Raukawa Fisheries Plan

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Advocate for fisheries habitat restoration, creation, enhancement and protection through relevant Resource Management Act 1991 processes, such as policy and plan development, resource consents, enforcement and monitoring, particularly in relation to: P2

• riparian management; • fish passage; • sedimentation; • nutrient enrichment; • wetland protection; and • water level and flow management.



Support initiatives that will result in improved aquatic habitat that will support healthy and sustainable fisheries.


Identify opportunities to source funding and establish partnerships for restoration projects that will result in improved habitat.


Ensure consideration is given to potential impacts on fisheries from flood management and land drainage activities undertaken by councils.


Advocate for a catchment-based approach to land management that integrates land and water management.


Advocate for appropriate management of pest and weed species that impact on fisheries habitat with relevant agencies, such as councils, Ministry for Primary Industries, Department of Conservation, and with land owners and managers.


Support education and awareness raising about the spread of aquatic weeds and the impact of these on aquatic habitats.

Pest fish

A number of introduced fish species impact on native fish. Once fish establish in an area, it can be very difficult or impossible to control them. It would be of significant concern if further introduced species established within the Raukawa rohe, or within new areas within the rohe – for example, it is undesirable for koi carp to extend their range into the Upper Waikato River. Environmental impacts caused by pest fish include: • reduced numbers of native fish through predation and competition • hybridisation • introduction or spread of parasites and diseases • decline in water clarity related to changes in plankton communities • habitat degradation through browsing of aquatic plants and sediment disturbance (MfE, 2002). Issue


Impacts on the abundance and distribution of native fish due to pest fish.



No new populations of pest fish develop within the Raukawa rohe and existing populations are eradicated or managed to reduce the impacts on native fish.



Work with the Department of Conservation and Fish and Game New Zealand to reach an agreed solution for banning fishing for pest fish in the rohe.


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