The "Raquel Pea" user's logo

Raquel Pea

San Francisco, CA, United States

Highly influenced by our universe, our anatomy, and the cultures of planet Earth, I am a designer with a synthesizing mind capable of beautiful and captivating creations. I am self-motivated, love to learn, and invest myself fully into every project I tackle. Now, I am working on expanding my skillset to include tools such as SketchUp, Cadd, Revit, and Rhino. I am also nurturing my talents in sketching, delineation and rendering, as well as home renovation. On my time apart from designing and learning, I enjoy dancing, burrowing into a good science-fiction book, eating delicious food, or taking a hike with my lovely dog Lucca! Please, take a look at my portfolio. It is under development, but I figure that the process is the best thing I can share with you - the evolution of my being. Singing out - Raquel Pea
