Raukawa Environmental Management Plan

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K4 Assess priorities and needs as part of the action plan. What do you really want? And, what is most important to you? K5 Think about how your marae can tiaki whānau and the wider community in the event of a natural disaster – what will you need in place and at hand? K6

Join/sign up to Para Kore – the organisation that helps marae work towards zero waste. a. Para Kore can assist the marae to implement recycling and composting systems, develop zero waste policies, become plastic free marae, marae hire agreements, provide bilingual signage and resources, carry out waste audits, provide a monitoring system for waste reduction on your marae, connect you with to other Para Kore marae, and provide educational resources and workshops for whānau.

Marae Site Development/ Redevelopment

M10 RCT and the Raukawa Kaitiaki Forum will assist marae to facilitate an annual Marae Market Day, Raukawa uri growing, producing, and making their own products for change. M11 Raukawa will promote opportunities to maximise multipurpose multivalue hui (i.e. add value to existing kaupapa – Para Kore at Poukai, pā wars, etc.).

Raukawa Partners M12 Agencies should develop policies and allocate resources that actively support strong and robust marae and papakāinga infrastructure systems. This may include: a. Reliable, power.


b. Modern supply.



c. Safe and suitable roading networks that support our rural marae. d. Sound and future proofed water storage and reticulation systems. e. Waste management.


Insulate all marae buildings.


Install energy efficient and safe forms of heating in all marae buildings.

f. Building energy systems (insulation, heating etc).

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