Rascals Of London March 2014

Page 24



Health & Beauty

Drew Barrymore’s

2 Minute Makeup Tips for Mums Interviewed and written by Mybaba www.mybaba.com

Drew Barrymore, mum to Olive and founder of FLOWER beauty, always looks so fresh, pretty, and confident, doesn’t she? What’s her secret? Drew shares her 2 minute makeup routine for new mums, what she loves (and hates!) about motherhood, her most embarrassing pregnancy moment (oh, how we can relate to her craving!), and the mom advice she most treasures.

What is your favorite thing about being a mum?

trying to remember perfection probably doesn’t exist. Then, going straight back to beating yourself up again for not being perfect (and then hopefully having a good laugh at yourself).

Being a mum makes me think so much about my reactions to things. With kids, your reactions to everything are so utterly important and it’s made me rethink other parts of my life as well. In a nut shell, how you handle everything comes into the sharpest focus of your life when you become a parent.

Any embarrassing pregnancy or new mum moments?

What’s been the hardest thing about motherhood? Guilt, guilt and more guilt. It’s never enough, being an overachiever doesn’t come close to cutting it. Worry, Worry, Worry. Wanting to make everything as perfect as you can for your kids, while

24 - March 2014 l Rascals of London

I’m at Rite Aid, ordering a mint chocolate chip ice cream cone, and as I’m going animal on the cone, I look up and a paparazzi is taking a picture inside the store. I felt so humiliated in that moment, I just wanted to be a crazy pregnant woman eating her ice cream. Needless to say, I yelled at him, walked out of the Rite Aid with my head held high, and continued to eat that ice cream like nobody’s business.

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