HOMEFRONT LARP for teaching purposes - Characters (in English)

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Scene – Going to War: In Europe, rich upper-class wants more subjects. The death of common soldiers does not interest them. When at the end of the scene, you find out who are going to war, you try to persuade them to stay home or go hide in the forest. They cannot die!






Scene – School Lesson: You are needed at home in farm work. Now you are stuck at school which is no good to you. Boring. You just have to wait for it to end.

Scene – Body in the Forest: You should play the spies of the opponent and spy on others… But whom? There is no one here but you. It is most important to you that everyone agrees – even more important than doing what you want. You are happy to take control of the situation and give space even for the quiet ones. When you find the soldier, you want to touch it.

This picture is about your character’s past or future, dreams or fears. What does it tell about your character? How can you bring forth these sides of your character in every scene?






Scene – Going to War: War is always wrong but never again is it going to reach here, Finland. You want to reassure your children that nothing bad will ever happen to them. When in the end of the scene, you find out who are going to war, you reassure them that God and fate will keep them safe.






Scene – School Lesson: You are very good at school, much better than most. You have already read this chapter many years ago at home. You are happy to show off your knowledge. You do not believe in God, you are interested in science and a scientific world-view. It seems like only communists believe in that, but you could not be a communist, right? You are in a war against communists. You do not listen to the reading at all but are making faces with the children sitting next to you.

Scene – Body in the Forest: You want to play something lovely, something with princesses and horses. Others often think that it is childish but they just do not understand. You are skilful at reasoning why your preferences are best. When you find the soldier, you want to bury it with the other children. You do not want the adults to know about the body.

This picture is about your character’s past or future, dreams or fears. What does it tell about your character? How can you bring forth these sides of your character in every scene?






Scene – Going to War: You think killing is wrong, but can you say it here? It is even said in the Ten Commandments that you should not kill people. How could any army going to war be right then? Two of your sons died in the Finnish Civil War and you do not want your grandsons to die in this war. When in the end of the scene, you find out who are going to war, you try to persuade them to stay at home or go hide in the forest. They cannot die!






Scene – School Lesson: You want to act like you are a decent pupil, even though you have not done your homework. You say “good morning” and sing the hymn as loudly and clearly as possible in order to avoid the teacher’s unwanted attention. You read very slowly but bravely.

Scene – Body in the Forest: War is the most exciting thing in the world. You want to divide into to two groups who shoot at each other with stick guns. You are good at getting others excited about your ideas. When you find the soldier, you want to touch it.

This picture is about your character’s past or future, dreams or fears. What does it tell about your character? How can you bring forth these sides of your character in every scene?






Scene – Going to War: You are almost an adult and you have to understand why nations are going to war. You would not want to go to war at any price, but if you have to, you will stand up for the weak. You want your parents to explain the war to you. When the postman comes, you are summoned to duty. You have to tell that to your family.






Scene – School Lesson: You are needed at home in farm work. Now you are stuck at school which is no good to you. Boring. You just have to wait for it to end. You have no interest for the text you are reading, just like you have no interest in history in general. Why can you not study something useful like botany?

Scene – Body in the Forest: You would rather play house but it does not make sense in the forest. You get very excited of your own ideas but you can also get excited about other things as well. When you find the body of the soldier, you want to go get the soldiers from the village.

This picture is about your character’s past or future, dreams or fears. What does it tell about your character? How can you bring forth these sides of your character in every scene?






Scene – Going to War: You are scared. The war is not coming here, is it? Your family cannot go to war, can it? You want your parents to explain the war to you. When in the end of the scene, you find out who are going to war, you get mad at them for leaving you alone.

Scene – School Lesson: You want to act like you are a decent pupil, even though you have not done your homework. You say “good morning” and sing the hymn as loudly and clearly as possible in order to avoid the teacher’s unwanted attention. You are not very good at reading and especially all the long words are really difficult to you.

Scene – Body in the Forest: War is the most exciting thing in the world. You want to divide into to two groups who shoot at each other with stick guns. You are not very good at explaining why this interests you. When you find the soldier, you want to go through his pockets and share the treasures.

This picture is about your character’s past or future, dreams or fears. What does it tell about your character? How can you bring forth these sides of your character in every scene?






Scene – Going to War: Why is there a war? Does it not say in the Bible that killing is wrong? You want your parents to explain the war to you. When in the end of the scene, you find out who is going to war, you are especially worried how your mother will get on.

Scene – School Lesson: You hate the teacher who always disciplines you for no good reason. You definitely do not want to do anything the teacher wants, but you also do not want to be punished. If you sing the second quietest, the teacher will not punish you but the worst pupil. When you grow up, you want to be a radio announcer or an actor. You think you are an excellent, lively reader, a real storyteller.

Scene – Body in the Forest: You would rather play house but it does not make sense in the forest. As soon as someone has a good suggestion, you are all for it. When you find the soldier, you think you should run away. All of you.

This picture is about your character’s past or future, dreams or fears. What does it tell about your character? How can you bring forth these sides of your character in every scene?






Scene – Going to War: Now it is measured whether communism or Nazism is the more powerful cause. What does your family think? Should you not be on the winner’s side now? You want your parents to explain the war to you. When in the end of the scene, you find out who are going to war, you are proud of them because they will defend their country!

Scene – School Lesson: The teacher is a wonderful person and talking about important matters. You believe in God and in Greater Finland as well, and you want to be very active and proper in school every day. You will bring a gift to the teacher. You read very slowly but bravely.

Scene – Body in the Forest: In the forest, you want to look for cartridge cases and other things soldiers have left behind. You are good at getting others excited about your ideas. When you find the soldier, you want to go tell your mother and the teacher.

This picture is about your character’s past or future, dreams or fears. What does it tell about your character? How can you bring forth these sides of your character in every scene?






Scene – Going to War: Whose fault is this war in Europe? Is it somehow your family’s fault or your fault? Could you have stopped it somehow? You want your parents to explain the war to you. When in the end of the scene, you find out who are going to war, you also want to go. You can be a cleaner or a carrier. You are not too little at all!

Scene – School Lesson: School day is a good chance to see friends and have an audience. You like to make jokes and make others laugh but the teacher does not always seem to like it. You are sure that you are really making the teacher want to laugh as well. You are bored of Gods and hymns, they are just fairy tales for children just like Santa Claus. You have no interest for the text you are reading, just like you have no interest in history in general. Why can you not study something useful like calculus?

Scene – Body in the Forest: You want to play hide and seek. It is exciting here because no one knows this part of the forest very well. It is most important to you that everyone agrees – even more important than doing what you want. You are happy to take control of the situation and give space even for the quiet ones. When you find the soldier, you want to touch it.

This picture is about your character’s past or future, dreams or fears. What does it tell about your character? How can you bring forth these sides of your character in every scene?






Scene – Going to War: You have always been told not to fight. But now war is a good thing? You want your parents to explain war to you. When in the end of the scene, you find out who are going to war, you freeze up. You would like them to hug you and say that everything is all right. But you will not tell them that.

Scene – School Lesson: You are needed at home in farm work. Now you are stuck at school which is no good to you. Boring. You just have to wait for it to end. You read the whole text while others are going through it. This is why you will not necessarily notice when your turn comes up.

Scene – Body in the Forest: You have pretty silly ideas, for example, doing crafts or reading. You get very excited of your own ideas but you can also get excited about other things as well. When you find the soldier, you want to scare others with it. “What if it moved?”

This picture is about your character’s past or future, dreams or fears. What does it tell about your character? How can you bring forth these sides of your character in every scene?






Scene – Going to War: Jews are hated almost as passionately in Germany and in the Soviet Union. And it has never really turned out well for your people when your homeland has been occupied. It does not matter who the winner is since the results are going to be the same. When the postman comes, you are summoned to duty. You have to tell that to your family.






Scene – School Lesson: You want to act like you are a decent pupil, even though you have not done your homework. You say “good morning” and sing the hymn as loudly and clearly as possible in order to avoid the teacher’s unwanted attention. The text is bashing the Russians, even though they have ruled Finland wisely and given the country their own money, language, government and finally even independence. You have to question the views of Topelius a little.

Scene – Body in the Forest: You should play spies of the opponent and spy on others… But whom? There is no one here but you. Your idea needs some improving but you are not able to do that yourself. When you find the soldier, you want to carry it to the village.

This picture is about your character’s past or future, dreams or fears. What does it tell about your character? How can you bring forth these sides of your character in every scene?






Scene – Going to War: Can you trust God in a time like this? Can you trust fate? Or law? Or other people? The children better learn to doubt everybody. The spies of the enemy could be everywhere. Luckily your homeland is free for now. When in the end of the scene, you find out who is going to war, you try to persuade them to stay at home or go hide in the forest. They cannot die!






Scene – School Lesson: School day is a good chance to see friends and have an audience. You like to make jokes and make others laugh but the teacher does not always seem to like it. You are sure that you are really making the teacher want to laugh as well. When you grow up, you want to be a radio announcer or an actor. You think you are an excellent, lively reader, a real storyteller.

Scene – Body in the Forest: You want to run wild and climb since it is never possible at home. You think you should climb trees and jump from branch to branch like Tarzan. Even you do not think that your ideas are very exciting but you still want to win. Winning is fun. When you find the soldier, you want to go tell your mother and the teacher.

This picture is about your character’s past or future, dreams or fears. What does it tell about your character? How can you bring forth these sides of your character in every scene?






Scene – Going to War: Whose fault is this war in Europe? Is it somehow your family’s fault or your fault? Could you have stopped it somehow? You want your parents to explain war to you. When in the end of the scene, you find out who is going to war, you want to make sure that none of your siblings are too upset.

Scene – School Lesson: You like it when others fight. If some of the children are quarrelsome or have different opinions, you try to make the quarrel worse. You like it best when you get someone in trouble with the teacher. You have no interest for the text you are reading, just like you have no interest in history in general. Why can you not study something useful like calculus?

Scene – Body in the Forest: You want to run wild and climb since it is never possible at home. You think you should climb trees and jump from branch to branch like Tarzan. You are good at getting others excited about your ideas. When you find the soldier, you want to look for a mine and blow the body up.

This picture is about your character’s past or future, dreams or fears. What does it tell about your character? How can you bring forth these sides of your character in every scene?






Scene – Going to War: You have always been told not to fight. But now war is a good thing? You want your parents to explain the war to you. When in the end of the scene, you find out who are going to war, you get mad at them for leaving you alone.

Scene – School Lesson: School day is a good chance to see friends and have an audience. You like to make jokes and make others laugh but the teacher does not always seem to like it. You are sure that you are really making the teacher want to laugh as well. You do not believe in God, you are interested in science and a scientific world-view. It seems like only communists believe in that, but you could not be a communist, right? You are in a war against communists. You are not very good at reading and especially all the long words are really difficult to you.

Scene – Body in the Forest: You should play the spies of the opponent and spy on others… But whom? There is no one here but you. You get very excited of your own ideas but you can also get excited about other things as well. When you find the soldier, you want to find out who he was.

This picture is about your character’s past or future, dreams or f ears. What does it tell about your character? How can you bring forth these sides of your character in every scene?






Scene – Going to War: Why is there a war? Does it not say in the Ten Commandments that killing is wrong? You want your parents to explain the war to you. When in the end of the scene, you find out who are going to war, you freeze up. You would like them to hug you and say that everything is all right. But you will not tell them that.

Scene – School Lesson: You are very good at school, much better than most. You have already read this chapter many years ago at home. You are happy to show off your knowledge. When you grow up, you want to be a radio announcer or an actor. You think you are an excellent, lively reader, a real storyteller.

Scene – Body in the Forest: It could be nice to play some traditional games like hide and seek. You are not good at talking but you are happy to show things. When you find the body, you want to go through its pockets and share the treasures.

This picture is about your character’s past or future, dreams or fears. What does it tell about your character? How can you bring forth these sides of your character in every scene?






Scene – Going to War: Evil Nazis are threatening Europe and even your family. You wish you could protect your children from the evil and build worldwide communism together. But it is difficult to talk about these matters in this family without a fight. When in the end of the scene, you find out who are going to war, you want to make sure that none of the children are too upset.






Scene – School Lesson: You like it when others fight. If some of the children are quarrelsome or have different opinions, you try to make the quarrel worse. You like it best when you get someone in trouble with the teacher. You try to make the others accidentally disturb the lesson by, for example, shoving them or pulling their hair.

Scene – Body in the Forest: You want to run wild and climb since it is never possible at home. You think you should climb trees and jump from branch to branch like Tarzan. You are not good at talking but you are happy to show things. When you find the soldier, you want to sing a hymn to his memory.

This picture is about your character’s past or future, dreams or fears. What does it tell about your character? How can you bring forth these sides of your character in every scene?






Scene – Going to War: Damn Hitler and his capitalistic allies are trying to destroy Europe. The only hope for peace is the Soviet Union. When the whole world is communistic, there is no more wars. But to achieve that every free man and woman have to make great sacrifices. When the postman comes, you are summoned to duty. You have to tell that to your family.






Scene – School Lesson: You hate the teacher who always disciplines you for no good reason. You definitely do not want to do anything the teacher wants but you also do not want to be punished. If you sing the second quietest, the teacher will not punish you but the worst pupil. You cannot read because you are blind. It is stupid to make you stay here but there is no school for the blind nearby.

Scene – Body in the Forest: It could be nice to play some traditional games like hide and seek if someone helped. You like to help others develop their ideas. Maybe someone has a pretty good idea which can become perfect with your advice. When you find the soldier, you want to take his warm leather boots for yourself. You do not want the adults to find out about the body.

This picture is about your character’s past or future, dreams or fears. What does it tell about your character? How can you bring forth these sides of your character in every scene?






Scene – Going to War: Evil communists threaten Europe and even your family. You wish you could protect the children from the ungodly evil and build together a great future for your people. You would also like to protect the children from arguments and stop your husband and your sister’s husband from talking politics at home. When in the end of the scene, you find out who are going to war, you try to persuade them to stay at home or to hide in the forest. They cannot die!






Scene – School Lesson: The teacher is a wonderful person and talking about important matters. You believe in God and in Greater Finland as well and you want to be very active and proper in school every day. You will bring a gift to the teacher. When you grow up, you want to be a radio announcer or an actor. You think you are an excellent, lively reader, a real storyteller.

Scene – Body in the Forest: You want to play sailors and whalers, fierce heroes. Even you do not think that your ideas are very exciting but you still want to win. Winning is fun. When you find the soldier, you want to play with it.

This picture is about your character’s past or future, dreams or fears. What does it tell about your character? How can you bring forth these sides of your character in every scene?






Scene – Going to War: The red army which consists of the blasphemous riffraff of the Soviet Union is closing in like a tidal wave or a forest fire. But the flame of your people’s freedom and independence will never be extinguished. You are ready to die for your country – and you hope the children are as well. When the post man comes, you are summoned to duty. You have to tell that to your family.






Scene – School Lesson: You are very good at school, much better than most. You have already read this chapter many years ago at home. You are happy to show off your knowledge. The text is bashing the Russians, even though they have ruled Finland wisely and given the country their own money, language, government and finally even independence. You have to question the views of Topelius a little.

Scene – Body in the Forest: You want to play something lovely, something with princesses and horses. Others often think that it is childish but they just do not understand. You are not very good at explaining why this interests you. When you find the body of the soldier, you want to go get the soldiers from the village.

This picture is about your character’s past or future, dreams or fears. What does it tell about your character? How can you bring forth these sides of your character in every scene?






Scene – Going to War: You are scared. The war is not coming here, is it? Your family cannot go to war, can it? You want your parents to explain the war to you. When in the end of the scene, you find out who are going to war, you also want to go. You can be a cleaner or a carrier. You are not too little at all!

Scene – School Lesson: You are very good at school, much better than most. You have already read this chapter many years ago at home. You are happy to show off your knowledge. You are bored of Gods and hymns, they are just fairy tales for children just like Santa Claus. You read the whole text while others are going through it. This is why you will not necessarily notice when your turn comes up.

Scene – Body in the Forest: In the forest, you want to look for cartridge cases and other things soldiers have left behind. You are not good at talking but you are happy to show things. When you find the soldier, you want to look for a mine and blow the body up.

This picture is about your character’s past or future, dreams or fears. What does it tell about your character? How can you bring forth these sides of your character in every scene?






Scene – Going to War: Whose fault is this war in Europe? Is it somehow your family’s fault or your fault? Could you have stopped it somehow? You want your parents to explain war to you. When in the end of the scene, you find out who are going to war, you freeze up. You would like them to hug you and say that everything is all right. But you will not tell them that.

Scene – School Lesson: You like it when others fight. If some of the children are quarrelsome or have different opinions, you try to make the quarrel worse. You like it best when you get someone in trouble with the teacher. You do not believe in God, you are interested in science and a scientific world-view. It seems like only communists believe in that, but you could not be a communist, right? You are in a war against communists. You do not listen to the reading at all but are making faces with the children sitting next to you.

Scene – Body in the Forest: You want to play hide and seek. It is exciting here because no one knows this part of the forest very well. You are good at getting others excited about your ideas. When you find the soldier, you want to find out who he was.

This picture is about your character’s past or future, dreams or fears. What does it tell about your character? How can you bring forth these sides of your character in every scene?






Scene – Going to War: You have always been told not to fight. But now war is a good thing? You want your parents to explain war to you. When in the end of the scene, you find out who is going to war, you want to make sure that none of your siblings are too upset.

Scene – School Lesson: You want to act like you are a decent pupil, even though you have not done your homework. You say “good morning” and sing the hymn as loudly and clearly as possible in order to avoid the teacher’s unwanted attention. You try to make the others accidentally disturb the lesson by, for example, shoving them or pulling their hair.

Scene – Body in the Forest: You have pretty silly ideas, for example, doing crafts or reading. Your idea needs some improving but you are not able to do that yourself. When you find the soldier, you want to go through his pockets and share the treasures. You do not want the adults to find out about the body.

This picture is about your character’s past or future, dreams or fears. What does it tell about your character? How can you bring forth these sides of your character in every scene?






Scene – Going to War: Why is there a war? Does it not say in the Bible that killing is wrong? You want the adults to explain the war to you. When in the end of the scene you find out who are going to war, you reassure them that God and fate will keep them safe.

Scene – School Lesson: You hate the teacher who always disciplines you for no good reason. You definitely do not want to do anything the teacher wants but you also do not want to be punished. If you sing the second quietest, the teacher will not punish you but the worst pupil. The text is bashing the Russians, even though they have ruled Finland wisely and given the country their own money, language, government and finally even independence. You have to question the views of Topelius a little.

Scene – Body in the Forest: You want to play something lovely, something with princesses and horses. Others often think that it is childish but they just do not understand. You like to help others develop their ideas. Maybe someone has a pretty good idea which can become perfect with your advice. When you find the soldier, you think you should run away. All of you.

This picture is about your character’s past or future, dreams or fears. What does it tell about your character? How can you bring forth these sides of your character in every scene?






Scene – Going to War: The borders of countries are made up and in wars they are first moved one way and then moved the other way. There is no use for your people to get mixed up in wars and causes but you are ready to defend your children. And the poor. And God. But are there any great powers which are on the side of your children, the poor or God? You do not think so. When the postman comes, you are summoned to duty. You have to tell that to your family.






Scene – School Lesson: The teacher is a wonderful person and talking about important matters. You believe in God and in Greater Finland as well and you want to be very active and proper in school every day. You will bring a gift to the teacher. You are not very good at reading and especially all the long words are really difficult to you.

Scene – Body in the Forest: You have pretty silly ideas, for example, doing crafts or reading. As soon as someone has a good suggestion, you are all for it. When you find the soldier, you want to pick the body up and lean it against a tree.

This picture is about your character’s past or future, dreams or fears. What does it tell about your character? How can you bring forth these sides of your character in every scene?






Scene – Going to War: People start wars, Jesus brings peace. The ungodly Germans and communists fight in Europe. As long as you trust Jesus, you will be safe from the war. When in the end of the scene, you find out who are going to war, you get mad at them for leaving you alone.






Scene – School Lesson: School day is a good chance to see friends and have an audience. You like to make jokes and make others laugh but the teacher does not always seem to like it. You are sure that you are really making the teacher want to laugh as well. You read very slowly but bravely.

Scene – Body in the Forest: War is the most exciting thing in the world. You want to divide into to two groups who shoot at each other with stick guns. You are good at getting others excited about your ideas. When you find the soldier, you want to pick the body up and lean it against a tree.

This picture is about your character’s past or future, dreams or fears. What does it tell about your character? How can you bring forth these sides of your character in every scene?






Scene – Going to War: Your mother’s family lived in Russia and your father’s father came to Finland from Germany. Whose side should you be on? It does not seem like anyone is on your side. The children better learn to stay out of wars and the battles of the world. When in the end of the scene you find out who are going to war, you reassure them that God and fate will keep them safe.






Scene – School Lesson: School day is a good chance to see friends and have an audience. You like to make jokes and make others laugh but the teacher does not always seem to like it. You are sure that you are really making the teacher want to laugh as well. The text is bashing the Russians, even though they have ruled Finland wisely and given the country their own money, language, government and finally even independence. You have to question the views of Topelius a little. You are not very good at reading and especially all the long words are really difficult to you.

Scene – Body in the Forest: You want to play sailors and whalers, fierce heroes. You like to help others develop their ideas. Maybe someone has a pretty good idea which can become perfect with your advice. When you find the soldier, you want to go tell your mother and the teacher.

This picture is about your character’s past or future, dreams or fears. What does it tell about your character? How can you bring forth these sides of your character in every scene?






Scene – Going to War: Why is there a war? Does it not say in the Bible that killing is wrong? You want your parents to explain the war to you. When in the end of the scene, you find out who is going to war, you want to make sure that none of your siblings are too upset.

Scene – School Lesson: You like it when others fight. If some of the children are quarrelsome or have different opinions, you try to make the quarrel worse. You like it best when you get someone in trouble with the teacher. You read the whole text while others are going through it. This is why you will not necessarily notice when your turn comes up.

Scene – Body in the Forest: You want to play sailors and whaler, fierce heroes. As soon as someone has a good suggestion, you are all for it. When you find the soldier, you want to bury it with the other children.

This picture is about your character’s past or future, dreams or fears. What does it tell about your character? How can you bring forth these sides of your character in every scene?






Scene – Going to War: Now it is measured whether communism or Nazism is the more powerful cause. What does your family think? Should you not be on the winner’s side now? You want your parents to explain the war to you. When in the end of the scene, you find out who are going to war, you also want to go. You can be a cleaner or a carrier. You are not too little at all!

Scene – School Lesson: You want to act like you are a decent pupil, even though you have not done your homework. You say “good morning” and sing the hymn as loudly and clearly as possible in order to avoid the teacher’s unwanted attention. You do not listen to the reading at all but are making faces with the children sitting next to you.

Scene – Body in the Forest: War is the most exciting thing in the world. You want to divide into to two groups who shoot at each other with stick guns. Your idea needs some improving but you are not able to do that yourself. When you find the soldier, you want to sing a hymn to his memory.

This picture is about your character’s past or future, dreams or fears. What does it tell about your character? How can you bring forth these sides of your character in every scene?






Scene – Going to War: You are scared. The war is not coming here, is it? Your family cannot go to war, can it? You want your parents to explain the war to you. When in the end of the scene, you find out who is going to war, you are especially worried how your mother will get on.

Scene – School Lesson: You hate the teacher who always disciplines you for no good reason. You definitely do not want to do anything the teacher wants but you also do not want to be punished. If you sing the second quietest, the teacher will not punish you but the worst pupil. You are bored of Gods and hymns, they are just fairy tales for children just like Santa Claus. You try to make the others accidentally disturb the lesson by, for example, shoving them or pulling their hair.

Scene – Body in the Forest: You would rather play house, but it does not make sense in the forest. You like to help others develop their ideas. Maybe someone has a pretty good idea which can become perfect with your advice. When you find the soldier, you want to carry it to the village.

This picture is about your character’s past or future, dreams or fears. What does it tell about your character? How can you bring forth these sides of your character in every scene?






Scene – Going to War: Whose fault is this war in Europe? Is it somehow your family’s fault or your fault? Could you have stopped it somehow? You want your parents to explain war to you. When in the end of the scene, you find out who are going to war, you freeze up. You would like them to hug you and say that everything is all right. But you will not tell them that.

Scene – School Lesson: The teacher is a wonderful person and talking about important matters. You believe in God and in Greater Finland as well and you want to be very active and proper in school every day. You will bring a gift to the teacher. The text is bashing the Russians, even though they have ruled Finland wisely and given the country their own money, language, government and finally even independence. You have to question the views of Topelius a little.

Scene – Body in the Forest: In the forest, you want to look for cartridge cases and other things soldiers have left behind. Even you do not think that your ideas are very exciting but you still want to win. Winning is fun. When you find the soldier, you want to take his warm leather boots for yourself.

This picture is about your character’s past or future, dreams or fears. What does it tell about your character? How can you bring forth these sides of your character in every scene?






Scene – Going to War: You have always been told not to fight. But now war is a good thing? You want your parents to explain war to you. When in the end of the scene, you find out who are going to war, you are proud of them because they will defend their country!

Scene – School Lesson: You are needed at home in farm work. Now you are stuck at school which is no good to you. Boring. You just have to wait for it to end. When you grow up, you want to be a radio announcer or an actor. You think you are an excellent, lively reader, a real storyteller.

Scene – Body in the Forest: You want to play hide and seek. It is exciting here because no one knows this part of the forest very well. It is most important to you that everyone agrees – even more important than doing what you want. You are happy to take control of the situation and give space even for the quiet ones. When you find the soldier, you want to play with it.

This picture is about your character’s past or future, dreams or fears. What does it tell about your character? How can you bring forth these sides of your character in every scene?

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