Security Features that Mobile App Developer must know

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Security Features that Mobile App Developer must know

For a mobile app developer besides developing an application, with robust outstanding features, has to look into top-notch security features of an application equally. As far as ​iOS app development is concerned developers do not leave even a small window for thieves and hackers to attack the data in the application.

But the story is a little different in case of security optimization of ​Android app development​. A large portion of online transactions is now handled on mobile devices and smartphones. The hackers target these smartphones and mobile devices to get hold of the personal information and credentials, to use them for their good. It is thus essential for the app developers to look into the security measures during the app development vigorously.

Security plays a vital role in fixing the quality and success of the application. The developers must be aware of the following security features:

Secure code

Hackers or cyber thieves find it very easy to attack the code of mobile applications. They can easily re-engineer the code for their purpose. As per the figures, the security of more than 10 million devices has been broken. Therefore, it is indispensable to write a safe code, which is not easily tampered by any outside force. Furthermore, it is essential to follow the latest technologies that can be updated from time to time along with the facility of code hardening and code signing to develop a safe code.

Use Encryption

Encryption allows for safeguarding the data that is meant for transferring by converting the data into another form, which is readable only when it is decrypted. This way the data can be kept safely away from the malicious elements on the network. So in the unfortunate cases, if the data is lost or stolen in cyber theft, it cannot be used. Developing applications which save all the data in encrypted form is again another good practice for app developers.

Intelligent use of libraries

Whenever you’re using third-party libraries to add additional features to the app, be careful as the code may not be a secure one. Many times there are bugs in the codes that allow the hackers to breach into the code and further attack the data. Even if there is a need to use other libraries, the best practice is to check the code 1st and make it secure. As the codes are

the vulnerable assets of the applications, it should be made sure that the library codes are safe.

The authorized application program interface

It is essential to use an authorized API, which protects the false use of data by hackers. As the hackers can use the cache information to gain the details of authorization fed on the system it is recommended to have a centralized authorization system to provide maximum protection to the mobile applications.

Fewer privileges

The purpose of giving fewer rights is to keep the code secure. When less number of people is designated access to the code, it reduces the chances of alterations in the code. Only the one who is required to use the code must be given access rest do not need a privilege to access the code. Lesser the privileges, less is the chaos.


Being updated with the new technologies meant for the security of the application and inspecting the applications for the changes made is vital as the suspects change their behavior on a regular base. With the above few measures, the developers must develop an application that is hard to break. With the awareness of cyber theft majority of the users look for secured. Security issues have outnumbered other core features of the application.

Contact our ​mobile app development company to develop a secure application that maintains data privacy on all platforms.

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