Final Project Report

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Responsible+Respect+Innovation (Condensing Underage Drinking & Evolution in Novel Branding)




Work Methodology 3 Overview: Two Faces of Alcohol 4 Drinking Culture in DK 5 Client: Carlsberg 6 Partner: Starteriet 8 Partner: Natteravnene 9 Problem Statement 10 Communication: Strategic plan 11 Target Group: Teenagers / Youth 11 Why alcohol is popular among teenagers in Denmark? 14 Effects of alcohol towards teenagers 15 What influences teenagers’ alcohol consumption? 15 Corporate Social Responsibility 16 Campaign Concept that Connects 17 About Concept 18 Aida Model 20 Commercial Design with Innovative & InteractiveApproach 21 Logo 22 Bottle’s Accessories 23 Bottle’s Design 24 Bottle’s Edition 25 (with 3D effect) 25 Interactive promo 26 Promo Video + Online Streaming Video Advertising 33 Responsive Campaign Website 34 Conclusion 38 Refferences Surverys 39


Work Methodology

Lifecycle Project Management Methodology In order to get the best possible result towards my project, I decided to approach it from a project lifecycle perspective where it follows a series of codependent stages. These stages include understanding, planning, designing, implementing, and concluding.

Project lifecycle stages

3. Designing This is the stage when strategic plans, research, and stakeholder preferences are artfully combined into a design proposal that describes how a product or campaign will be visually expressed. This is when concept, promotional materials, and visual designs of my project were conceived, revised, and finally refined. 4. Implementing

1. Understanding In my consideration, a good project or campaign begins with quality research and insight. This can include current issue or trend, audience, product, competitor, and stakeholder research. The comprehensions that I collected at this stage were used for the strategic planning, design, and implementation stages. 2. Planning I felt a strategic plan from a communicative perspective would take place after conducting preliminary research, and before designing the project. Coordinating work relatively during the planning stage has later on guided me in connecting the project concept and its communication flow throughout the design and implementation stages.

All designs at the prior stage are now implemented at this stage. When this stage started, the project enters the building phase, where product specifications are converted into interactive products. For example, website, animation, and so on. 5. Concluding Final evaluations are a key part of this stage. Any baseline research, monitoring, or interval studies can make a significant contribution to the final evaluation of my project.


Overview: Two Faces of Alcohol

Loads of people around the world have a glass of wine with dinner, drink a beer at a sporting event, or undertake alcoholic drinks at a festivity. The consumption of alcohol dates back more than 10,000 years. Since then and till today, alcohol has played an important fragment in human society. It is used in cultural and religious ceremonies, at social gatherings, and even for medical purposes. For a non-drinker as myself, I found it unrealistic to perceive that alcohol can be used in medical term. This is because all my life I have been brought up in an east Asian country where alcohol is seem forbidden and most cases dangerous. On the other hand, drinking is part of a social norm here in Europe and even more in Denmark.

It almost rude not to have a drink in certain occasions if you’re a guest in a Danish event. Why is it so?


Drinking Culture in DK

Features and understanding of a particular group of people, expressed by everything from language, religion, cuisine, social habits, music and arts is known as culture . Here in Denmark, Danish culture is based on traditions and values. Denmark is one of the oldest states in Europe and the oldest kingdom in the world. Danes are very proud of their culture, even though we all have different approaches to what culture really is something. 1

Hygge A core concept in Danish culture among ordinary Danes is the concept of warmth. Coziness or they call it ‘Hygge’ is a sense that occur in the community or when one is alone, and is described by that one ambiances as comfortable and relaxing. They do practice this concept in their drinking culture too. When it comes to drinking alcohol, the culture in doing so is different in each place of the world. For example, in France, one can easily imagine a light romantic atmosphere supplemented with a bottle of legendary Chardonnay.


In the paradigm of Danes, the great inheritor of mighty Vikings, these appear as beer and ‘hygge’ lovers. They feel drinking is a big part of their way of partying and being with others and this usually starts from a very young age.

But when it comes to the teenagers in Denmark, this ‘hygge’ level of drinking usually means drinking oneself to drunk.


Client: Carlsberg

Danes are a beer-drinking nation with one of the highest annual consumptions of this drink in Europe. Denmark is proud of several internationally known brands exported all over the world, but their most treasured brand is Carlsberg. The history of Carlsberg, one of the most recognizable and popular beer brands in the world, started in 1847 when a Dane, Jacob Jacobsen, founded a small brewery near Copenhagen and named it after his son Carl, with an ambition to improve beer quality, while contributing significantly to the economic and social development of society. Jacobsen’s brewing innovations are also widely used in modern brewing.


Carlsberg at a glance today ENGAGING PORTFOLIO

THEIR MARKETS Carlsberg beer markets varies from the old, established beer markets in Western Europe to the new and emerging markets of Asia – a market portfolio that supports longterm value growth. Their regional beer volume split is:

Carlsberg Group is the fourth major worldwide brewer with leading positions in Western Europe, Eastern Europe and Asia. They service the rest of the world through export and license agreements.

Significant player in our markets

28% Asia 31% Eastern Europe

Their high-quality beer brands include their flagship brand Carlsberg as well as the other international premium and local power brands. These brands assure solid market positions and initiative value


Beer is core

41% Western Europe

Balanced market exposure

Global and local approach



Scale and strong market positions are vital in the beer business. 75% of their beer volumes are sold in markets where they are no. 1 or 2

GLOBAL PREMIUM BRAND BUSINESS MODEL & STRATEGY WHEEL Their business model is made operational through their strategy and strategic priorities and strategic Carlsberg’s strategy emphasizes their commitment to cultivating their business in a responsible manner, and they embed corporate social responsibility across functions and markets.


Partner: Starteriet

Starteriet is a universe where young entrepreneurs can talk with other young entrepreneurs. It is a team of more than 10 people planting a platform to what they hope will become the new epicenter of young Danish entrepreneurs. They are currently organizing several initiatives in Denmark aimed at young entrepreneurs. Both those who are already in business and those who want to become their own boss. They have combined all these initiatives as they feel that the initiatives that are by themselves are not enough to create something that really stands out. Together, they will make a stronger impression and development. Some of the recent initiatives that are out in the current market are : •Danish Facebook: UngIværk 1

•Rising Stars (an event for young entrepreneurs in the age range of 12-25)

“Entrepreneurship idea should not just hit one out of five students, but all students. What we politicians can do is, for example, to start to reduce the processing time for young people under 18 who want to start business, “ says Jacob Engel Schmidt to

•DM I Pitch (Danish Championship in Pitch) •Iværksætterturen (The Entreprenurial Journey) by Casper Blom 1


Partner: Natteravnene

Carlsberg Denmark has collaborated with a voluntary social organization here in Denmark called “Natteravnene” (Night Ravens) since 2004. This collaboration is to create better security during nightlife. Annually, over more than 50,000 night movements made by the volunteers of this organization in their distinctive yellow jackets, where they provide reassurance and remained in dialogue with young people.

Carlsberg Denmark donates annually to Natteravnene to support this initiative. Natteravn’s work of creating security in the night life go hand in hand with Carlsberg’s focus on Responsible Drinking, and this cooperation among them has given the opportunity to learn from each other. Carlsberg caters the beer for modern young people who speak one language in the world without borders, for those who choose the best both in their favorite drink and in the quality of life, for those who seek new impressions. Yet, the high drinking rate among the youth or teenagers here in Denmark concerns Carlsberg. They feel responsible and intend to make a new and positive impact towards minimizing this setback.

Picture above shows a screenshot of volunteers of Natteravnene on their duty.


Problem Statement

Carlsberg caters the beer for modern young people who speak one language in the world without borders, for those who choose the best both in their favorite drink and in the quality of life, for those who seek new impressions. Yet, the high drinking rate among the youth or teenagers here in Denmark concerns Carlsberg. They feel responsible and intend to make a new and positive impact towards minimizing this setback.

How could Carlsberg and its respective partners play a role in condensing the excessive drinking habit among the teenagers yet maintains their novel branding in commercial field here in Denmark? 10

Communication: Strategic plan

In order to achieve a right impact towards a campaign, it is important to develop a strategic plan. I decided to tackle this plan from a communicative point of view and that is by making a formative data research, survey and creating realistic personas that relates with our young teens here in Denmark. Through this assessment, I anticipated to discover a suitable communication flow between all the related parties. With that, the campaign’s objective can be achieved and its message could be conveyed successfully.

Target Group: Teenagers / Youth

Youth, adolescence, and teenager are cultural constructions, or socially constructed categories, that have evolved in meaning and common usage in the last century. Typically today, we think of teenagers as people aged 13-19.

Why did i choose to focus on teenagers? A young person is like fire. With direction and guidance, he or she can change the very shape of the world. They can inspire the elders in their oppositions, adrenaline and confidence., whereby adults, burdened with the pressures of everyday life, convince themselves that the world just is the way it is. However without direction, the fires of youth are wasted at best, while at worst; they can become a dangerous, destructive force. So, i was interested to deliver a meaningful message through this campaign means harnessing the fires of youth; but first it was important for me to recognise the current facts, lifestyle and matters that in concern with teenagers in Denmark.


Teenagers in Denmark at a glance

SOCIAL MEDIAS According to their own statements, Danes uses 2 hours a day online. The 15-29 year-olds spend more than 3 ½ hours a day online.

Facebook is still considered as the preferred social media with 3.5 million. monthly users (73%). In a recent article, the usage of Facebook were analysed by DR among teenagers in Denmark and the United States. Result showed that the usage of Facebook has become less frequent, yet Danish teens have not left Facebook as there are so many information’s that they are dependant on. The other popular socials medias among them are snapchat, instagram and youtube . 1



Here in Denmark, teenagers are the individuals from the age 15 to 24 years old. The youth in Denmark only comprise 13% of Denmark’s 5,556,452 populations consisting of 367,927 males and 352,872 females. The sex ratio is 1.04 male/female . My specific target group will be from the age of 15 - 19years old.


Teenagers speak Danish language dominantly yet the use of English is frequent among young people under 25. Roughly 90% of 15 to 21 year olds speak English with other Danes at least once per week. In between Danish word, English phrases or words are spoken, or also known as “Code Switching” . Code Switching is a marker of youth identity and sign of opposition to adult culture.

Sport: Cycling is an essential part of the culture in Denmark due to cycling routes that run thousands of kilometres. Schools offer football, handball, basketball, table tennis, and gymnastic teams to students. Danish male teenagers prefer football, handball, and badminton, while females prefer gymnastics, badminton, horseback riding, handball, and swimming.


1 ungdomssprog



So it is almost impossible for children and youths to avoid coming in contact with alcohol either in city life, private parties, football matches, at festivals or in public spaces. This special alcohol culture makes that they have a high level of alcohol consumption compared with the rest of Europe. In the Alkoholstatistik 2015 analyses made by “Sundhedsstyrelsen og Statens Serum Institut� here in Denmark (National Board of Health and the State Serum Institute) 2015, it is stated that the youth’s alcohol consumption is declining - most significantly for young men. That is very good news for Denmark . Yet, in the same analyses, it is also mentioned that, Danish teens ranks the first place for having drunk in the last 30 days spread over sex and country around Europe. Graph shown below:



The art have historically played a significant social role in the Danish community, and they come in many forms. For the teens, they are mostly keen in making film, expressing through art and being in the musical side.

ALCOHOL CONSUMPTION Denmark has a positive view of both alcohol consumption and drunkenness. As an integral part of the way they interact, drinking and even more drinking large amounts of alcohol at a time is often taken place. Almost 90 % of the adult Danish population drinks alcohol . 1


1 media/AD0E935AE31446C4AA09250B270A780B.ashx 13

Unfortunately, this is not a rank that Denmark intends to have their teenagers excel in. Where as, in an article wrote recently this year mentioned about how large numbers of Danish teenagers makes an annual ‘wild trip’ to Prague in their winter breaks. Their aim towards the trip is not to explore the culture of the Czech capital but rather becoming drunk and unruly. 1

It’s quite strange that the youth can’t figure out how to behave properly and that it’s necessary to send police along when they travel abroad to get drunk,”

Why alcohol is popular among teenagers in Denmark? - told Mads Uffe Pedersen (a professor at Aarhus University’s Centre for Alcohol and Drug Research) to Jyllands-Posten.

In order to capture the reasons behind why do teenagers in drink so much, I decided to make a survery. I sent these questions to two teens (both a boy and girl) aged between 18 – 19 years old. They shared some of their views on these regards. Among some of the reasons, there were two sides towards their alcohol consumption: 2

GOOD SIDE: TO HAVE FUN. Most young people drinking in the company of their friends and indicates that they drink because they think alcohol and drunkenness makes it more fun to be with others. Some also feels more mature and less self-conscious when they’ve got something to drink. Alcohol intake is first and foremost about creating community and experiences with them as you drink with. For many young people, it is also more acceptable to drink a case of beer in the company of a few friends over to drink a few beers alone.

BAD SIDE: PRESSURED TO DRINK Many drink to gain approval and social acceptance from their friends. Not participating in drinking alcohol can lead to social exclusion or stigma because drinking and popularity are connected. Almost half of 15-25 year olds have experienced being pressured by their friends and girlfriends to drink more than they really wanted to. 2 of 3 at the same time think that their peers drink more than themselves.

1 2 Survey: Drinking in Denmark (Teenagers) 14

Effects of alcohol towards teenagers

Most teens are somewhat aware or neglect to be aware of the effects of excessive alcohol. These include, hangover, accidents, fights, loss of valuables, poor physical shape, drug abuse, conflicts with friends and parents or even worst unwanted sex in such a young age. When it is so common for adults to consume alcohol in Denmark, I wondered how could the young see the unspoken danger in it. I was keen to know what is the main difference between a young and an adult in alcohol consumption. The difference is a young person’s body cannot cope with alcohol the same way an adult’s can. Drinking is more toxic to teens than adults because their brains are still developing throughout adolescence and well into young adulthood.

Picture above shows a snapshot of the well known brain scientist here in Den-

According to a well known brain scientist here in Denmark, Peter Lund Madsen, “When one is 17 years, there’s many things you must learn. There is a bad combination that one have been consuming alcohol till a brain that functions worse, while you have to learn. In fact, one is in much more needs his brain, when you’re 17 than when you’re 27. But when one is 17 years old - so I had it at least - you are more uncertain, and is easier tempted to many things, than when one is 27 years. 1

Drinking during this serious growing period can lead to enduring damage in brain function, particularly as it relates to memory, motor skills (ability to move) and coordination.

1 uf/20000_29999/22511/c281ac7b2901b7bfde3ab9050fcd7f95.pdf

What influences teenagers’ alcohol consumption? There are several things that affect teenager’s choices about alcohol. The open-minded Danish alcohol culture is superior to create a positive image of alcohol consumption and intoxication. These can be divided into to parameters: Social and Structural.

Socially • Alcohol Starting age • Friends alcohol • Parents’ attitudes and rules • Parents’ alcohol consumption

Structurally • The price of alcohol • Marketing (including alcohol advertising) • The availability (outlets and sales times) • Age limits for buying alcohol 15

Corporate Social Responsibility

Social commitment is not new for Carlsberg. Carlsberg focus on operating their business ethically and environmentally sound, and they have a position on responsible consumption of their products. Since 1876, Carlsberg foundations supported Denmark in various field such as science, art, culture and society. These foundations or also known as ‘Carlsbergfamilien’ are listed as follow: • • • • • •

Ny Carlsberg Fonden Carlsberg A / S Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek Det Nationalhistoriske Museum på Frederiksborg Tuborgfondet Carlsberg Laboratorium

Today based upon its heritage, Carlsberg intend to continue work with Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). This means that they operate in a way that not only benefits Carlsberg’s bottom line, but also benefits their surrounding society- both in Denmark and abroad. 1


Their commercial success depends on a healthy environment and a society in which it is generally accepted to drink a beer. Therefore, they also focus on increasing consumption of natural resources and reduce all the negative influences their production has on the environment and society. Carlsberg have a mutual set of CSR standards in eight areas, where they implement worldwide towards contributing to the growth of the many communities where Carlsberg is present. Those eight areas are as follows: 1. Business Ethics 2. Community engagement 3. Environment 4. Health & safety 5. Labor and human rights 6. Marketing communication 7. Responsible Drinking 8. Supplier and Licensee Code of Conduct Carlsberg aim to be the most resourceful global brewer, develop sustainable packaging solutions and promote responsible drinking.

1 16

Campaign Concept that Connects The graph shows the connection that is formed through product and campaign innovation by client, where it spreads goodwill for all parties related.


About Concept

Innovation plays a big role when it came to my interest in capturing the excessive teenage drinking issue here in Denmark. I intend to promote the innovative characteristics and sense of respect among the teens where will inspire them into making responsible choice. This innovation with goodwill in thought covers not only one but couple of attractive feature that benefits all parties. This explained in the following segments:

0.3 % Alcohol With target group in mind, producing is a mild low percentage alcohol that serves the same quality taste that Carlsberg constantly do came in to my attention. This product idea is to not adding just another beer beverage in their existing brand, but to tackle the high alcohol consumption among the teens with a new approach. It is to motive them into making responsible choice when drinking alcohol and spread respect towards other’s but most for themselves individually.

Good for both Teens & Nature

But, this gave me another nifty idea of combining my 1st idea with a 0% waste food fibre bottle. A low percentage beer packed in a fully biodegradable bottle. Now that is definitely catchy and it will build high curiosity among the teenagers to try the product. Another main goodwill behind this campaign is that it will also simultaneously encourage responsibility and respect towards the nature among the target group and even more the society as a whole here in Denmark.

Carlsberg is currently working on a project of making a fully biodegradable bottle made from wood fibers. They call this as Green Fiber Bottle Project. The project is being conducted under the umbrellas of the Carlsberg Circular Community, a collaboration platform through which Carlsberg and selected partners develop and market new products with a goal of zero waste. Since the product is still in process, one can only imagine how it may look like. 18

Word of Wisdoms & Brain Teasers

Respect Start UP Challenge

In the survey made by the teens, Sara (one of them) mentioned that it could be beneficial for the teens if older generations or alcohol advertisements build more awareness on the danger of drinking excessively.

Innovation and entrepreneurship - some of our time’s biggest buzzwords. Everybody talks about it and we should give more focus on it in Denmark.

She also said that sometimes the pressure of drinking more is simply happens due to low knowledge of teens on the tactics to handle among friends on a better way to avoid drinking, as they don’t want to look unsociable. With those factors in concern, I introduced slogan, and catchy words to be printed as simple packing around the beer bottle reminding on responsible drinking. I also had the idea of introducing games & riddles section at the back of the bottle. The aim behind this brainteaser section is to stimulate the teen’s brain and thinking power. Perhaps can also be used by teens as a fun distraction among their friends from being lured under pressure for drinking more just to fit in.

Respect StartUp Challenge is a tailored to my client and its partner, Starteriet, to collaborate on making a new campaign celebrating to the new product innovation: worlds first biodegradable beer bottle.

Limited Editions The cover of regular edition of the beer will be made in a natural design. As an artist and illustrator as myself, I was passionate to introduce a limited edition version that incorporated art as the cover design of the bottle. I felt this could easily work as Carlsberg been supporting art in Denmark for many years now. By having some popular art paintings from both older and new generation of artists like Michael Anker, Asger Jorn, Hornsleth and even few of an uprising artist like myself.

This campaign is an initiative that will be taken by client and their partner in boosting ideas and creativity among teens that could use some helping hand or a good platform to shine on. In comparison to our early years, it is even easier today to start up a business because of the Internet, but even the best idea fails, if done poorly. In order to inspire the teens personally, representatives from both my client and partner will make visits and to schools and gymnasiums in the upcoming months relatively with campaign’s duration (3months).

Awareness Talk It could be also a good and bold approach for Carlsberg together with Natteravnene’s volunteers to arrange awareness talk on regards to alcohol consumption in the schools and give them some good advices on how one should control and where could they seek help if anyone are looking for one. Some campaign t-shirts and cap can be given away.


Aida Model

At this stage of our project, I asked: What promotional factors are I am taking into consideration when talking about grasping the attention of my target audience? In order to get the consumers engagement, I needed to make a good marketing approach. By looking into the AIDA model, i figured out how to promote this campaign:



The campaign will get the attention of the target audience with the usage of attractive and creative marketing mediums. I will be implementing interactivity in different ways towards my print advert such as poster, flyer and magazine advert. I am also making a TV-spot, a campaign website, truck advertising, and even customized t-shirt and cap. I am using these mediums in order to grasp the greatest amount of attention, which leads to a great number of participants.

The campaign will make target group to feel special in being apart of something totally fresh and exciting. They get the eagerness to experience and express through this art challenge, where they can practice a different atmosphere in their daily everyday routines. They feel the temptation to engage in a mutual experience of something current and involved by similar group of people.



My target group will get inspired through the interactive adverts including the TV-spot, where they can get the mood of the campaign and it builds curiosity for them about it.

My definitive purpose of the campaign is to minimize the number of excessive alcohol consumption among this young people and inspire them into something new. Hopefully they wont get intimidated of the campaign but instead will try the new product and participate in the respect art challenge, to get a fun experience.


Commercial Design with Innovative & Interactive Approach

With the right comprehension about my target group, I was heading to the design part. Finding the right design for the campaign fitting both target group and the novel branding of Carlsberg, made me brainstorm upon the creative part. Before starting the design I have made mood board both for target group and the campaign, helping me finding the factors and elements that I should focus and get inspired from.

These mood boards simply show aspects that are in relation with my target group and Carlsberg. For example, I included brain image in the target group’s mood board since that could create a new yet serious awareness among youth and society when it is implemented as part of the product design. And in the campaign’s mood board for example, I quickly understood the color pallet that I should consider in order to main the novelty in Carlsberg’s commercial branding and wood element as for the bottle’s ‘new skin’.

For a design universe, I was going for a natural / wood fiber leitmotif combined with hint of supportive colors fitting to the campaign’s message. CHOOSING THE RIGHT NAME The next step was to brainstorm for a name for the product: new beer and its campaign. Carlsberg’s Tuborg campaign “Drik Med Respekt” has been a success in Roskilde Festival, 2014. After some considerations, I reckoned to pick the word RESPECT (in English) and use it as the product name. It is a smart choice as its easy to pronounce, memorable, internationally recognized, widely used in current language among teens in Denmark, and it is significantly relatable to Carlsberg as the word been used in their previous campaign. This will keep a high level of redundancy. MEANINGFUL SLOGAN

MOOD BOARDS for target group and campaign

Respect has also an ethical meaning that can be practiced by all. To stretch the power behind the word Respect, I created a subtle yet meaningful slogan that reaches both the target group and environment: To You. To Nature. This style of slogan will match the simple yet attractive promo practiced by the Carlsberg.


Logo Creative Process


White and campaign’s green satin background

FONT: Respect: To You. To Nature:

Nexa Slab Bold Titillium

ICON (vectors) Brain: Represents awareness of brain damage due to exessive alcohol from young age Leaves: Represents respect for nature. COLOR PALLETE Description: I incorporated a simple texts (both for logo name and slogan) that will display prominently when it is applied in different sizes on different promo mediums; especially on the bottleneck’s label of the product. Carlsberg have always given priority to their color green and I intended to follow their novel branding. Yet, I have gave a slight different hint of ‘summerish’ green overlapping on a bright lime with flowing satin design as the campaign’s universe. I later on incorporated this green background with wood fiber in posters, flyer, etc. (can be seen in the next pages)

CYMK: PANTONE 74826 (Pantone +Solid Coated) CMYK: WHITE (#FFFFF) CYMK: PANTONE NEUTRAL BLACK C (Pantone +Solid Coated) WOOD FIBER (Texture)


Bottle’s Accessories Creative Process SMALL LABEL / TAGS


Description: Since the space is limited in these items, it was challenging for me to align the texts and images. I decided to use same font yet in different sizes to utilize the space according to the shape around it. Again, incorporated the design universe as backgrounds.


BACK LABEL (With games and awareness message)


Bottle’s Design Creative Process



Bottle’s Edition (with 3D effect) REGULAR EDITION


LIMITED ARTIST EDITION (featuring well known Danish artists and my very own pieces)

Michael Ancher

Asger Jorn


Rathi (my illustraion)

Rathi (my painting)


Interactive promo Description: If one came across Carlsberg’s posters or promo before, they tend to use either big photo theme poster, large texts that are simple but have deeper implications, recent use of the word ‘Probably..” followed by other words, and their logo is often placed somewhere distinctively. I studied these features and with help of Layar app, I tried to apply them in an innovative way for the following posters and flyer. As for the posters, I have added them in the Layar app via web and made it active. Instead of being a static poster, it will actually become more ‘alive’ as the target group downloads the layar app to their smartphone to view the actual bottle. The poster will also have campaign’s TV-spot added on it and they can watch the video on the spot.


This poster portrays all the limited artist editions together with a small info on Respect StartUp Challenge at the base of the poster. This is also made another Gestalt Law principle: Similarity. The distinct bottle shapes in this black silhouette appear as a single unit because all of the shapes have similarity. I have also applied perspective when arranging the bottle, giving the viewers a collection mood.

A valuable approach for Carlsberg to utilize various promo mediums made for the campaign in one.

Poster 3


Since this is a total new product invention, rather than showing my wood fiber bottle straight away, I tried to play with the viewers mind by using one of principles of Gestalt Law. I applied closure principle, where the bottle is incomplete and there is enough space indicated for target group to perceive the whole bottle figure. This is also another hint of Brain Teaser notion.

Also applied the smaller version of the black silhouette bottles in this poster. Yet, I have also created a special Logo for the Respect Start Up Challenge. When it came to creating a logo for this campaign / challenge, I quickly settled for the idea of keeping it elegant yet giving a touch of youth to it. I applied this touch for the word ‘Start UP’. The movement in the font resembles freedom, fearless, activeness and adolescence that usually can be found in teens.

Picture above shows Layar app scanning the poster and then the active attachments pops up. *Downloadable for both Iphone and Android phones.

Font for Start Up: Raggedways 26








POSTER 2 (with bottles view)

POSTER 2 (with bottles view)


Flyer + Coaster

FLYER As for this promo medium, I tried to make the innovative approach in a more ‘surprise’ factor and relatable to the product. It not just works as a flyer carrying information about our product campaign, but I have also added beer coaster as an attachment for people’s use. It will boost the new brand as more ‘hygge lovers’ uses it among their friends or family in time for having a relaxing beer. into a coaster too.

Less wastage for Carlsberg by creating an innovative flyer that can turn its function into a coaster too.



Carlsberg Truck

Promo Video + Online Streaming Video Advertising




This is a 50 seconds tv spot / promo video showing only a surface of what I imagined on making. This could be considered long, but for a massive company as Carlsberg, this seem possible. As I don’t own proper video gadgets to make a video shoot, I make use camera of my smartphone instead. Before starting to make the video straight away, I made sure to make a storyboard to assist me on the storyline for my promo.

An authentic wood bottle was made especially for the TV Spot

I took the video in few sequences and edited it via Viva Video App. This video will be featured in the interactive poster and on the website. YouTube is among some of the most popular online site used by the teenagers in Denmark in the daily basis. This online video sharing site offers the ability to purchase ad spots within the videos on its sites. These ad spots typically run before a video loads, which the viewer cannot skip. This spot can also be used for the promo video.


Responsive Campaign Website

Personally, I am not much of a programmer. Yet that didn’t inhibit me from building a campaign site for my client. I quickly decided on using Wordpress and work upon Content Management System (CMS). I found that this powerful web software have been a helpful tool in developing a simple yet attractive site through several plugins and widgets. Through some online tutorials via Youtube and Google, I began to build the website. Before straight jumping into the software, I decided to plan out the website pages through a sketch of wireframes (shown below).

Via a free online tutorial, I have used a special Wordpress Theme called Tessaract Theme. This a decent theme to work upon and the features fits well for a campaign site. Some of the features that this theme contains are:

Programming Languages HTML, Php, JavaScript, Jquery, CSS,


Responsive Works on Everything. PC, Mac, Smart Phones, Tablets + More

Colors Galore! I was able to change navigation menu color, the footer color and background color to customize my campaign website according to the campaign design universe.

Visual Website Builder The theme integrates perfectly with the site builder plugin. As I have mentioned in the earlier text, I have incorporated some Plugins and widgets. This was done at the most beginning stage:


Page Builder by SiteOrigin 2. SiteOrigin Widgets Bundle 3. Visual Editor by BlackStudio TinyMCE Widget 4. Contact Form 7 5. Easy Google Fonts 6. Lightbox Plus Colorbox 7. Spacer 8. Title Remover


As I have mentioned in the earlier text, I have incorporated some Plugins and widgets. This was done at the most beginning stage:


Page Builder by SiteOrigin 2. SiteOrigin Widgets Bundle 3. Visual Editor by BlackStudio TinyMCE Widget 4. Contact Form 7 5. Easy Google Fonts 6. Lightbox Plus Colorbox 7. Spacer 8. Title Remover

This product + campaign promo website contains 5 sections + Pop Up Video:

1. Header Section – A promo slider on bottles, About Bio Bottle 2. RSUC Section – About Campaign, Partner and Join button connecting to Submission Page

(with entery form fuction)

3. Awareness Talk – About and its partner 4. Contact Section 5. Popout Tv Spot (Youtube supported) All the codes for each pages are zipped and have been attached as part of the document in separate medium (USB)




Conclusion Towards a responsible and respectful youths

It was essential for me to identity the different roles that I had played through out the process of making this project: as business analysis, project developer, graphic designer and a fairly decent programmer. But most importantly, the role as a humble resident living in Denmark, where I felt obligated towards the concerns surrounding our community. As a person, I was passionate towards solving, not a fiction-based problem, but a real issue of excessive drinking habit from a very young age that is taking place among our future groundbreakers here in Denmark. Forthcoming the above scenario with usage of the product that is indeed in their interest yet produced in a much less harmful manner is definitely a distinctive approach. I wanted to create a campaign that’s memorable for the target group and maintains the novel branding of my client. As I was advised to think big when it comes to ideas or simply being creative, I saw an opportunity to be original and really optimize the available opportunities, such as the upcoming 0% waste fully biodegradable beer bottle to be produced by my client Carlsberg was in favor for my campaign. If this idea were to realize, the benefit is not only to target group, but for the whole society to be living in a less-waste nature sympathetic country and my client will be respected for this.

The usual perspective among teens on excessive drinking as a common matter could be tackled by conveying the awareness on responsible drinking. When the teen’s starts adapt responsibility as a habit individually, this will unquestionably create respect towards them. As personal respect is achieved among them, they will not be easily tempted to unnecessary temptation at this very young age. They will be able to be more in a clear stage and less of a nuisance for others when travelling abroad for vacation trip. We hope to diminish the international stereotypes that are on our teenagers and perhaps in a year from now, Google will have much better of a SEO search gen on our young talents when one types ‘Danish Teenagers’ in the search bar, instead of alcohol related articles. Our young teens are talented and expressive. The purpose of the Respect Start Up Challenge is to nurture these characteristics in them and create an opportunity for them to be a part of a universe in both mature but mostly young entrepreneurs are involves, because the youth have their own way of communicating. Hopefully with after all this taken into action, we could see a positive progress in the drinking culture among the teens and a healthier environment in the near future.



Survey: Drinking in Denmark (Teenagers)


Underage Drinking Survey for Teenagers in Denmark Prepared by: Rathi Thevi Rajeswaren TEENAGE 1 (FEMALE) Name: Sara Charlotte Madsen Location: Denmark 1. How old are you? I am 18 years old. 2. What is your sex (Male / Female)? Female 3. Have you ever consumed alcohol? If yes, what type (beer, wine, spirits like vodka/rum/tequila or cider) & which age was your 1st try? Yes, i have actually tried all the above-mentioned, and maybe even more than that. Around 13 – 14yrs old. 4. Which is your favorite type & brand? Why? I like all different kinds of cider and not so strong beer. I just think that it tastes better than vodka or tequila etc. 5. How often do you drink alcohol (once a month, once a week, everyday)? I usually drink every weekend if I get the opportunity. If there is a party somewhere.

6. Do you like alcohol with high percentage or low percentage? Which percentage you / your friends usually drink? I prefer alcohol with a low percentage, because then its easier to control, and I can drink more, and it just tastes better, than alcohol with a high percentage, its usually kind of bitter or just tastes ugly and bad. 7. Where you drink and whom do you drink most with (home, park, friends)? Sometimes me and my friends go outside (if its nice weather) and find us a nice spot to sit and enjoy some beers. But I think I drink more at home than anywhere else. 8. Why you like to or what motivates you to drink? I actually hate to get drunk; i like to just enjoy a single beer or maybe two. But if there is a huge party where everyone is wasted, I tend to get a little more drunk than I actually want to. 9. Have your ever felt under pressure / not cool if you say no to drink in front of your friends in a party? Do you think drinking is a must in socializing here in Denmark? Well there was a period where I stopped drinking because I tried to lose some weight, and I must admit that there were times where I felt kind of stupid, because all of my friends were drinking, but I just kept saying no. Some took it cool but some kept pressuring. I think that a lot of people in Denmark drink to be a part of the group.

10. Do you think parents in Denmark are strict on alcohol consumption among their children, like teenagers yourself? How they react to drinking alcohol in general? A lot of teenagers start drinking at age 13-14-15, so I don’t think that parents are that strict. Maybe they tell their kids that they are only allowed to drink a certain amount of alcohol. Or maybe the parents don’t even know that their kids drink.

13. Are you aware are of the side effects from drinking too much for young people? How do you think the drinking problem among teens here in Denmark can be lowered? Yes I am aware. I don’t know, maybe some alcohol campaign or some more warnings, or maybe even warnings or facts on the bottle you drinking from, like they do on a pack of cigarettes.

11. Do you think your friends or teenagers in Denmark generally drink safely / moderate / too much sometimes? I think that my friends can manage their drinking. But sometimes I can hear by the stories they tell, that they maybe got a bit too much to drink.

14. Lets say a Danish alcohol brand is about to create a new and tasty low percentage alcohol in a cool biodegradable bottle in coming future, would you be interested to try it? Yeah I would be kind of interested, I think it would be cool!

12.What is potential reasons do you think for the underage-drinking problem? Ex: (16 yrs. old drinking approval by government, influence caused by friends, Escapism (pressure), they wish to fit in or be accepted by their friends or peers, addiction towards drinking, low parents supervision, etc. /Other) I don’t know, I think that maybe its because kids don’t care. Like if their parents say “you can only have two beers tonight!” and then they go out and drink 5 or 7 because, “well, I im not going to sleep at home, my dad wont notice” or something like that. And maybe they are afraid to look stupid infront of their friends, if they as one single person amongst all of their friends, arent allowed to or simply drinking.


Underage Drinking Survey for Teenagers in Denmark Prepared by: Rathi Thevi Rajeswaren TEENAGE 2 (MALE) Name: Markus Madsen Location: Denmark 1. How old are you? I am 19 years old. 2. What is your sex (Male / Female)? Male 3. Have you ever consumed alcohol? If yes, what type (beer, wine, spirits like vodka/rum/tequila or cider) & which age was your 1st try? All the above mentioned and more to it. 4. Which is your favorite type & brand? Why? All kind of beers! And perhaps vodka , since it can mixed with a lot of different consumables.

6. Do you like alcohol with high percentage or low percentage? Which percentage you / your friends usually drink? I like both, but it depends on the situation if I want to be drunk I drink the heavy percentage stuff, but usually it’s just the low percentage ones. 7. Where you drink and whom do you drink most with (home, park, friends)? Mostly at clubs and at home with my friends. 8. Why you like to or what motivates you to drink? II think it makes it cozy, and it actually tastes good. And it brings joy! 9. Have your ever felt under pressure / not cool if you say no to drink in front of your friends in a party? Do you think drinking is a must in socializing here in Denmark? Sometimes yes, sometimes no. I have always said no yet there are times I just grab more drinks to break the ice or catch up with others. Could be good with other distractions.

10. Do you think parents in Denmark are strict on alcohol consumption among their children, like teenagers yourself? How they react to drinking alcohol in general? No, not really, I think that parents these days are giving trust to their children and if they can’t handle it they react. But no I don’t think parents are strict on the alcohol consumption. 11. Do you think your friends or teenagers in Denmark generally drink safely / moderate / too much sometimes? Sometimes I hear stories about people, where they have been drinking a bit too much for my taste, but they learn their lesson, hopefully.

13. Are you aware are of the side effects from drinking too much for young people? How do you think the drinking problem among teens here in Denmark can be lowered? I am aware of the side effects, but I don’t really think anything could change about how much people drink. That’s how it is. 14. Lets say a Danish alcohol brand is about to create a new and tasty low percentage alcohol in a cool biodegradable bottle in coming future, would you be interested to try it? Yes of course I would try it out but if it was bad I would stop buying it.

12.What is potential reasons do you think for the underage-drinking problem? Ex: (16 yrs. old drinking approval by government, influence caused by friends, Escapism (pressure), they wish to fit in or be accepted by their friends or peers, addiction towards drinking, low parents supervision, etc. /Other) I think it’s mostly the friends and people around you that kind of makes you drink, but they are not really forcing you, it’s just because u want to fit in/ish. So friends and pressure by them could be a cause.

5. How often do you drink alcohol (once a month, once a week, everyday)? Almost every weekend and a lot of times I enjoy a beer after a long day.


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