Golden Corridor Living Magazine

Page 76



Addressing Wholeness by Suzy Day, CCHt, CLC, Mind-Body Wellness Practitioner


he mind and body are intertwined systems which are in a symbiotic relationship, with one constantly influencing the other. Change your mind, change your body; change your body, change your mind. This is the foundation of what is known as the mindbody connection. More than a mere hypothesis, this relationship has been scientifically documented and proven. Your body responds to your emotions, the way you think (positive and negative thoughts), the beliefs you hold, as well as your actions. What happens in your mind affects your body, and in reciprocity, the health of your body affects your mind. When any aspect of these systems are out of balance, it creates fertile soil for the seeds of illness to sprout and grow. When in balance, they are the keys to wellness and vitality. A life of health and wellness extends beyond walking 20 minutes on a treadmill, taking calcium supplements, and avoiding trans-fats. As human, you are a multifaceted and sophisticated being. Using a metaphor to illustrate, imagine an individual as an exquisite tapestry woven with the colorful threads of beliefs, thoughts, actions, and perceptions. If the tapestry shows signs of imbalance, the Mind-Body Wellness approach is to restore health, balance, and vitality using proven holistic modalities which address both the individual threads of the tapestry and the tapestry as a whole. Because of the interdependent and unified relationship, each dynamically impacts the other. Think “this and that” instead of “this or that.”


Mind-Body Wellness is a restorative system of health which recognizes every individual as multidimensional and addresses imbalances by honoring the interconnection of mind, body, emotions, and spirit. Rather than focusing on the symptoms, MindBody Wellness looks at the root causes of health challenges with an understanding of these symbiotic relationships. This creates a fuller view, a wider perspective, of all the parts and pieces which play into the dimensions of vibrancy, health, and wholeness. A variety of mind-body wellness modalities exist which support the care and nurturing of an individual to optimize health, wellness, and the quality of life. Powerful and proven holistic methods, such as hypnosis, life coaching, holistic nutrition, yoga, aromatherapy, and energy healing, such as reiki and polarity, all serve as catalysts for restoring health and generating positive changes which enhance and support the quality of life. It is important to note that Mind-Body Wellness practitioners do not diagnose or treat disease or prescribe medications. In a cooperative and co-creative relationship with you, their training, skills, and highly effective techniques are utilized to facilitate a strong and vibrant mind-body connection which enhances your health and wellness. Here is a sampling of the variety of mind-body modalities available:

management, pain management, and many other therapeutic interventions. Through hypnosis, you are able to examine your deep and long-held beliefs, attitudes and responses, consider the possibilities for creating a different perspective, one which reframes the emotions and beliefs around those situations, and then chose a new perspective which brings you peace and healing. • Life Coaching - Making lifestyle changes requires a plan, commitment, and accountability. If you are confused, or perhaps unsure about the course of action most beneficial for you, or if you lack motivation, consider working with a Life Coach. Life coaching is powerfully effective to help you clarify your desires and goals, overcome any resistance and/ or self-sabotage you hold, and gain the personal fortitude to achieve your health and wellness goals. Professional life coaching is used to achieve balanced health, success, and happiness on every level of life.

• Energy healing - Energy healing is a generalized term for health-supporting modalities which balance, restore, or shift the energy systems of the body. The art of energy healing helps to restore emotional and physical balance and often provides deep relaxation while assisting in releasing blockages of emotional issues or belief systems. It can decrease the impacts of stress or other emotional and physical challenges. It’s common to experience profound peace, joy, and balance during energetic sessions. Reiki, polarity therapy, and therapeutic touch are just a few of the energy work specialties. Many energy practitioners combine their techniques with other mindbody wellness modalities, such as blending hypnotherapy with Reiki. Wellness and vitality begin with understanding the interconnected systems on which your health and happiness are based. Maintain a vibrant balance by nurturing and supporting each thread of your exquisite mind-body tapestry.

• Hypnosis - Hypnotherapy is effective in easing a wide variety of physical, emotional, and psychological challenges, including fears, phobias, addictions, stress, weight



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