Raven Report Issue 2 (January 2019)

Page 22



About The Tour

After the release of her new memoir “Becoming,” Former First Lady Michelle Obama embarked on a book tour and has made stops all across the United States, including the SAP Center in San Jose on Friday, Dec. 14. This show, similar to the others, was completely sold out weeks prior. Most ticket prices ranged from $500 up to $1,200. It was clear how loved our former first lady is, as she filled every seat at every venue. In San Jose, she spoke to a packed crowd over 17,000 audience members. Obama covered much of the U.S. through December and into the new year, but because of her global appeal, she will be embarking on a European tour leg in April 2019 to encourage and inspire women around the world. At all of Obama’s shows, she gave away a number of free tickets to various local organizations. Lucky for me and my editor-inchief, we scored student press passes to her show, and here’s how it went: “[I’d take back to my classroom] the idea that life isn’t just about what you plan. The idea that we have to be able to embrace challenges and that it’s okay to demand more from the people around us.” —Teresa Yeager, history teacher

“We love Michelle Obama. She is such a role model and inspiration to us. She’s a good soul, she’s real and honest and just amazing. “ —Seniors Rose and Ethan Rae Marinaccio-Lavalley and family

About The Book

“Becoming” covers Obama’s childhood, college, career, her family’s political transition and includes a special portion dedicated to Barack, of course. The book’s slogan, “An Intimate Conversation With Michelle Obama,” shined through in her writing that covered much of her life in great depth. Obama openly reflected upon her past, and through her utterly mesmerizing storytelling, captivated her audience to a new level of intimacy and understanding of where she came from and why she does what she does. From growing up on the south side of Chicago to becoming the first African-American first lady, Obama made light of her life—the good and the bad, with her brilliant candor and wit. Obama focused her writing on activism for women and girls having to navigate through sexism in the work and school worlds like she has gracefully done. Including stories about being a familiar face in U.S. news, raising two pragmatic daughters and actively turning her experiences into bettering her country, Obama’s novel, “Becoming,” is a book you can’t miss. Compiled by Taylor Gayner

“The way that [Obama] approached the relationship with her best friend who passed away from ALS was very similar to how I approach my godmother... I’ve really taken on the same ethos and aura [as Obama] in just trying to live life to the fullest.” —Ayesha Curry, entrepreneur

“I am here because I love advocacy, I love activism, and [tonight] I really loved seeing a woman of color being in this role of power. She has always been my idol.” —Riya Kataria, teen activist, Irvington High School

Photos by Taylor Gayner and Beatrice Bugos

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