offer something dynamic. If you were to ask a group of instructors to describe how they teach a class, many would say “I take my students through a series of specific postures and breathing exercises and cue them on how to perform them correctly. I remind them to breathe, to let go and to honor their bodies, both on and off their mat.” If you were to ask the 10% who are leading thriving businesses, you would likely hear something very different. You would hear something like, “I ensure that every single being who comes through the doors knows how incredible and important they are and that they believe in their body’s ability and potential. I teach them how to deconstruct their yoga and/or Pilates flow so that instead of just going through a series of movements they actually learn how to engage their body and muscles properly. They start to learn landmarks and their own unique anatomy and body structure. I teach them the gift of knowing that what happens on their 2x6 mat is only a drop in the bucket compared to what they will take with them off their mats and into their lives and the world around them. I select specific songs for my playlist that evoke joy, laughter, excitement, reflection, belief, personal power and a deep knowing of how truly incredible they are. I share my own truths, stories and experiences while they move their bodies and get them thinking more profoundly and to ask bigger questions. I challenge their bodies. I ask them to dig deep. I ask them to do the work that’s needed to be done to discover their why. I also make them drip in sweat and feel that they have achieved both the movement class they were looking for but also the inspiration they were craving.”


You are building relationships, not just bodies. Many people would say that your business is about building bodies and while there is definite truth to that, your business is actually about building relationships. Make a point to know every member’s name, career, hobbies, kids’ names and interests, what brought them to your space and what they hope to achieve. Do the same with your staff. Choose to lead from a place of caring about the people first. Can you build killer bodies and offer strength, symmetry,


Yoga and group classes alone will not pay the bills. You must create additional revenue streams. Most studios will not thrive in an environment where matbased group classes are the only source of revenue. You must offer a variety of classes and workshops, possibly a Yoga Teacher Training (YTT) program if you have the expertise and passion to. Bring in a few holistic practitioners to rent space from your studio for three reasons: 1) Their rent will help to cover your costs; 2) You will begin to create a one-stop shop for members and offer a level of simplicity where they can flow from their class to


Create a team that is aligned with your vision and values. Be very picky with whom you choose to align, add to your team and bring into your space. The best resume does not necessarily show if their personality does not align with yours, if they create drama, are unreliable and unpredictable or not a quality teacher. Sit with them, create a unique interviewing process with the key questions, demonstrations, training and probation periods that are aligned with your core values – not only your core business values, but how you function as a human in life. You want to ask yourself, “Would I be inspired being taught by this person?” “Do I feel

balance and resiliency within your walls? Absolutely, but the reason your members will keep coming back is not because of downward dog or sun salutations, pigeon pose or a Pilates glute series. It is because when they walk through your doors they come alive and feel welcomed into their second home. Foster a tribe and ask yourself why it feels so good to be in your particular place to make it happen. Why wouldn’t your clients simply follow a DVD or do it on their own? The answer: there is something about the people and the space you practice that can change your clients’ lives for the better.

their massage, acupuncture, homeopathic session or reiki treatment without having to leave the building; 3) You create a feedback loop between your therapists’ clients, your instructors and the classes and additional offerings your space has to offer. Create a small boutique area carrying your absolute favorite products, brands and companies so that once again you are the “connector” for your members and continuously offering exactly what they need. Here is the reality with offering more, even if your members don’t fully utilize everything: people love options. They love to know that they are receiving the option of so much extra value for their membership fee.

safe under their guidance?” “Am I inspired by them and would I want to spend time with them outside of our workspace?” They may sound like trivial, un-important questions to ask or think about, but building a team is like building a family and solid relationship. Listen to your gut. Pay attention to that voice within. If you do that and stay committed to your own full focus and vision of your space the right teachers will appear.

These five principles will serve as a strong foundation for your career and business so one day you can join that 10% of professionals who can live their passion through their career as a leader of a holistic business.

Jenn Pike is a Holistic Nutrition and Lifestyle expert and bestselling author of “The Simplicity Project~ A Simple, No-Nonsense Approach to Losing Weight & Changing Your Body Forever!” She is a nationally sought-after yoga educator and Medical Exercise Specialist on holistic living principles, host of Simplicity Fusion Flow & Simplicity TV, speaker and regular media contributor. Jenn sits on the Advisory Board for STRONG Fitness Magazine, iRun and Savvy Mom.


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Possibly the most versatile platform ever designed offering over 250 exercises (and counting) for building strength, balance and agility, the Terra-Core is the next evolution in training. With superior ergonomics and shape, it positions the body perfectly for squats, pushups and planks. It can be used as a bench or step and is the soul mate to any type of band or suspension device you can think of. Flip the Terra-Core on its belly and it rewards you with a virtual playground of handles and platforms, which are limited only by your imagination. Below is a virtual tour of this incredible piece of equipment and some of its many possibilities.



For more information, visit

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NEW ON THE MARKET The latest trends in fitness equipment

MICROFIT TREADMILL 1215 MicroFit, Inc. has announced the release of its latest product: The Treadmill 1215 PC Assessment System. This unique treadmill combines the durability of the patented Tuff Tread technology with their automatic workload adjustment feature controlled by your PC and their industry leading HealthWizard 5 Fitness Profile Software. It can also be used with their popular FAS-2 System which has set an industry standard since 1986.


Lindsay's Review: Rolflex

Just when you think the limits of myofascial release products have been reached, in walks a Rolflex. At first glance, it’s a strange-looking contraption; until you begin to use the different parts and angles to replicate nearly 40 different massage therapy techniques. The Rolflex can be used to relieve pain and reduce muscle tension in ways that are often difficult with most standard self-myofascial release tools. With advanced biomechanics, an ergonomic design and interchangeable attachments for all parts of the body, Rolflex is the perfect first line of defense against pain and injury and a great addition to your toolbox.




Designed to help runners improve performance and enable anyone to run, the ZR8000 offers state-of-the-art design that replicates natural running but eliminates stressful impact that can compromise form, cause fatigue and lead to injuries. Aluminum legs feature lightweight pedals and independent hip and knee joints to customize running motion up to 58 inches. With the smart console, unique stride tracing technology enables users to monitor their stride throughout workouts for stronger form and better results.

The Pilates Essentials Kit is the ultimate toolbox of Pilates props and accessories for instructors and at-home practitioners looking to add variety and challenge to mat work, Reformer or equipment-based workouts. Your kit comes with the Fitness Circle PRO 14” (blue); Toning Ball 2-Pack, 2lbs (lemon); Stability Cushion – Small (green); Foam Roller Deluxe 36” (purple); Mini Stability Ball 7.5” (blue); Flex-Band - 2-pack (regular and extra strength); and the Eco-Friendly Pilates Pad. Individual props come complete with bonus downloadable exercise guides included.

FitZone Multi Performance Flooring is specifically designed for activities in group exercise rooms and studios. This interlocking, DIY flooring provides increased shock absorption and protection against fatigue and risk of injuries. FitZone’s surface facilitates fluid and safe movements without blocking or slipping, protecting the joints and muscles involved in the exercise. FitZone Multi demonstrates its ability to absorb impacts, therefore reducing the risk of stress on the joints. Available in five unique colors.


EVENTS CALENDAR August - October

AUGUST 2016 Functional Aging Institute Specialist Certification Workshop August 7 l Redding, CA

AAAI / ISMA One World Conference August 19 – 21 l Hyannis, MA

SCW Fitness: Dallas Mania August 26 – 28 l Dallas, TX

SEPTEMBER 2016 SCW Fitness: DC Mania September 9 – 11 l Washington DC

EBFA – 2nd Annual Barefoot Strong Summit September 10 – 11 l New York City, NY

AFAA – Personal Fitness Trainer Certification September 25 l New York, NY

SCW Fitness: Midwest Mania September 30 – October 2 l Chicago, IL

Join our Channel

OCTOBER 2016 Fitour: Group Exercise and Personal Training Certification Workshop October 8 – 9 l Youngstown, OH

NSCA Personal Trainers Conference October 14 – 16 l Jacksonville, FL

AAAI/ISMA One World Conference October 21 – 23 l Baltimore, MD

For a complete listing, or to submit your event, see our online Events Calendar at

pfpmedia JULY-AUGUST 2016 | WWW.FIT-PRO.COM | 29

BE BETTER Phil Kaplan |

And the experts say… I’ve seen the great icons of our fitness world reveal groundbreaking strategies for training agility, strength and speed. I’ve sat in on seminars sharing valued research on restoring function to non-ambulatory seniors. Across the gamut, from training the champion to training the compromised, great information has been delivered in this and other professional publications as well as in forums around the world. While most presenters may deliver exceptional information and tools for betterment, we’re best served by learning to discern between those lessons that truly allow us growth and those that we best quietly kick to the side. There are three common “lessons” I’ve heard spoken in presentations aimed at teaching trainers to find excellence, and I feel obliged, not to criticize the speakers, but to ask you to re-think these common statements as they may limit you rather than elevate. 1. The customer (client) is always right – this is a customer service adage that serves to offer the perception of caring. It asks the practitioner or employee to be apologetic and submissive when dealing with client complaints. 2. You have to be a friend to your client – this is a well-intended “have to” addressing the need beyond exercise, the human need for bonding and the power that bonding brings to the trainer-client relationship. 3. It isn’t all about results – these five words suggest that because the client is at some level complying with a prescription, increasing heart rate, challenging muscle and stimulating blood and oxygen flow, he or she is getting enough to justify the “need” for the trainer. Those who achieve their dream results require an extra dose of stick-to-it-iveness the trainer cannot provide. Thus, the message is, “Trainer, feel good about the outcome even if the client is disappointed. It wasn’t your fault” To say the client is always right is a wild and absurd whim straight out of Wonderland. It just isn’t true in our world. When a 35-year-old woman tells you, “my body doesn’t respond to weight training so I just need cardio,” she’s wrong. She may be basing her belief on faulty prescription or unsatisfying outcomes in the past, but by no means is she right. The woman who insists she has to do “the machines” that she did in her last club, the woman who tells you she should get a discount when none is warranted, the man who tells you it’s OK to train him despite his high blood pressure, and the new mom who says her kids can sit quietly on the side even if it is against your policy are just plain wrong. Don’t be a doormat. Choose your clients. You are under



no obligation to accept a client that you don’t feel a connection with. We have to assess, listen and discern. I’m sure you’ve had enough “wrong” clients say or do “wrong” things to know the “customer is always right” theory can be relegated to customer service desks at retail stores. It has no place here. We’re looking at changing lives, and “wrong clients” should simply not be added to your roster. You’ll fail them, they’ll fail you, and the truth is, it’s a no-win. Let them go and you’ll find a “right” one shows up in their place. You are a trained professional, not a friend-for-hire. You don’t have to be a friend, in fact it compromises the trainer-client relationship. I fully understand why “befriend the client” is a common thought. It provides a sense of relationship, but it immediately violates what I call the “One-Way Power flow.” The trick lies in maintaining professional rapport. The client may share personal thoughts, revelations and stories of wild times or great adventures. You, as a professional, can listen, but never reciprocate with stories of your own. You’re the professional, and in that you maintain power. The One-Way Power flow I speak of is the relationship between the coach and the athlete, the commanding officer and the soldier. It is the essence of what gives you the ability to direct the client’s physical future. “Friends” or “buddies” have banter that equalizes the playing field, and that immediately weakens your control over the session, the program and the outcome. Be friendly, but don’t be friends. Your clients are paying you, not because they’re your pals, but because you’re expected to deliver. Results absolutely matter. It is true that the smoker who exercises is likely better off than the smoker who doesn’t, so by that token we must applaud people for taking whatever action they can toward betterment. The concern is, we live in a society where people are accepting of mediocrity, operating in a field where the public does not view our avocation as an actual profession. They still think of us as workout buddies in an environment of disposable experts. I believe in an unregulated industry we have to self-regulate, and if someone comes to you for weight loss, believing you are an expert in that regard, it becomes your responsibility to deliver. I have heard the tireless argument that says we can’t control how the client lives his or her life, but if we are going to achieve excellence in our own arena we have to take responsibility for coaching people forward, for helping them make better choices and leading them to the precise results they came for. Will everyone agree with me? Nope. I know that, but just consider what I said earlier: We have to self-regulate in an industry where mediocrity is accepted. The question becomes, “do you want to stand above?” and if the answer is “yes” the results you deliver are the clear delineating factor. Listen, learn and discern, and use your own compass to decide what perspectives fit. Just know that blind acceptance of “what experts say” may at times prevent you from finding your own path. Phil Kaplan provides resources for consumers and fitness professionals alike. Visit and





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